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Sales In New Zealand


Lato Thursday.— 2oo Alliance, 9s 9d, and 400 nts., 6s 9d; 500 Berlei, I6s; 600 C.P.D., 16s; 100 Dom. Brew., 15s 8d: 500 Hume N.Z. pf., 15s; 200 Wattie, 17s 6d; 250 McKendrick, 7s 6d; 500 Mot. Trad., 12s 3d; 100 Cropper, 22s j 6d; 400 N.Z. Brew., 13s; 1900 N.Z. Forest, 20s 3d; 500 N.Z. Ins., 22s lid; 100 N.Z. News, 30s 6d; 100 R. Rubber, 23s 6d; 200 Sth. Brit., 29s 4d; 100 W. Horton, 21s 9d; 700 Winstone, 375; 1100 W. Steph., 14s Bd. Yesterday.— £soo 7/70 41, £lOO 7s 6d; £l5OO Ak. Harb. Bd.. 10/10/73, SS, £9B 12s; 400 A.8.C., 4s 9d; 900 Harvey, 30s; 900 Ak. Gas, 6s 4d; 2000 Berlei, 16s; 100 B'lands, 7s 9d; 200 Carter, 14s; 800 C.P.D.. 16s, and 300 B, 12s 6d; 500 Con. Bricks, 14s; 100 Con. Metal cont., 8s 6d; 500 C.S.R. Aust., 235; 800 Dom. Brew., 15s Bd, and 900 at 15s 9d; 100 F.A.C. nts., Ils 6d; 700 Felt. N.Z., 27s 9d; 300 Fletcher. 18s Id, 200 18s 2d, and 200, 18s 3d; 100 Gen. Foods, 12s 2d, 700 at 12s 3d, 200 at 12s 2d, and 1200 at 12s Id; 200 H. Pollard, 13s, and 200, 12s lid; 200 1.C.1. N.Z., 18s; 100 J Burns, 22s 9d: 100 K.P. Drug, 36s 6d; 500 K.P.G., 4s lOd; 500 M. Struth., 4s 7d; 2800 McKendrick, 7s 7d; 1100 M. and C„ 4s 4d; 400 Mot. Specs., Ils lOd; 271 Mot. Trad., 12s 3d; 100 Cropper, 22s 6d, and 100 nts., 21s 6d; 200 N.Z. Brew., 13s, 300 at 12s lid, and 1800 at 13s; 2200 N.Z. Forest, 20s 3d; 200 N.Z. Ins., 235, 100 at 22s lid, 1100 at 235, and 300 at 22s lid; 200 Refining, 455, and 100 at 45s 3d; 400 Refrig., 12s 2d; 400 N.A.F., 6s 9d; 500 N. Steam, 6s 3d; 2000 R. Rubber, 23s 6d, and 100 at 245; 790 Rickstan, 2s Sd; 500 Rothmans, 23s Bd, 200 at 23s 9d, and 200 at 23s lOd; 500 Sth. Brit., 29s 4d, 1300 at 29s 3d. and 600 at 29s 3d; 200 Spedding, 15s 9d; 100 Tasman, 475; 100 T. and J., 6s; 3000 U.E.8., 9s lOd, and 600 '6B nts., 8s lOd; 700 W. Cement, 20s; 1050 Winstone, 375; 800 W. Steph., 14s Sd. - Unlisted.— 7so Heliaby, 41s 6d; 350 Sam. Vaile, 20s. WELLINGTON Yeesterday.— £26oo 4i p.c. 15/7/70, *£loo 6s 3d; 300 A.8.C., 4s 9d;. 800 Alliance, 9s 9d; 1300 Ballins, Us 6d; 200 Berlei, 16s; 1500 C.P.D., *l6B, 16s; 200 C.P.D. “B,” 12s 9d: 400 C.F.M., 12s 6d; 300 C.S.R., 235; 200 Cred. Serv., 7s; 200 Dom. Brew., 15s Sd; 100 Dom. Fert., 475; 400 Dunlop N.Z., 31s 9d; 850 Felts. N.Z., 27s 9d; 500 Fletcher, 18s 3d; 300 Gen. Foods, 12s 2d; 100 Golden Bay, 14s 3d; 900 1.C.1.N.Z., 18s, 18s 3d; 100 Wattie, 17s 6d; 400 K.P.G., 4s 7d; 2700 N.Z. Brew., 12s lid, 13s; 100 Farm. Fert., 35s 6d; 1100 N.Z. Forest, *2os 3d, 20s 3d; 300 N.Z. Ins., 22s lid;

