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MAGISTRATE'S COURT Man Sentenced To Nine Months Imprisonment On Three Charges

Harrison Te Whiu, aged 39. a rubber worker (Mr C. A. McVeigh), was sentenced to nine months imprisonment when he appeared cor sentence before Mr W. t. Brown, S.M.. in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday on charges of unlawfully taking cars valued at 8600 and $3OO, the property of Raymond Edgar Empson and Edward Gerard Schimanski. burglary of Burrows Motors. Ltd. and driving while disqualified. The term of imprisonment is to be followed by a year’s probation and Te Whiu was disqualified from driving for a year. He is now prohibited from driving until January 23. 1972. The Magistrate said that these were serious offences. When Te Whiu had appeared in Court the previous day Mr McVeigh had submitted that the accused had spent most of his recent life in prison and was in danger of becoming institutionalised. On January 16 Te Whiu had been sentenced on charges of unlawfully taking a car. dangerous driving, and being a rogue and a vagabond. He had a bad list of convictions and had served many terms of imprisonment. He had been sent to the periodic work centre, and while waiting to attend had committed the present offences, the Magistrate said. SIX MONTHS GAOL Colin Robert Shortcliffe, aged 45. a shearer, was sent to gaol for six months and was ordered to make restitution of $173.50 when he appeared for sentence on a charge of burglary of the premises of Robin Smith Garage, Ltd, on November 5. Mr J. M. Boyle said that, Shortcliffe had been awakened, at 2 a.m. by two co-offenders to obtain his assistance because a safe was too heavy. His co-, offenders were experienced criminals with formidable lists.! The Magistrate said that Shortcliffe had a bad criminal list but had kept out of trouble, since 1961. But for that he would have been sentenced to a longer term. PERIODIC DETENTION John Friars, aged 22, a scaffolder, was sentenced to periodic detention for three months when he appeared for sentence on a charge of using obscene language and resisting and obstructing the police in the execution of their dutv. Mr J. M. Wilson said that Friars was having a meal in the piecart in Victoria Square and got mixed up in a fight. He had been out of trouble fori three years but took too much] liquor in his leisure time. PROBATION Peter Graham Smith, aged 20. a workman, was admitted to probation for a year when he appeared for sentence on a charge of theft of a magneto valued at 337. the property of Nelson John Counsel!. The Magistrate said that Smith had taken the magneto from a tractor near the Christchurch Airport and had been far from frank with the police. l PROBATION lan Francis Garrick, aged 30,, an extruder operator, was admitted to probation for two years and was ordered to make restitution of 3121.23 when hed: appeared for sentence on five’;’ charges of theft by failing to

, account of 3150 trom Butland Industries. Ltd. The Magistrate said that the probation officer’s report dis- . closed that Garrick had had an unhappy upbringing. There had been difficulties in his marriage but there had been some improvement. He was in acute ‘financial difficulties and had taken two jobs in an effort to meet his responsibilities. I UNLAWFULLY IN GARDEN A man whose "over-zealous curiosity" led him into a propierty to see what all the lights and noise were about was convicted and released on probation for 12 months when he appeared for sentence on a charge of being found without lawful excuse in an enclosed garden at 7 St Albans Street ,on January 31. Andrew John Heremai Thompson, aged 37. a freezing worker (Mr J. M. Wilson), was also ordered to take such psychiatric treatment as directed by the probation officer. RELEASED ON PROBATION Kerry Reriti, aged 17. a fish processor «Mr S. R Maling), was convicted and released on probation for 12 months when, he appeared for sentence on a charge of being idle and disorderly with insufficient means; of support on January 22. He was also ordered to live and; work where directed by the probation officer. FINED 3100 Michael John Kinnaird, aged i 34. a cook (Mr B. S. McLaughlin). was fined 3100 when he appeared for sentence on a charge of attempted burglary of the shop of Eric Gray and iCompany, Ltd, at Kaiapoi on Februarv 2. Mr McLaughlin said that the offence was an isolated incident and there was no reason why it should ever happen again. The Magistrate said that Kinnaird had been prevented from completing the offence because of a burglar alarm. 1 PERIODIC DETENTION i Ravmond Kenneth Prior, aged 17. an unemployed labourer i Mr G. R. Lascelles), who: appeared on one charge of ‘burglary on December 31 and’ two charges of unlawfully j jaking a car valued at $B5O on j December 12 and January 27, ’was convicted on each charge and sentenced to seven months 1 at the periodic detention centre 'He was also released on proba ' ition for 19 months and on the' of unlawfully taking a car he was disqualified from .driving for 12 months. DISCHARGED A man whose name was suppressed <Mr G. R. Lascelles), was discharged without conviction under Section 42 of the Criminal Justice Act when he appeared for sentence on a charge of the theft of food valued at $2.28. the property of Wardells-Kincaids, Ltd. '"asnel Street, on August 13. The Magistrate said that since the man first appeared for sentence on the charge on November 5 he had been admitted to training college and seemed to be determined to make something of his life. The probation officer’s report stated that the man also now had a more confident view of his! place in society and he could make a valuable contribution to it. SUSPENDED SENTENCE A girl whose name was sup-; pressed <Mr P. C. Champion), who appeared for sentence on a charge of the theft of one' tin of peaches valued at 22c, the property of Self Help. Ltd, 63S Colombo Street, on January ' 16. and the theft of food valued at 94c from the same store on January 30. was discharged until May 6 when conviction and sentence will be reconsidered. In the meantime she was Ordered to pay $4O towards the cost of the prosecution, to make 1

