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r i ,_ — I L- I KOREA: BACKGROUND | it U F ”*—<■■ I ■, Compiled by CATHY O’CONNELL, “Waikato | ■ I I Times” N.I.E. Co-ordinator S // z<s) 1 I '"TZTr T f • Country: Republic of Korea (South Korea), called g g (±=2 IZ U 11 b r | I Taehan Min’guk by the Koreans. g 7 7-Z \ I | soZl Wr 1 a P lta,: Seou! - 9 mi,lion P eople - pg •■/■ I I*"' 1 ~ N/ X \V‘’<‘ | | SIS • Leader: President Roh Tad-woo. W >’ V \ J" 1 I X . . 0 Language: Koreans originally used Chinese symbols L 77 I I jX X. Jk for writing until the Hangul phonetic alphabet was <? 77 7 7 \ rzyi *,. "I ~ Z ~' * ■•. Q JL \/\ specially designed in the 15th century. It is one of g gv _ 7/7 7 V ~ /x/ thesim ? iestandmostefficientmeansof wnt,ngin 11 - |. jz z p °p u,ation: 42 miiii ° n ’ 99 - 9 per cent K ° rean - H (& /o) /SS&XXC sZX \X XT \ ■ ’ GEOGRAPHY: . | fc it/Z Z// 7 7K AM. Sft XV‘ The Korean peninsula is 1000 km long — little more g |‘, . /.W '?7 77 7 7/\.7".7 WwVftW m >L‘ XWxk/ X X • than half the length of New Zealand. The western and ff// X. X X X southern coasts are very rugged and rocky with many te ’ yz IT iff/ >®VX. "Xr JX X V ' small islands off shore. The east coast facing Japan is g ■;:•■■/.;• Z Z /XzKyly' -Z VV X ; ■ \Z\ X * another. Most of Korea is covered by mountains. ® Z Z jL Devised bv DEFYD WILLIAMS and AL NISBET© X There are four distinct seasons, with July-August being £ if / 7 uevwaoyUMlU V L/ X X the hottest (about 25C) and December-January the g y f ,. KyZ Z Z'/ J@Z oTW. ‘THEPRESS”N.I.E. W . \ X X coldest (about -3C). Half the 1250 mm average rainfall I g H This game is based on the 4 x 400 metre relay, which is an ' X. X X X X X’^'^h’’l occurs from June to October. . / Z Jr // '■■'// Olvmoic event You will need a dice. Use matchsticks, rolled Xl' X \'' » 1 * Religion: Buddhist, 37 percent; Protestant, 25 per t . M |/W ! Z / Z # # V Olympic event YOU " eeu a t X X cent; Confucian, 17 per cent; also Shamanism (spirits , r / l&bJ ZZ tU/ s,lver cardboard to make bdtons - \.!,X x X X \ : nvin « in naturai things) - M Al The teams contesting our fictional relay final are:— X, X XXX XWfip®® Names: Koreans generally have three names — the /AW / f O Zfw Lane 1 — United Kingdom X< X X X X ' ’ surname first, a name identifying the generation g ’AAW>' ; f / //f/ -If Lane 2 — Kenya XT X X \ (usually the same for brothers and sisters) second, :■ \’ yfAW f t Lane 3 — U.S.S.R. \ v ’' X Ik » 1 ' and the P ersonal name third> A wornan doesn't '. ’#Twf f ‘'V f / Zw/ Lane 4 — United States V- /X sHO <S^^ U 1 XfS change her name when she marries. L lApf? rrZaiz Zj X- 1 ® Recent History: Japan occupied Korea from 1910 to i ; LHr onjcAß jfHERF w/Mp Pick a team to represent. Each team has four runners. ... .... _> V-.-'’lK >el 1 1 IV 1945. Koreans were forced to speak Japanese and g Arrange your desks so that groups of four teams are sitting together (16 runners) or two teams (eight runners). E « . -fc~l R E . »• give up their Korean names. ® ■ K t I player runs one lap. 1‘ -• ■ '-K- y P« 1 When Japan was defeated at the end of World War fd a I ■' ■ —*————^—— i ;^— i ——— ii — i^i^i^—^ j — 1 '" 11 " 1 H'rri-rmTartwi.i'uii'iJMMJt; B a n, the country was divided along the 38th parallel, g I I I If \ ! ’T > ™~ T ,rs ” T”'"’ "■ r ” ~ t 1 J IIoLS I O with the United States administering the south and L. I I I K / i t l i OOW \Ar‘ flrHI FINIChIiIMF the Soviet Union the north. g lII' IM In the Communist North Korea invaded the I I I BBI " — “ 1—10 )T ’ \ lr T south, and the United States, with 15 other countries, ga I I K;; Before you start playing '-' As T""’l I bfl I fought with the South Koreans (this is the war you I g BMBM » 7 ‘ *** %* I **-»' r *■ l~] I o>o ' -' ; T see on the television programme “MASH”); HKIII7 IP Read today’s newspaper carefully then ?