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CRICKET Leading Team Beaten On First Innings

High School Old Boys were deposed from their lead in the senior cricket competition when they were beaten on the first innings by the bottom team, Lancaster Park, which made light of a total of 325 to score 366 after being 71 for four last week. Riccarton, by beating St. Albans outright, took a lead of six points in the competition.

It was the best day of senior cricket this season. There was the sterling recovery by Lancaster Park; a magnificent burst of aggression from Riccarton, which scored 140 in 70 minutes to beat St Albans; and good efforts by Old Collegians and East ChristchurchShirley, which recorded decisive outright wins. There were also fine individual batting efforts. Two young batsmen, G. T. Barrett and P. G. Coman, scored centuries. Coman, especially, looked a batsman of the highest class. W. E. Muncaster scored a glorious 95 in 69 minutes which gave him the betting honours of the day. C. Reid played a sound innings of 92 for Lancaster Park against Old Boys. His captain, A. G. Duckmanton. showed his value as an allrounder by scoring 85 Bowlers, with the exception of L Shewan, did not fare so well. Shewan took five wickets for 10 runs against West Christchurch-University. N. G. Clark and N. F. Curtis each took five wickets for Old Collegians against Sydenham, but at Lancaster Park, D H. Hicks, although he took five wickets, had them at a cost of 119 runs. Scores:— East Christchurch-Shir-ley lit and 294 ter six wickets declared beat West Christchurch-Uni-versity 124 and 117 by M ’ runs. Lancaster Park 366 beat Old Boys 325 for nine declared and 75 for two on the first innings. Old Collegians 302 for nine wickets declared beat Sydenham 124 and 175 by an innings and four runs. Riccarton 214 and 140 for two wickets beat St. Albans 232 and 121 for three wickets declared by eight wickets. Points are: Riccarton 52, Old Boys 46, West Christ-church-University 32, Old Collegians 31, Sydenham 30, St Albans 28, East Christ-church-Shirley 25, Lancaster Park 23. LANCASTER PARK V. H. 5.08. 82/4 325/9 dec. A partnership of 109 for the sixth wicket between the captain. A. G. Duckmanton, and the Brabin Shield colt. C. E. Reid, a solid innings by R. T. Dowker, and particularly fine efforts by the tail-enders RGearry and D. J. McKendry. who added 83 for the last wicket, gave the home team sec-ond-bay honours and first innings points against High School Old Boys at Lancaster Park. Old Boys’ attack was as usual steady and varied without being particularly lethal on another perfect wicket, but the championship leaders lost a big opportunity early in the day whan Reid was dropped twice. Once established. Reid and Duckmanton batted beautifully with many firm scoring shots. Duckmanton. like Reid, took a little while to settle down, but he later displayed very good form and Reid was unlucky not to reach a century in his best senior display. The 100 Partnership was scored in better than even time but then Reid, after some signs of rashness, was well caught in the gully with the score at 111. Dowker helped to take the score to 278 before he was out. and then Duckmen ton was bowled by Hill at 294. , _ „ _ With the ninth wicket falling at 303. Park was still 23 runs short of its objective. But in an exciting climax, the youthful Gearry and the experienced McKendry gradually scored the necessary runs with firm defence. excellent running, and most scoring opportunities a& cepted. Gearry. after the lead had been secured, drove splendidly. and his Innings of 37 was full of promise for the tutor*He displayed remarkable maturity In batting 96 minutes lor 12 during the crisis before jddin, debut. ™ t The umpires were Messrs T. Mathie and F. Hobbs. LANCASTER PARK (First innings 82/4) C. E. Reid, c Small, b Hicks 92 B. Noonan, b Barbarel .. g A. G. Duckmanton, b Hill .. 85 R. T. Dowker. c Brown b Duncan • • z? R Gearry. b Hicks . ■; A. Westwood, b Barbarel 5 D. J. McKendry notout -. 23 Extras (bye* 13, leg-bye* 8, no-balls 3) •• zi Total ..384 Rnwltax—W. M. Duncan. 31. 1 9 9. •; J. W. D’Arcy. 2, 0. 1k 8. HIGH SCHOOL OLD BOYS (First innings 325 for nine wickets declared) Second Innings C. J. Stevens, not out .• 52 P. A. T Small, run out .. I R. Brown, b Gearry • ■ y D. HUI. not out .. •• » Extras (no-bails 2) .. J Total tor two wickets .. 76 Bowunge-A. C. Harrison 5, L 16. 0; R. Gearry. 7 1. 16, L M. Randle. 4. 6. 15, 0; P. Andrews. 2, 0. ? ll i’ L 6. W. •: B. T. Dowker, 1. 6. 6. •• FT. ALBANS v. RICCARTON (232) (58/3) . A generous declaration by the St. Cubans captain, M. G. Poore. th. trak of •swtrinfl tao runs in ®0 minutes was responded to taktad 5 w mJiart<m did no* start very ta its chase toe runs bmtuce L Mck. Sinclair joined Munrattar the hunt was on in earnest In 23 minutes they fIV runs to put a win Muncastw was out with only a needed there w» .no StaabS?' «b?D* O'Malley quietly addedfatroqulted Priyid the outset and brought a iegspinner. J W Burtt on as first change. It was a challenge to the batsmen—which was appreciated not only in runs but ta spirit by the Riccarton batsmen.