tl i restitution of 22c and to report monthly to the probation officer. e NAME SUPPRESSED ‘ A youth whose name was (Mr H. J. B. QuigJ ley) was discharged without conviction under Section 42 of g the Criminal Justice Act when 4 he appeared for sentence on a 0 charge of converting a bicycle valued at $4O at Akaroa. on December 2. s (Before Mr P L. Molineaux, s S.M.) s REMANDED IN CUSTODY Walter William James Beech, • aged 36, an unemployed coals miner (Mr K. N. Hampton), was i convicted and remanded in cust tody to February 18 for a pro--1 bation officer s report and sent tence when he appeared on » three charges of false prei tences, one charge of unlaw- • fully getting into a car and > one charge of theft, committed • in Westport and Christchurch ■ between January 23 and 25. He pleaded guilty to each charge. Sergeant W. W. Maloney said , that on January 23 in Westport Beech visited the home of his i step-father Henry John Bowyer , and stole Bowyer’s cheque book. ( Containing five forms. The next day he cashed one ;jcheque at a butcher’s shop in > . Westport,, buying $l.BO worth of [goods and receiving $16.20 j I change. On January 24 he travelled to Christchurch and went to the car sales division .of the Farmers’, Ltd. New where he purchased a car for $330 with one of the 1 stolen cheques. He took posses- : sion of the car and on January ,25 went to a shop where he used another cheque to buy cigarettes and biscuits. Later , that day he went to a house) : in Christchurch and demanded ; a bed for the night. He was refused so he got into a car . outside the house. i When the police were called , he was found asleep in the car. He was highly intoxicated. THEFT OF CAR PARTS [i William Allan W’alker, aged 118. a yard hand (Mr P. G. Bense)iman), was fined a total of $BO [.and was admitted to probation [ for a year on charges of steal- -; ing eight windscreen wiper i! blades, two radio aerials and . two rear vision mirrors, of ai >!total value of $35.70, the pro-’ sjperty of persons unknown, and lof stealing an ignition key .! valued at 38c, the property of »'David John Crowe. > Sergeant W. W. Maloney said i that on October 23 Walker was ' arrested and when he was searched' an ignition key was found in his pocket and the - other articles were found in the , hoof of his car. Walker admit- • ted removing the ignition key • from a car in a car sales yard ! in Waltham Road. He said that i he wanted to start a collection I of car ignition keys. ! From July Ito September 30, I 1969, Walker usually attended the cinema at Burnham on Sun- • day evening. After he came out he stole accessories from cars parked nearby, Sergeant i Maloney said. ! THREE CHARGES ADMITTED Benjamin Kora, aged 46, was I remanded in custody to February 18 for sentence on charges! : 'of being found without lawful [ excuse in buildings at 329 Wor- , cester Street and 264 Cashel Street and to a charge of failing to supply information to the

police which would establish his identity. He pleaded guilty.; Sergteant M. W Brown said! that about 2.5 a.m. on December 21 a police patrol saw Korai acting suspiciously. A constable with a portable radio saw Kora ■ enter a property at 264 Cashel Street. The police found Kora crouched under an open window of a block of flats. He would Sive no explanation for being lere and refused to give any Retails about himself. About 2.15 a.m. on January 17 a girl asleep in a flat at

