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THIS IS PRACTICALLY A “STEAL”CHRISTCHURCH PRESS readers GREAT DAYS F SYDNEY FOR UH 0E or A l 6 equivalent of a MEk Mi□lf! real| y sensational $14.24 PER DAY! ... am/ tte *Mr > reiwh ronomy cuss air fARES 1A- A.L BB) AHU BRIAKFAST AaOMMODAHOH IN m HEART OF KINGS CROSS )(- A MOST INTFRFSTING igjjp ORIFNTATION TOUR THROUGH THI CITY AND SUBURBS TRAVEL WITH TRANS TOiiMiWMWH wd li 1 ■ 11H1 [»] ql7‘l M f il 4*ll MnMMHMfIIPRVDHMRMnMHMMffIMH L— A ■MI 11! H 111 1 1 Vu rWCf *1 »■ I?I pH Ul 3 ■KI Sl llll l Ki 319 9 »l» YOU * HHHIOS VOU-VE CRSHED4H ON THE MCKFOT . . . HEW AWAY RM 13 IMVS . FABULOUS VACATIONING IN BUMLINI SMRKLING, EFFERVESCING STONEY ... THE I It J ■ t CHAMRAGNE CITY OF HOUMY-UND AUSTRALIA! During your stay, occommodotion will b» provided et the Canberra Oriental Hotel overlooking the very heart of Kings Cross. From here, the whole glittering City is within easy reach . . the towering buildings; extensive shopping X at b>r B ,in Prices; fashions from every comer of the world; shows, theatres, cabarets, nightlife - w< * *'*/ xx w«y you've always imagined it. Best of all, because we’ve booked you on a bed and ifeOjgl breakfast basis, you can plan to savour the splendour of Sydney's many restaurants, including these with exotique French, Italian and Spanish influences. Remember, that on one day of your stay V (th * BC,Ui ’ ch9ic * V° urs L we * i!l arrange All Tilt CIPUTC AN All: ALL lilt dlunld UN AN:■ WMBI 541,1,11 i". p |,n *» »i*,t « i«>st M f* lT*"**- <*"* 01 ’b’ I,m «J 5 Lugue Clubs; see the Lkf f Ito f *• f I —'tin* munificent Msnly *«<i,rium: go touring up C. . L Jl\ I L.L/ ,h * tesuWul Hswlmsbuq River tu the .jal kwtng gm a« Wildlife Sanctuery; spend Bi'll A Pll IWmM MOB Ji ■ _■ W M X youu love joining fa sBBNBroaB-«|BB « S » AWF-wf-** e\. ★ decide to head for svoney soon, with ■ ’ , ~.. _y l ■ W M ■ a f Ww TRANS! Of course, during your Trans I V A , Tour5 ’ “ ntTll Sydney Office is always at your service ... a or telephone aa a A I S o message it tabes tu receive any assistance or information you may raovire ■■■ to »iJ ■ Vf !■; ffeaß a 5 - ... ir» miner reassuring to know you’re holidaying with friends so close. ■ to ■■ a f gdi t although you’re hundreds of miles from home; Ib Ils Ml Is m URBI t I ft-' wk l?' • TRANS Autonomy Trips to Sydney can alto ba arranged at the CANBERRA ORIENTAL ■ to to to Btoa X>—.. .. . ■ ■' ’■ i 1 a-ff-- Hotel for IB DAYS at J 207. 21 DAYS at $2lB. Alternatively, vre'll bock you at MOTEL a toto toto to to .- ■ liiiimbwn '* » k " >UNGS CROSS in a spacious room complete with telephone. TV. radio, tea making ■ to to z* Tjr WA ' k - i facilities, private shower,■bath and toilet 10 DAYS lor $201; 1* DAYS lor $228 THIS IS THE WAV TO HOLIDAY IN AUSTRALIA “ ' . > WDW j jJIMB « °» n '« ’ 258: 21 “ n * 277 ' TRAVEIiING IN THE COMFORT PLUS- I Ml £” r .. ’ J - ' . , . T rtCw LUXURY OF AN AIRXONOmONCO SCENI- I . . ? ™ NS HelWays, “IndopenilMt" is the alt inaponent word . CRUISER COACH ... OH ITINERARIES d - . Jto^^B'■ • 1 « <» Tit take core el all the Umo unautmng boobing and Jachg-eund SPECIALLY FUNNED GY TRANS! An Escorted I £ ? »>nba. while YOU atay FREE TO DO ANYTHING YOU WISH ANO GO ANYWHERE Coach Tour leu you rale, and onioy every » .