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Polo Match Highlight Of Duvauchelle Show

A polo match among members of the Bank Peninrula Pony Club was one of the highlights of the Peninsula Hone Shew and Pastoral Association’s 49th annual show at Duvauchelie on Saturday. Conditions were very pleasant and, although there was some winu and cloud, it was never too hot and the grounds set above the head of Akaroa Harbour and surrounded by hills gave the show a feeling of truly representing the Peninsula farming community.

There was a good attendance, and gate takings increased to £9l 16s 7d, compared with £76 16s 9d last year. Entries were also a little higher than last year and of a very good standard.

The polo match was the result of the pony club’s trek a fortnight ago during which the members visited Decanter Bay and were taught the rules of the game by Messrs H and I. Menzies, members of the former Banks Peninsula Polo Club. The game of two chukkas was played by two teams of three and although the uneven ground and a rubber ball affected the speed and lift of the ball, the inexperience of the young riders, whose ages ranged from 13 to 16, was more than compensated for by their enthusiasm and the enjoyment of the spectators. The game, which was umpired by Mr H. Menzies, was won by two goals to one by the Blue team, Rex and Max Moore and Tiffany Stewart The Red team included Euan Moore, Raewyn Evans and Kathryn Evans. With the revival of interest in polo it is likely that a Banks Peninsula club may be reformed. In the show itself entries reflected the favourable season. Sheep and cattle entries were not large by other show standards but quality was good and in the horse and pony section the many entries reflected the fact that the horse still plays an important part in farming activities and for carrying children to school. The grand parade was led by the City of Christchurch Ladies’ Pipe Band and the champions were led by the champion hack. D. O. Masefield's Career. The cattle were headed by the champion of all breeds dairy cow, a Friesian exhibited by N. N. Mason. Judges* Comments Many of the horses were not in full show condition. Some carried too much condition and were a little sluggish, and others could have carried a little more. The judge of the hacks and hunters. Mr A. C. Wright iDunsandel). said that the top horses were quite good and up to the standard of a country show. What pleased him greatly was the support g:ven to the show by district competitors with working horses. He particularly ment oned A. R. Mcllraith and his horse Nobby, which iron the shepherd's hack class. Mr Mcllraith is a shepherd at Pigeon Bay. He Was also successful in the amateur photography classes and several of the photographs were of his horse. » Mr Wright awarded the champion hunter award to the reserve champion back, B. H. Black’s Frith and the reserve cnampion hunter was Mrs B. Maley’s Lady Argosy. Between these two and the winner of the maiden hunter class. B. H. Black's Domingo, there was less than a point in the scoring and the decision on the championship awards took into account soundness and conformation as well as jumping ability. In the pony classes the., Influence of pony club instruction was noticeable and a big proportion of the entries came from members of the Peninsula club, and the clubs from Little River and Ellesmere which were v. siting the show. There was aiso some very strong outside competition from young Christchurch exhibitors and riders. A brother and sister Won the two awards for riders over 10. They were Jacqueline and Nicholas Neill from Little River. tn the sheep classes the judge. Mr R. C. Smith, said that they were all well brought out. In some of the Downs there Was a tendency to wool blindness and some carried too much condition. The wool of the Romneys was bright and lustrous. The cattle entries were pleasing and some very good exa moles of th® Friesian and Ayrshire breeds were included. They were judged by Mr E. L. Adams, of Brookside. „ There were two exhibit* for farmer*. MidCanterbury branch of the New Zealand Farm Forestry Aaaocia* tion displayed examples of actable trees and planting, methods and the district weeds inspector staged an exhibit of noxious weeds. Including nassella tussock.

Result* were:— BOSSES Harir* (Judge: Mr A. C. Wright. Dunsandeli Pony brood mere (1): Miss REvans* Bom t~ H«ckney, ywling (1): Mlm B. Suters Sheba 1. District maiden hack (•»: Miss J. Stewart’s Te Kereru 1. E Newton’s General Gold X Miss K. Evans’s Black Watch 3. Malden hack (»»: Mrs E. J. T’ankhurst's General Lyn 1, Miss J. Stewart’s Te Kerens X Mrs B. Maley’s Lady Argosy 3 Hack, to carry list (3): Mrs B. Maley's Lady Argosy 1. W. D. Latham’s Sundowner 2, Miss D. Gebbie's Arande John X Cob. over 14.1 hands and up to U hands (4): Misses A. and C. Ferguson's Chum 1. Mias E. An* orews’s Leona 2. A. R. Me* Jirsith's Nobby X Hack, to carry