329 Worcester Street was awak ened by a door beU and, shortl? afterwards heard someone ii the lounge of the flat. She awak ened the other girl Living ii the flat and later she spw Kor at the foot of ■ her bed. The •• »r' • « toy fri r ,Dtene. to do anything. Kora uiuue off through at opeA window and was followe< by .the two girls. The police were called and Kora was t>at a telephone Mx Hp '' ever having been in the fiat and said he had ueen in Worcester Street b'-‘ • file to show the police the address. . EXCESSIVE ALCOHOL For driving on Hills Road or. December 20 while the propor tion of alcohol in his blood ex ceeded 100 milligrams pe 100 millilitres of blood, Jack Love! Veitch, aged 60. a Social Security beneficiary (Mr S. G. Erberi was convicted and finer Sl3O and disqualified from driv ing for three years. He pleaded not guilty. The Magistrate said that, he was in .no doubt that the re' quired 20 minutes had elapsed between each breath test given to Veitch. Awata Crofts, aged 28. a freez ing worker, was fined $9O, ord ered to pay a . medical fee of $10.50- and his driver’s licence was cancelled for 18 months on a charge of driving when be had excessive alcohol in his blood. He pleaded guilty. Sergeant Brown said that Crofts was found to have 200 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood. Joseph Arthur Reynolds, aged 19, a spray painter (Mr A. P. C. Tipping) was convicted and fined $BO and disqualified from driving for 12 months when he appeared on a charge of driving a car on Hereford Street on December 23 with excessive alcohol in his blood. He pleaded guilty. Sergeant Brown said that Reynolds had 190 milligrams of alcohol' per 100 millilitres of blood. OBSTRUCTED POLICE Phillip Charles Gibson, aged 17, a farmhand, was fined $l5 on a charge of obstructing Sergeant M. Morressey in the execution of his duty. Gibson pleaded guilty. Sergeant Brown said that at 8.40 p.m on October 18 Gibson was driving a truck at Belfast gnd when making a turn a youth, who was a passenger on the tray, fell off and was knocked unconscious. A passing police car stopped and Gibson told Sergeant Morressey that he had found the youth lying unconscious on the road and inquiries were made to find the driver of the vehicle which had injured the youth. Mr A. Hearn, for the accused, said that Gibson had been persuaded to give the youth a lift. He had driven in a reasonable manner. On the spur of the moment he told the police a lie. FINED $2O Angus Campbell, aged 41, a traveller, was fined $2O on a charge of permitting Katherine Rangikawhiti Tehuiangi Donnelly to drive a car when she was not the holder of a driver's licence. He pleaded guilty. Sergeant Brown said that about 10.50 p.m. on December 11 Donnelly was driving east on Riccarton Road when the car struck a pole. Campbell allowed the woman to drive because he did not think he was fit to drive because of the liquor he had drunk.

Mr D. H. P. Dawson, for Campbell, said that Campbell s licence was essential to his job as he travelled about 2000 miles a month.

On a charge of having no driver s licence Dnnnelly was fined $2O.

ASSAULTED FEMALE A youth who punched and kicked a girl about the face

and body after she had refused o leave his flat, wa,s conicted and *ined $lOO on a charge pf assault, oh February 1. Bernard Dennis MoUer, aged 23, a chef <Mr D.' M.. Paimen). ■ leaded guilty to the charge, ’te was ordered to nay $5O of he fine to the girl for compensation for the assault.

FALSE PRETENCES Pleading guilty to five charges of false pretences on January 3. Christopher Wayne Cordon, aged 17. unemployed, was conicted and remanded on bail to February 18 for a probation •fficer’s report and sentence. Sergeant Brown said that on he night of January 12, the iroperty of Caravan Services, Ltd, was entered and a cne«A‘6 look stolen. The next day lordon cashed one of the stolen cheques at Woodwards Jewel'ers, Cathedral Square, where he bought 15 shoulder badges for $3 and received $22. change. He then cashed another cheque at C. Lange, Ltd. Colombo Street, where he bought two cushibii covers for $25. When he was trying to cash the third •heque at Kiddeys Corner, Ltd, Cashel Street, it was questioned and Jordon ran off. He was followed. and apprehended by the police. Jordon said that he had been handed the eight cheques by another person and all he had to do was to cash them. All the cheques were payable to John White and signed P. S. Field. On the two other charges of false pretences on the same day. Jordon cashed cneques payable to John Simes, signed H. C. Mohr ; at Symon and Lowther, Ltd, Colombo Street, and Plimsolls, Ltd, Manchester Street CHARGE DISMISSED David Arthur Roland Mcßeth, a company manager (Mr M. G. L. Loughnan), pleaded not guilty to being the owner of a dangerous dog, a German shepherd, not kept under proper control on October 23. The charge was dismissed. Rosaleen Mary Cooney said that about 6 p.m. she went to the yard of Mcßeth’s Freighters, Ltd, in Caversham Street to collect her boyfriend. She said that when she found he was not there she asked one of the drivers if she could use the telephone. She said she had seen the sign warning persons to beware of the guard dog, and had been apprehensive, but that after giving the dog a pat on its head had thought it was harmless. On the way back, she said, she gave the dog another pat, then it suddenly leapt up and bit her cheek, knocking her to the ground. Dr Archbold, a surgeon at the Princess Margaret Hospital, said that the wound required four or five stitches. Mr Loughnan submitted that the dog was under proper control. The plaintiff had virtually entered a cage, he said. The dog was confined in the yard as a guard dog and was also kept under control by the commands of the employees. The Magistrate said that he was satisfied that the dog was dangerous because this was its third attack on a human and it was a guard dog. "I fully sympathise with this girl who had a terrifying experience. But my judgment i must not be tainted by sympathy,’ - he said.

