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I AM BALD! 81, W 1 ' 7*-”' ’ , 4 .a- ■■ t - / It’s hard to believe seeing me with hair, but I’ll te.l you the secret: “My secret is my Sir’s hairpiece. The small photograph shows 'iow I used to look Now I wear a Sir's hairpiece Absolutely undetectable! Even your barber won’t know! As worn by film and TV stars. You can sleep in it and even enjoy sports in it. The Sir’s hairpiece makes you ook and feel at least TEN YEARS younger! ’HONE NOW FOR A PRIVATE OFFICE CONSULTATION M Hour.: Monday to Thursday 900 a m to 1 p.m Friday.: 900 .m to 800 pm Saturday.: 12 noon |£| SIH’S ICR KEN (HI) IW ; I ft 4th FLOOR, MANCHESTER UNITY BUILDING, CNR. MANCHESTER A WORCESTER STREETS, CHRISTCHURCH. IkUUIV PHONE 67-146 FROm MBUY WOOD U.SX • Australia • South Africa • Brasil

■■lMi I a M ■ Mr A 1 1 J j"I ■ ■ k Bw ■ "/mm ■ | TOMORROW at 9 a.m. our windows TODAY. ' S [H: I W-.<; tit:< 11 :< < »Ma 11 carpet special sin § FREE UNDERFELT - FREE MAKING AND LAYING. | B -■M —■ y —-w MRB a—w X i> ■ <> ftXMiNSTER BODY CARPET. 80/20 and all wool pila. 5 attractiva Carpets in the latest design and as Outstanding Bargains iii »«.. M . $5 . 25 h in stainless steel I —~~~~~~~— § Lgg Cups or Mustard Pots. Usually 60c. Friday Special Puce 30c ; I L'fil I i IM 1 1 ' ra 5m Diameter Round Spiked Cheese Dishes. Usually $1.75. Friday Special Price 75c I rTiißi'JiiHMimyfrgmdit ft ; Teaspoons. Usually 40c Friday Spacial Frlca 20c 1 ft 5m Utility Kitchan Kmvas. Usually 59c. ' Friday Sfaclal Frica 30c II ‘ JK Bkß B B B BET ' fisl Butter Knives. Usually 40c. Friday Special Met 20C 'I '' B 818 wB VMLbeWCi '! r , , , ('■ n SHEETS, fop quality plain White linen finish Sheets. Strongly woven 60/60 construction in first grade <■ LJ 5m Butter Dishes. Usually 70c. Friday Special Price | cotton 80in x 100 in Frjday Sptcia | p rJetf Pr . I; Q Inangular Dishes or frays. Usually $2.50 Friday Special Price ggg J' I g| Boxed Cheese or Butter Dishes. Usually $1.75. Friday Special Price !' ■ WALL BRACKET LIGHTS. Quality Brass light fittings TERYLENE. White smell checked patterned. 48in wide P ' ePW <, ■ in single and double brackets drastically reduced from T*rvi*n* Shrink nrnnt maw tn laundar Uausllv 7Sc B=l I; Pepper and Salt Shakers. Usually $2.95. - Friday Special Price $2«25 I $3 ’ 95 and $3 50 Fr,<lay Sp * ,il Prle *’ $ j »QQ TarylSh " nk pX? gjg S Serrated Ed E . Brood Kmvos Usually 51.29 Frldey Specie! Price KQg [ I CUMWH LINING. Soft draping 48in wide cotton CUSH |ON FILLS. 15m < 15ln Celico couered cushion S '' VIPM . ■ curtain lining. Save He with every yard of this f .. wa< . hah | e dust free u«u«|| v <1 00 TZT '[ 4m Round Butters Usually 50c. Friday Special Price 35c | atnxtt 'ahne y Friday Social Brice 75c ft Butter Dishes sin Round. Boxed. Usually $1.50. Friday Special Price SI-20 I . .ft 1 s ¥ 4 ii«...ii u c w CHdaw Prien Rag par 1 ' I FURNISHING FABRICS. Hundreds ot yards of quality furnishing fabrics heavily reduced to clear. Space permits jl ; ; Divided Dishes 8x 4. Usually $2 50. Friday Special Price $ | .Qg ■ examples only, e.g. American Striped Weave, top quality. Flint striped, four fashion colours. Melon. Natural, ! Imported STAINLESS STEEL MAYONNAISE or GRAVY BOWLS with fixed trav and ladel. Boxed. A wondertul J; B s »PP hir « end Gold. Usually $3.25. Friday Spacial Price. Yd. gQg |J [ gift. Usually $5.95. Friday Special Price E ■ L||)K) Curtaining. 