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p.m. (per fine ounce) as advised by Young’s Jewellers, dealers in antique Jewellery, gold and silver buyers. June 7 US 8400.2 S June 8 US 8403.00 June 0 US 8407.78 June 10 US 8411.28 June 13 US 8413,00 103 Armagh Street, Christchurch Number 1 and Proud of it AIRWORK (NZ) LIMITED New Zealand's most experienced Corporate and Commuter Sales Organisation. AIRWORK (NZ) LIMITED WE ARE GENERAL AVIATION Phone: Atiddend 298-7202 Christchurch 584089

■■■■■■■■■ MBIIHMi MM BBM| IPhone 2786093 or Mail this coupon today: ■ To Landbase Securities Limited t| (Landbase House, 14 Hoteo Avenue \ P.O. Box 23-728, Papatoetoe V AUCKLAND. J u Please forward your brochure without obligation. Q I NAME I ■ ADDRESS I cp «/• I mmi mm Me .MM hem mumjhm

umamumuma ZMmsmm TI7I %_ x — 1 d£K ssz;~”, = When it comes to making Premer BuiWino4 Durham streel East Auckland 1 ■ Lrm.led which arts as an independent Trustee lor the The Directors, . .. BSue o? Debenture Stock The 01 “ ' “g *g 1,1 As auditors ol Auric Corpor ed and m accordance with prowslnns of Section 48 (.) o.the Companies Act. || JI (V| | J]jF S || or at any Stool Exchange m New Zea.and. ,955. and ot paragraph ,8 ot the Fourth Schedufc o, that Act. we report as to ows ° A JBL JISLML J VWiIV 1 ICUVIt IV kjV 111V11 otficiaHist but there is no guarantee that permission will be _ r __, .._ nr nrkrn mt- ’• The audited accounts of the Company and its subsidiaries and the Charging Group show the following J v granted and the Stock Exchange Association accepts no REGISTERED SECURED DEBENTURE information for the five years ending February 1983. « $ J responsibility for any statement in this Prospectus. STOCK ‘ — “ ■ ■ • The Stock Exchange Association of New Zealand has ' I§B3 1982 1981 1980 1979 ■ • ■ • authorised members of affiliated Stock Exchanges to act TRUST DEED — MAIN POINTS SSS SS B and The Slock pursuant to this Pros- proSS'.W toge- Cl aliowmg to. income tax 597.507 539.255 488.18 234 49. .98 065 tUL C 3JLCIV C V4JL A ▼ tJL Bin ol November 1 982. tor the Debenture Stockholders. Ne , Q| me Charging A copy Of this Prospectus duly Signed and having /-uadhe Group after allowing for . ~ ~_r . .-..- -, wv «*w.-.»... w . v ...... • ' 57M65 537 703 461 ?77 234469 192 670 They look pleasant enough on rBttSSS -0.000 1.250.000 ~250.000 500.000 500000 the SUrfaCC SSSfD d ,4% ,4% 38% 5% 5% But when the men from Auric . Auckland on me ,oth of June 1983. Wtt%u"he7pS“on'» p’S Amount ot Dividend 178 500 178.500 474 500 25.000 25.000 afC Confronted With 3n idle dollar , W fl DIRECTORS videdby limitations imposed upon advances that can be —— ~ . . i._. „ i/'ix w-ii: Cha™an°'” n Cla,l< made to Non Charging Subsidiaries and Related Compa- ? The Us , accounls pfeparea By lne Company were tor the year ended 28th February 1983 being a dale more thClt pCFSOnaIitICS ChailgC.. 18 Rangitira Avenue. Takapuna. n,es ' than three months prior to the date of this prospectus ThCV t)CCOFFIC FIUFCI FCICFItICSS z '< Auckland LIMITATION ON BORROWING 3 a Statement of Assets. Liabilities and Shareholders Funds ol Aunc Corporation Limited and the Group as at 7 ’ ’ ‘ Manag-ng Director of Ltm.teo The Trust Deed imposes limitations on the borrowings 28th February 1983 as disclosed <n the audited accounts is shown m this prospectus and forms pan of this VPI V RPCSHISC tnfTC S ‘ Si ■ Stephen Alan Eitringham: of the Borrowing Group to the extent that the Borrowing report This statement also shows the Assets. Liabilities and Shareholders’ Funds of Auric Corporation Limited pVMUVCiy UCllldllUHlg. ULLdU.IV luliv D , "><>// y ' V ' SckiunT 06Place ' B ' ,kenhead - “oTxS'gTVo,' me To.a. dra " sCha ' 9,n9Subsia ' a, >'- Au,ic F,nance Lim " ed ' as « 26,ll 1983 nothing the Auric team enjoy more General Manager the Auric Group of Companies Tangible Assets STATUTORY INFORMATION — ASSET BACKING Lionel