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Sales In New Zealand

CHRISTCHURCH . Sales—Yesterday:' £7OO, per cent, 15/7/62-64,.£99 10s: 930, 31 per cent,ls/9/74, £B9 55.-£3OO, 4 per cent, ■ 15/8765-46, £B9 ss;£1700,’ 5 per cent, 15/8/68-68, £lOO 12s 6d; 8400,' 5 per cent, 15/8/67-69, £lOO 7s fid: £740, 41 per cent, 15/10/65, £102; ’ £l5OO Bluff Harb. Bd. Stk„ 5 per cent, 28/11/67, £lOl ss; 500 N.Z. Brew., 13s Bd': 100 Westland Brew., 30s: 1200 Meat Pack., -78 6d<- 500 S’land F.M., 53s 6d;' 167 Chch. Gas, 19s; 100 Nat; Ins., 31s; 200 Sih. Brit. Ins., B, 52s . 90; . 349 N.Z.F. Co-op., Rs 4d: ' 18Q Alliance, 15s: 500 Kiiapoi, 8s; 100 Canes*lnd., 13s; 500 Ampol, 9s Id: 500 Ansett, 7s 6d; 500. Bing Harris A, 73 2d; 1280 •Burnett Hold., 5s 60: 190 Canty. Seed, rts., 9s 3d; 200 Clyde Ind-., 9s: 10 . Col. Sugar, 645, and 100 Aust., 645; 200 Cox Bros., 2s .50: 328 Cyclone Ind,, 9s 90: 100 Dunlop, -68 s 3d, and 66. B, 67s 9d: 700 EaA>S*iros.. 14s 6d; 100 ,E.Z. Ind., 17st 400 Fletcher Hold.; .41s 3d; 900 Froren Prod.; 3s; 400 Hallensteln Bros., 40s 6d; 100 J. J." Niven,! 445; 150 K.P. N.Z. Drugs, 535r100 L. J. Hooker; 4s; 100 M.C.P., 6s 3d; 100 McLeod-, 555: 200 Metters, N.Z.; 33s . 6d; ■ ibo . N.Z. Forest Prod., 47S 9d, and 182- at -47 s fid; 300 N.Z. News., 61s 60; 100 N.Z. Refining, 375;. 100 Porter Mtrs., 19s 3d; 500 R. and E. -TingeV. 6s 80; 100 Reid Rub., 58s; 100 .Steellerup Ord,, £5 18s 60; 100 Tasman. 395: tOO U.E.B:, 12s 4d; 108 V’pac. -Wgtn., 355; -200 Von KohOTn, 5s 7d; 100 Wilkins and Davies, 2.45: 400.W’wtfliL- (N.ZJ, 15s, and 140 nts.. 128;/ 200 Mt. Isa, 35s #d; 590- B.H. -Sftj,, 17s 6d. AUCKLAND Sales.—Late Thursday: 100 Till Brew., 9S-70: 300 N.Z. Ins., 275: 200 Felt? Aust., 7s; 500 A.B: Con., 5s 2d: 300. Ampel. 9s 2d: *lOOO Cox' Brothers,- 2s. 50: 200 Fletcher, nts., 25s yd; 1590 Froi. Pjrods., 3s; 50■ I.C.L, 465; 500 McKfind.; B. 6s 6d; 100 Tapp, Motors, 235:- -200 Tasman, 395; 800 U.K. Box, 12s 4d, and 600 ■6B..n’ts„ 9s 80; 200 Waltons, 13s fid: 400 w’wths., 14s iod: ioo -Mt. isa;-365: Unllsted.-r-200. Winstoiie, -new, 48s. ’ • • \ Sales. yesterday: . £l2OO 15/6/86-67, 44 p.c., £100: 200 Dem.. Brew., 16s 8d: ZOO-. N.Z. Brew., 13s Bd, and 100 at 13s 9d; < 40fiTut Brew./ 9s 6d; 1100 N.Z, Ins., 275. and .400-C, .268 6d; 50 Sth. Bttt., 535,. and 400 R, .«2s_9d: 200 W.; Steph., 4fiS:. .100 P.T.Yi, 21S 9d; 200 Lanet, .138; 300 A.B, Cort.-. 5s 2d-, 350 A, HfirW.- 465; 2300 Ampol •«L.; 6s. fid; 100 A. 53s 3d;. 100 ,Bell Badlo, 29s'. 9d; 300' Brents, ?-4?s; 100. B. 48s: ‘ 1100 Carter Qonsol., 39s;\fiU0 C,§.R.. AusU 6»k: l«0Q Early. Bros-, 14s 6d; 500 j\.T.C„ tOs ,3d; 308 Retcher, 41s. 300. at 41s 3d, and 300 at’4ls; SOO Cole£, 15s 7d; ,100 Hiltaes,- 84s 9d; 100 LCd * 465; 1400? J. Wattle, 17s 8d; 1300 Hooker, 4s id; 106 Mannings, 24s 9'd; UOfi MapU, iOs; .100 Marine Pack., fis; 209 lasQn Bros., 39s 6d: 200 M. Choyce,.. Bs-10d, and 600-- B, 6s 70? 800 M.K. Mfrr„ Os-sd; 100 Mothr Spies., 13V fid; -J00 -Myer, 31s; 800 M. Cropper, 24k ,3d; 100 Froe. Pro«fc.-. 47e Mt; YoO NX News'., 60s;. 360 N. Steam. M 6d; JOO P. Impey h'ts., Ils: 100 Seibrook FowldS; 24s 9d; 500 JSkelL.a, aiMf 10« at -£5 18s fid; -. 100

Tasman; 30s: JOO'U.E. BOx; 12s id.-arid lloe '6B nts.) 9s O'd;- 200 Von Kohorn, 5s 80; 200 W. Her-' ton, 295; .660 W, CfemeJit;'23B 30. and 200 8.-22 s 9d; 40a VFwths.; In:?.; . 140 00;. ido w'wths... nfe., ips 00; 300 Carpentei;, ’ 28s 00. Unnoted;—lso Helliby’. ’59 iso., Ms td. . ano 50 iMsA'Wte .

