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Aliens of the mind made ‘real’ by earth - electricity U.F.O.s?

"People are bored with . the old U.F.O. debates . . . They are looking for a new approach.” So said Dr„ Jacques Vallee, a noted scientific U.F.O. investigator in January. These new approaches have little to do with the once-popular “visiting, aliens” theory which , attained its apotheosis in the film “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” The ■' nuts-and-bolts spacecraft idea has steadily -lost ground as scientists, after decades of debunking, have turned their attention and methods to the subject. “In a recent computer study I conducted with the different elements of the witnesses’ statements, a result that appeared repeatedly was that wit-

nesses .were not. at first, describing "a craft;, they were describing. s - colours; they were ' describing shapes ' of.-"lights,” Dr. Vallee-says.- /• Yet. these ' lights.’ apparently . materialise into “metallic -’craft "with. little men”; thdy appear on radar scopes, ■ .terrify ■ domestic animals, and, in some cases, leave behind physical traces ranging . from shattered windscreens to temporary blindness. , Two Canadian scientists, Michael Persinger and. Gyslaine Lafreniere; are the. chief exponents of. a theory which may explain much of the U.F.O. enigma. They fed 6060. reports of strange phenomena (1242 of. U.F.0.) into a computer. Processing confirmed a

long-held belief that many U.F.O. and other weird events recur in the same localities . over decades, sometimes over centuries.

< \ More-? significantly, a relationship” was revealed between U.F.O. report locales and regions of. earthquake activity in both, the United States and England. Maps of seismic activity, U.F.O. reports, and other unusual transient events showed close correlations.-

Historically, the appearance of strange aerial lights and earthquakes are closely related. In ancient times, the manifestation of glowing aerial masses before an earthquake heralded the coming wrath of the Gods. In modern times, the U.F.0.-earth-

quake link has been noted by some believers in alien visitors and they suggest the “aliens” are either monitoring seismic activity or warning us of an impending earthquake. Persinger and Lafreniere offer a closer-to-home, more plausible explanation.

Much still remains, to be learnt about our planet; many natural but littleknown phenomena have yet to be evaluated and fully understood by scientists and lay-persons alike. Mammoth geophysical forces beneath our feet, beneath the thin surface of our world, are ever active — as St Helen’s recently dramatically demonstrated. Solar and lunar effects upon these geophysical forces are not yet fully understood — neither are “skyquakes” and “earthquake lights.”

The former — loud atmospheric booms, sometimes associated with flashes of light — were long blamed on U.F.O.s and high-flying aircraft. Recent research indicates “skyquakes” are caused by displacement of subterranean gases and/or rockbursts along fault lines under stress, reverberating in the atmosphere. Monitoring of “skyquakes” is one part of China’s earthquake prediction system which is said to be the most sophisticated in the world.

"Earthquake lights” were first successfully photographed in the 1960 s by Yutaka Yasui' of Japan. Before this many scientists were sceptical of reports of strange aerial lights before, during, and after earth tremors. The brightest in recent times were over China in 1976 when people 320 kilometres from the earthquake epicentre were woken “think-

ing their room lights had been turned on.” These lights are variously described as like searchlights, sheet lightning, fireballs, and hovering, bobbing masses.

The cause of “earthquake lights” remains a mystery though several theories are being researched, including that of piezoelectricity — electricity generated by pressure, in this case subterranean pressure. It is believed that subsurface stress of rock masses pushing against one another produces current capable of electrically - charging large or small portions of the atmosphere in much the same manner as solar radiation charges the upper atmosphere into auroral displays.

Uris electromagnetic earth discharge could “reach values of several thousand volts per metre” and light up the entire sky as has been reported during earthquakes and tremors. Composition of the rock masses under stress and of the atmosphere above them would govern • the extent of illumination; for example, quartz-bearing rock should be capable of very strong electrical discharge. Persinger and Lafreniere are more concerned with small, localised electrical discharges which may cause glowing aerial lights — U.F.O.s. They suggest that, as subsurface stress accumulates, electrical "columns” radiate from the earth and ionise the air — all the way up the "column” for “searchlight” effect, or just on top of the “column” for U.F.O. effect.

