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Sales In New Zealand

CHRISTCHURCH Yesterday.— l Boo N.Z. Brew., 14s 7d; 200 Meat Packers, 7s 9d; 300 N.Z. Refrig., 22s 3d; 300 Southland F.M., 29s 6d; 4000 N.Z. Ins., 265; 200 Tekau, 19s 3d, and 200 at 19s; 500 Ballins Hotels A, 8s 3d; 600 Ballins Ind.., Ils 3d; 1200 Ballins Ind., rts., 2s 9d; 50 8.H.P., 455; 180 C.P.D., 28s 6d; 200 Chem. Materials, 19s; 200 Con. Plastics, 47s 9d; 100 Con. Metal Ind., 18s; 200 Cox 8r05.., Is 2d; 1040 Cyclone Ind., 9s 3d; 100 Early Bros., 15s; 200 G. J. Coles, 14s sd; 50 K.P. N.Z. Drugs, 58s; 100 N.Z. Cement G, 41s; 250 N.Z. Forest Prods., c.d., 51s, and pref., c.d., 21s; 100 N.Z. Refin., 33s 3d; 200 Rheem (N.Z.), 18s 9d; 600 Von Kohorn, 6s Id, and 633 rts., Is; 200 Waltons, Ils; 200 Whitcombe and Tombs, 37s 6d; 300 Wilkins and Davies, 25s 6d; 200 Mt. Isa, 38s 3d. AUCKLAND Late Friday.— soo Com. Aus.,21s; 200 Alliance, 15s 3d. Unlisted.— 3oo K„ Garrett, 27s 6d; 100 Winstone, 49s 9d. Yesterday.—l3oo Doni. Brew., 17s 3d; 75 A.P.A., £7; 800 N.Z. Insce , 25s 9d, and 300 S, 25s 9d; 500 S. British B, 52s 9d; 600 Meat Pack., 7s 9d; 300 S’land Meat, 29s 6d; 300 S.O. Freez., 41s; 150 Dalgety, 61s; 100 Marac, 21s 6d; 20 W„ Steph., 445; 200 Taupo Tot.. Ils 6d; 100 Alliance, 15s 3d; 100 Felt. Aus., 7s 7d; 200 Holeproof pref., 17s 3d; 400 Tekau, 19s; 100 A., T. Burt, 35s 6d; 200 A. Harvey, 47s 6d; 100 Allen Inds., 15s; 200 Ampol def., 8s 3d; 200 A.C.1., 525: 300 Bell Radio, 38s 9d; 50 B.H. Pty., 44s 6d; 300 C.P.D., 28s 6d; 400 Odlin, 20s 6d; 500 Chas. Begg, 27s 6d; 100 C.S.R. Aus., 65s 6d; 100 C.M.1., 18s; 200 C. Plastics, 47s 6d; 1000 Factors, Is 9d; 600 FTC, 21s; 300 Fletcher, 42s 9d; 100 Firth, 395; 1000 Gen. Foods. 15s 6d; 100 Hawkins, 24s 6d; 200 Innes, 43s 6d: 100 J. Burns, 28s 6d; 800 J. Wattle, 18s Id: SCT K.P. Drug, 58s; 800 L. D. Nathan, 235; 178 McKendrick, ,7s 9d: 950 McKenzies, 14s 3d; 100 Mannings, 295; 400 Mason Bros, pref., 17s 6d; .600 M., Choyce. 6s 6d; 100 M.K. Mfrs.. 9s; 100 Motor Specs., 16s 2d; 100 N., Cropper, 29s' 6d: ' 150 Fmrs. Fert., 52s 9d, and 200 B, 52s 9d; 100 F. Prods., 51s 6d; 100 N.Z. Refining, 33s 6d; 200 N. Steel, 26s 6d; 200 Rheem N.Z., 18s 9d; 900 Rickstan, ss; 200 Sanford, 15s 3d; 600 S., Brown, 12s 3d, and 200 at 12s 9d; 300|Tapp. Motors, 255; 2000 U.K. Bo!x, 13s; too Von Kohorn, 6s 3d, and 66 rts.. Is 4d; 100 Waltons, Ils 2d; 200 W., Horton, 35s 6d; 100 W. Cement, 27s 9d; 500 W'wths. N.Z., 15s 2d; 100 Carpenter, 34s 6d Unlisted.—2oo Hellaby, 755; 200 Ind. Chems. N.Z., 13s 6d; 100 Lusteroid, 345; 100 Steele Carpets, 255; 75 Winstone, 49s 9d, and 450 at

