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UNIVERSITY VACANCIES I THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY Invites applications for two LECTURESHIPS/SENIOR LECTURESHIPS i IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING } APPLICANTS should have re- 1 search interests in Mechanics of Solids, Mechanics of Fluids or ? in other areas of work of the i Department. Successful appli- < cants will be expected to con- f tribute to undergraduate and < post-graduate courses in their < specialties and to be active in t research. Salary for a Lecturer is with- * in the range $4BOO x 220-86340 ' per annum and for a Senior 1 Lecturer within the range $6600 1 x 200-87600 per annum. } Information concerning super- { annuation, housing scheme, sabbatical leave, etc., and method of application is obtain- J able from the Registrar, Uni- ' versity of Sydney, Sydney, S N.S.W,. with whom applications close on May 19, 1967. Other in- J formation regarding the Depart- . ment of Mechanical Engineering g is available direct from the Pro- . fessor of Mechanical Engineer- ( ing. Professor P. T. Fink. r M. A. TELFER, i Registrar. t 3545 THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY * Invites applications for the position of f ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN 1 ANTHROPOLOGY < THE person appointed will be j responsible for the immediate i supervision of teaching and £ research in some special area of anthropology and will be re- j quired to share the general ad- j mlnistrative work of the Department. Salary will be at the rate of $B6OO per annum. Information concerning superannuation, housing scheme, sabbatical leave, etc., and method i of application, is obtainable ( from the Registrar, University of Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W., with - whom applications close on June 1, 1967. M. A. TELFER, Registrar. 3664 THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDIES j RESEARCH SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES 1 RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP IN ] THEORETICAL PHYSICS ' APPLICATIONS are Invited for 1 appointment as Research Fellow , in the Department of Theereti- , cal Physics. (Head of the Department, Professor K. J. Le j Couteur.) ' The salary of a Research Fellow is determined In the range A 4800—6300 dollars. Appointment is for three years in the first instance with a possible extension to a maximum of five ( years. , Superannuation is on the F.S.S.U. pattern with supplementary benefits. Reasonable travei expenses are paid and assistance with housing is pro- 1 vided. 1 Further particulars are avail- ' able from the undersigned with ’ whom applications close on May 31, 1967. ’ D. K. R. HODGKIN, | Registrar, Institute of Advanced Studies. Box 4 P. 0., CANBERRA, A.C.T. 2949 UNIVERSITY OF PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA SENIOR LECTURER OR LECTURER IN EDUCATION Salary: Senior Lecturer, 7100— 8100 dollars per annum; Lecturer, 5300 —6800 dollars per annum, plus in each case 360 dollars per annum for a male married appointee. F.S.S.U. type superannuation is available. Accommodation will be provided at reasonable rental. Taxation rates in Papua and 1 New Guinea are substantially 1 below those operating in Australia. Following the appointment of ; Dr. Ernest Roe to the Founda- ■ tion Chair of Education support- ' lng staff for the Education De- . partment of the University is • required for 1968. Applications are invited for the post of Senior Lecturer or Lecturer from applicants with , special Interest and expertise in ; one or more of the following areas: Education research. Teaching methods. Educational technology. Learning problems of native peoples. Child development. Anthropology, sociology or social psychology, with , particular reference to ! education. Comparative education, with . particular reference to developing nations. Closing date for applications . is May 31, 1967. Further details, . including conditions of appoint- . ment, may be obtained from . the Registrar, University of Papua and New Guinea, P.O. Box 1144, Boroko, T.P.N.G., to whom , all applications should be ad- . dressed. ! Applications, which should be in duplicate, must include particulars of age, nationality, , marital status, academic re- | cord, teaching qualifications i and experience and present position, a list of publications, . the names of three referees of , whom confidential inquiries may be made, a recent small photograph, and a medical certificate ■ of good health. The successful candidate may be required to ■ undergo