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Sales In New Zealand

AUCKLAND Late Thursday.—2oo Bell, 22s 6d: 480 C.M.I. rts., 23s sd; 1000 Hend. and Poll., 14s 9d; 200 McKenzie, 8s; 1200 N.Z. Ins., 23s 6d; 300 N.Z. News, 32s 3d; 200 S. Brit., 29s 9d: 200 W. Cement, 22s 9d; 200 B.N.Z. Fin., 12s 4d, and 200 at 12s 3d; 500 C.P.D., 16s lOd; 600 Dom. Brew., 16s 7d; 300 Dunlop pref., 6s lOd: 100 Early Bros., 13s 6d; 200 F.T.C., 12s 6d: 200 Feltex, 325. Yesterday.—£looo Auck. Reg. Auth.. 23/11/74, 51 p.c., £9B 14s 9d; 700 A.8.C., 5s 6d; 200 Harvey, 30s 3d, and 100 at 30s 6d; 100 Alliance notes, 7s 9d; 600 A.G. Sec., 6s 3d; 100 Auck. Gas contrib., 2s 3d; 100 Beath, 7s 6d; 890 Bell, 22s 6d; 1550 Gen. Foods. 17s; 200 1.C.1. (N.Z.), 19s 6d; 700 Wattie, 18s; 300 K.P.G., 6s 2d: 100 L. D. Nathan notes, 18s; 600 Marac. fOs 3d; 300 McKendrick, 6s 3d, 500 a 6s 6d, 2000 at 7s, 100 new 6s 6d, and 100 at 7s: 700 Motor Hold., 13s 9d;_ 800 Motor Specs., 12s 8d; 200 Motor Traders, 12s: 400 N.Z. Brew., 13s 3d: 300 N.Z. Forest, 22s lid, and 400 at 22s lOd: 200 N.Z. Ins., 23s 8d; 100 N.Z. News, 32s 3d, and 500 at 325; 300 Refining, 39s 3d: 300 Refrig., 13s 6d and 200 def.. Ils; 500 Nth. Steel. 13s; 400 P.T.Y., 15s: 200 Pye. 8s 9d: 300 Rickstan, 3s 6d; 300 S. Brit., 29s 9d: 200 Spedding, 17s 9d; 400 Tappenden, 21s; 200 Tasman, 56s 6d; 600 Taupo notes, 5s 9d; 2200 U.E. Box, 10s 4d; 500 Unit Sub., 6s lid; 500 W. Horton, 22s 6d; 300 Winstone. 38s 3d; 300 W., Steph., 31s.

Unlisted.—loo Booth Mac., Is 6d; 100 Pacific Forest, 18s 3d; 600 Hellaby, 465.

WELLINGTON Yesterday.—£soo Feltex N.Z., 7 p.c. regd. stk.. 30/11/73, *£loo 14s: 700 A.B. Consol., 5s 6d; 400 And. and Bvn., *4ls 3d. 41s 6d: 500 Baillie. 8s 6d: 600 B.N.Z. Fin.. 12s 3d: 200 Beath, 7s fid. 400 Bell Radio. *22s 6d. 22s 6d: 200 Brit. Off. Supp., 20s 9d: 200 C. and A. Odlin, pref., *18s; 500 C.P.D., 16s lOd: 100 C. Begg. 16s fid: 331 Chch. Gas, 10s: 500 C. Neon, 42s 6d: 700 Dom. Brew., 16s 7d: 300 Farm Tde.. 12s 6d: 200 Felts N.Z., 325: 2000 Fletcher, *lBs 6d, 18s sd. IBs 6d, IBs sd; 620 Gear, 13s; 1300 Gen. Foods, *l7s, 17s: 200 I. WatkinsDow, 13s fid; 900 J. Wattie. *lBs. 18s; 100 J. Wattie, new, *l7s 9d; 900 Kaiapoi, 6s 2d: 765 K.P. Drug. 40s; 1000 Lamphouse. 5s 3d: 450 L. D. Nathan, nts., 18s; 2000 McKendrick, 7s, 6s 9d: 100 Manthel. 225: 900 Marac, 10s 3d:

500 Motor Specs., 12s 8d: 3100 N.Z. Brew., *l3s 3d, 13s 3d; 300 Farm. Fert., 375: 300 N.Z. Forests, 22s lid: 600 Refining. 395: 200 Refrig., 13s 6d, and 200 div. def., Us: 1900 Prestige. •10s; 200 Pye Elect., 8s 9d; 800 Reid Rub., 255; 300 Rothmans, 255; 50 Skellerup, 525: 200 Spedding, 17s fid: 200 Taupo Totara, 9s 9d: 500 Tekau, 16s: 200 Tolley, 12s 4d; 2992 Tolly, rts.. Is lid; 300 Trans. Nelson, 9s; 900 U.E. Box. *los 4d, 10s 4d: 1000 W. and Horton, 22s 6d: 600 W. Steph.. 31s: 500 Zip, *7s 9d. Local Body Loans.—£7oo Nelson Harb. Bd., 5 p.c. stk.,

