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ADDINGTON MARKET Strong Sale For Both Prime And Store Cattle

Prime cattle continued to sell strongly at the Addington market yesterday, with a number of sales little short of $2OO a head. It was again a good quality entry, with a sizeable selection of heavy-weight steers.

Prime lambs were again in heavy supply, with a yarding of 2700, but there was not a large entry of prime sheep.

Prime ewes continued to sell quite well, although by the end of selling, values were easier on last week's rates. Most sales yesterday were at less than $7 a head. Young wethers and young ewes showed little change in values, but older wethers were 20c to 30c firmer. Store stock continued to sell well, with forward two-year-old steers to 8137.50, and calves to $B2. Most of the breeding ewes fetched more than $8 a head. Store Sheep Breeding ewes continued to tell strongly, but some of the store lambs reflected the easier

market prevailing in the prime lamb pens. The entry of more than 1000 breeding ewes was again a very tidy one. It included a line of Corriedales being sold as capital stock, and these sold particularly well. The two-tooths sold at $10.30. two and three-shear ewes to $lO.lO, and adult ewes to $8.25. Romney ewes continued to sell in the $7.50 to $8 range, with small-er-framed and plainer ewes from $5.80 to $6.50.

A smaller gallery than usual followed the store lamb sale, and apart from the best lots, values were not up to those of recent weeks. But considering the lack of strength in the prime lamb market, the sale was satisfactory for vendors. The entry of 500 head included four pens of autumn-shorn Romneys in prime condition and they sold from $6.45 to $6.60. Woolly Romneys sold from $5.90 to $6.05 and fine-woolled lambs

from $4.60 to $5.90. No ewe lambs were offered.

Sales of store sheep included: Breeding ewes: H. C. Urlwin (Oxford), 255 mated Romneys at $7.80 to $7.90: A. T. Wright (Dunsandel), 74 two-tooth Corriedales due to Down and Corriedale rams at $10.30, 152 two and three-shear Corriedales at $9.80 to $lO.lO, 124 five-year-olds at $8.20 to $8.25, 98 five-year-old Border Leicester cross at $B. Store lambs: P. R. Henderson (Parnassus), 52 Corriedale wethers at $5.70; C. K. Chamberlain (Ellesmere), 176 Romney wethers at $6.45 to $6.60. Prime Lambs Prime lambs were in heavy supply, the yarding being 2700, compared with 2200 last week. For vendors, the market showed no improvement. Some of the heavier butchers’ lambs were easier. Others showed little change. While quality was generally good, the yarding included a number of pens which were over-prime. These had a harder sale, and some passings were evident. Values were: Extra heavy lambs, $7.50 to $B. Prime heavy, $7 to $7.45. Prime medium, $6.40 to $6.85. Leading sales of prime lambs included: Elgin Farm (Ashburton), 30 at $7.40 to $7.70; H. Dunlea (Ashburton), 19 at $7.20 to $7.45; I. W. and N. S. Muckle (Rakaia), 29 at $7 to $7.30; T. Abbott (Hororata), 63 at $7.20 to $7.60; R. W. Ensor (Okuku), 82 at $7 to $7.30; E. A. Alexander (Lakeside), 21 at $6.90 to $7.20; H. G. Lemon (Leeston), 21 at $6.90 to $7.20; A. N. Watson (Pendarves), 27 at $6.95 to $7.15; P. Croft (Sefton), 8 at $7 to $7.50; M. H. Molloy (Rakaia), 42 at $7.25 to $7.50; S. C. and F. E. King (Sheffield), 85 at $7.05 to $7.90; V. R. Copeland (Rakaia), 40 at $7 to $7.10; Roecombe Farm (Darfield), 41 at $7.60 to $7.85; C. O. Redfern (Darfield), 20 at $7.30 to $7.45: J. McL. Syme (Summerhill), 55 at $7.20 to $7.55; A. J. Marshall (Ashburton), 58 at $7.10 to $7.50; J. L. Elliot (Cheviot), 20 at $7.10 to $7.25; Mrs N. N. Davidson (West Eyreton), 31 at $7.20 to $7.30; J. L. Walker and Sons (Dunsandel), 34 at $7.65 to $7.80; W. D. Walker (Dunsandel). 32 at $7.30 to $7.70; R. G. Leybourne (Weedons), 30 at $7.30 to $7.60.

Prime Sheep Prime sheep had a fair sale, although ewes again edged back. At 2020, compared with 2060 last week, the yarding was again a moderate one. While ewes continued to meet a ready sale, values were fractionally easier, with most sales at less than $7 a head. Young wethers and two-tooth ewes were forward in smaller numbers, and quality was generally plainer. Values showed litle change on last week. Some outside competition was shown in the better lots, and these were firm. A race of adult wethers met a good sale, with values 20c to 30c stronger. Values were: Best young wethers, to $B.BO.

Medium wethers, $7.40 to $7.80. Older wethers, $6.80 to $B. Best old ewes, $6.80 to $7.30. Medium ewes, $6.30 to $6.70, Plain ewes, $5.50 to $6.

