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MAGISTRATE’S COURT Warning On Maximum Penalty For Using Obscene Language

Mr K. H. J. Headifen, S.M., convicting and fining a 19-year-old youth $BO in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday for using obscene language, said that he would not hesitate to impose the maximum fine of $2OO if such offences continued. “I’m sick and tired of louts like you—and I use the word advisedly—congregating in groups and using language like this to decent citizens,” the Magistrate told Noel Edwin Minogue, a fishery company workman, who had pleaded guilty to the offence. Sergeant F. G. Mulcare said that on New Year’s Day a man had sought out a group of youths in Acheson Avenue, Shirley, to remonstrate about previous remarks which had upset his daughter, whereupon Minogue used the language complained of. Mr K. N. Hampton, counsel for Minogue, said Minogue had actually come to blows with the complainant, and had only used obscene language after being struck first, in the left eye. Minogue denied speaking to the complainant’s daughter at all. The Magistrate reminded Minogue that Parliament had doubled the fine for obscene language, as from January 1, to a maximum of $2OO. After complaining about the frequency of obscene language by groups of youths, the Magistrate told Minogue: “If this sort of offence goes on, I won’t hesitate to impose the maximum fine of $2OO. Now you know where you stand.” The Magistrate on Monday fined a 17-year-old youth $lOO for using threatening langu-

, age at the Spencer Park motor • camp. ! WILFUL DAMAGE ' Jeffrey Spence Wilson, aged • 17, a freezing worker, was ' fined $2O on a charge of wil- ! fully damaging a panel of ’ glass valued at $5 on October . 29, 1967. ! Sergeant Mulcare said Wil--1 son returned to a party at a 1 flat after being asked to leave, • and put his fist through the glass panel of the door. Counsel, Mr G. K. Lascelles, ■ said Wilson had been told to 1 “go home schoolboy” as he • was leaving the party. He re--1 turned and was banging on 1 the door when the glass 1 broke. Restitution had been ; made. ; FAILED TO ACCOUNT ‘ Keith John Rea, aged 39, a • driver pleaded guilty to three > charges of theft, involving $36, by failing to account, and one , of obtaining $2O from the West ■ Melton Service Station by false > pretences, and was remanded • to January 30 for a probation i report and sentence. Bail was 1 allowed at $lOO. ! Sergeant Mulcare said that > Rea was employed by a firm I cleaning septic tanks, and- on 1 three occasions, at Oxford and • Rangiora, between July 5 and 22 last, had received immediate i cash payment of $l2 from clients but had failed to account 1 to the firm’s accountant for the • money. The offence of false pretences occurred on August FALSE PRETENCES Lester Stewart Chambers, . aged 22, a driver’s assistant (Mr M. G. L. .Lor<rhnan) was 1 admitted to probation on a charge of false pretences by l defrauding J. W. Hecker, of the Esplanade Hotel, New Brighton, of $5O. Mr Loughnan had submitted that Chambers desired to turn over a new leaf, and the Magistrate said he would take the risk. Special conditions of Chamb ers's probation include the payment of $5O prosecution costs, and the restitution of $5O. "This is your last chance to remain in the community,” the Magistrate told him. FINED FOR THEFT The money was taken apparently in front of everybody, and if the defendant could remember taking the money, he would know he would be approached about it, said Mr R. G. Blunt, counsel for Albert Heaton Savin, aged 22, a truck driver Savin had previously been convicted of stealing $63 from the Welcome-Inn hamburger bar on September 9, 1967. The Magistrate said an explanation for Savin’s taking the money in full view of the em ployees could be his low I.Q. He did not have a bad record for