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Situations Vacant Situations Vacant Situations Vacant Situations Vacant Situations Vacant Situations Vacant | Situations Vacant Situations Vacant Situations Vacant —Situations MOTOR MECHANIC L.W.R. LEISUREWEAR created a new position in our .> —j ■ |ft «|-rr - r'i FULL and part-time work for H ft W 1 Hr IB « H CCL vehicle workshop for a person F<l ; 1 L Z»T ■ i \1 / lIVII I r~I J busv escort agency. ■ & ’ a a w UILOLL. with experience in all facets IgIBI SM | | ItJ.i.. UIIVIIIUU H SL £ V IBM 1 of vehicle repair and main- Bu-AJ. I ft r>« «.a PH. 812-239 ANY TIME. A GRADE OR CERTIFIED diesel tradesperson re- tenance. Department of WWW’IPfwWWIWFRW’iSMiMiISS quired for our vehicle service and maintenance The work win be varied and — Electrotechnology WOrkShOP ' < ■ Ht h a e pplfcan n t g w a i S ll l 5e e T7TYP Allrl 1 f TFPI4MIPIA MQ " FA %^U N LTANT/ NT/ „ A nrtl I This position requires an experienced tradesper- progressive, modern road JLjLZL /AU.CLIL I tUHNIUIANO registered valuer riOUEDEC DEQEADPh son with a strong sense of self discipline and capable transport operation. v 1 s" l-|SHj“KIr‘?S Kr oEMllUri of working with a minimum of supervision. if you wish to work in this Christchurch Opportunity Pf| DQC f • •■.;« JJXC; \ J landcorp Management « I'-' 1 lu - 1 »'«-'>* 1 environment with up to date UUUIIOL 5kJ .. Services Limited, a subsidiary ..- , . »rApply in writing to: vehicles and have the re- - - - ——— . .. ~ Company of Land Corpora- nfiAnIAPL.D quired skills please reply to: Twenty week -full-time tion Limited, wishes to em- jV/AjMAutn WORKSHOP MANAGER, John Van Opzeeland United is a market leader in its fieldwitha I TO prepare students for the WILDER VEHICLE SERVICES LTD., The Manager national network of operations. future competitive work Rural MAFFTSH ONF OF four businesses of the Ministry P " A has been created to satisfy require- “ f A S?3t?^ F Fishels requires a Research CHRISTCHURCH. Ph. 498-365 ments as a result of the substantial growth of -rirommenL DgCbUsteJiurch SEW | NG MACHINISTS S The successful applicant ° f SC ‘ entlStS ’ ESpfv^X m s“ EXPERIENCED/JUNIORS "HSSS in Nelson ' the reglonal ° mce major career step and to develop your skills in J“ 9 al n h tel e CO mmunications OUR COMPANY is part Of the L.W.R. group Of with the external client conr<J this exciting field. A basic understanding of and electronics. We are now industries, who are looking forward to a stable sultan O'. activlties Jud - \ EDP Auditing is required. The position reports }^ 1 1 t ted B stu P d P ent a fo? future manufacturing leading fashion brands for “ r d p “ a * na h ß ®™ e " n existing I° Assist develop and implement Government fish- \ to and assists the EDP Auditor Manager. The the 20 week course. local and export. We require both experienced and client base on which to build. Pr i P e nolicies o 1 - will become part of a • Situede.e.op,, no.ecemin.bmg IL/ / * team™”''' 6 "" real ' eV ar S elnerna au ' c.,unca« s«a« bi. The positions will cover a number of machining "“.ml and« s Assise Maori to participate In New Zealand nshir / ! merit criteria will be Sle skills, which Will provide variety to those With the employment are flexible, and eries I Responsibilities are to evaluate the adequacy for the Youth and student abilities, particularly plain sewing and overlooking, would be negotiated accord- Q n a i S e with the recreational sector, and work to . I and effectiveness of internal controls in comput- Allowances Scheme. If you have a background in industrial sewing or Ing to abilities ana expen- enhance our recreational fisheries. ■ .... to u . erised and manually related systems. t bellev . e y ° U u Can SUStain ( H en^ U ®j aS “ Applications in writing © Develop work priorities, and integrate regional ■ Dur rlipnt is a statutory bodv with responsibilities throughout Q , ~ , , . , 649-031 (Enrol at informa- a J unlor > then we provide ideal working conditions should be submitted by June 9 research into the national plan. I uur Client IS d SldlULUiy uuuy wmi icopuiio ? ■ H An understanding of developing and running m 9 °3L (Enrol at miorma jn modern clean premises with staff buying pnvi- with details of qualifications New Zealand. Reorganisation has resulted in an increase in me „ computer assisted audit techniques (CAATs) Hercus Centre, Coventry leges, ample parking and friendly atmosphere. . and work experience and THE PERSON. S scope of its work and much greater autonomy in managing its ■ would be an advantage. You should have at Street. Closing date is June 9, Interested? Then phone on Tuesday morning references t - © Professionally qualified. h nwn onprations To meet the challenge of these changes a new B least a basic level of technical expertise on both ■ for an appointment. Senior consultant 0 Able to lead and manage. 