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Close Tussles In Age Group Swimming

Carl Trotter and Mark Trembath met in several exciting races at an ago group swinv ming carnival at North Beach on Saturday. Competing in the under 14section Trembath beat Trotter in the butterfly, freestyle and breaststroke events, but Trotter won the backstroke and had a faster time in a different race in the medley. In the girls' under 10 years section Janice Murdoch beat Karen Baker tn the medley, and butterfly events, but Karen Baker beat her in the freestyle and had a faster breaststroke time. The carnival was to have been held at Rangiora but was changed to the short course pool at North Beach because the Rangiora Pool is not yet heated Maureen McManus, competing tn the girls’ under 12 section, won her five events. She beat a close rival. Roseanne Baker in four events, then had a slower time than hers in the fifth,event, the backstroke, but swam in a cjifferent race. Abbreviations used in the re suits: Wharenui (W.). Kaiapoii (K ), New Brighton (N. 8. North! Beach (Nth B ). Elmwood (E), Greymouth (Grey),), Jellie Park (J.P.). Beckenham (Beck.), Papanul (P ), Woolston Park (W.P.‘). St Albans (St A ). Results were: UNDER 10 Girls Four x 33 1-3 Yards Medley.— J. Murdoch (W.) 1, K. Baker (K ) 2, M. Berry (W.) 3 Time: 2:3.8. 100 Yards Backstroke.—Section 1: V. Turner (Nth B.) 1, J. Fernbath (W.) 2. D Head (W.) 3 Time: 1.48.3. Section 2: L. Harding (W.) 1, G Wisely (W.) 2 Time: 1.36.5 Section 3. K. Baker (K.) 1, B Tait (W.) 2. M. Berry (W.) 3. Time: 1.35.9. 100 Yards Freestyle.—Section 1: G. Wisely (W.) 1. J. Anink (Nth B ), 2, J. Griffiths (W.), 3 Time: 1.35. Section 2: L. Harding <W.) 1. J. Sunbeam (B.) 2, D. Head (W.) 3. Time: 1.30 7. Section 3: K. Baker <K.) 1. J Murdoch (W.) 2, M Berry (K.) 3. Time: 1:18.5. 100 Yards Breaststroke.—Section 1: H Jennings (N. 8. 1 Time: 2:4.7. Section 2. K Baker <K.) 1. B, Tait (W.) 2. Time: 1:45. Section 3: J. Murdoch (W.> 1. M Berry <W.) 2, R Barry (E.) 3. Time: 1:47. 66 2-3 Yards Butterfly.—J Mur doch (W.) 1, K. Baker <K.