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Chancellor confers degrees

Ihe Chancellor ol the University ot Canterbury (Mr J. N. Matson) conferred decrees and diplomas on graduands in the faculties of science, engineering, and forestry in the Town Hall yesterday.

Science Doctors ot Philosophy Joel Keith Cavford physicsy Charles Haney Cummack iphvsics. Graham John Logan (mathematics'. Juliet Neroti Mulvihill (chemistry,. Lewis Kenneth Pannell i chemistry >. Master ot Science with distinction James Michael Guy Shelley (geology, Masters ot Science They or James Hill Chinn <?eolox- blame Edna Cooper im-tbemaui »>. Rom it Edgar Garnett. imathematicsi. Ribin Ann Carol Knox *nee Clarkson'. ■ pin SICS'. Lim Chem Ey chemistry Lo Mm Hua ,math-mat-1< ~ Andrew Jarre - Paterson I. "cmistr . John Walter Pryor hematio*. M»cbaei John Re*.mathematic* Bachelor* <H Science with first class honours Simon Alexander Carr 'Phys les sir Geo-ge Grey scholar., Mat■ *,ret Anne Blaker.ev .psvchokMV Senior Scholar., Elizabeth Anne I, irtiei tchemiatry senior *cholar>.. t.iWna Jane Matin economics sensor schda, Phillipa Ann Mark- mathematics M L nl ” r s ytar. Peter James Steel .themis, try senior scholar >. Amer* Trfrtter .mathematics senior] » hoia- Peter Stanlev .animal pl .-.lolog' ?* ark ,j£i!?il Hutchinson , geograph. >. Pamela Margaret Mace .enology,. Garry Veil Xewsam iroathematiesi.i VPvonne Marianne Pack 't®o- - Mary Patricia C<:ome Quinipbvlyi.s'- Robert Sell "hitlai .mathematics. Bachelors ot Science with Wdltam Dan- P-* r ,'"*d Martin de R“ w » r J****" ’’ T .all Ja- k-on .Roianv . {ames M.M-on Lamb iph»Mcsi. Bruce, Tie-id McCul'nch ter Das >d Muir plant physio toe. Seville James eyf r ?*L • i homislry . Rohm nc T -'J^ r Rii hard < harle' RM bou-e Tu.tam /oolorv Michael Jnhr Lddstrom .phvsicsi, Patrttk r.b.n Van B-rket mathematicsc Willem Cornells ' an den Ende fn microbiolcg*. <-»lhan Shirte ; Wratt bofanv.

Division II Ronald Pau’ Bkkerstaff <ph\s--lc»> Kathleen Esther Blyth imic-. vXIJXevT Terenie ’ohn Brady , nJnnstrvi Demctnus Chr'-to-‘awmUtrvr Brian William Daw < P hvsics>. Stewart Athol Ferguson igeogiapnvi, F-ieen Patricia Gilmour (chemistry!. Alistair Gavin Gray. > Stephen Albert r?u,n .chemistrvi Eleanor Nerol, ' Henkel, (chemistrvl, Brian Warwick Jeck* (plant physiology' lan William MacPherson rr scieneei. Bradlev John Me Master (computer science'. Jen-, niter Margaret McMillan yoolog,'. Peter James Melbn= Irt’m-' t.tmi. Robert Douglas Rea| irhitiw Rom* Sxdnr'- Scnbie Glenn Harvey Stew art (botanv., Christopher William Tomblin 'physiesi. Bachelors of Selene* with third class honour* William Watne Hennessy •» hemi*try«. Doualas Ateremu MeNerf ? mathematic-». Pua Kim blew (physics'. George Arthur Ry an ichemistry).