dishonesty. Savin was fined $3O, and ordered to pay witnesses’ expenses of $lO and make restitu tion of $63. FURTHER REMAND Patricia Collins, alias Patricia Alice Collins, aged 46, a housewife, was remanded to a psychiatric hospital until February 13 for further observation, on the application of Mr N. W. Williamson, who appeared for the Official Assignee. Collins, who faces two charges under the Bankruptcy Act, was originally remanded under Section 37 of the Mental Health Act, on Janu- i ary 9. Mr Williamson said the hospital authorities requested that Collins spend a further period ■ at the hospital. ASSAULTED CONSTABLE The accused had to be restrained when he seized a con- ' stable round the neck, said Sergeant Mulcare when Leslie Millar Anderson, aged 47. unemployed pleaded guilty to assaulting Lewis H. Bone on December 24. Sergeant Mulcare said Anderson was brought to the watchhouse after a domestic dispute. He seized the constable round the neck with both hands. Counsel, Mr D. M. Stringer, said Anderson was an alcoholic. An application for name suppression was refused, and Anderson was fined $2O. NEW PLYMOUTH OFFENCES Ronald Gordon Ramsdale. aged 19, an Army medical orderly at Burnham Military Camp, after pleading guilty to four charges of false pretences, involving a total of $23.89, at New Plymouth between December 25 and 27 last, was convicted and remanded until January 30 for sentence. Bail was allowed at $lOO, on the understanding that he remains in the custody of the Army. DRUNK Cornelius Hanifin, aged 71, a war pensioner, was fined $6, in default four days imprisonment on a charge of being found drunk in Cathedral Square on January 22. Hanifin had been convicted of a similar offence in the past six months. RACECOURSE CHARGES Seven charges against Allan Alexander Hamilton (Mr M. G. L. Loughnan) of entering racecourses at Addington, Riccarton, and Kaikoura, between October 25 and November 20, when meetings were in progress, and while being an excluded person, were adjourned to February 6. TRAFFIC PROSECUTIONS In traffic prosecutions brought by the police, convictions were entered and fines imposed, as follow’s: Careless driving: Stephen Brian Blight, $8; Melvyn Robert Grieve, $5O; Brendon Peter MeCartin, $3O (ordered to attend traffic lectures). Failed to give way: DorothyMay Henwood, $lO. Proceeding from stop sign when way not clear: Ronald Keith Leckie, $lB. No warrant of fitness: lan Lyndsay Anderson, $6; Adrienne Margaret McGrath, $3. MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES Failed to notify Labour Department of change of adsl0 SS * T crence Andrew Harper, Minor in bar: Paul Brian Herrick, $lO. (Before Mr W. F. Brown, S.M.) DISQUALIFIED Charged with driving at a speed that might have been dangerous on November 1 Michael Reynolds, aged 25, a motor mechanic, was fined $25 and disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver s licence for one year. Reynolds (Mr J. K. Fuimaono) has until January 26 before his disqualification begins. At 10.20 p.m. Reynolds had driven his car along Woodham Road at an estimated speed of 45-50 miles an hour, said Traffic Officer J. E. Pickett. He had driven down Worcester Street at 50 miles an hour,, passed the cross intersection at England Street at 40 miles an hour, and driven at 50 miles an hour after crossing Fitzgerald Avenue. FINED $25 Irwin Fowlds Horricks, aged 21, a student (Mr J. F. Burn) was fined $25 and his licence was endorsed for one year, when charged with carelessly driving a car, on November 13. He pleaded guilty. CARELESS USE Phillip Ashton, aged 40, a scaffolder, was fined $2O on a charge that on October 15, 1967. he drove a motor vehicle carelessly on Linwood Avenue. Traffic Officer K. Porter said Ashton had been driving in a south-easterly direction and had made a U-turn, being struck by a car behind him.