> 2, J. Sunbeam (B ) 3. Time. 1:0 7. Boys Four by 33 1-3 Yards Medlev P. Kirkpatrick (N.B.i I. ‘M. Smith <W.» 2. Time: 2:9.5. 100 Yards Backstroke.—Section 1: M. Smith (W.) 1. D. Clark (Nth B.) 2, T. White (Nth B.) 3. Time: 1:41.2. Section 2: D. Ferigo (W.) 1, P. Kirkpatrick (N. 8. 2. M. Legros (Nth B.) 3. Time: 1:29.3. 100 Yards Freestyle.—Section 1: E. Smit (St A.) 1. M. Legros (Nth B.) 2. K. Head (W.) 3. Time: 1:28. Section 2: P. Kirkpatrick (N. 8. 1, M. Smith (W.) 2. D. Ferigo (W.) 3. Time: 1:18.5. 100 Yards Breaststroke—P. Kirkpatrick (N. 8. 1, M. Smith (W.) 2, D. Ferigo (W.) 3. Time: 1:49.5. 66 2-3 Yards Butterfly—D. Ferigo (W.) 1. M. Smith (W.) 2. P. Kirkpatrick (N. 8. 3. Time: 1:5.3. UNDER 12 Girls: i 100 Yards Freestyle.—Section 11: M. McManus (E.» 1, R. Baker (K.) 2. L. Clark (Nth B ) 3. Time: 1:10.3. Section 2: J. McManus (E.) 1, J. Briggs (Nth B.i 2, A. Corboy (W.) 3. Time. (1:19.1. Section 3: J Sharp (W.P.) 1, M. Spatford (N.B ) 2, A Duncraft (Nth B.) 3 Time: 123.3. Section 4: C. Maughan (Nth B.) 1, J. Godfrey (Nth B > 2, R. Nieper (Nth B.) 3 Time; 1:26.6. Section 5. J. Blackler (W.P.) 1, L. Torrance (W.) 2. S. Roberts (St A.) 3. Time 1:26.4. 100 Yards Breaststroke.—Section 1: M. McManus (E.) 1. R. Baker (K.) 2. D. Harvey iSt A.i 3. Time: 1:26.7. Section 2: J. McManus (E.) 1. A. Duncraft (Nth B.) 2. J. McDougal (W.) 3. Time: 1:42.1. 100 Yards Butterfly—Section 1: M. McManus (E.) 1, R. Baker (K.) 2, J. Sharpe (W.P.) 3. Time. 1:34. Section 2: J. McManus (E.) J, A. Corboy (W.) 2, J Clyne (N. 8. 3. Time: 1:41.1. Four by 33 1-3 Yards Medley —Section 1: M. McManus (E.) 1. R. Baker (K.) 2. L. Clark (Nth B.) 3. Time: 1:50.6 Section 2 J McManus (E.) 1, J Clyne (N.B.> 2, C Maughan (Nth B-» 3. Time: 2.0.6. 100 Yards Backstroke.—Section 1: R. Baker (KJ 1, J McManus (E.) 2. C Maughan (Nth B.) 3 Time: 1:19.8. Section 2: M McManus (E.) 1. L. Clark (Nth BJ 2 J Clyne (N. 8. 3. Time: 1:28.5. Section 3: M. Strafford (N BJ 1. C. Eaton (E.) 2. S. Knight (Nth BJ 3. Time: 1:39.2. Section 4: L. Torrance (WJ 1. j. McDougal (WJ 2, S. Head (WJ 3. Time: 1:34.9. Boys Four by 33 1-3 Yards Medley C. Le Cren (Nth BJ 1, P. Gren-

