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Big yardings pull some prices back

Addington Market

\ ardings in me mam sections at Addington .yesterday were much larger than usual. The sale was the first for two weeks, last week’s market being cancelled because of the drivers’ strike. The effect of the larger yardings was to bring prices back in (some of the prime stock sections. In a sale that attracted an entry of almost 800 head, all classes of prime cattle were easier but the decline was most marked for the heavier weight cattle which were about $lO to sls cheaper. However, the sale was still a reasonably good one. In the store cattle section there was still quite a lot of interest and small and lighter cattle, particularly calves, sold very well, but older cattle were a bit easier than a few weeks ago. Values eased in the prime lamb section, where there w r as a large supply and competition was by no means widespread. Good quality lambs declined about S2 and smaller and shorn sorts about $2.50. In the prime sheep section of the sale, values held to about late rates. Apart from wether lambs, store sheep enjoyed a good sale, some useful lines of sheep being forward. In some sections values were fully firm to dearer. Quality was generally good and some good prices were paid, two-tooth ewes makng to almost S3O and older ewes to $26.60. The first ewes and lambs of the season sold at $14.80 all counted. Fat pigs held to late rates but values slipped in the store pens through a lack of outside competition. Breeding stock maintained late rates. Prime lambs A large yarding of prime lambs was generally hard to sell: better sorts were back §2 and smaller or short types $2.50. The yarding being 2370 head, compared with 1899 at the last sale, the market was oversupplied. The main competition came from a butchers’ buyer, with little interest from other sources. At recent sales most lambs have sold between $17.50 and $21.50, but yesterday few sales exceeded S2O. Values were:— Best woolly lambs. $19.10 to $20.20. with odd sales to $21.60. Medium woolly lambs, $17.90 to $18.75. Best shorn lambs, $17.75 to $18.90. Medium shorn lambs, $16.20 to $17.29. Among sales of prime lambs were. — D. A. Gebbie (Lyttelton), 20 at $18.70 to s2l; W. 11. Dodge (West Eyreton), seven at sl7; R. and J. M. Hill (Cost), 13 at 516.40 to $18.10; J. J. Allison (Sefton), eight at $18; J. T. Robertson (Rangiora), 12 at $16.20 to $18.40; W. J. and B. A. Brook (Greendale) 26 at $16.80 to 517.70; W. O. and M. R. Inch (Te Pirita), 10 at $16.60 to $17.20; F. L. Birdling (Te Pirita), 40 at $16.70 to $17.50; B. C. Harris (Amberley), 30 at $16.60 to $16.90; A. R. Broughton (Greendale), 27 at $16.70 to $18.70: E. J. and J. A. Cridge (Greendale) 45 at $19.60 to $21.30; A. M. SpencerBower and Sons (Swannanoa), 116 at $19.30 to $29; R. W. Fleming (Amberley), 61 at $16.40 to $17.80. D. W. Syme (Darfield), 28 at $lB to $19.60; G. W. Lili (Rakaia),

