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r »i Businesses Sell Businesses Sell Fanns for Sale Sections Tenders l Ofblirt I HOTEL Freehold with separ- TAKEAWAY food bar, Here- SOUTH BRIGHTON (Marine I NSr 1 ate cottage. Central North ford St, close to Colombo St. „„„„ Parade). Excellent section | uvc theatre x'lotea I Island. Contact agents (04) T/O averaging almost $5OOO COST on composite title with A SI H 1 Arts Centre. 20 Worcester Street I 726-209 or a.h. (04) 861-223 p.w. profitable, easy to oper- EXCELLENT property of 50 single garage. Idea! for town 11 M P I Telephone66-992after 10a.m. I Ray Berkahn, Harcourt and ate, good lease, $92,500. Con- acres (5 titles), well sheltered J?°. use j . be “ h - 1 • | Credit Card Bookings Welcome I Co. Ltd, MREINZ. tact Nell Shackel Wrlghtson and fence d, good outbuild- Pr 'ge d nV? DEMAW ATIfiMQ ■■MMSMMnJ INDUSTRIAL foodbar, 5 days. Real Estate, MREINZ, ph. Ings, with sha 10-year Pines. 3 836 "° 12, HtNUVA I IUNo $2BOO plus T/O per week, 796-521. bdrm early colonial home, In Harcourts, MREINZ. lILIIUIH I lUIIU Magic' good lease, $40,000 walk-ln, TAVERN, freehold, 3W acres, good condition, sited in a . . . - e ’ walk-OUt, private sale, books Good turnover, Fiji. Contact beautiful English garden, ♦ ♦ ♦ ▼ WF would be nleased to BS? - " - «“•«•»• 'SS'&'-SS .& g Ss ww "ss’U”H«> c s as ™ \LUI Mgr 209 or a-h. (04) 861-223, Har- opportunity to purchase a First time offered by Reg l s® d {®g GBT Ph CoUn uS nJSUSiSfnm court and Co. Ltd, MREINZ. complete tool room at a real- Morris, a.h. Cust 609. Francte 797-ffiO bus’ 889-431 Monday ’ December 7, at 4 p.m. OXa LAKESIDE Resort, freehold istic price. Good quality Si MereYtt Re“’&tate, 4 with own Jetty for your boat, machinery run by owner/ MREINZ Contact:— /I I < \\» Central North Island, con- operator. Inquiries phone 62J,L I A 4AJ 11 tact agents (04) 726-209 or 339 evenings, Dunedin. I PIIUI I I I I ISA ■■■ ' ■ yr.. 7 II \ a.h. (04) 861-223 Ray Ber- TOURIST Centre, freehold or |l[J | I H. l l 1 1 MnfolS for Sale KtN oNtLoUN, - v kahn, Harcourt and Co. Ltd, as going concern. Central nvreia Wl amc nnnsir nni m 1-1 Li c , MREINZ. North Island. Contact agents PHONE 897-747 •*L’ 415 , — X LAWMMOWING round (04) 726-209 or a.h. (04) 861- . . (gpsßLr wanted. Anything consld- 223 Ray Berkahn, Harcourts DI EBIUCIM OAnA ;f 1 1 Z ered. Phone 515-535. and Co. Ltd, MREINZ. dLENHEIIVI /•>>,, UCENCED Restaurant-Tea- TOUW»T Retort, Sounds, f—iVAr///// rooms-Beach Store with 3 Stouth Island. For full detmis LOBURN MATE I iflSL'JLaßw&lfi&Siuo . .. . bdrm accom. plus 2 bdrm contact Ray Berkahn (04) cioflnnn IbU I■ ■ » n .’ nl^? atl¥t r a ? d Sleepout, grand lifestyle East 726-209 a.h. (04) 861-223, Har- slflB > ooo nUISL attractive to watch ...THE PRESS Coast, Bay of plenty. Contact court and Co. Ltd, MREINZ. ARE you finding the pace too ■ FJ|o|* "A visual feast..comedy and agents (04) 726-209 or a.h. (04) ————————— fast and are the frustrations 1 Canterbury museum knockabout farce”—. 