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'' ' ■ ' f||}i Late Ad^ertisemer|^ffi A,.4 : ';?Ji% "%,. ."■'.. :P' :: - P?P v *pP''-' '.:. P^J * ' ;-"--^' ! •■' .- ' '■■ *-■'■ '■ THE CUTTING^ t^l]^^Tj|EET, :^i)UNE^ WE avail ourselves of the columns ofth% 'Clutha Leader ' to bring under the notice of the residents of Balclutha ,an# : \n thf, Clyiho^. District, generally, the t . very special, inducements vk^ <^4-9iF^^M^M u ypf B '^. iftRAPER^ JVpLLiNJERYf i and Heady MapeJ.Clothing." " f '" *"' " " ' OUR HOME ARRA^NGiSMENT are of a- very satisfactory character, and we receive the great. bulk. of. our goods, direct from the producers. OUR EARLY .SPRING SHIPMENTS are now to han£ and have bpened"^'^ "• , in splendid condition, and most 1 excellent value. *" ' - r - lIJ - ,; - /if.j \l TO PROMOTE "BWOT&S" we"navb" carefully mbrked" every article af 'ffie' ' \ lbwesi remunerative price/ and 'confidently solicit the support of^buf friends in . .. the Clutha District. ' , ' ''"PP-j* :yl WE WILL 'GUARANTEE that aIF 'written orders we are favore^ with will receive the same consideration and good value as a personal visit, and will be despatched witk;care and prompitnde, s ; •> ,= PATTERNS SEI^T FREE to. any part of the Province :on -request, h y • .■!:. ■ : l •-:"'■ ■■ , ' -..- , .' •' '' 'jl- > ' '"-^ ' '- V'-V--'. ' -''-V*: New Goods! lew Goods! Early Spiiiig TraHe! , NJSW- SPRING PRINTS.- M THE SPRING TRADE having Commenced with the fine weather,; we "Se* daily doing business. 'm these gbpds, and in expectation of a lively sea?on( we bold an enormous stock of HoylesOPlates, White Ground Prints, Diaper Prints, Printed Cambrics, Brilliants, Batistes.*,'^etc, etc. :r |^P" A special purchase of 10^000 yards ofJP'rints is now,] before the public q) 2s. 6d. the dress of '10 yUrdsy pi' „ . , JH^,, SPRING D BESSES. :" , , IN THESE GOODS we liold an immense j stock in all the latest and most fashionable materials, the most recently produced shades,, and prevailing styles. In this important department we will be found well up, and in connection with it we have very much increased our Dressmaking AccomTpdatibnAso with our increased staff of workers, all orders entrusted to us will be executed with despatch. , - ; „ NEW SPRING COSTUMES. Opl^ CQSTUME) .TRADE, has now assumed very large proportions/ and wa have for the past two" months employed a large staff oi, workers making up for the season now opening, to supplement our Stock of French and English im--ported Costumes. . NE W SPR IN G MILLIN EB V, OUR SPRING HATS will well repay a visit of inspection,. The value will compare favorably with any former season, arid the sty Its are becoming. They comprise all the fashionable shapes — Cambria, -' Camilla, Leonore. Medusa, Naples, Oressa, Princess, Royalist, Turin, Woodford, Eitham. etc., etc.. etc Our Millinery Bonnets are an irresistabe attraction to our Showroom, and our stefek of Fiowers, Feathers, and Ornaments most complete. DOMESTIC GOODS. OUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS are of very unusual value this season, and we have much pleasure iv calling special attention to an advantageous purchase of 50 pieces oi Red Tickings', 20 pieces of Table Damasks, and 10 dozeu. of White Marcella Quilts, at a large discount, and whioh we are now offering at HOME value; fc "• ' THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Has /been largely supplied with all the latest productions in Men's, Youths', and Boys' Clothing. The ftock is very large, amounting to LBOOO value in Clothing, Underclothing, Hatp, Shirts, Scarfs, Ties, Collars, and other, requisites of gentlemen's wear, and offers the best choice in the City, at the most moderate charges. . • „,.., CLOTHING* MADE TO ORDER, Thomson, Strang, and Co., Importers, Drapers, knd Outfitters, THE CUTTING, PRINCES-STREET, DUNEDIN. -jmXTRAORDINARY VALUE NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE "^ , iir '" COMPANY. RICH BLACK SILKS Ca^tax. ._ ...