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M £3 • The Needs W Of NEW ZEALAND’S ONLY M M * The Rec l u ' rements RADIO ORGANISATION ™ ™aVo HE M V/ • The Obiec+ives fellowship board > Cl ,ne j of reference give X], You have heard of us; you have read about us; you have wondered who we are, and what Christ- THEIR church's Christian Radio Station will be like . . . COMMENDATIONS:Z\ k * NOW HERE ARE THE PLANS. THE PROSPECTS AND THE PROGRAMME $ 4,V; >^-v'?-Rte»Mßßß»i*»Bi»»mM»»a»»»»te»—— mm— 11 n »m——————————m—mi——————» i i n -; ::: ' z ■ Christians must be among ■ s \ /s->• - the first t 0 •*•>* themj/*'’ ’X' V v ' A -' l, ' v -/; y Sfafy selves- of the privilege B / \W-a. ; opportunity S ■•<■'?■• <■s by Private Radio Broad lImMMM -’C.\ >’ '- X ■<, ' ' casting in New Zealand I ?; Sn, ■ ;. t '-' '' v \ X-- '■ ■ ".?''' \\ wholeheartedly commend < ‘'• t.*< f '\-''\‘;v; '. \ CC'- J£?\ '"' X > 3|j a\./WK Gospel Radio to the sup laNßlßßasgii / ' ■'■ '■>7- ' V --W'.v\ za ■ ■ + " -f:- Mk port of every Christian Man |»!iW / -.A.v.S-V/ X <C\ xMM^MMMMMIIIIIIMF^W^.4^.^<Z^. Z,,r '' ’lii and Woman m this Milll f ' s "’< ’ - ~g countrv <X t * f ■ ’ t ’ 7 \’ ' g y m *| ._„ f I vY , ’i V •.' \A I I MMMW»y f r’i G - coombes. baptist -f> X -z*/ > 'V-' \ y ,,,,,,,,1, T' WbJbBB 4.C , ' j| ;/ " I'" ■ J ; I /Bk > support Gospel Radio g a . ' ' -■' U I | ’ 1 I ti F z/ -s 4 | . because in this restless BaaSaaßaß JfiflHSß •--\t . k f <■ -'. \ 1 1 I ■<> - t" ' 4 BPJfc a E a only the message of ■ \ ssasat 1 i ••<!•\ 1 I : I 7 < ’ z 4 - < Jesus Christ will bring iBMawBBBi nW<WvS; r * \ KSS* I !**> SMr BOAM purpose into family life .Vx-’--‘./X. ■ y/Ld U ■ z , ; F“C 1 z;'" ' , ’ 4 a Ac jr /fl,/ MtM* ‘ jgSaWMBiMMHf J 1 JiWBBW i people seeking the answers ;«L-. z-y> •■— l \ 1 ■ V K rooM£R - X ggrOX -’ /:/ X z „ ijH wWr In his own day Out Lord - ' J '^^y^- i -A. '-, -#‘-'5? z z > i/ ; y» At l '- •• i-• ■> '' ■'" • used new and revolutionary . U/ WA? < -'' ' A y z O methods to br.n R the love. EXi ' £'V-' . ’?5 w 9r v " - If ' T ? z >. 4' '' ' z v ' '"'' ".1 f' at / the forgiving and healing jmMMa nwf twl 4ct< F . ■ 1 ov w> Sr power of God mto the fMMgi ■.-••i ( : Hu *a yaSßF agaTO ' ;a w > --- wmbw ab- JE ims »» ■>««» rnpk Hr ™ IklK m *y- -** K/* S-< ’€ ZAjJr X* Bra/fc BlBk cl JBWMfI '/ ■»// K? /' • '“'■ ■ - H 2 w J y OBf through which Christ can B» i JxX, A.l Jlbfll - fj X" ■ 'X THE REVEREND ». TRIPP. B z I rf®' '~Z._ t ¥z. yWL ■: CHURCH OF ENSIANO ’■l z '? . An , , n , m „, 10 io i„ Mf --•■»I, t 3; 50,,al or even National llii ‘ ARCHITECT’S PLAN AND DRAWING OF THE NEW STATION TO BE ERECTED AT j the life-transforming I HhL 77 glenfield crescent, christchurch. =^s» The Gospel Radio Fellowship’s Choir in action ’ J ru,h ™»*" """R widely singing for Christ. JHi k "<>*"- ■vniFT?BiiTvTiYiiHHiKßßi?i?S the reverend / «. MUNRO. Presbyterian eMKi HM minmii. » . ™,. m ™.i. .h. b M 60SPEL RADIO FELLOWSHIP proposes to brMdcst for 15 houra GOSPEL RADIO FELLOWSHIP bolieves thst: RADIO MUST BE A GOSPEL RADIO F<LOWSHIP has no established finoncial WW, " and G hSt^hn 1 mit«d° m a *l • d> * for 7 da Y* * week ~ more if start ' n * facilities permit. \ FRIEND. No matter who you are, what age you may be, what resources, no large invested f no , hd®J’"' l, “ and ft J® J' B *JJ ; men that * their needs no special quality or attributes but who are united in i interests are vou should be able to COMMUNICATE WITH to col ect fees or subsidies. INSTEAD, IT HAS THE POWER OF m®" J"" ineir neeos belief m Christ end have dedicated tlymselres to the task mst w wi JhaT -n t i communicite w"h "o “ For h,s ALMIGHTY