fell (Nth B > 2, S. McManus (EJ 3. Time: 1:52.4. JOO Yards Backstroke—Section 1: C. Wright (Nth BJ 1. C. Le Cren (Nth Bj 2. W. Williams (W.PJ 3. Time: 1:19.8. Section 2: G. Duckmanton (WJ 1, B. Moore (W.P.) 2. P Grenfell (Nth BJ 3. Time: 1:28.6 Section 3. J. Kennedy (Grey.) 1, M. Dixon (Nth B.) 2, B. Anink (Nth BJ 3. Time: 1:31.7. 100 Yards Freestyle—Section 1: B. Moore (W.P.) 1. W. William (W P ) 2. P. Grenfell (Nth Bj 3. Time. 1:9.2. Section 2: J. Kennedy (Grey.) 1. C . Wright (Nth B j 2, G. Duckmanton (W J 3. Time: 1:13.9. Section 3: M. Dixon (Nth BJ 1. C. Beeby (N BJ 2, J. Somers (EJ 3. Time: 1:20.1. 100 Yards Breaststroke —Seclion I: C. Wright (Nth B.i 1. P McDonald (N.B.i 2. Time: 1:38.1. Section 2: J. Somers (E.) I, S. McManus (E.l 2, J. Richardson (8.1 3. Time: 1:42.6. 100 Yards Butterfly —B ,Y r „ en ’ fell (Nth 8.1 1 Time. 1:41.2. UNDER 14 Girls Four X 33 1-3 Yards Medley.Sectlon 1: E Somers (8.1 1. JTomlinson <E.) 2 M. Browning (W.l 3. Time: 1:44.5. Section 2p Truscott (E.> 1. A. Briggs (Nth B) 2. W. Stewart (E.l .1 Time: 1:48.7. Section 3.: G. Barry (E.l 1 A. Baker (K.l 2. L. Berrv (W.l 3. Time: 1:56,2. 10(1 Yards Backstroke.—Section 1- E. Somers (E.l 1. M. Browning (W.l 2. P. Truscott (E.l 3 Time: 1:20.95ec. Section 2: I. Tomlinson (E.l 1. W. Stewart. (E.l 2. R. Ward (W.P.I 3. Time: 1:19.5. Section 3: D. Bone (W.l 1. K Scott (St A.I 2. .1. Vincent (E.l'3. Time: 1:25.8. Section 4 J Tuliev (St A.) 1. G. Hutton (St A.I 2. L McKay (N. 8.1 3. Time: 1:30.1. 100 Yards Freestyle.—Section I: E. Somers (E.l 1. A. Briggs (Nth B.) 2, M. Gilmore (R.l 3 Time: 1:5.5. Section 2: E Archer (Nth 8.1 1. S. Hutton (St A.) 2. K. Scott. (St A.I -t. Time: 1:12.5. Section 3: J. Tomlinson (E.l 1. M Browning (W I 2, P. Truscott <E.I 3. Time: l:7.2sec. Section 4: D. Bone (W 1 1, J. Donaghey (8.1 2. A. Ward (W.P.I 3. Time: 1:15.5. Section 5 R. Walls (8.1 1. L. Berry (W.l 2 .1 Vincent (E.l 3. Time: 1:15 9 Section 6: S. Dixon (St A.I I. ■T. Tully (St A.I 2, K. Thompson (J.P.I 3. Time: 117.2 100 Yards Breaststroke—Section 1: E. Archer (Nth 8.1 1. R. Walls (8.1 2. G. Barry (E.l 3 Time: 1:29.2 Section 2: .1. Tomlinson (E.l 1. A. Briggs (Nth B 1 2, A Ward (W.P.) 3 Time 1:32.2. Section 3: C. Moore (W P.) I E. Hughes (W.l 2, T. Proosl (N. 8. 3 Time: 1:41.3. 100 Yards Butterfly —Section 1: E. Somers (E.l 1. A. Rriggs (Nth 8.1 2, C Moore (W.P.I 3 Time: 1:15.9. Section 2: W Stew art (E.l I. S. Dixon (St A.) 2. P. McManua) lE.) 3. Time: 1:28.8 Section 3. P. Truscott <E.) 1, D. Bone (W.l 2. J. Donaghey (B.) 3. Time: 1:32.4. Boys Four x 33 1-3 Yards Medley.— Section 1: C. Trotter (W.l 1. B. Qulckenden (N. 8. 2. Time 1:44.5. Section 2: M. Tremba'h (W.l 1, B. McDonald (N. 8.1 2, D. Blom (N. 8.1,3. Time: 1:45 7 100 Yards Backstroke. —Section 1: C. Trotter (W.l I. M. Trembath (W.l 2. G. Watt (E.l .i Time: 1:41.1. Section 2: D. Blom (N. 8.1 I. P. Turner (Nth 8.1 2. D. Vcrbitski (Nth B 1 3. Time 1:27.9.

100 Yards Freestyle.—Section 1: G. Watt (W.) 1. D Dickson (St A.) 2. P Pay (St A.) 3 Time: 1:2.7 Section 2: M. Trem bath <W.) 1. B. McDonald (N. 8. 2. C Trotter (W.) 3. Time: 1:3.7. Section 3: C. Scott (St A.) 1 D. Blom (N. 8. 2, P Turner (Nth B.) 3. Time: 1:11.1 100 Yards Breaststroke. —Section 1: G. Watt <W.) 1. C. Scott (St A.) 2. A. Hoffman (Nth B ) 3. Time: 1:31.2. Section 2: M Trembath (W.) 1. C. Trotter <W.) 2. A. Buchanan (P.) 3 Time: 1:32.6. 100 Yards Butterfly —M. Trembath iW.) 1, C. Trotter (W.) 2. Time: 1:13.8.

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Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32235, 2 March 1970, Page 8

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Close Tussles In Age Group Swimming Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32235, 2 March 1970, Page 8

Close Tussles In Age Group Swimming Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32235, 2 March 1970, Page 8