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"40,000 Life Insurance for less than per day under age 40 (and attractive rates over age 40]. No medical examination required. No salesman will call. ~~ IF* This opportunity is open -j ZV Life Plan offers a MONTHLY PREMIUMS < for a limited time only. Ml choice ofpremium , y T7 S b.„d/w, fc coverage XI 1 Intmrllir’incy payments. Age last 540,000 $20,000 Age last $40,000/ $20,000/ I Mrmpv-Rarlr I Al illUVlUvlllg Because we process all the applications at one Capital’s flexible-payment plan gives you the birthday birthday $20,000 $lO,OOO 8 * tuircy uola 1 *W” >yT timeand pass the savings on to you, this offer is opportunity to alter payments to suit individual $ Y S 5 $ | trtiarantee. ■J] .4 ~ madeavailableforalimitedperiodoftimeonly. and changing requirements. 25-29 7.50 3.75 25-29 10.88 5.44 II Capital Life Assurance | I *JB Allapplicationsmustbemafledonorbeforethe Premiums initially can be paid monthly, 30-34 8.00 4*oo 30-34 11.60 5.80 I Limited provide a full I M B B Enrolment Deadline shown above the applica- quarterly or yearly. To calculate initial quar- 35-39 9.67 4*84 35-39 14*02 TOl | money-back guarantee | , -g ti° n * terly or yearly premiums, merely multiply the 40-44 13 .67 * 6.84 40-44 19 8’ 991 B with each policy issued, tne modem monthly premium shown in the rate chart by 45-49 24.00 • * 12.00 45-49 34.80 17.40 | If, on receipt of your pol1 I’LL LifePlanilllSa three or twelve, respectively. 50-54 43.34 21.67 50-54 62.84 31.42 icy, you are not comlOVV~COStierni .Lne crucial Inthefuture,afteryouhavereceivedyour *55-59 75.00 37.50 *55-59 108.75 54.38 fl pletely satisfied with it t ■ ■spxuuHCCU. policy, you will have the choicoof paying quar- *6O-64 105.00 52.50 *6O-64 152.25 76 13 for any reason you may insurance lOr lOGay s X-r terly,half-yearly or yearly. 65 Termination age J Termination age J return it within 30 days NewZealandfemily. -f CompareUfePlaifs — ders today are seriously under-protected. Be- I 1 rates and benefits lor 55-64 " e for wnewal <,n,y • “ n n 1 -. IS i ‘I « uar ® nteed by IReadlxnv Capital Life pro- Sde JLIL with similar plans. XwV e Limited, 7« symSJS vides the kinSof low-cost expensive, many have been unable to provide We urge you to compare Life Plan with similar Inifial’ veariypremTm - l2.’‘ Zealand AUCkiand ’ NeW natvlrsrl <-zL4<wr adequate cover for the protection of. their plans. We believe that you will find that not . L—proteciion neeueu todays families. only does term insurance give you the most ugaw— Life Plan is term insurance, the modem type of Justthinkabouttherapidriseinthecostof protection for the least money, but that Wgrtfil . *" "" life insurance which gives you pure protection. necessities-food, clothing, housing, education Life Plan’s rates are among the lowestto be Most other forms of life insurance contain ele- and hea,th care - If y° u have been troubled by found anywhere. T•/* TH ments of both savings and investment which rising costs, think about the problems your Please note the low rates for your own age MT I push up the cost. With term insurance you pay family must face m the comingyears if they no in the rate chart and that premiums will in- y yA lOL JL4UVdL JUUJLJL onlv for protection. Quite simply, it insures longer have you and your income. crease as you pass from one age group to I( r ) Conitsil T Aecii«~mr»4> I itYlifpd your life and pays your dependants. Term in- Remember, due to inflation the life insur- another. 1 VXl|JU4ll. iiMUKULLC surance has the lowest cost of any kind of life ance policy you may have bought a few years Also note that the rates as shown can 76 Symonds Street, Auckland, New Zealand. Phon* 77i-%3 insurance. ago won’t stretch as far now, which may mean never be raised - they will always stay the —■ - People are talking about the advantages of foatyouneed more protection. Consideringthe same. Even ifyouget sick or have an accident. 1 Tick box for coverage desired . this modem insurance. Life insurance should low cost of this term life insurance plan and the And your benefits can never be reduced. Enclose premium with Application. /»v mie yXS?XaS‘ ,ime, ' >ensme M-Mjngayhui— DW “ D £Ss£“ l/ ble. And that is exactly what Life Plan does. t I / Underwrittenbv □ Monthly □ Quarterly Ds2o>ooo □ $20,000 H«b«d/ Once you’re accepted, I z □ Yearly premium. $lO,OOO wit» 2Thereisanotherreason /only yvucan cancel AA4 Cap.tal Life. why our premiums are so « your policy. . 2 TA “IT T IOW. After you receive your policy only you can ated Company conforming to the requirements be insured* ’ Bv offerinc this nlan during a limited time cancel it; Capital Life can never cancel so long laid down in the Life Insurance Act ofl9oB, and '-- period we are able to nrocesf these policies in as you , pa X r y . OU T PJ emn,ms when due - This other related acts and regulations. 