7HFSMO Berten, Hw- crmnrr of city Hying getting to you? If CANTERBURY MUSEUM Adults: $16.00 Children: $B.OO court and Co Ltd MREINZ FREEHOLD SERVICE so, consider the opportunity , , .. , Family Ticket: $40.00 MERIVALE Village Paoanui STATION of being the owner of an 11 Prims Central City location SUBCONTRACTORS and 2 Adults end 2 children Road frontage, small thrlv- LOCATED in thriving tourist acre orchard situated only 40 with average turnover Of Suppliers P rlc ‘"g this con- , . ing business, enquiries service town showing excel- n b Decembe?3 IJEpwT—WI Andrew Cowdy, Cowdy Dolg lent returns. Two bedroom mJir™ term lease Easily TUR to° nS 12 n °° P 3 2MI SatßrtßVlM and Co. MREINZ, 553-397. home in excellent condition !£®^ e ? nneratinn with all hars and wuttams Eariv Stew Bpm MOTEL freehold, 12 units attached to the business. This ?S ac L 3 „?? r ? 1 2 lo t ? 1 ® nLrLST B i™! AR mNqTOnmnM TmsBWMartTEHrtMITEI plus 4 bdrm house, Gisborne, represents an excellent pur- the orchard. Extensive sheds, bottiestore operated from CONSTRUCTION, LmhmmmJl Contact agents (04) 726-209 chase to someone starting out ®tor eroom, sh op etc. So Id as a one po | n t Further details ar po N r ox'mo’w or a.h. (04) 861-223 Ray Ber- or looking for the quiet life SXn Carols from John Oennes ah- Gre V- ° kahm, Harcourt and Co. Ltd, with an Income. For further inspection Please ph Carolyn Q q( . uhkisichukuh. ■ MREINZ. information ring Elders Real Higgins 830-406 a.h. 584-327 luwnnaooi. Ownershio Flats MOTEL, freehold, 13 units Estate, 482-859, a.h. Jeff Darit- with 4 bdrm house, Palmers- Ing 523-763. | tai 11 I ay/TarH HHHNMimNMMM SUPPLY OF DIGITAL ton North. Contact agents I B I I Pb’4 »iU UIM 31 READOUT SYSTEM (04) 726-209 or a.h. (04 ) 861- L TVZWWRBBw BUf MrownffllWlMßß FOR CENTRE LATHE ST ALBANS, $98,000 223 Ray Berkahn, Harcourt I KOJ TENDER AO9B Co. Ltd, MREINZ. IF you are looking for loca- MOTEL, freehold, 12 units, top TENDERS are invited for the tlon, contemporary style and of South Island. Lovely set- supply of quantity one digital sophistication here it is. This ting. Contact agents (04) 726- readout system for a centre superb town house offers two 209 or a.h. (04) 861-223 Ray ' ’ ' lathe. Tender documents are double bedrooms, spacious Berkahn, Harcourt and Co. available from the: lounge, opening to private Ltd, mreinz. goldmine OXFORD FARMLETS Investments courtyard garden. Up to the MOTEL, freehold, 7 units plus MINI SUPERMARKET vai unw i nium-uiv , — minute kitchen, double gar- 2 bdrm accom. Christchurch, turnavpr annmv si irwin 75 ACRES, $230,000 COMMERCIAL inner city, ad- Purchasing Section age with Internal access. This Cratact agents M) 726-209 t 2£<!li 1 ’ O 2?„c As new 4 bedroom Colonial Jacent Town Hall, modem Suoolv Souadron desirable property is priced or" h (04) Ml-223 Rav Ber- h° me , modern farm, 3000 sq ft 2 storey building on R °“PP Iy for definite sale. Call me now, kahn Harcourt Md Co Ltd SVS prime Blue Chip site. Extra "«ZAF Ohakea JUI Taylor, 796-596, or 370-453. mr?tnz ’ Busy . Christchurch suburb, M ACRES $220,000 floors plus additions over 6 Alr 1>or “ *f os ‘ Ulllce ' - "■: = MOTEL freehold or lease- + + + + hold, main highway, 7 units. reasoiis, flnanc^available g at “« o t f re c e h S k r^ gr ° Und P °°‘’ so" mW PN 69 - 109 ext 8130 STROWAN Sole agent Sunnv !o!n , 7?8 209 t i04) 8 861 S R e vv; S P hone Paul Jenkins 4 acres, $159,000 Ham Real Estate, Ltd, Tenders close 11.30 a.m., STROWAN sole agent, bunny (04 ) 726-209 or a.h. (04) 861- 62-105 any time, Beasley, ’ SXmnnulnta nrnnertv rinse MREINZ January 11. 