100 Refining, 455; 10,000 Sea Prod., 4s 3d; 500 Rothmans, 23s 8d; 1900 Sth. Brit., -*29s 3d, 29s 3d; 100 T. and J., 6s: 200 Tui Brew., 7s 9d; 500 Tui Brew, nts., 6s 3d; 300 U.E. Box, 9s lOd, and 600 ’6B nts., 8s lOd; 230 U.S.S. pf., 16s 3d; 100 Wilson Certi., 20s; 500 W. Steph., 14s Bd. Local Body Loans. — £1000 Wgtn. Hosp. Bd. 51 p.c. 5/4/75, •£96 16s. Unlisted.— soo Heliaby, 41s 6d. After Call.— loo N.Z. Brew., 13s; 200 Assoc. Gr. Sec., 5s 4d; 100 Nat. Ins., 24s 6d. CHRISTCHURCH Late Thursday.— £6oo 15/7/7072, 5| p.c., £99 15s; 200 Reid R., 23s 6d. Yesterday.— Boo A.8.C., 4s 9d; 199 Assoc. Gr. rts., 2d; 100 A. and 8.. 41s 9d; 900 Ballins, Ils 6d; 300 Buntings, 9s lOd; 200 C.P.D. B. 12s 6d; 600 C.P.D., 16s; 900 C.F.M., 12s 6d; 200 Cred. Ser., 7s: 100 D.1.C., 13s lOd; 400 Early, 13s 9d: 100 Fletchers, 18s 3d; 100 Gen. Foods, 12s 2d, and 200 at 12s 3d; 500 K.P. Drug, 36s 6d; 500 M. Struthers, 4s 7d: 100 Cropper nts., 21s 6d; 500 N.Z. Brew., 12s lid, and 100 at 13s; 100 Farm. Fert., 35s 6d: 100 N.Z. Forest, 20s 3d: 100 Refining, 455; 400 Tolley, 12s 6d; 1430 U.S.S. pf., 16s 3d; 100 W. Steph., 14s Bd.

After Call.— 3oo C.P.B. B, 12s 6d; 800 Rbfrig., 12s 2d; 100 Reid R., 245.


Late Thursday.—£soo 4| p.c. 6/73, £lOO 2s 6d: 100 Alliance nts., 6s 9d; 200 C.F.M., 12s 6d; 400 Gen. Foods, 12s 3d, and 900 at 12s 2d; 400 K.P. Drug, 36s 6d; 200 N.Z. Brew., 13s; 200 U.E. Box, 9s lOd.

Yesterday.— Boo Barnett, 16s; 400 C.F.M., 12s 6d; 100 D.1.C., 13s 10d; 400 Gen. Foods. 12s 3d, and 600 at 12s 2d; 1000 Wattie, 17s 6d; 100 K.P. Drug, 36s 6d; 400 McKendrick, 7s 7d; 600 McSkimming, 265; 400 N.Z. Brew., 12s lid, and 300 at 13s: 200 N.Z. Forest, 20s 4d: 300 Refrig., 12s 3d. and 500 def., 10s 6d; 200 W.S., 14s 8d; 1471 U.S.S. pf., 16s 3d. Unlisted.— loo Sth. Motels, 4s 3d. INVERCARGILL Late Thursday.— 2oo Mannings, 235. Yesterday.— 2oo C.P.D., 12s 6d; 400 Gen. Foods, 12s 3d; 200 Hawkins, 23s 6d; 100 Cropper, 22s 6d; 200 N.Z. Brew., 12s lid; 300 N.Z. Forest, 20s 3d; 200 S.F.M., 17s 3d; 600 U.S.S. pf., 16s 3d; 200 W. Steph., 14s Bd.


The Sydney Stock Market, after following a downward trend for the past four days, closed on a slightly firmer note. Base metals gained strength as did also leading industrials. Turn-over of 755,000 including 208,000 mining was average. G. J. Coles rights were once again well traded.