3 Residential Farce croups and al af oS time fo add tion eans if > in the future ’ you suffer a serious Capital Life has led the market in 1978 b >' Address: because ofits simplicity we can offer I ifePlTn lllness ormjury and insuraa ce becomes hard, if offering ‘direct-by-mail’ insurance to profes- : th-ouch mass advertisme with no need for a not im P oSSlble to obtain, your Life Plan will sional groups and by offering Life Plan to all 4 Occupation: aJnt continue in full force. And at the same lowTates New Zealanders. With the Capital approach, “~r ttal wc“ ;?ab““ nX g “le S IJd SSi” show J “ ,1 " ctert - >“ ctearty stated to allow tte 5 Describe Dune,: trative costs' low, and P pass the savings on to Ynnr ” d Prospective poficy-holderto study thebenefits. For husbaND-WIFE coverage COMPLETE ITEM 6. , i„ newable to age 65. Your insurance will termi- Even after the policy is issued, the 30 day m- zyou in the form of lower premiums. note on the policy anniversary dale after your specrion period provide, a foil Money Back 6 Plea “ COmplete ,£.s± f X““ °” ’* , 65th birthday, without cash value. This is one Guarantee to ensure satisfaction. I »«*Mo-Yr I bm, s I .• 3T\La morliral pvjminfoi’in of the features of Life Plan. It can keep its low Wife’s f I . . \ cost because it doesn’t have to provide (and Act - name ~ ' ' ' IS required. you don’t have to pay for) a cash value at ter- I rlrwpc Satiirrlav 7 With respect to each of those to be insured: mination. Your wife s coverage, if you choose ■ , , . . t ,ru- ,i, r.• < a- -.u thehusband/wifeplan.terminatesonthepolicv As-Z AugUSt 26th, 1978. a ’ X’S.SS’ 1 ”" 1 Just fill in the application and mail it with your anniversarv date after hpr 6Sth birfhdavnrvnnr ” ’ or pastime e.g. private flyreg, hang gliding, first premium. You’ll notice there are a few 65th birthday, whichever occSrsL * Your application and first premium must be SaVaTapphcXTrLife,AwtoVwScliw;* questions pertaining to your health. Answer mailed on or before the Enrolment deadline, so insurance been declined, postponed, modified or them completely; most people will be ac- act today. 10aded:..... OYe» DNo Tf''Ye»" cepted. It’s as simple as that. As we reserve the /’’% I oft>rvtxvnnlans. If vdu qualify now, you’ll be covered in the e. Are you now receiving or considering any medical give righl to accept or rejecf.applicmfon,. no medi- O V® 1 J®”£*»”"»P lanS tareevenifyourhclthdcteriorafo. Sondfor d . S. Cal examination IS required. VllOOsiC LUC OriCLn«r S Life Plan. and look your policy over. Tncncom~ Pressure, Chest Pain, Albumin or Sugar in your beSt for VOll pare the rates and benefits with any Other plan. Urine, Tuberculosis, Cancer, Tumors, Ulcers, 4T. T „ , .J t - We think you Will find Life Plan is better value. Mental or Nervous Disorder or Epilepsy? DYes CNo No Salesman Will call Most N ® w Zealanders have some Life Insur- Remember, there is no risk to you. Only e " wMn OnWJU. and , eV j ry . ™ mily 4 needs a ', e dlfferent - the promise of realistic, money-saving insur- thepasts years? OYe. ONo 1 w J ] yL'rt®L’l a n otters two plans. ance protection for vou and your family. Fame©fpe«on« condition Da» Dur*tisn Decree* n^.m v .a Ad&met The 540.000 policy is the plan we usually * " Docton and recommend. JQ> we also offer a 520,000 policy 4 annlv Often circumstances are such that the advice to supplement an existing programme. Either ■ 11CIV aiarn uj appiy. and counsel of an e xperienced life underwriter way, you get all risk protection, with benefits ■ ‘ " '' ~ is needed to make a professional evaluation of payable for death from any cause (except your requirements. However the need for term suicide during the first 13 months)-at anytime, • ’ ________ a " ! ' W '" re ” Ihe 2. cSSn’gS 3SSS. fo ' m : 8 «• W "» “ «■' “ Dr Life Plan is easy to understand and is folly LoWCOStCOVCF 3. Put it in an envelope together with a cheque. b> When did a proposed insured last consult him? Why explained in this advertisement. Just read it for Women- ™° ney ° rder ° r P ° Stal nOte made payable to over, examine the policy we will mail you, and Capital Life, and post to the address shown Tunderstand sha’thr insurance applied for shall not become effective until this ipplicationn approved by the Company, «nd the make up your mind in the privacy Of your own an important plus, below. ftU premium paid. Irepresentthat Ihave read and understands!! the statements and answers shown above, and to the best of my home There are two wavs a woman ran have If fhe application form in this publication knowledge and belief, they are true and complete. I hereby authorise any doctor, hospital or clinic to provide Capital Life If you do have any questions, write to protection of Life Plan has alre ady been used, please write or phone my PaS ' m ' diCal 1 b ” aPP ’ iCali °" Gary Christie, our Life Plan .Manager, or call First, she can have the same cover as a Capital Life for another form. Auckland 771-963. He’ll be glad to help. But man - her own individual policy. nv>- rntr Signature of Proposed Insured t . remember to also mail your application before Or, she can be covered for Vi of her hus- f V' Canital Life the enrolment deadline. There’s no risk. You band’s benefit under the Husband/Wife Plan. I VyT \ T • J ehave an unconditional 30 day money back Either way, no medical examination is re- L Assurance LUTlltea. Signature of W ife x ... . ,■■ ■...— guarantee. qutred. 76 Symonds Street, Auckland (Only tf being tnwred) Phtw 77W _ lllllim il II I I I MMI "■— —■ —-

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Press, 19 August 1978, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Press, 19 August 1978, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Press, 19 August 1978, Page 5