I He said that this case was [different from the one decided [upon by Mr Justice .McCarthy in 11959 and submitted by SerJgeant V. F. Townshend, in that (Miss Cooney was not in the 'course of normal duties or business. She had entered at. her own risk, he said, dismissing ’the charge.

MISCELLANEOUS CASES In miscellaneous cases

brought, by the police, convictions were entered and fines imposed as follows, with costs $5 in each case:

Careless use: June Catherine Morrison Kirk; 820; John David McKenzie, $2O.

Failed to give way to th? right- Catherine Ann Arscott, $2O (carried pillion passenger with provisional licence. $6). Proceeded from stop sign before, way was clear: Eric James Stock, $lO. Failed to notify Deputy Registrar of Motor Vehicles of change of ownership of motor vehicle: Maurice Counsell, $6. Failed to give way when turning right: Jennifer Amelia Rhodes, $2O; Mark Roland Stufkens, $2O ami licence cancelled from February 18 for three months. No driver’s licence: Leslie Charles Montgomery. $2O and prohibited from driving for three months. Failed to attend military &arade: Terence Andrew arper, aged 23, millhand, $lO. (Before Mr W. F. Brown, S.M.) TRAFFIC CASES In traffic cases brought by the Ministry of Transport fines i were imposed as follows, with! costs $5 in each case: Exceeding 30 miles an hour: Phillip Atkinson. $25: Nora Mary Jones, $22: Norman Wallace Cleary, $10: Christophei Gerard Adams. $2O (no safety helmet, $5); Margaret Binnie. $5: Stuart Hill, $10: Brian Fur low Thompson, $2O. Exceeded 60 miles an hour: Alastair Dermot Fyans Neill. $l5. Failed to keep left: Stuart Hill. $2O; Bevan Christopher Matthews, $5. No driver's licence: Ronald Arthur Suddens. $lO (no warrant of fitness. $9: used worn tyres, $4), used unregistered vehicle. 35): Quoon Chin, $5. Excess smoke from vehicle: Richard George Sanders, $8 (no L label, two charges, $4 and $6). Used noisy vehicle: Colin John Capstick, $6; Anthonv John Barrett, $l5. Exceeded heavy traffic licence: Saunders and Scandrett, Ltd. $4. Used unlicensed vehicle: Cornells Vanderlee. $4. Supplied false information: Eric Cormack, $4 (no warrant of fitness, costs only: no driver s licence, costs only). Trailer chain not attached: Keith Kelvin Melling Barton. $3 Careless use: Walter Spale. $l2. Insufficient lights: Michael Bruce Stringer, $7. No certificate of fitness: John Alberts, Ltd. $7 (no heavy traffic licence, $10). Drove while disqualified: Claude Robert McQuoid, $2O and disqualified for two months. (Before Mr H. J. Evans, S.M.) TRAFFIC CASES In traffic cases brought by the Ministry of Transport convictions were entered and fines imposed as follows, with costs $5 in each case:—

Reckless driving: John Kenneth Tyson, $75 and disqualified for two months (no warrant of [fitness, $5).