1988. new townhouse, own sep. 223 Ray Berkahn, Harcourt Packard and Chamberlain, , ,? a , a ,„Pf°E^„ y ' investment Harman st section. Spacious rooms, and Co Ltd, MREINZ. MREINZ ln - ldeal . su jroundlngs with INVESTMENT, Harman St »^3oTo r n n h^ C nTw home in &Z J °» r Xe e ts° f eS. Co s« LARGE FR M E°E T H E O L LD BLOCK Co y Lta k MR n EINZ rCOUrt MOST attractive motel units FU^? T E A R c T DETAILS S lewed 'to Ite?- after. Talk PV4M Lvmg at these reduced uom S with smart managers quar- CONTACT national company returning collect, 24 hours, .7 days. nrices 8 Berrv Real Estate M ?TF L o ters and spacious off street $Bl,OOO p.a. Jollifies, ADORABLE ladles, all personMREINZ B 559-s5 ah Rc£ Parking. Each unit with own MREINZ, 795-742, David allties. Ph. 324-737, SummerProYtor 52£iS) Contact agents (M) 726-209 phone _ co i our B| Henderson, a.h. 555-789. time Escorts. VVrf" fridge etc. Also modern swim- Kata reJBuKMtaJUhB INVESTMENT. Prime posl- ALAMEIN Lounge, relax in aann. Harcourt ana co. Lta, m j n g pool, spa and sauna. tlon, adj. town hall. Retail/ Chch largest spa pool, sauna, Qiiainaaeae Gall .J„ Genuine enquiries only with 7 office, 3000 sq ft in two levels, large plunge pool, pvte DUSInCSScS Ocll MOTEL, freehold. 16 units Ralph of Daniel J. Visser Ltd, JolUffes, MREINZ, 795-742, suites, dble massage and anvirft u free on hnving nr n dr . m a S com ;, T °P MREINZ, ph. 68-853. PHONE RANGIORA 8829 OR David. Henderson, a.h. outcalls avail. 221 Tuam St, advice is free on ouying or quality, Palmerston North. COLIN PRICE. OXFORD 555-789 oh 67-698 BUs l lness y °Co r ntaa agents ((M) EOnt S Ct /n??M I tS <»?n 728 ; 209 24-609 ANYTIME. SPREYDON, $62,500. Rough™mo rffi mi w or a.h. (04) 861-223 Ray Ber- cast house in 3 flats, very ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 726-2 OT or a.h. (04 ) 861-223 kahn, Harcourt and Co. Ltd, AIA/MCD / tidy. Showing excel, return. " r^ y T^ rk MRFTN7 rCOUrt and MREINZ - UWNtK/ Pi/roh Turner, Prime Real ANGLES open, Women’s . ». O MOTEL, freehold, 14 units in Estate, 797-557, MREINZ. Night tonight. Members and APARTMENTS, leasehold. 8 lovely country area, main RD 11 /CD r r\ •Jft , I ■ ■■■■■■■m—. accompanied guests most units (no accom., run from road, near Palmerston 1/nlyCn f /I 11 I' I T»»l n .n welcome. SSS-KWS Diiciucec (PlilllraTTH T d s rft7 ss ‘’”~ftS’ KffiSfflW BUSINESS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ MREIN ?.