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(ADVERTISEMENT) i Christchurch Women are I becoming more conscious rd >n ' , j • about figure beauty £ Record number of outstanding 1 e £ results at the City's Health rUH GT Studio proves this Enrtwl Silhouette Figure Form, at the comer of Madras and ■ Vl ■ ¥ • , r ® Hereford Streets, has had a record number of new mem- -JBEi&»u. • * 1, bers in recent months. What is more noticeable is the WMWIfe d ; marvellous results members are achieving. Obviously fifty or even sixtv' n- Christchurch women are now more determined and UMFJBB There’s no need to be a 1, conscious about figure beauty, health and their own well middle-aged moner regain being.. Here are just a few examples from the host of g W ISOl™ Xacity vitality youthfulness n. testimonials they have receded. > andl and ai strong rs Unoicaufifa Ineae Mrs S. Early, , sense of purpose. Sounds id nUlloCnllC IUbCS Christchurch. , wMWmmMP. - wonderful ... it is wonderful. >v 1 Tin 2 11/ rKn«» De <?. r Madam ’. i I , Too many of us tend to accept n- llill 01 1/2 StOlie a(t Sin F e t, corni , n 8 t 0 .S> ,llou - ' j growing old as a form of rs . —— □ ette ,Y e , a different $ ' ZJW 1 degeneration, when it is Id VV QaVS person. After four months I ' | possible for example to feel e vv uwjw have acjneved these results . livelier at fortv-five than at id 131 r u Utl ] b ? rts h henpfh ee f m a th Ot u erS i C< i uld '' ~ twen ty-five. It’s all part of > »„ A Chnstchurch - 6 - ben ® fit . frpni . t . h,s knowledge. MR CON STRICKE, living and maintaining an 2, Dear Madam, Bust, lost 2|m; Waist, lost the Studio’s manager active existence with a ?. L h t k Ve ®°. thrllled Stomach, lost sm; Hips, Mr Con Stricke, Silhou-planned fitness programme k ?h™ a & hS ’ A '° St s j in ; Health Studio gradual at first but constant. >r Silhouetted have fl/ 3in ’ * A ’ ° St Mana ,? er ’ has , bee " Many men and women at 1, biinouette. 1 nave been a nt- om. in all aspects of Physical Silhouette Figure Form/ wouMi re Zend i? to tnv s“e±’ R evelo P«* en t and HealTstudios w Who needs a boost to 8 M S ‘ y- a l ea T g sch ° ol that due to a planned prot: person who needs a boost to studied for four years at the eramme t hev feel much rs their morale. V. - Physed Dept of the Univer-rv e au • el n "* cn rs Yours faithfully, - si ty of Otago snecialistoc in 1 ! vel,e _ I r . and happier now 1113,1 3; (Signed) Mrs G. Foulds '/ such fieK’PhysiologylnS they d,d tWenty yearS ago ’ >- Before After Lost Anatomy. He devotes much , c Bust .. 40in 39in lin time and study to his work >r Waist . . 32in 29in 3in which he regards as a voca- MORE v Abdomen 41 Jin 38jin 3Jm tion and receives great satis- capii ITSFC ir Hips 42in 40£in ijin faction when he sees the THUILIIItO 3, Left ’ Thigh 24in 22 jin Ilin marked improvement in More equipment and an ?■ Right Thigh 24in 22Jin ijin W' health and physique of the extra 400 sq. ft of workIs Right Arm Ilin 2lin ■-members. Con Stricke won out area has been added 2. Left Arm 13jin Ilin 2jin aßlfe' the South Island Lightweight to facilitate a recent ups. MHHm : W -T Jy Weightlifting . title in 1961 surge trend in memberi : 3K : jJrWH and 1962 plus other sporting ship. zj 1 achievements. L—CLAIM GREAT « i Silhouette Manageress AffyiW VCT A V r ' < Came to Silhouette after nr\Klß E » a r I man y years experience in a ■■■rWtFwaw » t- Mrs Betts—before attending Figure C!i ”’ C in ® n B lapd - IJEA ITH i ■ I !■£■ ' ■ Dear i B I' B attendino More men are attending the Studio now than ever 4 B— I 1?