Leading sales of prime sheep included:—

Two-tooth wethers: W. R. Ensor (Okuku), 4 at $8.20 to $8.80; K. and I. Bailey (Springston), 24 at $7.80 to $8.35: W. J. S. McLaughlin (Greendale), 9 at $7.50 to $7.80: W. R. Russell and Company (Lees Valley), 30 at $7.70 to $8; Woodstock Station (Oxford), 14 at $7.90 to $8.60; Kinloch Estate (Little River), 28 at $7.80 to $B.

Older wethers: K. and I. Bailey (Springston), 7 fourtooths at $7.80; W. R. Russell and Company (Lees Valley), 20 four-tooths at $7.65; Woodstock Station (Oxford), 22 four-tooths at $B.lO to $8.20; 40 full-mouthed at $7.75 to $7.90; Glenrock Station (Rakaia Gorge), 90 fullmouthed at $7.80 to $8; Smith Brothers (Ku row). 56 fullmouthed at $7.80 to $B. Adult ewes: P. A. Adams (Sheffield), 26 at $6.40 to $6.70; N. J. and H, A. Smith (Cheviot), 38 at $7 to $7.10; W. H. R. Stevenson (Oxford), 32 at $5.35 to $6.30; R. F. White (Hororata), 23 at $6.40 to $7; G. A. Hide (Fernside), 14 at $6.65 to $7; Tiverton Farm (Brookside), 50 at $6.40 to $7.10; Springbrook Farm (Leeston), 22 at $6.30 to $6.80; B. P. Wright (Amberley). 18 at $6.30 to $6.85; R. Burrows (Rakaia), 57 at $6.80 to $7.35; G. L. King (Rakaia), 59 shorn at $6.55 to $6.85: N. W. Skurr (Oxford). 16 at $6.40 to $6.75; T. N. McNeill (Weedons), 13 at $6.70; G. Power (Rangiora). 28 at $6.30 to $6.50.

Prime Cattle Entries in the prime cattle section rose from 323 last week to 384. Quality was again good. Heavy-weight streers were again in plentiful supply, and the heifer entry was the largest for some weeks.

The market was again a very satisfactory one for vendors, with values for most classes being fully firm. A small entry of cows also had a very good sale. Prime heavy steer beef sold to $24 per 1001 b, prime mediumweight, $25 to $26.50; prime heavy heifer beef to $23.50; prime medium-weight $24 to $25.50, and cow beef from $l9 to $2l. Values were:

Prime heavy steers, $l7O to $l9O, with some sales to $199. Medium steers, $155 to $l6B. Light steers, $l2O to $l5O.

Best heifers, $125 to $135. Medium heifers, $lO5 to $l2O. Prime heavy cows, to $123. Medium cows, $95 to $llO. Leading sales of prime cattle included:—

Steers: Brown Brothers (Kaituna), 2 at $157.50 to $158.50; E. W. Coop and Sons (Port Levy), 8 at $155 to >160; Mrs W. J. Leach and Son (Scargill), 2 at $134 to $175; H. A. and H. J. Hartley (Okains Bay), 6 at $155 to $184; J. E. Hartley (O’Kains Bay), 1 at $163.50; Glaze brook (Te Pirita), 16 at $179.50 to $187; R. T. Masefield (Goughs Bav), 9 at $169.50 to $199; P. J. and I. C. Ford (Sefton), 3 at $174.50 to $196; Rakaia Island Run, Ltd (Southbridge), 9 at $184.50 to $191; R. W. Armstrong, Limited (Te Pirita), 2 at $153; N. Spencer (Belfast), 1 at $180; J. L. Walker (Dunsandel), 1 at $160.50; A. J. Boleyn (Stoney Bay), 2 at $164.50 to $170.50; C. S. Donald Belfast), 29 to |l5O to $165; Percival Farm Company (Han-m-er Springs), 14 at $154.50 to $180; R. D. Parsons (Parnassus), 5 at $161.50 to $164.50; C. B. Thacker (O’Kains Bay), 9 at $l9O to $197; estate of C. B. Thacker (O’Kains Bay), 9 at $180.50 to $192; D. J. Hendry (Methven),: 1 at $163.50; E. M. and B. J. Adams (Greendale), 5 at $161.50 to $168; Mrs M. A. Haslett (Rakaia), 3 at $164; Winteslow Station (Methven), 1 at $163; C. Houston (Rangiora), 1 at $175.50; Williams Brothers (Takamatua), 9 at $163 to $173.50; J. M. Griffiths and Company (Ashburton), 7 at $155 to $167.50.

Heifers: Brown Brothers (Kaituna), 5 at $122 to $130; Mrs W. N. A. Wright (Springston), 1 at $130; H. A. and H. J. Hartley (Okains Bay), 1 at $126.50; L. L. Craw and Sons (Duvauchelle), 1 at $123.50: R. W. Armstrong, Ltd (Te Pirita), 5 at $ll6 to $130; P. J. and I. C. Ford (Sefton), 2 at $128.50 to $129; A. J. Boleyn (Stoney Bay), 4 at $117; C. P. Wright (Ashburton), 1 at $123; J. L. Walker (Dunsandel), 4 at $126 to $135; R. D. Parsons (Parnassus), 5 at $114.50; A. T, M. Thacker (Okains Bay), 9 at $133 to $135.50; estate J. T. L. Knight (Lavericks Bay), 12 at $124 to $131; J. B. Douglas Clifford (Stonyhurst), 11 at $ll4 to $119.50; W. H. Brown and Son (Scargill), 5 at $109.50 to $ll6.

