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Young Ewes Sell Well

At Tinwald

Although values were well back on last year’s sale two-tooth ewes still sold very well when the Ashburton County Breeders’ ewe fair opened at Tinwald yesterday. Romneys reached 80s and few sales of the breed were made at less than 50s. Fine wool ewes enjoyed a particularly strong sale and, fetching to 74s in one case, were considered to be sharply dearer than recent Addington rates. A most satisfactory aspett of the sale was the almost complete clearance at auction.

One of the factors in the relative strength of the sale was the favourable turn in the weather in the district in the last few days. Most areas seem to have had an inch to two inches of rain and some more, and the sale was held under heavy clouds with occasional light rain falling.

The Tinwald fair is always an occasion for a notable assembly of Romneys and although conditions have not been easy in Mid-Canterbury since the spring, with drought or near drougt conditions prevailing this year’s selection of the breed was little inferior to that seen in recent years and pen after pen of well grown sheep was on offer. Some of the top sheep of course came off irrigated country where the effects of drought seasons are not felt to the same extent. Some of the finer wool sheep off the drier areas were, however, showing the marks of the season. Big Selection This year’s offering was one cf the largest in recent years totalling 30.125 head compared with 23.114 last year and it took about eight hours to dispose of the lot. Romneys Cheaper Compared with Isst year’s buoyant sale a new set of values was operating for Romneys, whKh were on an ave ase about 2Cs cheaper. Las* year 80 pens realised 80s or more, and eii’ht sales were made at £5 or better. It was a totald.ffetrent story yesterday. The top sale of the day was made at 80s—25s below last year’s b?st —and some 30 pens sold for 70s or more Birt for all of that the sale was better than had generally been expected, and a high proportion of lines changed hands in the 50s to 60s rance. I. is difficult to compare the Tinwald Romney sale with Addington market for the reason that Addington rarely sees such a high standard of sheep, but taking this into account the sale could be described as being at least fully up to recent mar’ret rates to a shade better The pck of the Romneys ranged from 70s to 80s. with pood at 60s to 68s. average st 50s to 58s, and others at 36s to 47s Top price of the day at 80« went to R W Oakley (Mereoak) with a pen of 106. and with his entry of 2 4 7 ranging from 75<s upwards Mr Oakley averaged 77s a head. A. W. Macdonald (Dromore). who topped last year’s fair at £5 ss. was again to the fore with 107 selling at 7As 6d, and for 284 his average war 7«e ltd. which was just 20s a head lower than his return for 352 a year ago. Large Offering A E. P. Kilian (Mattingley. Lauriston) again had a notable team of sheep at the fair, and for 602 selling from 70s up to 77s 6d for 73 his average was just over 73s lOd This was about 17s lower than his average for exactly the same number of sheep sold at last year’s fair.

C. M Hill (Dromore) sold 188 at 73s to 76s 6d with an averase of 74s Bd. which was more than £1 a head below his average for 247 last year. Other leading sales included 105 from A A. and B. A. McDanald (Lyndhurst) at 765, and 79 from M. C McTigue (Methven) at the same price C. Hilgendorf (Sherwood) also had 102 at 75s and G W Tavlor (Montalto) had a sale at 73s 6d. Sales at 73s were ma-*e by the estate D Robertson (Elvin) for 100. G P. Mattinglev (Kimberley) for 99. and H. R. and D A. Scott (E J radynate) for 68.

The sale of the fine wool twotcoths was probably the feature of the fair. The better class of Corriedale ewe sold strongly at rates which looked to be several shillings ahead of Addington and compared with last year the decline was about 12s to 15s a head.

The pick of the selection real-' ised from 60s to 655. with outstanding sales at 74s and 70s and pood sorts ranged from 54s to 60s with average at 40s to 48s Rates for halfbreds were at rather more modest levels, with the best selling at 50s to s«s with an odd sale to 665. and average making from 44s to 43s Mrs F R Hood, of Somerton, whose sheep have in other years headed the Rakaia fair, topped the Corriedale sale with 68 at 745. and J. H. Grigg (Longbeach) had a sale of 79 at 70s and another 151 at 645. J Robinson (Tinwald) also sold Corriedales at 66s and 65s for 71 and 78 respectively, and F G. Rickard (Riverside) had 66 at 655. Good sales were also made by A P. Bruce (Pendarves). with 72 at 64s and 76 at 625, and R B Pawsey (Wakanui) realised 62s 6d for 100