*BB ' *B Silhouette for four months before, which goes to show that men are begining to take •’ I ■ and am delighted with the a greater pride in their health and appearance. These are Hu IJOk: g result’ I lost stone three of the many testimonials we have received. r B 9 and my figure has improved ll——a JJ£ r R ’ B u’’ : ll beyond all expectations. KXCCIICHI Christchurch, t I feel I have a new lease ■_ ear Sir, ;■ . Of life, and thoroughly reSUIIS ' 1 enro lled as a member recommend “Silhouette” to • of your studio m June of last 1 a u figure-conscious ladies. With OH If year and now after 16 vl . slts s Mrs Betts just 4 months Yours faithfully,! WMM V»»»J l am h appy to report a loss I later. I (signed) Rosalie W. Betts. tk VICITC of H in fro,n hips and waist. t IO VI9II® Altogether in this brief period B lamtllJI*!! fßa Mr s - Paewhenua, 13 sis-£ )mve lost 6in of fatfrommy . maCTIVIT¥ SnOrlCnS sons Road, gained these re- body- lam very happy about » W■■ y 16 visits; this and am amazed at how i much healthier and fitter I ■ 1 ■ c hlrt „ R I'in feeL The effect of your 1 BIVA HNn nVAVAHVff nsUn Ilin treatment has rejuvenated : Hie Una preVCniS 4$ me. Even at my age, 53, I ■ h- est Aoiin niin now feel years younger. 1 H| P? “oniarod 1 intend to carry on with iu-M r . Paewhenua replaced your course an d W j S h to take nfllMllllACC his chest measurement while/? hi nnnnrtnnitv th sav • lllippiire>> his fatty tissues with muscle. ank y pp 7 or $e way you ; He increased his chest meas- anc j \, our staff are attending I In its 9th year of opera-: simiiarl y- a man doing hard I while he lost inches to ’ltion, the staff of Silhouettejmanual work day after day ,rom other parts ot his body. Yours faithfully, and American Health Studios (will feel that because of this —(signed) R.M.B. have statistics that show that he does not require anything ’ over 70 per cent of the else to stop himself from be- Professional Golfer i people who enrol for courses coming obese. The same prin- GAINS 23LBS - started tiieir membership ciple applies to him also. His MHL,.' 1n vRIT<t .classified as overweight. A daily occupation only brings • 3U vial I a i person is allocated into this fresh blood to those areas John Brooker (Profes- • category only after intensive which are required for his sional Golfer), 7 Camdetail as to the person’s everyday task and any form MM den Street, Christchurch, individual bone structure in of occupation, no matter how gained these results with relation to his height and strenuous, will not involve ”sj ’k.IMBBBgBf r- 30 visitsage. ail the major muscle groups - ’ Before After Gain of his body. I Shldrs 44 46 2in IJL IS nrnn7r^n7 h nf u A f Silhouette and American MR PAUL DAVIES Waist 29f 32 2Jin ilarge proportion of those Health Studios, a total cross- „ . rrr Hine; 171 381 Ilin people who are overweight section of the community may well known sporting per- Hips 37 ’ 3 °| C work in sedentary occupa- be found, and each individual sonahty and coach, one of R. Arm 11 7/8 12} 7/8m , tlons, which involve very few has his programme specifi- Amencan Health Studio s top L. Arm 11) 124 I n !of the larger muscles of their cally planned B to involve those class Masseurs. Weight 147 170 231 b .bodies in any real form of areas of his or her body <>*■■■■ movement, i.e. Abdominal (or which are not normally ever- BM fl ■ waist muscles), Chest, Hips cised during their everyday ■ Hm VW ffkE V ■ ‘and Back. Subsequently, it is life. . . on these blood-starved areas The equipment has been - « . a of the body that fat will scientifically developed in AM develop. These areas are order J this done IC f (|Cnin|| .where most people seeking with extreme ease. Many * waa membership at the studios members at the Studio arriv ' e want to be reduced. f or programme after HAIUVC Many people are under the wo 2^ ir ) g or hours in their IlvVVv SbBjBBIH imnresiinn that hpwmw thov normal occupation. When involve themselves in regular questioned how they feel Towards the end of last Shifts or “Empire Line” Sssueh as eolf tennis following their session, it is year most of the world’s frocks. If you’re “not so ■sauash Ruabv etc thev will’ a PP®rent that they feel less leading fashion designers slim” and like the “waist” safeanard themself aoainst tired and more energetic after were quite unanimous in fashions, don’t despair, conditions of overweight having been through their their choice of incorporating Silhouette guarantee you a These snorts in themselves programme. the waisted look to their loss of 2in to 4in from your are wonderful to a “of This may scientifically ex- ea «°" s a 4 J? a c swaist in only 60 days ‘ recreation, but each of them plain that after their 12 hours ?