- ±T al r oTd re 'Sou e t e h OPPORTUNITY ~ BEAT the rush. Late phone pnTe nted we’ A A A A WirUn I UNI I I calls for those Saturday clas- to private homes, hotels, ▼ ♦ ▼ ♦ Md A? Mi ( Sw QPRINRRAMI/ slfleds could get you a busy motels, etc, very discreet, 18 BEAT the rush. Late phone r ° k ' h a n h H '“l“ t SPFFDLINK PARCELS OrhINbDANK tone. So help us to help you, to 42, ph. 69-792. calls for those Saturday clas- E ayß S r «rpts? d OTCCULINft THHUCLO situated on Boundary by phoning us as soon as you CARD readings, revealing slfleds could get you a busy COjDtd, MREINZ. an Owner/Drlver , s servlces R Oad> handy to the Ranglora/ yd ? x S your next year ’ s events - ac ’ tone. So help us to help you, ,? te TJ®?? e “?l d- i 2 are reoulred to oerform narcel Oxford Road. Property com- qulrements, avoid delays, curate to the week. Ph. 897by phoning us as soon as you contaa agenta (M) TC6-aTO pickup and delivery In the prises 50 hectares (125 acres) B. the’ 1 end W ’of ° 465 Lawrie Entertainment know your advertising re- Contact 726 209 p orth p east Chrlstchu y ch are a. of flat land ideally suited to h one 7M W Pre« cSlst ° nly ' qulrements, avoid delays or a.n. (W) boi zw way Her ce and fattenlng , i s well n n e n Z,7' 440 ’ Press Classl phone us now, don’t leave It Harcourt and 10. Ltd, be an advanta subdivided and is watered by fledl ?q* ! A A A A t 0 the and of the ® eek - MATCI 1.,-hnM in 9 Aoollcatlon forms can be county water races. The REPOSSESSED vehicle, 1973, ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ Phone 792-440, Press Classi- MOTEL, 3O units, 2 PP Regional homestead which is sited well Hillman Avenger Alpine, as BEAT the rush. Bring your fled now! Manager’s Office back off road is weather- is where is condition, highest Saturday advertisements in BLENHEIM, Nelson highway, ra-a)9 or a.l? (M) 861-223 Christchurch Railway tornd ! Iron roof construcUon or any tender not necessary early, help us to help you, sellthtsllreeholdpropelty 794 040 ext 8759 - Heds. y ’ f SM Pe a rt ?ine MOTE^ ’Sold, 11 units 794-040 ext. 8759. . { garages hay- ? 8 P-’’ BENS.NK, Karin spacious bungalow, with plus 3 b drm accom. Upper m«k P ?n dter or coat Tuesday ’ December 8, 1987. you on g e b ut I’ll meet you shop, mllkbar, petrol station Hutt contact agents (04) RETAIL NURSERY ,?nu Pru.p‘ simow) g again. Saturday’s dlsagreetogether with bulk farm 72 6-209 or a.h. (04) 861-223 propagalion and nurserv $185,0w. ment is still on my brain. I’d petrol deliveries the whole Ray Berkahn, Harcourt and PP ° sales of olaSta and Pvne Gould Guinness give you my boots and my operation can be handed co Ltd, MREINZ. eoods 3 Limited braces Just to see you again, Havelockta’a MoTEL>leasehold - 7u « ltaand bedroom residence all situ- Rural Real Estate ESCORT^ attractive SSSftSi Xu sett in V ‘on camping area plus 3 bdrm a ted in a landscaped garden. Christchurch dEL ladles bloncte and brunette tael>usy‘gJ.& r way S to Pelorus business tar £nu£e Ph: Tom Williams 10 a.m. till midnight. Ph. 886«ou T se%ro U 1 e d nJ?y U,t tht £^ y ???» mXz GENTLEMEN, for your warm s^k try an P d rlC DlaMbp P rox MOTEU ’ > eaae hold, 12 units persons to expand Ph ’ wnmm son nil P lus 3 bdrm accom - Finance, this thriving business. Confi- FaffTlS BllV kaystelleS of Nelson Hastings. Contact agents dentlal and genuine inquiries rarm» OUy REGISTRATION OF K "JST E LLES of Nelson, courta, MREINZ, ask for (04) 726 . 