GOO to provide it with the means to carry on. mmmaJi ,t of form.n. and opentrnj a CTnstian Radio network in New “to th. satin, will C ° mmun ' e,ra W "" y °“’ My God shall supply all your needs" Philippi.ns 4v. 19. "’’W "> “ mm ' nd "• Zealand commencing with the establishment a private non- laughable? Maybe BUT TRUE. Mig £™n erC m'liX jj 11 Fill W constantly provide details of how to get m touch with us. TTSRJJm! slNblllffim IHf BFUFBFMn no to-date, alive, interesting and positive to sene (Mm experienced staff to make |S||S||i||gSS interests of this community particularly by way of modern RaIil() a p trs onaf experience either by visiting you or being awUgHMk ruiioru nr run ■- - v ' and forthright religious broadcasting. In this we are at one nnuori o.nm cmnweuie .. .„ .„u„„n«n, <tnr,.tv ..« ready to receive you at the station. T aJ .or>ir .■ ’• with many religious broadcasting and radio organisations around GOSPEL RADIO FELLOWSHIP i»»» '"?•!*«•"’»“"*» •"“ .. „ ■■■•■flMMaKM IAUKMMWHK NAZAREHE the world. We "ettemot great things for God”; wo • expect gieat comprises people from m.ny different backgrounds and * Encourage letters, open-line telephone conversations, dis- ; « . (h things of God." denominations cussions with members of the public, open eir tie-ins. GOSPEL RADIO will enquire into end inform you ebout ALL MTMij •HrigF „«d is uraont end' Jesus * J FB n!m!^ Tl nw 0 no*noral.i«TiriH N r»rrlri N TMonlirw Vn’ * MaW ,h * s,Q<lio * nll ,lc ' li, ' M •’ ,re,l » availebte as possible ASPECTS OF COMMUHITY LIFE. u„ m «. * r,.d.nmn clK ' s ’ i, God’ s provision P E mS!fl?? T 0R 0R ORGANISATION EXCEPT THROUGH IN- „ t i mos (oI inspections, school classes, demonstrations ♦ Living in tho 70 s ★ Houses and Homes * Gaideni g «V?«-,> for the problems of men. DIYIDUALS. and auditions * nd outdoor activities * Sport * Health * The changing .»V I commend Gospel Radio gHH i S I I . 1 I rj ■* The Fellowship to be ropresentatwe of AU CHRISTIANS- Ilmil!’BriLtea o^' .M?\"hi w'*’ mves* , *‘Arcohohsm is the most eNactive means BWHMH "JL J I —II L I . . . . . . . . us GOSPEL RADIO WILL BE your STATION family ★Bringing up your cniio ★ vynat is love. *a co -...-jgsgww'L. 0 | proclaiming this truth ■--'..-tz' • > ip, Fellowship receives wholehearted support from individual ?Sr ErnS!i. i?i.euru ru,, s '*’l o " * Schools and Universities * Family Doctor. LadlfW dMI to everyone ' >’• Churches of all the PROTESTANT DENOMINATIONS. THE FELLOWSHIP BELIEVES THAT; w> ho|M * Wp fi|)s|)e| Ridri) wj|| (Iy)(]g , 0 , ns<ver «•’><> •- A ta-, n,.,™ me Ml * The Fellowship will NOT present any political viewpoint; It * Through the religious programmes which it will be broad- the questions and deal with the problems which crop up in smsssssssmssssSks To provide a first-class local station KW YOU providing. PRESENT FIRST-CUSS RADIO PROGRAMMES and it casting many people will be faced with a completely new the everyday lives of all of us. >'' s WUte * Really local programmes * Interesting Quir and Participation will present CHRIST as revealed in the Bible. . and challenging way ot thinking of Christianity. .. MLONE i MWBa programmas * Music of all types ♦ Drama * Sports * TM Fellowship will extend this policy throughout OTHER * R » dll > »»«‘ ld specifically cater for ■■■MBHHHHBHBMHnMaiMB T MkKENZIE MMM MMIMBtI * Culture * Social education and most importantly:— MAIN CENTRES in New Zealand. It is the policy ot the B TEENAGERS AND YOUNG PEOPLE with young music. i 1111 U ■ll.’ II 31 1 J!