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Sales In New Zealand

WELLINGTON Yesetrday.— £l4oo 5 p.c.. 15/ 10/66-68, £lOO 7s 6d; £1275 43 p.c., 15/7/68-70, £lOO 10s; £330 4J p.c., 15/10/71, £9B 15s; £l4OO 5 p.c., 15/6/73-75, £lOO 10s; £ll3O 5 p.c., 15/5/74-76, £9B ss; £350 5 p.c., 15/5/75-77, £9B 2s 6d; £5OO Gen. Foods, 6 p.c., 30/4/ 71. £94; 1000 Alliance, *10s; 200 A. and 8., 41s 6d; 3100 A.B. Cables, 18s 4d, 18s 3d, »18s 2d; 200 Bell, 21s 6d: 200 8.H.P., 48s 9d; 1200 Odlin ’69 nts., 16s 3d; 300 C.P.D., 16s 6d, and 300 B, 13s Id; 100 Con. Plastic, 245: 800 F.T.C., 12s 6d, 12s sd; 500 Felts N.Z., 28s 3d, ’2Bs 3d; 600 Firth, -235; 700 Fletcher, 18s 9d, 18s lOd; 2200 Gen. Foods, 12s 3d, 12s 2d, -12 s Id; 100 Holeproof pref., 16s 3d; 200 1.C.1.N.Z., 19s; 100 J. Smith, 6s 9d: 1400 Wattle, 17s 9d, -17 s 9d; 1000 M., Choyce, 4s 4d; 100 Morrison Pirn, -21 s: 200 Motor Hold., 13s 3d; 700 Motor Spec., 12s 3d; 300 Nat. Ins., 25s 6d; 100 Neeco, 6s 6d: 100 N.Z. Brew., 13s 2d; 900 N.Z. Cement, 18s 9d: 300 Farm. Fert., 365; 1100 N.Z Forest. 21s Bd, 21s sd, -21 s 3d: 500 N.Z. Ins., 23s 3d; 800 Refining, 475, 475, 47s 3d, 475, •46s 9d; 350 Refrig, def., 10s 6d; 200 Sea Prod., 4s 3d; 200 Porter, 19s 6d; 200 Prestige. 10s 6d; 300 Pye, 8s 9d: 300 Sharland, 18s; 800 Sth. Brit., 29s 6d; 200 S.F.M., 17s 9d; 500 Tasman, 48s 6d. -47 s 9d; 100 Tolley, 12s 6d: 323 T. Nelson, 9s 3d; 1700 U.E. Box. 10s 3d, 10s 2d, 10s Id, 10s 2d, 10s, -9s lid; 100 '6B notes, -9s; 400 Wils. Cem., 20s 6d; 200 .Winstone, 37s 4d; 200 Carpenter, -18 s 6d; 800 W„ Steph., 15s 2d, -15 s 2d; 300 Zip, 6s 9d. After Call.— -1800 Zip, 6s 9d; £4BO 5 p.c., 15/8/66-68, £lOl 2s 6d; £lOOO 4? p.c., 15/11/70-72. £97 17s 6d: £lOOO 4| p.c., 15/6/73, £lOO 7s 6d: 100 1.C.1.N.Z., 19s; 500 A.B. Cables, 18s 2d. •Late sales Wednesday. CHRISTCHURCH Late Tuesday.— £ll6o 15/7/84, 5 p.c., £96 17s 6d; £2OO 5 p.c. 15/11/73-75, £9B ss, and £650 15/9/81-83. £96 12s 6d: 1500 A.8.C., 4s 6d; 200 C.F.M., 12s 6d: 100 Wattie. 17s 9d; 200 McKenzies. 7s 6d; 100 U.K. Box, 10s 2d: 1800 Carpenter, 18s 6d. Yesterday.— loo A.8.C.. 4s 6d, and 100 at 4s 7d: 70 A.N.Z., 47s 6d: 400 A.B. Cables, 18s 3d; 200 Bell 21s 6d: 200 8.H.P., 48s 9d, and 200 at 48s 6d; 700 C.F.M., 12s 6d, and 300 B, 13s Id; 100 C.F.C.A. “A,” 10s 6d: 100 Fiedlers. 18s 9d; 200 1.C.1.N.Z., 19s; 700 McKenzies, 7s 6d; 500 Mtr. Hold,. 13s 3d; 100 Motor Specs., 12s 3d; 100 N. Cropper nts., 225; 400 N.Z. Forest, 21s sd, 400 at 21s 3d, and 400 pref., 8s sd; 500 N.Z. Ins., 23s 2d; 100 Refining, 46s 6d: 252 N.Z. Paper, 20s; 400 Skcllerup, 47s 6d: 600 Sth. Brit., 29s 6d; 100 U.E. Box, 10s ' 2d: 600 Wils. Cem., 20s 6d; 100 | Carpenter, 18s 6d

Unlisted.— loo Edmonds, 32s 6d: £370 Dunedin City 5? p.c. 29/10/73. £96; £3OO 'Lyttelton Harb. 51 p.c. 1/10/73, £97 9s. After Call.— 2oo A.B. Consol.. 4s 6d: 600 C.P.D., 16s 6d. and 200 B. 13s Id: 300 Gen. Foods, 12s Id: 100 Refining, 46s 9d; 100 Tasman, 48s: 200 U.E. Box, 10s, and 600 at 10s Id.