Bachelors of Science Stuart Grame Alpe. Clare May* Bahtman. John Robert Baird Trevor Baker. April Seaton Baldwin, Russell John Barr, John, Edward Baumfield. Nicholas John I Skelton Beveridge, Simon Biggs-; John Edwin Black, John Cha-les Bright. Garr John Brown, Har o*d RodeHck Bruhns. Dahya Ma-, kan Budhia. Andrew John Burn-1 side, Dav id John Bush. Wendy! Jnne Butcher. Johannes Jacob F.uwalda, David Karel Cap. Philip! Stephen Casey, Chai Vun Thin.; Barney Chan Sek Tee. Robert Andrew Clark, William Thomas Claridae. Vesta May Collins. Clifford Vaughan Collister. Teresa Anne Cowie <nee Gavigan). Michael Branen Curtis. Lesley Margaret Dakin. Mark lan Dailey. John Nicholas Dick. Jennifer Elizabeth Dixon. Margaret Mary Earle*, fan Francis James Ems lie, Jonathan Harvev Foate Umar Alexander Gailits. aGn Chee Yiam. Brian Paul Goulter.t

i-UMd Man uravpuru, Harveyi I nenneth Hall, Madelaine Alecia I rianuun, Deborah Lee Herbert, Geoffrey William Hinder, Leslie] I vndtew Hitchcock. Stephen John . Hume. Peter Anthony Huntley,[ Adrienne Elizabeth Johnson,, Michael John Johnston, Paul Mar-1 tin Keaton, Deborha Anne Kei nan .nee Bradding'. Murray John! Kellv Raimond Clarence Kirk. 1 'Kevin Bartle' Knight. Kok Lee t_( '-' Kuek Yi Hsing Ainslie Lynda Lamb .Mananne Jennifer Langham Brian Royce Legge, Gerhard i rancis Dio Lenting. Lim Teck Yon" Murray Charles Llewellyn., lanva Robin' Lobb. David Camp be i Lough. Margaret Elsie Macdonald nee Galiaghcri. Gregory Hugh Mackie. Terence Joseph' McAuliffe. Peter Nigel McCaskill. Dai id Murray McConchie. An- t thonv Thoma.- McEntee. Yvonne Margaret McGill. Lorraine Alice McGregor, nee Worsdale. Neil, \lexar.dcr McPhail. Warren John M< ad< Eric Lmn Miskowicz. Rob ert John' Mitchell- Ashley DareL xtoffat Graeme Hargest Moir., Rnnaid Francis Mottram. Janice Marv Mountfort *ne e Benneitk Maxine Dale Mullan. James Michael Da*, id Murray Ng Peng Tat.; ’ orra’n»- Esma Nicholls. Mary, Catherine OBnen. Oh Aik Yee. Vi hae Jame- ONeil. Ow Engl i Earn. Brian Pitt Palmer. Lois, • ><rothv Page Tiee Da!ton». Fran-j cis Samuel Patten. Elizabeth Mary , Pa» Lvnlev Kave Penlington 'nee McDonaldC Graeme Bruce Randie. Rob-, n Si Clair Rav Steven