49 al $13.2U to $19.30; K. J. Wright (Dunsandel), 50 at $16.60 to $20.30; H. P. Cottrell (Little River), 12 at $16.50; H. L’. Pickering (Scargill), 61 at sl6 to $17.20; G. L. Cooper (Kaituna), 30 at $17.60 to $18.60; M. E. Inwood and Son (Hawarden), 15 at $15.50; J. C. Douglas (Culverden), two at $15.70; A. O. C. Rutherford (Hawarden), one at $16.20; Mrs B. H. Rutherford (Hawarden), two at $16.20 to $18.70; M. R. Hunt (Cheviot), 24 at $17.80 to $18.10; 1. R. Paton (.Cheviot), 14 at $18.50 to $19.10; C. J. McFall (Ladbrooks), 48 at sl9 to $19.60; S. 11. Moodie (Rakaia), 10 at SIB.BO to sl9; M. N; Watson (IrweU), 31 at $17.80 to $18.20; Sherwood Farm (Dunsandel), 26 at $18.40 to $18.90. A. J. and F. D. Phillips (Broadfields), five at $22; R. A. West Weedons), 21 at $16.90 to $17.70;; Kevern aftd Co. (Kaiapoi), 19 at $lB to $19.80; J. F. Ridge (Methven), 218 at sl7 to $19.10; Percival Farm (Hanmer), 79 at $17.20 to $18.50; Kaparanga Farm (Springston), 11 at $17.50 to $18.80; Fletcher Farms (Amberley), eight at $17.20 to $19.90; J. Clark (West Melton), 30 at $16.50 to sl9; A. K. Burrows (Waipara), 54 at $18.30 to $18.40; S. A. Ureri (Waipara), 55 at $16.90 to $18.40; N. Woods (Greenpark), 12 at $19.60; M. B. and J. M. Halliday (West Melton), 10 at S2O to $21.60: J. B. McKendry (Rakaia), 25 at $lB to S2O; R. J. Patterson (Ashburton), 30 at $16.50 to $20.30; J. W. Shepherd (Scargill), 15 at $16.50 to S2O; B. H. O’Hara (Methven), 29 at $lB to sl9; G. W. Coppard (Rakaia), 30 at $lB.lO to SI 9. Prime sheep In spite of an increase of about 700 head in the entry, the prime sheep market was consistent throughout. The yarding was 1772, compared with 1055 two weeks ago. The yarding was dominated by low-mouth ewes, which sold particularly well, making to $20.10. For all types of wethers prices were similar to last sale. Twotooth ewes were back 20c. Values were: Best young wethers, $18.50 to; $21.40. Medium young wethers, $16.70 to $lB. Best older wethers, $16.50 to $17.40. Medium older wethers, $15.30 to $16.85. Best two-tooth ewes, $17.50 to $19.40. Medium two-tooth ewes, Sl6 to $17.80 Best older ewes, $17.30 to SIB.BO. Medium older ewes, $16.30 to $17.80. Sales of sheep included:— Wethers (two-tooth unless otherwise stated).— H. P. Cottrell (Little River), 31 at $16.80 to $17.60, 12 four-tooth at $14.10 to $16.60; J. C. Douglas (Culverden), six at $17.80, four four-tooth at $16.50; P. C. Wiffen (Kekerengu), 18 at sl7 to $17.10; K. Harrison (Christchurch), six at SlB,. three four-tooth at sl7, one full-mouth, $16.60: Johnson Bros, 16 at $17.40 to $18.40, eight four-tooth at $16.50 to $16.90; J. M, Woodfield (Horrelvillei, 16 at $17.80 to $18.40; E. S. Page (Cheviot), five at $17.80, 14 rams at sls to $15.90; Mrs D. G. Burnett (Cheviot), one four-tooth at $18.10; R. and J. M. Hill iCusti, two fourtooth at sl6; J. L. and S. J. Doak (Omihi), six four-tooth at sl6 to $17.50, three full-mouth at $15.10; J. A. Patton (Oaro), 49 full-mouth at $13.20 to $15.20; Fletcher

Fauns (VVaik-ari), 31 at $16.90 to $18.20, nine .four-tooth at 516.50 to $17.50, 53 full-mouth at §15.70 to 17.80; B. M. Murray ‘Parnassus), 11 at $16.40 to sl7, 20 four-tooth at $14.60 to $16.60; P. XV. and J. Henderson (Sheffield), six at $20.40; D. R. Wright (Hundalee). 19 full-mouth at. $14.90 to $15.90; M. J. Foster (Ladbrooks), four at S2O, three four-tooth at $19.10; W. J. Cdnnlngham (Amberley), 40 at sl7 to $lB, 16 fourtooth at sl6 to sl7; R. Woodward (Quail Island). 26 six and eighttooth at $15.50 to $18.80; R. J. L. Coop (Kaituna), eight four-tooth at $19.50, six six-tooth at $19.50; R. Rossiter iOxford), 14 rams at' $14.10 to sls. E Ewes (two-tooth unless wise stated).— D. W. Syme (Dari'ieldj, 11 old at $17.20 to $17.40; B. .). and D. F. Johns iCulverden), five old at $14.90; A. S. Johnston {Aylesbury), 109 old at $17.40 to $17.70; J. L. and S. J. Doak (Ontihi), 10 old at $14.40 to $15.20; B. W. and P. F. Dixon (Springbank), lour old at §17.80; J. J. Allison (Sefton), 14 old at $16.80 to $17.40; R. F. White (Hororata), 22 old at §17.50 to §17.70; W. O. and M. R. Inch (Te Pirita), 21 old at $14.60 to $17.80; Miss Leslie Dalzell (Culverden), seven at $16.80 to $17.40; Ward Bros (Ashburton), 32 old at §14.80 to sl6; 11. J. Taylor (Oxford), 18 old at $lB to $18.50; D. S. Taylor (Oxford), 21 at §lB to $18.40; Johnson Bros, six at §16.50 to $16.80; J. T. Robertson (Whiterock), 31 at $17.80 to $18; D. A. Gebbi (Lyttelton), one old ewe at §18.60. M. A. Forrester iFernside), 12 old at $18.20 to $18.70; D. R. Wright (Hundalee), 19 at §15.60 to $16.60, seven four-tooth at $15.50; R. Woodward (Quail Island), 34 old at $14.80 to §18.70. Store sheep The ewe lamb, two-tooth ewe and older ewe sections in tlie store sheep sale included some useful offerings and these met a good sale. The sale was also notable for the first offering of the season of ewes and lambs. For the time of the year the yarding was large: more than 5000 head, including 3019 lambs and 2064 nidei' sheep.