Exceeded 30 miles an hour: j Brent Jeffrey Arnold. $lO (no driver’s licence, costs only); j David Austin. $l2; Michael Kenneth Bamford. $l2; Mathew Bennie, $l2: Lindsay Eric Blackburn. $10: David Francis Cau- , gill, $l2; Gary David Cox, $l5: Richard Paul Dempster, $10: Peter Maurice Denovan. $10: Desley Ann Donald, $l5: John William Edwards. $l6: Brian Gardiner. $10: David Walton Graham, $10; Rudy Hanson. $25: Ennis Sylvia Haworth. $10; Hendrik Jansen. $7; Trevor Lawrence Jones. $11; Beverley Clare Knudsen. $11: Lindsay William Lloyd. $11; Nancy McSaveney.

Sil; Alister Simon Menzies. $l2 (no driver’s licence, $5); Edward Chatles Morgan, $l2; Leslie John 18 (no warrant of fitness, $2); Gerard Patrick Anthony Lagan, $25: Graham Phillip Gurr, $l6; Peter Andrew Mooar, $l5: David George Arnold. $20.? (no safety helmet, $5): Margaret Louise Aubrey. $l5: Warwick Brian. Bain, $l2; James’ Hughs Bafr, $l2: Ross Hamilton Bell, $26; Richard Bilclough; $l6: Donald Stewart Bruce, $25) Kevin Cameron. $7 (failed to stop at lights, $6); Brian Charles Cross, $l2; Paul Nikola RadonoviCh, $10; Matthew Bennie, $l2: George Ellais Van Der Veen, $l6; Jonette Anne Bollington, 815: Hamilton Ferrier-Kear, 322; Albert Sydney Forsey, , $2O; Christina Forsyth, $10; Robert Allister Gardner, $l2: Robyn Margaret Cosset, $11: Louis Douglas Newbury, $2O: Fred Hopkinson. $2O; Patricia Grace Jones, $11: Frederick Norman Mitchell, $l5; Bruce • Jackson Morpeth, $l5; Graham Robert Morris. $l2: Ron-i aid Francis Mottram. $lO (used unregistered vehicle, $10); Rich-, jard Minardo Mugford. $l2; Lewis .Raymond Nicholl, $11; Susan i lO'Shannessey. $10: Roy Kenneth' Rose. $10; Roger Stewart Shep-, ard. $2O; Jon Gelraid Shipley,! $11: James Sinclair. $10; Hylton Ancell Smith $3O; Wilkiam Geof ' frey Smith, $25: Bevan William Snow. $10; Harry Joseph Swan,, $11; Bruce Philip Skinner, $2O! (no safety helmet. 35); John i Ivan Lockhart, $5O; Gerald! David Long, $3O; Edward Charles, Morgan. $l2; Bruce Jackson Mor-i peth, $l5; Graham Roderick Morris. $l2; Ronald Francis Mottram. $lO (used unlicensed vehicle. $10); Rex Alan Park, $lO (failed to stop at sign, $10); Dianne Plvac, $3O: Barry Edward Prisk, $2l.

Dangerous speed: Brian Leslie Hurrell, s3s r and disqualified from driving for one year; Brian McLaren Savage. $45, and disqualified for 15 months; Leonard Albert Powell, $5O, and disqualified for 18 months (altered driver’s licence, $35).

Used worn tyres: Graeme Ferguson Simpson. $10; Trevor Theophilus Best. $9: Nelson Hector Burns, $l2; Robert Arthur Crosado. $7 (no warrant of fitness. $5; used unregistered vehicle. $10): .Albert Barnard Duke, $lO (failed to produce driver’s licence $5; exceeded 30 miles an hour. $12); Gavin Frank Parr, $l2; William John Leary $lO. David Maraki. $5; John Needham. $l2.

Failed to keep left: Alexis Caroline Coleman, $7 (failed to display "L” sign, $7); Alan John Dennehy. $4; Maurice Vincent Drury, $7; Wayne Lyons, $l2: Natalie Mona Avery, $6; lan Richard Smellie, $6; Percival Symes Thomson, $7. Crossed against traffic lights: Gary James Smith, $25; Robert Evan Rowlands, $5: Michael John Horgan. $l2; Eric Carsley Morrin, $25; Gilles Dew Hollander. $2O; Brian Dudley Andrews. $3O; Gerald Jan Dow. $5; William Patrick Meredith $2O (worn tyres, $10;• no warrant of fitness, $5); Garrick Wayne Pjhema. $3O; Peter Thomas Shearer, $l5 (no warrant of fitness, $5; failed to produce driver’s licence, $5); Victor Simmonds $6; Robin Ernest Walsh, $2O; Garrick Wayne Pthema, $3O. Failed to stop at sign: Kathryn Anne Haydon. $4: Gregor John Macintosh, costs only; Leslie George Linklater. $4; Gerard William Morgan. $5; Michael Andrew Tucker, $10: Paul Frederick Cater. $10: Bruce Hatherley, $lO, and disqualified for produce driver’s licence. $12): John Shearer. $9; Peter Alex Lea, 35; Beverley Joy Prendergast, $10; James Lee, $l5; Malcolm John McKellar. $l5 <no warrant of fitness, $5).

