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Mining, oil

No. 1 board

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Amoll uu Beach . 95 ■R" Bounty do, S mths do. dd 500 8 . 8 8 10 10 10 L and M on . 480 . 1500 35 Mim Mlplvest . 500 40 M0 45 NZ Petroleum —— 200 Peko . 1420 — Republic 40 . 560 42 Sth Croaa 17 19 do, contrlb Western 3 . 1230 6

A B Consol 45 46 Ajax 138 —• Alox H xd 480 440 Alcon 210 218 Ampul — 92 Ash B 270 290 A S Pat .. 135 .140 A B Cables .. 185 208 A Burt — 138 A M Blsley — 8b ACI 185 ——« Ballins Ballina Bonus 122 118 Beaths 70 — Bing H BOS .. 56 195 Broadlands .. 1580 95 1585 Bunting cb — 90 Burke S A 148 87 150 155 do, notes 120 — C’well 35 — Comalco do, contrib 560 410 45 71 40 C Neon —— 90 CSR A 700 — C Brick —— 350 CMI 115 — Coulls Crothall Cyclone —— 215 46 250 55 Deanes 250 — DIC 175 — D Brew — 122 D Fert 101 —w DBG BZ 120 550 1?? F Waim — 130 F and T Aust 96 — Feltex NZ .. Fletcher cd 18? 390 190 Gen Fd nts 80 82 G Coles 98 Hayw righto 110 113 Hooker 124 rci 105 — J Rattray —— 140 J Wattle ci cd 132 133 Katapoi 38 40 K Prosser nts 108 — LWR 158 168 do, Rta 32 35 Midland new 124 125 M O’Brien 30 31 M Hold 80 82 M Spec new Mt Cook '.. 160 195 Nat Ins cd »_> 440 NMA 100 NZ Brew cd 111 113 NZ F Co-op 63 65 NZ Forest 365 368 NZ Ins 380 NZ Motor 138 142 NZ Refrigerating 119 121

18 THE PRESS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1970. COMMERCIAL A Strong expansion by Steel and Tube PESSIMISM DOMINANT; N.Z. MARKET SLUMPS Successful $20m bond * 1“ 1 ? 1 (Ntw Zealand Praia dMCcialionl WELLINGTON, November 23. PeNdmiun dominated trading on New Zealand atock *xchanres yesterday and ahar* prices slumped. Sales at lower price* wore Doited in al! sections of th* market when sellers were met by lower buying limits • 1 1 _ M j The Steel and. Tube Company of New There nM " com P ared with 45 wls ’ wtd the market index loot hv i nr nn Inn K4 - < Zealand, Ltd, has entered into agreement? for Among th* f*w stock* to resist th* much easier trend on the day was Transport Nelson which gained 4c to 107c after a fairly long period of inactivity. Most of th* market leaders (N.Z. Press Association—Copyright) the purchase of all the shares in Pearson, Knowles and Ryland Bros (N.Z.), Ltd, Steel Knowles and Ryland Bros (N.Z.), Ltd, and Alcan suffered a 10c fall to 210c and 5c falls were recorded against Alex Harvey, and SkelTerup. RISES New Zealand MELBOURNE, November 23. Comaico Investments Europe S.A., a wholly owned ' Il ► c Steel Benders and Sup The assets of Kawerau Industries, Ltd, will be purchased by Robt Stone and pliers, Ltd. ducts will prove inadequate to service the additional funds employed without inInsurance* without excep. tion were also down by the Price Var’n Bel! (W) ng j subsidiary of Comaico, Ltd, has completed a bond issue in the k were In retreat. Among the prominent falls were N.Z. Forest down 7c, and Cohsoli. dated Brick down 10c. N.Z. insurance were both 5c nIS • • 132 2 Nathan (A) .. *IM 3 Neill Holdings (A) ., 130 1 N Steel (A) ..114 2 T Nelson (W) .. 107 4 ZIP (W) .. 