209 or a h (04) gg!. Elders Real Estate $2-859, INTEREST (054 ) 76-746 ... . .. . 223 R ay Berkahn, Harcourts a . h . Jeff Darling 523-763. A A A A wltenn Ph ™ 748 BROILER chicken unit only 10 an d Co. Ltd, MREINZ. ♦ ▼ ▼ ▼ HMNZS SOUTHLAND REFIT N® l ® o "' mins, from Hornby. Two motel ipasphold 9 units rfat thp rush t atp nhone MALE masseur for males Infully automated sheds set on M plus 4’ b drm accom. Taupo. ■TTKHEIWH ’ciUfefOT those Saturday clas- NEW ZEALAND COMPANIES ® a “ “ I9 a rx» n a g ß s elutiful 3 Contact a B«nts (04) 726-209 slfleds could get you a busy ONLY cards welcome’ d * ’ 32,000 birds p.a. Beautiful 3 or a h 861 _223 Ray Berkahn, LriMaMMHUUIa tone. So help us to help you, c “ d ® w ® lc^ l ®' . ri __ prthp , bdrm perm. mat. modern Harcourt and Co. Ltd, M «»mi»Kim, by phoning us as soon as you THIS registration of interest MARTIN, is 29, and describes home only 9 years old plus mreinz. know your advertising re- is to assess the capability of himself as an adventurous, h^\T’^ ft M ne o n S n h /v 1 l e n d MOTEL, leasehold, 9 units —— kbmw qulrements, avoid delays, New Zealand companies to 4npcia? n flalr‘for with 3.5 stud, ideal for vln- . □ bdrm accom. Main < ■ nhone us now don’t leave It act as a prime contractor to romantic. Special flair for tage cars etc etc. This is a top highway, Wanganui. Contact FSPITIS fOF SalC to the end of the week, undertake the work Involved ski-ing, dancing, aviation, property and must be in- agen ts (04) 726-209 or a.h. (04) — ——— Phone 792-440, Press Classi- in the refit of HMNZS South- computers and astronomy, spected to be appreciated. _S, g,, Ra Berkahn Har- ABEL Tasman National Park, . le q now i i an d within New Zealand. Interested in meeting slmlSafe. «..“■»« J M 2.SS;£.3- SIK Sections SM6SSS .... !K3.s=a ..... 3A- L P L. “"wghsasr COMMERCIAL Beckenham kahn, Harcourt ana 10. uta, oy pnomng us us soon«yu Extension: 8232 MICRO diet information and shop and flat. Excel, loca- r 'freehold tourist oulrements avoid delays, Facsimile: 711-528 free delivery anywhere, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ?“snow,donlleave’lt Technical inquiries should Phone Joanne 50-304, ext. 80, R F y MRFTN7 57 5 757 ah Island ' Contact agents (04) BEAT the rush Late ph one the ® nd °‘ the^® e ? - be dlrected ln the flrst in ‘ The latest 57-757, a.h. ?r a .h ( 04) Vo7e Phone 792-440, Press Clessi- stance to: P Sexm Chch wlth priVDAIRY: 7 day lockup on busy MREInF' 0 * 1 ' slfleds could get you a busy Lt Cdr C. Campbell ■ ate suites for hire’, swimming St Albans corner site. Good tone So help us to help you, BROO KSIDE TCE, 1286 sq m Naval Staff pool, Cleo bathes, try our extrade and room to expand. MOTELS ’ J®^ 5 ® t 2)?