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Sales In New Zealand

AUCKLAND Late Tuesday.— 36l Fac. rts., Is 9d; 600 Carter Con., 18s 6d; 1000 Email, 4s; 500 Nth. Steel, 13s 6d; 700 Neeco, 7s 9d; 100 Rothmans, 235; 300 W. Cement, 22s Id; 200 Carpenter, 21s 9d; 100 Mt. Isa, 36s 9d. Yesterday.— £soo, 15/6/73, 4i per cent, £lOO 17s 6d; £5OO, 15/6/-73-75, 5 per cent, £102; 200 C.8.A., 20s 3d; 150 Bank N.S.W., Aust., 52s 6d; 450 N.Z. Brew., 12s lOd; 200 Auck. Gas, 6s 6d; 200 Nat. Ins., 245; 600 N.Z. Ins., 22s 9d; 700 Sth. Brit., 30s 6d; 300 N. King, bonus, 5s 9d; 500 H. Poll., nts., 12s 3d; 200 Kauri, 3s 7d; 1000 A. G. Healing, 5s 7d; 100 A. Harvey, 33s 9d; 200 Allen Ind., 17s 3d; 200 Amal. Batt., 355; 2100 Ampol, Bs, 200 nts., 6s 4d, and 200 def., 6s 3d; 100 Autocrat, Us 9d, and 100 at 12s; 100 Bell, 28s; 100 8.H.P., 42s 6d, 154 rts., 23s 6d, 131 at 23s 9d, and 116 at 245; 300 C.P.D., C pref., 9s 3d; 200 C. Neon, rts., 16s; 350 C.S.R., Aust., 53s 3d, and 100 at 53s 6d; 400 Early Bros., 12s Ud: 100 Email, 4s; 400 Enzlon, 4s lOd, and 500 at 4s 9d, and 1500 at 4s 6d; 1500 E.Z. Inds., 20s 3d; 200 Fletcher, 19s 3d; 1000 F. Prods., 22s 3d; 800 Gen. Foods, 14s 8d; 300 J. Burns, 23s 6d; 1200 at 22s 9d, 200 rts., sd, and 500 at 4d; 300 J. Wattle, 19s 6d; 15,500 Hooker, 2s 9d; 100 L. D. Nathan, 21s 6d; 100 Maple, 9s 6d; 300 Mauri Bros., 16s 6d: 1000 M. Choyce, ss; 800 M. Specs, 13s 9d, and 1570 rts., 3s 8d; 1300 F. Prods., 22s 4d, 100 at 22s 3d, and 200 pref., Os 9d; 100 P. Impey, nts., 12s 6d; 350 N.Z. News, 68s; 200 Rickstan, 3s; 100 Rothmans, 22s 6d; 100 Schofield, 48s 9d; 200 Tasman, 51s 6d; 300 U.E. Box, 12s 6d; 100 W. Cement, 225, and 3874 rts., 6s; 300 W. and H. Ltd., 25s 6d; 300 Winstone, 43s 6d, and 100 rts., 13s; 500 W. Davies, 18s 3d; 100 W’wths., Syd., 12s 3d, 20 rts., 5s sd, and 616 at 5s 4d; 300 Mt. Isa, 35s 6d, and 200 at 365.

WELLINGTON Yesterday.— £Boo 48 per cent, 15/7/65-55, £lOl 10s; £1540 5 per cent, 15/5/74-76, £99; £lO,OOO Wang.-Rangitikei E.P. Bd., 53 per cent., 1/2/72, £lOl Is 9d: 100 C.8.A., 20s; 50 Bank N.S.W.. 525; 100 Dom. Brew., 17s 3d: 2000 N.Z. Brew., 12s Ud; 100 N.Z. Refrig., 16s: 800 Auck. Gas, -6s 6d, 6s 6d: 100 Nat. Insurance, 24s 6d ;600 Sth. British. 30s 6d; 464 N.Z. Farm. Co-op., rts., -Is 6d; 100 Felt N.Z., 335; 1900 Kaiapoi, 6s 3d: 800 Lanes Inds., 10s 3d: 200 Alex Harvey, 345: 400 Ampol, 8s; 300 Autocrat, -12 s 9d: 100 Baillie, 12s; 1200 Ballins, 12s 8d: 1250 8.H.P., •42s 6d. 425; 600 Odlin, 21s 6d; 200 Fletcher, 19s 6d, 19s 3d: 100 Gen. Foods.. 14s 6d: 200 Golden Bay, 13s 9d: 100 Niven. 16s