■« ■» to T ? YOU LIKE. DURING EVERY MY ANO NIGHT OF YOUR STAT! AIHro hoHdjys moment of eecfi memorable day across the A , '■> . , * ■ Z -» hero, Induile • RETURN ECONOMT CLASS AIR FARES « INTERNATIONAL Tesmen ... you leove ell tho worrymg and | STANOAAO MO ANO BftEAKFMT, ACCpMMODATIM . HBlritoM TOURS AT «w»ngtm»nts to us. The uric* of tour ? MAU* STOP-GVEIK • TWWSFOWT FROM THE 4IRFORT ON ARRIVAL. ’ nC TO?GM^HOTEL C ACCoIIiIOOATION R HHBHHHBHHHHHI *l2 WONDERFUL INDEPENDENT DAYS VISITING iSys" GOLDEN CIRCLE” EXCURSION I " E J? from Sydney to Surfers and Brisbane-then back to Sydney JPSIBHSS LjjBHRHH DEPARTS CH.CH. ON:-MARCH 11th AND 25th; APRIL Bth AND 22nd; MAY 6th. : IX ~ £f.T O S U U WfH? I I k J COASTAL ROUTE TO SURFERS AND BRISBANE, visiting the Porpoise Pool. Bird Sancluary a o sounds that have made t . tourrata mmd'W ~ ■ ■ lOT W IBWsBgBF. . <4l Snake Farm and Gilltrap's famed Auto Museum on route; spend two “free” leisure days at - A a " do )ust 2* .u , ’this 'living” Surfers itself; then, return to Sydney on a thrae-day inland route via Toowoomba. Warwick. to B ■ toV <> • vnu w> ■ 3 WE (RANGE toBI tol Stanthorpe, Glen Innes and Tamworth. IN THE SPACE OF 1* GLORIOUS FUN FIUED MVS ’« « I EITHEF - A to* EIIBT vWYOU'LL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY YO SAMPLE SO MANY OF AUSYRAUA’S DELIGHTS - with l??fr t J nw 9 T<^r« n ? T Tn YOUR HOL IM BUDGET' ' , » ' 4 ■ P 4kH®. J ,W WW'* plenty of opportunity to enjoy the razzle datrle excitement of Sydney itself o total of three Wto < > TAILOR-MADE TO YOUR» »«"»»■ M V. r |»Wkg full days and two glittering the carnival capital. ■ »MMMMMMMtoBtoaHI||HIIIipiI|HHBIIBMMHM 16-DAYS TRANS “4-STATES” HOLIDAY EM.MWffi.MH MhM to Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Surfers Paradise, Brisbane I PDICRfIAIF HPkltrS CHRISTCRdRCH ON-MRCH 7th ANO 14th; MRIL llth; MY !«h. * D3JS MELBO JRNE, WKttlO, JMtIMRHt There's no mom complete Cooch Tour across the Tasman than this . . . » sightseeing trio ALL-INCLUSIVE direct to Melbourne tor three full days of "big city" enjoyment, before I De Luxe THROUGH FOUR AUSTRALIAN STATES that visits Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Surfers CHCH TO CHCH ? H smng 0.-> to Sydney for four days at Hampton Court Hotel, m the very I and Srishane. all at some length. You’ll ravel in MELBOURNE’S shopping; thrill to tho <> . - to hub if “mgs Cross f. Sydney stays so warm rrght through the mid-ye- “ 1 SNOWY MOUNTAINS scheme with its 17 dams, 100 miles of tunnels, 10 power stations and toW Wte tow BTOta JWEBNH months but just welt till you arrive at Surfers . . that s really tn> 'BO miles of aqueducts; be fascinated by CANMRRA’S neatness; revel in STONEY’S excitement; Wk ito to to B ' ’ W''W®', “ 4 ~ B’ TI - , , ’B,O where Old Man Sunshine spends his Winter! While your friends love tho warmth and tropical sights of the exotic GOLD COASY indeed, these ore 16 days ’to to fl B »«• are-bundling-up in woollies .. . you'll bo off for a swim In the full of surprises and enjoyment. REMEMBER THERE’S A TRANS TRAVEL GUIDE CONSTANTLY Ato ®to to V W k W' - ’•»! "* * 1 Blo * inB out-of season suntan. Flneily, you.ll trawl ON HAND TO DESCRIBE PUCES OF INTEREST EN ROUTE! * MF tho 48 miles to Brisbane by coach and this gives you ■ ehence ki see • a little of the sub-tropical countryside. INCLUDED IN THE TOUR cost are ALL INTERNAL AIR FLIGHTS. M MM 11-DAYS TRANS “SUN FIESTA” TOUR S3IS issSiW® Coast t 0 Sydney | tofll E . .!. » 2 X„ Nt ™ «»co. S r 1 . , ■-JSy iDEPARTS CH.CH. ON:—MARCH 12th, 19th AND ? ■>. tor just $223. rnt<-T inr B■ C"- ‘-B 25th; APRIL 16th AND 2te; MAY 21st . - • 14 DAYS ~ SYDNEY AND T ' Fol l™. wn 10 Brisbane and then revel in the tropical just $257. ' i warmth of Australia’s famed “Gold Coast.” There’s a ton 4> 1 ~. - . H MM ■M ■■ HM ■■■ ! 