*J'</''////| r 1 At the end of the war a demilitarised zone (D.M.Z.) §Jf write 10 questions on each of the , r n t . J />C v ‘ y| Tv B P J —an unoccupied strip two and a half miles wide —tU jfl m following (a total of 30 questions) to ask s ± s ILA 4 ’ I jkt pi -B L- ” R S I was established. The Red Cross, in particular, has IF® other teams 7 '*# «■ # T | * S&R tried to bring the north and south together but, so BHIKII I S SPORT:' qrom OMC pages ano H M attempts at » nW ng (he counlry have broken g. » nnfiTir^ OrtS ’/frnm° n '' front nase ’ /A ' ’ r Hl ® Economy: South Korea has made almost unbeliev- ft, . : |H mi an am |j * M«<-■. ~ ':A -n-M | W •> ’ pages) '' ’■ 7L -•- -'’■a // ITt to start almost from scratch as the major industrial g “Si C. KOREA: (see column at right — AA areas were all in the north, there were almost no r’ ® O "Korea Background") — and read /6, ‘ Spy •• •/ l r a sfj S 3 natural resources, and the war had caused a great S' ‘f? up-to-the-minute stories in today’s j» ft lrf'v f 'S/ 1 A WwslflsKlr wro?" 11 i<?i deal of damage. , newspaper. \-11 ' T' j f / r~-.^! rr ’’V PT From 1962 to 1981, the growth in exports averaged p ; SS : ' / ■] L 4 42 P er “nt each year. The Koreans moved from 8;‘>; See examples in Lazer’s 20 questions. • f fyir J M&'TC! -r t Wil relatively simple, light industries to sophisticated g Jl f‘7 T- J J Li heavy industries and those involving highly ad- ■“■■■* | - - ', " i f' ! - , <,r ’7' P‘ " A / f”* i ‘' z a■ ■ ‘ 1 ■ 11 p| vanced technology (e.g., building vehicles and ships r ’ " x 'T j -AITJLowwJ • 11l and producing machinery). . vji ■WPi ' Jy’' Qy KZ *1 The Koreans also have a rapidly growing electronic g; 'W ff/TX /' r /.<♦>. . xTy z\\ P - L’4 industry, making television sets, radios, watches and LQph, 1 F “ •;,„•< ww— ■««“ A/ vy« -■; computers. F IP IwWßfers i T L?.j To Diav the game I ft kJ New Zealand imports a range of products from g W /'TV 10 P ine & £,n,e i i ra Korea, including steel, Hyundai cars, Samsung § W N | I '1 // M \T ' ■ electrical goods, refrigerators, textiles and children’s §■ .J h 4 '\‘" (M A 1) ■ — 7‘ KUies. —mLm ' * Education: South Korea’s development has come .s'> I® —"■ —"■ k 4 J /t (('A k f, '7 I- Start on your stagger (spaced ? P IfnßlßWiffi 11 about partly because of its increased emphasis on. g, ! \ K\v 2® '''' ’L*- 'j?& 4) lines) to ensure each competi- tSd education. In 1945, 88 per cent of the adults could W / \ vX\ ' I ' * '1 tor runs the same distance). feaiXßf ■ F I not read or write. Today the country has one of the / \ ' ■ '■ Each athlete runs one lap. .' gg highest literacy rates in Asia (97 per cent for males; )>> IS 'Zy I— \ V\\ PfiiS IS 82 percent for females). . Bl K ; P??PXTpWPf'WftW?WOS:P?^^f^BW:'-"'• .Pi 2 ‘ The first runner runs the M Ld ■ Primary school is compulsory, and can be followed whole race in his or her own ga §Z by three years of middle school and three years of 3 lane ’ mSJmu SILJJU®Bi "I ■P< I high school. Schools are closed in December H ) 3. The second runners run in ® O because of tbe , cost of heating in winter, and fj --■'-1-,-- ■/ J lanes until reaching the flag in M H homework »sei ror every day uMI schools re-open ~! g ' < the back straight (tmrvedllnek ■ B . WoHeSouth Korea Is dependent bn the United f B j-x M 1 ««track t »»>. ft g sx?