Cows: K. G. Robinson (Gresson’s Road), 1 at $112; Brown Brothers (Kaituna), 3 at $110.50 to $132.; R. and Z. Hudson (Lower Styx Road), 2 at $156.50: A. J. Boleyn (Stoney ;Bay), 2 at $ll3 to $117; Kelsie Trust (Springston), 1 at $114.50; S. L. Stephens (Ohoka), 1 at $119; J. L. Walker (Dunsandel), ;i at $119; M. T. and W. J. McGoverin (Rangiora). 1 at $102; J Drage (Southbrook), 1 at $115; S. L. and B. E. Chambers (Southbridge), 1 at $105.50. Dairy Cattle With an entry of 50 head, followed by the dispersal of a private herd, the dairy cattle yarding was the biggest since the autumn. Quality was very mixed, a large number being more suitable for rearing calves than for use in dairy herds. In spite of the plain standard, the market was a sound one, with cows meeting a ready demand. Average Friesian heifers sold from $95 to $llO, and small down to $72. A number of Jersey heifers sold at $BO each. Best cows sold from $l2O to $129. with average from $lOO to $ll5.

Nineteen mixed-aged Friesian cows, offered on acocunt of J.

M. Pickering and Sons, ot Oxford, were sold after the main dairy sale for >Bl to 8114, while 11 Friesian heifers sold from $93 to $lOl. They were due to calve from August on. Vealers A yarding of 90 vealers met a sound sale, although with quality generally plainer than at recent sales, the market did not reach the heights of last week. The best of the vealers sold from $BB to $96, with odd sales to $100: medium from $7B to $B5 and lighter from $6B to $74. Best calves sold to $65. medium from $52 to $5B. and small from $3B to $4B. Bobby calves sold to $24. Store Cattle With an entry of more than 400 head, the store cattle yarding was the largest for a month. It included about 200 calves, also a useful entry of forward steers. The market was a very strong one, the best of the forward steers selling from $l2O to $137.50, with others down to $lO7. A line of Hereford steer calves from the Methven district ranged from $6O to $B2, while the best of a small entry of Angus cross steer calves from the same vendor also fetched $B2. It was an excellent sale. Only three bulls were offered, and top price was $lBl for a Shorthorn cross. An Angus bull fetched $179. Sales of store cattle included: J. L. Rutherford, Ltd (Culverden), 27 two-year-old Angus cross steers at $129 to $137,50; R. Sharp (Ward), 12 two-year-old Angus steers at $125.50; A. J. and H. L. Pickering (Motunau), 20 two-year-old Angus steers at $l2O to $124.50; Winterslow Station (Methven), 110 Hereford steer calves at $6O to $B2 , 40 Angus-Hereford cross steer calves at $57.50 to $B2, 11 Angus cross heifers at $64. Fat Pigs There was only a small yarding in the fat pig section again this week, and quality was only mediocre. Many of the porkers were too short and too fat, and they met a hard sale. The occasional pen of good quality porkers met a good sale, and heavy porkers and light baconers were on a par with recent rates. Very few baconers were yarded, and the best of them met a good inquiry. Eight choppers were offered, and values were stronger. Values were:— Light porkers, $17.90 to $20.40. Medium porkers, $22.10 to $24.80. Heavy porkers, $25.80 to $28.40. Light baconers, $29.10 to $31.10. Medium and heavy, $32.90 to $36.40. Choppers, $25 to $38.25, with one very large pig at $50.25. Store Pigs The entry in the store pig section was a large one, and included some very good quality pigs. Competition was not as strong as at some previous sales, and while values were on a par at the start of the sale, they weakened as the market progressed. Over the last two races, only the best quality! pigs met reasonable competition. Others were hard to quit. Best quality weaners, although slightly easier, met a reasonable sale, but small wea-‘ ners were back on recent rates.' Slips and small stores also eased, particularly the secondary sorts. There was a bigger selection of medium stores, and; values were on a par withi recent rates. The advertised purebred i Landrace sows sold ,to $l2O, | while a purebred Landrace boar I realised $lOO. Other Landrace cross sows realised to $64, but the poorer quality sows were much harder to sell. A sow with litter of seven fetched $56. Values were:— Small weaners, $6.80 to s£lo. Best weaners, $8.90 to $lO.lO. Slips, $10.50 to $11.50. Small and medium stores, $12.50 to $14.80.

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Press, Volume CX, Issue 32367, 5 August 1970, Page 15

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ADDINGTON MARKET Strong Sale For Both Prime And Store Cattle Press, Volume CX, Issue 32367, 5 August 1970, Page 15

ADDINGTON MARKET Strong Sale For Both Prime And Store Cattle Press, Volume CX, Issue 32367, 5 August 1970, Page 15