WELLINGTON Yesterday.—£9oo 4f p.c., 15/7/ 65-66, £lOl 2s 6d; £4OOO 4? p.c , 15/11/65-66, £lO2 ss; £7450 4i p.c., 15/6/65, £lOl 6s 3d; 900 Dom. Brew., 17s 3d; 500 N.Z. Brew., 14s 7d; 1400 Meat Packs., •7s 9d, 7s 9d; 700 N.Z. Refrig., 22s 3d; 300 Southland Meat. 29s 6d; 75 A.P.A. Holdings, £7; 4000 N.Z. Insce., 265; 100 Sth. British, 52s 3d; 300 Newton King, 13s 3d; 200 Wright, Steph., 445; 500 P.T.Y., *24S 9d; 300 Taupo Totara, Ils 6d; 100 Felt Aust., 7s 7d; 200 Tekau, 19s; 100 Ampol, 10s 4d; 200 A.C.1., 525; 300 Bell, 38s 9d; 100 8.0.R.A.L., 28s 9d; 300 British Office Supplies, 40s 6d; 1400 8.H.P., 44s 6d; 200 Burnett, 6s; 400 Odlin, 20s 6d; 700 C.P.D.,. 28s 6d; 350 C.S.R. Aust., *66s, 65s 6d; 100 Colonial Motor, 65s 6d; 200 Dom. Farm. Inst., 10s 3d: 100 Farm. Trading, 21s; 100 Firth Con., 395; 50 Fletcher, 42s 9d, and 200 notes, 275; 200 G. J. Coles, 14s sd; 100 Group Rentals, 25s 6d; 500 Guthrie Bowron, 33s 6d: 100 Hay's, 23s 9tl; 200 McKendrick, 7s 9d: 100 . MeSkimming, *32s 9d; 600 Milne, Choyce, 6s 6d; 500 Motor Traders, 16s; 100 Neill Cropper, 29s 6d; 150 N.Z. Forest Prod., 51s; 500 N.Z. Motor Bodies, *4os 6d: 1000 Pye Elect., *22s 3d; 600 Rheem N.Z., 18s 9d, 19s: 300 Ross and Glen., 19s; 600 Smith and Brown, *lls 6d, Ils 9d; 400 Trans. Nelson, 10s; 100 U.E. Box '6B nts., Ils 3d; 1600 Von Kohorn N.Z., *6B 3d, 6s Id, 6s 3d, and 66 rts.. Is 3d; 2401 Victoria Laundry, 13s, and 1056 B, 13s; 400 Whit, and Tombs, 37s 6d; 100 Wilk, and Davies, 25s 6d; 200 Wilsori Cement, 27s 9d; 100 Woolworths N.Z., *lss 3d. Unlisted.—7oo Barraud and Abraham, *26s 6d; 200 Winstone, 50s. After Call.—Boo N.Z. Refrig., 22s 3d; 300 Newton King, 13s 3d, and 691 ss, 6s 6d. •Late Friday. DUNEDIN Late Friday.— 4oo Bell Radio, 38s 9d: 200 Brit. Tob., 255; 400 Gen. Foods, 15s 6d; 100 G. Foods ex C, 15s 3d; 100 Sharland, 65s 6d; 400 Von Kohorn, 6s: 300 Waltons, Ils. Yesterday.— £soo, 3| per cenl Govt, stock, 15/9/65, £lOO 17s 6d; 500 C.8.A., 21s; 700 N.Z. Brew (3), 14s 7d; 500 N.Z. Refrig. (2), 22s 3d; 100 S.O. Freez., 41s; 200 Marac (2), 21s 6d; 500 N.M. B, 13s 6d; 100 U.S.S. pf., 19s 6d; 500 Ballins, rts., 2s 9d; 100 Early Bros., 15s; 100 Rheem, 18s 9d; 133 Von Kohorn, rts., Is 3d; 404 Wilkins Davies, 25s 6d. INVERCARGILL Yesterday.— 2oo Dom. Brew., 17s 4d; 166 Dunlop N.Z., 80s; 200 J. Wattle, 18s Id; 100 McKendribk Consol., 7s 9d; 100 McSkimming Ind., 32s 9d.