One of the best sales of halfbreds was that made by J. A Langdon (Westerfield), who sold 125 at 66s M. R Buick (Ardnalee) had 118 at 58s and C T. A Ward and Sons (Radstone) received 56s 6d for 184

Ewes listed as Romnev-Corrie-da’es ranged up to 67s fnr 86 from H R. and D. A. Scott; three-quarterbreds fetched to 6ns for 77 from H R. Huddleston (Wtllowby); PolwarthCorriedales from L G Kingsbury’ (Moana. Seafield) realised to 635; and Border LeicesterCorr iedale cross to 72s for 70 from J Srhoy (Lowcliffe) Sheen were purchased for districts ranging from Christchurch to South Canterbury The following is a range of values, with figures for las: year’s fan for comparison:—

Average to better sales of two-tooth ewes, of Romneys and Romney cross above 50s and fine-wools above 45s were as follows: Wright. Stephenson and Company. Ltd., sold, on account of:— A. G Rankin. Onemara: 125 Corriedales at 50s R. D Robinson, Ashburton: 178 halfbreds at 51s A W A Brown. Lismore; 110 Cornedales at 51s. 105 at 60s J Robinson, Tinwald: 113 Romneys at 60s. 78 Cornedales al 655. 98 Romneys at 70s. 112 at 695. 95 a: 66s 85 at 61s, 108 at 62s 92 Corriedales at 555. 71 at 665. 140 at «ls Donald Bros Westerfield: 132 halfbreds at 45s 84 at 51s. 63 Romnevs at 57s R B. Pawsev. Wakanui: 100 Corriedales at 62s 6d (in conjunction with New’ Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Ltd.).

S. J. M. Robinson. Methven: 40 Romneys at 53i A M. Barwell, Skibo: 73 Romneys at 575. A A. and B. A. McDonald, Lvndhurst: 105 Romneys at 765. 115 at 71s 6d R W. Oakley, Mereoak: 106 Romneys at 80s, 65 at 765, 76 al 75s A F Sutton, Lagmhor: 44 Romneys at 675, 101 at 60s. A. A. Stephens. Glenbuie: 71 Romneys at 56s F. H. McDonald. Seafield: 255 Romneys at 625. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., sold, on account of:— G. W Taylor: Montalto: 98 Romneys at 565. 102 at 675, 96 at 73s 6d, 74 at 61s, 63 at 55s 6d. N B. Carney. Lauriston: 85 Romneys at 595. A. Davison. Lowcliffe: 92 Romnevs at 555, 45 at 545. R O Stewart. Greenstreet: 71 halfbreds at 465. A M Barwell. Skibo: 73 Romnevs at 60s. _ C D. Hamilton. Coldstream: 49 Romnevs at 60s, 50 at 60s 6d. R. D Robinson. Ashburton: 70 Corriedales at 53s 6d. 62 at 51s (in conjunction with Dalgety and New Zealand Lx>an. Ltd.). Mrs M Connolly. Eiffelton: 70 Romney cross at 61s J. Trevor Thomas and Company sold, on account of:— M R. J Buick. Ardnalee: 80 halfbreds at 495. 80 at 525, 118 at 58s, 160 at 51s. 83 at 50s, 105 three-quarterbreds at 51s. 88 at 58s. 90 at 54s A R Hydes. Buccleugh: 68 Cocriedales at 565. H W. Doak. Christies road: 70 halfbreds at 455. 50 at 435. 98 at 51s. G. I Henderson. Windermere: 100 halfbreds rt 455. T Tavlor. Valetta: 77 Corriedales at 595. 70 at 525. Flaxmere Estates, Ltd.: 87 Romn-v cross at 50s. J Kane, Lynnford: 78 Romnev cross at 635. Mrs F R. Hood. Somerton: 68 Ccrriedales at 745. L D Moore. Lsmore: 53 Romney cress at 555. R. D Robinson. Ashburton: 83 Corriedales at 50®. Pyne. Gould, Guinness Ltd., sold, on account of: Mandeley Trust. Lismore: 121 halfbreds at 475, 104 at 46s 6d. 106 at 47s 6d. J H Grigg. Longbeach Estates: 86 Corriedales at 53s 6d. 148 at 58s. 79 at 70s. 151 at 645. 68 at 595. C M. Hill. Dromore: 98 Romneys at 61s. 88 at 76s 6d. 100 at 735. C Hilgendorf, Sherwood: 102 Romneys at 61s. 72 at 645. 102 at 755. S T. G. Sewell. Eastbourne: 100 Romneys at 61s. 65 at 51s. A. G. J. Deal. Awapuna: 125 Romneys at 57s 6d. 89 at 60s. F. B. Lloyd. Coldstream: 60 Corriedales at 455. G. L. Mcßobb. Lauriston: 60 Romneys at 61s. F. G. Harrison. Haydon: 140 halfbreds at 455. A. W. Williamson. Willowbank: 70 Corriedales at 475. 220 Romnev-Cori'fedales at B’s 6d J. E. Bishop, Tinwald: 83 halfbreds at 48s, 127 at 455. R. Bush. Carew: 122 Border Le’cester-Romney cross at 525. G. N Grigg. Glengyle: 90 Romneys at 555. Surrey Hills Station Ltd.: 160 Romneys at 595. P. H. Letham. Lauriston: 85 Border Leicester - Corriedale cross at 60s.

