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ADDINGTON MARKET Values Ease For Most Classes Of Prime Stock

Values for most classes of prime stock were easier at the Addington market yesterday partly because the entries in some sections were much larger than usual. i

The yarding of prime cattle was the biggest of the spring. With the exception of cows, values showed their first down-turn of the season.

Prime hoggets were yarded in much larger numbers, and values eased by about $1 a head. Some passings were made towards the end of the sale. More than 1000 spring lambs were offered, and values eased nearer to freezing schedule rates. There were still, however, frequent sales at more than $8 a head. Prime ewes did not show much change, but young ewes of which there was a wide variation in quality, were easier. Store Sheep Store sheep values were generally easier. The yarding, at 2205, was much the same as last week. It consisted of 1500 hoggets, 215 breeding ewes with 250 lambs at foot, and 240 adult sheep of other descriptions. A sizable gallery again followed the hogget sale, but only the top pens were comparable in value with last week's entry. The general run of wether hogget was as much as SI easier, and plain ewe hoggets also declined. The pick of the ewe hoggets —some Corriedales fetched $10.90, and there were other sales of quality hoggets at $9.35 to $9.80. Plainer fine-wooled ewe hoggets and Romney ewe hoggets sold from about $6.80 to $7.30. Border-Corriedales sold to $8.70. Wether hoggets showed the main decline of the sale, with most lots selling in the $6 to $7 range. There was a smaller entry of ewes with lambs at foot, and values for some of them appeared to be 30c easier. There were three sales at $5 to $5.60 with other sales from $4.30 to $4.60. A pen of shorn sound-mouthed Corriedale ewes fetched $5.10; some four-tooth Romney ewes $5.80; and two pens of shorn four and six-tooth wethers from $5 to $5.10. Sales of store sheep included: Store hoggets: L. D. and D.

D. Davies (Cheviot), 330 Romney evee at >0.30 to *7.95; B. S. Sloss (Amberley), 90 Corriedale ewes at *9.70; J. A. Pears (Waiau), 125 Romneys ewes at *8.40 to *7.10: S. E. McLean (Watau). 94 shorn Corriedale ewes at *9.35; A. A. Brown (Waikarl), ISO Corriedale ewes at *9.50 to *9.90; G. D. Gillanders and Son (Darfleld), ,300 Corriedale ewes at *7.10 to *8.30, SO Border-Corrledales at *8.70. Breeding ewes: D. W. Lacey (Hoon Hay), 43 ewes and 51 lambs at *5; T. J. Patterson (Sedgemere), 30 ewes and 3S lambs at *5.60; L. C. Warren (West Eyreton), 85 shorn Corrie dale five-year-old ewes at *5.10.

Spring Lambs The spring lamb yarding rose from 450 last week to 1010. Competition was again good but few lambs realised the premium that had been obtained at earlier sales. Values were about 70e easier, and frequently as much as *l. Only the larger lambs realised *8 or more. Values were:— Best spring lambs, *8.30 to *8.70. Medium lambs. *7.50 to *7.90. Lighter lambs, *6.80 to *7.40. Leading sales of spring lambs included;— T. S. Chappell (Klllinchy), 8 at *8.40 to *8.70; B. A. C. HobarT (Culverden). 29 at *8.25 to *8.70; Bramdean Farm (Weedons). 35 at *8 to *8.60; L. M. Cartridge (Walkari), 11 at *B.lO to *8.45: E. L. Adams (Southbridge), 6 at *7.80 to *8.20; R. J. Ashworth (Lelthfield). 42 at *7 to *8.20: R. Armstrong (Dorie), 24 at *7.50 to *7.90; F. J, Boal (Killincy). 15 at *7.95: E. E. Henderson (Pleasant Point), 12 at *7.50 to *8.05; W. T. Opie (Sprtngston). 19 at *7.75 to *8: R. J. Chambers (KaiapOl), 46 at *7.65 to *8.70; J. I. O'Donnel (Klllinchy). 59 at *7.50 to *8.30: J. D. Shearer (Okuku). 27 at *7.50 to *7.80; L. C. Warren (West Eyreton). 30 at *7.70 to *7.80; T. Ridd (West Melton), 15 at *7.90.