Patnck John Evans b) Per2? the aggregate of Debenture Stock and prior Assuring that $5 000.000 in Secured! Debentureissued pursuant to, in.s'" e s % h 3 c b a a s s S 11130 milking VOUF money WOFk VA 43 Gladstone Road Parnell -charges to exceed 80% of the Total Tangible Assets. backing, as calculated under the terms of the Trust Deed, for each SlOO of such stock would be St JJ based O J J M z Auckland. reports the Charging Group at 30th Apr-’. OVCFtIFTIC. Managing Director of MSI Corporation Limited REPORTS TO THE TRUSTEE 5 This report has been prepared for inclusion m the Company's offer to the public dated 10th June 1983 for n « , _i .<? Peter James Francs To enable the Trustee to necessary act 35.000.000 Secured Debenture Stock TIICV USC all tDCIF SKlil 300 : 25 Ewen Street. Taxapuna. the of the Stockholders, the Trust Deed contains a * '’ 4vJV ' M Auckland large number of obligations on the pan of the Company. Yours faithfully. PYnPfipnCf fOTTri tllf* 1 Business Consultant These include the sutxmssion of annual aud.ted accounts ’ CXpCI ICL^ ai 1U u a v I/// experience of an Auric executive is Manager. Finance & Accounlmg of 23ra May 1983 AUCKLAND ‘ OVCt 12 yCHtS) tO CnSUtC yOU CatO H.rm I <h J m-<k«-r J I Manager .Nnxm )s.>>m«>-Mw. Wd.ingmo Uwrmxv Ikk.-Muiugm. I. nomw™. c.mvnx ■•Uk.n-Munugxr.Mum. ' every last cent from your dollar. Of course, to make s So if your money isn’t working hard enough for purSgSe^MS. 1 '""" by your money work so hard the Auric team often has to you, perhaps someone from Auric should be cracking JI n~il flljniMirT ~ ’ ACCOUNTING POLICIES lor which any person has or is entitled io be given an WOfk TOUhd the ClOCk thCmSCIVCS. the Whip. imSlffnlm SsSSSSSi 7 - SBS&XXSSKS But the result is that Auric can consistently offer RATE PER ANNUM, SECURED DEBENTURE STOCK stalemen, o. Asseis, and sharehokaers' Funds as ai zb 1903. nave 8 you the highest interest rates of any financial house in FOR AMOUNTS FOR AMOUNTS comean, Gmup Conso „ da „ on pu^^ch, New Zeabnd TERM UP TO S 20,00() S2(),OO()-S1()().()O() c . e The Group consolidated accounts include g No property is proposed to be purchased from the . - • r 11*. m AXXd e captai SmpTnes 0 ' ' he compan¥ and a " subs ' d,a,¥ 9 ' o Se ds °' ,hs isue and ’ he,e '° ,e n ° ' s Wlth terms ran 8 in 8 from call to 10 Y^ s and the Call - 9 months Bv arrangement,y shams°, s. each ~2 50. 0 K 1 250.000 « and teas e.mnsacons '° »?he%» choice of regular interest payments or high earning ! Year 15.0% ■ 16.0% Retained Earnings 38.184 1.295.982 1.250.940 is taken to income using the Rule ol 78'method. stock Exchanges ol New Zealand on the value ol rfimnniind interest 9 Wore ~BRIfl4 2 545 982 2 506.948 ,c) Deferred Taxation Stock issued in respect of applications lodged by mem CVIUpUUIIU JIILCLCSI. . Z ICaTS 0-9 /.> K>. 5 /<> l' ™' hOd °' aC ’ But tile AUHC team iS aISO hatd-HOSCd abOUt TC' 3 YeatS 16.0% 17.0% .SlSSiaaan _ 'S' n r™Xus'Tem enaPPtedOnbaSeSC ° nSiS ' en ' pmSmg mTpms'Sclus inVCStjUg VOUt mOnCV. 4 YearS 16.0% 17.0% Unsecured 2.416.849 Z. 410.849 a.aio.ovu with me previous year. SI 78.797 has been paxl as commission lor sub- » T °. 4 , •»<. e- ~ ,/ nll / n ni>/ 15.524.150 17,024.150 15.524.150 j INVESTMENTS scribing or agreeing to subscribe lor procur,ng or NO inVCStmCnt fUIIdS 3rC CVCf ICUt OUt WltilOUt tBC 5 YearS 10.0 X> 1 . .() Zl> a 2' -7 3 H. SSSSTpe^Zo,’ZZ appropriate security. And for every SlOO invested, the AMQUNTSABQYE $100J)00 and terms in excess ( >f 54 36 , 54 361 3 - oiKiudmgamke-age) is 555.000 and«payable by Corporation holds assets to the value of $133- Our total 5 years BY ARRANGEMENT. 39,:674 486.932 472.411 Pfo v,s.on to, .Meres. ’ 9 - aSSCtS CXCCCd $21,000,000. pXscntOTDWkiend 122.500 122.500 122.500 5i6.419.99i Nomatenai contracts have been entered into within The AUtiC GtOUD aISO CnjOVS „ For assistance or advice conttict youT sharebroker nr tticounttint. nr Auric Cnrp, r.iti<in l.iniited I’ <> H> ,x 570.262 '977.825 963.726 4 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES the past two years other man those entered into in the z-. . A I 66“». Auckland. Ph. 34-WH. P.O. BOX KKIi. \Xgtn. i’ll. I’.