Robert Ray. William Stanley Rea. 1 Murrav .Tames Reid. Ann Rohin-j s on Barbara Louise Rouse Pat-, ricia Anne Rouse. Glen Robert Rutherford. Brian Derek \ an *| Kev.n John Sanderson Jennifer Clair Scholium. David Michael shone. Sim Hang Thiew.t Susan Kay Simpson ince J* ar ' rant*. Patricia Baby Slade. Ray-j mond John Smith. John Barry! jSmvth. Patricia Fave Stephens. •Peter James Mark James Stone. Tan 3 a } < i Tan Leong Huat. Tan Tiek. Guan. Pauline Tang Ing Hung.. Tpremoana Tangi’ti. Grant Venryi Tavlo’-. Xndrew MacFwen Thomson. Christine Jan«> Tborn. Kath-j rvn Marv Thnme inoe Sim), Lau-f rel Anne Thyne. Clifford John: Mavwell Tio|«r Ro'- Gavin T>*heridge Stenhen John Tubbs.: Charlo*. I oslio Tu'-k. Frank Wilham James Van Doorn. Michael; Fliot Vo*s Russell T’**r.-v Wards. F’»zabefh Williams Tan. Bnvd Willis. Tan Raxmond Wright. I indsav Gordon Wright. ’Varw’-’k P-a r raud Wright Peter* Malcolm Vates. Jimmv Vee Fook, Voong Ming Shin. Seamus Eric Young Engineering Doctors of Philosophy Rusrcll William Gibbard (electrical engineering*. Thomas Allan Moore (civil engineering*, Kevin Joseph Thompson (civil engineering*. Percy Charles Wong imeiehanical engineering! Masters of Engineering with Distinction Garry John Macdonald (civil). Lee Athol Wilson <electrical! Masters of Engineering Robert John Daniel (civil) J Dennis Edward Dawson (electri-' cab. Michael Campbell Dayj •civil). Kieran John Devine (electrical*. Bruce David Drury ielec-j tricali. Richard Mylrea Duke' electrical*. Graham Hamilton Macky • civil), Christopher Robert Malcolm (mechanical) lain Robert Murdoch Munro (civil). Neoh Kah Hin (electrical). Peter John Phelan (civil). Fenton Lewis i Rees (electrical). Andrew David i[Wilson • civil) Bachelors of Engineering with First-class Honours Philip Maurice Carter (civil senior scholar). Cheng Toek Waa ■ mechanical senior scholar). Ha . Tiong Tong (electrical senior I scholar*. Koo Yong Chong (chemi,’cal senior scholar). Edgar James Miller i mechanical senior »cholar>, lan Fraser Rees (chemical senior scholar). Robert Leslie Crosbie (civil) Ronald Bruce Dowd ‘electrical*. Martin Douglas Heffernan (electrical*. Allan Thomas Holden (electrical). Phillip Gordon Hutchings (mechanical). Rex Eric Lovelock electrical), Ricky Paul Millane (electrical*. Michael Harry Odell (chemical'. Alexander Francis Palfi i electrical), Timothy Julian Slack • electrical*. Fraser Linton Smith

Ii mechanical', lan Gordon Walsh; (civil). Stephen Ernest Wilson «mechanical), Paul Raymond: t Wolstenholme (electrical). Bachelors of Engineering with Second class Honours Division I Anthony Robin Pittwood (electrical senior scholar!, Raymond Rex Ayers (mechanical). Clifton Graeme Barrow (electrical). Dun- ; can Peter Brown (mechanical). Bu Seng Beng (chemical), Chester Brian Buller (civil). Philip ; Laurence Chalk (civil). John Francis Gough (civil), Maurice John Harris icivib. Michael Richard Hewison icivib. Richard John Howarth (electrical'. Anthony. John Ireland ‘electrical). Stephen;

iHarry Jones (civil). Mervyn Wil-, ■liarr. Kelly electrical). Robert) Gordon Lindsay (civil). Loh Huey! S<»ng 'mechanical). Brian Lindsayj McClintock 'electrical'. Graham Geoffrey Neal (electrical). Brian Ngan 'chemical). Kenneth James Richards (electrical). Donald] iStman Robertson (civil). Lindsay James Robertson ■ mechanical). Murrav I.inton Tuiett (mechaniieal), Johan Hendrik van Rarnc-I '.veld (civil). Andrew Robert ■Young (electrical).

Division II Michael James Baincg ( Geoffrey Robin Birss (civil), Peter Lindsay Blackwood (civil), [John Charles Broad (mechanical), Ralph Stuart Brownie (electrical). Paul James Busby (mechanical). Nigel Christopher Bvron (electrical), James Marshall Clark (electrical). David Edward Coe • electrical), Alan John Cooper (electrical). Peter Francis Foster (civil). Stephen Brett Heinemann (chemical'. John Kenneth Illingsworth (civil). Lindsay Eric Kerr i mechanical). Mark Peter Francis Loeffen (electrical). James Scott McDonald (mechanical),; Wavne Allen Mitchell (electrical i. (William Mitchelmore (civil). David James Munro (civil) Brendon John Quinn (electrical). Robin Margaret Scoular (mechanical). P»er« Ron rv Seed (electrical). Jack Sew Hoy (civil). Stuart Duncan Sinclair (electrical). Graham Francis Thompson I < elerf.ric«t • Murray Royce Trices (civil). Eric John Truesdale (electrical) James Harold Ward i (civil)

