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MAGISTRATE’S COURT Man Remanded For Sentence After Stealing Sten Guns

Arrested after a hunt by armed police on the West Coast, a man who had stolen Sten guns and ammunition from the King Edward Barracks and rifles and shotguns from a bach he broke into told the police that he had no intention of shooting anyone, Mr P. L. Molineaux, S.M., was told in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday. Before the Court was Roger Robert Hubert Matchitt, aged 26, a workman, who pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing the guns and ammunition, as well as two bayonets, from the New Zealand Army Department on February 7. He also pleaded guilty to a charge of unlawfully taking an Army car valued at $lOOO on February 7, and charges- of unlawfully taking a dinghy and burglary of baches near Mitchells while the police were searching for him.

Matchitt was convicted and remanded in custody to March 25 for sentence.

Detective Sergeant B. J. Preston said that th? accused was arrested at Stillwater on February 19 after a long search. He was accompanied by another man, who had committed the offences with him.

Matchitt told detectives that he and his companion had talked about getting guns from the armoury three months before the offences were committed, said Detective Sergeant Preston. His companion had keys to the armoury and they stole Sten guns, magazines, bayonets, and ammunition.

On February 9, the two men drove the converted car nearly to Mitchells and left it on a track just out of sight of the road. After breaking into a bach belonging to Mr H. T. Gilmer, they took a tent and other articles and camped in the bush behind Mitchells. Several times Matchitt climbed trees to follow the police search.

While they were there they burgled baches owned by Messrs T. I. Pearse and A. G. Burns, H. S. Howat, and M. C. Ellery and R. Ellery and took a dinghy belonging to Mr N. S. Allen which had been left on the shore of Lake Brunner.

They left the Sten guns and magazines on the path to one of the baches and rowed seven miles across Lake Brunner to Moana. There they left rifles, shotguns and ammunition they had stolen from one of the baches and set off towards Stillwater. They were at rested near Stillwater.

Matchitt said he had no intention of hurting anyone but just liked firearms, said Detective Sergeant Preston.

Most of the stolen property had been recovered, but restitution of $26.98 was sought from the accused. He had previous convictions. The Magistrate said he might consider committing the accused to the Supreme Court for sentence. SIX MONTHS GAOL James William Roberts, aged 21, was gaoled for six months when he appeared for sentence on two charges of driving while disqualified. His driver’s licence was cancelled for two more years. He was ordered to pay costs on a charge of obstructing Traffic Officer T. Laurier in the execution of his duty.

The Magistrate said that Roberts had an extensive list of convictions. On January 31 he was fined on two charges of driving while disqualified. Within a fortnight he was found driving again, and four days after that he was again stopped while driving. He had shown a complete disregard for the order of the Court. Imprisonment had to be imposed.

“DISGRACEFUL" ACT Two men who urinated down the inside steps of the Cathedral spire on Monday afternoon

were remanded on bail to March 26 for sentence.

Ivan Raymond Painter, aged 17. an unemployed machinist, and Rex Malcolm Weir, aged 23, a wool store worker, each pleaded guilty to a charge of behaving In a disorderly manner in the Cathedral.

At 1.30 p.m. on Monday the two accused went with other persons into the Cathedral, said Detective Sergeant Preston. They paid the fee to go up the tower and went up. They urinated down the steps. Because of the noise the® had been making, the group attracted the attention of the police and they were spoken to as they left the Cathedral. The Dean of the Cathedral then approached the police and complained that someone had urinated at the top of the steps. The accused both said they had suddenly got an urge to go to the lavatory, and fell they would not have made it to the public lavatory In the Square.

In the morning the Magistrate declned an application by Weir for bail, saying the purpose of the remand in custody was to bring home to the accused the seriousness with which the law viewed the “disgraceful" incident.

In the afternoon the Magistrate said that after hearing an application in chambers for .1 .e uad decided to grant It. He said he was shocked at the degree of vandalism but he had to act judicially in the matter and put aside his own feelings. Painter appeared in the afternoon for sentence on three charges of theft and one of burglary and was placed on probation for two years. The Magistrate said the charges were washing-up charges. SUPPRESSION REFUSED Medical reports pointed to the need for some psychiatric treatment for the accused, said the Magistrate when Jane Elizabeth Caldwell, aged 18, unemployed (Mr M. J. Glue) appeared for sentence on charges of theft of a kimono worth $12.05 and theft of a cushion, scarf and towel worth $8.50 on March She was put on probation for one year and ordered to take medical or psychiatric treatment as directed.

The accused was a difficult problem to deal with, said Mr Glue. She appeared to have had every advantage but she could well become a social problem.

