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I’m Peter Snell Many of you remember me as a three time Olympic gold medal winner, but in recent years I’ve been studying the long term effects of exercise on good "w health and long life. I am happy to say that Capital Life has awarded me a grant to help further my studies. As a life x office they are vitally interested in promoting physical fitness and good health for their policyholders. As important as it is, good health is no guarantee. Accidents do happen and people do get sick and die. Certainly no one expects to die, but the future financial security and well being of your family is too important to leave " (jSf l|ir WR to chance. And this is where Capital Life can help you. J jfISS They are the leaders in making low cost life cover available to almost everyone during their active years k ~ 1 through efficient mass advertising. All over New Zealand people have been discovering Life Plan, the low cost term life cover needed in these inflationary times. It’s easy - there is no medical examination to take, you deal direct with Capital Life, and you have a no risk money-back guarantee. I believe in what Capital Life is doing - promoting good health and providing * ! low cost cover, and I’m happy to be associated with them. . (It/ ¥ I wJ wJ Lite insurance for less than SCW per day under age 40 (and attractive rates over age 40). No medical examination required. No salesman will call. Introducing gsf This opportunity is open offers a MONTHLY PREMIUMS OZ’ 3 foralimitedtimeonly. lU±^”f s premium ~ IF —l~y~ R I HI payiiiciiLs. Age Last Age Last $50,000/ $25,000/ Mnnpv-Rark M Because we process*all the applications at one Capital’s flexible-payment plan gives you the Birthday $50,000 $25,000 Birthday $25,000 $12,500 iwwucy M WL M H 54 il time and pass the savings on to you, this offer is opportunity to alter payments to suit individual 0500 in oc siq l4 Sb 744 Guarantee. made available for a limited period of time only. and changing requirements. 30-34 11 6(1 550 30-34 15 95 793 Capital Life Assurance ’ ’ All applications must be mailed on or before the Premiums initially can be paid monthly, 35-39 13 75 663 35-39 19 961 Limited provide a full frW* Enrolment Deadline shown above the ap- quarterly or yearly. To calculate initial quar- ah-44 13 50 9os 40-44 ob 33 money-back guarantee <i_a. jla O'iui 4j.z» plication. terly or yearly premiums, merelv multiplv the 43'49 33 0(1 16 50 45 49 47 35 03 93 with each policy issued. IOW~COSt term lire rn monthly premium shown in the rate chart by 5^54 54 ; 50 27 ¥ 5 5( p' 54 79.03 39A1 IL on receipt of your three or twelve, respectively. . . ,55.59 93, 75 - 46 . 88 ,55.59 135.94 ■- 67.97 poh 7’ - vou f . insurance tor today s ImsneHalneed In the future, after you have received your , 6(J . 64 131 25 6 5.63 *6O-64 190.31 95.16 completely satisfied with New Zealand the cho.ce ofpay,„ B<! uar. 65 Termination Agc 65 Terminatioo Age . ... . , II receipt and have a full, family. TI Compare LifePlan’S -You may apply if (ess than 55 years oid. initial Quarterly and Yearly Premium unquestioned refund. ■ I ,;-.MaL H 1 Rates for 55-64 are for renewal only. Premiums can also be paid quarterly or yearly, IhlS '« guaranteed by deis today ate seiiously under-protected. Be- Is fe| IdteS and DClietltS . . . r n n s t/w r with a choice as each premium fails due, to capital Life Assurance T cause traditionaHorms of life insurance which JL JL With Similar platlS. Plan are baied S P on 'the husband'eunem aj allow flexibi,it >’ in future P ,a "" in s- Limited, 76 Symonds JIvCSCi how CJapital Lire pro*' include savings and investment elements aie -I • M at Enrolment, and increase as he .passes from Initial quarterly premium « monthly-x 3. Street, Auckland, New VlHps flip Lino of expensive, many have been unable to provide We urge you to compare Life Plan with similar one age bracket to the next. initial yearly premium ® monthly x 12, Zealand 1 . J J* J adequate cover for the protection of their plans. We believe that you will find that not ' ‘ . protection needed today families. . . only does term insurance give you the most pi l L , ' 4 i tn i j won Life Plan is term insurance, the modern type of ‘ Just think about the rapid rise in the cost of protection for’the least , money, but that M3II tlllS SppllCatlOn OH Of 061016 GXpiiy 0316 Ol 031111037 16th AUO 1980 life insurance which gives you pure protection. necessities-food,clothing, housing, education Life Plan’s rates are amoiig the lowest to be ma™™ ■»»»». Most other forms oflife insurance contain ele- and health care. If you have been troubled by found anywhere. ' ' TT * ments of both