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MAGISTRATE’S COURT Three Men Deny Charges Of Assault Outside Hotel

Three young men appeared in the Jtagistrate's Court yesterday on charges of assault arising from a brawl outside the Valley Inn, Heathcote, after closing time on Saturday, September 7. They are Frank Ahkuoi, aged 21, a factory worker, who pleaded not guilty to charges of assaulting • David Graham Robin and Graham Bell, and Douglas Sanfit, aged 21, ah apprentice engineer, and Fred Fui, aged 21, a factory worker, both of whom are charged with assaulting Graham Bell. They pleaded not guilty. After the prosecution case had been presented the three accused were remanded on bail until today. Mr G. R. Lascelles appeared for Ahkuii and Sanfit and Mr J. W. Dalmer for Fui. Mr J. D. Kinder, S.M., is on the bench. Malae Tommy Nanai, aged 32, a machine operator, failed to appear to answer a charge of assaulting Graham Bel! and a bench warrant was issued for his arrest. Evidence was given that Mr Robin was accosted by a group of Islanders after he left the hotel. One of them struck him on the head with a bottle knocking him to the ground Ewen Thomas Bell, a company director, said Mr Robin collapsed unconscious on the ground and the Islanders ran off. He pursued the Islander who had used the bottle and brought him to the ground Two of the Islanders’ companions tackled witness and a Maori came to his assistance. Witness ran to a public telephone and called the police Later at the Central Police Station he identified Ahkuoi as the person who had assaulted Mr Robin with the bottle.

Graham Bell, a shop proprietor and brother of the previous witness, said that after he went to his brother’s assistance he was attacked by five or six Island youth. While he was being beaten up he managed to grab a gate and kept his head down to protect his face. He suffered facial injuries, an injury to his finger, and his jacket was badly ripped.

Mr Lascelles said there were a number of inconsistencies in the prosecution case and the evidence of identification was unsatisfactory. He would be calling two witnesses who would say that Ahkuoi was not the person who struck Mr Robin with the bottle. Detective Sergeant R. G McMeeking prosecuted. ADMITTED TO PROBATION Michael Joseph Morgan, aged 17. a dockhand, was admitted to probation for two years and was ordered to make restitution of when he appeared for sentence on a charge of burglary of the premises of Batemans Radio and TV. Ltd. Oram Avenue, New Brighton, on August 7. Mr M. J. Glue, for the accused, said that Morgan appeared for the third time this year on what was a serious charge. He was a lonely, insecure and unhappy youth who had been shattered by his mother’s death. He had been cast out on the world and the social contacts he had made were of an unworthy type. Morgan had received favourable reports from the warden of the periodic detention centre and the probation officer. "In my opinion you are a plausible young man.” the Magistrate said. "One of the causes of you getting into trouble is that you have been mixing with the wrong com pany. The sooner you realise that, the better are your chances for reformation. "You have received an extremely favourable probation officer's report and you are said to be responding well to probation though this offence does not bear this out. However. 1 am prepared to take a chance and allow you to remain in the community. If you offend again you are a certainty for institutional training. Having to make restitution will serve as a deterrent." said the Magistrate (Before Mr K. H. J. Headifen, S.M ) ASSAULT Jointly charged with assaulting I. L. Coxedge on September 18, lan Thomas Philip, aged 19. a soldier, and Arthur John Inns, aged 23. a soldier, were each convicted and fined $lO They pleaded guilty.

The two defendants were driving towards Christchurch on the Main South Road when they forced the complainant to the side of the road and stopped him. said Sergeant V. F. Townshend. They both got out and walked back to the

complainant and shook their fists at him.

Philip reached through the open window of the complainant’s car and punched him in the face, giving him a black eye. The defendants claimed they had stopped the complainant because of his inconsiderate driving. They said he had pulled out in front of them, forcing them to the other side of the road. STOLE BOOKS On a charge of stealing four books worth $2.08 on September 21. a youth whos-e name was suppressed (Mr R. S. Boland) was convicted and fined $25. He pleaded guilty. The defendant went to a hamburger bar and placed an order, said Sergeant Townshend. While the complainant was not looking the defendant took three books from a rack and put them in his pocket. He collected his hamburger and then took another book. This time the complainant saw him and stopped him outside the premises.