Prime Hoggets Entries in the prime hogget section rose from 1185 last week to 2080. There was a good

selectton for butchers, but the larger supply of spring lambs earlier in the day tended to temper the market. While heavy hoggets continued to command good competition, values were easier by about a dollar on last week. Goodcutting lighter-weight hoggets, however, showed a much smaller decline. values were:— < Prime heavy hoggets, *11.50 to *12.50, with several sales to *13.30. . Medium hoggets, *9.50 to *ll. Lighter hoggets, *7.80 to *9. Leading sales of prime hoggets included:— D. and C. Grigg (Hickory), 23 at *12.30 to *12.50; A. R. Bussell (Ricearton), 72 at *13.10 to *13.30; estate J. A. Auld (Cheviot), 2 woolly at *13.20; Clarkson Brothers (Mount Hutt). 32 at *10.30 to *11.20: D. W. Riley (Weedens), 15 woolly at *11.70 to *12.30; C. A. R. Woods (Springeton), 3 at *10.10; estate E. J. Francis (Halswell), 49 at *lO.BO to *11.80; D. B. Robinson (West Melton). 19 at *7.90 to *10.80; C. J. McFaul (Springston), 10 at *10.10; W. F. Topp (Springfield), 11 at *10; W. P. Whinray (Loburn), 66 at *10.20 to *12.50; A. L. Wolff (Dunaandel), 59 at *10.40 to $10.90; M. R. Petrie (Swannanoa). 23 at >9 to *10.50; J. H. Ensor (Cheviot), 12 at *9.90 to *10.30; G. P. Griffiths (Tai Tapu), 47 at *9.10 to *10.55: K. Wakeman (Kalapol), 14 at *9 to *10.90; E. S. Sloes (Omlhl), 12 at *10.60 to *10.70; B. J. Walker (Dunsandel), 28 at *10; A. G. Olerke (Baisweil), 27 at *ll 70: D. S. Anderson (Tai Tapu), 26 at *10.50 to *10.80; W. M. Patterson (Lakeside), 26 at *10.40 to *lO.BO.

Prime Sheep The prime sheep entry was 2425, compared with 2370 last week. Ewes continued to make up the bulk of the entry, and most of them were shorn. Values for adult ewes showed little variation on last week’s rates, but young ewes showed a distinct easing. Odd lots sold up to recent rates, but with a wide variation in quality, there was also a wide range of values. Only the better lots realised more than *7. There were Insufficient wethers to make a comparison with recent sales. Values were:— Best young ewes, to *lO. Medium young ewes, *6.80 to *7.80. Other young ewes-, down to *6 Best adult ewes, shorn, *4.70 to *5.20, with some sales to *5.90. Medium ewe®. *4 to *4.50. Plain ewes, *3 to *3.60. Good woolly ewes, *5.20 to *6.30. Leading sales of prime sheep Included, all sheep being shorn unless otherwise stated:— Wethers: Timpendean Farm Ltd (Walkari). 12 shorn fourtooths at *10.20: Wagner Estate (Brookside), 2 two-tooths at *9.60. Young ewes: J. L. Wright and Company (Hawarden), 8 fourtooths at *7.70; A. L. Craigie (Rakaia). 12 four-tooths at *6.90; A. M. Rutherford (Scargill), 36 four-tooths at *6.60 to *6.80: T. D. Allan (Walkari), 4 two-tooths at *7.50; G P. Dennis (Hororata). 4 two-tooths at *8.70. 8 four-tooths at *7.10 to *7.20; Spurtleton Downs (Omlhl). 20 four-tooths at *6.10 to *6 80: R. L. Patterson (Horrelville). 6 woolly fourtooths at *7.20 to *9.30; R. K; Craw (Pigeon Bay), 8 four, tooths at *7.70: L. P. Manion (Weedons), four woolly fourtooths at *9. Old ewes. J. L. Wright and Company (Hawarden), 26 at *4.20 to *4.60; F. A. Hawkins (Sheffield), 10 woolly at *6.60: K. C. Ensor (Hanmer). 37 at *4.50 to *5.90; J. Chapman Cohen (Waiau). 8 woolly at *6.45; A. L. Craigie (Rakaia), 59 woolly at *5.60 to *6.50: D. B. Robinson (West Melton). 14 at *4.30; J. D. McDougall (Hillsborough). 25 at *5 to *5.40; A. M. Rutherford (Scargill), 31 at *4.20 to *5; A. D. H. Scott (Coalgate). 14 at *5.10; W. F. Topp (Springfield), 25 at *4 to *4.50: P. Brown (Waiau), 29 at *4.35 to *4.40; R.