savings and investment which p SI,I B costs think about the problems your Please note the low rates foryour own age FUUWX AnnllCJliinn push up the cost. With term insurance you pay f ami| V ? iust face 1,1 the coming years it they no in the rate chart and that premiums will in- V 3 \ IWL JL " s ReXS £ S’lXSe sre insur- ’ wq from ase 8 ' 0 “ p ,0 L Capital Life Assurance Limited. surancc has the lowest cost of any kind oflife ance policy you may have bought a tew yeais Also, note that the, rates as shown can 76 Symonds street, P.O. Box 2177,’Auckland, New Zealand. Phone 771-963 insurance ago won’t stretch as far now, which mav mean never be raised - they will always stay the People are talking about the advantages of that you need more protection. Considering the same. Even ifyou get sick or have an accident. 1 Tick box for coverage desired ' Hu^„d/w ife 1 this modern insurance Life insurance should lowcost ot this term lire insurance plan and the And your benefits can never be reduced. Enclose premium with Application. coverage give you as much straight, pure insurance pro- ease of obtaining it, now is the time to ensure ~ ' Enclosed is my cheque in the amount of Dsso ’ ooo ° vWwfe 3 ” 6 lection as possible, for as little money as possi- your family s financial futuie. Life Plan IS swhich is my He. And that is whatLiMa,. doe s « O „ ce TOuVe acce „ ted I /underwritten by g D ®“« ° 2. , W Once you re accepted, Capital Life. P . ysMe t » c. pi t.i tfc There is another reason / only you can cancel . K ». whvournremilims are SO Svour policy. Life Plan is undenvntten by Capital Life Assur- PLEASE PRINT Suraara . , s „ , w tighl f wny our premiums are SO ® ywui ponvy. ance Limited, a New Zealand owned and oper- 2 Person to Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Due-Mo-w Birth . : ; i low. Afteryoureceiveyourpolicyonlyyoucancancel ated Company conforming to the requirements be insured: Il B . . . it. If, to the best ofyour knowledge, you have com- laid down in the Life Insurance Act of 1908, and I By offering this plan during a limited time p!eted the ap p]i cat i on accurately, your policy can other related acts and regulations. 3 Residential | u’rmms 1 nmi nll°m Mhim? never be cancelled as long as vou pav vourpremiums Capital Life has led the market in 1978 by Address: large groups and all at one time. In addition, h d Tfii (h ’ if • £ suff o ff er i ng ‘direct-bv-mail’ insurance to profes- — t because of its simplicity, we can offer Life Plan . .. ‘ Inein . tnain, mine.mure, vou smier grolin s and bv offering I ifePlan to all 4 Occupation: ihrnimh mact -ulverticinu with no need for a a serious illness or injury and insurance becomes . sionai groups ana oy onering cnerian io an ■* vwtpauv ; through mass advertising, with no need ioi a . if not imnossihle tn obtain vour T ifePfon will New Zealanders. With the Capital approach, . . salesman or commission agent. The result is nara, it not impossible to obtain, your Litemn will i n formitin n ie tn allow th? 5 Describe Duties: i that we are able to keen our sales and adminis- continue in lull force. And at the same low rates a " i n f° ri p ation 1S clearly stated to allow the ■ —— inai we are aoie to Keep oui sales ana aamims . h „... n jn )hp r .. t , „ h „ rt prospectivepohcv-holdertostudythebenefits. For HUSBAND-WIFE coverage COMPLETE ITEM 6. trative COStS low. and pass the savings Oil tO Shown 111 the rate chart. Pvah nftor tU nAlirv i< i«<;n?d the 30 dav in , coverage vu.urMur. nr..n o. vou in the form of lower nremiums Your rates as shown are guaranteed re-. Even after the policy is issued, the JU day m 6 Please complete to apply for insurance on wife: yuu mme luiin or jowei picmiums. newable to ave 65 Your insurance will termi- spection period provides a full Money Back r ch rkl iaa»a mM swd«™n im « f Binhda.e p !a «of aright Wright ncwrtuic iu age u_>. I out instil ante win lei 111 l Guarantee tn ensure satisfaction Date-Mo-w Birth ; : a nate on the policy anniversary date after your Uruatantee to ensuie satisfaction. Wife’s No medical examination 65th birthday, without cash value. This is one Act now-Enrolment' liame: X- * • J of the features ot Life Plan. It can keep its low *« 'll \ , — ; —: ; IS required. cost because it doesn't have to.provide .(anti . g closes Saturday, ‘ 7 With respect to each of those to be insured: you don t have to pay for) a Cash value at ter- H- W -i/SZL. -AllOllct IQRO a - D° you engage in ?ny hazardous occupßtion, pursuit > . ■ ; T , ... , .. . ~ mination. Your wife’s coverage, if you choose IDUIzYUgUbI, LVOV. ■ ■or pastime, e.g. private flying, hang gliding, .; .