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MAGISTRATE’S COURT Six Months Imprisonment For Theft Of Stamps

Six tnonths imprisonment was imposed on Donald Ross Tyson, aged 30, a hospital orderly, when he appeared before Mr P. L. Molineaux, S.M., for sentence in the 'Magistrate’s Court yesterday on a charge of stealing 22 stamps worth $1415 from ,C. RSaville, Ltd. On a breach of probation charge he was convicted and discharged. The Magistrate said he had listened to a lengthy address by counsel (Mr K. N. Hampton) in which he urged the Court to deal with Tyson by some way other than imprisonment. The Magistrate said he “noted with concern” Tyson’s record and the fact that he had been treated with some lenicency in the past. While he was on probaion last year he committed a theft “He showed quite a degree of cunning and guile in the way he surreptitiously sln>these stamps into a book while browsing through stamps in a stamp shop,” said the Magistrate. “He has not responded to probation. He says he does not like the probation officer and he does not like prison. What is the Court to do?

The only appropriate sentence is imprisonment. Mr Hampton said Tyson knew that what he was doing was foolish and criminal, but he saw it as a way of making some money to pay for expensive divorce proceedings. FINED M9O, PROBATION Bruce Roger Coullng, aged 19, a metal polisher (Mr P. G. Hill), appearing for sentence on a charge ot injuring Christopher Andrew McEwin with intent on July 3. was fined *l5O and placed on probation tor one year. The Magistrate said the complainant arrived uninvited at a party and Was set upon by Coullng and others. During the struggle the complainant received cuts.from a knife wielded by Coullng. Couiing bad a satisfactory record and the offence was considered to be an Isolated one. RECEIVING Peter *Mason Dick, aged 41, a shop proprietor ,(Mr A. Hearn), was fined *5O and ordered to pay witnesses' expenses of *30.00 and *5 costs when he was sentenced on a charge of receiving three hams valued at (40 on June 23. knowing they had been dishonestly obtained. Mr Hearn said the defendant had made * substantial and thorough effort to put his past behind him since his release from prison in 1961. It was unlikely he would come before the Court again. FINED *7O. PROBATION Appearing for sentence on two charges of false pretences. Shirley Ann Brunton, aged 24 an