a further medical examination by a physician nominated by the University. The Council reserves the right not to make an appointment or fill it by Invitation at this stage. E. G. KEDGLEY, Registrar. t 2894 1 I UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO < DUNEDIN, NEW ZEALAND ‘ CHAIR OF BIOCHEMISTRY • THE University proposes to ap- 1 point a Professor of Biochemls- ( try to succeed Professor N. L. t Edson, who has held the Chair t of Biochemistry since 1949 and t who retires at the end of the t 1967 season. Applications are Invited. t Salary: The salary will be t within the range of £3600 per t annum to £4600 per annum at a figure appropriate to the quail- r fications and experience ot the i person appointed. 2 Further particulars are avail- I able from the undersigned, o Applications close on June 15, V 1967. t J. W. Hayward, REGISTRAR. 2859

UNIVERSITY VACANCIES UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TOWNSVILLE LECTURER IN PHYSICS APPLICATIONS are invited for the position of Lecturer in Physics in the University College of Townsville. Qualifications: Applicants should have an honours degree < in Physics with both teaching ? and research experience. Pre- j ference will be given to appli- f cants proceeding to a higher degree. Experience in advanced ; optical and coherent radiation ] research, upper atmosphere and f radio field research would be welcomed. Ability to participate in the radio propagation and 1 aerial design research support- i ed by the Nuffield Foundation • for the Royal Flying Doctor Ser- 1 vice would be appropriate. j Duties: The successful applicant will be responsible to the head of the Department of Phy- ' sics in the University College. He will be required to lecture, < conduct tutorial and laboratory ( classes and, generally, to assist } in the teaching, examining, re- i search and other work of the de- . partment. The Lecturer under . consideration will have specific responsibilitiy for the first year lecturing and practical work of the department. Salary: Within the range 4800 —7 x 200—6200 dollars p.a. plus 60 dollars p.a. northern allow, ance. Conditions: Travel and removal expenses on appointment, hous- 1 ing assistance, F.S.S.U. type sup- * erannuation, sabbatical leave. i Commencement: The success- ’ ful applicant will be required ’ to commence as soon as pos- I sible. 1 Applications: Application 1 forms and further Information i may be obtained from: j The Warden, ( UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TOWNSVILLE, ] P.O. Box 999, TOWNSVILLE With whom applications close on May 12, 1967. 2986 University of Canterbury RESEARCH TECHNICIAN DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS APPLICATIONS are invited for the position of a Research Technician in the Physics Department of the University of Canterbury. The position, which wkH be for an Initial period of three years, should appeal to someone wishing to assist a vigorous research group studying the properties of crystalline materials. Salary range for Technician Grade I £845 to £ll6O and for Technician Grade II £llB5 to £1385. It is expected that the appointee will possess the N.Z. Certificate of Science or have had equivalent laboratory experience. Familiarity with chemical laboratory instrumentation and glass working would be an asset. Further Information and Conditions of Appointment may be obtained from the undersigned or from registrars of other universities in New Zealand. Applications, In terms of the Conditions of Appointment, close with ths undersigned on May 1, 1967. G. G. TURBOTT, Registrar. Private Bag, CHRISTCHURCH. 2884 UNIVERSITY OF PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA FOUNDATION PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL STUDIES THE University Is the first university in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea and was established in 1965. Full degree studies commenced in March, 1967, with limited student numbers in a range of Aris, Science and Law subjects. Other subjects and degree courses will follow. Opportunities for research will be available. Salary: 810,900 p.a. An additional 8360 p.a. is paid to married appointees. Accommodation will be provided at reasonable rental. Taxation rates tn Papua and New Guinea are very substantially below those operating in Australia and In the United Kingdom. Dependent children attending secondary schools outside the Territory receive an administration allowance of 8290 p.a. plus annual return air fares to Australia. Closing date for applications —Friday, June 30, 1967. Further details, Including