13>t (7): D. O. Masefield’s Career 1 and champion. Mrs E. 3. Pankhurst’s General Lyn 2, B. H. Black's Domingo 3. Hack, to carry list <B»: B. H. Black's Frith 1, Miss J. Stewart's Te Kereru 2, Misses A. and C. Ferguson's Blue Haze 3. Lady’s hack (14): D. O. Masefield's Career 1. B. H. Black's Frith 2. Miss 3. Stewart’s Te Kereru 3. Park hack (S): Miss J. Stew* art's Te Kereru 1, Miss L, L. McKeLlar's Springbok 2. Misses A. and C. Ferguson's Blue Haze 1 Best mannered and paced hack (9): Mrs B. Maley's Islay Mist 1, B. H. Black's Domingo 2. D. O. Masefield's Career 3. Troop horse (9): Miss L. L. McKellar's Springbok 1. A. R. McBraith's Nobby 2. Misses A. and C. Ferguson's Blue Haze 3. Shepherd's hack (14): A. R. McIlraith's Nobby 1. Misses A. and C. Ferguson's Chum 2, Miss D. Gebbie's Arande John 3. Best walking hack (10): Mrs E. J. Pankhurst’s General Lyn 1, E. Newton's General Gold 2, D. O. Masefield's Career 3. Best boy or girl rider, over 19 and under IB (6): Ann Cameron Smith 1, Elizabeth Andrews 2, Fiona Logan 3. Pony Classes

(Judges: Mr G. Kelly, Miss J. Kelly, and Miss S. Blakely) Maiden pony, over 12.2 and not over 142 hands (18): Phillipa Webb's Matador 1, Jennifer Kay 2, L. L. and Mrs Bevins 3. Pony, over 12.3 and not over 132 hands (17): Lois Walker's Tinkerbell 1 and champion, Wendy Neill's Myfeda 2, Miss A. McPhail and Miss B. Jenkin's Glitter 3. Pony, over 132 and not over 14.2 (17): Jacqueline Neill’s Summer Haze 1 and reserve, Jean Robertson's Royal Fiesta 2, Prudence Birdling’s Rob Roy 3. Best mannered and paced pony, over 12.2 and not over 142 (23): Jean Robertson's Royal Fiesta 1, Jacqueline Neill’s Summer Haze 2. Lois Walker's TlnkerbeU 3. District pony, over 122 and not over 142 (21): Jacqueline Neill's Summer Haze 1, Wendy Neill's Myfeda 2. Phillipa Webb's Matador 3. Child’s school pony (9): Sharon Smith’s Silver L Beverley Stanbury 2. Nell Chapman's Brighteyes 3. Maiden pony. 122 and under (9) Miss 3. Hudson and S. and J. Blakeley's Cheeky 1, Paul de Latour's Pussyfoot 2, Susan Gray’s Johnnie 3. Pony, not over 11.2 (8): Miss A. McPhail and Miss B. Jenkins's Sugartime 1 and reserve. Robert Pankhurst’s Vanity Fair 2. Miss J. Hudson and S. and J. Blakely’s Cheeky 3. Pony, over 112 and not over 122 (9): Miss B. Jenkins's Tara 1 and champion, Paul de Latour's Pussyfoot 2, Graham Bevins’s Prince Ali 3. District pony. 132 and under (10): Paul de Latour's Pussyfoot 1, Derek Moore’s Golden Charm 2, Heather Chapman’s Mystery 3. Best mannered and paced pony, 122 and under foot 2, Miss B. Jenkins's Tara 3. Competitions Boy rider, under 14 (7): Nicholas Neill 1. Murray Marshall 2, Donald McPhail 3. Boy rider, under 16 (3): Rax Moore 1, Max Moore 2. Girl rider under 14 (11): Jacqueline Neill L P. Mitchell 2. Sally Ann Nurse 3. Girl rider under 16 (10) Prudence Birdling 1. Trixie Woodill 2, Andree de Latour 3. Rider under 7 (8): Diana Bevins 1, Diana Fisher 2, Susan Gray 3. Rider under 10 (12): Warren Walker 1, Graham Bevins 2, Anita McPhail 3. Boy rider under 12 (3): John McPhail 1. Derek Moore 2. Girl rider under 12 (9): Rosa Maskew 1. Sally Ann Nurse 2. Lois Walker 3. Menzies Cup unity competition (17): Jacqueline Neill and Summer Haze, 94 points, 1; Jean Robertson and Royal Fiesta, 92 points, 2; Ann Cameroon Smith and Sonda. 83 points. 3. Pony Jumping (Judges: Mrs A. G. Montgomery. Christchurch.) F.EI, Improvers, 13.2 hands and under (16): Bronwyn Suter's Quicksilver 1, Max Moore's Flashlight 2,Rex Moore’s Royal Pride 3. F.H. open. 132 hands and under (M): Mias P. Mitchells Black Boy 1, Bronwyn Suter’s Quicksilver. Max Moore’s Flash light, and Rex Moore's Royal Pride (equal) 2. FE.I. district <7>: Bronwyn Suter’s Quicksilver, Max Moore's Flashlight and Rex Moore's Royal Pride (equal) 1. F.EI. improvers, 132 hands and not over 142 hands, rider under 18 (IS): Daphne Ryan’s Silver 1 and reserve, Denise Pratt's Russet Gold 2, Kathryn Evans's Pinto 3. FEI. open, 132 hands and not over 142 hands, rider under 18 (14): Mary Davies's Flyaway 1 and champion. Daphne Ryan's Silver 3, Juliet Davies’s Bow Bells 3. F.EJ. district (8): Daphne Ryan’s Silver 1. Kathn-n Evans's Pinto 2. Prudence Birdling’s Rob Roy Bunter Competitions (Judge: Mr A. C. Wright.) FJtL improvers (10): B. H. Black's Frith 1, V. S. Shadbolt's Sox 3. E. Newton's General Gold 3. FJCJ. open (M): V. S. SfrMMibolVf Sox 1 *nd champion Mias P. Swallow’s J-O 2. E’ Newton’s General Gold 3 F.EJ. district (8): V. S. Shadbolt’s Sox 1. Miss P. Swallow’s J-O 2, E. Newton’s General Gold X Maiden hunter, Hat and over (8): B. H. Black’s Domingo 1. Mrs B. Maley's Lady Argosy 2, MBs R. Evans's Argosy Lass 3. Hunter, to carry list or over (8): B. d. Black's Frith 1 and champion. Mrs B. Maley’s Lady Argosy 2 and reserve. Miss E. Andrews’s Leona