6d; 400 Wattle, *l9s 9d, 19s 6d; 100 L. D. Nathan, 21s 9d; 700 Hooker, 2s 9d; 200 McKenzies, 10s 9d; 100 Metters, 20s; 2400 Motor Specs., rts., 3s 8d; 200 Elect., *7s 9d; 100 Neill Cropper, 275; 500 N.Z. Forest, 22s 4d and 41,000 pref., 9s 9d; 2250 N.Z. Refining, *3ls 6d, 31s 3d, 31s 6d; 900 Philliip and Impey, 13s 3d; 200 Pye Elec., *l6s; 100 Rothmans, 22s 6d; 100 Sharland, 48s 6d; 100 Tasman, 51s 6d; 500 Trans Nelson, Us; 200 U.E. Box, 12s 4d and 100 ’6B nts., Us 2d; 1400 Enzlon, 4s Ud, 4s lOd, 4s 9d; 500 Wgtn. Pub., 30s; 1300 Whit, and Tombs, 23s 6d; 400 Wilson Cement, 22s 3d and 4703 rts., 6s, 6s Id, 6s; 200 Winstone, rts., 12s 9d: 400 Woolworths, Syd., 12s 5d and 3167 rts., 5s sd; 400 Woolworths N.Z., nts., Us 4d. Unlisted.— 4oo Brierley, 4s 9d; 100 Steele Carpets, 30s 3d. •Late Tuesday.

CHRISTCHURCH Yesterday— £2oo 5 per eent., Oct., 'B4, £97 15s; 200 Bank New South Wales (Aust.), 52s 3d; 400 N.Z. Brew., 12s lid; 100 C.F.M., 37s 6d and 100 at 37s 3d; 200 South Brit., 30s 6d; 1014 N.Z. Farmers, rts.. Is 7d; 200 P and O, 31s; 1000 K.P.G., 6s 3d: 100 L.W.R. 16s 6d; 200 Am. Batteries, 355; 1200 Ampol, Ss; 200 Autocrat, 12s and 500 at Ils; 1400 Ballins Indust., 12s 8d; 200 Bell Radio. 295; 500 8.H.P., 425: 33 rts.. 24s and 224 at 23s 9d and 165 at 23s 6d: 39 C. Neon, rts., 15s 3d; 200 Crothall, 255: 250 Dunlop N.Z., 7s 9d; 400 Email, 3s lid; 100 Fletcher, 19s 6d; 1065 Gen. Foods, 14s 8d: 220 G. J. Coles, 12s 3d: 100 Hay's, 20s 3d: 100 J. Wattie, cont., 14s 6d: 200 L. J. Hooker, 2s 9d: 400 McKenzies (N.Z.), 10s 9d; 500 Forest Prods., 22s 4d; 400 N.Z. News., 68s: 350 Skellerup, 57s 6d; 150 Tasman, 51s 6d; 800 Enzion, 4s lOd: 1000 Whitcombe and Tombs, 23s 6d; 200 Wilsons Cement, 22s 3d and 1439 rts., 6s; 300 Woolworths, 12s sd; 5974 rts., 5s sd: 1624, 5s 6d and 400 (N.Z.), notes. Us 4d; 300 Winstones, rts., 12s 6d: 200 W. R. Carpenter, 21s 9d; 100 Mt. Lyell, 10s sd. Unlisted —lls Carbonic Ice, £6. After Call.— loo N.Z. Brew., 12s Ud and 300 at 12s lOd: 200 K.P.G.. 6s 3d: 400 Forest Prod., 22s 4d; 500 Woolworths N Z 12s lOd: 400 Autocrat. Us; 300 Crothalls, 255: 200 Wright, Stephenson, 31s; 100 Tasman, 51s 6d. Unlisted— lls Carbonic Ice, £6; 500 Chch. Press, 36s 3d. INVERCARGILL Late Tuesday.— £l9oo Govt, stock. 5 per cent, 15'8/67-69, £lOO 12s 6d: 800 Dom. Brew., 17s 3d; 1150 G. J. Coles, 12s 4d; 300 J. J. Niven, 16s 6d.