OTHER CHARGES In other prosecutions brought by the Christchurch City Council traffic department, convictions were entered and fines imposed, as follows: . Exceeding 30 miles an hour: Rodger John Hadley, $2O: Cornelius William van Heusden, $2O; Gerard Thomas Clifford, $8; . Paul Kenneth Hickmott, $18; I John James Plummer, $l4; ; Anthony Leslie Attwell, $6; Syd- . ney George Bowron, $8; Brent . James Childs, $10; Donald Alexander Crerar, $10; Wynne * George Croll, $10; Robert de Bouter, $10; Conelis den Haring, $10; Peter Charles Dawson, $10; Barry Michael Gale, $l5; James l Brackenredge Gordon, $10; lan , Maxwell Harris, $l5; John Jones, > $4: Michael Edgar Jones, $l2; Sally Jones, $8; Gary Arnold Jope, $8; Alan Trevor Legge, , $10; Neil George Learmonth, $8; i Frances Jessica Robertson, $10; , Malcolm Ernest Robin, $l4 (no driver’s licence, $8 and disqua- ' lified for four weeks); Brian i James Salt, $l2; Bruce Wayne ■ Samuels, $10; Gary Gordon Searle, $l4; Elaine Valma 1 Sharpe, $8; Raymond * Patrick Shaw, $l4; Francis Sparks, $4; Timothy Stevens, $l2; Trevor Robert Stringer, $10; Alan Fre- ■ derick Wear, $l2; Valda Lynnette Wills, $10; William Frank Wil- ; son, $lO. Failing to stop at compulsory ’ stop sign: Robert William Allen, ; $l2; Gavin William Annett, $6 and disqualified for four weeks; ! Kevin Lance Pruden, $l5: ’ Graeme Albert Williams, $l4 and . disqualified for one month. ■ Failing to give way to the right: Jacob Jochems, $25; Evelyn Airini Mau Ritchie, $l2; j David Gillespie, $l6; Aaron Kin- ' ley, $lO and disqualified for six weeks; Steven Geoffrey Martin, $lO and disqualified for six ; weeks. Failing to stop for school patrol: Roland Thomas Bailey, $l2; Owen Arthur York Johnston, $5 (no driver’s licence, costs); Edith Helen Franklin, $l5. Parking over time limit: John Chris Avery, $3; Eoin Lattymer Page Coutts, $2; Keith Critchley (2), $2 and $2; James Nelson Hodder, $2; David Allan McLean, $3; Jan Murray, $2; Daphne Verbeba Owens, $2; Max Francis, Pennington, $2: Peter Michael Redstone (2), $2 and $3; Elizabeth Ann Margaret Ritchie, $2; Barbara May Scott, $2; James Edward Tanset, $2; John Upton Williams, $2; Barbara Wyles, $2. Insufficient lights: Ronald MacDonald Provan, $l5; Terrance McDonald. $8; Kevin Janies Daly (2), $2 and $2; Desmond James Duggan, $l2; John Gordon Frew (2), $4 and $4; Ross Mervyn McDowell, $10; Kees Coner van Vianen, $8 (no “L” label displayed, $10). No safety chain: Paul Brian Herrick, $2; Leslie Gordon Blan-chett-Burton, costs; Charles Joseph Hore, $3; Barry Ingham, $6 (unlicensed trailer, $6); Lindsay James Mealings, $5; Eric Henry Burgess, $5; Ronald Frederick Tozer, $4. No warrant of fitness: Alexander Kovesy, $2; Neil Vivian Hooker, $2; William Kenneth Pollitt, $2; Anthony McDonald, $2; Bryan William Arthur, $6; Dennis Murray Drinkwater, $4; Robert Norman Lazare, $5. Double parking: Arthur Inns, $2, David Samuel Langley, costs. John William Levy, $2; Christine Jessie Norman, $2; Arnold Jukes Trotter, $3; Vincent John Wright, costs. Unlicensed motor-vehicle: James Charles Doyle, $lO (failing to produce driver’s licence, $10); William Roy French, $10; Bettoy Irene Mayer, $8; Bertien Wiersma, $4. Overloading heavy vehicle: W. W. Keighley and Company, Ltd, $l5 (overloading rear axle, $15); William Pearce Harden, $l5. Falling to stop in clear distance between two vehicles.