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Values For Southdown Rams Decline Sharply

Values for Southdown rams declined sharply by about 25 per cent, on last year’s sale who* the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association’s stud ram fair was held at Addington Show Grounds yesterday. In contrast, the average level of values for Corriedales was higher by almost 27 per cent

Even the best Southdowns were cheaper and rams from the Punchbowl stud of H. J. Andrew, of Maheno, which have dominated the sale in recent years, again topped the sale but made distinctly lower prices.

Top price of the Southdown section and of the whole fair was 950 guineas paid to Mr Andrew by, an Oamaru buyer. Two other Maheno rams sold for 800 guineas. Last year these rams sold up to 2000 guineas and two years ago to 3100 guineas.

In most sections buyers once again showed most interest in the sheep of a few studs and thereafter passings •were frequent. Less than half of the Southdowns were sold a* auction with the numbers sold under the hammer being about the same as last year. Trading generally was fairly restrained. Only in the Romney section was a price higher than last year paid.

Compared with last year’s sale Southdown rams were on average about 47 guineas cheaper, Romney Marsh were almost steady on last year with more rams being sold. Border Leicester's averaged almost ») guineas lower and English Leicester's were back by about eight guineas. On the other hand. Corriedales improved on last year’s average by about 26 guineas and South Suffolks, with a small offering, averaged about 5 guineas better. While most of the rams offered were from South Island sources a few Southdowns and one Romney from the North Island were entered for the fair, and in the Southdown, Border Leicester, English Leicester and Romney sections occasional soles were made to North Island interests. The over-all entry for the fair was 405 which was only slightly below last year’s tally of 424 and the 435 entered in 1959, which is believed to be the largest entry for the fair since separate flock and stud fairs were instituted in 1941. Details of the entries were (with last year’s figures in parenthesis): Southdown 170 (177), Corriedale 55 (66), Border Leicester 66 (65). English Leicester 33 (39), Romney Marsh 51 (42), South Suffolk 11 (18), Dorset Down 5 (nil). Lincoln 11 (12), Dorset Horn 2 (1), Ryelaod 1 (1), Poll Dorset nil (1), and Hampshire Down nil (2). The entry of registered ewes was smaller at 143 heed compared with 372 last year. It included: Southdown 100 (240), Border Leicester 26 ( 54). Dorset Down 17 (nil) and South Suffolk nil (78). SOUTHDOWNS The Southdown sale was rather disappointing with values down by about 25 per cent, on last year. Even for the top rams in foe selection buyers had dropped then- Limits sharply and there were none of the fancy prices that have been paid at the last two sales. Though bringing easily the highest prices of the section the Punchbowl rams of H. J. Andrew of Maheno were selling at much lower levels than last year. For 11 of these rams sold at auction at prices ranging from 200 to 950 guineas the average price of 557 guineas for the teem was down about 22 per cent, on last year. Last year the top price for a Punchbowl ram was 2000gns. which has been bettered only once before st this fair In 1961 when a Maheno ram reached a world record price of 3100gns With the sale of 75 one-shear registered Southdown ewes for a total of 1822)gns total proceeds of the sale of Punchbowl sheep for the day amounted to just under SOOOgns. Mr Andrew’s n rams actually earned well over half of the proceeds of the ram sale—6l2sm* out of a total of 'O.3*77gn* The catalogued entry of Southdown rams at 170 was similar in size to last year and as was the case Last year just under half of these found buyer* at auction For the 74 sold compared with 78 last rear the average price was about 140m* which was about 47gns or 25 per cent lower than last year. If the Punchbow) rams were excluded from these figures the average for the remaining S 3 ram* would be only 67 ms Buyers once more proved fairly selective and after the sheep of the better known studs had come forward there was a procession of passings This was particularly the ease to the first run with few sales being made in the closing stages Over the second run there was • rather better spread of sales but the level of prices was lower Thirty-five rams sold in the first run averaged ITSJgns. while in the second run 39 made between only 107 and lOOgns. Apart from the Punchbow! ram* selMng to 950gns, the best of other vendors' rams made from lOOgn* to 340gn*. with good ram* at 90 to about IBOgns. and average at 40 to TOgns The too-priced ram of the day was the first to be sold and it went to J. A. Brown (Oamaru) Punchbowl rams were also bought at 800gns by D H. Robertson and Companv ■Merry-down*. Gore, and J H fe»r»|rn Feildina J D and W