She was a hedonistic person and her attitude towards life was most unrealistic. She was before the Court for the first time but her appearance was predictable, said Mr Glue. The Magistrate said that one doctor thought it might be unwise if the accused’s name was suppressed as she might regard it as an expression of weakness on the part of the Court. In view of the fact that she was released on probation it was important that she came to grips with reality and he would make no order of suppression of name. BROKE BOTTLE Barry Preston Wayne Sampson. aged 17. a plastics labourer, was remanded on bail to March 21 for sentence on a charge of wilfully breaking a soft drink bottle in Cathedral Square on March 15. He pleaded guilty. Detective Sergeant B. J. Preston said that at 2.30 a.m. a member of the C. 1.8. was on patrol in Cathedral Square when he saw Sampson throw a soft drink bottle at the war memorial in the Cathedral grounds. The bottle broke against the statue. Sampson walked off leaving the glass. When Sampson was questioned by detectives he admitted throwing the bottle. He was told to pick up the glass and he did so. He had previous convictions, Detective Sergeant Preston said. Sampson was remanded in custody and the Magistrate made an order that he be kept apart from adult prisoners, in the afternoon, the Magistrate announced that Sampson had been granted ball. SIX WEEKS’ GAOL Leslie Desmond Johnston, aged 29, a driver, was sent to gaol lor six weeks when he appeared tor sentence on a charge that he was deemed to be a rogue and a vagabond in that he was found by night without lawful excuse in an enclosed yard in Haytons Road on December 11. Mr R. J. Allan, tor the accused, said that the charge had been defended and Johnston’s excuse tor being on the property was that he had gone there to relieve himself. Johnston suffered from epileptic attacks and he produced a doctor’s certificate to this effect. Johnston was an intelligent person but his capabilities nad not been developed in-any particular way. He was the eluest of a family of 12 and had gone to work when young. He was immature for his age and because of his lack of training he had long periods of unemployment, Mr Allan said.

The Magistrate said that Johnston had been found on the premises of South Island Auto Wreckers, Ltd, by a security officer. A screwdriver and a spanner were picked up by the security officer’s spotlight. Johnston had 21 previous convictions for burglary.

The circumstances of Johnston’s apprehension led him to

believe that he had been on the property for a criminal purpose. The security officer had prevented Johnston from committing any theft and his employers should be grateful for this.

PERIODIC DETENTION Richard Bernard McKernan, aged 47, a fishmonger, was further remanded on bail to March 21 for a medical report on his fitness with a view to sentencing him to periodic detention at the adult work centre. He was appearing for sentence on a charge of driving while under the influence of drink, and driving while disqualified in Colombo Street on February 13. The Magistrate said the Court must seriously consider whether the matter could be dealt with other than by a term of imprisonment. Periodic detention might be worth trying, however, he said.

“LAST CHANCE” "You are perilously close to being sent to Borstal. This is your last chance," the Magistrate told Mark Valentine Watkins, aged 18, a labourer, sentencing him to 12 months probation on a charge of theft. Watkins was appearing tor sentence on a charge of stealing a guitar valued at 364 on August 16. He was ordered to make 164 restitution. STOLE *ll3l CHEQUE Sent by mistake a cheque made out to another person for *1131.75, Gordon Leslie Nissen, aged 22, a soldier, cashed it at a Christchurch bank and bought a car with the money, Detective Sergeant Preston said. Nissen pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing the cheque and was convicted and remanded in Army custody to March 25 for a probation report and sentence. The accused left the employ of the Wairoa Dairy Company last April and was told that *84.55 he had contributed to a superannuation fund would be forwarded to him, said Detective Sergeant Preston. The company drew one cheque for the accused for *84.55 and another for Mr N. W. Howard for (1131.75, but the cheques were inadvertently put in the wrong envelopes. Nissen's cheque was received by Mr Howard, who readdressed it to the accused. However, the accused did not inform Mr Howard or the company that he bad received the wrong cheque, but later cashed It, said Detective Sergeant Preston. He had since made full restitution. BURGLARY Pleading guilty to a charge of burglary ot Scotts Four Square store. Opawa Road, on March 17, Stephen Charles Goddard, aged 19. unemployed, was convicted and remanded in custody to March 25 lor sentence. At 11.45 p.m. on March 17 detectives on patrol spoke to a man who said he had seen three men acting suspiciously at the back of the Opawa Supermarket, said Detective Sergeant Preston. The detectives saw Goddard climbing in the window of a shop. When he was approached he ran off but stopped when asked.

As he rounded the side of a house he took grey socks off his hands and threw them to the ground. One of the other men in the shop escaped by the front window.

PROBATION FOR BURGLARY Appearing for sentence on a charge of burglary ot a house at 50 Heaton Street on February 13, Shirley Lynette Williams (Mr M. J. Glue) was placed on probation for one year. In committing the offence, the accused acted on impulse, said Mr Glue. When challenged she was quite frank and open. In most respects she appeared to be coping fairly well with her life.

FINED >4O FOR ASSAULT Martin Lee Choma, aged 18, unemployed, was fined *4O when he appeared for sentence on a charge of assaulting Robert Rultenburg. The Magistrate said that Choma had committed the offence while on probation. This was his third conviction for assault. He hesitated to send Choma to Borstal, but he could not expect to be treated lentently if he appeared again.

There was a suggestion in the probation officers report that he might settle down.

