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Busy N.Z. marked tarns mixed

The New Zealand sharemarket underwent a technical correction yesterday, after big gains among market leaders in the last few trading sessions. The market was mixed, but active, and some profit-taking was evident. Newly listed issues stood out. Fleur Corporation, the flower exporter, rose 14c to 75c, after being actively traded in a range of 64c to 78c. Rainbow Corporation, the leisure-park developer, which was listed on Wednesday, was steady at 65c, but Fortuna, the toy importer and maker, gained 15c to 150 c. It was listed on Tuesday. Laurenson Bakery, the small Dunedin float, began trading quietly at 160 c and 170 c yesterday, a healthy gain for the stags as the 50c shares carried a premium of 50c each. Allegra Park, Charter Corporation, Genestock, and Perry Dines were among recent listings to ease. The NZUC index dropped 7.58 points to 1391.24.

National sales

2000 Abacus 130, 200 135 and 2280 rts 34; 2800 Ajax 265; 300 Alcan 256; 1500 AHarvey 385, 2500 390; 11,900 Allegra 115, 900 118, 3200 120, 1000 122, 1000 124, (1800 126); 25,200 Alliance 150, 2300 152; 11,600 Allflex 540; 2100 AMBisley 200; 20,000 Andas 170, 4300 175; 2000 ANZBankNZ 395, 5800 398, 200 399, 5900 400; 400 ABarnet 345; 1000 AEllis 105; 800 Atlas 170, 1200 175; 800 Aurora 460; 3500 BarclayNZ 400 and 2000 rts 200; 1100 Bendon 348, 4100 350; 500 BNZFin 490; 2900 Bramco 65; 5300 Brily 420, 3100 422, 11,600 423, 200 424, 3900 425 and 24.700 ctb 390, 400 393; 550 BHP 2286; 1700 CPD 450; 500 CFM 355; 200 CBAFin 450; 3400 Cavalier 195, 6800 196,1700 198, 200 200; 5000 Capßad 85; 9600 Cart Holt 390; 9900 Ceramco 260, 3400 265; 138,00 Chemby 120, 2200 Chase 275, 3900 280, 800 282; 1600 Charter 250, 200 270; 3800 Cityßeal 127, 600 128, 300 130; 26,000 Clypex 35 and 3000 17¥zpc pf 30; 500 ColyWat 220, 100 230; 200 Comalco 400; 20,300 Com Sec 75; 1000 CCL 165; 10,000 Con Metal 225 and 100 15pc pf 230; 49,400 ConsEnt 29, 700 30; 3800 Cook Wine 65, 1100 67, 1600 70 and 400 rts 9, 8000 10, 466 12; 30,800 DalCro 182, 600 183; 5600 DIC 170; 2000 DMCLWaI 135, 2000 138, 2000 140, 2000 142, 23,000 145, 200 nts 115 and 1000 pf 130, 2600 132; 24,000 Domßrew 185, 500 186; 3100 Donaghy 220, 1100 225 and 600 new 210; 5400 DRGNZ 120, 500 DunlopNZ 420; 400 Ebos 255; 800 ELichten 280; 17,400 EMCO 268; 900 Endeavour 143, 5800 145, 3100 150; 1000 EastGas 166, 500 167, 800 FTC 162, 1100 164, 1500 165, 200 166, 1400 168; 200 Farrier 480; 4000 Fleur 64, 1000 68, 2000 69, 9800 70, 8500 72, 12,700 73, 7700 74, 95.700 75, 8700 77, 1600 78; 2200 First City ctb 57; 9800 Feltex

212, 22,900 215, 700 216 and 100 16pc pf 205; 100 Firestone 255; 300 FletCh 308, 33,700 310, 200 311, 6400 312 and 85,300 ctb 248; 500 250; 1300 F and P 815, 300 820; (400 Frtways 156), 9300 157; 1000 Fortuna 138, 300 140, 300 145, 1900 150; 500 GCourt 220; 19,400 Genestock 142, 1000 143, 2000 144, 69,000 145, 5900 147; 27,300 Gen Prop 155; 10,500 GBCem 60, 16,400 61; 2000 Goodman 425 and 1400 new 400; 3200 HB 298; 2000 HBerry 210, 1500 215; 300 Holeproof 205; 500 Hortlnd 138, 2800 139, 4700 140 and 200 opts 52, 8000 55; 1300 HumeNZ 185; 200 HuttonNZ 255; 800 Inßroad 90; 7800 IndNews.slo, 600 515; 5600 InvFin 103, 11,700 105; 6400 Intertas 155, 1000 156; 500 JHlmpey 400; 6200 JBurns 180; 100 JWebster 185; 3000 Kidd Gar 70; 41,800 Landmark 62, 700 63, 5300 pf 36 and 2000 rts 15; 10,600 LWR 178, 2600 180; 600 Lanes 95; 2000 Laurenson 160, 1700 170; 1500 LDNathan 328, 1000 330, 500 15% pc pf 265 and 100 18pc pf 330; 500 Leisurld 57, 7400 58; 4600 Lion 225 and 6700 12pc pf 220; 400 Mair rts 175; 4400 Man Knit 250; 8300 Mainstay 48, 1000 49 and 9500 opts 16, 3900 17; 1000 Marac 295; 2300 McDowell 360, 100 365; 4300 Mogal 350; 1300 Montana 155; 1000 MPI 380; 8900 Mot Holds 148; 300 Moyes 215; 1000 MtCook 490; 2000 Natßlood 69, 7200 70; 1600 Natlns 465, 500 468, 3900 470, 1000 480; 15,600 Neil 155, 100 158; 3000 NZFarmF 240, 2300 242; 1800 NZForest 356, 13,000 358, 9300 360, 2400 362 and 18,397 rts 158, 130,413 159, 94,186 160, 10,000 161; 20,500 162; 900 NZIG 810; 5000 NZProp 114, 4500 115; 1200 NZRefin 295; 2100 NZSalmon 175, 4900 177; 93,100 NZSB 191, 11,000 192, 267,000 ctb 145 and 64,800 opts 84, 41,700 85; 100