Unlisted.— soo Booth Mac., Is lOd.

AUCKLAND Late Wednesday.— lso 48s 3d; 500 Con. Brick, 14s 3d; 400 Dom. Brew., 16s 4d; 100 Firth, 235; 300 Fletcher, 18s lOd; 1350 Gen. Foods, 12s 3d; 200 H. Pollard. 13s; 3900 M., Choyce, 4s 4d; 1200 N.Z. Brew., 13s 2d; 200 N.Z. Forest, 21s 8d; 2000 P., Impey, Ils; 2000 Carpenter. 18s 6d. Yesterday.— loo A.8.C., 4s 7d; 800 Alliance, 10s; 200 A. and 8., 41s 6d; 600 Auck. Gas, 6s 3d; 200 A.B. Cables, 18s 4d, 1400 at 18s 3d, and 400 at 18s 2d; 200 8.H.P., 48s 9d, and 200 at 48s 6d; 800 C.P.D., 16s 6d; 1000 Cart. Con., 14s; 800 Con. Brick, 14s 3d; 200 Con. Plastic, 245; 500 Dom. Brew., 16s 2d; 1300 F.T.C., 12s 6d, 600 at 12s sd, and 500 at 12s 3d; 400 Felt. N.Z., 28s 3d; 400 Firth, 235; 1000 Fletcher, 18s lOd, and 600 at 18s 9d; 300 Gen. Foods, 12s 3d; 200 at 12s 2d, and 3600 at 12s Id; 200 Grace, 5s lid; 100 H., Pollard. 13s; 100 1.C.1. (N.Z.), 19s; 1162 Kidd. Garr., 29s 6d; 1000 L.W.R., 15s 6d; 700 McKenzies, 7s 6d; 5200 M. Choyce, 4s 4d; 1000 Motor Hold., 13s 3d; 2200 Motor Specs., 12s 3d; 700 Cropper, 23s 6d, and 100 nts., 225; 100 N.Z. Brew., 13s Id, and 950 at 13s; 700 F’mrs. Fert., 365; 1800 N.Z. Forest, 21s 6d; 800 at 21s sd, 2000 at 21s 3d, 100 at 21s 4d, and 400 pf., 8s sd; 100 N.Z. Ins., 23s 4d, and 900 at 23s 3d; 252 N.Z. Paper, 20s; 100 Refining, 475, and 550 at 46s 9d; 500 Refrig., 12s 3d, and 100 at 12s 2d: 700 P., Impey nts., Ils; 300 P.T.Y., 13s; 300 Pye, 8s 9d; 200 R. Rubber, 245; 400 Rothmans, 245; 100 Schofields, 455; 1400 S’Brook. F., 15s 6d; 100 Sharland, 18s; 300 Skellerup, 47s 6d; 300 S. Brit., 29s 6d; 100 Spedding, 16s 9d; 1700 Tappenden, 20s; 200 Tasman, 47s 9d; 700 U.E. Box, 10s Id, and 100 ’6B nts, 8s lid; 4000 Unit Sub., 7s, and 200 new, 6s lid; 1250 W. Cement, 20s 6d; 100 Winstone, 37s 6d, and 200 new, 37s 4d; 200 W’wths., 10s Id; 6300 W., Steph., 15s Id; 300 Zip, 6s 9d. DUNEDLN La».e Wednesday.— soo A.8.C., 4s 6d; 600 Dom. Brew., 16s 4d; 500 Gen. Foods, 12s 3d; 200 Rothmans, 24s 6d; 100 U.E. Box, 10s Id, 900 at 10s 2d, and 1000 at 10s 3d. Yesterday.— £lBso 4f p.c., 7/6870, £lOO 8s 6d; 500 Harvey, 30s; 200 Alliance, 10s; 100 C.F.C.A., 10s 6d; 100 Begg, 15s; 700 Dom. Brew., 16s 2d: 300 F.T.C., 12s 6d; 100 Fletcher, 18s 9d; 470 Coles rts., 31 cents; 100 H’stein, 15s 9d; 100 Wattie, 17s 6d; 100 K.P. Drug, 375; 100 McLeod, 19s 6d; 200 McSkimming, 265; 500 M. and C., 4s 4d; 300 Nat. Ins., 25s 6d: 500 N.Z. Brew., 13s Id; 600 N.Z. Cement, 18s 9d: 400 N. Forest, 21s 4d, and 800 at 21s 3d; 450 Refrig. def.. 10s 6d. 200 Rothmans, 245; 100 Schofield. 455; 200 Tasman. 48s; 100 U.E.8., ’6B nts., 9s; 600 W. Malt, 14s 3d: 100 Winstone, 37s 4d. and 100 at 37s 6d. INVERCARGILL Late Wednesday.— loo Early, 13s 9d: 100 Dom. Brew., 16s 4d: 200 Cropper, 23s 6d: 200 Sea Prods., 4s 2d; 100 S.F.M., 17s 9d. Yesterday.— 2oo Gen. Foods. 12s 2d; 250 S. Brit., 29s 6d; 200 S.F.M., 17s 9d.