Tlie earth-electricity creates a light-mass whose size, shape, and height above the ground is governed by the extent of the subterranean stress. If this subsurface stress is moving along a rift or fault line the U.F.O. will move — flying, hovering, landing. “Thus; the object may appear to move from side to side, .or up and down, depending upon the sources’s subsurface position. Sudden displacement of the sources along stress lines, that could be located at right angles, would be associated with ‘high velocity, right angle’ movements of the luminosity.” The U.F.O. would not' only be visible to human observers and their cameras but. depending on the electrical frequency involved, could be detected by radar through “modification of microwave re-

flection.” With fluctuations in the earth-electricity the U.F.O. would fade, disappear, reappear. both visually and on radar just as has been frequently reported. The U.F.O. could be audible — a buzzing or humming vibration —. also often reported.

If the earth-electricity U.F.O. as postulated by Persinger and Lafreniere does exist it would cause the varied, bizarre, closeencounter effects that have been reported. Animals would detect the approach of the U.F.O. before humans, just as they apparently detect the frequencies of coming seismic activity and fire-ball-meteors and become agitated. The U.F.O.’s powerful electromagnetic field would be capable, in close approach, of effecting electrical-mechanical systems such as cars. Hence, reports of U.F.O.’s “drain-ing-away” vehicles’ power. Once the U.F.O. moves off the car engine functions again.

Most bizarre effects would be upon the brains of human observers in Close Encounters .of the Third Kind. “Perhaps the most complex bioelectrical system of all is man,” write Persinger and Lafreniere. “Within a small three-dimensional locus called the body, unfathomable ensembles of electromagnetic circuits exist . . . We are only beginning to learn about the through distortions that can occur when the appropriate electric and magnetic fields are applied.” Recently scientific experiments have shown that relatively small electrical currents can effect’ the human brain, particularly that portion involving emotion and memory. If the brain is electrically stimulated the person is “inundated by stored images (real and unreal) that he or she cannot control.”

The earth-electricity U.F.0., if it exists, would stimulate the observer’s brain in a Close Encounter of the Third Kind. “The person could vividly and emotionally experience his or her stored images; could richly perceive the nightmares and crude monsters normally suppressed from conciousness except during dreams . • •

They would seem quite real, quite material, for there would be no reason for the person to think otherwise. What the per-, son sees could be shaped by their expectations, what they have heard or imagined or seen in movies. . “Each person might perceive the same stimulus in

different ways ... the individual would be convinced of the reality and validity- of the experiences

. . . Even the methods of ‘lie detection’ and ‘hypnosis’ may not discriminate the source of the material.” In ancient times individuals affected by the hypothetical earthelectricity U.F.O. would see visions of demons or Gods, and the experience would be interpreted as a religious one. In modern times, because the human brain now has stored images of spaceships, astronauts, "aliens,” the experience becomes "a close encounter with aliens."

Physical effects recorded in U.F.O. cases such as “tingling sensations,” “burns,” “paralysis,” “temporary blindness,” could all be produced by the earth-electricity U.F.O. “Any intense ionising radiation could induce serious biological changes. Very close and maintained approaches to the luminosity could result in a number of radiationrelated symptoms.” claim Persinger and Lafreniere, At sunset on January 7, 1970, two Finnish observers encountered a U.F.O. and an “alien” in what has become known as the

vomiting, lethargy, partial paralysis, inflamed eyes, poor blood circulation, loss of balance, swollen faces, etc.”

A year later, close to the site of this encounter, an-

BRIAN MACKRELL, a ‘‘student of the mysterious” for 27 years, reports on a new U.F.O. theory.

Imjarvi Case, after the village near the site. Two men, reported to be “total abstainers and nonsmokers,” first heard a “buzzing sound,” then saw a bright aerial light which slowly descended and became “a round object, flat at the bottom, and metallic-like . . . in the centre a tube.”

