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MAGISTRATE’S COURT Two Men Admitted To Probatioi For Theft Of Farm Equipment

Two men convicted of stealing farm equipment were each released on three yean probation when they ap. peered for sentence on a joint cbane of theft before Mr K. H. 3. Headifen, S.M., in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday. Reuben Tauwhinata Awa, aged 26, an unemployed workman, and Teoni Carter, aged 28, an unemployed freezing worker, had previously pleaded not guilty. Both were convicted of stealing milking cups worth SlO, copper wire worth $lO, two milk coolers worth $lO, and two stirrup pumps worth $4B. The property was stolen from Mr Trevor Fredrick Mounce at Springston on April 1. The Magistrate said the offence was not theft as one normally expected theft but it was an offence within the meaning of the section. There were no sinister aspects, be said. There were some unusual feature* of the case and the word theft could possibly make it seem worse than it was.

Dealing with Awa, the Magistrate said be had spent the last nine yean in prison on various charges. It was time he did something with his life or he would be in and out of prison ail his life. He ordered that while on probation Awa live and work as directed by the probation officer. The Magistrate told Carter he must have paid out a considerable amount in fines for the various offences he had been convicted of over tbe years. He could not understand why he bad become involved in this as he bad a family to consider. A special condition of Carter’s probation is that be live and wort as directed by the probation officer. For Carter, Mr R. F. B. Perry said the offence had not been premeditated. He said,

however, that Carter bad shown a lack of moral fibre i in not withdrawing immediately he became aware that : an act of dishonesty was being committed. i He said Carter had financial problems and was at- , tempting to provide for bis wife and family on a sickness benefit. BURGLARY Two youth* who burgled tbe Hope Store st Hope on April 22 wen released on probaflon for three year* when they appeared for sentence on a charge of theft. Stephen Walter Norgate, aged 17, an unemployed carpenter, and Geoffrey Lloyd Bateup, aged is, an unemployed apprentice carpenter, were released on pro. batten. Special condition* are that they live and work as directed, abstain from consuming alcoholic liquor, not associate with any persona not approved of by the probation officer. and maintain savings accounts. Bach was ordered to pay 11. IS restitution. Charged with the same offence. David Gordon Low, aged I*. an unemployed treating worker, was remanded tn custody to Hay 14 for a medical examination to see if h* is St to undergo detention centre tr*4nta<« The Magistrate said Low regarded buntal! as a law unto himself. Any leniency shown to him was treated as a sign of weakness. He bad committed the burglary immediately after being released on probe- ; tion for another offence. Ho . proposed detention centre training for Low, the Magistrate said. For Norgate, Mr J. B. butler , said alcohol and bad company , had contributed to the offence, t He was a first offender. i

The Magistrate said Norgate was a person of some ability, who had thrown It away and was keeping obviously undesirable company. "At the age of 1? you join the ranks of the burglars of New Zealand. Is this what you want?" He said tbe Court was charged to protect tbe public against the actions of youths like the

Dealing with Bateup tbe Hagistrate said the courts unfortunately had enough burglary charges to deal with without him adding to the list. It was time be worked to make something of his Ufe.

FINE AND PROBATION Barry James Grainger, aged It, a mechanic, was fined MO, was admitted to probation for three years, and was ordered to live and work where directed and not to consume liquor during the term of his probation, when he appeared for sentence en a charge of driving while disqualified in Riccarton Road on December 10. Hi* driver’s licence was cancelled for a year and he is now prohibited from driving until Wi. On charges of using obscene language at tbe Motordrome Service Station on December 13 and wilfully obstructing Traffic Officer K. A. Murray on November 80. he was convicted and discharged. Hr w? A Wilson, for the accused, said that Grainger was disqualified on a speeding charge. He did not know be could low bls licence for speeding.. There was no notice on the summons that he was liable to low his licence. He did not think he had been disqualified. Grainger had an unsettled

home Ufe. This Week be had bad his first taste of prison. Supervision would help him to face up to his responsibilities, said Mr Wilson. Th* Magistrate said that since Grainger bad committed these offences he bad been given io day* imprisonment for driving under the influence of drink or drugs at Dunedin and his drivers licence had been cancelled for three years. He had a shocking record and the domestic side at his Ufa was also unstable, DETENTION CENTRE Thomas Paul King, aged IS, a portar, was sentenced To damntion centre training when he appeared for sentence on a charge of driving while disqualified in Cathedral Square on March 5. In mitigation, Mr R. s. D. Twyneham said the accused’s action in driving had not been defying the Court but just stupidity, King was worthy of a last chance, he said. The Magistrate said the accused bad already been on probation and been sentenced to periodic detention for dlsqualifled driving. Ho bad been convicted of various chargee white on probation and it was obvious little sense of responsi(Before Hr E. S. J. Crutchley, AM.) RECEIVING Charles Henry Tucker Green, aged a, .sheerer, and Michael Hema Jacobs, aged 86, a painter. were convicted and remanded in custody to May 14

