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National sales

Anzbanknz 270 272 275* 800 1700 7100 0 Allflex . . 245 1000 +5 Angora. . 55 5000 58 500 60* 159000 0 Aurora . . 295* 1100 0 296 3000 — Aitkenhead 65 26000 0 Akgas. . . 255 100 +3 Allegrap . 155* 1600 -5 158 1000 160 6000 Alcan. . . 155* 100 -5 160 1600 Alliance . 150 11100 0 ctb 20 1200 +2 Aparel . . 175 400 — 178 2300 — 180* 1000 +2 Apex . . . 335 82 348 3800 350* 14400 +2 Abarnett. 425 800 426* 10050 0 Aellis. . . 65 1000 +5 Amrite. . 400 300 0 Abcal. . . 190 500 -5 Astec . . . 230 1000 — 232’ 400 +2 Autocrathd 90 200 +5 Austbreed 43 5500 — 44 8000 45* 22000 +2 Anzon. . . 410 4500 415* 2200 + 10 Bakercorp 365 7200 0 Batley. . . 70 700 — 75* 200 +5 520 44 Bendon.. 355* 2300 +5 358 200 — Blandford 67 9500 - 69 7000 — 70* 62600 +1 71 1300 Bnzfin. . . 300 300 0 Bridgemin 8 5000 -2 Brierley . 525 52600 — 530 7800 — 532 1000

533 6900 534 2000 535 34450 537 8900 538 15700 539 9900 540* 183900 +15 541 500 542 11600 543 2000 Betacorp. 325 5100 0 Cardrona. 132 200 — 135* 9400 0 Caspacc . 95 2500 98 9300 — 99 1800 100* 21200 0 Cartholt . 373 48 388 1900 — 390* 21700 +2 Actb. . . . 400 3800 -5 opt 160 9400 +5 Capmarket 350* 23100 -2 352 6300 355 5200 357 1000 ctb 280 300 285 22500 288 14700 290’ 11300 +5 Cavelco. . 135 1000 0 136* 2500 Carbordum 85 300 - 86 600 — 88* 3200 +8 Cel 240 700 0 Chase. . . 1085 2100 — 1090 400 — 1095 31600 1098 1800 1100* 25600 +5 1105 600 1120 1100 Cerebosg. 180 1900 +10 Ceramco. 602 700 — 605* 2400 +5 610 3500 Charter. . 85* 4200 -1 86 1700 87 21500 88 11500 90 3000 Corpinv. . 315 800 0 Cookwine 72 800 — 73 2000 — 78 3900 82 500 85* 2300 +12

Clearwood 55 58 1400 2000 60 3500 62* 1000 +7 Clypex . . 62 34500 63 28800 64* 4000 4-1 65 48400 opt 38 22500 40 19500 42* 51000 +2 Coalenrgy 4 20000 +1 Commsec 122 700 — 125* 700 +5 Consent. . 10 47000 11* 39000 +1 Cpd . . .. 370 55 385 300 — 388 600 390’ 12900 +5 395 2400 Chpress. . 275 1000 0 Cromwell 720 500 +40 Crown . . 163 8000 — 165* ■ 4600 +2 Command 260 1200 DomBrew 432 200 — 470 100 485 1700 • _ 490’ 400 +55 500 800 Donaghy. 170 2200 0 prefs . . . 100 100 0 Eastdeer. 75’ 11500 +10 80 500 Eastgas. . 150 100 0 Equiticorp 480 88 — 490 1400 495 7100 498 3500 500* 59400 +5 502 5100 prefs . . . 42 500 0 rts. . . . 190 1700 — 192 1957 195’ 5355 +5 198 1000 Eadams . 450 800 +20 Euronation 570 100 — 575 100 580 600 590 100 600’ 17400 +40 new .... 550 800 555 1600 585* 2000 +45 opt 170 2700 175’ 2300 +5

FandP . . 295 310 60 3700 - 312 51600 320 10100 321* 1100 +11 322 500 325 500 Firstcity . 1117 700 -3 Fernzcorp 165 7000 0 pref. . . . 135 100 0 Firestone. 230 1400 0 Fletch. . . 385 88 - 401 1600 405 3300 406 700 407 2000 408 4800 410 18300 411 1800 412 1000 413 3800 414 3600 415* 13900 +10 417 1000 Fleur . . . 47* 13900 0 48 500 50 10700 Feltex. . . 310 800 - • 312 800 . 315 20100 - 320* 10700 +5 pref. . . . 385 100 0 Fortuna. . 160 12300 +5 Ftc . . . . 174 1100 — 175* 8600 -2 176 1600 177 700 — Fundnz. . 310 500 0 Gbcem . . 48* 7500 -1 49 , 1600 Genestock 55 27400 -3 Genprops. 163 600 — 165* 11000 +3 opt 70 700 +8 Goodfield 460 12300 +5 Goliath. . 15 11000 — 16* 89000 0 Grocorp . 62* 2700 -2 63 5400 opt 22 1000 0 Hberry . . 225* 400 -5 230 300 Hb 263 41 - 275 1100 280* 2100 +5 Helicopter 53 800 55* 117700 0 56 1200

