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Sales In New Zealand

CHRISTCHURCH Yesterday.— £loso 4J p.c. 15/6/65, £102; £lOOO 5 p.c. 15/5/6668. £lOO 2s 6d: 233 Com. Bank Aust.. 225; 2250 N.Z. Brew., 14s 9d; 100 Tui Brew, c.d., 9s; 150 United Build., 20s 9d; 160 Meat Packers, 7s; 1600 Waitaki Fmrs. B 17s 6d: 100 Chch. Gas, 17s 9d; 400 Nat. Ins., 295; 200 N.Z. Ins., 26s 3d; 1250 Credit Services Invest., 8s; 150 Wr„ Stepr., 40s; 600 Taupo Totara, 10s, and 100 B, Os 6d: 1240 Barth. Timber, 29s 6d; 900 Feltex, 7s 6d; 400 Kaiapoi Petone, 7s 9d; 100 Mosgiel, 16s 9d; 1700 A.B. Cons., 5s 6d: 400 Andrews and Beaven, 50s 6d; 875 Ballins Ind., 12s 6d; 1200 Bell Radio, 365; 125 B. 255: 560 Burnetts, 5s 4d: 400 Cable Price Downer, 25s 3d; 200 Clyde Inds.. 9s 9d; 100 C. Aust, c.d., 70s; 800 Gen. Foods, 14s lid; 200 G. J. Coles, 15s 3d; 1000 L. J. Hooker, 4s 2d; 300 Mas., Struth., 4s 4d; 800 Nat. Elect., 275: 146 N.Z. Cem. M, 38s 6d; 200 N.Z. Forest Prod, c.d., 495; 500 Porter Motors, 22s 6d; 100 R and G., 18s 3d; 975 _ Rheems N.Z., 21s; 150 Skellerup ord., £6; 100 Transp. Nelson c.d., 9s. Unlisted.— l2oo Booth Macdonald, 2s.

AUCKLAND Late Thursday.— 3oo Dom. Brew., 16s lOd; 400 Ak. Gas, 6s 6d; 300 Sth. Brit., 52s and 50 B, 51s 6d; 200 Allen Inds., 16s 3d: 200 A. Wright rts., 5s 9d; 1000 Ansett notes, 6s 9d; 200 Carter Consol., 425; 472 Chas. Begg B, 24s 9d; 100 C; Plastic, 39s 6d: 600 Fletcher new, 40s 3d; 300 Hamilton H'ware.. 225; 250 K.P. Drug, 56s 3d: 300 P. Impey B, 14s 3d; 50 Pye Electron., 70s. Unlisted.— 3oo Winstone, 46s 6d, and 100 B, 465. Yesterday.— 2oo Bank N.S.W., 53s 9d; 700 Dom. Brew., 16s lOd; 500 N.Z. Brew., 14s 7d, and 200 at 14s 9d; 200 Tui Brew., 9s; 600 Westland Brew., 325; 100 N.Z. Ins., 26s 3d, 500 at 26s 6d. and 100 C, 265; 350 Sth. Brit., 525, and 250 B, 51s 6d; 300 Meat Packers, 7s 9d; SOO W., Steph., 40s; 700 Taupo Tot., 10s; 300 Bonds, 20s; 162 Kaiapoi, 7s 6d; 2700 A.B. Con., 5s 6d: 650 A. Harvey, 475; 200 A., Springhall, 545; 100 A.C.1., 51s; 100 Bell Radio, 34s and 1500 at 365; 200 Berlei, 38s 9d: 200 B. Harris A., 7s 6d; 200 8.H.P., 48s 3d: 100 Chas. Begg B. 24s 9d; 100 Con. Brick pref., 20s; 200 Cox Bros., Is 7d; 300 David Jones, 19s; 300 E. L'Stein, 17s: 100 F.T.C., 20s and 1116 rts., 5s 7d, and 540 at 5s 8d; 300 Fletcher, 40s 9d, and 600 new, 40s 3d; 700 Gen. Foods, 14s lid; 200 Coles, 15s 3d; 800 Grace Bros., 9s 4d; 900 H. J. Court, 14s 3d; 100 Sleigh, 8s 4d; 200 Leyland, 9s 6d; 200 L. D. Nathan, 20s 6d; 100 Hooker, 4s 3d and 600 at 4s 2d; 100 McKenzies, 16s; 200 Maple, 10s 6d; 400 Marine Packers, 9s; 5000 M., Choyce, B, 6s 6d; 300 M.K. Mnfrs., 8s 6d: 500 Nat. Elec., 26s 9d and 200 at 27s 3d; 275 Farmers’ Fert., 47s sd; 50 Froz. Prods., 48s 9d, 50 B,