the conditions of employment, F.S.S.U. type superannuation, travel and removal expenses provided, and a general policy statement on the purposes of the University may be obtained from the Registrar, Post Office Box 1144, Boroko, T.P.N.G. Applications must Include particulars 'of age, nationality, marital status, academic record, teaching qualifications and experience and present position, a list of publications, the names of three referees of whom confidential Inquires may be made, a small recent photograph, and a medical certificate of good health. The successful candidate may be required to undergo a further medical examination by a physician nominated by the University. The Council reserves the right not to make an appointment or to appoint by invitation. E. G. KEDGLEY Registrar. 5/4/8? - 2863 VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON APPOINTMENT OF SENIOR LECTURER IN EDUCATION The council of Victoria University of Wellington proposes shortly to make appointments to one or more Senior Lectureships in Education, and invites applications for these posts. Applications are particularly invited from persons qualified in one or more of the following fields: Child development, educational sociology, educational psychology, educational measurement and statistics, and education of exceptional children. Salary scale for senior lecturers Is from £2500 p.a. rising : by annual Increments of £lOO 1 to £2700 p.a. Conditions of appointment ; may be obtained from the reg- 1 istrar of any university In New Zealand, or direct from the Registrar, Victoria University of Wellington, P.O. Box 196, Wellington, with whom applications close on June 30, 1967. L. O. DESBOROUGH, Registrar. i 3504 j

UNIVERSITY VACANCIES UNIVERSITY VACANCIES UNIVERSITY VACANCIES MONASH UNIVERSITY THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TOWNSVILLE FACULTY OF EDUCATION Invites applications for two trrrmrn in . LECTURESHIPS/SENIOR LECTURER IN PHYSICS APPLICATIONS are Invited for LECTURESHIPS APPLICATIONS are invited for appointment at TEACHING FEL- mvcwantcat vnctnvvhtnc the position of Lecturer In . LOW, SENIOR TEACHING FEL- ™ MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Phys f cs in the University ColLOW, or LECTURER level in APPLICANTS should have re- lege of Townsville. the Faculty of Education. The search interests in Mechanics of Qualifications: Applicants Faculty continues to grow and, Solids, Mechanics of Fluids or should have an honours degree < in addition to existing subjects, j n other areas of work of the in Physics with both teaching i ! noffer ®°' me n€w one ® Department. Successful appli- and research experience. Pre- j in 1967. cants will be expected to con- ference will be given to appli- f one or two appointments may tribute to undergraduate and cants proceeding to a higher P?.^Y«S2 b l e the SENIOR nost-graduate courses In their degree. Experience in advanced ; LECTURER level and suitably specialties and to be active in optical and coherent radiation ] qualified candidates could be research research, upper atmosphere and f i considered for appointment at salarv for a Lecturer is with- radio field research would be the level of Reader or Asisoci- the rance $4806 x 226-56340 welcomed. Ability to participate ate Professor. annum and for a Senior in the radio propagation and 1 ( Appropriate fields of interest f PP tiirpr within the ranee $6600 aerial design research support- i Include: Economics of Educa- r S7MO Der annum ed b y the Nuffield Foundation ' ‘ tion, Statistical Methods, Edu- x information concerning super- fQr the Royal Flying Doctor Ser- 1 cational Psychology (especially housing scheme, vice would be appropriate. j Social Psychology), Philosophy £avc etc and Duties: The successful appliof Education, Comparative Edu- nf annlicStlon ta obtain- Cant wUI b « responsible to the . cation (especially Problems of *?£! ■ R^trar’ Uni- head °* the Department of Phy- 1 Developing Countries), Sociology svdnpv Svdnev 8108 ,n the University College, of Education and Curriculum Y. e J s ‘‘ y annlicat"ons He will be required to lecture, < Development. N S W,, with whom applications tutOTlal and laboratory , Date for taking up duty: NOT elose on May 19, 1967. otner in cl , assea and> generally, to assist , LATER THAN FEBRUARY 1, 1968. form , at a E?,!"i g rnJinpJVlnc ln the teaching, examining, reSalary Ranges: (Australian “ent of Mechanical Engineering search and other work of the de . ] currency) Reader 8600 dollars, is available direct from, tne Fro partment. The Lecturer under . Associate Professor 8000—8600 lessor of Mechanical Engineer- consideration will have specific dollars, Senior Lecturer, 6500 “g. Professor P. T. Fink. responslbilltiy for the first year 7600 dollars. Lecturer 4800—6300 “• A - lecturing and practical work of dollars p.a., with superan- Begistrar. the department. nuation on the F.S.S.U. basis. Salary: Within the range 4800 Senior Teaching Fellow 3900 —1 x 200—6200 dollars p.a. plus 4700 dollars, Teaching Fellow, the UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY dollars p.a. northern allow. 