58 600 - Hortind. . 73 200 - 75* 1500 0 opt 20 8000 +1 Huttonnz. 230 100 +10 Icinz . . . 195 1500 0 lep .... 1150 1000 - 1160 3100 - 1165 1400 — 1170* 10000 +20 1175 3600 — 1180 4400 — 1200 2200 — Investtin . 110 100 — 112 9100 - 113* 2350 +1 Indepnews 495 2300 +5 Intertas. . 125 500 +5 Invesco. . 57 11300 — 58* 13200 -1 Iwdow . . 270 5600 + 12 Jardencorp 142 300 0 Jsmith . . 500 3600 0 17i£pcprefs . . . . 470 2000 -10 Jburns . . 79* 38600 0 80 70900 — 426 50 — Jedicorp . 60 1800 62* 19000 0 Kaurex. . 42 4000 — 43* 26000 +1 opt 20 3000 0 Kiddgar . 61 300 0 Kingsgate 84 6000 — ■ 85 7000 — 86* 1000 -4 87 25400 — 88 8800 — 89 29400 — 90 26200 - Kiwifruit. 38* 1000 0 39 3000 — 41 1000 - opt 9 10000 +1 Kupinv . . 118 3000 119 12600 — 120* 39500 +1 122 4300 ctb 43 16200 — 44 18500 - 80* 39000 +37 Lakeland. 115 5900 — 118 1000 — 120* 17800 +5 Pf 68 10650 -2 LandM . . 60 15000 +2 Landmark 135 1400 -

137* 1700 -3 138 6100 140 5300 145 200 opt 100* 1400 0 160 300 pf 100 1000 -5 Leycap . . 65 500 — 66* 7000 68 600 Leygro . . 185 12000 - 190* 5800 +5 Lion. . . . 435 25 445 50 465 1400 470 9300 475 1000 J 480* 12900 +20 Leisurld . 152 4600 153 400 ■_ 155* 700 0 Lesmills . 37 2000 38* 1700 -1 Ldnathan. 430 600 435 500 ■_ 450 1500 460* 500 +25 15i/ 2 pcpf. 820 14600 0 18pcpf . . 750 400 +30 Lanes. . . 160 300 -5 Lusteroid. 165 100 0 Lwrind . . 96 2700 0 Mace . . . 830 400 — 840 200 — 850* 100 +30 Mair . . . 275* 6934 0 276 200 Manthel . 345 82 - 370* 200 +10 Masport . 100 1000 105* 800 -7 112 900 115 4100 117 700 118 1300 - Mcdoweli 145 3000 — 148 4700 150* 18500 +5 pf 67 500 70* 500 -1 Montana . 170 900 175* 700 +5 Mpi . . . . 335* 500 -5 340 500 Motholds. 235 4600 0 Minres . . 29* 9000 0 30 3000 — Mainstay. 67 6000 -

68 20000 70’ 7700 0 Mtcook. . 250* 1300 -5 258 2000 — Natblood. 210 100 - 215* 500 +5 Nzeq . . . 250* 1400 -5 255 600 Newmans 241 61 252 500 255* 9100 +2 Nzig. . . . 250 4100 0 Nzll. . . . 70 1000 0 Nzmarinef 200 4100 . - 205* 3000 -3 208 300 210 100 Nznews. . 850 100 +10 Nzog . . . 30* 7000 -2 32 3000 Natpacorp 65 15900 - 66 500 67* 2800 0 68 40600 Northrop. 68 1500 - 70* 4000 -3 72 1500 Nzsalmon 520 7000 0 Nzsteel. . 50 500 — 52 69400 — 53* 40000 0 opt 6 352600 -1 Nuhaka. . 240 200 0 Nzfp. . . . 218 103 — 220 77 230 300 232 145600 233* 21200 +3 Nzi .... 190 600 192 83600 — 193 4800 194 18600 195* 60100 +3 opt 145 2000 148 3700 — 150* 26100 +5 Nzrefin. 120 4800 130* 1400 +10 Oilfields . 12* 14000 0 13 3000 Omnicorp 198 3300 - 200* 8300 0 202 2000 205 22000 .4 208 2200 I 209 8500 210 39000 212 12400 -