The defendant had been drinking with friends for six hours before the offence, said Mr Boland. It was a sudden and foolish action. It was the first time the defendant had offended STOLE STICKER Pleading guilty to a charge of stealing a warrant of fitness sticker worth 5c on September 6. a man whose name was suppressed was convicted and discharged under Section 42 of the Criminal Justice Act subject to the payment of $5 costs. The Magistrate said he accepted the defendant’s explanation that he took the sticker as a joke and not for use on his own car. ASSAULTED WIFE . “It was just a family tiff.” said Walter Cavanagh Randall, aged 59, a factory manager, when he pleaded guilty to a charge of assaulting his wife on November 5. He was con vict'ed and fined $lO. Randall .arrived home from work at 7 p.m., said Sergeant Townshend. He had been drinking but was not drunk. He hit his wife over the back of her head with his hand. He told the police he had only given her a clip on the ear. NAME SUPPRESSED Appearing for sentence on a charge of doing an indecent act in a public place on September 14, a man whose name was suppressed (Mr M. G. L. Loughnan), was placed on probation for two years and ordered to continue having medical treatment. It was essential for the rehabilitation of the defendant that he be allowed his privacy, said the Magistrate when suppressing his name. His offence was > a matter of social inadequacy and not strictly criminal. MISCELLANEOUS CASES In miscellaneous charges brought by the police, convictions were entered and fines imposed as follows, with costs $5 in each case:— Procured rifle without permit: Morris Frederick Barr, costs only; Milson James Woodcock. $lO (delivered rifle to person not entitled to receive it, $5). Careless use: David Jack Prince, $2O. Proceeded from stop sign before way was clear: Edward Bernard Bohan. $2O. Minor bought liquor: Raymond Gray, $lO (minor found in bar, $l5) (Before Messrs A. H. Dale and A. H Marker, Justices of the Peace) COMMITTED FOR TRIAL On a charge of wilfully setting fire to the Knox Parish Hall on August 19 and a charge of attempting to set fire to the same building on September 9, a man whose name was suppressed was committed for trial in the Supreme Court. The man pleaded not guilty after depositions and was remanded on bail. He was represented by Messrs J. G. Leggat and S. G. Erber. (Before Mr P. L. Molineaux, S.M.) FINED $lOO A fine of $lOO and a further 12 months cancellation of licence were imposed on John Andrew Bennett, aged 33, a farm worker, on a charge of driving while disqualified. The Court was told that the defendant, who was already dis qualified for five years, had been stopped by a traffic officer I in West Road. Paparua County, un September 16. He later ad mitted the offence and explained that he had been to a funeral with a woman passenger, who normally drove the car She had been upset by the funeral and he had offered to drive. The Magistrate asked what time the defendant had been stopped by the officer and was told 9.15 p.m. “Had he been coming away from a funeral it might have been different, but it is absurd to suggest any connection at that time,” said the Magistrate, sentencing the de fendant. THREE CHARGES Wayne Albert Williams, aged 20. a millhand, was convicted and remanded until November 12 for sentencing on charges of driving while disqualified, obtaining a licence while disquali fled, and giving incorrect par ticulars to obtain a licence. He, pleaded guiltv to the charges. The Court was told that the defendant >f£d obtained a licence by giving a false name and address. He had been dis qualified for dangerous driving at an earlier date. TRAFFIC CASES In prosecutions brought by the Transport Department convictions were entered and fines imposed as follows, with costs $5 on all charges: Careless use: Warren Meredith, $2O and disqualified for three months. Exceeded 30 m.p.h.: Catherine Sheila McQuilkin, $10; Ronald George Simpson, $25; lan Edward Beck, $45; Valiant Roy Smith $25. Failed to stop at compulsory stop: Frank Richard Henshaw. $l2. Failed to keep left: Nigel Alexander McFadden. $lO. (Before Mr W. F. Brown. S.M.) TRAFFIC CHARGES Careless use: Michael Jackson Hart. $3O and disqualified for four months: Ramon Arthur Spencer. $25 and disqualified for three months.

Insufficient lights: Alexander Ross Sinclair, $6; Daniel CaviH $l5 and disqualified for one month.

Failed to give way: William Sandford. $2O.

Exceeded axle weight: Ryan Bros. $2O (exceeded heavy traffic licence. $l4).

Failed to stop at compulsory stop sign: Colin Alexander McKenzie, $l2.

Overtook on intersection: Edward Joseph Melville, $lO.