1° , ! ” c . du f lnB tr,p t 0 s>dn ’ y - Including the fabulous M H ■■ MB ■■ ■■ MB Ml ■■ MB *■ , I ' E'W ’ BbM l? ck E ”" ’ J Pm P«i“ p, »l «ml Aquarium, Gilltrap's Auto r ' • £a ' ' —ae i ,W<s JVj J! ■ HUSH this toupon away right now tor a - SSSMSawa-rert&x FREE COPY OF TRANS TERRIHC il '"■z'X’i > 3 A! GUIDE TO AUSTRALIAN M i | 5266 AIRCONOMY HOLIDAYS AU faMe subfact ta Governmant approval .gMM BB to I li k. B ■IF YOU'RE PUNNING A TRANS-TASMAN TRIP THIS I MKffIMBB gßjjjaia! il 1 , r I ■ year; here's a "must see” brochure that | BBWffw a (yWtigtOl USAN& I ■ to PROVIDES ALL THE ANSWERS ABOUT 36 ALTERNATIVE I | ZjifflSS. l I I » f to to W INDEPENDENT AIRCONOMY HOLIMYSI It’s packed j l-M ■ Bto M M W MB——~ with dey-by day sightseeing suggestions; fu I details I /« ■ . H on accommodation; vacation extension*; de- I'■ B B I railed costs Including reduced N.A.C. air fares from I ■ HBmBBM MCT'uul." .I B 1 I B B “ centres outside Christchurch. WITH SUCH ANI IM- I I " B B MM B ■ PORTANT HOLIDAY AHEAD, GET THE BEST ADVICE I YctCWML’A, j V „ ’ B B B IN TOWN FREE FROM TRANS! I . ■ I ■ UR NEAREST TRAVEL AGENT

Join TRANS GOLD RUSH to SCENIC WEST COAST • A REAL HIGHLIGHT WILL BE YOUR VISIT TO THE SHANTY TOWN OF GOLDSBORO’JGH WHERE FORMER ALL BLACK RON KING WILL DEMONSTRATE HOW TO WIN GOLD FROM PAY DIRT! Leaving Chmtchurch at 9.00 a.m. on Good Friday, your Scenicruiser Coach immediately heads west across the Plains to Arthur's Pass. From here, you'li travel through Otira and follow the Taramakau River out to the sea. New, you turn south, passing Hokitika. Kaniere, Ross and Lake iafltee, before reaching your overnight stop of Hari Hari. Next day. Gtecierland provides all the thrills, with an excursion onto the ice at Franz Josef. That afternoon, you head north again, to overnight at • Greymouth. Sunday, you go with Ron King for a full day of gold &. prospecting in delightful, historic surroundings. Equipped with pan and Wshovel, you'li be able to set-to just as the pioneers did 100 years before. On the finai day. your coach cruises over the Rahu Saddle and the Lewie Pass then follows the Waiau P;ver en route to Christchurch. COST INCLUDES ALL MEALS, £ft HOTEL ACCOMMODATION, F flfl.dU COACH TRAVEL AND THE SERVICES OF AN EXPERT to TRANS TRAVEL GUIDE ~ IflSHMflHfltoßfli ■ What a weekend! TRANS FOUR DAY GRAND SOUTHERN TOUR • VISITS ASHBURTON, UMARU, OAMARU, DUNEDIN, CORE, TE MAU, HOMER TUNNEL MILFORD SOUND, QUEENSTOWN, LINtHS PASS, BENMORE HYDRO SCHEME Departing early on Good Friday, the first stage takas you south as far as Oamaru. After lunch, places of interest constantly pass by . . ■. the mighty Waitaki River, Palmerston, the Kilmog, Dunedin, Balclutha and finally Gore for the overnight stop. On Saturday, adventure beckons! You’re heading from Te Anau through the Eglinton Valley, the Avenue of disappearing mountains and past the high-country lakes of Gunn, Fergus and Lochie nestling in bronze-gold beech forest. Descending into the Hollyford Valley, you’l! next visit Milford Sound and take a wonderful cruise, before returning to To Anau for the night Sunday, you travel to Queenstown and have the whole day to spend in any number of fabulous pursuits, including a gondola ride (at loft) te tho hilltop restaurant. On tho last day, you’ll go sightseeing around Queenstown, before returning home via the mighty $72 million Benmoro Hydro Scheme. MUMCLUSIVE FARE COVERS M A. HOTEL ACCOMMODATION, p Effle/U MEALS, COACH TRAVEL, MIL- W FORD CRUISE AND FULU B TIME TRAVEL GUIDE ”


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Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32234, 28 February 1970, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32234, 28 February 1970, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32234, 28 February 1970, Page 17