T. Robertson, of Merryvale. Gore, bought a Maheno ram for 750 guns. Outside the Punchbowl rams the highest price *a« 340gns for a ram from the Burnfoot stud of A. D. Wyllle (Omihi) which was bought by W. E. Moorhead (Southbridge). J. D. and W. T. Robertson also made sales of two rams each at 200gns to Dalgety and New Zealand Loan, Ltd. (New Plymouth) on account of R. G. Toptoss and to J. Brown (Ashburton).

Nearly an vendors recorded sharply lower averages tor their entries than last year. An exception was A. D. Wyllie who averaged 170gns for three selling from 70 to MOgns when last year for two his average was 150gns. For seven ranging from 90 to 200gns J. D and W. T. Robertson averaged 137gns compared with 178 l-3gns for six a year ago. C. A. Adams (Greendale) with seven at 50 to 150gns averaged 79gns. whereas last year his average for six was 108 l-3gns. J. Petrie and Sons. Eyredale, Swannanoa, sold four at an average of 69gns with sales art 321 to 130gns. and J. C. Medlicott and Sons (Waimate) making from 40 to llOgns averaged 68gns for five compared with 176gns for four last year. Two rams from B Jones, Riata, Masterton. rangit* from 60 to 75gns averaged 67Jgns. Southdown Ewes The entry of registered Southdown ewes was less than half the size of last year at 100 head. A large part of the entry came from the Punchbowl Stud and ranging from 15 to 55gns the 75 one-shear ewes from Mr Andrew averaged 24 l-3gns. which was a fraction under the 251 gns average for 148 last year. Top price was paid by J. C. Medlicott (Waimate). When the sale of the Maheno ewes was completed values dropped away sharply with prices falling to 5 and 6gns a head. T. E. M. Brooks (Brookside) sold 10 at 6gn* each and D. C. McMillan, Lochaber, Irwell, sold 10 at sgns each. The 95 sold over the whole sale averaged 20 l-3gns, compared with 20gn* for 203 last year. Corriedales The Corriedale section was the only one to show any Improvement in the sale and 17 out of the 52 rams offered were sold to average 123.4gns compared with 24 out of 60 last year which averaged 97gns. While there were many passings and competition was lacking on many of the entries, the sale was probably in line with vendors' expectations. The Coniston stud of Robert Robinson (Ashburton) was again to the fore and secured the top price for the third year in succession. This year it was considerably lower than the 450gn* paid at the last two fairs for his top ram. On behalf of R. J. Crutchley (Patearoa). the National Mortgage and Agency Company. Ltd., bought the top ram at 275gn* and a second Coniston ram was bought at 220gns bv Mathias Views, Ltd. (Waipiata). The latter buyer, Mr I. Mathias, bought the previous 450gns rams. The Coniston average for three was 206.3gn5. F. C Ridgen (Greendale) averaged 165gns for two and these were by the same Longbeach sire as the 220gns Coniston ram. R. H. Branch (Methven) sold an Ardmore ram at 200gns to □. S. Johns (Cuiverden) and averaged 147jgn* for two. Three rams from A. H. Kennington (Seddon) averaged 88.3gns. A single sale of a Clifton ram at 200gns was made by J. F. G. Blakely (Waikari) to J. H. F. Barton (Ashburton). Romneys The Romney Marsh sale was characterised by some fairly good competition on the better sheep and 20 rains were sold out of the offering of 48 at an average of 162Jgns, compared with 15 out of 36 which averaged 164Jgns last year. Demand centred on the best sheep from the top breeders and buyers tended to have their definite limits. The top price of 400gns was again paid for a Merryvale ram from J. D. and W. T. Robertson (Gore), whose top price last year was 360gns It was bought by T. Davies (Chirwell). "file Robertson brothers sold a second ram at 250gns to the estate E. S. Taylor (woodend), and their average for the two was 325gns. The next highest average was secured by D. H. Robertson of the Merrydowns Stud (Gore), and was 268]gn* for four, with a top price of 300gns which was paid by Wright. Stephenson and Company. Ltd., Palmerston North acting a* agents. R. W. Oakley (Ashburton) averaged 116 Sgns for three and Raymond Oakley (Ashburton) averaged 103gns for five. G. S. Giddings (Fairlie) averaged 135gns for two. with a top sale at IBOgns. and F. H. Chittock (Lincoln) had a sale at 140gns. A North Island entry from K. M. Allan (Masterton) realised llOgns. Border Leicester* Th* Border Leicester sale was again slow and dragging, with very little interest shown by a small gallery which consisted mainly of stock agents and vendors, and this was reflected in the average price, which was well down on last year for fewer sheep sold. Of the 64 rams offered only W were old *t an average nrice