„. s h hy phoning us as soon as you rear sec tion with stream Ministry of Defence elusive Swedish foam exper$lB,OOO goodwill plus stock ? r , ea ’. ntentc IO4) kn . ow yO V r ls boundary. A private peaceful Private Bag lence. Outcallsavail. Open 24 and plant at valuation. Ex- J® ‘m? Ftav qulrements, avoid delays, haven wlth established WELLINGTON hrs, 218 Tuam St. Ph. 790-512. cellent value. Ph. John Med- or ah. Ml-223 Ray Phone us now don t leave it nat ive trees. Easy walking to Telex - DEFCOM NZ3513 PALMISTRY and cards by ley 795-060 anytime, Man- Berkahn, Harcourt ana co. to the end of the week. Greers Rd sh op S and set lel ® x ; psychic Christine Broetzchester Homes Ltd, . .. , h^h"^^' 440, Pre S Classl ' amongst modern qualHy Extension 7695*” man, interesting accurate MREINZ. M , oT EJr‘ Freehold ’ s u “? fled now! homes. Must be sold. Very Facsimile - 726-499 results. Ph. 892-730. Law FRUIT shop, busy road loca- 8 X r 1o4) CITY Market Garden with first.dayoffered.Soleagents, Extension: 7867 states entertainment. tlon, well established busl- “K 6 "^^) 72B 2 ™°£ a-tI J ' huge cashflow (well over ph. Phil Adcock, 522-602, a.h. PALMISTRY Tarot Auras by ness, goodwill $B5OO, return- and rn rtd mrfinz $300,000 p.a.) Thriving family 56-917, Gillman Real Estate, failure to meet the spec!- clairvoyant. Maureen Ellis inghlghproflt margins. This courts and Co >.Lte .MREINZ ness p 10 ac K re s top MREINZ. fled criteria will Invalidate established 30 years. Ph. 8901s only one of several fruit MOTEL. Freehold, 7 units pi croppln g ] ar jd, with large CASHMERE, Hollis Avenue, an y registration. 566. Law states entertalnshops, dairies, takeaways, I 3 odrm accom. iP & r e of ou tbulldlngs In- 790 sq m section. Pleasant Registration of Interest ment . have available. For more de- Contact agents wv cludlng n.OOOsq ft views north across Christ- closes with the Defence Con- RETIRED widow, well pretalls. Ph. Russell Reekie, 62- or a.n.( ) glasshouses, 1000 bird fowl- church to the coast line, Ser- tracts Officer, Ministry of De- se nted intelligent lady, who 105, Beasley Packard and R ay . Berkahn, Harcouris an house, and well known well vices to section. $28,500 and fence, Private Bag, WELL- enjoys having other people’s Chamberlain, MREINZ. Do. Ltd, mkkinz. patronised shop, all produce you won’t buy better. Ram- INGTON at 3.00 p.m. on views on things, she enjoys FURNITURE manufacturing MOTEL. Freehold or lease, io sold trough farm shop pro- say Real Estate, MREINZ, December 16, 1987. swimming, beaches, tennis, business currently manufac- units handy to weinngion. ducln g sufficient Income for 517-141, a.h. Malcolm Ram- golf. Seeking genuine man, taring lounge suites, good Contact agents (04) tzb-zw 2 coup i es or large family say, 588-411. — 799-207, Contact (2384). rental, stock and plant at pr a-h. (04) boi-zzj k y team, a brilliant set up com- EXCELLENT value. $27,500. SUNRISE Lounge, come and valuation, low deposit, kahn, Harcourt and Co. Ltd, pllmente d by excellent few sltes new develop- DFSIGNPOWER NZ relax ln our P l€asant and finance available. Ph. 61-793. MREINZ. f .„ hnld 5 spacious 4 bdrm home, land ment comp i e ted. Luxury i»l comfortable surrounding, GOLD claim 1600 sq mof MOTOR camp, ireenoia o all plant ed and producing, a homes. Fully serviced. ntPICTDATIHM nt attractive ladles, champagne prime beach situated south 4 d^ r 0 |genta ? lg lncome to b , e . Handy all amenities, Dall- REGISTRATION OF trips and outeallsavall. 