< |TH*«II ii 1 111 3 - SALVATION ARMY MHMbB SbsEIHBBMWB . A rhairoe tn hut the fade and taaliHaa nf CHRIST and Fellowship to establish similar stations elsewhere, wherever t , u p| UKI progressive and pop. with young ideas on %>< T’xWß? r„.„.i R.a.n will nBMwWMB theChrisZFaite Lite?fter DerthrfrSit and wrong S" c . ira ! m » l « l ’“ s permit. Already wo have the help of do(hBS , nd the in t, m ,t, O nal scene, with a powerful ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ z F* *? ° sp *' R *£? "Lsl* the Christian Faith, of lite after Death, of right and wrong. Organisations preparing to establish in Nelson a micro- message of what God can do in the life of the young —A* 5 d ws ™ unc • rt •"' * What relroion means in the 1970’s w ’» e rel> V station, which will possibly become a full-time person * WE WAIT: ji < days. p ° n . station on its own in the course of time. The launching ot this campaign will be followed by a time grKx, Jr * The scientific, philosophical and social problems surrounding • CHILDREN with really attractive and interesting of waiting and a time of prayer. GOSPEL RADIO FELLOWreligions today and related topics. THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING WE DO NOT KNOW HOW children’s programmes and with professional and ex- SHIP believes that during this period the power of God t j ■ -a FAR THIS ENTERPRISE WILL EXPAND THE PROSPECTS ARE perienced personalities, storytellers and singers. will be made manifest in such a way as to show us clearly * A full representation of local Clergy and their viewpoints. ENORMOUS BUT THE CHAUENGE ANO THE NEED MUST BE FI n FBI , . a » . a ... that we can go foiward. M , M cameron * Th. c™».i PJ. Childm.'. Ch.i, APPRECIATED. • ,™ E ELDERLY who need the attention and comfort ot T 0 608 BE THE glory *,*• c *" E "OH- * The Gospel Radio Fellowship Children s Choir. the radio more than most. "In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." OPEN BRETHREN GOSPEL RADIO aims to provide the BEST STATION IN • THE FAMILY UNIT —os the most importent part of life: Proverbs 3v. 6 ' The Gospel is the power CHRISTCHURCH The most listenable end listened to the **• d 'Bt»ty of the home is worth encouraging by every *WE BUILD: . .. . , t MB' °L G ° d "h’Ch transforms Mnnaten station that gets to the heart of things - GOSPEL RADIO WILL me ’" s - A Ca " ,”' I'" 1 ”u ,’SI L.f; ?. I.S °u AS® mdiv.duals. It supplies MM® rf tuf i fMtoi R*nm with a ntFFFRFMrF 1111 m *lll ii M h 1111 y° u se ®J made and the complex will be erected and com- IKK* the answer to Communism - « lite UIWL Itnuiu wim « uitreiteßUL. CT „ in » pleted as quickly as possible. IT WILL BE FULLY EQUIPPED fIV and other undesirable GOSPEL RADIO WILL BE YOUR STATION. AND „ ABE O r E r ATIBNAI B y ABR , L ' mo.ements. I behove that ■rYnYYRTTwTSmaBB®®® * WE HE-WFIV F « R * BROADCASTING WARRANT. g Gospel Redio can give this EWk P ■ hWBI GOSPEL RADIO FELLOWSHIP has produced a programme format , GOSPEL RADIO FELLOWSHIP has long since ceased to bo ■ message in its own way MBMUMmR after and research many of the AH PiII.XLHI• 18MBl '« ALM J i I PeTlw B ill k leading Christian stations You many find the end product A BETTER STATION WILL BE THE RESULT. The new appliespot what you had expected but the aims of the station tion is planned for submission m December and the public IiIBBSaSS? *" d the obiectiyes it seeks to fulfil demand a policy which will Ill*l tLwl■ I uc'rn nu Ul nx F e >n> RPR 1 °' ,hßreabou,s PASTOR P MORROW, CHRISTCHURCH REVIVAL GOSPEL RADIO FELLOWSHIP will make no profit, will pay no result in aggressive, appealing top-quality Programmes all * )? E G “ h “" ™ E ""J: h . r „ dv FELLOWSHIP dividends will have no shareholders and wo believe the round Remember, GOSPEL RADIO will be a LOCAL STATION n . nl „ rr lini i. culn ■„ . .. . .. . ? nce ,h ' warrant is granted, the station would be ready , th h tth turn o( , sw ,t c h evarypublic will benefit serving a SPECIFIC COMMUNITY and will be fulfilling its ?2? PE Ak..fiftßJ?. F ™ lo .os?LuT W r U e?L°'' l n?.,2* 10 commenc ’ broadcasting immediately - about NEXT MAY. ' no hM ; t||e on|y t 0 th ,„ nM(j . u ,« „ me various responsibilities as shown above. J!!fio G ?!IS?