NZSteel 280, 1100 285; 12,300 Nthgate 90 and 800 opts 25; 95,700 Odlin 150, 7500 nts 155 and 800 13pc pf 110; 100 OtagoPP 430, 300 435; 200 OHLCorp 250, 200 PerryD 130, 28,300 132, 2200 134, 3300 135; 3500 ProgEnt 480, (100 482), 6300 485 and 800 new 470; 1600 Prudent 185; 3000 RaOra 270; 3900 Regina 200; 4500 Rainßow 63, 65,300 65, 3300 66, 13,900 67, 18,000 68; 1700 RHellaby 122, 5200 123, 1600 125; 1200 RepcoNZ 158, 3500 160, 200 17pc nts 180; 600 Revertex 240; 1400 RJones 122, 6100 125, 3500 127, 700 128, 34,500 130, 1400 132, 100 133, 400 134, 133,800 135 and 1400 opts 80, 200 82; 16,500 Rothmans 290; 11,400 Scott 220; 7700 225; 16,300 Skellerup 210; 1000 Smithßio 247, 300 250; 5800 Stevcorp 270; 300 Teltherm 380, 900 385 and 500 pf 180; 200 Tolley 290; 100 Tour Fiji 815; 35,000 TNL 255, 100 258; 4000 UEB 180; 6000 Vishire 175; 600 WaitakiNZ 175; 600 Wattie 475, 2300 480, 500 485; 200 Westbridge 155; 8600 Will Prop 122; 200 WNeil 170; 21,700 Winstone 230, 15,700 232; 100 WormaldNZ 440; 800 Yates 215, 4900 220, and 300 12pc pf 160. 10,400 Bridge Min 23, 24,000 24; 600 Cue 17, 2000 18, 1500 20 and 46,500 opts 8; 10,000 Crusader 23 and 76,000 opts 12; 10,000 Horizon opts 7, 40,000 8 and 16,000 ctb 15, 84,000 16; 20,000 Kupe opts 4 and 2000 ctb 6, 6500 7; 200 L and M 60; 4000 Minßes 45; 11,700 NZOG 43, 3500 44, 7400 45; 37,000 OilFields opts 4, 67,000 5 and 121,500 ctb 8, 110,000 9; 28,000 PetroTar opts 4; 15,000 SthPet opts 4 and 4000 ctb 6, 44,000 7; 3000 Sovereign 17, 20,000 18, 3300 19 and 46,500 opts 8, 2000 9; 1000 Unitßes 40. Special sale. — (20,000 NZForest rts 155).


New Zealand Price Var’n

Andas c 170 c 10 Bendon . 350 2 Ceramco 260 2 Chase 280 10 Cons Metal pf . . 230 8 D Wallace 145 15 pf 132 2 Dunlop NZ 420 5 East Gas 166 1 Endeavour 145 3 Feltex 215 3 Fletcher ctb. . . . 248 3 Fleur 75 14 Fortuna 150 15 Frtways 157 2 Geo Court xd. . . 220 6 Hort Ind 140 2 opts 55 3 Huttons NZ . . . . 255 5 Ind Broad xd . . . 90 4 JH Impey 400 10 J Burns 180 10 Landmark 62 1 Lion Brew 12pc pf 220 5 Mogal 350 5 Morr-PIM 380 5 Neil Holds 155 5 NZ Salmon .... 177 2 Nthgate 90 2 Odlins nts 155 5 Otago PP 435 5 RW Hellaby. . . . 123 1 Revertex 240 25 R Jones 130 10 Smith Bio 247 2 Teltherm 385 5 W Neill 170 5 Bridgevale 24 2 Horizon opts. . . . 8 1 FALLS New Zealand Price Var’n c c Allegra 115 12 ANZ Bank 398 2 A Ellis 105 5 Brierley 423 2 Cavalier 196 4 CBA Fin 450 15 Charter 250 20

City Real Colyer Wat .... Cons Ent 127 220 29 3 10 1 Cons Metal .... 225 5 Cooks Wine .... 65 2 rts 10 2 EMCO 268 2 FTC 165 5 Farrier 480 20 Firestone 255 10 Fisher Payk. . . . 815 5 Fletcher 310 2 Gen Prop 155 3 Genestock 142 3 Hallenstein 298 2 H Berry 210 4 Ind News 510 2 Intertas 155 5 LD Nathan .... 328 7 Mainstay 48 1 Marac 295 5 Montana 155 7 Mt Cook 490 5 Moyes 215 10 Nat Ins 470 10 NZ Forest 358 4 NZIG 810 5 NZ Prop 114 1 OHL Corp 250 2 Perry D 132 3 Prog Ent new . . 470 5 Tour Fiji 815 5 Wattie 480 5 Will Prop 122 1 Yates 12pc pf. . . 160 10 Cue Energy .... 18 1 NZOG 43 2 Overseas BHP 2286 114 xd ex dividend

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Press, 11 May 1984, Page 9

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Busy N.Z. marked tarns mixed Press, 11 May 1984, Page 9

Busy N.Z. marked tarns mixed Press, 11 May 1984, Page 9