unemployed barmaid, was fined *35 on each charge and placed on probation for one year. The Magistrate said Brunton was virtually a first offender and a probation officer’s report indicated that she was likely to respond to probation. REMANDED FOR REPORT Kevin James Wright, aged 21. a salesman (Mr G. R. Lascelles), was further remanded to July 31 for sentence when he appeared on tour charges of theft as a servant ot General Foods, Ltd. He was directed to undergo a medical examination for the purpose of a sentence of periodic detention. The offences related to the stealing of frozen chickens and other Items of food from the company between June 23 and ‘mt Lascelles said the offences were a departure from the defendant's regular standard of conduct. He had shown he could settle down and lead a law-abiding life. The Magistrate said periodic detention seemed to be the most appropriate sentence for the defendant. ( FINED *5O BruCe Roy Stewart Davenport, aged 18, a labourer, appearing for sentence on a charge of breaking a bottle tn Cathedral Square and escaping from custody, was fined *25 on each charge. The police found that Davpn. port had thrown a soft drink bottle at somebody near ,the Godley Plot, said the Magistrate. The bottle had smashed and Davenport made off. He was caught by a constable but escaped, was caught again, and escaped again while on the way to the police station. SUPPRESSED A young man, whose name was suppressed (Mr J. N. Matson), was released on probation for one year when be appeared for sentence on a charge ot theft of a car tyre worth *12.90 at Sockburn on May 14. Mr Matson said the defendant had psychological difficulties, and the probation officer’s report Indicated he had been In a very disturbed state. Although not excusing him. these factors went some way towards mitigating the offence. CIVIL CASES Judgment Summonses Orders were made on judgment summonses as follows: M. Harrington, shopkeeper, Madras Street, to pay J. Rattray and Son. Ltd. *1990.49, In default three months’ imprisonment, warrant suspended as long as defendant pays *2 a week. D. G. Gerard, insurance representative. Barbadoes street, to pay Hallensteln Bros. Ltd. *58.20 (U or 33 days): D. G. Gerard, Insurance representative. Barbadoes Street, to pay Waimea Electric Power Board •28.3 (*3 or 16 days): G. Hayes. Walnoni Road, to pay Burwood Garage and Service Station, Ltd, *72.97 (»2 or 40 days): S. McGrath, labourer, Worcester Street, to pay Omond and Steele *ll.BO <*2 or seven days): J. Nicholas, labourer. Montreal Street, to pay Christchurch Gas, Coal and Coke Company, Ltd. *lO.lB (*2 or six days). Herbert Lloyd Wilson, workman, Hoani Street, to pay T. Armstrong and Company. Ltd. *35.19 <*2 or 15 davs): John Lionel Beckett, soldier. Addington. to pay the Post Office *37.17 <*2 or 21 days): N. G. Brown, workman. Bordeslev street, to pay A. J. Baxter *24.50 <32 or 14 days): R. Campbell, labourer. Fisher Avenue, to nav R. S. Clyne *lo* ,*2 or *2 days): W. J. Conrad, Dickson Crescent, to ?. a „ v „. C! ?ll ,,church CI ‘F Council *32.23 <32 or 18 days): Graeme Culliford. workman. Teddlngton. ?2. pay — oh . n Bfunswlck Bell M 8 <32 or 37 days). M. Dailey, painter. Cobham Street, to pay National Insurance Comnany of N.Z,, Ltd J 107.49 <S2 or 58 days): j’ Delaney worker. Longfellow ,0 pay Pe,er p an Studios 818.20 <32 or 10 days); W. J. Donaldson. Ferry Road, to pav Christchurch Cltv Council *110.42 <32 or 04 days): B. J. Doo. carpenter. Osborne- Street, to pay Ashbv Bergh and Company. Ltd. *16.10 (*2 or nine days); A. Fairhurst, director Koromlko Street, to nay Les Evans Garave. Ltd. *424.92 (85 or three months): C. Fox. workman Carisbrook Street, to pav H. T. Trecurtha. Ltd. *36.40 <32 or 20 days). (Before Mr H. J. Evans. S.M.) FINED *lOO Peter Thomas Shearer, aged 24. aI steelworker (Mr C. C. H. Knight), was convicted and fined *lOO when he pleaded guilty to a charge of assaulting Adrian John Jackson on July 24. The Magistrate directed that half the fine be paid to the complainant. Sergeant 'V. F. Townshend said the defendant struck Mr Jackson two hard blows in the face with his fist as he was walking with his wife across the Islington Hotel car park. The defendant had been drinking, and when he was Interviewed by the police he was In an abusive mood. STOLE BICYCLE Sylvia Beryl Connor, aged 44, a housewife, charged with stealing a bicycle worth *76 froip Betty Elena Holloway on June 28, was convicted and remanded In custody to August 5 for sentence. . She pleaded guilty. Sergeant V. F. Townshend said the defendant tried to sell the bicycle to the Cycle Trading Company for *l5. and said she had had It for two years. Because the bicycle was in such good condition and was worth more than *l5, the proprietor telephoned the firm that had sold the bicycle, and found that It had been sold in January for The police interviewed the defendant and she admitted tak. Ing the bicycle on June 28. STOLE *5 Charged with stealing *5 from Thomas McCleary, Terence George Rondel, aged 21, a motor mechanic, was fined *5O. He pleaded guilty to the charge. After Mr McCleary reported thefts of money taking place over a three-month period, the police set a trap, said Sergeant Townshend. On July 27 Mr McCleary reported that *5 was missing and Rondel was interviewed. He denied taking the money but when traces of dye were found in his pocket he admitted the theft but denied being responsible for any of the other thefts. REMANDED Evelyn Alice Peters, aged 22. a housewife (Mr D. H. P. Dawson), charged with striking Maree Alice Peters, thereby killing her, on June 15, was remanded on ball to August 19 for the taking of depositions. STOLE FROM SHOPS Wayne Jordan, aged 18, unemployed, was remanded in Custody for one week for a probation report and sentence when he pleaded guilty to five charges of theft from shops. He was represented by Mr C. C. H Knight. Sergeant F. G. Muleare said Jordan had been caught stealing a suit from a Christchurch shop on July 20. He admitted also stealing a pair of boots, a suede coat, and a girl’s coat and skirt, and an electric jug. worth a total of about Ml 3, on various dates In July. Restitution. of *11.90 for items unrecoVared, was asked. Mr Knight applied for bail, saying the defendant was about to be married. The application was refused. MISCELLANEOUS POLICE CASES In miscellaneous cases brought by the police, convictions were entered and fines imposed as follows, with costs *5 in each case:—

