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Sales In New Zealand

AUCKLAND Late Monday.—lsoo A.B. Consol., 4s 9d: 200 Bell. 21s 6d; 550 8.H.P., 48s 3d; 200 Consol. Brick, 14s; 3000 H. Pollard. 13s; 300 J. Burns, 235; 300 J. Wattle, 17s 6d; 500 Kaiapoi, 4s lOd; 400 Motor Spec., 12s; 1200 N.Z. Ins., 23s 3d; 1400 Reid Rubber, 24s 3d; 400 Carpenter, 18s 9d; 1500 W. Steph., 14s Bd. Yesterday.—2oo A. Harvey, 30s 3d: 100 Alliance, 10s, and 700 notes, 7s; 300 Autocrat, 10s; 300 Assoc. Brit. Cables, 18s; 400 Bell, 21s 6d; 300 Berlei, 16s: 100 B. 48s 3d; 200 Carter Consol., 14s; 100 C. Neon. 425; 400 C.P.D., 16s 3d, and 400 B, 12s 9d; 100 Consol. Brick, 14s; 900 Consol. Plastic, 245; 200 D. M. Wallace, 10s; 700 Dom. Brew., 16s, and 500 at 16s Id: 200 D. Henry, 34s 9d; 500 E.Z. Ind., 19s 9d; 1700 Farm. Trading, 12s 2d, 1700 at 12s 2d. and 500 at 12s 4d; 300 Firth, 22s 6d; 1200 Fletcher, 18s 6d; 5800 Gen. Foods, 12s 2d, and 800 at 12s 3d; 4100 H. Pollard, 13s; 100 1.C.1. (N.Z.), 18s 9d; 600 Maple, 7s 9d; 400 Marac, 10s 3d; 200 Marine Packers, 3s 2d; 100 Mason Bros., 16s 6d; 600 Milne, Choyce, 4s 4d; 1000 McKendrick, 7s 7d; 400 McKenzies, 7s 4d; 500 Motor Holdings, 13s 3d; 200 Motor Specs., 12s; 100 N. Cropper, 235; 100 N. King, 12s; 100 N.Z. Breweries, 13s Id; 100 Forest Products, 21s, 300 at 21s 3d, 200 at 21s 4d, and 400 pref., 8s sd: 1700 N.Z. Ins., 23s 3d, and 1000 at 23s sd: 200 N. Refining, 465: 200 Pye, 8s 9d: 300 Pty., 13s; 1300 Reid Rubber, 24s 3d; 100 Rex Consol., 26s 6d; 1200 Rothmans, 24s 3d, and 100 at 24s 6d; 1300 Sandford D. 7s 9d; 1450 S’land Meat, 17s 6d; 500 Sth. Brit., 29s lOd, 400 at 30s, and 400 at 30s Id; 100 Tasman, 495; 200 Taupo Totara, 9s 3d, and 500 notes, ss; 1400 U.E. Box, 10s, 150 '67 notes, 9s lOd, and 150 ’6B notes, 8s lOd; 1600 Unit Sub., 7s, and 1000 new, 6s lOd; 600 Waltons, 7s 3d; 400 Wilsons Cement, 20s 3d; 200 Wilson, Horton, 225; 200 Winstons, 37s 6d; 2000 W’wths., 10s 8d; 250 W., Steph., 14s 8d; 300 W. Sutherland, 235. WELLINGTON Yesterday.—£l64o 5 p.c., 15/8/66-68, £lOl 2s 6d; £l5OO 4i p.c., 15/10/71, £9B 15s; £lO2O 5 P.c., 15/10/76-78, £97 17s 6d; 200 A. Harvey, 30s 3d, 30s 6d; 950 Alliance notes, 7s; 300 Andrews, Beaven, 41s 6d; 200 Assoc. Brit. Cables, 18s; 100 Baillie Motors, 7s 6d; 200 Bell, •21s 6d; 360 Bonds, Us 3d; 400 C. and A. Odlin, 19s; 400 C.P.D. B, 13s; 200 Carter, 14s; 100 Dom. Finance, 7s 9d; 200 D.1.C., 14s; 400 E.Z. Ind., 20s; 3000 Farm. Trading, 12s 2d, 12s 4d; 1200 Fletcher, 18s 6d; 125 Gear Meat notes, 10s 9d; 1800 General Foods, 12s 3d, 12s 2d, 12s 3d; 200 Golden Bay, *l4s 3d; 1000 H. Pollard, 13s; 500 1.C.1. N.Z , 18s 6d; 200 J. Smith, 6s 7d; 300 J. Burns, *23s; 700 J. Wattie ’l7s 6d, 17s 6d; 100 Manthel Motors, 20s; 100 Milne Choyce, 4s 4d; 1300 Motor Holdings, 13s 3d; 300 Mosgiel, 15s 3d; 200 Nat. Ins., 24s 9d; 600 N.Z. Brew., 13s Id: 200 N.Z. Forest, *2os 9d, 21s; 100 N.Z. Ins., 23s 4d; 800 N.Z. Refining, *4ss 9d, 465, 46s 3d; 300 N.Z. Refrig., »12s 2d; 700 N.Z. Sea Prod., 4s 3d: 3700 Reid Rubber, 24s 3d, 24s 3d; 300