J. Chambers (Kalapol), 59 woolly at *5.30 to *6.20; J. A. Petrie (Swannanoa), 16 woolly at *5.40 to *5.90; Spurtleton Downs (Omlhl). 13 shorn at *4.60 to *4.80; R. L. Patterson (Horrelville), 9 woolly at *6.50 to 56.70; M. C. Feary (Oxford), 32 at >4.40 to <4.50; J. and R. Stevenson Truet (Cheviot), 23 at *4.80 to *5.60; E. R. H. Weir (DuvaucheUe). 8 woolly at *6.30; H. G. Stephens (Jrwell), 31 at >4.80 to *5.10; T. D. Allan (Walkari), 12 at <4.50 to *4.90; G. p. Dennis (Hororata), 29 at *5.50 to *5.90; L. P. Manion (Weedons), 7 woolly at *6.10.

Prime Cattle At 403 head compared with 370 last week, the prime cattle yarding was the biggest of the spring. Quality was excellent, very few plain steers being the yarding. Cows and heifers were again forward in only moderate numbers. With the larger entry, the market showed Its first decrease in values for a considerable time. Heavy steers eased by *8 to (12 and sometimes considerably more; handy-weight steers eased by *5 to *B, and heifers showed the same trend. Cows continued to meet a sound sale with values much on a par. Prime heavy steer beef sold to *24 per 1001 b, prime mediumweight from *24 to *26; prime heavy heifer beef to *23.50; prime medium-weight from *23.50 to *25.50; and cow beet from (19.50 to *2l. Values were:— Extra heavy steers. (180 to *220, with odd sales to *240. Prime heavy, *l6O to *175. Prime medium, (140 to (155. Lighter steers, (115 to (135. Best heifers, (120 to (130. Medium heifers, (95 to (115. Prime heavy cows, (110 to (122. Medium cows, (95 to (105. Leading sales of prime cattle included:— Steers: D. O. Masefield (Goughs Bay), 2 at (148.50 to (162. M J. S. Daigety (West Melton), 2 at (145; Glazebrook (Te Pirita), 16 at >lB4 to *210; C. S. Donald (Belfast). 20 at (173 to >193.50; D. R. McLean (Amberley), 4 at (159 to (240; J. B. Savin (West Eyreton), 4 at (149.50 to (164.50; A. E. Meyer (Styx), 2 at (151.50; estate R. O. Bradley (Chatteris Bay), 6 at *146.50 to *150.50; N. J. and J. R. Kofoed (Oxford), 1 at (154; C. B. Thacker (Okaina Bay), 18 at $164.50 to (186; Williams Brothers (Robinson Bay), 18 at *156 to (174.50; L. J. G. Wtttie (Teddington), 8 at *187.50 to *196; estate L. D. Stanbury (Wainui). 6 at (152.50 to *159.50; estate J. Murgatroyd and Son (Culverden), 14 at (137 te *147; N. R. Withell (Motukarara), 4 at *2OO to *220; 1. T. Reid (Springston) 2 at (167 to (226; Mrs R. H. Feary (Oxford), 1 at (178; Mrs H. Holland (Tinwald), 4 at *150; R. J. Sim (Westerfield), 13 at (140 to (147.50; E. W. Coop and Son (Port Levy), 8 at (140 to *146; W. .A. Gray (Teddington), 3 at (167 to (196; R. Jenkins (Port Levy), 9 at (143 to (161.50; T. E. and G. M. Kelly (Cheviot), 1 at *149; K. R. Shipley (Greendale), 5 at *l4O.

Heifers: D. O. Masefield (Goughs Bay), 6 at *lO2 to *107; G. R. Havili (Rahu), 3 at $120; T. Barwick (Blrdllngs Flat). 1 at *117; Macartney Brothers (Tai Tapu). 1 at $129; G. MeAuley (Timaru), 1 at *130; 8. W. Birdllng (Blrdllngs Fiat), 1 at *107: J. R. Stanbury (Little River), 5 at $ll5 to $125: A. R. H. Gardiner Trust (Purau). 5 at *110; W. A. Gray (Teddington), 2 at $137; Pukaroa Farm (Purau). 5 at *111; Hitchin Hills. Ltd (Hawarden). 1 at *l2O. Cows: E. Lowe (Rangtora), 1 at *108; Ross Wilson (Greendale). 1 at $103; Macartney Bros (Tai Tapu),-3 at *117.50; R. A. Petherham (Springston), 1 at *106; M. A. McMillan (Irwell), 1 at $105.50; Flecken Brothers (Tai Tapu). 2 at $104; G. A. Luttrell (Cheviot), 2 at $ll7 to *121.50; Mrs M. J. Pearce (Hawarden), 1 at $121.50; H. L. Montgomery (Dunsandel), 1 at $121; G. J. Van Osten (Belfast), 1 at $113; G. McAuley (Timaru), 3 at *119; P, Thian (Lakeside). 1 at (116.50; G. A. Perry (Wadnui). 1 at (106; S. A. McCartin (Southbridge). 1 at (108; U. E. ana M. Kelly (Cheviot). 1 at *107.50; D. G. Heslop (Brookside). 1 at *llB.