1/10/67, *£lol 13s; £lOOO Nelson Harb. Bd., 5 p.c. stk., 1/3/69, •£9B 16s: £5OO Richmond 8.C., 4* p.c. stk., 1/10/68, *£loo 18s 3d. Unlisted.—loo Hellaby, 465. After Call.—2oo W. Steph., 31s; 300 Woolpacks, 14s 6d: 300 Sea Products, 4s; 200 N.Z. Brew., 13s 3d. •Late Thursday. CHRISTCHURCH Late Thursday.—B79 Auckland Gas, 6s 4d; 200 Motor Hold., 13s 6d; 300 N.Z. Brew., 13s 3d. Unlisted.—loo Pacific Forest, 18s 3d. Yesterday.—£soo Lyttn. Harb. Board, 5i p.c., 1/12/73, £9B 4s: £5OO Chch. Drainage Board, 51 p.c., 22/7/74. £97 2s 6d; £5OO Hutt C.C., 5i p.c., 1/8/74, £97: £5OO Wellington Hosp. Board, 54 p.c., 1/9/74, £96 10s; 400 A.8.C., 5s 6d; 200 Harvey, 30s 6d: 1050 C.F.C.A. pref., 9s 3d; 600 C.P.D., 17s: 400 Begg, 16s 6d: 500 C. Neon, 42s fid; 331 Chch. Gas, 10s; 200 D.1.C., 14s: 100 Dom. Brew., 16s 7d: 75 Dom. Fert.. 46s fid: 600 Dunlop pref., 6s lOd: 100 F.T.C., 12s 6d: 500 Fletcher, 18s 6d: 100 Gen. Foods. 17s; 200 H. Pollard, 14s fid: 200 K.P.G. nts., 5s 6d: 100 L.W.R., 15S 9d: 300 Motor Specs., 12s 8d: 400 McKendrick, 7s; 100 Motor Hold.. 13s fid, and 200 at 13s 9d; 200 Mosgiel notes, 10s 9d: 100 N.Z. Cement, 40s 6d; 200 Farm. Fert., 375; 1000 N.Z. Forest, 22s lid, and 528 pref., 8s 9d: 400 Refrig, def., Us; 300 Rickstan. 3s 6d: 200 Rothmans, 255: 50 Skellerup. 525; 600 Sth. Brit., 29s fid: 967 Tolley rts., is lid: 300 W.. Steph., 31s 3d. After Call.—3oo Fea Concrete, 12s 6d; 200 Wattie, 18s: 400 Neeco 5s 6d: 200 Rothmans. 255: 400 Sth. Brit.. 29s 9d; 700 S.F.M.. 19s fid: 1126 Tolley rts.. Is Ud; 100 U.E. Box, 10s 4d; 200 W„ Steph., 31s. DUNEDIN Late Thursday.—3oo D. 8., 16s 7d: 100 Nat. Ins., 22s 9d: 100 C. Begg. 16s 6d: 200 C.P.D., B, 13s: 100 Fletcher. 18s 6d: 100 Gen. Foods, 17s: 500 Watties. 18s: 200 McKendrick. 7s; 300 Mot. Hold.. 13s fid: 300 U.E. Box, 10s 4d; 100 Rothmans. 255. Yesterday.—3oo N.Z. Brew., 13s 3d: 100 Nat. Ins., 23s Id: 100 Sth. Brit.. 29s 9d; 300 Alliance, nts., 7s fid: 300 A. Harvev. 30s fid: 200 C. Brick. 15s: 300 D.1.C.. 14s: 75 Dom. Fert., 46s 9d: 200 Gen. Foods, 17s; 200 Wattie. new. 17s fid; 200 K.P.. 40s: 400 McKendrick. 7s: 400 Nat. Elec., 5s 6d: 100 N. Crooner, nts.. 245: 100 N.Z. Cement. 40s fid: 400 N.Z. Unrests. 22s Ud: 300 Refining. 395; 200 Rothmans. 255: 146 Tollev. rts.. 2s. and 300 at 1s Ud: 1500 U:E. Box. 10s 4d; 100 W’wths., N.Z., 10s fid. INVERCARGILL Late Thursday.—loo C. Bege. 16s 6d: 100 Fletcher, 18s 6d: 100 Gen. Foods, 17s; 200 Motor Hold.. 13s 6d; 100 Nat. Ins., 22s 9d; 200 Refrig., def., Ils. Yesterday.—loo N.Z. Cement, 40s 6d; 50 Skellerup, 525; 400 W. Steph., 31s.