100% pure fibre, delightful Jacobean pattern. Three colourways on natural ground. Blue, (■] '[ STAINLESS STEEL SPIKED MEAT CARVING OISH. O.PI 31 .9. Brightly polished. 1! | Gre "’ I " d G '> ld - U " der h *" «"• ’ “ ""•» SP * i *' Fri ” $2-25 0 'LwwwwwuMTWWSFFirasmiJWFsmwwrrxrrwxwwwxMs'' I Gl,tonnM - An •«<*!••"• selection of 48m heevy quality florals. From. Per Yd. 13 boxed Pnnnit as. ctainifas STEEL CASSEROLES and LIDS I IXA COSIES. Attractiva floral linens, chintz and PLAIN TETREX. Ideal for Screen Curtains. White and fi sentauon boxed. Round Bln STAINLESS STEEL CAnEROLES and LIOS. ■ c „ tonnK G , n , rous si „ pilled with heat holding Ecru Tetrex. 48m wide marquisette UsujUy 75c 12,81 Pride, SPMTI.I Price y.gj Br ' Bh,ly | O’'»" 2® Frlds, SpKl.l Price gg c Frlde, Stracl.l Price, Yd. gs c 0 14 X9j Usually sk3o. STAINLESS STEEL CASSEROLES. Round Bln diameter. I M JWI'WWI 'M —T—V~ I W ■ 1 I'll ■ ■ !'"T ft Frida, Special Price Usually $5.95. 9 only. Slightly damayri. I■Jl|I•1J I ■ ■ I I » 1 |1 J ■•JJ■».I «■ 1 ■ M Igl Bnghrly Polished Aluminium Saucepans. Plastic handles. Friday pedal wg EQ ■ iILI B ML Ji 1 A »1 I W Bli I*l B B Bft lel I Usually Frida, Special Price C< CQ I L-J «!•! IRONING BOARDS. All metal, foam coyer with 2 ■ |i| > pt. Usually $2.24. Friday Special Price fii a oE ironing positions. All colours. Usually $11.95. ■ 5 pt. Usually $2.55. Friday Special Price 89,(5 r,le ‘ $9 ' 25 I SPECIALS In Outdoor Furniture : S Ipt Usually $3.00. Friday Special Price CO WE H?”TarilTchSr II °™ »"'* SUH UHMEU * Rkl ,nd Whl “ Sli!h "’ CQ tft $22.00 and $22.95. ■ 93*19 * S 3 pt. Usually $3.59. Friday Special Price Only For Friday $ | g,QQ ■ OECK CHA|RS A||oy , ra|ne ny|o „ covel wlth h „ d shadM , nd (00t „ st 2 only . Usually $i 8 .75. <§] 9 pt. Usually $4.59. Friday Special Price CB.TQ RUBBISH BIN CARRIERS. Solid construction. Rubber I [; FrW "’ SP ' C '" $13*75 I Q RUBBISH BINS. R.guletion size. He.., .ralvsnised M ' 2 F s r|d „ Smcl „ p rlt . M e» B |i! «"“* SETTEES ’ Wd '“ ,r ° n ~,dS Wl,h lm|,o ' l,d Sn^ld'pri« 4 BMM I ® Usually $3.25. Friday Special Price $2 .Q 5 He. rc. 53 , Z5 . d , m , ged At Pride, SpKle. Price E. J 29 5Q ,I ' SAFARI CHAIRS. White wrought iron with removal slings in Brown. Grey and Red. Usually $10.50. Z LJ I Friday $8 a 5O !■! a— ill IH a J IV IkW■ L f I k ■ 1 v^r^^^^*^^*^ s *^ s * s *^**** ,, *^ Ms * s *^^’ r * s * s *'*’*^* s * s *‘**'*‘****** k ***’* s ******** s ** s * s *‘*****' I■ I [^******TT^* l ***”"*" a "* a I ? fE,G L CH „ Al m.'ck M v a S* n, S I x ,r oniv ’u's h u.tlv rn s26 50 CHINA CABINETS. In Walnut Veneer, triple bow 0 ■ holstaTed m Black Vinyl Six omy blh cufvftd g|>ss ef)ds wjfh g|ass CS !' I Fd y P E 520"50 centre door. Usually $89.50. 7 only. (■] ;; I FIRESIDE CHAIRS. Six only. High back Mahogany arms. Frlday Spec,,i Rrict $52"50 fifl BROADLOOM. PAUL BARRON QUALITY "PENTHOUSE.” 