184 of Hokitika. Licence to 1991. Southfeland Contactagents f your flrst day . / Mlchael juTrntOT High st- ph- 797 " 977Have personal reason for («) or an. (wj aoi VendO r S WO uid consider a st ? Wart, Simmons Real INTEREST S.O.S. Select Outcall Service, sellng. Immediate take over. 223. Ray Berkahn, Harcour prO perty exchange. Full de- Est.MREINZ, 57-757, a.h. 587- n . ~I T prompt, efficient service Low cost unit to operate, and Co. Ltd, MREINZ. tails from sole agents, Man- u 7 A R TREATMENT PLANT avail, for a professional masApply In writing only. 10 MOTOR C am P- Chester Homes, John Med- I huhi muni e youj . QWn home , Broom Street, Kalapoi. 2 creaby S P Ancklan<? ley ’ , ph , - , 195'l 95 ' Glas ?, / A A A A CONTRACT motel, etc. Ph. 67-667,12 noon GUEST HOUSE, freehold, 2 house, North Auckland. B i aC kwell, Tom Glass, ph. ♦ ♦ ♦ ▼ uUll I OrtU I tl)] ]ate acres West Coast South Contact agents (04) 62-428, MREINZ HALSWELL, at Westlake WAIRAKFI ARFA TIMARU man, born England, Island. Contact agents (04) or a.h. (04) 861-m Harcourt C UST. 40 acres heavy land Estate, off Dunbars Rd, still nnlnnnLl AfILH a Uve] SQrt who ]oves the 726-209 or a.h. (04 ) 861-223 and Co. Ltd, MKBiNZ. with spacious 3 bdrm home a few prime homesites from POMTRfiI Rllll HINR sea, his home and some Ray Berkahn, Harcourt and MOTOR c a mp,^ leasehold, plus !n very sheltered seating. $29,750 including GST. Buy uUN I nUL DUILUINu socialising, travel, dancing. Co. Ltd, MREINZ. 3 bdrm acc om. Handy to Large haybarn, woolshed, now before prices rise In this He seeks a compatible lady. GUEST HOUSE, freehold. Get beach Napier. contact aheep and cattle yards, very popular area. Details Ph. 799-207, Contact (2260). away from It all, Waiheke h Har- Colln Francls 797 - 820 dus- ; TENDERS are to be invited for Co y Ud rI MBBtNZ rCOUrt and lease, several’ - top North parmleT only 23 mlnuios HALSWELL 333,030. Superb de l2i deslnTsupply’labrlet! mnrn Hint ■Krvr-osa ES/sroS - sskmk’S: VIDEOHIRE Grounds. Contact your near- 5? y I ?S r M R E’iSf rCoUrt and ° r ® at e t H te l to m«tnre plete air treatment g plant based CHRISTCHURCH’S pst Harcourts Branch now or Co. Ltd, MREINZ. Idylic setting, mature trees, sldency or 2 town houses, f Brrnn ~ mpn f drawings and BIGGEST Ray Berkahn (04) 726-209 a.h. MOTOR Court, freehold, U 4 spreading lawns, mains irrl- Phone Harcourts 321-525, snec if, ca H On s nrebared by VIDEO SALE (Mi 861-223 Harcourt and acres, handy to Wanganui gation, extensive out build- Don Oates any time. sp^fl cations prepared oy VIDEOt>ALb FROM J1(x) Co Ltd MREINZ. Contact agents (04) 726-2 09 mgs, 3 loose boxes, 60ft x 15ft, MO ANA, Lake Brunner, ’ Walrake . Area Con trol Open 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. HOLIDAY Park, freehold, plus or a-h. (M) Sfii-ZB Ray Ber- implement shed, large gar- $20,000. One of the last b Wafrakei Areac ntrol v Monday-Thursday 3 bdrm home. Beach area kahn, Harcourt and Co. Ltd, a gg t school bus at gate, trac- vacant