^.......ei.000.000 A N INCREASE of 50,000 chares in this AT "^ Company is offered to the Public ' at ; THOMSON, STRANG, & CO.'S. L4 „ lpß 6a ' h * '..''....""' Prospectuses and forms of application may RICH WEDDING SILKS hai from » an<J deposits paid to, the Bank bf New Zealand j or ND STEWART AND GOW, ELEGANT BRIDAL BONNETS. Aen*M 'itentha. THOMSON, STRANG, & CO ...-B^-iO-LUTH A-OOOP»fiA&B, CLYDE-STREET, thkcutxxmv BALCLUTHA. DUNEDIN. • — ; — THE Undersigned begs to inform hi* ONjh.Y TO LEIsD ou Frehold Security . _ _ __ , Customers, and tbe Public generally, that he has opened his new premises lor the abortin Sumg of LIOO and upwards. mentioned business. " . ' - - -1 ; • AH kinds of domestic and dairy utensils GTLLTES AND STREET. < "^ * ***'"* Workmanship guaranteed. DUNEDIN B< »OT FA if OR? SEATON PORTER, COOPER, HAIG, BR AM WELL, & CO., BALCLUTHA.. BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTURERS, : cvtlb bthet boot*. JVJONEX to LEND, in i6 ums to -auic bor, DUNEDIN. rowers. Low rates. R. A. Loughnan.**' Temple Chambers. Also manufacture eVery description of Tjl D;W : A R D DAY Uppers for the trade, from Fnglish, XJ j,READ AND BISCUIT BAKER, ... French, and Colonial Leathers, at . -^aTLJNVS kIVER. : ... '" • Kupphed.'— Hot Pies and •' Coffee $he Lowest Possible Prices every Saturday : Night ! for cash. ; "' '' " „ iTn „ n^ rm n rr _„„ „^ "OANK OP NEW ZEALAND. HAIG, BRAMWELL Alfp *CO. JD .- ••• "^"- rcARD] An AGENCY of this PANK will b "Tl/TR J. E. F. CjYLE begs to an- OPENED at T A PAN UI on the 30th inst, nounce that he has COMMENCED the W. C. ROBERTS, .. _.. , . . t. .. Mshaeer, Dunedin. practice of his profession in Dunedin as a • ; — ■ ■ POMAttAkX KuaO BOA.BD'." w CIVIL ENGINEER. __ : , ' -f - aY • • w nu- a *i l, "Xr oTICE T3 HEREBY GIVEN that the Adjoining Messrs Gillies and Street's l\ _ , „ , . „ . ' . ' s Eoadi.Bbardiinfendsito make a ROAD Office, Princes-street, Dunedin. RATE of ONE SHILLING in the'jg. in Dunedin, Ist October, 1874. Te Houka iSubdiviaiop, and SiXPENCEiinthe — ~ rrr - — — —- £. in Ashlev Down Subdivision, on WED- ■] ON SALE. NESD AY, Hch OCTOBER. iß74t ? ior the ____ year ending 30th June, 1876. EON JS MANTJ 3S E ■* ? he B tatementi -Pft : thp Proposed Rate is ; ' open for inspection at my houso. : ; .-'.i.»'o RE M;A',N \JTi3iP. .-.-!.' '■•"; '■'* v- ■:T,^i^DAILL ! AS;i/''J.T| . ..' "•'■"i'l ■'" ' ' ' '" ; ' 1!'" '' !'" -Clerk'' to Board.' . BONE MANURE. MaryjSeld, September 29:lß7-4:; ; ,„. ...., Apply Goldsmith and Co.; PxinqesTStree^t, a ; M 'G 1 REGQR ;& CO. Dunedin. -• '•' ■- -'-'•' '^-CV-i.'.--^-*-* . -. ,„ — - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SPIRIT .- X J. XVJ) » >■- i- lL r Samples may be seen at the office of this GENERAL PROVISION MERCHANTS baper. ' IT A r P&. : *N'^- rC-' if - ! -- : -'-

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Clutha Leader, Volume I, Issue 14, 8 October 1874, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Clutha Leader, Volume I, Issue 14, 8 October 1874, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Clutha Leader, Volume I, Issue 14, 8 October 1874, Page 2