j for sentence when they pleaded e guilty to a charge of receiving r from Joseph Riley Grace on l ; April 28 a television set, bedgit ding, kitchenware, and groceries valued at $450. knowing they had been dishonestly oh- , tained. >• Detective Sergeant B. J. Prest- ton said property valued at mso S was stolen from a house when , it was broken into on April 27. Most of the property was found when another house in the city was searched. . The defendants admitted they i had been told that the property . had come from a burglary. “ Green was convicted and re- . manded to May 14 for sentence when he pleaded guilty to a charges of driving while dis- . qualified, careless driving, and I having no warrant of fitness on J February 28. i- POSTAL OFFENCE e Leonard Arthur Riches, aged i- 27, a mail sorter (Mr W. A. I Wilson), was convicted and fined e 140 when he pleaded guilty to I a charge of Wilfully delaying a 1 postal article, a calendar, on > March 3». • Mr Wilson said it was not uncommon for members of the - mailroom staff to withhold mail I in this way before forwarding tit on. It the delay was not - serious the offender was gen- ' I erally dealt with by the Post t Office authorities without the ; > police becoming Involved. . “This sort of offence ha* got ■ to be discouraged otherwise > tne confidence of the public in i the Post Office cannot be main- I , tained." the Magistrate said. A charge of theft as a ser- , vent of tbe Post Office of a , book entitled “Mainly For , Women” from the mall on Feb- ' ruary 28 to which be pleaded I ' not guilty was dismissed. i The Magistrate said the evl- ( ' dence lett some doubt as to t whether tbe defendant had in- j tended to keep tbe book, or to return it to the mail. , SUPPRESSED I A woman, wnose name was v suppressed (Mr J. W. Dalmer) 1 was remanded at large to May 14 for sentence when she plead- ( od guilty to charges of having 1 n her possession on December 23 morphine sulphate tablets » and cannabis. a Detective Sergeant Preston 0 said the narcotics were found n a bouse occupied by the de- ■ fendant when the police vice • squad executed a search war- J Tbe defendant admitted the . 1.6 gramme* of cannabis were * tor ner own use. The 1» morpltine sulphate tablets had been * given to her and she intended to < destroy them.

1 SCRAP METAL THEFT * On a charge of theft of five r car radiators valued at 830 on ’ May 3, Ronald Gregory Lewis, i aged U. an apprentice presser. ■ was convicted and remanded on , bail to May 14 for sentence. He ■ pleaded guilty. s Detective sergeant Preston 1 said tbe theft o: tbe radiators , from a scrap metal yard was re- . ported to the police by R. C. i Rollo. Ltd. * The defendant admitted sell- , Ing tbo radiators to a scrap * metal dealer for 217.60. 5 SUSPENDED SENTENCE A woman, whose name was . suppressed, was convicted and < ordered to come up for sentence within six months if called upon when she pleaded guilty to a ; charge of breach of probation ■ In that she failed to reside I where directed. FINED SU Kenneth Charles Gay. aged 1 S 3, a Boor sander, was con- ' vlcted and fined 810 on a charge 1 of failing to report to the adult . work centra as directed. He I pleaded guilty. REMANDED James William Lewis, aged ’ U, a storeman (Mr K. N. Hamp- ' ton), was convicted and remanded on bail to May 14 for '■ sentence on a charge of drlvI ing wnue disqualified on March i 15. He pleaded guilty. TRAFFIC OFFENCES In police traffic prosecutions l convictions wore entered and i fines imposed as follows, with i cost* of 1* in each caie; Failed to give way at sign; i Hendrick Cornells da Boer, $l6: Richie Albert Eric Mugford. 825. disqualified for one month. . Careless use of motor vehicle: ‘ Jessie Margaret Huggins. 212. (Before Mr P. L. Molineaux, S.M.) PROWLER CAUGHT Three girls, who saw a prowler round their Canon i Street flat on two successive L nights, laid a trap on March 23. r in order to see who the prowler was. said Senior-Sergeant A. E. Yaxley. After waiting for some time about midnight, they saw a man enter the gate and approach 1 tbe house. Ono of the girls spoke to the man as he stood near tbe flat’s front windows. Ho made off and waa followed : for some distance by the girl’s sister and a friend. A police dog later followed a scent for several blocks, but lost It near ‘WoHowin, night • man was arrested on tne premises of th* girl's flat. Popata Taylor, aged 21. a carpenter, pleaded guilty to a charge of being found by night peering into the window of a dwelling house on March 23. He pleaded not guilty to a charge of being found without lawful excuse in an enclosed yard on March 22. Evidence was given that he we* arrested on the premise* about 12.20 a.m. by two police dog-handlers who had watched from across the street for about 20 minutes. Two sisters, aged a and I*. identified Taylor as the men they saw tbo previous night. Mr J. R. Milligan, for the defendant. celled two witnesses boyfriend, gave evidence that the defendant was at a party at the time, and had that day arrived from Dunedin. The Magistrate said be,was satisfied that the defendant was the man-seen at the window by the girls. Inconsistencies in the defendant’s story made his evidence suspect, and one other witness was not positive about the date of the party. Taylor was convicted on both charges and remanded to tomorrow for sentence. (Before Messrs B. H. Harris and R. E. Smith. Justices of the Peace) COMMITTED FOR TRIAL Clifford Jack Fordham, aged 48, a Social Security Department officer, was committed for trial in the Supreme Court on 27 charges of forging social security widows' benefit documents. A total of 38 witnesses was heard, and 68 exhibits were produced. Another charge of stealing 8*5.85 from the social Security Department tea fund is proceeding. Ten witnesses will be called for this charge. (Before Messrs H. N. Pyne and 1 J. C. Cottrell, Justices of the J Peace) DISCHARGED Albert WilUam Goodhind. ■ seed si; a retired fitter, was t discharged on a charge that he was deemed to be a rogue and a vagabond in that ne freluented Riccarton Avenue with ' felonious intent on March 23. He ‘ elected trial by jury and con- ; ducted his own defence. * (Before Mr K. H. J. Headifen, S.M.) 1 TRAFFIC CHARGES ' In prosecutions brought by ' tbe Ministry of Transport con- i victions were entered and fines i M ,0110w *’ wltil Court i Exceeded SO mile* an hour: B. i Walker, SU; B. T. Wilkinson, I *W: J. K. Cook, aao; V. Scully, j SU:. G. C. Jamieson, cost* and ! licence cancelled for six J 'months* M. B. Irving, $10: G. C. .