of 56Jgns, compared with 25 last year which averaged 76gns. The top price of 105gns, paid to M. E. Gaffaney, of Seadown, by H. W. Farquhar (Culverden), was half the top price of 210gns realised last year by the Westmere Farming Company (Ashburton). Mr Gaffaney also secured the best average of 74gns for three. R. J. Low and Sons (Highbank) averaged 68]gns for two with a top price of lOOgns paid by E. J. Croy (Ashburton). The estate of W. B. Scott (Coldstream) averaged 61.6gns for three with a sale at aligns to R. F. Jolly (Te Awamutu) and the Westmere Farming Company averaged 63]gns for two. Of 26 registered Border Leicester ewe* that were offered. 18 were sold at 7gns to Sgns to a Tauranga purchaser. The rest were passed.

English Leicester* The English Leicester average was also well down on last year, and the 18 sold out of the offering of 32 averaged just under 44i4gns, compared with nearly 53gns for 14 last year. There seemed, however, to be a bit more competition and a slightly stronger demand. The top price of BOgns was paid by Reid Bros. (Darfield) for an Aberdeen ram from R. J. Low and Sons (Highbank). They also sold one at 57 l ,4gns to the estate F. M. Young (Winchester). The Aberdeen average for seven rams sold was just under 48gns. The estate James Reid Ltd. (Darfield) sold one at 62l4gns to L. R. C. Macfarlane (Culverden), and averaged 43gns for three, and Bennett Bros. (Wakanui) averaged 43?4gna for two. The estate E. S. Taylor (Woodend) averaged 411gns for the six Ravenswood sales and sold one at 55gns to Bennett Bros, and one at 52’.4 gns to L. E. Bradley, of Onga Onga, Hawke’s Bay. Lincolns There were three sales of Lincolns at 75gns, 40gns and 35gns out of the offering of 10, and the top price was paid by Richmond Brook (Seddon) to W. M. Bishell and Sons (Blenheim). Last year five sold out of 11 offered to average 32gns. South Suffolks Three out of 10 South Suffolks found buyers at auction and these making from 32(4 to 40 guineas averaged 37 guineas compared with 32 guineas for five last year. The highest price of 40 guineas was paid by Mrs M. L. Croy (Coopers Creek) for a ram from H. C. Vanstone (Little River). Two Dorset Downs out of four offered each sold for 35 guineas. They were from the Littledown Trust (West Eyreton) and were purchased by Dalgety and New Zealand Loan, Ltd.. Ashburton, and J. G. Collin (Greendale). Neither of the two Dorset Horns offered found buyers at auction, and the only Ryeland ram offered failed to find a buyer at auction. Dorset Down Ewes All of the 17 Dorset Down oneshear and mixed-aged ewes came from J. Boyd-Clark. Darenal Estate, Amberley. These met a brisk Inquiry, the entry selling from 60 to 100 guineas for one shears and 40 to 65 guineas for mixed aged ewes. Oliver Bros., of Hororata paid the top money for the oneshears. For the 17 ewes the average for the sale was almost 68 guineas. Details of sales were (buyers' names being shown in parenthesis): — SOUTHDOWN Dalgety and New Zealand Loan, Ltd, sold on account