SYDNEY The market continued to lose ground on the Sydney Stock Exchange yesterday. The chemicals, paper, glass and rubber group was slightly easier. Turn-over in the investment section was above average whilst the turn-over in the mining section was average. Sales.— B.H. South, 26s 4d; Com. Mining, 18s 3d: C.R.A., 395; Kath. Inv., 18s; Mt. Lyell, Us 9d; Mt. Isa, 41s sd; New 8.H., 48s 6d: N.A.U.C., 7s sd; Nth B. 37s 6d; Placer, £l2; West Ming, 245: Ampol Exp., Us; A.O. Gas, 23s 9d; Ex. Oil, 2s 2d; Oil Search, Is 7Jd: Amal. Chem., 8s Id; A.W.A., 24s 6d; Ampol, 8s Id and def., frs Ud; Ansett, 7s 3d; A.C.1., 58s; A.G. Corp., 12s 9d, and rts., 4s 8d: A.N.1., 4s Id: Bank N.S.W., 59s 3d: Blue Metal, Ind., 17s Id; Boral, 21s 6d; Brambles, 17s 6d, and rts., 5s 2d; Brit. Tob., 33s lOd; 8.H.P., 47s lid, and rts., 26s lid; Burns Consol., 3Os 9d: B. Philp, 73s 9d; Carpenter, W. R., 24s 8d: Chem. Materials, Ills 6d: Clyde Ind., 10s 6d; Coles, G. J., 14s; C.S.R., 60s: C.A.G.A., 6s 8d; Com. of Syd., 525; Com. of Aust., 22s 9d; C. 35s 9d; Cone. Ind., 4s 2d: Containers, 25s 6d: Cust. Credit, 6s 7d; Dodge Consol., 19s 6d; Drug Houses Aust., 16s 6d; E.Z, Inds., 23s 4d: Elders, G. M., 21s; Email, 4s 3d: Fairfax, J., 265; Fairymead, 19s 6d; Feltex, 6s 4d; Fibre Cont., 13s 9d; Hanimex, 17s, and rts., 6s 9d; Hardie, J., 555; Healing, A. G., 6s; Hooker, L. J., 3s lid; Hordern, A., 6s 3d; Humes, 53s 6d; LA. Corp., 8s Id: 1.C.1., 43s 9d; D. Jones, 15s 8d; H. Jones, 81s 9d; L.N.C., 8s 3-d; Larke Consol., 10s 3d; Lend Lease, 10s 3d: Lifesavers, 245; Lodge, G., Us 6d; Lysaght, J., 555; M.L.C., 71s 6d; MarrickvM'le, 14s Id; Mauri Bros., 18s 6d: Motels Aust., 6s 6d; Mould. Prods., 7s lid; Myer Emp., 33s 9d: N.Z. Forest, 27s 3d: Nat. Bank, 20 s id; News Ltd., 14s 4d; Olims, 12s: Peko W., 17s 9d: Penfold, 17s 9d: Pioneer Cone., 14s 4d: Pioneer Sugar, 21s 6d; Rothmans, 30s: Sth. Brit. Ins.. 375; Talcott, 3s r>d: Tooheys, 10s lOd: Tooth, 995: Union Carb., 68s 6d; Unit Tele cast, 5s 7d; Waltons, 8s 6d: Woolworths, 14s, and rts., 6s 3d.