36 1 SCMin(C) .. ig J international capital market for the principal amount of $US20 million. MR E. H. TEMPLETON (left), who has retired from the position of chief actuary of the National Company, Ltd, an associate company of steel and Tube, the directors say in ’ the annual report for the year to October 1. Pearson Knowles and creased volume of trading, and an abatement in the escalation of cost*. "It is considered doubtful whether either of these latter factors will prevail in the enlower, and South British Insurance lost 9c. The net proceeds of the issue are being applied by Comaico to financing its share of a group of underwriter* led by Morgan et Cie, International S.A., Deutsch* Bank Aktien Gesellschaft, and the Mutual Life Association after 40 years with the association. He will be succeeded by Mr L. J. SALES IN NEW ZEALAND . the cost of construction of the Bluff aluminCohn (right), who has been the association’s Rylands, manufacturers of nails and other wire products at Auckland, Steel Benders suing year,” says Mr AUCKLAND fining, 415; 3900 N.Z. Steal, 133, 131.’130; ,ioo n.zt.s jjS; 100 ium smelter being built by New Zealand First Boston Corporation. senior actuary since 1967. Mr Kember says the costs FALLS Aluminium bmeiters, Lta, m wiiicn it has a and Suppliers is based in to the group of payroll tax Nthn Steel, 114; M0 P.T.Y., 200. 198; BOO Haurakl, 140; 100 Brierley, 230; 1300 Hellaby, 253, 250, 245; 100 Rex Con., 345; 500 Holt, 73; 300 Rothmana, 201; 300 Skellerup, 285; 1000 Sth grit,, 555, $0, 34fc 200 Tasman, 31?; 400 Tonka, 10O; 900 U.D.C., 170, 171; 1400 U.E.B., 128, 127; 200 W. Horton, 2(0; 200 Winstone, 117; 100 Nelli, 133; 300 Sutherland, 103; 500 Woolcraft, 98; 500 Zip, 50 per- cent interest The issue price for the bonds, which carry a coupon of 91 per cent per annum, was 981 per cent of face value. The bonds will mature on November 1, 1985. support we have receive! from investors for our first public offering in the inter national capital market,” said Mr D. J. Hibberd, the chair man of Comaico. Mason continues its recovery F.T.C. expects sales of $40m The Farmers’ Trading Company, Ltd, Auckland, achieved Palmerston North and Kawerau Industries services the pulp and paper industry. “The total cost to the group will be about $1,400,000, and will be financed by borrowings. Arrangements have been completed to borrow for the two months to balance date amounted to $10,120. Next year this is estimated to cost $70,000 which will reduce profits .available to shareholders by the same amount, or 2 per cent on share capital. 442, 440, 432, 435; 120 Alcan, 216, 21S, 212, 210, 201; 800 Am. Pac., 100 Comaico, 545 and 100 ctg., 400; 1100 Con. Brick, 350, 345, 340 and 1000 nts, 205, 203; 100 Brew., 121, 120 ana 800 ctg, 68; 900 Dunlop, 140; 300 Emperor, 122; 1300 F.T.C., 94, 93; 800 FelNew Zealend ABCen(A).. 43 1 Alcan (W) 310 io Alliance (D) .. gi 3 BNZ Fin (W) ..220 3 176 4 Through the operation of 'The bonds were offered in The turnover of Mason Bros, Ltd, Aueksufficient funds overseas to The group balance-sheet shows shareholders’ funds up from $8,176,795 to $8,958,638. Brdld (A) 02 1 a sinking fund provision, the issue will have an average competition with a number of highly regarded European land engineer, increased, and group profit for record sales and profit for the half year to September 30, enable the company to borrow long-term in New ZeaMining, Oil.—300 Amoil, 20; 500 Bounty (d.d.l, 9; 900 Con. Silver. 