H. C. Beckingsale, Tinwald: 110 Romneys at 645, 84 at 625. R. D. Robinson. Ashburton: 83 Corriedales at 435. R. P. Bartlett. Stoneylea: 116 Romneys at 57s 6d. G H Reesby. Winchmore: 40 Border Leicester - Corriedale cross at 50s. Estate D. Robertson. Elgin: 100 Romneys at 735. 82 at 68s. S. J. Morrow. Tannaghmore: 60 Romneys at 595. A. W Macdonald, Dromore: 107 Romneys at 78s 6d 106 at 765, 71 at 75s 6d (all in conjunction with National Mortgage and Agency Company Ltd.) D S Studholme. Coldstream: 170 Corriedale at 555. D. H. Warren. Mayfield: 129 Border Leicester - Corriedale cross at 66s

L. M. Trott, Maranul: 84 Romneys at 60s. 95 at 51s. Estate T. Page. Wakanui: 75 Corriedales at 495. F. D Ludeman, Silverstream: 80 Romnevs at 72s H R. Huddleston. Willowbv: 77 three-quarterbreds at 60s. 142 at 58s 6d F L. McLame. Lochbuie: 106 Romnevs at 60s. V W Stonver. Windermere: 80 Romnevs at 665. 83 at 635. J M Gregory Oak Flat: 90 Romneys at 60s K Ballantyne, Gawlor Downs: 50 Romnevs at 60s (in conjunction with National Mortgage and Agencv Company. Ltd.l. G H Taylor. Lauriston: 65 Romneys at 565.

Dalgety and New Zealand Loan, Ltd., sold, on account of: A. E P. Kilian. Mattingley: 82 Romneys at 71s. 149 at 795. 147 at 735. 73 at 755. 73 at 77s 6d. 78 at 70s F D Ludeman, Silverstream: 30 Romneys at 61s 80 at 70s. 80 at 66s D J Scarth. Dromore: 100 Corriedales at 50s R. C. Bean. Woodlands: 41 Romnev cross at 525. 68 at 61s. 71 a t 56s T H. Lemon, Leylands: 150 Romnevs at 655. Des G. Chisnall. Eskdale: 100 Corriedales at 535. 90 at 51s G P Mattingley. Kimberley--99 Romneys at 735. 94 at 61s. 97 at 645. D A. McLaughlin. Chamwood: 41 halfbreds at 465, 100 at 52s C C. Prebble. Braemar: 184 Romnev cross at 665, 152 at 675. 99 at 61s. 57 at 655. F W. Newton. Clearview: 90 Romneys at 62s R D Ferriman, Maydene: 69 halfbreds at 535. E J G Sewell. Ruapuna: 52 Romneys at 51s. 46 at 52s 6d. H Clark Riverside: 119 Romnevs at 58s H R and D A. Scott. Edradvnate: 68 Romneys at 73s E. J. Bowes, Hinds: 79 Romney cross at 635. 78 at 565. S Murdoch. Mayfield: 93 Romney cross at 575. G. L Mcßobb, Kininule: 102 Romneys at 695. P H. Olorenshaw. Lyndhurst: 84 Romnevs at 70s. H W Frazer. Ashburton: 76 Border Leicester-Romney cross at 55s Department of Agriculture. Winchmore: 141 Border Leicester-Merino cross at 475. A B Chisnall. Ashburton: 63 Corriedales at 59s 6d. National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd., sold, on account of: T. P. Lowe and Company. Windermere: 88 halfbreds at 495. 65 at 51s. 56 at 47s 6d. 88 at 535. 42 three-quarterbreds at L N. Burdoch, Mayfield: 94 Romnevs at 545. 100 at 63s A. W Macdonald. Dromore: 60 Romneys at 64s (tn conjunction with Pyne. Gould. Guinness) W G. Keown. Windermere: 125 Romneys at 62s 6d, 114 at 64s 6d. 109 at 645. 101 Corriedales at 6!s N. S Murdoch. Mayfield: 77 Romneys at 555, 77 at 595, 101 at 61s 6d. 99 at 68s.