of: H. J. Andrew, Makeno: 1 at 950gns (J. A. Brown, Oamaru); 1 at 550gns (R. O. and H. W. Pannett, Invercargill); 1 at aoogns (J. H. Bartlett. Fellding). J. C. Medlicott and son, Waimate: 1 at 60gns (A. J. Hay, Waimate); 1 at 40gns (G. H. Campbell, Waimate). J. D. and W. T. Robertson, Gore: 1 at 200gns (R. G. Topliss. New Plymouth); 1 at 120gns (I. W. and C. J. Wilson, Highbank); 1 at 150gns (R. G. Topliss, New Plymouth). A. D. Wyllie. Omihi: 1 at 340gns (W. E. Moorhead, Southbridge). W. J. Dysart, Seddon: 1 at 45gns (L R. Macaulay, Milford); 1 at 35gns (C. Seaton, Dunsandel); 1 at 32Jgns (R. W. Hollis. Rakaia). Stoneylea Farm, Ltd, Greendale: 1 at 35gns (J. D. Wyllie) Omihi). R. S. Dysart, Seddon: 1 at 45gns (D. Lochhead). L. J. McLauchlan, Blenheim: 1 at 40gns (C. G. Verity. Waimate). I. M. Jordan, Blenheim: 1 at 40gns (T. L. Jenkins, Sheffield); 1 at 40gns (G. A. Harrison, Springbank). B. Jones, Masterton; 1 at 75gns (T. G. Callaghan. Rakaia); 1 at 60gns (J. Beckett, Cheviot). D. C. McMillan (Irwell): 1 at 55gns (Mrs A. S. Bailey and Sons. Springston). C. A. Adams, Greendale: 1 at 150gns (G. L. and D. R. Crooks and B. J. Dailey, Hawke’s Bay). K. H. A. Langridge. Seddon: 1 at 35gns (E. A. Harrison. Cheviot). National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd., and H. Matson and Company sold on account of: H. J. Andrew, Makeno: 1 at 750gns (J. D. and W. T. Robertson. Gore); 1 at 250gns (S. J. Cowens. West Eyreton); 1 at 675gns (D C. McMillan and T. E. M. Brooks). D. C. McMillan, Irwell: 1 at 60gns (I. A. Hammond, Blenheim). C. A. Adams. Greendale: 1 at 90gns (G. A. Harrison, Springbank): 1 at SOgns (D. Crawford. Ashburton). J. D. and W. T. Robertson. Gore: 1 at 90gns (G. H. Weggery. Palmerston North); 1 at lOOgns (C. McLeod. Wellington). J. Petrie and Sons. Swannanoa: 1 at 55gns (N. Mclntosh, Rotherham); 1 at IBOgns (D and G. Winter. Invercargill). Stoneylea Farm, Ltd, Greendale: 1 at 40gn* (J. Deans Homebush). T. E. M. Brooks. Brookside: 1 at 36gn* (D. J. Ford. Ashburton) K. M Dysart. Seddon: 1 at 32}gna (J. G. Crawford, Ashburton). J. A. Ferguson, Lumsden; 1 at (Mgns (C. McLeod. Weilington); I at SOgns (H. Goodson. Temuka). J. C Medlicott and Son. WMmate: 1 at SOgns (Mr* A. S Bailey and Sons. Springston). A. D. WylMe, Omihi: 1 « lOOgns (J I. John*, Culvertan). K. H. A. Lwwridge, Seddon: 1 at 65gns (B. E Jarman, Dar» field). W J. Dysart. Seddon: 1 at 3Signs (W. J. Smith. Femride). E. J. Wtxyte. Waipan: 1 at 35gns (C. P. Wrighti ASbborton). R. J. Low and Sons, Highbank: 1 at 37igns (J. R. Elliott. Oamaru). B. Jones. Masterton: 1 at 35gns (D. Deans and Son. Darfield). R. L. A. McMillan, Irwell: 1 at Mens (K. and L. Brosnan, FernsWe). Pyne, Gould, Gulnnet* Ltd, *old on account of: H. J. Andrew, Maheno: 1 at 400gns (J. Petrie); 1 at SSOgns (J. McCarroll. Tauranga). C. A. Adams. Greendale: 1 at 80gm (B. A. Beveridge, Martinborough) K. H. A. Langridg*. Seddon: 1 at 45gn* (D Lockhead. Southbridge); 1 at 35gn* (G. 3. Fort. Ashburton). L. A. and E. 3. Chistey,