1 appointment to the position of Finance Manager is required. l w P“ rt “ .na Mg . m .nr I S.SJS L hTIeSS A E R ’ . Able to worn w.u, todusry a„n other cuent 8 TPTWAWfi® WIATIAGEB. additional education and/or certification an (planning) PH 893H71. © Able to produce results. * B advantage. You should be familiar with IBM, HOKITIKA (6/7) THE SUCCESSFUL APPLICANT WILL: I 11 Personal Computer and LAN environments. the De rtment of Con . © Report directly to the Regional Manager of FAFIThiq lq a nPW oosition in a small centralised finance function. I Knowledge of ACF2and IDMS would be an servatlon is seeking a person Fish Central. t Hits lb d new p momnamant trooruru “ advantage witlq planning skills and ex- ©Be responsible for a scientific team doing Key responsibilities are overall financial management, treasury 8- penence to work in its west — research and planning within central region. I manaoement and systems development. In all areas satisfac- B It is envisaged that the role would be Coast Regional Office inHok- © Have a competitive salary. I management du y P hilt innovation and Ipadpr- a suitable for you if you have at least 2 years post ‘ The emDlovee will work ©Be based in Nelson in a modern and attractive I tory procedures and systems exist, but in I graduate experience in the areas specified. within the Management Re- f™ BELgM Ik i I work environment. ship are required to fully service our Clients expanding needs. „ Applicants should be prepared to travel within p?“m C ary Se res O p n onsibiiity t£ for • r” WI vs lOt IVI n L ,L an dC() rp For further details contact: I The organisation controls policy, overall management, and ■ New Zealand on an ad hoc basis. I statutory advocacy in the re- I I • - Graeme Ivey, I funding, and as such there is a Strong emphasis on Financial | Remuneration for the position will be n ' S 01? TA MT Administration Manager Central, I accountability and Funds management. The experience and negotiated according to qualification and WIMoULIAIMI Private Bag, I maturity to handle these requirements is. essential as is a full » experience, lease apply with full c.v. to. successful applicant wm also nelson. Iliaiumy tu uunu.u have the opportunity to be Ancvnil , , n, nz-n I ACCOlintinO Qualification. i „ ~, . involved In other activities AKtYUU . Telephone (054) 81-069 . j nrirlQ : e oc jc m Personnel Manager United Building Society within the management re- Careermindedandselfmotivated Applications will be treated in confidence and . The preferred age range !S 35-45. g p. o. b»x 1239 Christchurch fZSX"i„?”SeS“ No,« o h,e„edo la „eweha lle n ge ™hsp™ S h»utdb“ tor»ard.d to the above b, Jun. i6.i». J A person with a strong interest in 7?anaoernent and weneeo wanted .x P .™ I involvement in overall mdnsqement Will Tino inis position pdf- B proactive development of the liable Fish Splitter from June .. 1 1 .4. f a onmnnfifiuo rnmi inorutinn narkanp B department’s goal of advocat- A financial consultant responsible for the marketing of 12, permanent part-time. Bticularly attractive. A competitive remuneration pdLhdyc lb g jng conservation both on and the complete range of financial advisory services npnntiahlp n off the conservation estate. provided by the company, the maintenance of PHONE 519-753 I Interested applications should phone or write in the first J fiRFFNKFFPFR | instance to Mr G. O’Brien. S theskills FORESTRY SUPERVISOR U RLLII I\LLIF Li 1 | | a -r- Excellent Communication Skills. ForeXy “sup'er- A QUALIFIED GREENKEEPER is required for I _n_--.--mf.