12ft wide. All wool pile. Showing in two tone ■ Upholstered in Black Vinyl. UsuaHy $25.00. . coy Bred jn Go|d Unen W|th loosa » Green. Aso Tan and God, smart textured effect. Usue price $34.50. One the foor price. Free Making and ]' ■ Friday Special Price, Ee. J| R nfj """ Ona on | y gj Laying, Free Underfelt. Frldey Special Price, Yd. '• ■ . . , . . W Friday Special Price C i A.Cfl $£Q b vU ■ DIVANS. Loose covered in plain and floral linens. QU I*l #^^^Ke^#*>r**<***^r*^#^*^sr**sr*M»^e*Hr#Nr*#h#*<xra*^e*^*«****#Kr**^r*^N>*e^#******! ■ Size 6ft x 2ft. Ideal for Sunrooms, etc. 12 only CHAIR. Loose covered in Floral Gold Linen. fXI SHOWROOM SAMPITchTnESE W&. S?ze 12ft AXMINSTER MATS. Approximate size 45in x 72in. I priced to dear s62 50 # On" only. Friday Special Price f fIA gJ x 9ft. Hand made, embossed floral design on a soft Smart and colourful. Ideal for Dinette, Sunroom, etc. ■ Frldey Special Price, Ee. EffJ un« u y I <|-UU CT Fawn background. Usually $450.00. Usually $16.50. ■ wv vw LJ Frld.y SpKllf Prlc. C950.Q0 Frld, » S’"" 11 r "« Sld«9s I rjl OUTSTANDING VALUE VAVW VV VIW 0V HZ - ■ ■ J m TUFTED SQUARE. Size 9ft x 7ft 9ln. Herd weering loop pile, smart multi stripe. Ideal ter Dinette, Sunroom, ■ > ■ —a-era wa niC&CE 1 ! <> Iml etc. Usually $32,50 Friday Special Price $24*75 I snowroom _sompi« $ * - : ft HEATHERTONE SQUARE. Size 9ft x Bft. Oetmeal toning. An attractive floorcovering. Usually $44.75 I ? LOUHCIG IPflCeCl TCJ } LJ Friday Special Price §34-75 I t 5 SEATER SUITt upholstered in woven Peacock wool. Reversible seat and back cush '° J S FIESTA SQUARE. All wool pile. Size 9ft x 9ft. Attractive Rainbow stripe. Usually $39.25. ■ Z showroom sample. Usually $535.00. Friday Specia nee s3uv"vU * [■] Friday Special Price J29"75 I*s SEATER SUITE upholstered in Bright Blue textured weave. Reveisibfe seat cush °" e 2 (■] HEATHERTONE SQUARE. Size 9ft x 12ft. Showing in Bronze Gold. Usuelly $63.50. ■ 2 showroom sample. Usually $420.00. Friday Special Price $2B!) a Uu £ CT Friday Specia $54*75 ■ { 4 SEATER SUITE upholstered in Green and Gold Damask with fringed base. Reversible seat cushions. ? kJ KITCHEN MATS. Hardwearing loop pile. Attractive multi-stripe. ■ 4 Q ne on | y showroom sample. Usually $260.00. Friday Spacial Price §2ZU"UU * L—J FELT BASE LINOLEUM. 72in wide 0n« fnlv. V|NYL Cushion back _ 72jn wjd# Part ro||s and I| 6 SEATER MODERN STYLE SUITE upholstered in Tan Vyml with Black | G 7 r|e^ ,OI, JYLT'TI | S All over pattern on background. Usually $1 49. short endj . Usua)l $5 75 ■ * Usua| , $2 40.50. Friday Special Price J | 98 a 50 * [■] Friday Special Price, Yd. Frldev Special Price, Yd. ©A OK ■ 4 T u k 2 $4"80 I 2 5 SEATER QUEEN ANNE DE LUXE LOUNGE SUITES. Mahogany frame /“’m z<pped cushiony A * g COIR DOOR MATS. Four s.zes. 14m x 24m. J | DURAMATS. Th. all purpose household Mat. Suitable I ? choice of six quality Damasks. Usually $254.00. Friday Special Price s2lo*oo ? H 16inx27in. g| H 18in x 30in. gj. QE ““X" d “fTxigns'' S '“ S 54 '" ' I t INDIVIDUAL CHAHB ...i1.b1., Usu.U, $64 00 Frid., Sp«l.l Me tft ,nd 20m x 30in. J 2-39 ”° Cl ' “ S ” C '"' Pr '" 55*75 I U ra I -- SORRY, NO PHONE OR MAIL ■HWH i ORDERS ON SALE ITEMS ■LUhB I

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Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32220, 12 February 1970, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32220, 12 February 1970, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32220, 12 February 1970, Page 11