— Trevor Thomas King, $l5; Albert Douglas Haine Sanft, $lO. Noisy motor vehicle.—Keith Leslie James Hawkins, $10; Roger Donald Stanley, $l2. Failing to keep to the left. — Basil Henry Grubb, $l5; Gavin Charles Pillidge, $l5. Failing to give way at Give Way sign.—Desmond Ronald Cooke. $l6. Failing to give way to a pedestrian on a crossing.— Stuart Howard Leishman, $l5. Proceeding from stop sign before way was clear.—Ngaira Lois Wilson, $l5. No driver’s licence. —Theodore Leslie Clarke, costs; Ronald John Beran, $l5; Gary James Kirk, $6. No rear red light.—Jennings Shaw, $8: A.K. Transport Company, Ltd, $B. Parking in No Stopping area. —Peter Nelson Dyhrberg, costs only; David John Colvin, costs; Mair Davis, $2. Insecure load.—John Michael Anderson. $4 (no "L” sign, $3). No silencer. —William Erroll Lintott, $l2 (no rear number plate. $6). Failing to carry heavy traffic licence.—lan McNeill, Ltd, $6 (/ailing to display certificate of fitness, $4). Failing to display “L” label. —Robin John Walker, $6. No rear brake on cycle.— David Whineray, $5. Failing to notify of change of ownership.—Hugh Young Selkirk, costs. Failing to carry heavy traffic licence. —Canterbury Stone Company, Ltd, $4. Parking on taxi stand.— Eamon Martin Devlin, $2. Parking on bus stop.—James McEnteer Harbridge, costs. Inappropriate driver’s licence. —Geoffrey Douglas Sandford, costs. (Before Mr P. L. Molineaux, S.M.) JUDGMENT SUMMONSES The following orders were made on judgment summonses: W. R. Airey, carpenter. Woodhouse Street, to pay H. A. S. Cook, Ltd, $17.75 (in default 8 days imprisonment, the warrant suspended on payment of $2 a week); Gordon Allen, occupation unknown, London Street, to pay W. N. Vickers $75 (37 days or $1 a week); D. H. Annett, workman, Hoani Street, to pay Papanui Service Station, Ltd. $28.60 (14 days or $2 a week); C. L. W. Arneson, labourer. Kainga Road, to pay J. A. Bentley $10.93 (5 days or $2 a week); C. W. Arneson, Green Road, Tuahiwi, to pay Wynn Williams and Company $58.20 (29 days or $2 a week); E. L. Barkle, occupation unknown, Wellington Street, to pay E. V. Osmond $15.50 (7 days or $2 a week); P. Bartlett, Sainter, Carbine Place, to pay light’s Food Market $93.47 (46 days or $2 a week); P. R. Bartlett, workman. Carbine Place, to pay Commissioner of Inland Revenue $10.57 (5 days or $2 a week); I. J. Barwell, sorter. Carbine Place, to pay Burnside Builders. Ltd. $144.54 (72 days or $2 a week); P. P. H. Blokker. labourer, Wairakei Road, to pay J. F. Hargrave (Chch), Ltd, $228 (3 months or $1 a week); A. Brizzell, bricklayer, Raleigh Street, to pay Brownies Mattress Service $15.75 (7 days or $2 a week). Barry Caldwell, driver, Buchanans Road, to pay Five Star Motors, Ltd. $59.26 (29 days or $2 a week); F. G. Campbell, labourer, Brockworth Place, to pay I. M. Lawrence $3l (15 days or $2 a week); A. Carstairs, fireman, Sandowne Crescent, to pay N. J. Dillon, Ltd, $9.75 (4 days or $2 a week); T. L. Chapman, labourer. Fenchurch Street, to pay Bradley Bros, Ltd, $l4 (7 days or $2 a week); T. Chick, labourer, Marine Parade, to pay A. H. Sneesby $130.80 (65 days or $3 a week); G. F. Coombs, driver, Packe Street, to pay Manse Street Investments, Ltd, $28.26 (14 days or $2 a week); D. J. Crampton, labourer. Greenhaven Drive, tb pay Julia Gray Florists. Ltd, $9.50 (4 days or $2 a week): G. Cross, salesman, Creyke Road, to pay M. Gould and Company. Ltd. $lOl (50 days or $2 a week); B. Davis, company representative. Aurora Street, to pay Crozier Driving School, Ltd, $6 (3 days or $2 a week): J. Douglas, occupation unknown,