A light beam “was suddenly emitted by the tube” and in this beam a little man materialised. Less than a metre in height,, he was thin limbed .with hooked nose and claw-like hands holding “a black box” from which he directed a light at the witnesses. “Suddenly the light beam floated upwards like a trembling flame” and the apparition disappeared into thin air.

Several other people in the area, reported a bright light over the spot where the incident purportedly took place. The most impressive evidence, however, was the illness subsequently suffered by the two men, certified by doctors. This included “urine black like coffee, loss of memory, headaches,

other witness saw a bright soundless aerial light travel overhead. The “little man” sounds more like the classical demonic dwarf of the subconscious rather than an intelligent extraterrestrial. And the witnesses’ illness is covered in Persinger and Lafreniere’s hypothesis: “Very' close and maintained approaches to the luminosity could result in . . . skin bums,, swolleneyes, nausea,.; vomiting, fatigue. / , : Changes in gonadal tissue would be prominent,, such as menstrual disruptions and possible genital discharge

. . . Transient blood clotting .problems .. in some rare instances death could occur .or malignant growths could develop.” Did the Finnish observers encounter an ~ earthelectricity U.F.O. as subsurface stress subsided and the electrical "column” sank back into the earth from whence it had originated? On August 26, 1979, a Minnesota deputy sheriff named Vai Johnson encountered a brilliant. stationary aerial

light as he drove along the Red River Valley.’ In his own words: “When I got closer, boom, it was right there. I heard glass breaking. saw .the inside of the car light up real bright

?. . t . that’s all I can remember.”

In the 'sensational press this "object attacked’* the police car. Impact left no trace of the U.F.O. but the car sustained two bent aerials, shattered windscreen and headlight, and a small dent in the hood. Deputy Johnson was rendered unconscious and for two days thereafter suffered , a mild : case of “welder’s blindness.” It was reported that both the the deputy’s' 1 " wristwatch and the electric clock in the car had each lost 14 minutes.

Persinger and Lafre-. niere’s explain this: Subsurface stress creates an electrical “column” which ionises the atmosphere: stationary light appears close to highway. Deputy Johnson sights light, drives towards it, conductive body of the car possibly attracts the mass to it. Violent dissipation of the electromagnetic energy in the U.F.0., which probably threw up gravel as it ran through the vehicle and back into the earth, shatters glass, bends aerials, blinds driver, ’ affects time-pieces.

striking relationship which may be more than sheer coincidence. The earth-electricity U.F.0., if it exists, would not necessarily precede an earthquake. In some instances it would, in others it would not. As Persinger and Lafreniere point out. tectonic stress waxes and wanes and may dissipate without even a minor earth tremor. However, continued research and the collating of U.F.O. reports with seismic activity may provide some concrete evidence for or against the Canadians’ intriguing theory. ■ • Just in case you think the whole , idea of earthelectricity. U.F.O.s is nonsense I leave - you with this:—Early in the morning of May 17, 1980, several people in the Hutt Valley, reported a variety.’ bf phenomena: an egg-shaped nocturnal light ttt&t hovertd '• and zig-zagged through , the sky . (Petone), with a *;ldud humming or .'siren-like’ noise” (Waiwhetu); a “wind-giist type” noise that reputedly “shook” a house (Lower Hutt) and “washing flapping in the wind” (Petone) in separate incidents where, according to witnesses, there was no wind.

And what of New Zealand’s famous Kaikoura U.F.O. "flap” — the visual, radar, and filmed lights of 1978-79? A comparison of fault lines and U.F.O. “flight paths” displays a

On May 21 at 4.20 p.m. an earthquake of 4.9 with epicentre near. Pahiatua was recorded. The active Wellington fault line runs through the Hutt Valley and just west of Pahiatua. Answers to the U.F.O. enigma may not lie in outer space but under the very earth we tread.

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Press, 26 July 1980, Page 15

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Aliens of the mind made ‘real’ by earth – electricity U.F.O.s? Press, 26 July 1980, Page 15

Aliens of the mind made ‘real’ by earth – electricity U.F.O.s? Press, 26 July 1980, Page 15