37, 36; 2400 L »nd M Oil, 35, 34; 100 Mlnvest., 44; 350 M.I.M., 500; 1000 Sthn Cross, ctg, Burnett (C) 54 2 CFM (C) .. 153 2 life of 10.25 years. borrowers, and since the the half year to September 30 substantially the directoft say in an interland," say* the chairman (Mr Working capital stands at OoT’Wa'we, 2 lS8, t lS5, D ?& % L. D, NatK«n.fW, iksi 4fo M. finance, 99; 500 Morrison P.I.M., 115; 300 Motor Specs, 157; 350 Nat. Ina, 430; 12.600 Nell Holds, a N.Z, Ins,, 377; *00 NZ.M.C., 142, 140; 300 N.Z. News, 310; 100 ReC Brick (A) .. 340 10 Facilities were made available for delayed delivery. underwriting agreement was signed they have generally improved over the same period last year, the im nippn. Sales for Y the period exF. H. Ksmber) in the report. Sales increased $6,330,933 compared with $5,389,222 last year. —nts (A) .. 203 2 C Wright (A).. 116 4 D Wallace (A) .. 58 2 and bonds totalling $400,000 been quoted in the market ai directors say m an interim renort. ceeded $20 million, and they At balance date the ordinWELLINGTON will be issued under this proor above their issue price.” They have anticipated the confidently expect that they ary 100c shares had a net D Brew (A) .120 1 vision. The bonds are secured by the price freeze and the economic situation, which will will exceed $40 million for asset backing of 255c. The final dividend of 9 per 313?« A M Ak Go«, —7?j 100 Harvey, 440; ' 2201 100 Bei b 172; s&t&sso DRG (W) .120 3 hese bonds will be dea charge over debentures better result with an increase the fun year. $19,800,000 increased- by Feltex (A) ..384 3 livered, and payment made, on January 19. issued by New Zealand Alu. in the interim dividend from affect earning* improvement, While all sections of the cent makes a steady 16 per Fletcher (A) .. 187 3 minium Smelters, Ltd. The issue was arranged by 2) to 3 per cent. It will be paid on December 11, todirectors forecast an upward trend in group eamings through the current year. Last year the group boosted profit by 30.3 per cent to $206,131, after more than doubling eamings in the company;* business showed th* previous year. As already announced group net profit rose from $1,004,182 to $1,302,168, this result being reached after providing $183,943 ($160,780) for depreciation ' and $1,268,762 ($1,000,241) for taxation. Mr Kember says that the cent for the yearG Bay (W) .. 106 1 ■we are pieasea oy me improvea results, its «4 Haywrights (C) . 113 1 I W Dow (A) .. 130 5 J Wattie (W) .. 133 3 McKenzies (W) . 78 2 M Hold (W) .. 81 1 M Specs (A) ..157 1 Nat Ins (W) .. 430 5 NZ Brew (W) .. 113 4 NZ FP (A) . . 368 7 S. E. BOANAS LTD. 150 GLOUCLSfLR STREET, PHONE-64 099 of 21 per cent on the "A” and ”B preference shares. The directors expect results for the full year to tlcularly from a redevelopment programme which enabled them to better display a greater range of merchan“Massive fraud to 100 Comaico, 545, and WO oontr., aa-Ej&w 130; 600 Farmers’, 93; 200 Gen. Fln„ 171; 300 fi. Bay, 106; 400 40; 100 K.P. N.Z., 131 U.f.; 400 MoJUwiei, 78; 300 Mot. Holds. TYPINt G & PENCIL CARBON register a continuation of the upward trend which has prevailed since 1968. previous year, and the diviend was raised from 5 per cent to 7 per cent. dise than previously, “The next half-year wil have to bear the full cost d wage increases and payroll riff share nrices” fit LUI brtllAl bl/tS • SAVl IlMl' SAVt MUNI’’ 1 The improved earnings position reflect* in part a very satisfactory net earn81; 300 Mot Specs. 