3200—3800 dollars per annum. . , „ . .... ance. Benefits: Full travelling ex- Invites applications for tne Conditions: Travel and removal penses for appointee and fam- position of expenses on appointment, hous- ] ily, removal allowance, repatri- ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN *ng assistance, F.S.S.U. type sup- ' ation after three years if de- ANTHROPOLOGY erannuation, sabbatical leave. 1 sired, initial subsidised hous- , . ... Commencement: The success- i ing. FOR LECTURERS AND THE person appointed will be f u j applicant will be required 1 ABOVE ONLY: avaitablity of responsible for the immediate t 0 commence as soon as pos- I loans for home purchase, STUDY supervision of teaching ana sib<ie. 1 LEAVE is granted at the rate of research in some special area Applications: Application I one term’s leave tor six term's °* anthropology and will ne re- forms and further Information i service, with provision for fin- quired to share the general ad- may be obtained from: anoial assistance. minlstratlve work of the Depart- . Further general Information ment. The Warden, < and details of application pro- salary will be at the rate of UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF cedure are available from the JB6OO per annum. TOWNSVILLE, 1 versity\* C weifington 'roatT'ciay- Information concerning super- P.O. Box 999, ton, Victoria, Australia. ’ annuation, housing scheme, sab- TOWNSVILLE Inquiries concerning the Fac- batlcal leave, etc.,.and method with whom applications close ufty should be addressed to the of application, is obtainable on May 12, 1967. Dean, Professor R. Selby Smith, from the Registrar, University 2986 > Closing Date: June 9. 1967. of Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W., with 1 The University reserves the whom applications close on Univnrciiu nf fantorhuru right to make no appointments, June 1, 1967. UniVcrSliy 0T aßTerOUry • or to appoint by invitation. M - *• TEb f“ 1 "' J. D. BUTCHART, g 3664 RESEARCH TECHNICIAN ! A “ 2988 THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS ■ UNI X^VANCED N ST I UDIES 0F APPLICATIONS are Invited for I raE UPn E7o° P NEW PHYSI ’ nl: i a P n° S 1 S <>n ' TEACHING FELLOW IN LIVE- RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP !N “ent of University STOCK HUSBANDRY THEORETICAL PHYSICS twbury. f „ The APPLICATIONS are Invited for APPLICATIONS are Invited for three years, should appeal to ! the above position from gradu- appointment as Research Fellow some one wishing to assist a ales holding a good honours in the Department of Tneoreu- v i gorous research group studydegree. The preferred fields of cal Physics. (Head of tne De- lng t he properties of crystalline interest are reproduction, sheep partment, Professor it. J. Le materials. Salary range for and cattle, climatology, growth Couteur.) Technician Grade I £845 to £ll6O and development of meat , The salary_of a Research M- and for Techntcia n Grade II animals with special reference 5X t o er ?* 1 l ??l to ‘ £llB3 to £1385. It ks expected 'to carcase composition, muscle A 4800—6300 dollars. Appoint that the a p po j n te e possess • biochemistry as related to meat “ e ”t i« Jot t hr ®?, h ye ’ rs “L.u!® the N.Z. Certificate of Science ■ quality, wool growth and fibre mV?tan?,J >< S Sl «ve or had equivalent laboraI metrology. extension to a maximum ot five tory experience. Familiarity J The appointee wMI be required ye s "perannuation is on the "‘‘h^hemical Habomory tartruto enrol for a higher degree and f.s.s.U. pattern with supple- worklng may be required to undertake me ntary benefits. Reasonable would be an asset. up to 12 hours teaching per travel expenses are paid and ,E u£the ’‘, and Con- ’ week ' Sssistance with housing is pro- attiow of Appoint“®n‘ ’ The salary range is BA3OOO x vided. of o d ther B unl- • 200-BA3BOO. Provision is made Further particulara are avail, or from registrars of otner uni ■ for travel and removal expenses able from the undersigned with versities In New Zealand • and for a married appointee for whom applications close on May „ A^?Jl®a^ <>ns ', 1 “ Anrrnlntment ‘ suhciriicpd hnnaincr 31 1967 Conditions of Appoinimem, ' C H n hi tto ? S 01 appolntme "t are K Regis*trM' GKlN ' close^wlth^ the unders gned on ; w’t’bwhSm appllcattanTriSd: AdVanCe<, StUdieS ’ G ‘ TO Registrar. I • lng a recent photograph and ’ act Private Bag, : the names of three referees) CANBERRA, A.C.T. CHMSTCHURCH. ■ will close on May 1, 1967. 