WELLINGTON .- Sales.—£6so 3- p.c., 15/7/6365, £9B 10s; £430,'3} p.C., 15/9/74, £B9 ss; £4OOO, 4f -p.-C., 15/8/6769/ £99 ss; £2200, 5 p.C.-» 15/8/6668, £lOO 12s 6d; £9OO, 5 p.c„ 15/8/67-69, £lOO 7s 6d; £5OO, Taranaki Harb. Bd„ 5 .p.e,, stock, 1/7/68, £l6O Us 6d; 150 A.N.Z. Bank, 555. 3d; 500 Dorn.; Brew.', 16s 8d; 800 N.Z. Brew., 138 8d; 109 Taranaki Brew., 9s l.Od; 167 Chch. Gas, 19s; 395. N.Z. Insurance, *27s, 208 B, -*26s 9d,-and--100 C, 26s 6d; 50 Sth.. Brit., 535, and 150 B, 52s 9d; 800 Nat. Mort.B, 138; 300 Wright, Steph., 40s; 200-Alliance, 15st 100 Felt. N.Z., 80s, *80s; 200’Kaiapoi, -8s; 200 Lanes Ind., 13s; 300 Lane W.R., 18s 9d; 300 A.B, Consol.: 5s 2d; 500 AinpoL 9s, 200 def., full pd-, 6s 6d, and 200 ’67. nts.,-7s 2d; 1100 B, Harris, .7s Id, 7s 2d; 200 Brit, Off., :35s 6d’, and 450 rts„ Bs, :8s 3d; 50 8.H.P., 48s; . 200 C. 25s 9d; 200- Chas. Begg, 21s 6d; 500 C.S.R., Aust., 645; 328 Cyclone Ind’., 9s 9d; 200 Dunlop, N.Z., 68S 3d, and B, 675. «d: 400 Early Bros;, 14s. 6d; 4'oo Farm. Trading, 20s 3d; 200 Fashions, 13s; 300 Fletcher, 41s 3d; 500 Fror. Prods., ■ 3si . 500’ G. J. Coles, 15s 9d; 100. Ivon Watkins,. 14S; 100 J. J. Niven, ■44 s; 400 L. J. Hooker, 48’ 10;. ■4OO McKenzies, *lss; 100 McLeod, 555; 100-M.C.P’., 6s 3d; 200-Maple,. 108; 200 Mason Bros., -39 s fid: 200 Matters, 33s 6d; 200. Motor Specs., 13s fid; 550. N.Z. Forest Prbds., 47s fid, 200 B, *47s 3d, 47s 3d,, and 300- pf„ 20s 4d;. iOO N;Z: Refin.,' 375: 100 Porter Motors, 19s- 3d; 1000 5,P,A.N.Z,;. , 35i 109 Tasman, 395; 400 Turnbull and Jones; deb., 9’s f 1300 U.E. Box, *l2B 4d. 12s fid; and 1400 ’6B nts., •9s Bd, 9s 9d; 200 vibrapaif, Wgtn., 355; 1500- Von Kohorn, ‘ss 7d, 5s 8d; 500 Waltons,; 13s sd; 200 Wil;, and Horton, 295;- 100 Wilkins' and Davies, 245; 200 W’wths., *l4s. lOd; 1000 W’wths,; N.Z., *lss, 15s; -200 W. R.- Carp,,. •28s fid:' 100 .Mt. :Isa, 35s 9d; 100 N.Z.-Eetrot„ 2s'6d. ' Unlisted.—loo R. and W; Hellaby, •fita fid; 183 WgUi. Pub: A. •03, ,91 £23, -91 V, *£23, and 4? rts., «15 10s. : 'Sales After Call.—loo Fletcher,, p.p'.,. 25s;* 400 Mf. Isa; 35s fid. ■’ •Lfite-sales ThursUay.

, DUNEDIN ■ ■- ' Salp*.—Late- ■’.Ttiursday: •>l’so N*.Z.’Btew.,‘ 134.70; 350 Ampql, Os- 20, ano ’5?O «.. 4s; 500 Cox Bros;.;2si80; .100. U-B. Box; Us 4d; .iso ya: isa, ’3fcs; •, . Unlisted.—lfs' Wgtn. ” FuK,’ £23. and .05 B, at. • . . ;Sales.-t-Yesterday:.£2oo,- J; p. 0.-, 15/5/64-00,,£98;-£3OO 5 pa=...Tasman, 80/9/64, ■ £lOO lOsl 50 e.F.M.,’ 41sf 100 Soiithland*Fr<lz,, 23s ad,-, 500 WaiU>l A; ,17s. pd? 400 Nat. Ins.. 31st MO. Alliance, 15s; lOo.MosgiOl,.' 17h;-200 Fartrions,' 13s; 100 5- Watties,? 17s 9d; 100 N.Z? ‘ NOwspanere, ,00s; 200 O Dlli », 39k JO: 200 Ke4d Rtrbber, 58s; 200 B< arfd G., 18$ Bd;< 500 V:e;> Box. ids- 40; 100 -WHson. Content/-23a.6d. /-. . .

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Press, Volume CIII, Issue 30396, 21 March 1964, Page 20

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Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CIII, Issue 30396, 21 March 1964, Page 20

Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CIII, Issue 30396, 21 March 1964, Page 20