D. Munro, Eiffelton: 41 Romney cross at 52s 6d. K. L. McConnell. Hinds: 49 Romnev cross at 545, 53 halfbreds at 535. 47 three-quarter-breds at 53s 6d. B. F. Morrow, Montalto: 73 Romney cross at 52s 6d. 88 at 51s 6d R. J. Moore. Lynnford: 55 Romneys at 58s, 70 at 68s, 81 at 645. A. M. Barwell, Mayfield: 70 Romneys at 58s. Jamieson Bros., Winchmore: 75 Romney cross at 64s 6d. 144 at 68s. 57 at 62s 6d, 47 at 545. A. S. Gordon, Winchmore: 70 three-quarterbreds at 51s 6d, 56 Romneys at 555. H. T. Wakelin, Winchmore: 66 three-quarterbreds at 53s 6d. 76 halfbreds at 54s 6d, 72 at 525. R. D. Robinson, Ashburton: 70 Romneys at 50s. W. H. McConnell. Lauriston: 65 Romneys at 59s 6d, 48 at 555, 89 at 63s 6d, 55 at 60s. L. R. Bagrie, Hinds: 104 Romneys at 56s 6d, 75 at 575, 45 halfbreds at 535. Mrs H. Tait and Son. Lowcliffe: 60 Romneys at 56s 6d. 70 at 61s 6d. 80 at 675. E. Walsh: Tinwald: 82 Corriedales at 50s 6d. B. and M. Scott, Mayfield: 90 Romneys at 61s, 70 Romney cross at 595. C. P. Wright, Winchmore: 96 Corriedales at 46s 6d. R. F. Nish, Winchmore: 75 Romneys at 60s 6d. F. J. Rickard, Riverside: 6 Corriedales at 655. C. T. A. Ward and Sons. Chertsey: 111 halfbreds at 495. R. Hanrahan and Son, Fairton: 72 Romneys at 55s 6d. 64 Corriedales at 495. L. Hanrahan and Son, Dromore: 81 Corriedales at 535. J. J. Hanrahan, Dromore: 65 halfbreds at 475. J. A. Langdon, Westerfield: 125 halfbreds at 665. Estate W. M. Turner. Mayfield: 65 Corriedales at 54? 6dE. P. Stericker, Hinds: 88 Romney cross at 545. Estate A. J. Rushton, Mayfield: 61 Romneys at 60s 6d. K. W. Busch, Pendarves- 69 three-quarterbreds at 555. M. Davis, Lismore: 106 threequarterbred at 47s (in conjunction with N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd.). G. K. Ross, Lismore: 66 Romneys at 59s G. K. Campbell, Tinwald: 74 Romney-Corriedale cross at 54s 6d. 72 at 575. J. Hendry, Methven: 77 Romneys at 54s 6d, 98 at 62s 6d. J. Srhoy. Lowcliffe: 90 Border Leicester-Corriedale cross at 66s 6d. 70 at 725. Estate L. J. Fechney. Westerfield: 83 Romneys at 60s. Mrs M. Connolly. Eiffelton: 75 Romney-Corriedale cross at 655. 80 at 61s 6d. W. J. Glasgow, Mayfield: 83 Romney cross at 61s, M. G. Davidson, Maronan: 43 Romneys at 61s, 69 at 68s 6d, 40 Romney cross at 56s 6d. N. J. McKenzie, Anama: 40 Romneys at 50s 6d. 56 at 595. J. C. Laing. Hinds: 41 Romney cross at 535. G. R. Fechney. Westerfield: 45 Romneys at 61s. D. M. Williams, Ruapuna: 68 Romneys at 61s. J. J. Ainge, Winchmore: 60 Romneys at 695. F. I. and W. E. Lowe. Windermere: 52 Romneys at 595, 45 at 565. 79 at 56s 6d. Rushton Farming Co.. Anama: 61 Romneys at 56s 6d. W. Davidson and Son. Windermere: 54 Corriedales at 46s 6d. 71 at 475. H R. and D. A. Scott, Edradvnate: 44 Romney-Corriedale cross at 55s 6d. 86 at 67s Des. G. Chisnall, Hinds: 50 Corriedales at 465, 75 at 57s 6d. 75 D at D. S G. Chisnall, Hinds: 52 Corriedales at 51s.