215 218 220 10900 8600 6000 - Owens . . 210 3500 — 212* 1000 +2 215 1000 - Premier . 22 4000 -1 Powercorp 38 4600 0 Pacerpac. 725 700 — 730 100 — 740* 1200 +20 Progent. . 365 102 — 375 500 700 378 - 380 11000 —• 382* 3500 +7 Primewest 24 - 25 30600 92500 - 26* 170900 +2 27 15000 —■ 28 20000 — opt 15 14500 0 Petrotar . 16 54000 — 17 24000 a. 18* 44000 +2 opt 8* 203000 0 Pacven9 18500 - turen. . 58 900 — 59 5800 . - 60 63600 — 62* 8700 +2 Queens two 110* 13800 -5 112 1500 113 800 — 115 ' 2900 118 1000 —- 120 100 — opt 70 18400 — ’ Quilih. . . 220 100 -5 Qtron. . . •235 300 — Rada . . . 81* 74800 -1 82 9300 — Rainbow . 632 16700 — 635 42800 — 637 5500 640* 30200 +10 opt 690 2600 —• - 700* 1300 +30 rts. .... 330 2460 -10 Raora. . . 210 18400 — ■ 212* 4500 -13 215 400 — 225 1000 — 235 200 - Renoufcp. 540 6700 — 545* 10200 +10 Repconz . 250 600 0

Rothmans 540* 2600 -20 545 6200 - 550 1000 — 560 300 — pref.... 640 500 -10 Rjones . . 400 80 — 420 17300 — 422* 1400 +2 ....... 425 17900 — opt 405 1700 +5 rts 160 6019 — 162 13400 - - 165* 17294 +5 Renoufprp 262 300 — . 263 1600 — 265* 12900 +7 270 200 — rts. ... . . 112 4000 — 115* 2500 +5 Rhellaby. 310 40 — ■ 325* 12200 0 • •••••» 326 3000 — 328 2700 — Sanford. . 330 500 — 313 73 1. . 315 66 - 330* 7600 0 Saudicorp 375 19200 — • 377* 4100 +2 Smithmkt 378 600 — 115 95 — 120 700 - Sfm . . . . 125* 6900 0 80 3300 . — ....... 85* 900 — Skellerup. 125 . 100 — 126* 1800 -2 128 600 • — Stevenkms 165* 1200 -3 Smartgrp. 167 2000 — 262 .400 — 265 6500 - • 270* 1000 +10 Southpet. 13 5000 — opt 14* 20000 0 8* 50000 0 Spectrum. 9 16000 — 32 2000 —■ opt. .... 33* 500 0 . 17 4000 — 18* 36000 0 Salsmlth . 255 5900 0 Steeltube. 185 5200 188* 4000 +3 Tag ... . 245 200 — 250* 1000 0 prolinks . 65 1200 0 Technigrp 60 900 +3

Terproj. . 86 5300 - 87* 700 0 88 500 Thorbred. 155 500 - 160* 5800 0 Tozerkem 535 1200 540* 14600 545 ’ ■i 500 - Ueb. . . . 152 " 2000 • — 153* 8700’ +1 155 23800 new. . . . 138 700 •J - 140* * 200: >+5 15pcpref.. ..95 . ;400 0 Unity... 318* 6100 0 320 600 '!■ — pref. . . . 285 a ioo * 0 Venturecp 69 9000 0 70* 15700 opt 32* 2500 ■r -2 33 2000 — 34 5000 Wasteman 255 4400 i 0 Wattle . . 350 3200 — 355 500 — 365* 2450 +15 370 1000 Wilhortn . 630 2300 0 Wilkinsd . 550 1000 +125 Waikstud. 40 7900 — 41 2000 42* 7000 +2 opt 11 12000 12* 55000 +1 Wilnell . . 620 400 650* 11400 0 Winstone. 145 100 147 5900 — .148 16100 .150* ' 12600 +2 prefs 73 200 0 Waitaki. . 126 80 — 135 . 5700 136* 12800 o 138 2000 Wormaldnz 180 200 +5 Willprop . 180* ■* 2400 0 182 >3500 -

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Press, 18 June 1986, Page 40

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National sales Press, 18 June 1986, Page 40

National sales Press, 18 June 1986, Page 40