Booth; 820; L. A. Thornley. 810; w. B. Sandford. $2O; P. K. Loh, 810 k R. A- Marshall. B 10; H. M. McNab. $l3; r. P. Lynch, $10; D. Marsden-Potts, $10; R. A. Miller, $lO (exceeded 55 miles an hour. $20); R. J. Garlick, $10; D. M. Tuck, $25; C. Dawe. 825; J. M. Drury, $l5; R. M. Emberson, $l5; H. E. D- Lawson, $10; G. C. Ball, $10; D. J. D. Findlay, $2O: J. Gordon. $2B; A. Lovell, BIO: S. G. Martin, 810; J. G. Munro. $l2; K. E. G. Smith, $2O; P. J. Smith. $10; R. J. Wedlake, $10; W. L. Archer. $3O; D. N. Blain, $10; E. L. Gilbert. $3O; A. J. Humm, 820; R. R. Longley. $l2; A. C. Upham, $l3; C. A. Craig, 82Q; K. Kelly, $l3; R. DMiller. $25.

Exceeded 30 miles an hour without safety helmet: G. J. Cleary, $U and ordered to attend three traffic improvement lectures; P. R. Oosterheert, $8; W. E. Pritchard, $25; G. Stace, 820; N. M. McSherry, $2O; G. M. Miller, $2O; R. H. Smith, $lO. Exceeded 55 miles an hour: L. D. Rodfern, $2O.

Exceeded 40 miles an hour with trailer; C. K. Hooker, SU. Failed to comply with traffic lights; I. R. Franklin, 820 and disqualified for two months (exceeded 30 miles an hour,. 810); G. T. Cummings, «0; T. A. Wilson, $3O: B. w. Meikle, $2O; R. G. McCausland, $2O. Failed to stop at stop sign; D. O. Thomas, $10; G. C. Thomas, $l5; M. J. Cotes, SU; P. F. Donovan, SU; G. R. McCone, 810; J. K. Bolting, 010: L. M. Norrish. 820; E. B. KbOO, $2O; R. Park. SU.

Failed to keep left: C. J. Inowles, 812; A. J. Branthwalte, 120; N. J, Tomlinson. $25; R. Nilsson, $B.

Exceeded heavy traffic licence: Masonry Services. Ltd (two charges) $3O (exceeded axle weight, $10); Lex Eddington. Ltd, $l2; D O. Hack. $10; J. W, Prattey, $l5. Exceeded axle weight: Steve Mitchell, Ltd. $l4; Frews Motors. Ltd, $lO (exceeded gross weight, $15); Brightlings Transport, Ltd. $l2; W. Norris. $l2.

Defective brakes: D. E. Gwatkln, $4O (failed to produce licence. $10).