CATTLE (Judge: Mr E. L. Adams. Brook. lido) yiioiiiw Heifer calf (4): Alastair Kay 1 and 3, Derek Moore X Year.' line heifer (4): N. N. Mason Bull (1): N. N. Haem 1 and champion: Two-year-old heifer (2): H. O. Keylock 1. N. N. Mason 2. Three-year-old heifer (1) H. 0. Haylock 1. N. N. Mason 2 Milch cow (2): N. N. Mason 1 and champion and champion all breeds. H. O. HayAyrshire Heifer calf (2): Mrs L. X. Willan 1, B. J. Donovan X Bull calf (1); Mrs L. X. Willan 1. Yearling heifer (2): Mrs L. X. Willan 1 and 2. Two-year-old heifer (1): Mrs L. X. Willan 1. Three-year-old heifer 12): Mrs L E. Willan 1 and champion and 2. Milch cow (1): Mrs L. X. Willan 1. Calf Chib Classes Calves (•): Derek Moore 1. Alastair Kay 2 Susan Marshall 3. Yearling (1): Derek Moore YJF.C. Judging Competition (Judge: Mr ft C. Smith.) Sheep (12): G. Curry, 75 points, 1. Cattle (12): J. w. F. Moore, 86 points, 1. Aggregate (12): J. W. F. Moore, 115 points, 1; F. Hunt. KM points. 2; G. Curry. 99 points. 3. SHEEP Romney Marsh (Judge: Mr R. C. Smith.) Open.—Ram, two-shear or over (3): G. X. Hueston 1. H. C. Vanstone 2 and 3. Ram. oneshear (4): A. F. Helps 1, H. C. Vanstone 2 and 3. Ewe, twoshear or over (3): H. C. Vanstone 1 and 3. G. E. Hueston 2. Ewe. one-shear (3): H. C. Vanetone 1 and 2. G. E. Hueston 3. Natural Condition.—Ewe. 4tooth or over (2): H. C. Vanstone 1 and 2. Ewe, two-tooth (2) H. C. Vanstone 1 and 2. Ewe lamb, in wool (5): G. E. Hueston 1 and 3. H. C. Vanstone 2. Ewe lamb, shorn (2): G. E. Hueston I. Southdown Ram, two-ahear or over (2): P. H. Parkinson 1 and 2. Ram, one-shear (2): P. H. Parkinson 1, Morten Bros. 2. Ewe, twoshear or over (3): P. H. Parkinson 1 and 2, Morten Bros. 3. Ewe. one-dheor (2): P. H. Parkinson 1, Morten Bros. 2. South Suffolk Ram, two-shear or over (3): H. C. Vanstone 1 and 2. Ram, one-shear (3): H. C. Vanstone 1. 2, and 3. Ram, two-shear or over (3): H. C. Vanstone 1. 2. and 3. Ewe, one-shear (3): H C. Vanstone 1. 2. and 3. Fat Sheep (Judge: Mr R. Hester.) Two tat wethers, Down cross (2): L. L. Crow and Sons 1. Two fat crossbred lambs, not to exceed 721 b Mve weight (1): H. C. Vanstone 1. Two fat lambs, any Down cross, not to exceed 73ft> live weight (2): L. L. Crow and Sons 1, H. C. Vanstone 2. Two fat crossbred lambs, not to exceed 84lb live weight (1): H. C. Vanstone 1. Two fat lambs, any Down cross, not to exceed 841 b live weight (2): L. L. Crow and Sons 1. H. C. Vanstone 2. Two fat lambs, any breed, any weight, suitable for butchers (3): P. G. Moore 1,2, and 3. Best pet lamb (8): Mark Shadbolt 1. Lynda Philipps 2, Graeme Phillips 3. DOGS (Judge: Mr D. E. Woodill, Akaroa.) Short-haired Collie dog (7): G. J. McAdam's Joe 