Sales.— B.H. Sth., 302; C.R.A., 600; Kath. Inv., 233; Loloma, 135; M.K.U., 320: Mt. Lyell, 132. Mt. Morgan. 284: Mt. Isa, 416: New 8.H., 410: Nth. 8.H., 378: West Mining, 634: Ampol Exp.. 98: A.O. Gas, 192; Ex. Oil, 11: Inter. Oil, 105: Oil Search, 11: Planet pd., 31 Woodside, 93: Amal. Chem., 70; A.W.A., 201: Ampol, 63, and def., 55: Ansett, 62; Assoc. Sec., 165; A.C.1., 280: A.G. Corp., 153; A.N.1., 30; N.S.W., 498; Blue Metal Ind., 144; Boral, 181; Borg Warner, 155; Brambles, 137; Brit. Tob, 208; 8.H.P., 586; Burns Consol., 160; B. Philp, 370; Carpenter, 225; Cast Perkins, 593; Chem. Mat., 113; Clyde, 94; Coles, 112, and rts., 32; C.S.R., 283; C.A.G.A., 134; Com. of Syd., 202; C.8.A., 188; C.1.G., 230; Cone. Ind., 36: Dodge Consol., 166; Drug Houses Aust., 160: E.Z.1., 248; Elders, 247: Email, 41; Fairfax, 230; Fairymead, 145; Feltex, 49: Hanimex, 135; Hardie, 472; Healing, 20: Hooker, 33; Hordern, 38; I. A. Corp., 83; 1.C.1., 347; D. Jones, 126; H. Jones, 355: Lend Lease, 76; Lifesavers, 250; Lysaght, 242; M.L.C., 798: Marrickville, 107; Mauri Bros., 202; Moran C., 140; Motels, Aust., 75; N.Z. Forest, 248; Nat. Bank, 192; Olims, 81; Peko W., 199; Penfold, 190: Pioneer Cone.. 117; Pioneer Sugar, 166; Publish., 235: Qld. Ins., 410: Talcott, 16; Taubmans, 87; Thiess, 100: Tooheys, 99: Tooth, 498; Unit Tel., 30; Waltons, 84; W’wths., 120.

MELBOURNE Industrials were steady with moves about in balance. Brewery shares firmed after Carlton’s chairman’s statement that the group “is geared to meet its new competitor.” Base metals and oils were tseady. Sales.— A.W.A., 202; Ampol, 63 and def.. 55; Ansett, 62; A.R.C. Inds., 102; Assoc. Pulp, 130; Aust. Chem., 175; A.C.1., 279, A.P.M., 150;. N.S.W., 496; Boral, 182; 8.H.P., 586: Carlton, 348 and Z, 300: Carrier, 58: Coles, 111 and rts., 33; C.S.R., 285; C.8.A., 188: Cox, 1; Custom Cred., 75; D.H.A., 160: Dunlop. 126; Electro B, 38; Email, 39 E.Z.1., 248: Factors, 17: Feltex, 48; Gerrard, 310; Gollin, 68: Gordon Gotch, 220; Herald, 430; Hooker. 33; Humes, 240; 1.A.C., 82; 1.C.1.A.N.Z., 348; Indoor Bowl., 7; Jenmings, 101; Jones H., 355; Kauti, 17; McPhersons, 325; Morris P., 243; Moulded Prods., 68; Myer, 282: Myttons, 133; Nat. Bk., 193: Nat. Cons, 216; N.Z. Forest, 245; Olympic, 65; Petersville, 51, and rts., 10: Qld. Press, 465: Repco, 207 Rocla, 176; Siddons, 105; S.A. Rubb., 90; Sleigh, 59: Swan, 238: Toppa, 83; Waltons, 85; Wwths, 129; A.0.D., 19; B.H. Sth., 303; Emperor. 46: Loloma. 130; Mt. Isa, 418: Mt Lyell, 132; Mt. Morgan, 285; New 8.H.. 410; Nth. 8.H., 378: Oilsearch, 11; Western Min., 636.

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Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31221, 19 November 1966, Page 20

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Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31221, 19 November 1966, Page 20

Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31221, 19 November 1966, Page 20