-J!nw T 0 PRESENT THEIR CLAIM AND TO STATE THIS PROGRAMME CAN ONLY COME ABOUT BY THE SPIRIT OF y A j s w i„ p, , v |t,l ministry * ALL FUNDS DONATED ARE USED FOR THE WORK ANO THE THEIR POSITION. GOB WORKING THROUGH HIS PEOPLE AT MANY DIFFERENT ’ WORK ALONE. Our Programmes will include:— . u , , .. .. TIMES IN MANY DIFFERENT PLACES ANO IN MANY DIFFERENT/ * THERE WILL BE NO COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING on the * MUSIC (about 40% of air-time) light music with all- * , How ,a "t |lla ' •'• » ou « ll b *h» viewpoints of the other CIRCUMSTANCES. «w.»v-.«l-»IT nr PIITII eS. Any U .d«rti?,ng t™ round appeal; local performers; request sesions; pop music; denom.nat.ons? WE ASK YOU TO PRAY ABOUT ANO CONSIDER THfS WORK STATEMENT OF FAITH late-night music, jazz, modern developments in music, wt nn vou think vou are keot un-to-date on Church activities AND ITS NEEDS. * PROGRAMMES MAY BE AIRED FREE for organisations, groups morning music; Indian and Eastern music; Folk music; talent news and views? xr**-#*-*-*-*-**#^*'#***■**#•**■*#■**■* and personalities who merit such treatment. IN THIS WAY contests. wf BELIEVE ™ E PROGRAMMES ON THE STATION WILL REFLECT NO . rillT „n ai PR nrRAMMFc r»h ftl .r .ir t.m.i ni auc - * Do you feel that you wouid ,ik ® to hear mof ® d Hussions ~ , VESTED INTEREST - OPPORTUNITIES ARE OPEN FOR ALL. * 5" ET ““ L r <S'| !; 'dneumeitenes; “lassiwi h"" 1 " 18 ‘ < ”’ iCS °' ,Oda! ' ° n in, ’ r dwdmi '” ,id "’ l ■2R ■7* 1 1 KIH L That the Holy Scriptures, as given by music; events, concerts and productions; community God, are Divinely inspired, mtalllDle programmes. ★ Do you know ebout all the Churches and their activities (entirely trustworthy), and the supreme "’..-"'•-y W/- '-v' -X- * SPIRITUAL PROGRAMMES (about 15% of air time) points ,n neighboorhood? R * B, ° FEU -°* S . H, . ( ’ has been in existence for NINE authority in all matters of faith and J ■’«£?£}> ,h J ug .s t: mod .“?, P . a .'* b ?. s: ! iblß « !|ui - 2: . wh ? set5 et roligion? *lf you were to becom* a Christian tomorrow yould you yE * ,7 ? b %™ S ZmI.J! j“ hority Act practice after death what? the Church in Society; testimony time; be able to make e responsible decision as to which Church TX *1,.? niv« “.iteirf nr Z '“ d ‘ 9 I- r „j ,t, rn allv existent in three —I BF- -SW—MB Modern Revival Time; Gospel echoes; what it takes to be a you would join? 1 r L . s never altered or dimmed. 2. In one God. eternally exideni « WW Christian: Good News Club: Hour of Decision; Radio Bible- * . God , bas " avar ' eased b " ai,h,ul and bring amaling persons, Father. Son, and Holy Spirit. class; and many, many other, GOSPEL RADIO believes its service shoold th. Churches * SX,•" n d m ,; n “«n‘sXllXpp'orted'm' seen our plan. 3- OUT Lord JeSUS Christ. God manifest m * NEWS COMMENTARIES (about 10% of air-time) full and with a united voice for proclaiming Jesus Christ. progress so well. in thr flesh, HIS Virgin birth, His sinless up-to-date news through GOSPEL RADIO'S news service: , hfA u;- mirarfoc and His atoninc frequent bulletins; commentaries and discussions: behind the J te * H,s m,rac,es > ana n,s aron,n B SwffeWlWt news > Church news; flashes and spot news service. death. BBMwB i -3MI‘ Ml ■ 1 ■ L J® T T 1 I Bi W T fl M M ■ J■ X -X J 4- Io tbe bodily resurrection of Jesus BMBBP m * spiritual music (about 5% .4 II M'i'l a fIB I'j I B I ® B | kg Christ from the-dead, in His personal IJS z Sc-t^^.t'^ KJMiBiHAMUMAAAikMifIBi return, and the judgment of the world ■ music: a time of praise; heavenly by Him. WK|p O melod,es - Building Complex (estimated before tender) .