1 and Bruce 3. L. L. Orow and Sons' Glen 2. Short-haired Collie slut (8): Mrs Latham’s Jan 1, Mrs D. W Wright’s Jan 2, K. Vogan’s Meg 3, Long-haired Collie dog (4): Mrs D. W. Wright's Gale 1. L. L. Crow and Sons' Lock 2. Beardy Collie dog (2): Mrs D. W. Wright’s Edward 1. Beardy Collie slut (1): L. L. Crow and Sons’ Wendy 1. Sporting dog (1): Mrs H. Calvert. Sheep Dog Trials (Judge: Mr D. E. Woodill, , _■ AkgHMj. - .. Driving and yarding (10): E. B. Hunt's PM 1. W. D. Gobble's Stoep 2. G. J. McAdam's Bruce X DOMESTIC PRODUCE (Judge: Mrs A. N. Barber. Christchurch.) Mrs R. Ludemann, 5 firsts, 1 second. 1 third: Mrs G. Harris. 10 firsts 8 seconds. 4 thirds: Mrs R. Mason, 4 firsts, 11 seconds. 5 thirds; Mrs P. Burnett. 2 seconds: Mrs G. E. Hewston. 1 third: Mrs T. W. Weir, 1 first, 2 thirds; Mrs A. Prattley. 5 firsts. 1 second; Mrs N. F. Calvert, 1 flrat; Mias A. Mould, 2 firsts, 2 seconds, 1 third; Miss A. Stewart. 1 first; Mrs R. G. A. Moore. 1 second; Colleen Hayward, 1 third: Mrs R. Hill, 1 First; Mrs L. Crow. 1 third. Junior Dtanno Crow, 3 firsts. 2 seconds, 4 thirds: V. Hayward, 3 firsts. 3 seconds: Adelaide Stewart, 2 firsts, 2 seconds; Susan Donovan, 1 second. DAIRY PRODUCE (Judge; Mr G. A. Chailies, Christchurch.) Barry’s Bay Dairy Company, 3 firsts, 3 seconds: Wairewa Dairy Company. 2 firsts, 2 seconds; Okains Bay, 2 thirds. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES (Judge: Mr L. C. Humdell, Christchurch.) D. Huiston, 4 firsts, 4 seconds. 1 third: Mr* G. E. Mulcock, 1 first. 2 thirds; Mrs S. A; Stewart, 3 firsts. 1 second. 1 third; J. Harris, 1 first, 3 seconds, 1 third: J. Flanagan, 1 second. 1 third; Miss S. G. Oliver, 1 first, 1 second; B. Mora, 1 first: Mrs C. Brittenden, 1 first 1 second; A. A. Hutchinson, 1 second, 2 thirds: Mrs L. Cusdta, 1 first. 1 third: Mrs P. Fisher. 1 second; P. Haglund, 1 first, 3 seconds. 1 third; Nancy Moore. 1 first, 1 third; David Brocherie, 1 second; Steven Fisher, 1 flrat, 1 second; J. K. Reynteh, 2 firsts, 3 thirds; A. Pettigrew, 1 first, 3 thirds; A. Stewart, 5 seconds, 1 third; C. Munro, 1 third; Miss A. Kay. 2 thirds: Mark Shadbolt, 1 first: Michael fisher. 1 second: R. Crow. 1 second; J. S. Truman. 4 firsts, 2 seconds, 2 thirds: D. Masefield. 1 second; D. Wetr. 2 thirds; R. Munro. 1 first, 1 second, 1 third: Miss J. Dalglish. 1 first, 1 third; Gayle Harris, 1 third; Irene Harris, 1 second; Gerald Hulston, 1 first. HANDCRAFT (Judge: Mrs M. Flanagan, DuvaucheUe) Mr* J. W. F. Moor* 2 firsts. 1 third: Mr* R. Ludemann. 5 firsts 2 seconds, 1 third; Miss A. Ferguson 1 second; Cotlean Heyward 1 first. 2 seconds; Mrs G. E. Hueston 1 third; Miss A. Stewart 3 firsts. 1 second, ij