157; 200 n” NZ Ins (A) 377 5 $70m expansion The Broken Hi!) Propriery Company, Ltd, has antax, both of which affected only the latter part of the period under review. “At this stage it is difficult to forecast if the expected Ings for the year were the direct result of this substantial increase in the volume of trading. “More stable pricing in the Ins., 430; 800 N.Z, Brew., 115, NZ M Corp (W) 140 2 Refining (A) .415 5 Refrig (W) ..119 1 NZ Steel (A) .. 130 2 PTY (A) 198 1 INVESTMENT! strong recovery to profitability by Christchurch-based Andersons, Ltd. The merchant company, ta WASHINGTON, November 23. The Justice Department announced that IMI; 1200 Forest. 373° 370. 3M. : 400 N.Z. Ins., 375; 1000 N.Z, M.C., ?6S| V grm ! y ,O 140; 300 Hellaby, 248, 250; 300 Sth **• 400 SIR*! TRbe. 312 ; *°0 Taupe, 125; 100 Tonka, 100; 100 Tran, Neleom 1$ 10M UP C., (170), in. 170; 1400 1 3?'J 27 *2? JW0 nt# ’ 1M : NET RETURN $25,000 PLUS N.Z.’s biggest money-making Night Club/ReMaurant. 4000 sq. Mesco Riddell, is operating on budget, and export turnover and orders are ahead of last year, directors say. nounced a $70m expansion of Port Kembla’s ironmaking capacity. This will bring to more than $300m the amount sales increase in the current period will fully offset these extra costs,” they say. cutting and bending of reinforcing steel prevailed. These factors enabled the company to absorb steep increases in 15 persons had been indicted in what was described as a massive fraud to manipulate the price of a share, control of which was obtained R Brierley (W) 230 10 R Hauraki (A) .. 140 10 R Hellaby (A) ., 245 10 R Holt (A) 73 5 ft. superb condition. Excellent lease. Current net Is on only Auckland - based Mason B.H.P., through its largest subsidiary, the Australian Iron and Steel Proprietary, costs which still appear to be escalating, and which are beyond the control of management,” he says. by beatings and threats. SkeUerup (C) / 285 5 Sth British (A) . 548 9 Tasman (A) ,. 312 3 five night a week operation. Private functions and catering potential untapped as is daytime trading. Situation is under Bros Engineering has ample work on hand. METALS Three New York undercontrol of Imperial, a corporate shell with no assets, was obtained by torture and management end eeuld remain so If desired by negotiation. However, turnover and Ltd, will spend on major developments at Port Kembla world figures ar* included: May assist with finance. PRICE *60,000 or near effer. profit have been severely LONDON, November 20. S £ Buyer* Sellers • ton a ton John Dioguardi (Johnny Dio), Vincent Aloi, and Carmine Tramunti, who have been publicly identified in organL°1 ’ 38 : *2000 Hutt Valley UEB (A) ..127 1 —nts (W) ,. 100 2 W Horton (A) . 280 5 w Sutherland (A) 192 3 C Silv (A) ,. 36 2 Mlnvest (W) 44 1 Principals only write— THE VENDOR, affected by industrial problems, and the poor result* are of concern. during 1969-73. ,The latest development involves a major modernisation of an existing Working capital “The large increases in the threats. After that arrangements were allegedly made to have 54 p c. W2/75, ($9740); H,rtour 5i P.O. BOX 9098, AUCKLAND Nevertheless, orders are at a steady level. In spite of the payroll tax, blast furnace, a new tonnage oxygen plant, sinter plant and coke ovens battery. Copper Lead . 