WELLINGTON Sales.— £soo 5 p.c. 15/11/73-75, £9B ss; 200 Dom. Brew., 16s lOd; 700 N.Z. Brew., 14s 9d, 14s lid; 400 Meat Packs., 7s 6d, 7s 9d; 200 Sthld. Meat, 25s 3d: 100 Cheh. Gas, 17s 9d; 400 N.Z. Insce., 26s 3d; 100 Sth. British, »525; 750 Cred. Serv., Ss: 100 Marac, *2os 6d: 1100 Nat. Mort. B, 12s 6d: JJOO Wr. Steph., 40s Id, 40s; 200 Wr. Steph, pref., 19s 3d: 600 Taupo Totara, 10s, and 100 B, 9s 6d; 500 Alliance, 14s 6d, and 600 nts., 10s 4d, 10s 3d, 10s 4d; 900 Felt. Aust., 7s 6d; 150 Feit. N.Z., 81s 6d; 250 Alex Harvey, 47s 6d; 200 Ampol, 9s 6d. and 1000 '67 nts., 7s 2d; 400 And. and Beav., 50s 6d; 200 Arm. and Spr., 545; 200 Arnold and Wr. rts., 6s; 150 A. -51 s, 51s; 500 Ballins Ind., •12s 6d; 1900 Bell Radio, 365; 1100 Bing Harris, 7s 6d, and 300 1963 issue, 7s 2d; 300 Boral, 255; 870 B. *4Bs 3d, 48s; 1450 C. and A. Odlin, rts., ss; 400 C.P.D., 25s 3d, and 100 C pref., *lBs 3d; 900 C.S.R. Aust., *7os, 70s, 70s 3d, 70s 6d; 140 Col. Mot., 84s; 144 Coulis S. W. rts., *10s; 400 Dom. Farm. Inst., Ils 3d; 500 E.Z. Ind., 18s 3d; 150 Fletcher, 41s, and 150 new F pd., 40s 3d; 1200 Gen. Foods, 14s lid; 600 G. J. Coles, 15s 3d, 15s 4d; 600 Golden Bay, •13s 9d, 14s; 305 Hay’s rts., *ss Id; 298 K.P. N.Z. Drug, *s6s 3d, 100 L. J. Hooker, 4s Id; 300 McKenzies, 16s; 100 Mannings, 255; 100 Metters N.Z., 33s 6d; 4160 Milne and Choyce B, 6s 6d; 100 Myer, 30s 3d; 275 N.Z. Farm. Fert., 47s sd; 550 N.Z. Forest Prod., *49s, 495; 50 N.Z. Forest Prod. B, 48s 6d; 300 N.Z. Refin., 35s 6d; 600 Porter Mot., »22s 6d. 22s 6d; 150 Reid Rubber, 645; 1650 Rheem N.Z. *2ls, 21s 2d, 21s 6d, 21 9d; 100 Sanford B, 14s; 150 Skellerup, £6; 100 Trans. Nel., 9s, and 200 B, 8s 9d; 100 Truth N.Z., 56s 6d, 57s 3d; 200 U.E. Box, 12s lid, and 100 ’6B nts., Ils sd; 2300 Von Kohorn N.Z., 5s 9d, 5s Bd;_ 400 Waltons 6 p.c. nts., Ils 6d; 300 Wil. and Hort., 32s 6d; 850 W'wths., *l4s lOd, 14s lOd, and 200 nts., 14s; 100 W’wths., N.Z., 15s 6d; 500 Mt. Isa, 355. After Call.— 2oo A.B. Cons., 5s 4d. •Late sales Thursday. Correction.— Sales of 50 Colonial Motors shown yesterday at 85s should have been at 84s. — (P.A.)

48s 3d, 50 at 48s 6d, and 100 pref., 20s 9d; 100 N.Z. Retin., 35s 6d; 400 N.Z. Un. Consol., 20s: 100 N. Steel, 245; 100 Pye Electronics, 71s, 50 at 71s 3d, 50 at 71s 6d, 250 at 725, and 200 at 735; 600 R. Rubber, 645; 150 Rheem N.Z., 21s 6d, and 675 at 21s 9d; 300 Seabrook Fowlds, 27s 6d; 50 Skellerup, £6; 500 S., Brown, 12s 6d; 250 U.E. Box, 12s lid; 2900 Unit Sub., 4s 9d; 400 Von Kohorn, 5s 9d; 700 Waltons, 13s 3d; 750 W., Horton, 32s 6d; 100 W. Cement, 26s 6d; 500 W’wths., N.Z., 15s Bd, and 100 at 15s 6d.

Unlisted.— 4oo Beechey, Underwood, 23s 6d: 131 Nth. Shore Motors, 31s; 500 Pacific Forests, 8s; 100 Winstone, 46s 9d, 150 at 475, and 600 new. 46s 6d.

DUNEDIN Late Thursday.— 3oo Dom. Brew., 16s lOd, and 100 at 16s lid; 400 S’land Froz. Meat, 255; 300 Marac, 20s 6d; 300 Alliance, 14s 6d; 200 G. J. Coles, 15s 3d; 500 Fletcher new, 40s 3d; 100 Forest Prods., 495; 250 R. and G., 18s 6d. Yesterday.— soo Dom. Brew., 16s lid; 350 Hay’s rts., ss; 100 McSkimming Ind., 29s 6d; 400 Mt. Lyell, 3s 9d. Unlisted. 1576 Australian Foundation Invest., 10s 9d. INVERCARGILL Late Thursday.— soo N.Z. Refrig., 19s; 200 Sth. Brit., 525; 50 Col. Motors, 84s; 100 Col. Sugar, 70s; 59 Coulis Somm., rts., 10s 4d; IPO Early Bros., 14s 9d; 400 Factors, Is 6d; 215 Hay’s, rts., ss; 300 J. Wattie Can., 17s 9d; 100 McKendrick Consol., 6s 3d; 100 M. O'Brien, 10s 6d; 200 Wgtn. Gas, 21s 6d; 250 Mt. Isa Mines, 355; 100 N.Z. Pet. Ex., 2s. Yesterday.— soo Sthland. Froz. Meat, 255; 900 Mt. Lyell Mining Invest., 3s lOd; 150 Cable, Price, Downer, C pref., 18s 3d.

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Press, Volume CIII, Issue 30442, 16 May 1964, Page 16

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Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CIII, Issue 30442, 16 May 1964, Page 16

Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CIII, Issue 30442, 16 May 1964, Page 16