Exceeded 30 m.p.h.: David McMillan Williams, $8; Gail France Lennard. $l5: Alan Walter Bur rows, $10: Steven Christopher Falconer. $18: - Bruce Charles Gemmell, < $22: Adrian Alfred Johnston. $2O; Noel Harold Jones, $10: Athol Knight, $23: Haward Brent Smith. $9; Jack Taylor, $23: Donald W’arren Vance, $25; Leicester Anthony Innes, $18; Paul James Rapley. $25; Peter Greenfield Ashmore, $10; Ernest Lascelles Bonish, $lO (failed to nroduce licence, $8); Margaret Jean Harris. $22: Graeme Douglas Inkster, $2O; Roland Leslie Jameson, $10; Wavne Robert McCone, $2O; Kelvin Roland McKeown, sl4> Neville Alexander Morrison $l5; Trevor Harold Neale, $10; James Francis Oakley. $9; Kelvin Robert Parkinson, $25: Murray John Stewart, .>l4: John Stock. $l2: Kenneth Voysey, $l4: John Edward Waite, $l3: .Mathew Josenh Wildermoth. $10: Kelvin Leslie Andrews, $10: Michael Geoffrey Barber. $35: Derek Har ley Bond, $2O: John Vincent Cooney, $10: Gavin Patrick Cox, $2O; Richard Andrew James, $l4: Barry Wayne Jenkin, $10; Malcolm Russell Jones, $9; God-

frey Peter Judd. $l4; Hans Arno Nathan, $10; Peter Balas Patonai, $l2; Alan John Scott, $10; John Clifford Seelen, $l2; William Francis Simpson, $10; Annie Mary Thompson, $l4; Michael John Wall, $l2. Exceeded 55 m.p.h.: James Andrew Keith Henton. $l5 (exceeded 45 miles an hour with pillion passenger, $4). Exceeded 40 m.p.h. with trailer: Elizabeth Helen Bailey, $lO. No rear light: John Edge, $6.

No driver’s licence: Leicester Walter Monk, $2; Anthony Arnold Fisher, $3.

No warrant of fitness: Michael Mawson Dyer, costs (defective steering, $15); Irene Valerie Rowe, $2 (insecure trailer. $10) Unlicenced vehicle: Graeme Andrew Cox, $6. CIVIL CASES (Before Mr P. L. Molineaux, S.M.) JUDGMENT SUMMONSES The following orders were made on the judgment summonses:— M. L. Adamson, widow, Kingsford Street, to pay H. T. Tregurtha, Ltd. $90.90. in default 48 days imprisonment, warrant suspended while $5 a week is paid; J. A. C. Beaumont, bar man, Hei Hei Road, Hornby, to pay Cassidy, Amodeo, Williamson and De Gold! $57 (32 days or $2 a week); R. L. Browning, barman, Stackhouse Street, to pay Breeze Auto Services, Ltd, $91.88 (49 days or $2 a week); A. A. Colenso, insurance salesman, Vancouver Crescent, to pay B. E. Gibbard $lO (six days or $2 a week): R. G. Cottier, railwayman. Wildwood Avenue, to pav New Zealand Farmers’ Co-operative Association of Canterbury. Ltd, $73.93 (40 days or $2 a week); L. F. Coles, printer, Santa Rosa Avenue, to pav Walton Plumbing Company. Ltd. $30.39 (17 days or $2 a week)

L F. Coles, printer, Santa Rosa Avenue, to pay Andersons Motordrome, Riccarton Road. Ltd, $24.52 '(l5 days or $2 a week); L. G. Lawrence, Staveley Street, to pay Earthenware Drain Pipe Company. $42.90 (24 days or $2 a week); T. Glendinning. workman, Buchan Street, to pay K. J Smitheram. $33.43 (19 days or $2 a week).

J. Cunneen, barman, Peacock Street, to pay O. G. Clifford, $21.50 (13 days or $2 a week): Leonard Alfred Gallagher lab

ourer, Simeon Quay, Lyttelton, to pay Lyttelton Foodmarket. Ltd $38.03 (22 days or $2 a week); W. R. Goodman, labourer, Hazeldean Road, to pay Mayos Electrical and Gift Centre, Ltd, $30.95 (17 days or $2 a week)<

lan Parkes Gordon, presser, Cheam Place, to pay Southern Souvenir Manufacturing Company, Ltd. $50.40 (28 days or $2 a week); L. E. Halligan, labourer, Newport Street, to pay Bell Radio-Television Corporation. Ltd. $28.08 (16 days or $2 a week); Eric McKay Hobson, labourer, Uxbridge Street, to pay Robert L. Rutldge, $14.30 (eight days or $2 a week). Hugh Grant Anderson, worker, Hanmer Street, to pay L. P. Gillespie $25.15 (15 days or $2 a week); Stanley Clifford Johnston, labourer and drainage contractor, Disraeli Street, to pay Hume Industries New Zealand, Ltd. $168.14 (three months or $2 a week); D. Hall, North Parade, to pay A. J. White, Ltd, $32.80 (17 days or $1 a week).