CHARGE DISMISSED Two charges against Gerald Garth Scott, aged 22, a labourer, of falling to comply with the traffic lights at the Antigua Street-Moorhouse Avenue intersection and the Montreal StreetMoorhouse Avenue intersection were dismissed. He pleaded not guilty to both charges and was represented by Mr J. M. Wilson. (Before Mr E. S. J. Crutchley, S.M.) TRAFFIC OFFENCES In traffic prosecutions brought by the Christchurch City Council’s traffic department, convictions were entered and penalties Imposed as follows, with costs of *5 In each case:— Exceeded 30 miles an hour; “• Plthie, *l5; S. J. Cameron. *lO, disqualified for three months (no safety helmet, *2): G. K. Cloughly, *10; A. R. Green, *l2, disqualified for three months: A. M. Prendergast, *8; J. H. Chaney, >5; C. Aldridge, *10; E. A. Andrew, *l5; K. C. Watson, *10; G. D. Bennett, *2O; R. Arnst, ,10; K. J. Askew. M2 (no safety helmet. ,2); O. I. Baillie, ,20; K. Ball, ,12. C. R. Barnett, *10; A. W. Bodger, ,13; G. R. Bone, *8: J. W. Carr, ,15; P. S. Cook, ,15; K. G. Cowie. ,12: G. H. N. Donaldson, ,10 (failed to display L sign ,3); R. I. Talkingham, ,15; A. R. Green. ,15; G. T, Henderson ,10; S. B. HlcksUssher, ,10; W. R. Jenner. ,12; L. F. Mackie. ,10; S. Marks, ,10; R. Masters. ,12; P. G. Maurice. ,12; R. L. Murray. ,12 (failed to display L sign, 13): D. B. McKay, ,15; G. B. McKen zle, ,8; D. W. McKirdy, *8: A. J. Patterson, ,10; K. F. Pearce, ,5; R. A. S. Podmore, ,15; A. G. Pope. ,25; W. J. S. Rogers, ,10; M. G. Sands, ,12; J. G. Smith, ,15; R. G. Tomes. MO; J. H. Verhoef, ,20: R. M. Webster. *l2; D. G. Wells, M2; B. P. Williams, *25 (no safety helmet. *3); R. A. G. Williams, *l2; W. A. Withers, *lO.

Careless use: G. M. Manifold. (7, disqualified for three months-, E. B. Day. ,13; P. Curtis, ,15 (failed to stoo after accident, ,40. disqualified for three months); M. Stevenson, *lO (failed to wear vision aids, (5, disqualified tor two months). Failed to comply with traffic lights: P. R. Hendry. <l5; J. E. Archibald. M 0; R. S. Clark. M2: J. S. Stanbury, *l5, disqualified for three months (carried pillion passenger on provisional licence, 15; no warrant of fitness, *2).

Unregistered vehicle: D. W. Butler, ,20, disqualified for six months me warrant of fitness. M): G. A. Lloyd. MO, disqualified for three months (inappropriate driver’s licence. ,2; carried pillion passenger with no foot rests, ,2).

Failed to carry heavy-traffic licence: B.P. New Zealand, Ltd, ,10; Allied Plastics. Ltd. ,10; G. C. Hamilton, ,10 (no driver’s licence. *10; failed to display rear number plate, (2). Obstructed traffic officer: N. R. Paul. S 5 (no driver’s licence. *5, disqualified for three months: no warrant of fitness, costs).

Permitted unlicensed person to drive: I. H. J. Read, ,10 < parted with driver’s licence. *10). Failed to stop at compulsory stop: G. J. Bevin, M 0 < exceeded 30 miles an hour. *10); A. M. Daw, M; C. R. Shirley. ,4. Unable to stop in half clear distance: B. P. McCartin. ,15. disqualified for aix weeks. Failed to give way at give-way sign: W. F. Andrews. ,10. disqualified for three months. Failed to give way to right: E. A. Obery, ,20. Failed to indicate right turn: R. N. Harris. M 5, disqualified for three months. Failed to give way when turning right: B. I. Leask, *lO. Failed to keep left when turning left: M. M. Guise, *7. Overloaded heavy-traffic licence: Guthreys Freightways. Ltd, *l5: Macfarlane Freighters, Ltd, ,10. Insufficient lights: G. A. Mulqueen, ,7; G. J. Morgan. ,3; S. Hey. ,2: V. R. Maffey, M. Noisy vehicle: L. D. Rutherford, M 0; G. W. Veale, ,30. Worn or damaged tyres: W. H. Ewart, ,10.

Overloaded rear axle: John Brightling, Ltd, ,15. Failed to display L sign: N. R. Annand, ,5.

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Press, Volume CIX, Issue 31941, 19 March 1969, Page 8

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MAGISTRATE’S COURT Man Remanded For Sentence After Stealing Sten Guns Press, Volume CIX, Issue 31941, 19 March 1969, Page 8

MAGISTRATE’S COURT Man Remanded For Sentence After Stealing Sten Guns Press, Volume CIX, Issue 31941, 19 March 1969, Page 8