sites in new area. rpn «. m Wairakei Power 9.30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday Levin Contact agents (04) MREINZ. tor, mower, cattleetcall in- Lake views from 564 sq m, 26 qtaM OrL qn ie treatment 10 am to 12 noon Saturday 726-209 or a.h ((H) 861-223 PRIVATE Hotel, freehold, 21 eluded in pirce, $230,000. Tom perC h elevated/site. For fur- ™finnHW Ray Berkahn Harcourt and rooms plus 2 bdrm accom. Glass 62-428 a.h. 499-709, p her details ph. Athol CUPID SHOP, (to Ltd MREINZ. Wellington. Contact sole Glass Blackwell, MREINZ. Mc Cully 798-414 a.h. 35-302, control Mid dtetribT 68 Manchester Street HOLIDAY Park freehold 4 agents (04) 726-209 or a.h. (04) LINCOLN farmlet, $239,900. Cathcart and Turnbull Ltd, tote conS- Phone 68-826 °res withi cabinsi and cara- 861-223 Ray Berkahn Har- Magnificent country life- MREINZ. van sites, top of South court and Co. Ltd, MREINZ. style 20 mlns from town. op A wA, Woolston, $22,000, Documents nrovldlne a more 28 New Re ß ent Street St Island. Contact agents (04) SANDWICH Bar, t/o $320) p.w. 7.6245 hectares of Templeton m6sq m, rear lot, suit 1 detailed description of the Phone 798-695 726-209 or ah. (04) 861-223 Busy city mall, easy hours, loam silt, well fenced and dwe nmg possible 2 units criteria Rai Berkahn Harcourt and $69,000 w.i.w.0., plus SAV. sheltered, with archltectur- °7 t h wi d er access strip ? lan^ d „^L f l™ 1 a? tender F^ y r m iMREINZ Phone Alt Woolley 252-5970 r ally designed split level £i tb W R " h we« nO wskl ? r the obtaining of .tender the CUPID IWTELJeSId coastal top 516-132 at Bam Real Estate, home with all the trim- Pbppe B R ob a i t Sterwt stfc South Aland. Contact agents Ltd MREINZ. mings. Three bedrooms. MREINZ. 1 registering Interest witn. 68 MANCHESTER ST (04) 726-209 or a.h. (04) 861- SANDWICH bar, $35,000 0.n.0. spacious living, spa pool, npnwoo _ Prp _ tons Rd ™ ® Jrswu- = w* nz po to 668 861-223' Ray Berkahn, Har- SINCE 1888 Harcourts have acres) zoned part-time rural, MREINZ. IMfiTfiN 12 noon ,^ s , l 9^ op ' n ' court and Co Ltd MREINZ. been of service to New building permit possible. RICCARTON (Church Cor- ntLLIIiU IvN 2 p.m. to 330 p.m. Mnrm Icatehnld nr freehold. Zealanders. You too can sell Hay bam and lockup shed, ner),s4o,ooo,.approx630sqm, ii iln/'imrw'ow 4 p.m. to 530 p.m. good investment, West Coast your business or buy a busl- stock water, walnut grove, backdrop of trees and ad- AttentlOH N. MCblUipSey SENIOR CITIZENS AND South Island Contact agents ness through Harcourts, only $50,000. Be quick for this Joining small reserve. Ph. Pr than December 17 BENEFICIARIES REDUCED or a h (04)861- Contact Ray Berkahn (04) : one. Phone Peter Boyd, Rlc- Ainsworth Ingram Ford Md no later than December 17, at’Rai terkahn Hstfcfcrt 726-209 a.h. (04) 861-223, Har- I carton Real Estate, 487-029, Hadfield Ltd, MREINZ, 797- 1987. «rM (to U 4 MREINZ. court and Co. Ltd, MREINZ. a.h. 496-803, MREINZ. 830 a.h. 427-773.

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Press, 3 December 1987, Page 59

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