G. Lowis. workman. St Andrew’s Hill, to pay New Zealand Farmers* Co-operative Association of Canterbury, Ltd, $92.76 (48 days or $2 a weak); Arthur McCarthy, bush contractor, Linwood Avenue, to pay British Petroleum (New Zealand), Ltd, $215.12 (three months or $4 a week); A. McDonald, workman, Godley Avenue, to pay New Zealand Farmers’ Co-operative Association of Canterbury, Ltd, $88.29 (47 days or $2 a week).

. D B. McDonald, labourer. Coleridge Street, to pay Television Installation and Service Company, Ltd, $27.87 (16 days or $2 a week): Rex Edward McGrath, labourer, Marlow Road, to pay Winstone (South Island), Ltd. $47.98 (28 days or $2 a week); Trevor Thomas Marquet, manufacturer. Rutherford Street, tb pay the Commissioner of Inland Revenue $1453.32 (three months or $3 a week).

W. R. Miller, workman, Mathers Road, to pay the North Can terbury Hospital Board $32.50 (18 days or $2 a week); L. M. Muir, labourer, Warden Street, to pay Nicholl Brothers (Halswell Garage), Ltd, $23.88 (14 days or $2 a week); Andrew Noel Nisbet, salesman, Clarendon Terrace, to pay the Post Office $334.94 (three months or $2 a week).

D. Oman, instrument mechanic, Orari Street, to pay Breeze Auto Services. Ltd $83.88 (45

days or $2 a week); K. Palmer, labourer, McDouglas Square, Stewarts Gully, to pay R. Hunt and B. Jones $50.75 (28 days or $2 a week); H. D. Peek, railwayman. Waltham Road, to pay O. G. Clifford $184.50 (three months or $4 a week). G. C. Pool, workman, care of Blackwell Motors. Addington, to pay P. Burke and Company,, Ltd $26.10 (15 days or $2 a week); Brian James Quinn, labourer, Ryan Avenue, to pay D. and G. M. Langley $35.92 (20 davs or $2 a week); RinU Van Weir on, carpenter, Slater Street, to pay W. W. Keighley and Company, Ltd. $90.50 (48 davs or $2 a week). Lionel Ruka. labourer. Seaview Road, to pay J. A. M. Hardcastle, $31.38 (18 days or $2 a week); Henry Smith, labourer, Horton Place, to pay M. A. Eliott $19.90 (11 days or $2 a week); Alfred George Southen, labourer, Worcester Street, to pay Ouruhia Store $19.93 (11 days or $2 a week).

R. Stevens, labourer, Matting ley Street, to pay Mussons General Store, Ltd,. $34.17 (20 days or $2 a week); Colin Tiplady, factory worker, Byron Street, to pay Smith and Smith. Ltd, $21.62 (13 days or $2 a week); L. Tip ping, spinster, care of Whitcombe and Tombs, Ltd, to pay the Canterbury Clerks, Cashiers and Office Employees Industrial Union of Workers $12.60 (seven days or $2 a week) Darryl Kevin Trenberth, mechanic, Wattle Drive, to pay Frost and Bishop $151.48 (80 days or $2 a week) and to pay Par-Wood Motor Electrics (5.1.). Ltd, $69.13 (38 days or $2 a week); Thomas Albert Waller jun., carpenter, McKenzie Avenue, to pay Papanul Timber Company, Ltd. $79 77 (43 days or $2 a week). J. A. Willetts, railwayman. Somers Place, to pay J. Newton and Son, Ltd, $38.47 (21 days or $1 a week); H. W. Williams, car penter, Bryndwr Road, to pay Carpet and Linoleums. Ltd. $13.75 (eight days or $2 a week); J. Wilson, labourer, Waltham Road, to pay Christchurch Press Company, Ltd, $11.57 (seven days or $2 a week).

POSSESSION ORDER T. Miles, workman, was ordered to give up possession of a flat at 231 Ferry Road to W. A. McPhail and to pay arrears of rent and costs amounting to $96 70. ,

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Press, Volume CVIII, Issue 31830, 7 November 1968, Page 7

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MAGISTRATE’S COURT Three Men Deny Charges Of Assault Outside Hotel Press, Volume CVIII, Issue 31830, 7 November 1968, Page 7

MAGISTRATE’S COURT Three Men Deny Charges Of Assault Outside Hotel Press, Volume CVIII, Issue 31830, 7 November 1968, Page 7