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New Zealand sales

AUCKLAND 500 A.B. Consol., 55; 500 Harvey, 408; 100 A.G.S.. 225; 100 Alcan, 197; 400 Allied I’arm., 280; 1600 Alliance, 82; 300 Assoc Motels. 70; 1400 Burt. 140; 7300 AUas, 85, 86, 87, 86; 100 Autocrat, 210; 600 Beath. 84; 3200 Bin« H., 82; 300 B.N.Z. Finance, 320; 500 Brambles-B, 138, 137; 100 Bonds. 175; 4900 Broadlands. 118. 117; 1900 Brierley, 385, 390, : noil Odlin, 133. 132; 600 C.P.D . 149; 600 Carter Holt, 265; 1100 Consol. Plastic, 150; 1000 C. 5.1.. 163; 300 Cooks Wine. 120; 1000 Consol. Plastic, 150; 1000 C. 5.1., 110; 4000 D. WaUace, 130; 200 Dalgety N.Z, 168; 500 D.1.C., 330; 1400 Dom. Brew., 133; 2900 F.T.C.. 189, 190; 400 Feltex, 440; 400* Firth, 268; 1100 Fletcher, 201; 600 Freightways. 265 ; 400 Gen. Foods nts, 78; 300 G. Courts, 180; 200 Haywrights, 113; 500 Healing, 158; 100 Ind. Chem., 120 and 200 nts, 75; 700 Ind. News, 275 ; 2500 J. Burns, 178, 180; 100 J. Smith, 152; 2000 J. Watson. 137; 100 J. Rattray, 150; 100 K. Prosser, 180; 600 L. D. Nathan. 198, 195 ; 200 L.W.R.. 185; 200 Marac, 285; 500 Mason, 110; 200 McKenzies. 97; 600 Milne’s, 60; 1800 Metters, 120, 125; 300 Morrison P.1.M., 205; 2000 Motor Holds, 75; 50 Nat. Ins.. 600; 700 King, 150; 700 NeU Holds. 190. 192; 100 N.Z. Brew., 144; 2000 Forest, 345, 347; 100 N.Z. Ins., 338; 3300 N.Z MC, 110; 1300 N.Z. News. 340; 100 Refining, 420; 1200 Refrig., 122. 124; 500 N.Z. Steel, 79; 300 N.Z.T.S, 200; 1700 NMA-W.S., (143), 143; 100 Nthn Steam, 130; 100 Nthn Steel. 175; 100 Impey. 148; 2000 Print. Pack, 175; 200 Prop. Sec.. 240; 800 Pye. 103. 104; 700 Repco N.Z., 135; 4700 R, Hellaby, (205), 205; 400 Rex Av, 48; 200 Rex Consol., 345; 300 Rlckstan, 46; 200 Salmond, 200; 200 Scott Gr, 75; 200 Sharland, 197; 1700 S-, Brown, 242, 245 ; 300 Spedding, 290; 300 Smiths Market. 180; 2400 ToUey. 110; 200 U.D.C.. 245 ; 7700 U.E.8., 102; 800 Vibrapac, 127; 1100 Wattle, 124; 400 W. Horton, 328; 4200 Winstone, 169; 1000 Woolcraft. 28; 200 W/wths N.Z., 95. 93.

Mining, oil—2ooo Amoil, 18; 1000 Bounty, 21; 1000 Con. SUver, 13; 700 L and M OU, 44, 42. Turnover—llo,49o. WELLINGTON