Probationary driver exceeded 50 miles an hour: Richard Guy

Nicoll, $l2 (failed to produce driver.’s licence, $5): Grant James Prole. 312; Hubert Rand. $11; Susan' Robertson, $11; Roy Kenneth Rose, $lO. Drove while disqualified: Robert Thomson, 8100, and disqualification extended by one year (exceeded 30 miles an hour, 810).

Exceeded 30 miles an hour with pillion passenger not wearing safety helmet: Barry Ronald Leadbetter, $6. Careless use. Anthony Michael Dempsey. $5: Neil Robert Hemley, 315; David Bernard Smith 820. Permitted person to ride in dangerous position: Ronald Philip Grieve, $l5. Failed to give Way at sign: William French, $5.

Exceeded 55 miles an houf: Graeme Douglas Price, $10; Terence Duncan Smith, $l5; David Raymond Eastmond, $2O Passed on intersection: Ivan Laurie Solomon, $lO Failed to wear spectacles: Leslie Thomas Becks, $5: Lester lan Soper, $5 (failed to display |L label, $5)

Vehicle caused excessive smoke: North Canterbury Log ging, Ltd, $l5.

Exceeded 45 miles an hour i with pillion passenger: Geoffrey Ray Blackburn, $2O. i Exceeded heavy traffic licence 'British Pavements, Ltd, $lO Failed to give way: lan Robfert Campbell, $25. Failed to carry heavy traffic [licence. Diver Plumbers, Ltd .$7 (no warrant of fitness,’s4). Unable to stop in half of clear distance ahead; Lindsay Velentine Gray, $lO. Exceeded 60 miles an hour: Mervyn Thomae Hughes. $7. .i temporary speed limit: Peter George Andrew Jarvic. $l5.

No certificate of fitness: William Morris Jones, $lO. Failed to stop for traffic officer: RHey Knight. $2O and disqualified for three months (insufficient lights, $2O and disqualified for two months). Insufficient lights: Richard Thomas Swain, $3: Perri Doug las Chinnery, $l5; Kathleen Crawford, $5, Paul Grose, $l5; Selwyn Melrose. $10; Robert Wayne Musson, $3; Larry Gordon Kemp, $7, Lawrence Percival Matthias, $8; Christopher Ross, $5; Brian Roderick Shilleta. $l5: Larry Pinn, $7. Used horn after 11 p.m.: Phil-’ lip John Hindin, $l5. Wrong class ,of drivers licence: Angela Mary O’Connell, I $B. Noisy motor vehicle: Darryl Lindsay Moody, $7. Failed to indicate intention to draw out from surb: David Barbour, $l5 (no warrant of fitness, $5). Exceeded 40 miles an hour with heavy vehicle. William Lionel McLachlan, $l5. Failed to notify change of ownership: Eaton Motors, Ltd, $6. (Before Mr K. H. J. Headifen, S.M.) EXCESS ALCOHOL William Thomas Whear, aged 21, a butcher, was fined $2O. ordered to pay a medical fee and witness expenses of $16.26 and his driver s licence was cancelled for six months on a charge of driving with excessive alcohol in his blood. He pleaded not guilty and was represented by Mr S. G. Erber. Sergeant Burrell prosecuted. The Magistrate said that at 11.33 p.m. on December 9, Traf-! fic Officer B. R. Wood followed a car being driven by Whear .He saw a youth and a girl fight jing in the back seat. The car; was stopped near Warners Hamburger bar. and the girl got out and ran away. The traffic officer went to tell the driver hifi duty and then formed the impression that he was affected by liquor. A blood test revealed that he had 125 milligrams of< alcohol per 100 millilitres of i blood. •

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Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32220, 12 February 1970, Page 9

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MAGISTRATE'S COURT Man Sentenced To Nine Months Imprisonment On Three Charges Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32220, 12 February 1970, Page 9

MAGISTRATE'S COURT Man Sentenced To Nine Months Imprisonment On Three Charges Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32220, 12 February 1970, Page 9