-tr~ ‘ |Bnr K IA | procedures. Tertiary quallfi- Goodgrammarandwnttenexpression. visor to manage a 500 h.a. Greenaces Golf Club Inc., Bests Island, Richmond, B al J M J I UM r\/W || l/-\ I cations in planning, resource AnunderstandinginbothlnsuranceandFinance. pianting/fertilising pro- Nelson. Links type sandy course. Holding 1990 AmaI I V IViVU/U “ g e e d m f e position. A proven track record of seif motivation and marketing. A-n'Ho-no I Application forms (PSI7A) Abilit y t 0 work in association with accountants, mately end of September. Apply in writing by June 17, 1989, to: Maiac House, ACA€pxLOH.w 8 are available from any office financiers, solicitors and the like. Person required will have to n I 105 The Terrace, fOA'i 736-223 1 ELEwTRIuAL section epartment Ot Con ‘ Training in total financial services will be given to the Xwork andwf woumprefw I PO 'b°? S 3O96 R 1 P.O. Box 10-083, \ Annllcations close June 16 successful applicant. someone with a N.Z. Cert., of I Wellington. \ J OPPORTUNITY and THECOMPANY I be given to the NELSON —no wa Sr I ■■ ■■ n lie nf’dmfps write or con- Myles Planning Services Ltd were one of the first successful applicant for a per- —— 111 J j tact’ companies in New Zealand to be involved in total manent position, on compleLOCATION I The Personnel Officer I andTverseas marke^ 376 aHll ' atl ° nS W '° Cal I F ° r further details, please N.Z. MEAT AND WOOL BOARDS’ Thriving South Island tourist community Department of Conservation con ac . EPnMfiIUHP QCDI/IPC — rfIMPANV Private Bag THEREWARDS THE GENERAL MANAGER, tbUl'iUlVllu dtnVlUt 1 Long established privately owned growth XVsV-sod Limited only by the level of ability shown by the APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED for the position of H A OF nil It II A D companlTK s bl io h mpaK employs 11 successful applicant. Director of the New Zealand Meat and Wool Boards’ I H llfl IB M■ W I I* lyk people and requires the services of an Electrl- Apply in writing to Economic Service. cal Serviceman/Technician “Financial Consultant” JOURNALIST and COMMUNITY SERVICES FOR PEOPLE • A R bZ j Install and service televisions, I UIKtU I I c/o The Managing Director I I experenced seif Vnd i°n parUcular WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY MADIriZTIMP “ y ' e |"s n 2 n is 9Sei ''' icesLtd, ■■■ B BB BBV b s WHO. *«■ ■ b environments. IVlAnixt I INU P.0.80x5215 newspaper. TheDirectorisresponsibleforoveralladminisWe have an excitina ODDOrtunitV for DeODle committed to © Ability to be a self starter as this is virtually DUNEDIN Long term prospects pre- tration and organisation of all economic analysis, vve ail y . x ./ x , ~r a sole charge position. nrnn . j x. _|.l ferred - research, farm survey operation, and consulting a quality life for those with intellectual disability. 0 Registered electronic technician. REPS rSQUjrSd tO market Apply in writing to: services. T L,_ BENEFITS: frampd art in citv area A — .. Details as to the Director’s duties and terms of Trie Position 0 Attractive remuneration Is significantly , ’ ’ The Manaoef employment are available from: People with an intellectual disability currently living in above normal rates. car IS necessary. ■- dadanhi updaid . — . ... .xi i • • x _.. x U „ a High nrofile eomnanv-market, leader “ArHI'IUI nCnHLU The Director Tokanui Hospital are beginning to move mt t # Opportunity to work to own time schedule Contact Brian Palmer at 4.9. Ctfo P 0 BOX 5060 N.Z. Meat and Wool Boards’Economic Service community. This is being funded by the Waikato Hospital • Location is a vibrant and growing com- 070000 phr-ntnhiirrh' Board interim Trust for Community intellectual Handicap WK ChnStChllrCh WE -— T - Services. this is an ideal location for you. 11 —■ ll The Trust requires case managers to co-ordinate the * DRIVER/ Z~N Mli'nTfAT resettlement planning process for each client and to applications: uhivuiu / \ monitor the placement to ensure it continues to be LABOURER f" RITPP TTQF’NJT A TTVI? appropriate and of high quality. Mouat consulting Group Limited on (03) 482- ) Q/J-j-sT JLlfjLJk/JLjl il Arallv 869 or if you prefer write to P.O. Bdx 3937 TEMPORARY POSITION V V / *r , h iiocmi The Person Christchurch. Bob Mouat after hours (03) 427- y ' x Christchurch Based ThP npnnlp wp nrp qppkino will have the followina- 161 or Valerie Reid (03) 849-980. wj™ ,h t - ucence tor coai *Outstanding Career Opening The people we are seeking win nave me loiiowing. duties immediate start. y The Family violence Prevention Co-ordinating *Excellent Ongoing Support and Training — a commitment to the philosophy Of normalisation Please ring Tuesday morn- Committee (FVPCC) is serviced by Schering NZ Limited, a reputable international research based — experience in the provision of services to people with Ing, Gerry, phone 657-920. FVPCC is an independent body, responsible tor pharmaceutical