MELBOURNE Industrials were easy under increased selling pressure on the Melbourne Stock Exchange yesterday. Falls outnumbered rises two-to-one. Cresco lost 2s 9d of its rise to close at 87s 6d. Base metals moved narrowly, mostly lower. Oils were barely steady. Sales.— Ampol, 8 s lid, and def., 6s Ud: Ansett, 7s 2d; Arc Inds., 10s 3d; Assoc. Pulp, 28s 3d; A.C.1., 58s; A.P.M., 16s: Bank N.S.W., 595: Berry, 3s 9d: Boral, 21s 6d; 8.H.P., 47s Ud, and rts., 26s Ud: Burns Philp. 74s 6d ; Carlton, ,42s 9d; C.U.8., Z., 775: Carrier, 7s; Coles, 13s Ud; C.S.R., 59s 9d; Com. Bank, 22s 8d; Cox Bros., Is 2d: Dun lop, 335; Electro B. 10 s 4d; Email, 4s 3d: E.S.A. Bank, 545: E.Z. Industries, 23s 4d: Factors, 2 s 4d: Felt Textiles, 6s sd; Gerrard, 30s; Gordon Gotch, 265; Herald, 45s 9d; Hooker, 3s o>d; Humes, 53s 6d; 1.A.C., 8s 3d: Indoor Bowling, 9|d; Jennings, 9s 9d; Jones, H., 81s 9d; Kauri, 4s Id; Kelvinator, 18s 6d; McPhersons, 42s 3d: Macrobertson, 13s 8d; Minster, 555; Morris P., 575; Mould. Prods., 7s; Myer, 33s lOd; Myttons, 15s lOd; Nat. Bank, 20s Id; Nat. Cons., 24s 6d; Olympic, 7s 9d; Petersville, 5s Id: Qld. Press, 52s 6d: Repco, 19s; Rocla, 20s 9d; Siddons, 12s 6d: Sleigh. 6s 8d; Smith, H., 48s: Swan, 245: Toppa, 12s; Waltons, 8s 6d: Woolworths, 14s Id, and rts., 6s 9d: A.O. Gas, 23s 6d: B.H. Sth., 26s sd; C’wealth. Mining, 18s 9d; Loloma, 17s 9d: Mt. Isa, 41s 4d: Mt. Lyell, Us 9d; Mt. Morgan, 17s 6d: New 8.H., 48s 3d; North 8.H., 37s 3d; Oil Search, Is 7d; Western Mining, 24s 6d. DUNEDIN Late Tuesday.— 2oo D. 8., 17s 3d; 300 Waitaki, 16s 6d; 300 Nat. Ins., 24s 9d: 100 U.S.S., 18s 9d; 300 Ampol def., 6s 3d; 300 8.H.P., 42s 6d; 135 Neon rts., 15s 9d, 317 at 15s 6d, and 100 at 15s 3d: 700 Enzlon, ss; 300 Neeco, 7s 9d; 100 Rothmans, 235; 300 WW. Cement. 22s Id. On 'Change.— loo N.Z. Brew.. 13s; 100 W.S., 31s; 100 Rattray, 16s 3d; 200 Forest, 22s sd. Reported.— so N.S.W. Aust., 52s 6d: 200 N.Z. Brew., 12s Ud; 200 8.H.P., 42s 6d, 100 rts., 23s 6d, and 50 at 23s 9d; 100 Forest, 22s 4d: 100 Impey nts., 12s 6d; 400 Enzlon, 4s Ud: 100 Waltons, 7s 9d; 229 W. Cement rts., 6s; 600 W’wths rts.. 5s sd; 600 W’wths N.Z., 12s lOd. Unlisted.— lls Carbonic Ice,

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Press, Volume CIV, Issue 30911, 18 November 1965, Page 21

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Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CIV, Issue 30911, 18 November 1965, Page 21

Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CIV, Issue 30911, 18 November 1965, Page 21