SYDNEY Share prices remained virtually unchanged on the Sydney Sto'ck Exchange yesterday. The fuel, light and power section of the market was slightly easier while the textile and clothing section of the market gained ground. Turnover of 652,000 including 113,000 mining was average. Sales.—B.H. Sth., 298; Com. Mining. 220: C.R.A., 616; Hath. Inv„ 244: Loloma, 128; M.K.U., 320; Mt. Lyell, 135; Mt, Morgan, 302; Mt. Isa, 418; New 8.H., 399 ex div; N.A.U.C., 31: Nth. 8.H., 384: Placer, 2460; West Mining, 646; Ampol Exp., 95: A.A.0., 52; A.O. Gas, 184; Ex. Oil, 12; Inter. Oil, 108; Oil Search, 11; Planet, pd., 30; Woodside, pd., 87; Amal. Chem., 67; A.W.A., 195; Ampol, 58, and def., 56; Ansett, 59; Assoc. Sec., 166; A.N.Z., 580; A.C.1., 274; A. G. Corp., 153; A.N.1., 29; N.S.W., 494; Blue Metal Ind., 142; Boral, 184; Borg Warner, 160; Brambles, 135; Brit. Tob., 210; 8.H.P., 588; Burns Consol., 160; B. Philp, 365; Carpenter, 219; Chem. Mat., 107; Coles, 112, and rts., 33; C.S.R., 277: C.A.G.A., 130; Com. of Syd., 208: C.8.A., 188: C.1.G., 233; Cone. Ind., 35; Cust. Cred., 73: Dodge Consol., 166; Drug House Aust., 160; E.M.1., 200: E.Z.1., 243; Elders, 246; Email, 40: Fairfax, 227: Hardie, 470; Healing, 18; Hooker, 31; Hordern, 34: I. A. Corp., 86: 1.C.1., 346; D. Jones, 127: H. Jones, 365: Lend Lease, 80; Lifesavers, 250; Lysaght, 241; M.L.C., 800; Marrickville, 104: Mauri Bros., 196; Nat. Bank, 190: News, Ltd., 142Olims, 87; Peko W., 198; Penfold, 190: Petro. Chem., 68: Pioneer Cone., 117: Pioneer Sugar, 170: Publishers, 235: Pve, 90: Qld. Ins., 420; Rothmans, 247; Taubmans, 88; Tooheys, 98; Tooth, 492; U.E. Box. 120: Unit. Tel., 31; Waltons, 85; W’wths., 121.

MELBOURNE Industrials were steady in quiet trading; moves were again narrow and about in balance Ampol dropped 2 cents to 60 in reaction to lower profit and dividend. Henry Jones gained 8 cents to 363, on news of higher dividend. Base metals were firmer and oils barely steady. Sales.—A.W.A., 195: Ampol, 60 and def., 56: Ansett, 59; Arc. Inds., 98; Assoc. Pulp, 129; A.C.1., 276; A.P.M., 151: N.S.W., 495; Boral, 183; 8.H.P., 588; Brolite, 198; B. Philp, 365; Carlton, 347 and Z, 300; Carrier, 57; Coles, 112 and rts., 33; C.S.R., 277: Courtaulds, 46; Cox, 2; Cust., Cred., 74; D.H.A., 160; Dunlop, 120; Electro B, 40; Email, 39; E.Z.1., 244; Factors, 15; Feltex, 50; Gollin, 68; Herald, 418; Hooker, 32; Humes, 242; 1.A.C., 85; 1.C.1.A.N.Z., 348; Indoor Bowling, 6; Jennings, 106: Jones, H., 363; Kauri, 13; McPhersons, 327; Minster, 248; Moulded Prods., 66; Myer, 283: Myttons, 134; Nat. Bank, 190; Nat. Cons., 221; N.Z. Forest, 261; Olympic, 65; Petersville, 49. and rts., 9: Pye, 87; Repco, 208; Rocla, 180; Siddons, 106; S.A. Rubber, 90; Sleigh, 59; Smith, H., 257: Swan, 235; Toppa, 83: U.E.8., 118; Waltons, 86: W’wths., 121; A.0.D., 18; Aust. Oil Gas, 185; B.H. Sth., 299; C'wealth. Mining, 225; Emperor, 44; Loloma, 128; Mt. Isa, 418: Mt. Lyell, 134; Mt. Morgan, 300; New 8.H., 400 ex div.; Nth 8.H., 385; Oil Search, 10; Western Mining, 644.

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Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31226, 25 November 1966, Page 17

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Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31226, 25 November 1966, Page 17

Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31226, 25 November 1966, Page 17