Southtoridge: 1 at 35gns (Scott Bros, Dunsandel); 1 at 40gns (D. I. & G. W. Wright, Cheviot). I. M. Jordan, Blenheim: 1 at 40gns (Watt and Lindores, Ashburton). D. H. Robertson. Gore: 1 at lOOgns (Braemar Farm, Rangitata). W. J. Dysart, Seddon: 1 at 32>,igita (W. Fitzgibbon, Cheviot). J. Petrie and Sons, Swannanoa: 1 at 60gns (W. Band, Halkett). Stoneylea Farm, Ltd, Greendale: 1 at 45gns (C. W. Stott, Darfield). T. E. M. Brooks, Brookside: 1 at 40gns (P. J. and H. C. Abbott, Southbridge). D. J. Petrie, Amberley: 1 at 32Vagns (G. A. Harrison, Springbank). R. S. Dysart, Seddon: 1 at 32>4gns (V. J. Corbett, Kaikoura). K. M. Dysart, Seddon: 1 at 32> z2 gns (S. Henderson, Kaituna). New Zealand Farmers’ Cooperative Association, Ltd., sold on account of:— H. J. Andrew, Maheno: 1 at 500gns (Rayner Estate, Masterton). 1 at SOOgns (D. H. Robertson and Company, Gore). 1 at 200gns (I. P. Chamberlain and Company, Burnham). J. C. sledllcott and Son, Waimate: 1 at 70gns (I. Mangin, Metliven), 1 at llOgns (J. Lilley, Methven). D. C. McMillan, Irwell: 1 at 60gns (W. M. Gilbert Springstort), 1 at 50gns. C. A. Adams, Greendale: 1 at 65gns (R. G. and R. E. Allan, Southbridge), 1 at 50gns (G. Limbrick, Methven). J. D. and W. T. Robertson, Gore: 1 at 200gns (J. Brown, Ashburton), 1 at 100gns» (R. L. A. McMillan, Irwell). A. D. Wyllie. Omihi: 1 at TOgns (P. Gibb, Wakefield). K. H. A. Langridge. Seddon: 1 at 75gns (Scott Bros., Dunsandel). N. J. Early and E. A. Lock, Ashburton: 1 at 40gns (G. Fraser, Ashburton) 1 at 35gns (F. Watson and Son, Waikuku). J. Petrie and Sons. Swannanoa: 1 at 32',igns (M. E. Jenkins. Darfield). SOUTH SUFFOLK National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd., and H. Matson and Company, sold on account of:— H. C. Vanstone, Little River: 1 at 40gns (Mrs M. L. Croy. Coopers Creek). Dalgety and New Zealand Loan, Ltd., sold on account of:— H. C. Vanstone, Little River: 1 at 371'agns (G. Loe, Darfield). Pyne, Gould, Guinness Ltd., sold on account of:— H. C. Vanstone, Little River: 1 at 32(4gns (V. J. Corbett. Kaikoura). DORSET DOWN Dalgety and New Zealand Loan, Ltd., sold on account of:— Uttledown Trust, West Eyreton: 1 at 35gns (Dalgety and New Zealand Loan, Ashburton, as agents). New Zealand Farmers* Cooperative Association, Ltd., sold on account of:— Littledown Trust, West Eyreton: 1 at 35gns (J. G. Collin. Greendale). BORDER LEICESTER