third; Miw M. Haylock 2 finrts. 1 second; Mrs H. Calvert 1

first. 1 third; Mrs G. Hanis 1 second; Mrs C H. Moos* 1 first Junior Dianne Craw 3 firsts. 1 second. 1 third: Denise Shadhott 2 firsts, 1 third; V. Hayward 1 third; Patricia Hueston 2 firsts, 1 second, 1 third; Adelaide Stewart 2 firsts, 1 third; Barbara Hueston 1 first; Helen Thacker 2 firsts; Robin O’Connor 1 first; Allan Shadbolt 1 second; Derek Moore 1 second. PHOTOGRAPHY (Judge: Dr. J. E. Saville. Little River.) A. R. MclLnaMh 1 first and special award, 1 second, 1 third; D. Hayward 1 first, 1 second; Pam Hutchinson 1 first and special award, 2 seconds; J. W. F. Moore 1 first. 3 thirds; A. A. Hutchinson 1 second; Mrs T. W. Weir 1 third; Mrs D. W. Wright 1 first FLOWERS Gladioli (Judge: Mr J. D. Murdoch, Christchurch.) J. S. Truman 10 firsts, 3 seconds. 1 third; Miss J. Dalglish 2 firsts, 7 seconds. 2 thirds; Mrs G. Hueston 1 third. Dahlias Mrs W. E. Hunt 2 firsts, 1 second, 2 thirds; Mrs C. Brittenden 1 second. 1 third; Mrs G. Hueston 2 firsts, 1 second: Mrs J. R. Turner 2 firsts, 2 seconds: S. Craw 1 second, 2 thirds; W. L. Craiw 3 firsts, 3 seconds, 1 third; Mrs H. Harris 1 second; Mrs L. Cusdin 1 third; Catrina Brocherie 1 first. Junior Dianne Craw 4 firsts, 1 second; Bob Mhsefleld 1 third; Lynda Phillips 1 first; lan Donovan 1 second; J. Deans 1 first; H. Wilkins 1 second, 1 third. Decorative (Judge: Mrs J. D. Murdoch, Christchurch.) Miss M. Haylock 4 firsts. 1 second; Miss M. Cooper 1 second, 2 thirds; Mrs G. Green 1 second; Mrs V. Shadbolt 1 second, 3 thirds; Miss J. Scott 1 third; Miss S. Hutchinson 1 first; Mrs D. Ludemenn 5 firsts, 1 second. 2 thirds; Mrs G. Muloock 1 second. 1 third; Mrs J. Vognn 1 first, 2 seconds; Mrs G. Green 2 firsts. 1 second; Miss A. Mould 1 first. 2 thirds; Mrs A. A. Hutchinson 1 second; Miss D. Vogan 1 second. cat Flowers . (Judge: ’ Mrs H. Turner-Jen-nings, Christchurch.) Mrs H. Harris 1 first. 2 seconds; Miles D. Vogan 1 first, 2 seconds; Mrs D. Masefield 3 firsts, 3 thirds; Mrs G. Murdoch 1 first; Mies M. Haylock 1 first; S. Gnaw 1 second; B. Mora 1 third; Mrs W. Weir 2 firsts, 1 second; R. Munro 1 first; Nicola Brocherie 1 first, 1 third; Mies A. Mould 1 second, 1 third; Mrs G. Green 1 first; Mrs W. Vogan 1 third; Miss N. Moore 2 firsts, 2 seconds, 2 thirds; Mrs N. Patten 3 seconds, 1 third; Mrs R. HUI 2 firsts; David Brocherie 1 third; Paul Brocherie 1 second; Mrs J. Vogan 1 second; N. Calvert 1 first; Mrs P. Moore 1 first, 1 second; Owen Brocherie 1 third; Coral Harris 1 third.

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Press, Volume CII, Issue 30041, 28 January 1963, Page 13

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Polo Match Highlight Of Duvauchelle Show Press, Volume CII, Issue 30041, 28 January 1963, Page 13

Polo Match Highlight Of Duvauchelle Show Press, Volume CII, Issue 30041, 28 January 1963, Page 13