For wether lambs the sale was' slacker — it was quoted $1 to 51.50 down — but this was the exception to the rule. A good selection of ewe lambs sold well at firm to dearer rates. Several pens topped S2O. Woolly Perendales made from $17.40 to $21.20, with two pens making above S2O, and woolly BorderCorriedales reached s2l. Corriedales sold from $17.80 to $lB.lO, the latter price being for woolly sheep and the lower price for sheep with some wool. Among the wether lambs Corriedales brought to sl6, Perendales to $13.80, and Romney cross to $13.30.

Sales of store lambs included:— 1. C. Mackintosh (Amberley) 93 Corriedale wethers, sl6; R. J. Hall (Whitecliffs), 185 Pcrendale wethers, $13.80, 37 mixed sex Perendales, $14.60; I. C. Mackintosh and Sons (Waipara), 58 Corriedale ewe lambs at $18.10; B. P. Ford (Hari Hari), 300 Romney cross wethers at $ll.BO to $13.80; G. L. C. Dunster (Hawarden), 161 Border-Corried-ale ewe lambs at s2l, 128 Corriedale ewe lambs at $17.80; A. M. Rhodes (Mt Grey), 710 Perendale ewe lambs at $17.40 to $21.20. A feature of the sale was the offering of a line of attractive

ewes carrying a lot of wool with) a very good lambs. These sold at i •. $14.80 all counted. ( In the older ewe section a good t selection of two-tooths sold well but the quality was better t than at recent sales. Most of these topped $2O, in- < lamb woolly Perendales heading : the list at $29.80, woolly Corried- <. ales at $25.80, and in-lamb woolly : South Dorset Downs at $24.80. Ewes older than two-tooths in- 1 eluded some useful pens which ' sold at rates fully firm to dearer, i Prices for these sheep ranged < mainly between about $19.50 and $26.60. Some Border-Corriedales : made the top money, and Corriedales sold at $25.60. Quotable sales of ewes were:— i B. F. Rundle -(Kaikoura). 109 ■ mixed-aged Border Leicester- : Romney cross ewes at $18.40; ’ Cranmore Farm (Kirweei, 330 : Border-Corriedale ewes at $26.60. 622 Corriedale ewes at $20.10 io : $25.60. i Prime cattle For the time of the year the < selection of prime cattle was big at 776 head, compared with 533 i at the last sale. The offering was I of mixed quality, some cattle not 1 being up to standard for the . prime section. Considering the t size of tiie yarding the offering sold well, although at reduced ) rates, and the market held up < well throughout. For heavy ■ cattle values were trek about Sio ( to $l5 a head; lighter cattle < showed a lesser decline of $5 to i $lO. Values were:— ; Prime heavy steers, $4OO to I $5ll. i Prime medium steers, $2BO to 1 5380. Prime light steers, down to 5240. j Prime heavy heifers, 5280 to I 5338. . Prime medium heifers, 5230 to i 5270. Prime light heifers, 5164 to $215. Prime heavy cows. 5250 to 5311. Prime medium cows, $2OO to < $240. < Light cows, down to $l6O. s Steers. — 1. P. Chamberlain t and Co.. Ltd (Norwood), 12 ate 8280 to $317; D. S. Taylor (Ox- I ford), one at $511; T. G. Maxwell s (Motunau), 10 at $253 to $329; W. £ H. Foster (Omihi), 10 at $317 to $320; A. D. Matthews (Waikari), I five at $303 to $333; F. Amos t (Ashburton), two at $296 to $346; : D. Marshall (Little Akaloa), four ) at $309 to $319; W. I-I. Murray 1 I (Cheviot), one at $344; J. S. Ivey ; j (Timaru), two at $339; L. S. i | O’Neill (Le Bons Bay), 14 at $350 S i to $380: Glazebrook (Te Pirita), two at $413; S. J. Wheatlev (Bel- ’ fast), six at $390; W. A. Gray 1 (Teddington), three at $376; ,1. E. s Howden (Port Levy), 10 at $320 to J $330; D. K. Rutherford (Ilawar- 1 den), one at $471; C. B. Stanbury 1 (Little River), six at $300; A. j. i Bowker (Amberley), 12 at $291 to i $304; B. D. and T. Childs (Che- < viot), seven at $366 to $380; D. R. : McNeil (Rangiora), eight at $330 i to $357; Fear and Gilchrist (Ra- ; ngiora), five at $319 to $342; T. i 11. and R. I. Craighead (Cheviot), 1 eight at $370 to $380; I. C. Mack- : intosh and Son (Amberley), nine : at $314 to $412; G. H. Prattley : (Akaroa), 11 at $272; R. D. Croft I (Amberley), four at $227; E. V. ) Murray (Amberley), 13 at $257 to i 5268; R. T. Masefield (Children’s i Bay), four at $354 to $380; D. O. 1 Masefield (Gough’s Bay), 10 at . $316 to $348; N. E. Gardner I (Waiau), 15 at $272 to $300; F. G. 1 Minehan (Harihaii), 10 at $268 to 1 $330; B. Murphy (Halswell), four 1 at $381; G. D. Stanbury (Little 1 River), nine at $314 to $366; 1 Orton Bradley Park (Charteris : Bay), 12 at $271 to $321; D. J. . Blakely Trust (Purau), 14 at $313 i| to $363; T. A. Moore (Grhnseys Road), one at $350; Stalker Trust (Greenpark), four at $3BB to $470; I. L. Williams (Parnassus), seven

at $298 to $320; B. W. Stewart (Cheviot), four at $270 to $300; N. G. Craw <, Stoney Bay West), three at $327. Heifers. — F. Amos (Ashburton», one at $265; Scott Raines (Irwell), one at $340; D. Marsaall iLitile Akaloaj, two at $290; K. F. Sloss (Omihi), 10 at $236 to S24U; J.E. Howden (Port Levy), five at s2su; J. K. Fitzpatrick (Cheviot), 11 at $259; J. T. Humm >Ashburton.), lour at $258; J. S. DampierCrossley (Cheviot), four at $261 to $297; A. A. Adams (lnchbonnie), five at $242; A. J. Adams (Inchbonnie), 14 at sl/5 to $249; C. J. Jowers iAshburton), seven at $275; E. V. Murray (Amberley), one at $338; R T. Masefield (Children’s Bay), six at $252; G. D. O’Malley (Ikamatua), six at $2lB to $251; 1. C. Mackintosh (Waipara >, two at $239 to $301; 1. G. Lancaster Jun. (Springston), three at $237 to $254; A. B. Byrch (Motunau), one at $260; J. K. Andrew (Motunau), three at $228 to $282; D. J. Blake ley Trust (Purau), two at $249; H. O. and S. J. Haylock 'Greenpark;, three at $277 to $336; J. Stalker (Greenpark i, one at $301; B. W Stewart. (Cheviot), one at $260; P. D. Hastings (Irwell), six at $240; i. D. McLeod (Springston). three at $245. Cows. —L. W. and T. A. Wilson (Kaiapoi), four at $256; W. A Gray (Teddington«, eight ai s23t to $251; 1. C. Mackintosh and Son (Waipara), three at $230 to $260; G. S. Tobeck (Greenpark), three at $236 to $261; N. Manson (Tai Tapu), four at $220 to $279; 11. O. and S. J. Haylock iGreenpark). three al $250 to $311; N. Gray (Wiiichmore) one at s3lu; \va<.kins Bros (Lincoln), two at $250; J. Stalker iGreenpark). three at 5276 to $315; J. S. Dampier-Cross-ley (Cheviot), 11 at $230; L. G. Fleming (Culverden), eight at $199; J. Swarbrlck (Waiau), five at sl6l to $lB4. Store cattle