N.Z. Farmers’ Co-operative Association, Ltd., sold, on account of: J . ~ H. J. Lilley. Seafield: 80 halfbreds at 48s. L. G. Anderson, Maronan: 90 Romneys at 61s. R. H Watson. Dromore: 112 Romneys at 535, 143 at 555. S J. and N. M. M. Lovett. Brackleigh: 112 halfbreds at 565. 63 at 535. „ _ , C. T. A. Ward and Sons. Radstone: 71 halfbreds at 455. 67 at 50s 184 at 56s 6d, 150 at 50s. P. A Groundwater, Mount Hutt: 68 Romneys at 565. A. P. Bruce. Kinkora: 76 Cornedales at 625. 72 at 645. A. Langdon, Budbrook: 58 Romney cross at 60s. 73 at 645. L. G. Kingsbury, Moana: 58 Polwarth-Corriedale cross at 565. 102 at 635. 85 at 565. A. D. McLauchlan, Silverdale: 73 halfbreds at 535, 73 at 50s. Kingston Bros.. Coldstream: 66 Romney-Corriedale cross at 61s, 137 Cornedales at 565. G. M. Robertson, Anama: 51 Romney cross at 595. A. M. Barwell. Skibo: 49 Romneys at 51s „ ~ D. I. Fechney, Westerfield: 7o Romneys at 70s. L. D. Mulligan. Omagh: 139 Romneys at 575. 83 at 60s. M. C McTigue, Methven: 88 Romneys at 70s, 79 at 765, 79 at 695. C. W. Anderson, Te Aro: 97 Romney-Corriedale cross at 53s 6d, 82 Romney cross at 60s 6d. A. limos and Sons. Wakanui: 40 Corriedales at 525. B. E. Lili, Montalto: 64 Romneys at 51s. C. D. Wilson, Riverside: 70 Romney-Cornedale cross at Bls. H. W. Doak. Christies road: <5 halfbreds at 47s 6d. R. B. Pawsey. Valverde: 82 Corriedales at 53s (in conjunction with Dalgety and N.Z. Loan. Ltd). A. R Hydes. Buccleugh: 68 Cornedales at 495. T. L Lucas. Creekdale: 72 Romneys at 68s 6d. C C Prebble, .Braemar: 97 Romney cross at 63s 6d. D M. Bruce. Lowcliffe: 116 Romneys fft 57s L. R. Bagrie. Hinds: 59 Romnev cross at 56s 64 at 575.

A. W. Taylor, Springfield: 63 Romney- Corriedale cross at 575. B E. Newton Chatmoss: 63 Romneys at 645.

Romneys 1962 s to s 1961 s to s Best . 70 f*0 90 105 Good . 60 68 80 88 Average . 50 58 70 77 Others . 36 47 60 68 Fine wools Best . 60 74 75 8! Good . 54 59 67 72 Average . 40 48 60 9* Others . 30 39 50 58

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Press, Volume CI, Issue 29749, 16 February 1962, Page 15

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Young Ewes Sell Well Press, Volume CI, Issue 29749, 16 February 1962, Page 15

Young Ewes Sell Well Press, Volume CI, Issue 29749, 16 February 1962, Page 15