< >. Box <>l I. Clldl I’ll ~‘7l 2 I'7. g Liability to Clients tor Bills Accepted ■ - >.560.000- - 'g" Company ■ S ’°’ 000 >4. are Hmch S on. Hu,. 8 tllC advantage Of haVlHg tWO VCty * I - / f < H , Z Less Liability by Clients for Bills Accepted - -1.560.000. -bill acceptances St .760.000 House. 21-29 Queen St. P.O Box 33. Substantial DUbliC COFDpaFlieS 3S itS fl I/VC'C hereby apply f()F S of I/>X C CHCIoSC tllC SUIII ()t b iKlllg fl *18.016.914 52t.369.344 . 5i9.799.i65 5 .' gjmaj. shareholders. ■ : Secured Debenture Stock for p-ayment in full. 189.583 189.583' ‘ <89.583 liabilities 16 b “ s ' ness ance ' u Both Ceramco Limited and ■ years, at % p.a. Signatures) g tor Deprecation 32.894 32.894 32.894 11.330,098 ’ffi . MSI COtpOratiOn Limited pFOVCn, | NtimC ill Full | s22 ' 5 ' 7 ' 292 - 2 ’ 9 &sg. n,ald,in9 De6ewufe progressive companies and they take .Address * IL , 4 , ~7~7. ~ „. | 2) - 2.122.215 ' 267.088 The Company rs Auric Corporation Limited; the Group The Directors reserve the right to refuse any apphea" QH interest in the de\ z elODment “ \\ hcTC tllC AppllC.Ulon IS U)l the RtlKWa! 1)1 fl Government Slock ( Note 2) 505 000 - - « Auric Corporation Limited and its subsidiaries Auric ton or to close the issue at any trme without prior 3XI aCIIX C inLCFCSL IB IflC UCV ClOpillCl 11 — ii XlariirinU InVfStlßCllt | ■ Shares in Subsidiaries — Finance Limited. Auric Nominees Limited and Auric Securi- notice The Directors also reserve the right to amend —<? a.. z~* . X t. ran** fl TN T *T*LrD L'CT" i’V<’T’Di •* i i 9 \ -i’ 500.000 2.122.215 267.088 ties Limited; the Charging Group is Auric Corporation Steres! rates at any time. In the event of any vanation. Ol tBC AUHC GFOUp. (HOWeVCF pICcISC fl INTEREST INSTRI CTIONS plciiSC UlUK’h the B Amounts Due from Subskjiaries , ,5.746263 - , 409.680 K^lS 9 note that the shareholders do not | ts «> lx- paid quarterly as follows M . |turillg Certificate. RflßflM I Recewaws (alter all income ; 1 applicatran is confirmed me applicants wilt be re- | (tick OOIV OOC OptlOll dCSired). " S SS %I > TL. contracts and ■ < CTIWmMWMinMMICTffIf guarantee the repayment of the □contended (for terms hwand over) or HMBfIUI . ease (Note 31 ’s?«’ Bills Receivable • : 1 204 716 2 084'145 1 278.734 The following particulars are given m accordance wim the under irTtv>rA><;r thf»rr»Cin'l fl To IttV bank aCCOUnt With Bank vtsmij B Cash at Banks and Short Term Deposits ixue.r.o « <»■ Found Schedule of the Companies Act. 1955. and form part inttreSl [IlCrCOll). ■ • .. . MAM!’ ' 602623 ’ 8 ' 799 ' 329 ”' 945 7 °' ° , 1 % Founders. Managemen, or Deferred p 3 F , anc , s And, Of COUtSC, the experience Z ^ C -» jlffDfP Y l'; 339 .. 291.110 20.607 2 W?® no sbarehokjing qualmcalion fixed by me T ' 311 d CXpertiSC Of tllC AUUC tCdm mCaUS I L_L_l I. I I .LI 111 I I I I—i'l—l—l L_ MWlnMa /Aj 5,80,69.4 s2t 369.344 5.9 799.165 3 s wd that Auric customers always have | Because we work harder so does your monev; * . .year. 25. a E~ m ( u.t on - I-- - ■• . 2 years 1.55. 3.4. 8 5 years 2.0% applSU ... '. . . si’ . Further copies.., thM'rmpLnus arvavaibblc h>«n and application- h.r in. tnUMi,. nu» lx- nude >•• .lh«-< nfl’l’"'' <>r l.klgv.l „ 11b am >•; ~ : ‘ '** *• njA • • 1 6: There are noShaies mor Debente|jhof the Company LP. J Evans F G Taping llu* ixigt •i.fnb |\in «>f Pr,r.|KAtu% l-» vbicd •th J ||p. . monbeftrf ThcNr* ■ Zetland Sl< trie ETthangrMjf . "i.o-,;o-\ .. -r-.- ’F" ' l<

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Press, 15 June 1983, Page 29

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Page 29 Advertisements Column 1 Press, 15 June 1983, Page 29