company wishes to appoint a hardworking and Hicahilitv nnA| nnonnDATinid the co-ordination of family violence prevention enthusiastic Medical Representative. The company offers excellent uibdUHiiy GUAL UUHrUKAIIUN activity. Membership is drawn from a number ongoing training and marketing support. good Communication and me la ion S I S. lA”T OF N.Z. LTD of government and community agencies. These Based in Christchurch, the Medical Representative will work relatively A competitive remuneration package, including a vehicle, ™ ry/la Bl IZA 5 newly created positions will be part of the small autonomously in promoting a proven range of ethical pharmaceutical lines will be provided. IVSWV/ FVPCC servicing team, based in Wellington. to health professionals. . / . . ri rATnCHiinr ~ We envisage this challenging position will suit a hard working and Apply in Writing to: tLt(jlnUNIUu Vacancy energetic person seeking a challenging and rewarding career. This is an . . — . . PYFCT TTTVF OFFICF.R outstanding career opening as the company is willing to train and develop WHB Interim Trust for Community AQQFMRI V a younger (22-30 years) person with a strong interest in medical sales, irefollartnal Manrliran QorvicPQ mibh m nOOLIVIDL I ■ TUKINO TANGATA - FVPCC Some exposure to or tertiary qualifications in life sciences or the mieiiectudl HdllUlLdp oeiviveo rimaAMpr AMfl QTnpif . nnArd |ATIAIU Duties will include servicing Tukino Tangata - a medical/health care field is desirable, although the key requirements will P.O. Box 9271 lillnllUlft UllU W I UUR rKUuUU UN committee of FVPCC participation in policy be an outgoing, engaging personality and the desire to work steadfastly UARflll MriDTid a —. B a. * iivwwvii , towards sales objectives. Previous medical sales JBk HAMILTON NUH IH lA/ADI/ development and FVPCC projects experience would be advantageous but is not L— n— —— —— UUH I IIUL VVUnlx Knowledge of family violence field and bi- necessary. AnmillllOTD ATAD WE are offering a pre-em- cultural competency desired. Applications close A salary and company vehicle will be i— — AUMINIbTIiATUn • 28junei989 - ££r a try. Tunga 7/89/25 career prospects are excellent. DR" , We seek the services of an Intelligent person to Practical skins win be ADTUA Initial confidential enquiries to Research & manage our Finance, Insurance, computerised taught in: Al irLA Chris Matthews on (09) 390-375 NpwTprhnnloaV stock control and follow up operations. • Machine basics a T\X7TJ A FA MA FPF (days), 545-848 (evenings), Fax V ETii New lecnnoiogy We feel a person with clerical experience in the ® KAIWH^ A u n finance Industry together with good communlca- • introduction to process Tukino Tangata -Te Komin Honohono mote P.O. Box 3031, Auckland. ■ —. « S X* tion skills and determination to succeed would work Aukati Patunga Whanau Interviews will be held RnniriPPl / beldealforthlsposltlon.Dutleswillincludeproc- • t 0 tec “ K o nga mahi ate tunga nei ko te tuku tautoko ki Fridafjune' S L-1 Ivlll IW W I /Wvl V ■ IlflWL ess ng of all sales con racts and simultaneously , Ph ti slcal co-ordination te kahui Tukino Tangata, ara, he ropii motuhake f 9 r B *J ay ’ 16 ’ selling the finance and Insurance products of our » packaging skins . „ Pamnoa Qinnal SL SmJSnA company to our clientele at the dealership. Expe- • First Aid 0 teKomiti Honohono mo te Au g L————— OivJlldl Ol Illlcayc ■ 1 UvCOOlliy rlence In Typing, Computer Processing and In a * Job search Whanau, ko te whakauru ki roto 1 nga mahi AUSTRALIA ® a,es Fie,cl would be an advanta 9 e - an« g Fs n paid S to r thos l e g attend: whakatinana kaupapa me nga mahinga ate n p We offer a salary which gives excellent weekly ing this fun-time course. Komiti Honohono. BHP is Australia’s largest resources based Company, with security together with the opportunity to earn Please app]y ln person tO . Ko te hiahia kia marama te kaitono ki nga g if LJ operations in many parts of the world. high commission on the sale of our finance war- ahuatanga e pa ana kite patunga whanau, a. kia |L H „ to, u t • 1 , m MQiA/to ranty and insurance options. Preferred age is the Christchurch v; tP mohi tahi ate Maori mete ffl «4- T 7 - The Central Research Laboratories, located in Newcastle NSW, is aooroxlmatelv 22 to 35 academy, matatau ia kt te mahi tant a te iviaon mete the Corporate centre responsible for process, raw materials and » Please teleohone 430-009 Mrs Graham for an 38 chmstciwrch 87 ’ Pakeha ’ ™ -- H IQ q Q new business R&D for the BHP Group. amtotlXrm tS? j“r>e 6?