SYDNEY The market gained ground slightly on the Sydney Stock Exchange yesterday. The total turnover of 665,000. including 120,009 mining, was average. Sales—B.H. Sth., 262: Com. Mining, 250; C.R.A., 540: Kath. Inv., 236; Loloma, 170; M.K.U., 255; Mt. Lyell, 147; Mt. Morgan, 247; Mt. Isa, 442; New 8.H., 434; N.A.U.C., 52: West. Mining, 552 and rts., 275; Ampol Exp., 114; A.O. Gas, 232; Ex Oil, 13; Oil Search, 17; Planet, pd., 34; Woodside, 88; A.W.A.. 198: Ampol, 67 and def., 58; Ansett, 68: Assoc. Sec., 150 and rts., 42; A.C.1., 570; A.G. Corp., 146; A. 33: N.S.W., 502; Blue Metal Ind., 148: Boral, 183;' Brambles, 160; Brit. Tob., 230; B. P., 598: B. Philp, 360; Carpenter, 246; Clyde, 90; Coles, 127; C S.R., 280; C.A.G.A., 115; Com. of Syd., 212: C.1.G., 255; Cone. Ind., 33; Cust. Cred., 76: Dalgety, 450: Dodge Consol., 170; Drug Houses Aust., 170; E.Z.1., 257; Elders, 238; Email, 39; Fairfax, 226; Feltex, 50; Hardie, 486; Healing, 21: Hooker, 33; Hordern, 42: 1.C.1., 355; Jones, D.» 134; Jones, H., 350; L.N.C., 55; Larke Consol., 74: Lend Lease, 90; Lifesavers, 250: Lysaght, 235: M.L.C., 820: Marrickville, 102; Mauri Bros., 205: Motels Aust., 79; Moulded Prods., 65; Myer, 292; N.Z. Forest, 280; Nat. Bank, 184: Olims, 98; Peko W., 223; Penfold, 168; Pioneer Cone., 129 and Sugar, 199: Publishers, 239; Rothmans, 267; Sth. Brit., 365: Talcott, 14: Taubmans, 83; Thiess, 88; Tooheys, 105; Tooth, 516: Union Carb., 378; United Empire Box, 125; Unit Tel., 44; Waltons, 105; Wwths., 122.

MELBOURNE Industrials continued to improve on the Melbourne Stock Exchange yesterday. Trading was again quiet and moves were not large. Western Mining was prominent in base metals, gaining further 12 cents to 556, and Renison added 20 cents to 780. Otherwise most issues were firm but copper producers lost ground slightly. Oils were Sales.—A.W.A., 199; Ampol. 67, and def., 58; Ansett, 68: A.R.C. Inds., 100: Assoc. Pulp, 138; Aust. Chem., 170; A.C.1., 570; A.P.M., 148; Bk. N.S.W., 495; Boral, 182; 8.H.P., 600: Brolite, 200: Burns Philp, 358; C.U.B. Z, 335; Coles, 126; C.S.R., 277; C.8.A., 195; Courtaulds. 49; Cox, 5 Cust. Cred., 76: D.H.A., 172: Dunlop, 123; Electro B. 59; Email. 40: E.Z.1.. 256: Factors, 14: Feltex, 50; Gen. Ind., 128; Gerrard. 285; Gordon Gotch. 203: Herald. 438; Hooker, 34; Humes, 242: 1.A.C.. 80: 1.C.1.A N.Z., 360; Jennings, 130: Jones, H.. 350: Kauri, 25; Kelvinator, 188; McPhersons. 356: Macrobertsons. 125: Minster. 300; Morris P.. 700; Moulded Prods., 65: Myer, 292: Myttons, 139; Nat. Bank, 184; Nat. Cons., 225; Olympic, 62; Petersville, 56: Repco, 202: Rocla, 173; Sleigh, 65; Smith, H., 250; Swan. 243: Toppa. 91; U.E.8., 124: Waltons, 103; W'wths., 121: Yarra. 65: A.0.D., 160; Aust. Oil Gas. 234 B.H. Sth., 262; C’wealth. Mng., 250: Mt. Isa, 444; Mt. Lyell, 147: Mt. Morgan, 246; New 8.H.. 434: Nth 8.H., 368; Oil Search, 17; Western Mng., 556.


(N Z P.A .-Reuter —Copyright I LONDON, Sept. 15. Latest spot London Metals Exchange prices:

Copper . Buyers a ton Sellers a ton £ s . 404 0 d 0 £ 405 s d 0 0 Tin .1220 0 0 1222 0 0 Lead , 93 2 6 93 7 6 Zinc .97 15 0 98 0 0

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Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31167, 17 September 1966, Page 18

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Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31167, 17 September 1966, Page 18

Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31167, 17 September 1966, Page 18