1517.00 1518.00 . 115.50 115.75 unit costs of the company's products have required the use of substantially more working capital to finance stocks and debtors, and the company has been fortunate ised criminal activities—th* jargon the Department usually employs to identify Mafia criminals. The price of Imperial Investment Corporation was various brokerage firms use the “pink sheets" of the national daily quotation service to create an artificial market in Imperial shares. This refers to a system 1000 Bounty OU. *; 1000 L and ’’A 100 Mt 5fl#! 100 glnc 121.00 121.25 CHRISTCHURCH A 10 *”. 320, 218, Overseas BHP (C) .. 1580 5 that its financial strength has forced up from zero to $24 whereby groups of brokerage 315.310, 212; 300 Barnett, 1(8; 300 Beaths, 72; 300 B.N-Z. Flu., 320; 250 B.H.P., 1585, 1580; 500 Burnett, 54; 200 C.F.M., 153; 900 Chch Gas, 73; 100 C.M.I., lit- 300 Con. Plaatic, 304; 400 C.S. 135; 300 Dem. Brew., 120; 200 D.R.G., 120; 100 Fletcher. 185; 100 Haywrights, 113; 700 Nivom 135; 170S wltHe! 136, 135, 133; WO Kalapol, 40; 700 Midland, 124; 500 Morrison Pirn.. 315; 1200 N.Z. Brew., 115, 113; frig., 119; 2300 N.Z. Steel, 131, 130; 300 Prop. Sec., 148; 200 Brierley, 225; 200 SkeUerup, 285; 50 Sth Brit., 555; 500 Taupo. 125; 800 Tran* Hold., 150; 800 U.E.B., 138, 137, and 500 nts, 112; 100 Waitakl, 175; 100 Wr. Steph., 114; 500 Sutherland, 192. Mining, Oil.—6000 Amoil, 29; UM L and M OU, 35; IM Sthn Croaa, IB. Comaico (W) .. 545 5 Sail safe The new deal in transport enabled It to take advantage of the buoyant conditions prevailing during the year.” Working capital increased by $735,000, and more will be required next year to cover rising prices. “Although a small measure of relief was obtained last February on an interim basis, the controlled unit margins under which the company operates for most of its probefore being suspended by the Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.), the Government regulatory agency. Such manipulations used to be comparatively common in th* early years of this century on Wall Street, before the Government clamped on tight controls in the early 1930s. The indictment said that houses trade shares in an over-the-counter stock among themselves and then publish the resulting price of the share in “pink sheets.” The indictment said other members of the conspiracy opened accounts at brokerage houses and bought and sold Imperial stock to convey the impression it enjoyed an active market and 'thereby drive up the price. —contr (W) . 405 5 Dunlop Aust (A) 140 17 MIM Holding* (W) .. 500 5 *Ex Dividend INDICES New Zealand.—Financial Research and Management daily Index; base 100, January 31, Selective j buying on dull Nov. 19 300.13 Nov. 20 297.76 NOV. 23 293.90 Sydney—Sydney Stock Ex- > % % ■ ■' ■ ■ Australian markets DUNEDIN Mtf /"A change (July. 1931, June, 1939. equals 1M>. Nov. 17 .. 323.85 370.98 519.30 Nev. 18 .. 323.55 371.65 526.67 Nov. 19 .. 324.29 371.46 525.73 Odlln, 144; 500 9th, si; 50 CoNov. 20 .. 