N.Z. Farmers’ Co-op. Assn., Ltd. sold on account of: R. J. Low and Sons, Rakaia: 1 at lOOgns (E. J. Croy Arilburton). M. E. Gaffaney, Tirnaru: 1 at 32H.gns (R. F. Jolly, .Te Awamutu). Estate W. B. Scott, Ashburton : 1 at 55gns (P, H. Letham, Ashburton). P. G. Morrison, Darfield: 1 at 47(4gns (H. Barton. Seddon). R. S. and R M. Hart, Christchurch: 1 at 70gns (McDowell Bros. Ashburton). Pyne. Gould, Guinness Ltd., sold on account of: J. G. Gunn, Darfield: 1 at 35gns (J G. Sinclair, Pahlatua). R. S. Gunn, Darfield: 1 at 32ligns (D. R. Langley, Rakaia). Westmere Farming Company, Ltd. Ashburton: 1 at 47(4gns (R. Petrie Ashburton). R. E. Gunn. Darfield: 1 at 32'lgns (A. J. Wright, Hunitly). M. E. Gaffaney. Timaru: 1 at 105gns (H W Farquhar, Culverden) Dalgety and N.Z. Loan, Ltd., sold on account of: Estate W B. Scott, Ashburton: 1 at 95gns (R. F. Jolly, Te AWacnutu); 1 at 35gn* (S. J Blair Waimate). Westmere Farming Company, Ltd. Ashburton: 1 at 80gns (WHltams and Kettle, Dannevtrke. as agents) R. J. Low and Sons Rakaia: 1 at 37lign* (Wright Stephenson and Company Blenheim, as agents) E. J. Croy. Ashburton: 1 at 40gns (C. C. Wells. Oxford). H. W. Farquhar, Culverden: 1 at 40gns (Hickman Bros.. Ward) National Mortgage and Agency Co., Ltd., and H. Matson and Co., sold on account'of: M. E. Gaffaney. Timaru: 1 at 85gns (J. B Blair, Outrara). > J. D. Gunn, Darfield: 1 at 47l4gns (S. G. Higgins. Wakefield). Stoneylea Farm, Ltd., Greendale: 1 at 35gns (3. Reid and Company. Oamaru). D. S. Gunn, Darfield: 1 at 7214*00 (R. M. Wallace Waipara). LINCOLN Dalgety and N.Z. Loan, Ltd., •old on account of: C. H. N. Godsiff and Son, Picton: 1 at 40gns (Dalgety and N.Z. Loan, Ltd.. Balclutha. agents). N. Farmers’ Co-op. Association, Ltd, sold on account of: W. M. Bishell and Son, Blenheim: 1 at 75gns (Ridunond Brook, Seddon). Pyne, Gould, Guinness Ltd, sold on account of: W. M. BisheU and Son, Blenheim: 1 at 35gns (Closeburn Farm. Ltd.. Patearoa). ROMNEY Dalgety and- NX. Loan, Ltd, sold on account of: J. R. and W. T. Robertson and Company, Gore: 1 at 25Cgns (estate E. S. Taylor, Woodend). R. W. Oakley, Ashburton: 2 at lOOgna (R. S. Clayton, Ashburton). D. H. Robertson and Company, Gore: 1 at SOOgns (Wright Stephenson and Company. Palmerston North, agents); 1 at 3logns (W. R. Hunt, Waverley); 1 at 279gns (Wright Stephenson and Company, Masterton. agents). C. T. Burrows, Culverden: I