Failed to stop at sign: Albert Ernest Whear, >3O (no warrant of fitness, Ss>. Failed to give way: Robert Hilton Harding, S2O and disqualified for three months. Failed to stop at lights: Alan Richard Peddle, >2O and disqualified for three months. Failed to give way: Susan Jane Skinner, >lO and disqualified for six months. Careless driving: David Ashwell. >10: Wayne Alan Eyleg, >3O, disqualified for six months; Geoffrey John Tuer, >3O, dis. qualified for six months. Owned dog which rushed at a person: Elizabeth Louise Sewell, >l3, order that dog be kept under proper control. BANKRUPTCY OFFENCES Albert Wallace Hunt (Mr A. N. Maclean), was remanded on bail to August 2 when he pleaded guilty to tour charges of obtaining credit In excess of >4O without disclosing that he was an undischarged bankrupt. Mr J. L. Woodward, for the Official Assignee, 'said the defendant, who was adjudged bankrupt in Wellington In 1960, began business as the Selwyn Snack Bar in March, 1909. His creditors, Ballins Industries. Ltd, Ernest Adams, Ltd, F. Radburn (a milk vendor) and Masonry Services, Ltd. did not discover his status until his business failed and he filed In bankruptcy tor a second time In February. 1970. He owed them a total of >409.18. MISCELLANEOUS CASES In prosecutions brought by the Education Department, the North Canterbury Acclimatisation Society, the Inspector of Factories, the Christchurch-Lyttelton Road Tunnel Authority, the Inland Revenue Department, the Post Office, and the Official Assignee, convictions were entered. costs of >5 and solicitors' fees of >6.30 were Imposed, with penalties as follows: Poached trout: Heta Ngalwairu, >l5: Ferris Tewhere, >l5. Failed to close shop: David Isles. >6; Gordon McLean. >5: Geoffrey John Teehan. >0: Michael Kelly. M. Failed to furnish income return: Albert Reynolds. >l2: Lloyds Car Corner, Ltd. >10; Rebecca Jesslemine Scarrott. >10: South Island Caterers, Ltd, >3O; Trlggs and Denton. Ltd, >l5; Trlggs and Denton (South Island), Ltd. >l5. Possessed unlicensed radio: William Charles Kerr, M; Lurlne Augusta Hill. >4. . , , Possessed unlicensed television set: Ralph Eugene King, >10; Yvonne McDonald. >8; Bruce Alfred McLlntock. >10; June McSherry. 015; Ivan Houghton. >lO (unlicensed radio, W: . Paul Francis Jerard, >10; Frederick Maurice Lancaster. >10; William John Leek, >10; Malcolm Thomas Mac Neil. >10; Richard Knight Marks. >lO (unlicensed radio, tt). Roy Mathie, >lO. Failed to ensure child’s school attendance: Thomas Abert Jones, >2: Eileen Morunga. convicted and discharged. Failed to keep left in tunnel: Guy Daigneault. >25 Overtook in tunnel: Raymond George Douglas, >3. (failed to produce licence, >3). No red light on trailer: Colin Leonard Dawson, >5. (Before Mr W. F. Brown. S.M.) FOUND PEEPING Ralph Lionel Gilbert Joyce, aged 25, a pressure tester, pleaded not guilty to a charge of being found peering into the window of a dwelling house on the night of July 20. He was convicted and remanded on ball to August 4 for a probation report and sentence. Constable G. M. McKay said that when he interviewed Joyce about 1-00 a.m. on July 20 he admitted looking through the windows of an upstairs flat occupied by three women. He said that he had been there on previous occasions with the express purpose of looking through-the windows, said Constable McKay. Joyce had a clear, unobstructed view of the flat from his car parked across the driveway entrance. CHARGE DISMISSED Philip Vance Gunn, aged 19, a storeman (Mr J. M. Wilson), pleaded not guilty to a charge of stealing a car tyre from the Sockburn railway store shed on May 14. The charge was dis“sergeant M. Morresey said that the police conceded Gunn had taken no physical part in the theft, but had incited, or at least not discouraged a codefendant to commit theft. The Magistrate said that In layman's language the charge hinged on whether or not Gunn actively encouraged the commission of theft. The defendant had come very close to being Involved in theft, but there was a slight doubt, and the charge muat be dismissed. CHARGES DISMISSED , "There are certain prerequisites and'procedures that have to be followed. Authorities show that a breath test notice must be produce in Court," sard the Magistrate when dismissing a charge of driving with excessive alcohol in the blood. Norman Lawrence Armstrong, aged 25. a lineman (Mr B. A. Barrer), pleaded not guilty to the charge and to a charge Of careless driving. The careless driving charge was also dismissed. Sergeant M. Morresey prosecuted.

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Press, Volume CX, Issue 32361, 29 July 1970, Page 12

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MAGISTRATE’S COURT Six Months Imprisonment For Theft Of Stamps Press, Volume CX, Issue 32361, 29 July 1970, Page 12

MAGISTRATE’S COURT Six Months Imprisonment For Theft Of Stamps Press, Volume CX, Issue 32361, 29 July 1970, Page 12