>, chmstchoech. K a ka,i nga tone., c2B o nga raoHune. 1989. I VWA Newcastle is the state's second largest city and the laboratories " '"I - Vacancy 7/89/26 stand adjacent to the University of Newcastle. lITWaW tVi I HORTICULTURE FXFCUTIVE OFFICER The Signal Analysis Group within the laboratories is currently IUTViM ° at. v t fvpcc conducting research programs on signal processing and image I■■■■■■■■—— , lmvd! TUTOR n ■ 1C VT dT k F ,h P Xific Ri-md analysis, in relation to Company activities and new business | 247 RICCARTON ROAD 1 Iwi vi i Dulies w ,n mclude servicing the Pacific island The position re<jufre a Grain and Segd Representative t() ventures. These programs include acoustic, seismic and I CHRISTCHURCH I Peking per- Task Force of FVPCC, participation in policy service an area in Mid Canterbury. electromagnetic signal processing, remote sensing, image ledge and tutoring skins m development and FVPCC projects The position would suit an en Pr( r P tic reconstruction and pattern recognition, parallel processing hardware the Horticulture field. Knowledge of family violence field and bi- person who cons^ers himself Aerself to be betted and software and computer graphics. son w?t°h goSd cul,ural competency desired. than those holding similar positions — elsezvhere. tA/a arc qppkinn Fnainpprinn or Science Graduates to ioin our team tion skins, responsive attitude For translation of Job Description tor tins . i r ■ and applicants should have some experience in some of the lEP AI OEP D ET ADV m" d na g Zn n t. record in people P° sil '° n c< ? n ' a £. t Pacific Island Develo P ment PP ' ambition to be a "" following areas: Eh A nELnE AKY This is an opportunity to Unit, Head Office. . £ „ • Dpv/plnnmpnt of fast aloorithms for diaital orocessino including L-UM/IL. ULUI IL. Irn I I teach people skills in areas Applications close on 28 June 1989. The Salary A salary packagefully commensurate with AMI-nrVXTV HADPIJD ASfcafionsc.nbetoadeonPSPAav.ifabfe • Annlication software development using Parallel C, Parallel AIN 1 rIUIN I rIAKrnK growing media, amenity hor- from any Government Department. When ap- We are a well respected, privately owned Ashburton - Fortran and Occam. barriers 4 souc.tors tlctature.j conservation, first p]ying for tfiese positions please quote Vacancy based company, with a proven track record. • Parallel computing hardware and architecture design. The successful applicant Numbers. A Job Specification is available on The Company Our export company (50% owned), Hill & Lichtenstein • Image processing and 3D computer graphics using advanced ARE YOU AN EXPERIENCED self motivated and pe°rsonai% e^rcom d mun C ilat’o P request. Applications should be forwar e to. becoming graphics workstations. enthusiastic legal secretary, seeking a new, exciting skills, it is expected that skills sS areX cfo X „nri chaiipncrintr noßitinnV & . , b attained by students would Personnel Clerk (Staff & Personnel) ” e a re “ ls ° aos ely associated with D. M. Palmer Salary will be determined according to qualifications and experience and challenging position. lead to employment or fur- Denartment of Social Welfare d ! ,a le " d,r^ ex P orterf d squash, onions and other and PYCPilent superannuation and supplemental health benefit We have just that role in our modern centrally ther. training. Department ot Social welfare horticultural products. schemes are available. Assistance Is also provided with relocation “nme'S' ‘SX'lt Applications expenses. We are a large progressive law firm and the testamo C mai s anCl WELLINGTON "confidential”andaddresedt^! ~uldbemarked Applications should be addressed to. position is in our Commercial Division. close 14 June, 1989. Telephone 727-666 MPJC o f csca t o. The Director Please apply In writing, with details of expert- regional manager, PO 80x337 S BHP Central Research Laboratories ence to: salvation army The Depanm ent of Social Welfare has a policy ASHBURTON 1 ' [ - ° f t 4rttfa„w, cto „,4p. m .o n F ra<) , Ju „„ , 6 . , 989 . , " ■" '■ ’ Christchurch. Christchurch. bbi

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Press, 3 June 1989, Page 84

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Page 84 Advertisements Column 1 Press, 3 June 1989, Page 84

Page 84 Advertisements Column 1 Press, 3 June 1989, Page 84