—| \ / ‘SrfF Jwr pole (inside) lane. p j — l " and have the worst working conditions in the world, ® IV ■I/ ! V ’ s T. P . u. ?4 To Pass (second third and : ; P- according to the International Labour Organisation. 7: V f APP“ ; ' fourth runners) d must move B ® The expensive new buildings for the Olympic Games g into the second lane and run have meant that the city s poor (about a third), who g . MMI ——■ ■—■ three spaces past the runner gS gS I've in shanty towns, are being pushed out. S leading them, before cutting e p Militant students want South Korea re-united with I <k* APT <4? Z/ tf s x>l a. 7r«)p flPwiS into the inside lane. You must P ■?; . the north and the 41,000 United States troops gfe I not pass a runner in the same |d fa withdrawn. | MS 7 ? > lane> Move out t 0 the next VP A • South Korea’s flag: The circle is an ancient symbol j?« raßf f - S ‘ lane to pass. Count one space /\ feafr pg of the universe. The top half is called yang and the ;» ;&a W TAP W -“.f , ! y *VSS\ xSAv 5 c f ! for each lane you move side- A P TT ■ bottom urn. These stand for the way everything in F: W 8 Al v ways - >”’l \ the world has an opposite to keep things in balance S ’ ' iZ # c T „ th htA „ ThA M V M - day and night, male and female. The three bars 5- To change the baton. The Ld at the top of each corner show the same balance — fe gl ° ut W r er th?- B !Z S——— — ii the top left stands for Heaven and the bottom right Uftef sSri 'ur ■ '•’ f, ' runner ( °in any one of three H ter Earth. The lower left symbol means fire, and Us »«Su MM. visiters to Seoul ter .he B <’?l * completed in this area. M P'? ! Olympics are worried they will be served dog. to eat. \\\\ * I * s u wPm f 4 X < ' «■■■ ■■■■■ uhb™ The South Korean Government says that killing dogs a \A etei Sis®lM i I ? 81 SA I' B fc lovers te use mo Games to he.p end jg w 11 MBI#IMPOiitalBiItii s,aores take ,he ,0,10w,n8 s,eps: I n ■mb TiF I ,tey say are g I ■■ ■ H v\ 7 & I |||r|fl( ■; Activities || k Sport Politics Korea gjjljffl- "~~~~ II I 111/fllS L The ancient Greek cit y States stopped fighting 1, > The runner closest to -Fr/T The runner far- r~7 — If you "* ■■■MBHIB 7 ; during the Olympic Games. Have North Korea and p J.' <y you asks you a sports f bes f from you Z~yF land in this BMI ■ L& South Korea resolved their differences before the . Lp A/W" question. It may be 64 P asks you a ques- >, square you USA Ml I M Seoul Games? p , related to sport in 'TpCPy tion on politics. It V nominate a rea r a,n (P i I I Lj 2 - Athlete in trouble: Find an athlete who is in trouble L»‘ Iwrrßfafflß <i ~7=? general or Olympic may be related to member of g:«| | with officials because of political views, unsporting ® AS ■ II TFT results, now or in the / I politics surround- another team to ask you a I @ behaviour or commercialism. h; h’x6 Ml iMkLMfZ II \ Past Other team Lll ing the Olympics, question about Korea. If If you land on a flag of another i,.‘3| | M 3. Hero/ine: Name an athlete admired by the media. H-' fe|S || \ members may help y\i or you can ask you give a wrong answer, team, a member of the other ?Ll| I ;•» List five qualities this person has. '' • ' I Ten Apcnnds a ic SW fhe ahnnt nnilticq 3 miss a turn. If you answer team asks you to describe one of ', : 1 B 4. Cultural Differences: Choose five different nations 8$ HiTlKISai ■■! 