at 80gn.3 (estate S. Heffernan, Middlernarch). K. M. Allan, Masterton: 1 at llOgns (T. Davies, Charwell). Raymond Oakley, Ashburton: 1 at lOOgns (Dalgety and N.Z. Loan, Ltd., agents); 1 at 95gns (Totty Brothers, Ashburton). N.Z. Farmers’ Co-op. Association, Ltd, sold on account of: Raymond Oakley. Ashburton: 1 at 120gns (A. D. and M Lamas). A. A. Boon, Ashley: 1 at 65gns (J. N. Brenssell and Sons, Heriot). G. S. Giddings, Fairlie: 1 at IBOgns (C. Curtis, Fairlie). Pyne, Gould, Guinness Ltd, sold on account of: Raymond Oakley, Ashburton: 1 at lOOgns (H. F. Watson. Murchison). R. H. Robertson and Company, Gore: 1 at 195gns estate S. E. Heffernan, Middlemarch). R. W. Oakley, Ashburton: 1 at 150gns (Manganhoane Station, Taihape). National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd, and H. Matson and Company, sold on account of: Raymond Oakley. Ashburton: 1 at lOOgns (P. A. and H. C. Deans, Rangiora). J. D. and W T. Robertson and Company, Gore: 1 at 400gns. (T. Davies. Charwell). G. S. Giddings, Fairlie: 1 at 90gns. (Pyne Gould, Guinness Ltd., agents.) F. H. Chittock, Lincoln: 1 at 140gns. (Wairarapa Farmers’ Co-operative Association, Ltd., Masterton.) CORRIEDALE National Mortgage and Agency and Company, Ltd, and H. Matson and Company, sold on account of: R. H. Branch, Ashburton: 1 at ZOOgns (D. G. Johns. Culverden). A. H. Kennington, Ltd, Seddon: 1 at 150gns (C. G. Gardner Emu Downs). Robert Robinson, Ashburton: 1 at 130gns (C. G. Gardner. Hknu Downs). W. O. Ross Hakataramea: 1 at 40gns (D. Marshall. Killinchy). Dalgety and New Zealand Loan, Ltd, sold on account of: Robert Robinson, Ashburton: 1 at 220gns (Mathias Views, Ltd., Waipiata); 1 at 275gns (National Mortgage and Agency Company. Ltd, Ranfurly. agent). F. C. Ridgen. Christchurch: 1 at IBOgns (C. G. Robinson, Te Pirita); 1 at ,150gns (M. R. Petrie. Swannanoa). W. Dampler-Crossley, Parnassus: 1 at 60gns (H. D. Greenwood. Teviotdale). G. A. Hutton. Darfield: 1 at llOgns (estate A. Gillanders, Domett). W. R. E. and F. E. Booker, Hawarden: 1 at 85gns (National Mortgage and Agency Company. Ltd., agents). New Zealand Farmers’ Co-op-erative Association Ltd, sold on account of: R. H. Branch, Ashburton: 1 at 95gns (Littledown Trust, West Eyreton). J F. G. Blakely. Waikari: 1 at 200gns (J. H. F. Barton Ashburton). Pyne. Gould, Guinness Ltd, sold on account of: A. H. Kennington, Ltd, Seddon: 1 at 40gns (D. Marshall, Killinchy); 1 at 75 gns (Hawkswood Estate, Hawkswood). Miss J. Dampier-Crossley, Parnassus: 1 at 32jgns (D. McKenzie Kurow) W. R. E. and F. E. Booker, Hawarden: 1 at 55gns (Paparua Prison) 'ENGLISH LEICESTER Pyne. Gould, Guinness Ltd, sold on acconnt of: Estate E. S. Taylor Woodend: 1 at 55gns (Bennett Brothers, Wakanui); 1 at 52Jgns (L. E. Bradley Onga Onga). Estate James Reid. Ltd, Darfield: 1 at 35gns (W. L. Clucas. Ashburton). R. J. Low and Sons. Rakaia: 1 at 57Jgns (estate F. M. Young, Winchester). Bennett Brothers Ashburton: 1 at 45gns (L. E. Bradley. Onga Onga) New Zealand Farmers’ Co-op-erative Association Ltd, sold on account of: Estate E. S. Taylor. Woodend: 1 at 32Jgns (E. G. b. Rutherford Loch lei) R. J. Low and Sons. Rakaia: 1 at SOgns (Reid Brothers. Darfield): I at 35gns (M. SpencerBower, Swannanoa). Estate James Reid. Ltd, Darfield: 1 at 62jgns (L. R. C. Macfarlane Culverden). Dalgety and New Zealand Loan, Ltd, sold on acconnt of: Estate E. S. Taylor, Woodend: 1 at 35gns (G. Beal, Kaiapoi); 1 at 37J gns (A. F. S. Rutherford Montrose). R J. Low and Sons. Rakaia: 1 at 471gns (Glynn Wye Station, Lewis Pass); 1 at 35gns (L. R. C. Macfarlane. Culverden): 1 at 30gr.s (P. D Gordon. Wanaka). Estate James Reid, Ltd, Darfield: 1 at 32}gns (A. F. S. Rutherford. Montrose). National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd, and H. Matson and Company, sold on account of: Estate E. S. Taylor. Woodend: 1 at 35gns (G. Beal, Kaiapoi). R. J. Low and Sons Rakaia: 1 at 50gns (H. H. Harris Hororata). Bennett Brothers. Ashburton: 1 at 42Jgns (Glynn Wye Station. Lewis Pass)

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Press, Volume CII, Issue 30045, 1 February 1963, Page 12

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Values For Southdown Rams Decline Sharply Press, Volume CII, Issue 30045, 1 February 1963, Page 12

Values For Southdown Rams Decline Sharply Press, Volume CII, Issue 30045, 1 February 1963, Page 12