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Sales In New Zealand

AUCKLAND Late Wednesday.—6oo Refrig., t6s 6d: 100 F.A.C., 32s 6d; 500 W. Steph., 38s 3d: 50 Cart. Con. new, 45s 6d; 200 A. Harvey, 50s; 900 Autocraft, 19s; 700 Bell Radio. 375; 1300 B. Harris A. 7s Id; 600 F.T.C., 20s 6d; 50 Firth, 43s 6d: 300 I. Watkins, 16s; 300 J. Chambers, 25s 6d; 200 J. Wattle, 21s; 200 L. D. Nathan, 23s 3d; 300 N. Cropper, 29s 3d: 200 F. Prods., 25s 9d, and 500 new, 255; 500 Tingey, 7s: 100 Repco, 20s 3d: 150 S Brook F„ 29s 3d; 200 S. Brown, Us 9d; 250 Mt. Isa, 345.

Yesterday.—£soo, 3 p.c., 15/7/63-65, £99 17s 6d: £5OO. 43 p.C., 15/5/67, £lOl 10s: 150 A.N.Z. Bk., 525; 100 Dom. Brew., 19s 9d: 400 N.Z. Brew., 15s 3d: 400 Tui Brew.. Us 3d; 1000 N.Z. Insce.. 26s 3d: 150 S. British, 31s 6d. and 300 at 31s 7d; 1400 Refrig.. 26s 6d, and 100 notes, 255; 100 A.G. Securities, 6s 3d; 100 Marac, 20s 6d: 300 N. King, 12s 3d: 200 W., Steph., 38s 3d, and 1150 at 38s 6d: 200 Cart. Con., 46s 6d; 100 Alliance. 14s 6d: 100 Bonds, 225, and 100 at 22s 3d; 500 Felt. Aus., 7s 8d; 100 L. Walker, 18s; 200 Burt. 43s 9d; 30 A. Harvey, 50s Id. and 1750 at 50s: 600 Ampol, 10s 2d. and 200 def., 7s lOd; 200 Ansett, 6s 7d; 600 Autocrat. 19s; 325 Beechey new, 32s 6d; 100 Bell Radio, 375; 100 B. Harris A, 7s Id; 850 B.H. Pty., 46s 9d; 200 C.P.D., 29s 3d, and 200 at 29s 6d: 150 Col. Sugar. 59s 3d; 200 Con. Brick. 30s 6d: 300 C. Plastics, 43s lOd: 100 Wallace. 3s sd; 500 Factors, 2s Id: 300 F.T.C., 20s 6d: 150 Fletcher notes, 28s; 700 Gen. Foods, 17s 4d; 200 I. Watkins, 16s; 540 J. Burns, 26s 3d; 900 J. Wattle, 21s; 200 L. D. Nathan, 23s 3d; 100 Magnus Motors. 17s 3d; 300 M. Choyce, 6s 6d: 200 M.K. Mfrs., 9s 6d: 100 Motor Specs., 15s sd; 200 Nat. Elect.. 15s; 700 N. Cropper. 29s 3d: 150 Frats’. Fert.. 565: 700 F. Prods., 25s 9d, and 500 at 26s 8d; 250 P. Impey notes, 13s 6d; 700 Tingey. 7s; 400 R. Holt. 8s 8d; 400 Rothmans, 27s 9d; 300 R. Rubber, S6s; 50 Sharland, 60s; 500 Tappenden, 25s 3d: 700 Tasman, 50s; 600 T. Jones. 13s: 1200 U.E. Box, 12s lOd: 200 Unit. Sub., 5s 7d; 200 W., Tombs, 28s; 200 W.. Horton, 34s 9d; 900 Wilson Cement, 29s 6d; 100 W’wths. N.Z., 15s, and 1400 at 14s lid; 1100 W’wths. Syd., 13s 7d; 100 Sutherland, 27s 6d: 200 Mt. Isa, 345: 200 N.Z. Petrol, ss. Unlisted.