The sizeable selection of store cattle, 748 head, attracted a large gallery. The impression was that smaller, lightex - cattle, including tussock calves, sold very well indeed. Older cattle, although still in good demand, did not sell as well as they did a few weeks ago. Steer calves realised from sllß| to $157; heifer calves from sllßl to $124; yearling steers from about $123 to $150; yearling heifers from S9B to $125; 18-month heifers from $145 to $172; two-| year-old steers from S2ll to $262;!. three-year-old steers from $268 to $296; and mated cows sl9l. Sales of store cattle included.— j W. D. Latham (Little Riveri. 6b three-year Angus and Hereford, steers at $268 to $296: J. S and L.j H. Scott (Oxford), 40 two-year Hereford steers at $237 to $262;! B. W. Page (Whiterock', 101 mated Hereford cows at $191; W.. B. Clarkson (Kaikoura), 23 Angus cross steers calves at $133 to $157; nine Angus cross heifer calves at $124; Renegat Partnership (Long Bay), 22 Murray Grey cross steer calves, $146; O. W. Evans (Hawarden), 25 yearling Hereford heifers at S9B to $l2O, 15 yearling Hereford steers at $126; J. Swarbrick (Waiau), 13 two-year Angus cross steers at s2ll to $244; Mount Virginia (Hawarden), 39 yearling Hereford steers at $123 to $150; 28 yearling Hereford heifers at $l2O to $125; J. L. Rutherford, Ltd, (Waiau). 69 18-month Angus and Angus cross heifers, $145 to $172; Glen Colwyn station (Conway). 33 Hereford steer calves at sllß to $131; P. Hammond (Little River>. ». Hereford and Angus steer calves at $132 to $l3B, 22 Hereford andi Angus heifer calves at sllß to! $l2O. Dairy cattle The dairy cattle entry at seven!

i head uas of similar isze to last i j sale’s. Cows and heifers with I calves at foot sold from 8150 for' a fifth-eah er Jersey with calf to I $346 for a 2>year-old grade Erie- ; sian heifer with Friesian bull I I calf by a stud bull from Sprey- . don Lodge. A rising 2)-year-old| ; Friesian heifer in calf to a Here-J ford bull realised $298. \ealers The veal entry was up again to- • about 70. double that of the last ’ . sale. Quality varied from not par- • ticularly good to reasonably . good. In the main the sale was a reasonably good one. Heifers sold to more than l S2OO, reasonably good beasts . made from about slßl to $192. and cattle not finished well ) enough ranged down to $163. I Fat pigs A large yarding in the fat pig ’ section included mainly baconweight pigs. The market remained very firm on rhe last: sale, the good qualitx mediumweight porker having the best of the sale. The pigs were of gener-! .’ ally good quality and only ob-i » viously overfat pigs were dis-1 counted. For a large yarding of l t choppers the market was very! firm throughout, any choppersi with condition being able to! J make $95 with ease. Values were: ’ Light and medium porkers, $55 • to S6O. Medium and heavy porkers, s6l ‘ to S7O. Light and medium baconers.l . $73 to S7B. Heavy baconers, SBO to $95,1 with odd sales of extra heavy pigs to slls. Good choppers, $l2O to $145. j Light choppers, SBS to sllO. Store pigs A large yarding of store pigs consisted mainly of slips and

, weaners and only odd pens of unfinished pork. Quality generally was very good, but because there was no outside competition the market could be quoted $2 to $3 easier throughout. The breed- , ing stock offered sold at rates ' similar to last sale, few in-pig sows exceeding S2OO. An advertised line of Berkshire gilts met quite keen inquiry, selling from $97.50 to $135. Values were: Small weaners, S2B to $33. . Good weaners, $34 to s4l * Slips and small stores, $42 to I $47. Large stores. S4B to ssl, with odd sales of unfinished pork to ’•ss6.

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Press, 18 July 1979, Page 26

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Big yardings pull some prices back Press, 18 July 1979, Page 26

Big yardings pull some prices back Press, 18 July 1979, Page 26