2884 T. C. LAMBLE, UNIVERSITY OF ’ Armldale, N.S.W. Beg,S ‘ rar - PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA UNIVERSIW OF PAPUA AND I SENIOR LECTURER OR • 3546 LECTURER IN EDUCATION FOUNDATION PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL STUDIES • THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN 8100 per annum; Lee- THE University is the first unl1 AUSTRALIA turer 53006800 dollars per an- versity in the Territory of Papua ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENT num, ’ plus tn each case 3M dol- and New Guinea and was wtab(STAFFING) lars annum f OT a male mar- lished in 1965. Full degree APPLICATIONS for appointment tied appointee. to a position of Staffing and In- F.S.S.U. type superannuation with limited student numdustnai Officer in the Regis- ks available. be ™ * ral J? e ? f ! trar’s Office are invited from Accommodation wUI be pro- and Law subjects. Other submales with experience tn per- vided at reasonable rental. J e ct« and degree courses will sonnet and staff work. The ap- Taxation rates in Papua and follow. Opportunittes for repointee will occupy a senior New Guinea are substantially search will be available, appointment In the Staffing Sec- below those operating in Austion and will be required to trail® additional $360 p.a. » paid to assist generally on work asso- Following the appointment of S*, J“ h J , t. r ?F ruW J n ?? t an< * Dr - Ernest Roe to the Founds- J“ 0 ? a “°P I .’™? n . b ? P rovlded promotion of staff and the de- M on chair of Education suooort- reasonable rental. termination and application of i nß stag for the Education De- Taxation rates tn Papua and conditions of service, partlcu- oStment of the University ta New Guinea are very substanlarly with regard to technical reowk-M 1 for 1968 U 1 ty “ tlally below those operating in and clerical staff. Experience e ?nrtMcationsari Invited for Australia and in the United in industrial relations and arM- thoSst Surer w Kingdom. tratlon would be valuable as it I—.,?™ ?Inm inrtliMnta with Dependent children attending is planned that the appointee in secondary schools outside the should develop this aspect ot ® p ® Cl ?J Territory receive an administrathe Section’s work. 22f« c °. r more 01 ttle tion allowance of 8290 p.a. plus The salary range for the post annual return air fares to Aus- ; is A 4095—4775 dollars p.a. plus tralia. iuperannuat'on similar to . Closing date for applications F.S.S.U. and the commencing Educational technology. —Friday, June 30, 1967. salary of the appointee will bl Learning problems of native pu r u th y ' r det an B , including the determined in accordance with _-., p ®° p,es .- . conditions of employment, qualifications and experience. Child development. F.S.S.U. type superannuation, Applications stating qualifies- Anthropology, sociology or trave i and removal expenses tions, present appointment social psychology, with proylded and a gene ral policy previous experience, date of particular reference to f tateme nt on the purposes ot birth, marital state and the education. the University may be obtained names and addresses of three Comparative education, with from the Recistrar Post Office people to whom reference may particular reference to de- g.°™ u t . n 4 ® Boreko T P.N G. be made regarding suitability veloping nations. Annllcatlona must Include Barter appointment, close with the Closing date for applications ~ A ft p „ ' . ™ nationality undersigned an April 29. Is May 31. 1967 Further details Sarttal status, acidemic record: A. J. WILLIAMS, teaching qualifications and exRegistrar. ?l ent ' l »J’’L y » be ™perience and present position, 2952 L b ® „_ R ®Ej*!s a £; J> y a ltet of publications, the names vMa Ua T n w n r a ’»«' < ot three referees of whom con--1144, BOTOKO, T.P.N.G., to Whom flyfontinl innnirps mav be made THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL all applications should be ad- a recent photograph, and UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF dressed. a ’Seffical rerffite of good ADVANCED STUDIES Applications, which should be L a nh The successfirtl candl- . DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS in duplicate, must include par- S a ? a „ av be required