SYDNEY The market on the Sydney Stock Exchange yesterday showed a slight rise, the share price index being up .29. A.O.G. rose 5s to 44s 3d after the announcement of a new oil strike. Sales.— Mt. Lyell, x.d., 6s 8d; Mt. Isa, 465; B.H. Sth., 24s 9d, and M paid, 24s Id; New 8.H., 108 s; Nth. 8.H., 41s 6d, and N paid, 395; Mt. Morgan, 19s; Placer, x.d., £l6 17s 6d; Ampol Exp. 16s 9d; A.A.0., 17s; A.O. Gas, 44s 3d; Ex. Oil, 4s 6d: Mid Eastern, Is 7Jd; Oil Search, 2s lid; Planet, 2s sd; Kath. Inv., 14s lid; N.A.U.C., 3s lOd; A.N.Z. Bank, 655; Com. of Syd., 565; Com. of Aust., 25s 9d; Nat. Bank, 24s 3d: Bank N.S.W., 68s 9d; Tooheys, 12s 3d; Tooths, 113 s 6d; Assoc. Sec., 17s 4d; A.G. Corp., x.d., 16s 6d; C.A.G.A., 10s lOd; Cdst. Cred., 9s Id; M. 1295; Qld. Ins., 86s; Sth. Brit. Ins., 64s 9d; Cons. Hold., 36s 9d; J. Fairfax, 38s 3d; A. 30s 9d; Ampol Pet., 12s Id, and def., 9s lOd; Ansett, 8s lid; A.C. Ind., 625; fioral, 34s 3d; Brit. Tob., 30s 3d: 8.H.P., 53s 9d; B. Philp, 125 s 6d; Clyde Ind., 13s 3d; C.S.R., 77s 6d; D. Jones, 21s 9d; D.H.A., 39s 6d; Elder, G. M., 28s 2d; Email, 8s 8d; E.Z. Inds., 245: Feltex. 8s lOd; G. J. Coles, 17s Id; 1.C.1., 545; L. J. Hooker, 4s 7d; Myer, 36s 3d; Rothmans, x.d., 33s 9d; Waltons, 13s 2d; W’worths., 17s 6d, and notes, 16s 7d; W. R. Carpenter, 41s 6d; A. G. Healing, 8s 8d; Amal. Chem., 14s 4d; A Hordern, 10s 2d; A.N.1., 4s 7d; Blue Met. Ind., 25s 3d; Borg Warner, 38s 6d; Brambles, 25s 3d; Burns Consol., 27s 6d; Chem. Materials, 22s 9d; Cone. Ind., 8s; Containers, 30s 6d; Dalgety, 765; Dodge Consol., Ils 9d; E. A. Greenwood, 26s 6d; Fairmead, 56s 6d; G. Lodge, 10s 2d; Hanimex, 17s 8d; Hilton, 12s 6d; Humes, 725; J. Hardie, 1375; J. Lysaght, 51s 6d; Larke Consol., 14s 6d; Lend Lease, 9s 6d; L.N.C. Inds., 13s Id; Lifesavers, 36s 9d; Marrick Hold., 20s 6d; Mauri Bros., 24s 7d; Motels Aust., 6s 4d; Mould. Prod., 15s; Olims, 21s 9d: Peko W., 14s 9d; Penfolds, 16s 3d; Petro. Chem., 275; Pioneer Cone., 17s 7d; Pioneer Sug., 60s 3d, and rts., 18s 9d; Publishers, 43s 6d; Pye Ind., 23s 3d; R.M. Cone,, 15s; Sebels, 19s 6d; Talcott, 12s; Taubmans, 155.6 d; Thiess, 4s 3d; United Telecast, Ils 7d. MELBOURNE Industrials moved narrowly around steady levels in yesterday’s quiet market on the Melbourne Stock Exchange. Most notable moves were Drug Houses down 2s to 39s 6d and Pye Industries down 2s 6d to 23s after a 10 per cent fall in profits. Aust. Oil and Gas featured with a jump of 4s to 44s on news of the oil strike in Alton No. 2. Base metals were irregular. Loans were steady. Sales.— Albion, 14s; A.W.A., 30s 9d; Ampol, 12s Id, and def., 9s lOd; Ansett, 8s lOd; A.R.C. Ind., Ils 2d; Ass. Pu’lp, 31s lOd; Aust. Chem., 20s; A.C.L, 625; A.N.Z. Bank, 655; A.P.M., 36s 9d; A. V. Jenning, 14s 9d; Bank of N. 69s 3d; Boral, 345; B. 53s 6d; Carrier, 6s Id; C. 77s 9d; Comm. Bank, 25s 6d: Cox Bros., Is 6d; Dunlop, 58s 3d; Electro B, 12s Id; Email, 8s 9d; E.Z.1., 24s 3d; Factors, 2s: Feltex, 8s lOd; Gen. Inds., 12s; Gerrard, 345; G. J. Coles, 17s; Gollin, 9s 9d; G. and.Gotch, 31s; H. C. Sleigh, 10s; H. J. Jones, 955; Herald, 59s 3d; H. S Smith, 60s; 1.A.C., Ils 4d: I. 545; Ind. Bowling, 2s 6d; Kauri, 5s 2d; Kelv., 26s 3d; L. J. Hooker, 4s 7d; McPhers., 48s 6d; Macßohert., 255; Minster, 102 s: Mould. Prod., 15s 3d; Myer, 36s 6d; Myttons, 20s 3d; Nat. Bank, 24s sd; Nat. Consol., 34s 9d; N.Z. Forest, 625; Olympic, 10s; Peters V., 5s 2d; P. H. Morris, 445; Project, 6s 2d; Qld. Press, 69s 6d; Repco, 28s 6d; Rocla, 26s 6d; Swan, 31s lid; Toppa, 10s 9d: Waltons, 13s 3d; W’wths., 17s 6d, and nts., 16s 9d; Aust. 0.G., 445; B.H. Sth., 255; Mt. Isa, 45s 9d; Mt. Lyell, 6s 7d; Mt. Morgan. 18s 9d; New 8.H., 107 s; Nth.. 8.H., 41s 3d; Oil Search, 2s lid; Santos, 39s 7d; West. Mining, 24s 9d; Brolite, 335; H. Berry, 23s 6d; Pye, 235; Cub Z shares, 77s 9d.

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Press, Volume CIII, Issue 30534, 1 September 1964, Page 21

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Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CIII, Issue 30534, 1 September 1964, Page 21

Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CIII, Issue 30534, 1 September 1964, Page 21