—2oo Clarke Petrous, 375; 600 Ind. Chemicals, 13s. WELLINGTON Yesterday.—£l42o 3t p.c. 15/6 65-66, £99 6s 3d; £3OO 31 p.c. 15/9/74, £9l 2s 6d; £2OO 5 p.c. 15/8'66-68. £lO2 15s; 400 C.8.A., •21s 6d; 400 Dom. Brew., 19s 9d, 19s Sd; 2500 N.Z. Brew., 15s 2d, 15s 3d: 600 Tul Brew., Ils 3d; 600 Gear Meat, 25s 3d, 255; 1500 N.Z. Refrig., *26s 7d, -26 s 9d; 200 N.Z. Ins.. 26s 6d; 200 Sth. Brit., 31s 7d; 300 Equitable, 15s 6d; 600 Newton King, 12s 3d; 400 Wr. Steph., 38s 6d, 38s 3d; 900 Alliance nts., *los 6d, 10s 6d; 300 Mosglel, 19s; 1200 Kaiapoi, 7s 9d; 200 Lanes Ind.. 10s 9d; 600 L.W.R.. •18s; 100 Burt, 43s 6d; 200 A. Harvey. 50s: 2300 Ampol, 10s 3d; 1000 A.C.1., 55s 6d: 900 Autocrat, •19s, 19s: 700 Bell Radio. *37s; 1300 Bing Harris, 7s Id: 100 Boral, 265; 1800 8.H.P., ’46s 9d. 475; 150 Burns Philp, 70s 9d: 900 Odlin, 21s; 500 C.P.D , 29s 6d; 700 C. Begg, 26s 6d; 100 C.S.R. N.Z., 59s 3d: 400 C. S. Wilkie, •39s 9d; 300 D.1.C., *lss; 100 Farm. Trading, 20s 6d; 250 Fleteher, 42s 6d, 200 Golden Bay. l«s 6d; 200 Hawkins, 26s 6d; 185 H. Berry. 265: 600 Ivon Watkins, 15s Bd, 16s; 300 Niven, *4os 6d; 2600 Wattle, ’2ls, 21s; 500 Lamphouse, 6s 3d; 3300 L. D. Nathan, *23s 3d, 235; 500 McKendrick, 7s Sd: 500 M. Struthers, 5s 3d; 300 Neill Cropper, 29s 3d; 150 N.Z. Farm. Fert., 565; 400 N.Z. Forest Prod., 25s 9d. and 500 pf., 10s 3d; 200 N. Refining, 32s 9d: 400 Reid Rubber, *36s, ’36s 9d; 100 R. Holt, 8s Sd; 100 R. and G.. 19s: 100 Rubber Dist., *l9s 6d; 100 Sharland, 60s; 75 Skellerup, •£< 10s; 200 Smith and Brown, "Us »d; 1300 Tasman, 50s; 200 Turnbun and Jones, 13s 3d: 1400 U.E. Box, ’123 lOd, 12s 10d, 300 ’6B nts., 10s 9d, and 100 ’67 nts., Us; 2400 Von Kohorn, 5s lid: 950 Waltons, 12s Id; 200 Wilson and Horton, 34s 9d; 1400 Wilson Cent., 29s fid, 29s 9d: 200 W’wths. Syd.. 13s 7d; 100 W’wths. N.Z., 14s lOd and 1000 nts., 12s; 200 N.Z. Petrol., 5s After Call.—soo Evening Star, 695. •Late Wednesday. CHRISTCHURCH Late Wednesday.—2oo Nat. Ins.. *lBs 3d: 100 Fea Ind., 15s 3d; 150 John Burns, 26s 3d. Yesterday.—£looo Ch. Drainage Brd. 5 p.c. 1/5/70, £lOO ss; 150 A.N.Z. Bk., 525: 1100 N.Z. Brew.. 15s 2d. and 600 at 15s 3d; 200 Westland Brew., 36s 9d: 1100 N.Z. Refrig, c.d., 26s 6d; 100 Sid. F.M. c.d., 33s 3d; 200 Waitaki Farm. Freez., 23s 6d; 1200 N.Z. Ins., 26s 3d: 1400 Kaiapoi, 7s 9d:

1000 L.W.R., 18s; 200 A, Harvey. 50s: 900 Ansett nts., 6s sd: 1300 Aust. C. Ind., 55s 6d: 300 Ballins Hotels A, 9s; 1300 Ballins Ind., 12s lid, and 500 C nts. fp., 9s; 1520 8.H.P., 46s 9d: 500 Buntings, 14s; 10 Courtaulds, 17s sd; 75 Fletcher Hold., 42s 6d; 700 Gen. Foods c.d., 17s 4d; 390 J. Burns, 26s 3d: 500 M. Struthers, 5s 3d; 500 N.Z. Forest Prod., 25s 9d; 100 N.Z. News., 73s 9d; 600 N.Z. Refin., 32s 9d; 200 Rickstan, 4s 3d; 300 Rothmans c.d., 27s 9d; 100 R. and G., 19s; 200 SPANZ, 2s 6d; 100 Tasman c.d., 50s; 400 U.E.8.. 12s lOd; 400 Von Kohorn, 5s Ud; 500 W. and T., 28s; 100 W’wths. (N.Z.) Ltd., 14s lOd: 200 Mt. Isa Mining, 335, 500 at 33s Sd. and 100 at 33s 6d; 75 McSkimming, 35s 3d; 100 Waltons, 12s 3d. DUNEDIN Late Wednesday.—2oo Wr. Steph., 38s 6d; 100 Mosglel, 19s; 300 D.1.C., 15s; 500 F.T.C., 20s 6d. Yesterday.—B3 A.N.Z., 525; 250 E.S.A., 45s 3d; 300 Dom. Brew., 19s 8d; 100 N.Z. Brew., 15s 3d, 500 at 15s 2d, and 594 at 15s Id; 200 Tui Brew., Ils 3d; 200 N.Z. Refrig., 26s 6d, and 100 nts., 255; 500 Sth. Otago, 425; 200 Waitaki. 23s 6d; 100 Sth. Brit., 31s 7d; 100 Marac, 20s 6d; 100 Alliance, 14s 6d. and 100 nts., 10s 6d; 400 K.P.G.. 7s 9d; 1600 Mosgiel (2). 19s; 100 A. Harvey, 50s: 1190 Ampol, 10s 2d, and 200 df., 7s lOd; 200 Autocrat, 19s: 20 Boral, 25s 9d; 1100 B.H.P. (5), 46s 9d; 100 C. Begg, 26s 6d; 300 Coulls, 31s; 100 D.1.C., 15s: 500 Gen. Foods (3), 17s 4d; 200 H.B. (2), 39s 3d; 400 McKend., 7s 8d; 500 Forest, 25s 9d; 100 P. Impey nts., 13s 6d; 300 R. and G.» 19s; 300 Tappenden, 25s 3d; 100 Tasman, 50s: 800 Tingey. 7s; 600 Wilson Cem., 29s 9d; 1500 W’wths. N.Z. (2), 14s lid, and 100 at 15s; 100 Mt. Isa, 345. INVERCARGILL Sales Wednesday.—loo Gen. Foods, 17s sd; 300 L.W.R., 18s; 100 Von Kohorn, 5s lOd; 75 McSkimming, 35s 6d. Yesterday.—l9oo Ampol, 10s 3d.

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Press, Volume CIV, Issue 30667, 5 February 1965, Page 15

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Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CIV, Issue 30667, 5 February 1965, Page 15

Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CIV, Issue 30667, 5 February 1965, Page 15