Bachelors of Engineering Paul Reginald Addison (civil), Roger John Askin (civil). Keith Alan Atkinson (civil). Ban Joon Sin i mechanical), Neil Anthony Baxter (chemical). Frederick Peter Beavon (electrical), Trevor David Bird (civil). Colin Gregory Blythe (electrical). Peter Bodley • electrical). Peter Edward Broad* way (civil). Allan Kevin Brosnahan (mechanical). Michael John Burgess (electrical). Michael Hale Byrne (mechanical). Peter Sinclair Clark (electrical) Elizabeth Anne Coe ‘electrical). Malcolm Richard Cotter (electrical), Ashley Lloyd Cunliffe (mechanical), Robert John Deller (electrical), Peter Camobell Doidge (mechanical), Graeme Andrew Don (mechanical'. Gerald David Duncan (electrical). Colin Peter Dyer .electrical'. Christopher John Fagan (civil), Peter John Fairless (mechanical) Brian John Fauth (civil). Malcolm AlexanderFinlayson (electrical). Murray i Ernest Galbraith (mechanical), Raymond McLean Gilbert (electrical). Wayne Douglas Gill • (civil). Neil Robert Gillon (civil), •; Murray John Gimblett (civil). Goh Thean Seng i mechanical), •lan Walter Goss (Civil), Kenneth [lan Robert Leslie (civil), John ;bleton (civil) Nigel John Harwood (civil), lan Bruce Hatfull • civil). Allan George Horn (civil).

Raymond Edward Jamieson • chemical). Geoffrey Ross Keenan (civil). Colin James Knaggs (civil). Roger John Knaggs (mechanical), lan Robert Leslie (civil), John Stewart Lockwood (civil). Robert John Lorden (civil). Denis Coombe Maddever (chemical). Mahendra Dharamshi Makwana • civil). Daniel Robert Mara (electrical), Paul Jeffery Mayes (electrical), Grant Cameron McDonald (civil), Nigel McGimpsey (mechanical). Neil Ross McLennan (civil). Bruce Stanley Meikle (chemical). Peter Russell Stewart Monro (civil). Paul Carsley Morri n (chemical). Gavin Henry Murray (mechanical). Ng Chuan Tee (mechanical), Philip Karl Nordberg (civil). David John Norris (electrical). Peter Jeffrey Nowland (electrical). Peter Morton Ollivier (civil). Ong Kim Chooi (mechanical), Bruno William Pet renas (civil). John Victor Duilio Pilotto (electrical), Stephen Wil-

ham Read 'electrical!, Stephen ! Neale Rowlands (mechanical!,. | Cameron Stuart Russell (chemiicah. Peter George Ryder (chemical), Mark Pembroke Sheppard (chemical), David John Stewart (civil), Bruce Roderick Thompson i (civil). Terence Neville Tinker • electrical) Leslie Raymond Trimnell (electrical), Murray James Trounce (civil). William John Uru (chemical!. Rodney Grant Vaughan (electrical). John Louden Walter i civil). John Christopher Wanty (civil) Mark Andrew Wilkinson (civil). Phillip James Williams (electrical), Michael Selwvn Wilton (civil), Wong Su Ming (civil). Graeme Herbert Wood 'electrical). Murray Keith Woodfield (electrical). Forestry Bachelor of Forestry Science with First-class Honours Michael John Carson. Bachelors of Forestry Science with Second-class Honours Division I Bruce Raymond Manley. Devon William McLean. John Gibson Roper, Allan Donald Ross. Division II Keith Malcolm Dolman. Wayne Mark Smith. Bachelors of Forestry Science Timothy Vogan Barclay. David Matthew Bishop Stephen Charles Percival Boon, Michael Lawrence Bunckenburg. Ross Macdonald Cassells. John Tilyard Couner. John Alexander Dunlop. Lau Mong-Ping. Barry William John Maxwell. lan David Nicholas, John Bolton Novis. Murray lan Turbitt. Diploma B Sc. (Hons) Robin Eric Taylor imathe matics, second-class honours, Div j ID.

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Press, Volume CXVI, Issue 34147, 7 May 1976, Page 10

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Chancellor confers degrees Press, Volume CXVI, Issue 34147, 7 May 1976, Page 10

Chancellor confers degrees Press, Volume CXVI, Issue 34147, 7 May 1976, Page 10