Dairy Cattle Sixteen heifers and eight cows made up the dairy cattle offering, and most were of very plain quality. A small gallery followed the sale, and buyers were selective. Best Friesian heifers sold from (94 to (114 with a pedigree heifer at (176. Medium heifers sold from *6B to (87 and plain from (41 to *5B. The best of the cows sold from *94 to (102. with a cow with second calf at foot at *l3l. Others sold from *7O to *B7. Store Cattle A useful selection of beef-bred steers and heifers was Included In the store cattle section, where there was an offering of 360 head. Demand was again strong, two-year-old steers selling at *ll7. and some yearlings at *94. Values were little short of the buoyant rates which

ruled at the special store cattle fixture last Wednesday. Sales of store cattle Included:— F. R. Mclntosh (Blrdllngs Flat), 9 yearling Angus steers at *72.50; J. R. Moore (Kekerengu), 10 two-year-old Hereford steers at $117; E. Downs (Little River). 9 two-year-old Angus and Angus-Hereford cross steers at $113: J. L. Elliott (Cheviot), 8 yearling Hereford steers at (62.50; D. H. Grigg (Rotherham). 27 yearling Angus steers at *56 to *62; P. Brown (Waiau). 7 two-year-old Friesian steers at $90.50; L. R. Gilpin (Ashburton) 9 yearling Angus steers at *68.50. A late quotation from the spring store cattle sale was: W. R. Ensor (Okuku), 27 empty two-year-old Hereford heifers at $104.50 to $lll, Ten bulls were offered, and top price was $239 for a Hereford. Other principal sales included an Aberdeen Angus at $lB7, a Hereford at *l7O, another Aberdeen Angus at $169 and a Shorthorn cross at *164. Vealers The veal entry rose from 170 last week to 190. Quality was quite good. Some of the top pens of vealers were almost on a par with last week's rates, ' but the medium class of beast eased by $3 to $4. Beet vealers sold from $BO to *9O with some sales to *94.50, medium sold from *72 to $7B and lighter from *62 to *6B. Good calves sold from *52 to *5B, with medium from $44 to 1 $5O and small from >34 to >42. Bobby calves told to *l5. •fat Pigs The fat pig entry was again small, and quality was plain. Again there was only an occasional pen of good butchers' porkers. These met strong competition, and values were firm on late rates. The bulk of the yarding consisted of ’ heavy porkers and baconers, ' and a let of them were not 1 suitable for the trade. Values were easier, with a limited in--1 qulry. The occasional pen of good quality medium and large baconers was on a par. Fourteen choppers were offered, and ■ quality was poor. Values were - easier by up to $5 a head on ■ last week. Values were:— 1 Light porkers, $20.20 to $22.80. ■ Medium porkers, $23.50 to l *26.50. I Heavy porkers, $26.10 to *28.10. > Light baconers, *28.70 to • $30.20. Medium and heavy, *31.60 to : $36, with an odd sale to $37.20. ( Choppers, $23 to $30.50. Store Pigs t There was a medium entry , in the store pig section, and - quality was quite good. A . smaller number of buyers fol- , lowed the sale, which opened lon an easier note. However, ; the better quality pigs met t good competition and the sale . firmed toward the end. Values . were a little below last wefek's t good sale, buyers showing a preference for the better qual--1 ity pigs. The inquiry for small ; weaners was sound, with values ; fractionally stronger. 1 A small offering of in-plg sows s sold to $42. and a sow and . litter fetched $7O. Values were:— t Small weaners. $8.50 to $lO. e Best weaners, *11.20 to *13.90. Slips, *14.30 to *15.40. t Medium and large stores, *l6 , to $19.30.

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Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32119, 15 October 1969, Page 18

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ADDINGTON MARKET Values Ease For Most Classes Of Prime Stock Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32119, 15 October 1969, Page 18

ADDINGTON MARKET Values Ease For Most Classes Of Prime Stock Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32119, 15 October 1969, Page 18