Blankney Street, to pay Shands Road Sawmills, Ltd, $47 (23 days or $2 a week); W. J. Duffeil, upholsterer, Clearbrook Street, to pay C.M.L. Insurance Company, Ltd, $21.5$ (10 days or $2 a week); D. R. Dwight, contractor, Kendal Avenue, to pay Standard Publishing Company Pty, Ltd, $31.50 (15 days or $2 a week); John Edgar, labourer, Worcester Street, to pay Rex Radio and Television, Ltd, $24.10 (12 days or $1.25 a week); D. W. Ford, workman, Hampshire Street, to pay E. V. Osmond, $13.50 (6 days or $2 a week); P, G. Fuldseth, factory hand,, Farquhars Road, to pay Dillons Kowhai Florists, Ltd, $10.60 (5 days or $2 a week); A. J. Garlick, labourer, Bramwell Street, to pay Maddens and Richards, Ltd, $B-98 (4 days or $2 a week); R. D. Gabble, labourer, Broom Street, Kaiapoi, to pay R. G. Bell and Company $21.25 (12 days or $2 a week); A. Griffiths, labourer, Colombo Street, to pay Bradley Bros Ltd, $18.92 (9 days or $2 a week); D. A. Groves, labourer, Clyde Road, to pay Andersons Motordrome. Ltd, $47.90 (23 days or $2 a week). R. A. Hall, labourer, Fitzgerald Avenue, to pay Rex Jones $8.98 (four days or $2 a week). A. J. Hatcher, taxi driver, Dunster Street, to pay Halliday Motors, Ltd $82.21 (16 days or $2 a week). A. D. Holmes, workman, Cobham Street, to pay G. E. Humphries $6.59 (three days). Tuki Hunu. labourer, Madras Street, to pay Belfast Motors $35.82 (17 days or $2 a week). I. L. Johnstone, bus driver. Champion Street, to pay I. F. and M. O’Donnell $131.65 (65 days or $1 a week). B. L. Jones, workman, Antigua Street, to pay p. H. Venables, Ltd $101.50 (50 days or $1 a week). E. D. B. Kerr, occupation unknown, Aldershot Street, to. pay the Christchurch City City $35.82 (17 days or $2 a week). L. D. C. Kerr, labourer, Avalon Street, to pay the Christchurch Press Company, Ltd $113.15 (56 days or $2 a week). J. H. Kerrigan, labourer, Akaroa Street, to pay P. M. Shaw $8 ($2 a week). J. C. Kin£, labourer, Britannia Street, to pay N. G. Norbett-Munns $97.50 (48 days or $2 a week). K. H. Kolhami, married woman, Yarmouth Street, to pay Snow White Studios $13.65 (six days or $1 a week). P. Kortegast, workman, Coleman Avenue, to pay Andersons Motordrome Ltd $15.40 (seven days or $2 a week). B. Laking, driver, Guildford Street, to pay Nairn’s Nurseries, Ltd $8.65 (four days or $2 a week), and to pay C. E. Gibbons and Company, Ltd $13.20 (six days or $2 a week). Jocelyn McAllister, married woman, Jutland Street, to pay Bateman Television. Ltd $250.40 (three months or $2 a week). A. McCarthy, scrap iron dealer, Linwood Avenue, to pay J. W. Pender $52 (26 days or $2 a week). B. McNelly, labourer, Picton Avenue, to pay T. W. Hodder $62.20 (31 days or $2 a week). John Maddock, labourer, Wilsons Road, to pay Smith’s Garage $24.53 (12 days or $2 a week). H. Mako, truck driver, Kingrove Street, to pay Woolston Motors, Ltd $116.17 (58 days or $2 a week). R. J