323.03 372.07 520.85 Nov. 2* ... 3U.M 371.77 521.77 Times. NOV. 1* .. 329.5 68.99 53.9 NOV. 17 .. 334.4 68.99 53.9 Nov. IS .. 331.* 68.98 53.2 Mining shares ad* ing was 4c higher at !99c. Queensland Mines put on 180c to 3900c, and Kathleen Investments moved ahead Western Mining all moved ahead. In a relatively quiet industrial market Austin) was 100: 3M Wattle, 138, 136; 500 Midland, 134; 500 N.Z. Brew., 115, 118. _115; (M N.Z. Cement, 140; vanced in more active afternoon trading on Australian stock ex40c. Poseidon however dropped 200c to $62. Metals Exploration gained 10c, and Lake View put on 15c, but Carr Boyd fell Sc. Mining Finance was steady on 160c, and Amad jumped down 4c at 162c. Thiess at 500c, News at 300c, and Comaico at 550c, were all steady. T.N,T. advanced 2c to 168c, and E.Z.I. 500 Express, (180), 185; 500 Forest, 373; 300 N.ZMC., 142; 200 NOV. 19 .. 331-3 69.93 52.8 changes yesterday. Oil and industrial stocks were mixed. Turnover Pastoral, SO; 200 Refrigerating, 110: IM N.Z. Steel, 131; 100 N.Z.T.6., IN: 100 Rothmans, 201; 5M Bhariand, 170; 200 Sth Brit., 550: SOO Steel, Tube, 250; 500 U.E.B. nta, 112; 300 Waitaki, 175; 6M Wr. Staph., 114, 115, 114. Haw York,—Dow Jones. Kalis Ind. Turnover Nov. 1* 147.51 759.79 11,890,000 NOV. IS 146.55 760.13 9,lM,000 Nov. 17 14S.92 760.47 9,450,000 Nov. IS 145.6* 754.24 9,850,000 Nov. 1* 145.44 755.82 9,280,000 Nov. 20 14S.74 761.57 10,920.000 • ■ showed no appreciable sign of improvement. lost 2c. The Bank of New South Wales fell 10c to 560c. Peerless led the miners up7c to 75c. SYDNEY ward with an 18c gain to 108c, and International Min-Heavy-weights C.R.A., Great Boulder, M-LM. and Salts. — Amal. Chem.. 28; Ampol, 75; Ausett, 72; A.W.A., 135; Ass. Sec., 165; A.N.I., 98; Bk NSW 55fi« Blue M 177* CLOSING QUOTES f ■ w NEWS IN BRIEF Bramble, 168; Brit. Tob., 330; B H,P„ 1300; Burns P., 308: Carpenter, 181; C’reach, 32; Clyde, Mining, oil k Buy fell Amoil ..18 — Botch ..95 — Bounty .. 8 10 do, 3 mths .. 8 10 do, dd 500 .. 8 10 Bh Sth .. 480 - CHA .... ..ISM — Buy Sell NZ Steel .. 120 130 NZTS xd .• 150 — Nth Steam •• *. — 84 Norvic .. 250 — Bridgevale listed than other countries. No justification existed, after the C.A.G.A., 325; Comaico ctg, 370: Com. of Syd., 210; C.LG., 330; Concj Ind., 72; Custom, 170: aCTtontainerisation has tut cargo claims ouer 90% Th* ordinary shares of Bridgevale Consolidated, Ltd, have been listed on the recommendation of the Christexperience of the 1960s, for price-incomes policies to be a substitute for proper management policies, the report said. D.F.CL, 580; Dickson, 58; E.Z.I 470; Elders, 170; Fairfax, 225* Faiwnead, 210; Hanimex, 105; Hardie, 350; Hooker, 113; I.A.C.. 130; IJt.H., 57; D. Jones, 146; Kolotex, 220; L.N.C 119- Lend Per Inv .. »• 105 — Prestige .. 105 — Prop Sec .. 145 — R A Brierley eb .. — 230 R. E. Tingey ..58 — church Stock Exchange. The company, which has transTasminex claims L., 305; Lindeman, '270;'m.l”c1 MO; Mainline, 265; Marrick., 77: L and M Oil .. 35 Mim 500 540 Mlplvest .. 40 45 Rothman ..200 203 SkeUerup .. In the 12 months to July, 1970, A.C.T. carried 32,000 container* Foolproof mechanical loading and unloading with the vessel port and coal mining in; Tasminex NL is negotiating with the Queensland GovernMauri, 106; Miller, 145; N.Z. Forest, 360; Newbold, 90; News. NZ Petroleum — 200 Steel and Tube x .. 