The morning’s play was taken up largely by the competent batting of G T. Barrett, for Riccarton. Not out 29 at the start of play. Barrett methodically proceeded to his century which was scored in 213 minutes. He was rarely troubled by the bowling and although scoring mainly on the" leg-side, still played some handsome strokes on the off. His fine effort had aa much to do with his team's win as MUncaster’s aggression later in the day. Without him Riccarton would not have finished only 18 runs behind St Albans in the first Innings. In St. Albans’ second innings there was some brisk batting by P. G. Z. Harris and S. C. Guillen. and Burtt confirmed he is a player of considerable promise with a sound 40 not out. The umpires were Messrs L. S. Moore and R J. Taylor. ST. ALBANS First Innings .. .. 232 Second Innings P. G. Z. Harris, lbw. b McIntyre .. .. 18 J. A. Mills, lbw. b Mclntyre 19 S. C. Guillen b Hignett .. 37 J. W. Burtt, not out ..40 A. N. Bailey, not out .. 16 Extra (leg-bye 1) .. 1 Total for three dec. .. 121 Bowling: D. Mclntyre, 15, 4, 49, 2; J. Alexander 4, i 15. 0; E. R. Hignett. 8,1, 31. 1; C. K. Hazeldine 3, 1. 13, 0; J. F. Logie. 1. 1, 0. 0: D. O’Malley, 5. 3. 12, 0. RICCARTON First Innings (50/3) G. T. Barrett c Guillen, b Poore .. ..108 G. R. McAuley. C Mills, b Mather .. .. 7 J. Alexander, c Haydon, b Mather ..9 J. F. Logie, b Poore .. 6 I. McK. Sinclair, c Haydon, b Poore .. 16 E. R. Hignett. lbw, b Poore 41 C. K. Hazeldine. b Jones .. 0 D. Mclntyre, not out .. 0 Extras (byes. 2. leg-byes 12. no-balls 3) ..17 Total .. .. 214 Bowling: D. J. Mather, 19. 6, 46, 2; S. C. Guillen, 5. 4,2, 1; T. L. Jones. 21 5. 48 2; J. W. Burtt. 16, 7. 35, 0; M. B. Poore. 21, 5. 48. 4; P. G. Z. Harris. 2. 0. 8. 0. Second Innings W. E. Muncaster. c Guillen, b Harris .. ..95 G. R. Wainscott, c Jones, b Poore .. ..14 I. McK. Sinclair, not out .. 29 D. O’Malley, not out .. 1 Extra (leg-bye 1) .. 1 Total for two wickets 140 Bowling: T. L. Jones. 11, 0. 50. 0; S. C. Guillen, 4 2.5, 0; M. B. Poore. 3. 0, 26, 1; J. W. Burtt, 3. 0. 23 0; D. J. Mather. I. 0. 17, 0: P. G. Z. Harris. 32. O, 18, 1. OLD COLLEGIANS V. 303/9 declared SYDENHAM 91/7 Although Old Collegians were well placed at the end of the first day's play on Saturday, they were without J. H. M. Dawson to press home the advatage. However, N. F. Curtis and N. G. Clark both bowled admirably. It took Curtis a little more than an hour to dispose of the remaining Sydenham first innings batsmen and when Clark in that period bowled four overs the sharp turn he obtained must have been a welcome sight to K. England, the Old Collegians’ captain. The inability of most batsmen to play slow bowling with any degree of confidence was clearly shown in the Sydenenham second innings. On a pitch which gave little assistance, the bowlers’ task was made easier by the reluctance of the batsmen to leave the crease and gel to the pitch of the ball. Clark bowled well, keeping the ball up and turning it very sharply. Even when A. F. Rapley began to attack his bowling his length and confidence did not falter He was ably assisted by M. G Lester. The Sydenham players, particularly W. A. Thomson, P. F. Clark and Rapley. scored quickly by punishing any loose balls, but never dominated the bowling and always looked vulnerable. The game finished soon after 3 o'clock. Old Collegians winning by an innings and four runs and also taking the bonus points. The umpires were Messrs J. Cover and R. Beckett. OLD COLLEGIANS First Innings .. 303 SYDENHAM First Inings (91/7) J. C. Bateman, lbw, b Curttis .. ..31 K. Priest, b Curtis .. 8 P. Thomas, not out .. 8 I. Thomas, c Crichton, b Curtis .. 6 Extras (byes 4. leg-byes 9) .. 13 Total .. .. 124 Bowling: J. H. M. Dawson. 13, 2, 32. 3; N. F. Curtis. 22. 11. 36. 5; J. Thomson, 9. 3, 12, 0; B. J. Crichton. 4. 0, 21. 2; N. G. Clark. 4. 1. 10. 0. Second Innings L R. Hartland, c Crichton, b Lester ..19 P. B. Truscott, c Wait, b Clark .. 13 W. A. Thomson, lbw, b , Clark ..38 P. F. Clark, c Lester, b Clark .. 29 J. C. Bateman, e Beadel, b Clark • A. T. Rapley, b Curtis ... 46 B. J. Salt, ran out _ .. 17 K. Priest, c Curtis, b Clark 8 G. Thomas. lbw. b Clark .. 0 J. Thomas, not out .. 0 R. E. Klrton. absent .. 0 Extras (leg-bye 1) .. 1 Total .. 175 Bowling: D. S. Banks, 3, 1. 11. 0; N. F. Curtis. 13.1. 1. 48. 2: N. G. Clark. 24. 7. 73, 5; M. G. Lester. 7. 0, 21, 1: B. J. Crichton. L 6. 5. 0; J Thomson. 3. 2. 18. 0. WRST CHRIBTCHURCBUNIVEMITT (124/8) V. EAST CHRIBTCHVRCBSBnLKT (119) Reversing their first tanlngn effort when they allowed the West Christchurch-University bowler* to dictate term*, the East Christchurch batsmen played pleasantly aggressive cricket in their second tannings. It was a policy which paid a handsome dividend tor. when the declaration was made EastShirley had still left WestUniverritv the tempting target of 202 runs in 170 minutes but.