„. 28.000 5. That "all have sinned," and ar. justly Slil * SPORTS— HOBBIES (about 5% of air- C\\ir ram I'l romontc zra Technical Equipment: exposed to the wrath Of God. -; ’ C Z^W: " tim ®) sports news coverage; sports <7UI til lai ICIal I cquli Cl IlCl Ho aiC Antenna and Earthing 10.000 6. That redemption from the guilt, penalty, WMIMwI / •-y /z;zZ personalities; hobby hour. Transmitters 20,000 , nr t nnwpr n f ci n is nossible OhlV WMMrI / /z 'r/ z \/ All foe programmes will be selected in the e 1 AC AAA + n hllilH anH " a P U OV T ™ .‘X P r”' U ”. ”* jSBRWR 1,. ' i'B ht ®f ° ur statement of faith. Many of IU3,UUU TO uUllu dnu cQUip In 15 studio Suite 32,200 through the death, shed blood and rethese programmes will be broadcast LIVE Standby Plant 2,500 Surrection of JeSUS Christ. The technician .. . ReDio'wi'll w«X“h. P XKte"«.| 8 2?rv7ci Christian Radio Station plus ' Outside Broadcasts ( testing) 1,800 7. In the necessity of the work of the , 1 with 1 difference. Also we are inviting $95,000 Holy Spirit to make the death of Christ ■■Bißßr’W*' / sponsors for THESE programmes CSC nnn npr annum effective to the individual sinner, grantRE «SE WNSIDER TOO this aspect of per annum inereaner. Working Capjtal 10000 jng hjm repenfence towards God and ihe announcer . . . " WI ■. v—eiTTSnK faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, enabling a ®B ®B * . ' . the believer to live a Holy life, and to Annual Expenses .... $35,000 witness and work for Him. BMa hfeßl .IM THIS IS THE CHALLENGE AND THE NEED FOR THIS WORK FOR CHRIST 8 bies"" of ‘the Vghteous 6 MM W- : IF YOU DESIRE FURTHER * EM W IF HAVING READ THIS ANNOUNCEMENT YOU WISH TO MAKE CONTACT WITH THE FELLOWSHIP you may: and the eternal punishment Of the : INFORMATION WRITE TO: | WRITE. To P.O. Box 2420, Christchurch, for our detailed Campaign Brochure. g believer is baptised into the : P.O. BOX 2420, CHRISTCHURCH : UlhH><wlM □ PHO m T r T S,C „ h T !± ers ,™ 3 ®‘ 3 ® 9 ’ ° 2 ' 032, 837 « 10 - S ?ein C g ri Semle^of O L SP aL\ n r d Wiill ; rnp AIIP nnail FD * 9^«"■ "g HW cempalgn Week, 7th to 12th September, you may make Toll Cells Collect. are responsible - for keeping the unity * ’UR wun ULiHILIU j MMMMfiMMipW * CALL: At the Campaign Centre, at 181 Manchester Street; Christchurch, and • See some of the equipment Of the Spirit in the bond of peace, » CAMPAIGN BROCHURE * -Q the a centre * P * a Shall e g|°Q Ship mcrnlsers - • Make recordings. • Participate in the spirit and fellowship of loving One another With a pure heart H S ' hwar let WHETHER YOU CONTACT US OR NOT (ANO WE HOPE YOU WILL) WE VALUE AND NEED YOUR PRAYERS. fervently. •ir#«^r*^** l r*^r««Nr**w^**< l **^*******#.**** l #^#s#^# l ? 800 YOU HO that 118 S ®BfS to near, lei Nothing can be achieved without the support of the PRAYERS of the Lord's people. him hear."

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Press, Volume CX, Issue 32396, 8 September 1970, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume CX, Issue 32396, 8 September 1970, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume CX, Issue 32396, 8 September 1970, Page 10