Manley, builder, Dunedin Street, to pay P. F. Minchin $432.50 (three months or $2.50 a week). A. L. Manson, driver, Greenpark, to pay Hay’s, Ltd $882.65 (three months or $2.50 a week). K. S. Mason, rubber worker, Barbour Street, to pay the North Canterbury Hospital Board $37.54 (18 days or $2 a week). R. Mathie, labourer. Lincoln-Prebbleton Road, to pay B. R. Mills $67 (33 days or $2 a week). D. Moir, kitchenhand. Trafalgar Street, to pay Bradley Bros, Ltd $9.45 (four days or $2 a week). D. Mokomoko, labourer, Telford Street, to pay Ngai-tahu Maori Trust Board $33 (16 days or $2 a week). B. J. Murrell, workman, Warblington Street, to pay M. A. Cross (Builder), Ltd $145.50 (72 days or $2 a week). B. A. Newell, factory hand, Yarmouth Street, to pay Rex Radio and Television, Ltd $190.50 (three months or $2 a week). E. M. Pauroni. married woman, Paparua Village, Paparua, to pay K. C. Gillespie $35.50 (17 days or $1 a weex); C. J. Perrin, workman, Conway Street, to pay National Airways Corporation $16.50 (eight days or $2 a week); R. Postlethwaite, workman, Oakland Street, to pay Stanley Fogg $33.10 (16 days or $1 a week); L. N. Price, driver. Smith Street. Kaiapoi, to pay Moffat's Towel Supply, Ltd, $612.69 (three months or $5 a week); T. Prior, scrap dealer, Stanmore Road, to pay Smokeless Fuel Company, Ltd, $38.45 (19 days or $2 a week); E. Robinson, workman, Purbeck Place, to pay B. G. McAlpine $16.90 (eight days or $2 a week); T. Salt, workman, Stoneyhurst Street, to pay Papanui Service Station, Ltd, $65.67 (32 days or $2 a week); E. H. Schladt, building contractor, Rockinghorse Road, to pay Sid Protheroe, Ltd, Ashburton, $39.35 (19 days or $1 a week); G. C. Smith, millhand, Kainga Road, to pay R. G. Bell and Company $11.35 (five days or $2 a week); J. Z. Somlay, labourer, Birch Street, to pay M. Parr and R. M. Collins $14.50 (seven days or $2 a week); R. Taggart, workman, Prestons Road, to pay F. W. Matthews, Ltd (in receivership) $480.39 (three months or $4 a week); N. Thompson, married woman, Corhampton Street, to pay Snow White Studios $20.10 (10 days or $1 a week); F. R. Tindall, soldier, Everest Street, to pay C.F.M. Sales, Ltd, $19.98 (nine days or $1 a week); Pauline Waller, married woman, Emmett Street, to pay Central Canterbury Electric Power Board $19.62 (nine days or $1 a week): W. S. Wanhalla, workman. Wilsons Road, to pay T. Armstrong and Company, Ltd, $76.46 (38 days or $2 a week); B. R. Whiteside, painter, Buchanan Road, to pay Drainage Services (5.1.), Ltd, $l9 (nine days or $2 a week); R. E. Williams, cafe proprietor, Ferry Road, to pay Ashworth Electrical, Ltd, $35.15 (17 days or $2 a week): R. K. Young, labourer, Dacre Street, to pay Eras and Company $10.95 (five days or $2 a week); R. K. Young, workman, Dacre Street, to pay Tasman Rental Cars (Chch), Ltd. $14.40 (seven days or $2 a week).

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Press, Volume CVIII, Issue 31585, 24 January 1968, Page 7

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MAGISTRATE’S COURT Warning On Maximum Penalty For Using Obscene Language Press, Volume CVIII, Issue 31585, 24 January 1968, Page 7

MAGISTRATE’S COURT Warning On Maximum Penalty For Using Obscene Language Press, Volume CVIII, Issue 31585, 24 January 1968, Page 7