Rothmans, *24s 3d, 24s 3d: 600 Sth. Brit., 30s; 1300 S’thland. Meat, 17s 9d; 100 Totara, 9s; 700 Tolley, 12s 6d; 900 Turnbull Jones, 6s; 1000 Tui Brew., 7s 9d; 1300 U.E. Box, 9s lid, 10s, and 500 ’6B notes, 8s lOd: 1200 Waltons, 7s 3d; 1000 Wgton. Publish., 18s; 1200 Wright Steph., *l4s Bd, 14s 9d, 14s lOd; 1000 Zip, 6s 9d. Local Body Loans.—£2ooo Auck. Harb. Bd. 5i p.c. st., 10/6/73, £9B 18s 6d; £lOO Waitemata E.P. Bd. 5 p.c., 15/7/69, £lOl Is. After Call.—loo N.Z. Forest, 21s 3d, and 200 at 21s sd. •Late sales Monday. CHRISTCHURCH Late Monday.—6oo C.8.A., 15s 3d. Yesterday. £lOOO Nelson Hosp. 5 p.c. 1/7/68, £lOl 2s; £2OO N.Z.F. Co-op. 5i p.C. 3/5/69, £93 10s; 200 Assoc. Brit. Cables, 18s; 100 Ballins nts., 8s 2d; 600 Bell, 21s 6d; 550 8.H.P., 48s 3d; 800 Buntings, 9s lOd; 400 C.P.D. B ord., 12s 9d, and 400 at 13s; 100 Cantwell rts., Id; 600 C. Begg, 15s; 800 E.Z. Ind., 20s, and 400 at 19s 9d; 100 Farmers Finance, 25s 6d; 700 Gen. Foods, 12s 3d; 100 H. and Pollard nts., Ils 9d; 400 1.C.1.N.Z., 18s 6d; 100 J. Wattie, 17s 6d; 400 K.P.G., 4s lOd; 2100 L.W.R., 15s 6d; 100 Marine Packers, 3s 2d; 300 Myers, 22s 9d; 300 Mosgiel, 15s 3d; 200 Motor Holdings, 13s 3d; 100 N.Z. Brew., 13s Id; 100 N.Z. Farmers Co-op., 7s 4d; 100 N.Z. Forest, 21s, and 160 at 20s lOd; 400 N.Z. Ins., 23s 4d; 100 N.Z. Refining, 46s 3d; 100 Permanent Invest., 13s 6d; 200 Reid Rubber, 24s 3d; 850 Simpson and Williams, 62s 6d; 600 S’land. F.M., 17s 9d, and 300 at 17s 6d; 500 Taupo Totara nts., ss; 500 U.E. Box, 9s lid, and 200 at 10s; 500 Wilsons Cement, 20s 3d; 500 Waltons, 7s 3d; 200 Woolworths, 10s; 2000 Carpenter, 18s 6d. Unlisted.—l3s G.H. Scales, 43s 3d. After Call.—£soo Manakau C.C. 5i p.c. 27/7/74, £9B 4s 9d; 100 C. Begg, 15s; 200 D. Finance, 7s 9d; 200 Hay’s, 17s 3d; 700 H. and Pollard, 13s; 500 McKenzies, 7s 4d; 1600 Motor Holdings, 13s 3d; 200 N.Z. Forest, 21s 3d; 2000 P. Investments, 13s 6d; 500 Sth. Brit., 30s; 400 Woolworths, 10s. DUNEDIN Late Monday.—2oo Harvey. 29s 9d; 200 C.F.C.A., Us; 600 Begg. 15s; 500 C. Brick, 14s; 300 Wattie, 17s 6d: 200 K.P.G., 4s 8d; 300 K.P. Drug, 375; 75 Farm. Fert., 365; 1350 U.E. Box, 9s Ud; 100 W Malt, 14s 3d. Yesterday.—2oo Alliance, 10s; 360 Bonds, Us 3d; 600 Begg, 15s; 100 Fletcher, 18s 6d; 700 K.P.G., 4s lOd; 400 Motor Specs., 12s; 200 Nat. Ins., 24s 9d; 1200 N.Z. Ins., 23s 3d; 200 Refining, 46s 6d: 900 R. Rubber, 24s 3d; 300 S.F.M., 17s 6d: 1000 U.E. Box, 10s; 500 W. Malt, 14s 3d; 200 W’wths. Ltd., 10s; 215 W. Steph. 5i p.c. pf., Bs. INVERCARGILL Late Monday.—lso Cantwell, 8s 6d; 100 Gen. Foods. 12s 3d. Yesterday.—6oo Chas. Begg, 15s; 100 Fletcher, 18s 6d; 600 Gen. Foods, 12s 2d; 700 S.F. Meat, 17s 9d; 900 W. Steph., 14s Bd.