°’? e y a a wd h Durine i— ———I involves only a few of the of work, their muscles are ™ as J? n tb “ S^M B major muscle groups of the congested with great amounts HSE? ™ t "as thev COUIItrV MCHIbCrS body. In this way, while may- of lactic acid and carbon a ,^ p as n f bmaa tb b e . y W” 0 " 11 J IHCIIIUUI d be the arms, legs and fore- dioxide. By undergoing the P*® “ p ®> w« re a “‘® Special Arrangements arms are being vigorously supervised programme of 10 nlae ln tauus suitable for you can exercised, other larger areas exercise, fresh blood carry- I 1 " . be made, of the body are not involved ing oxygen is brought to their m ■ ■ and it is these areas that muscles, which invigorates ■ ai fatty tissue can . develop. the total system. IwUB UIUI L2FE6 StfllT INISH SAUNA Suntan t 0 take care CA volnvinn E of Memlt,ers ■ wIU AinU Fl*Oßl I I ' ’ Every encouragement, help ** ■ ■ ’»■■■ ' iand advice is given to •• • ■ MH • I members. The individual at—so beneficial Solarium si&i rz American Health 14 . The Sauna Room is the I deposited around the joints. The Studio’s Solarium same type used throughout I and limbs, making them: rc., n Tan Room) is at 1 ■u Ur ?r; a Finland and the ! swollen and sore unique. Apart from pro- MemberSi i world today. j *l, J • aso rlds t ! 1 ? . body , 01 viding a beautiful tan it . It has been claimed that toxic poisons which, unless is ideal for relieving IttPYnfinciv# people bom in Scandinavian released, are absorbed with arthritis and rheuma HWApVIIaIVV countries enjoy a longer life drastic impairment of general tistn> e tc„ as well as weeklV membershin is as span than most people health and well-being. good for skin toning memoersmp is as | throughout the world. With the regular use of g ° d overcoming "kto ‘l ttle aS a Tu d - °J°° r a This could most certainly the Sauna you will gain the blemishes 8 shampoo and hair set. be attributed to the fact that correct elasticity of the skin, ” . most Scandinavian families and then the skin will do its ■" always enjoy a real Sauna, job properly. Junior Memberships Silhouette’s Sauna Room is Another benefit of the u nw a ua ilahln I lined with redwood to give Sauna is that it'builds an , ’ p " “•dllauie .the correct, temperature re- extremely high resistance to Now available for the first itainment, but this tempera- colds. time Junior Memberships flfvß?tK-' jture is not uncomfortable as The skin gains a glorious 1 which entitle those who are ,the humidity is as low as 11 glow; a feeling of vim and 116 or under to a full mem- i 1 per cent. It is possible to lose vigour starts to penetrate I bership for half normal ~ WfKKK'f up to 101 b in half an hour the whole body. price. Mothers, this is a aB \ ■ in the type of Finnish Sauna Mental fatigue and weari- wonderful opportunity for '- x '7 now being used at Silhouette, ness are swept away. your son or daughter to have c The side benefits are un- This type of sauna has complete physique training in . believable. been acclaimed by important those important formative r ’ Relieves the pain and people throughout the world, years. Yoga lessons and De- MISS LENNIS GREIBLE agony of rheumatism, scia- . portment Instruction are one of Silhoutte Mastica, lumbago, arthritis, etc., * Not to be confused with given free with every course, senses* has many years exby sweating out of the body] physiotherapy in terms of the!silhouette for her, American perience in the art of facial the acid content which hasiPhvsiotherapv Act., (Health Studios’for him. and figure massage.*

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Press, Volume CXI, Issue 32561, 22 March 1971, Page 19

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Page 19 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume CXI, Issue 32561, 22 March 1971, Page 19

Page 19 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume CXI, Issue 32561, 22 March 1971, Page 19