to underRBSEARCH SCHOOL OF SOCIAL tdculars of age. nationafity, 7«SSSCIENCES marital status, academic re- f )on by a physl ci an nominated I APPLICATIONS are invited for cord ' ‘« aphto E qualifications by the University. ■ the fallowing positions in the and ,*. ®»P®«ence and present council reserves the right j Department of Economics. Re. Petition, a list of publications, not t 0 m ake an appointment or search School of Social Sciences. th e names of three referees of appoint by invitation, which is headed by Professor whom confidential inquiries may g. KEDGLEY ! T. W. Swan: be made, a recent small photo- Registrar. SENIOR FELLOW graph, and a medical certificate 5/4/57 FELLOW of good health. The successful * 2863 SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW candidate may be required to —— RESEARCH FELLOW undergo a further medical ex- VICTORIA UNIVERSITY . The salary range of a Senior amination by a physician nom- WELLINGTON ! Fellow is A 7600—-8920 dollars, a inated by the University. OF , Fellow A 5620—7600 dollars, a The Council reserves the APPOINTMENT OF . Senior Research Fellow A 6780— right not to make an appoint- cfnior LECTURER 8100 dollars, and that of a Re- ment or fiM it by Invitation at ™ EDUCATION : search Fellow A 4800—6300 dol- this stage. lars. e. g. KEDGLEY, The council of Victoria UnlA Senior Fellow is entitled to Registrar. versity of Wellington proposes one year’s study leave in every 2894 shortly to make appointments six years’ service and a Fellow “ 1 ' 1 to one or more Senior Lectureone year in every seven years’ university op otago ships in Education, and invites service. applications for these posts. Senior Fellows and Fellows DUNEDIN, NEW ZEALAND Applications are particularly are appointed for an initial chair of riochvmt<jtrv invited from persons qualified period of five years; thereafter CHAIR OF BIOCHEMISTRY jn Qne Qr mor H Qf follow . they may be reappointed until THE University proposes to aping fields: Child development, retiring age. A Senior Research point a Professor of Biochemte- educational sociology, educaFeliow and a Research Fellow try to succeed Professor N. L. tional psychology, educais usually appointed for three Edson, who has held the Chair tional measurement and statisyears with a possible extension of Biochemistry since 1949 and tics, and education of excepto five years. The appointments who retires at the end of the tional children. carry superannuation on the 1967 season. Applications are Salary scale for senior lecF.S.S.U. pattern with supple- invited. turers is from £2500 p.a. rising ; mentary benefits, reasonable Salary: The salary will be by annual increments of £lOO ] trave L expenses and assistance within the range of £3600 per to £2700 p.a. 1 A. . annum to £4600 per annum at a Conditions of appointment j Further details may be ob- figure appropriate to the quail- may be obtained from the reg- ] tawed from the undersigned fications and experience of the istrar of any university in New U* 1 dose person appointed. Zealand, or direct from the on June 30, 1967. Further particulars are avail- Registrar, Victoria University D. K. R. HODGKIN, able from the undersigned, of Wellington, P.O. Box 196, Registrar, Applications close on June 15, Wellington, with whom applicaInstitute of Advanced Studies. 1967. tions close on June 30, 1967. P.O. Box 4, J. W. Hayward, L. O. DESBOROUGH, CANBERRA, A.C.T. REGISTRAR. Registrar. 1 2950 2859 3504 j . ——— j Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand APPOINTMENTS TO CHAIRS TO MEET the needs of a growing establishment the Council of the Victoria University of Welington proposes to fill the following Chairs during 1967. The general conditions of appointment may be had from the Registrar of any University in New Zealand, and further inquiries may be made to the Registrar, Victoria University of Wellington. Salaries for Professors are within the range £3600 p.a. to £4600 p.a. with an average of £4OOO. Not less than £3900 will be paid to the Head of a ! Department A Chair of Management Accounting. Chair of Education. s Chair of History. Chair of Information Science " Chair of Applied Mathematics. Mead of Department). t. Chair of Psychology Chair of Nuclear Physics. p (Head of Department). Chair of Russian (Head of Department). « Formal applications for these posts are to be In the hands of the Registrar, P.O. Box 196, Welington, by June 30,1967. p L. O. DESBOROUGH, Registrar. “ 2217 ?

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Page 28 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31345, 15 April 1967, Page 28