MELBOURNE Industrials were steady with moves narrow and about in balance. Base metals and oils were steady. Western Mining went up 10 cents to 640. Sales.—A.W.A., 200; Ampol, 63, and def., 56; Ansett, 62; Arc Inds., 99; Assoc. Pulp, 132; Aust. Bakeries, 50; Aust. Chem., 175; A.C.1., 274; A.P.M., 151; N.S.W., 496; Boral, 182; 8.H.P., 580'; Carlton, 353, and Z, 298; Carrier, 58; Coles, 111, and rts., 33; C.S.R., 280; C.8.A., 189; Courtaulds, 48; Cox, 2; Cust. Cred., 74; D.H.A., 162; Dunlop, 123; Electro B, 40; Email, 40; E.Z. Bk„ 520; E.Z.1.. 242; Feltex, 49; Gen. Inds., 126; Gerrard, 312; Gallin, 68; Gordon Gotch, 217; Herald, 415; Hooker, 32; Humes, 240; 1.A.C., 85; 1.C.1.A.N.Z., 348; Indoor Bowling, 6; Jennings, 103; H. Jones. 355; Kauri, 16; McPhersons, 330; Minster, 245; P. Morris, 680; Moulded Prods., 67; Myer, 283; Nat. Bank, 191; Nat. Cons., 220; N.Z. Forest, 254; Olympic, 66; Petersville, 48, and rts., 8; Qld. Press, 460; Repco, 208; Rocla, 180; Siddons, 107; S.A. Rubber, 90: Sleigh. 58; H. Smith, 255; Swan, 239; U.E.8., 115; Waltons, 85; W’wths., 120; Yarra, 75; A.0.D., 18; A.0.G., 192; B.H. Sth., 298; C’wealth Mng., 220; Loloma, 128; Mt. Isa, 419; Mt. Lyell, 133; Mt. Morgan, 290; New 8.H., 405; Nth. 8.H., 382; Oil Search. 11; Santos, 163; Western Mng., 634. DIVIDENDS Dominion Breweries, Ltd,, Auckland.—lnterim 5J p.c. ord., .pref. Payable December 9; ex November 30. (Last year 5i and 6J p.c.) Floor Tiles And Parquet (H.Z.), Ltd., Auckland.—lnterim 4i p.c., payable December 16; ex December 9. (Last year 4J and 4i p.c.). METALS (N.Z.P. A.-Reuter—Copyright) LONDON, November 21. Latest spot London Metals Exchange prices: Buyers Sellers

a ton a tor £ s d £ s d Copper . . 453 0 0 454 0 0 Tin . 1207 0 0 1208 0 0 Lead . 80 7 6 80 12 6 Zinc . 109 0 0 109 10 0

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Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31224, 23 November 1966, Page 25

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Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31224, 23 November 1966, Page 25

Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31224, 23 November 1966, Page 25