Dangerous projections on vehicle: G. M. Herbert. $3O (no driver's licence, 010 and disqualified for one year). Gave false information: M. C. Smith, $25 (no driver’s licence, 810 and disqualified for nine months). Failed to give way: J. W. Pope, OU. Used worn tyro: F. E. Watson and &>n. SU; M. C. Gray, 8U (insufficient lights, $10). JUDGMENT SUMMONSES The following orders were made on judgment monses;--Douglss Andersen, labourer, Onawa Place, to pay C. G. Mason 367.78, in default 37 days imprisonment, warrant suspended while $1 a week Is paid; L. Archibald, labourer, Marrinor Itreet, to pay Marine Service Station, Ltd ss* (33 days or 31 a week); James J. Barry, carpenter, Wyn street, to pay Pletcher Merchants, Ltd. $148.71 (78 days or $5 a week). A- Burnett, worker, Hazeldlne Road, to pay Amurl Motors, Ltd, $5.25 (four days or 83 a week); N. C. Butler, Kaiwara Street to pay G. Ball $60.30 (33 days or 82 a week); S. Clarke, married woman. Pages Road, to pay Beath and Company, Ltd. $8842 (21 days or $1 a week).

Thomas H. Cornish, labourer, j Antigua Street, to pay Fletcher Merchants, Ltd, $258.« (three months or $4 a weeto;. K. J. I DelL garage proprietor, Barrington Street, to pay the New Zealand Farmers’ Co-operative Association of Canterbury. Ltd, $58.49 (33 days or $2 a week); Alexander Galbraith, cleaner,- : Knowles Street, to pay Wrights Washing Machine Repairs $21,55 (U days or 81 a week). Anthony Richard Green, workman, Heathcote Street, to pey Paul Strang UO3.M (three months or $2 a week); S. Green, contractor, St Asaph Street, ta pay Boon and Yeatman. Ltd, $17.25 (io days or 12 t week); Hartley, rubber worker, Oliviers Road, to pay Davies TV. Sales and Hire, Ltd $146.20 (77 week): B. w. Kane, Maddisono Mad, Templeton, to pay Cem tral Canterbury Electric Power <» <iay« or $3, a week); James Ernest Kelly, labourer, Walkers Road, Lyttelton, to pay Naomi J. Dillon, Ltd $11.90 (seven days or $2 a week).

Arnold Arthur Little, builder. Barters Bead, to pay tbe Commissioner of inland Revenue 8K1.6S (three month* or $5 a week); P. G. Maurice, contractor, Disraeli Street, to pay Ash Machinery Service, Ltd $222.50 (throe months or $2 a week); Kony-Ann Maurlrere, process worker, Armagh street, to pay the Post Office $37.74 (21 days or 13 a week). A. V. Meighan, labourer, Wattaki Street, to pay P. R. Reading $2Ol (three months or $2 a week); Ivan Reed, restaurant proprietor, St Asaph Street, to pay Nelson Fisheries, Ltd $215.42 (three months or $4 a week) and to pay Frtsh Oysters, Ltd $362.50 (three months or $2 a week). W. Ryan, workman, Wbarenui Road, to pay Terrace Service Station, Ltd $129.26 (69 days or $2 a week); Richard John Saggers, school caretaker. Breezes W Csrald (66). Ltd 8315.29 (three months or $2 a week); L. J. Steck, timber worker, Centennial Avenue, to pay Calder Mackay Company, week)* 7 ' <O et K * Yan’ Graeme Steel, Hastings Street, to pay the Post Office 8186.48 (three months or 82 a week); B. T. Burton, workman. Goldsmith Street, to pay John Toombs $66.90 (36 days or 12 a week); K. Tauwbare. shearer, Rapaki. Lyttelton, to pay the Now Zealand Industrial Union of Workers $18.50 (eight days or $2 a week). Ronald Russell Taylor, labourer. Roltesby Street, to pay Francis Henry Hansen 3283.10 (three months or 12 a wook); R. C. Watson, workman, Bowhill Road, to pay Mauger* Garage, Ltd $38.07 (is days or $3 a week): Patrick Leslie Willets, rubber worker. Ward Street, to pay Beath and Company, Ltd , $18.50 (10 days or 82 a week); T. F. Young, bread vendor, Greenhaven Drive, to pay Brooklyn Bakeries, Ltd 8884 28 (three months or $5 a week).

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Press, Volume CIX, Issue 31982, 8 May 1969, Page 11

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MAGISTRATE’S COURT Two Men Admitted To Probatioi For Theft Of Farm Equipment Press, Volume CIX, Issue 31982, 8 May 1969, Page 11

MAGISTRATE’S COURT Two Men Admitted To Probatioi For Theft Of Farm Equipment Press, Volume CIX, Issue 31982, 8 May 1969, Page 11