Sales—3soo A.B. Consol., 55; 200 Airwork, 185; 300 Alcan, 198; 1300 Harvey, 408; 2200 Alliance, 82; 100 Allied Farm. 280; 500 Paterson. 135; 200 A.G.S., 225; 2300 Burt, 140; 900 AUas, &0, 85, 86; 3200 Bing H, 82; 300 B&.Z. Fin., 320; 100 Bonds, 175; 900 Brambles-8., (138), 138; 1700 Brierley, 385 . 390; 1300 Broadlands. 117, 118; 20 B.HJ>„ 1135, and 100 Aust., 1125; 1700 C.P.D., 150, 149; 1200 C.F.M.. 127; 1600 Odlin, 132; 400 Carter Holt, 265; 100 Comalco. 330; 300 Consol. Brick, 172. and 300 nts, 125; 100 C.W.S., 132; 600 C.S.L, 109, 110; 300 Cyclone. 80, 82; 300 Dalgety N.Z., 168; tOO D.1.C.. 330; 1000 Dom. Brew., 133; 200 Donaghy’s, 235; 400 Early, 125; 400 E.Z.I, 465; 2700 F.T.C., 190; 350 Feltex, 440, and 150 rts. 180; 500 Firth, 268; 1300 Fletcher, 201; 1900 Freightways, 265; 2700 Golden Bay. 140; 100 Hawkins. 260; 700 Haywrights, 114; 200 Healing. 158; 100 Ind. News, 275; 800 J. Burns. 180; 500 K. Garrett. 115; 200 L.W.R., 185; 100 Mason, 105; 600 McKenzies, 95 , 97, 96; 1500 McSklmm., 80; 1700 Metters, 120; 1000 Mosglel, M. S. D. Speirs rts, 295; 200 King, 150; 1200 NeU Holds, 190, 192; 1400 N.Z. Brew., 144; 1100 Cement, 155; 3400 Forest. 345, 346. 347; 1300 N.Z. Ins., 338; 9600 N. (110), 110; 200 Pastoral, 85; 100 Refining. 415; 800 Refrig., 123; 100 N.Z. Steel, 79; 1700 NMAW.S., 143; 240 Print, Pack., 175; 400 Pye, 103. 102; 100 Haurakl, 110; 1500 R. HeUaby. 205; 1700 Repco N.Z., 136. 135, 136; 400 Sharland. 197; 200 Scott, 75; 1600 Smiths Market, 182. 180; 250 Sth Brit. 587; 900 S.F.M., (190), 190; 300 Steel. Tube, 320; 100 Edmonds. 265; 3600 Tolley, 110; 200 Trans. Net, 140; 6100 U.E.8., (101), 102 : 3400 Wattie. 124; 180(5 W. and D„ 80; 107 W. Jeffs rts, 70; 400 W., Horton, 328; 200 W. Malt, 265 ; 800 Winstone. 169; W’wths Syd., 125. and 200 Mining, oil—looo AmoU, 18; 1800 Con. SUver, 14; 2000 L and M OU. 45, 44. Turnover.—9B.27o. CHRISTCHURCH 1000 A.B. Consol.. 55; 200 Airwork, 185; 850 Harvey. 408; 2000 AUiance, 82; 1200 Burt, 140; 1500 Atlas, 82, 85; 1100 Beatbs. (84), 84; 450 B.N.Z. Finance, 320; 20 B. (Aust, curr.), 1125; 100 Broadlands, 118; 5000 Buntings, 89 : 400 Brambles-8., 138; 700 C. (150), 150; 700 C.F.M., 127; 1000 C.F.C.A, 98; 200 Carter Holt. 265; 100 C.W.S., 132; 200 C. 5.1.. 109; 400 Cyclone, 80; 1100 Dalgety N.Z., 168; 2500 Dom. Brew., 133; 500 Donaghy’s, 230; 1000 Early. 125; 100 F.T.C., 190; 500 Fletcher, 201; 200 Freightways. 265 : 2000 Golden Bay, 140; 100 Hawkins, 260; 200 HavwrigbtS, 114; 300 I. W. Dow, 112; 400 j’ Burns, 180; 800 K. Prosser nts, 170; 500 K. Garrett. 115; 1000 L. 185; 100 McKenzies, 96; 400 N.Z Brew., 145; 800 N.Z. Cement. 155; 200 Farm. Co-op, 72; 400 N.Z.I.G, 355 ; 300 N.Z.M.C, 110; 500 N.Z. News, 340; 100 Refining, 415; 100 Refrig, 122; 1800 NZ? Steel. 79; 70(5 NMA-W.S, 143; 1600 Print, Pack., 175; 100 Pye. 102; 100 Quill Morris. 330 : 500 R, Hellabv, 205; 300 Steel. Tube. 320; 1300 Smiths Market, (182). 182; 100 Edmonds, 265 ; 900 U.E.8.. 102; 1200 Vibrapac. 127; 500 W and D . 80; 200 W/wths N.Z, 93: $2OOO Hamilton C.C.. 1/8/76 (yield 6i p.c.), 899. Mining, oil.—Boo AmoU. 18. Turnover—44,o2o. DUNEDIN

Sales—3oo Burt. 140; 200 Alliance, (82); 200 Harvey. 408; 1500 Atlas. 84; 100 Autocrat. 210; 200 BaUins ctg. 115: 500 BramblesB. (138); 800 Broadlands. 118. 117; 2100 Odlin, (132). 132 ; 700 C.P.D., 150; 100 Consol. Brick. 172; 200 Cyclone, 80; 200 Dom. Brew, 132; 500 Donaghy’s. 230: 100 Feltex, 440. and 150 rts. 180; 700 I. W. Dow, 112; 200 K. Garrett, 113; 500 L. D. Nathan. 198; 1000 Moeglel. 108: 100 Motor Specs, 133; 2900 NMA-W.S, (143), 143; 500 N.Z. Brew, (145): 1200 N.Z. Cement. 155; 100 N.Z.M.C, HO; 100 Refining, 420; 1000 Refrig, 124; 100 N2. Steel. 79; 800 K Hellaby. (205); 200 Regina. 99; 800 Smiths Market. (182), 182 : 50 Sth Brit. 587: 1200 5.0. F., 190; 300 ToUey 110; 400 Trans. Nel., (140); 1600 U.E.8.. 101. 102; 400 Waltaki. (153); 200 Wattie, 124; 300 W. Jeffery rts, 70; 200 W’wths N.Z, Mining, oil—« 00 Con. SUver. 14.

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Press, Volume CXII, Issue 33094, 8 December 1972, Page 18

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New Zealand sales Press, Volume CXII, Issue 33094, 8 December 1972, Page 18

New Zealand sales Press, Volume CXII, Issue 33094, 8 December 1972, Page 18