• I Just fill in the applicalion and mail it with your the husband/wife plan, terminates on the policy Y our application and first premium must be - . motor cycling or racing? DYes D.N’o first premium. You 11 notice there are a few .. ana in st picnnuiu must uu Has any application for Life, Accident or Sickness questions pertaining to vour health Answer dnniversaiy date after hei 65th birthday or J-oui mailed on or before the Enrolment deadline, so : insurance been declined, postponed, modified or y Tn,. ukl ! 65th birthday, whichever occurs first. ’ act todav • loaded: DYes DNo- if “Yes” I r,. Pet . ’ V ’l n ° S ,ii, Pe °A Pe ' u 'b e ac " T.fTH rr- I 1 If VOU aualifv now vou’ll be covered in'the c. Are you now receiving or considering any medical give Sas simple as that. As we reserve the Life Plan offers two Dians- . 1 • q -1- ■ 1 attention or surgical treatment? C Yes n.No details right to.accept or reject applications, no medi- i i , future even it your health deteriorates. Send for d. Have you ever had Heart Trouble, High Blood below. | cal examination is required CtlOOSe tile OHG tiUIVS Life Plan and look your policy over. Then com- pressure, Chest Pain, Albumin or Sugar, in your Ikpcf pare the rates and benefits with any other plan. .. Urine, Tuberculosis, Cancer, Tumors, Ulcers, • - We think vou will find Life Plan is better value. Mental or Nervous Disoraer or Epilepsy? □’les c. No 4No Salesman will call Nlost New Zealanders have some Life Insur- ■ Remember, there is no risk to you. Only e ’ nnvnit ance and every family's needs are different. the promise of realistic, money-saving insur- the past 5 years? DYes DN'o ODyOU. That is why Life Plan offers two plans. ■ ‘ance protection for you and your family. s-a-..eot rn»» condition i>w .)>r?rrt„r W.U.W.W .t TheSs(l,()()tl policy is the plan we usually R;co c:; ” recommend. But we also offer a $25,000 policy a TfetC’S IIOWtO appl\; Often circumstances are such that the advice to supplement an existing programme. Either H /ffl " “ 7 ’ —— and counsel of an, underwriter way, you get all risk protection, with benefits M ' is needed to make a professional evaluation of payable for death from any cause (except ; ; 7 — your requirements. However the need for term suicide during the first 13 monthsj-at any time, . r & t) rcaton for ' .-r .Y- (irnddHonai spare is needed »uwh separate »he«) life insurance is simple-the most pure protec- anywhere in the world. •' 1. Compie te tie appi < 1 m. g a. Who is vour doctor? DrAddress tion for the least possible cost. 2. Cut along tne aonea nne. - , . Life Plan is easv to understand and is fully Low COSt COVCF 3 * Put kin , an enVel ?^i to S he J>4? o C Sn b - When did a P ro Posed insured last consult him? Why exnl iined in this advertisement Inst read it 11 x money order or postal note made pay able to . xpiamvu in 11115 au CI i.cmciii. just lean IE lOfWOrneU' Canital Life, and post to the address sho.wn 1 understand that the insurance ap P Jied for shall not become effective until this application is a PP rovcd by the Company, and the full OX ei, examine the policy VX e will mail you, and »»■»-» i l->Alnvv premium paid. I represent that I.have read and understand all the statements and answers shown above, and to the best of my make up vour mind in the privacy of your own <lll lllipvi LctllL plus. Del0 ”': knowledge and belief, thev are true and complete. Ihcrcbv authorise anv doctor, hospital or clinic to provide Capital Life Assurance home . There are two ways a woman can have the . Q used pIX Li 7. ed regarding my past medical history. I agree that this application shall be the basis of the contract between me If you do have any questions, write to protection of Life Plan. • Jl as ? le her form P and the Company. Gary Christie, our Life Plan Manager, or call First, she can have the same cover as a CapitaLLife loi ano Auckland 771-963. He'll be glad to help. But man - her own individual policy. '''?•> Canital T ife Date Signature of Proposed Insured x — remember to also mail your application before Or, she can be covered for V- of her hus- f h ‘X- '' \^P IUU ... the enrolment deadline There's no risk. You band's benefit under the Husband/Wife Plan. 1 : / Assurance Limited. Signature of Wife x— I nave an unconditional 31) day' money back Either way, no medical examination is re- hk 76 Symonds Street, Auckland ~ (Only if being insured) 30041 a guarantee. 3480 nla. quired. P.O. Box 2177,1'h0ne 771-963 Huagam nnssaia Ewa raraKi BBfflSH sms® raiisS

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Press, 9 August 1980, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Press, 9 August 1980, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Press, 9 August 1980, Page 7