with enourb time tn which to* get Weet-University out. And so it proved. After a tew firm strokes from, D. G. Poulton, batsmen were dismissed steadily adg but for determined betting by J. M. N McEwsn and A. C. Ttanpson, wbo for a tong oeriod denied the bowlers any hone and refused to be tempted by even •he most fulsome of fun testes West Christchureh-Univerrw would have been out for far less than its meagre total of 117.

I. Shewan bowled magnificently ■ for East-Shirley. His five wickets for 10 runs was a just reward for wholehearted endeavour, ability to lift the ball off a length and late swing. However, the day belonged to P. G. Coman. Too often in past matches his impetuosity has cost him his wicket. Without sacrificing his natural desire to hit the ball hard. Coman in thia match played some glorious strokes but they were strokes played with precision and determination. In 138 minute* be hit 16 four* and his square cutting and quickfooted driving more than confirmed the promise he has shown in earlier matches. It was his first century in senior cricket and heralded the advent of many more. The umpires were Messrs H. C. Moore and J. Streeter. EAST CHRISTCHURCHSHIRLEY First Innings .. .. 119 Second Innings J. W. Grocott, lbw, b Hopkins .. 4 C. K. Smart, c Fox, b McEwan .. 26 J. D. Capstick, c Kerr, b McEwan .. ..11 P. G. Coman, not out .. 101 B. A. Haworth, c McEwan, b Hopkins .. ..12 P. D. Millington, c Allen, b Hopkins .. .. 19 A E. Dunlop, not out .. 18 Extras (byes 11, legbyes 3, no-balls 1) .. 15 Total for five wckts. (dec’d.) .. 206 Bowling.—J. W. Cahill, 8,1, 37, 0; B. H. Hopkins, 19, 4, 82. 3; J. M. McEwan. 9,2, 43, 2; A. C. Timpson, 17, 6, 44, 0; R. L. Kerr, 0.5, 0,5, 0. WEST CHRISTCHURCHUNIVERSITY (124/8) First Innings G. Beban, absent ill .. 0 J. W. Cahill, not out o R. K. Allen, c and b Smart 0 Extras (byes 1, leg-byes 7. no-balls 1) .. 9 Total .. ..124 Bowling.—l. Shewan, 18, 8, 24, 4; R. T. Ryder. 4,1, 10, 2; M. P O’Malley. 7,0, 33, 1; C. K. Smart, 20.5, 11, 25. 2; B. G. Adamson, 4,2. 18, 0; J. D. Capstick. 2.1, 5, 0. Second Innings D. G. Poulton, c Smart, b Shewan .. .. 22 D. G. Adams, c O’Malley, b Smart .. .. 3 R. L. Kerr, lbw, b Smart .. 6 J. L. Williams, c Grocott, b Shewan .. .. 3 J. M. McEwan, b Shewan .. 29 B H. Hopkins, c Ryder, b Haworth .. .. 12 D. O. Fox, c Grocott, b Shewan .. .. 1 A. C. Timpson, b Capstick 24 J. W. Cahill, not out .. 2 R. K. Allen, c Dunlop, b Shewan .. .. 0 G. Began, absent ill .. 0 Extras (byes 10, legbyes 3, no-balls 2) .. 15 Total .. .."w Bowling.—l. Shewan, 10.2, 5, 10. 5: R. T. Ryder, 2.0, 6,0: C. K Smart, 17, 10. 12, 2; M. P. O’Malley, 6,2. 4,0; B. G. Adamson, 15. 5. 43. 0; B. A. Haworth, 3,0, 15. 1; J. D. Capstick, 1. 0, 9, 1.

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Press, Volume CII, Issue 30041, 28 January 1963, Page 12

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CRICKET Leading Team Beaten On First Innings Press, Volume CII, Issue 30041, 28 January 1963, Page 12

CRICKET Leading Team Beaten On First Innings Press, Volume CII, Issue 30041, 28 January 1963, Page 12