2X? ST tee flag oj display at fbe Oiy m . ■-J I compel, nB a. tee Carnes. How d. teey respond te: J “TVA'ivTa wrong P’Ses of tee news- pi „ vou an swer correctly, ad- ?j| | ■ i 5. Xew"Krol. Wl!« lrB »me or tee rules at an | IF --- ■ 1 ■ li answer, miss a turn. If you The runner must answer 4 Conri hat Va ™o Q S^nrn S- K y ° U are I' """ tt! Olympics? Give examples of rules being broken. 111 IV‘. B answer correctly, advance the questions herself or I ' rhan op nd wrong, miss a turn. ■ ® ■ I ■ ■7 ' , 6. Social Change: How do the Games show change in 'll 111 1W6.1 3 spaces. himself. If you give a I v' nce two f ff f ff Kf&A the world? Consider: 4 ; ’ LShl 111 IW-1 wrong answer, miss a turn. J L cnarpc »Jw*. g K~. B Bu'-Aa (a) technology; (b) nations competing; (c) war and peace. ?i - v> 7'tl 111 If you answer correctly, ys/\_ P ifi 1 1 '■ J “ advance three spaces. raT? aSMHBH Z-‘'7> B B ' B MWI 1 • IWX , _ PEL SS?ukSS g : B B f Lazer’s 20 Questions .L i ..'-?; > ~41 1 > >'v ; " ‘X L Dodge a stray GLil zv> Lz I- ..■■'■■•|op7Fl gg B A -MM .I 1 X javelin — miss ((.7RZ\ B gS^ ' X X a furn. 5 a burst of u.s.s.r. Kenya g/ : B gtry-'-v*', Sport .js /"AfAlk X X " speed ad- B B > -'' 1 Where are the 1992 Olympics to be held? °'-F ”LX X $ V Vo I vance two ZSAZy JVOZ 2 Who is the fastest woman athlete in the United States? ■F-'ILJsX X X' '■' X spaces. ZA^T //rpg B B7i£&lg % 3 Name an athlete who broke a world record this year? .<\ •F.4-feLAX X X X?V’-X 2. Bumped by an- / Z g 4 Who are the Joint favourites for the men’s Olympic 100 X-^^^X 2 ®: ,c >r~ —miss a turn IVieaia IViytn . 5 Which New Zealand athlete, who finished fifth in the -i' X The story that Hitler snubbed Z Z B/VU 1984 women’s marathon failed to gain selection in 1988? ij:< ‘ X X X. ■ Jessie Owens, the winner of four Z Z^*-F : (( 6 Name a woman gold medallist from a previous Olympic © X VvJtX /''"Mw”’’ " old medals in the 1936 Berlin Z Games. > w \XM.;A " Olympics, is not based on fact. ]B B" ’ , 5 7 Which two Olympic sports have the greatest participa4X vyydX ' Early in the Games Hitler lauded B 7 :"r .'\i. tion? 7 ; .L. .’.X AX X&V" *-.*X Aryan (Caucasian) winners. The .Z Z.LvL '4-/' 8 Who is your favourite Olympic competitor in 1988' J - s Pi fced by an " 1.0. C. (International Olympic B I Why? ' * I ■ 8“ -.-X \LQtz XkT< -• other runner Committee) stopped this practiced iASr M'/LZ . V Jk -missaturn. before Owens competed. A/7 4 Politics j ZXS* V 7 9 Name the Pakistani leader killed in an air crash. 4 ' v V‘ L X 7 ■' XZ 777.7. y-.r. ; f'3 10 Who are the two main candidates for the presidency of X, ' T? ' _.. ZX Z Z the United States? ' “ \ X ZC .Z'-;. / , 11 What is happening in Burma? ‘ X\OX Z JZX. '■.-'■■■ 12 Why did David Lange visit Australia? f \ 13 What is going to happen to New Zealand’s currency? - 7 II I ZC AI W • Lu'Sj. ' - ‘ , 15 Which New Zealand naval vessel is due for a refit? Xx :JX Z ■' .X Korea Z f — Jf. 16 What do the protesters in South Korea want? . r B B \ 11 Describe the Korean flag 1 ~, -■ 18 Who is the President of South Korea? \ 19 Name a South Korean product that can be bought in I I < A New Zealand? I 1 \ 20 What do newspapers tell us about life in Korea? I l a — J i i

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