220 — between U.K. and Australia. The cargo value was about $250 scientifically stabilised. The structural strength and practical terests, has an authorised capital of $400,000 in 800,000 300; Paynter, 180; Pet. Chem., 40; P.GJL, 95; Plant. Hold.. 68; Pio! S?T lic :: :: s S 42 Tappenden nts .. • — 130 Tolley «. 75 — million. Claims tor damage and pilfering -were ess than 5% design of ACT containers. Precisely-controlled refrigeration ordinary shares of 50c. The ment for exploration rights over coal and base minerals. The company has undertaken an exploration programme, initially aimed at its areas in Tasmania. Ths directors said neer C„ 116; Pioneer S., 183; Pr» Sth Cross ..17 is Trans Hldg xd .. 140 150 of the normal for this value of goods carried by conventional j or perishables. A computerised pin-pointing of cargo to guard means. New Zealand can expect similar improvements when we start our links from here next year. aga inst loss o delay. .... The ACT safety achievement is the sum of many things. There s also the navigational safeguard ensured by building the subscribed and paid-up capital is $223,874. Inflation report teeter. 280; Publishers, 128; Old Ins., 350; Austlm, 162; Sleigh, 60; Soul, 576: Sth Brit, 560; .Thiess 500; Tooheys, 150; Tooth, 442 T.N.T., 167; Travelodge, 130: Waltons, 110; Wilcox, 53; W’wths, *7. Western .. 1230 — No. 1 board UDC II 170 — United .. ..90 — UEB Ind cd .. .. 126 128 Vlbrapac .. *• 125 — Waltons .• o. 125 — W Tombs .. ..195 — Packing and unpacking in your own premises. The integration world’s most advanced radar aids (Decca Tarps) into our speedy that no work had been done Minin* and State, 43; Assoc. Mln.. 970; B-H. Bth, 400; U»i Com. Alex 133 — w Carp .. .. 205 — WS .. .. — 114 of special rail and road equipment with the shipping link. 24,000-tonners. For the full facts on ACT mail the coupon. prepared, if necessary, to acon the 14 mineral claims held Alcan. .. .. 210 218

Allied Concrete *— J70 Do, nta 125 Alloy . 110 A Batt new .. W— 170 A. Barnett .« - w 160 ANI ' .. 120 B Pavo cd .. 90 Brother . . 65 90 Austin . 180 •—— Carbonic Ice cd 225 — Dunlop Aust . 13S —w Email 67 Gear new 100 —•" Giant 90 Group Rentals 160 Healing .■ ■ 108 Henry Berry 185 J Nathan 165 180 J E Watson . — 116 J. Niven 135 150 John Burns .. 115 —— Kearns . 130 140 Lamphouse .. — 45 Mann cd —— 470 Nelson Freeze — 160 NZ Motor Bod 77 ODT —— 170 Pye E 55 Radio Hauraki 135 —— Rex Aviation —- 50 Rickstan 35 Sanford cd . •— 138 Sharland cd .. 173 Well Gas 120 ■*— Will Dav cd .. 40 —• Wilson Neill - - —«< 140 W Suth 190 210

ABC . 160 Beaths . 130 142 A and T Burt . 120 CFCA . 64 78 CFM 80 Dunlop NZ .. Felts NZ . 40 . 70 Fletcher xd .. 85 G Bowron 85 Haywrighta Holeproof J. Mercer 115 120 175 175 NZ Forest * 77 N Canty . 182 —— R E Tingey . 136 Skellp . 32 —* Tekau . 170 Well Gas 5 pc 70 USS cd . 130 W/S 5} pc .. . 65 —

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Press, Volume CX, Issue 32462, 24 November 1970, Page 18

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CLOSING QUOTES Press, Volume CX, Issue 32462, 24 November 1970, Page 18

CLOSING QUOTES Press, Volume CX, Issue 32462, 24 November 1970, Page 18