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ADDINGTON MARKET Fat Cattle Prices Lower; Store Stock Firm

Fat cattle of all classes eased in value at the Addington market yesterday. Heavy steers, which were cheaper by 40s a head, showed the most marked decline. Another heavy entry of spring lambs kept prices down, although the best lambs were slightly dearer. Butchers' ewes continued to ease—about 14s a head over the last three sales—and a big entry of hoggets also met a quiet sale. Store sheep and store cattle showed little alteration from late rates.

Store Sheep The store sheep sale was followed by a fairly Urge gallery and there were buyers in the audience but the offering was not of notable quality and to some extent the true strength of the market was not reflected In the sale with some farmers already reporting a favourable growth reaction to the wanner turn in toe weather. HoggetsgeneraUydid not show much alteration from late rates and ewes and lambs also followed closely on the lines of recent sales although for the Quality offeringthese could have been a shade firmer. The offering totalled 1820 head, compared with 4081 last week, and included 920 hoggets <1522 last week). 804 ewes and lambs , (2190 last .week), M wethers (369), and 12 two-tooth a sprinkling of fairly good woolled wether hoggets values ranged from 50s to 555, with T. M. Fleming (Mount Gray Downs) being one of those with hoggets at the higher figure. Shorn Romney and fine wool wether hoggets of average to good quality fetched from 40s to 455, with others ranging down to about 345. J. T. Denton and Son (Southbridge > reached up to 45s for fine wool shorn wether hoggets and W. A. Watson (Southbridge) received 43s for 71 shorn Romneys. Fine wool ewe hoggets out of the wool ranged from 37s to 425.

Sales of hoggets included (sheep are shorn unless otherwise stated):—

National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd., and H. Matson and Company, sold, on account of W. A. Watson (Southbridge), 71 Romney wether hoggets at 435: J. Potts (Greenpark), 71 woolly Romney cross wether hoggets at 525; L. S. Blackmore (Horrelvllle), 70 mixed sex hoggets at 40s; estate R. Parsons (Springbank), 67 Romney wether hoggets at 41s. Dalgety and Company, Ltd., sold, on account of A. D. McLeod (Rakaia Gorge), 70 halfbred ewe hoggets at 425; client, 100 halfbred ewe hoggets at 37s to 40s.

New Zealand Farmers’ Cooperative Association, Ltd., sold, on account of J. T. Denton and Son (Southbridge), 131 Corriedale wether hoggets at 44s to 455; T. M. Fleming (Mount Gray Downs), 15 woolly wether hoggets at 555. The ewe and lamb offering included a proportion of small lots of not very attractive quality and some of these looked reasonably well sold, but in general the market was similar to recent weeks with the best woolly myes and lambs making from 29s 6d to 335, with average to good at 28s to 29s and others making from 15s to 225.

J. B. McMillan (Fernside) had one of the best sales of toe day with 31 woolly Corriedales and 42 Down cross lambs making 33s all counted. Another offering of Corriedale ewes and Down lambs on account of an unspecified vendor brought 325. Among sales of ewes and lambs were the following:— N.Z. Farmers’ Co-operative Association, Ltd., sold: on account of D. G. Barnes (Oxford), 50 Romney ewes and 66 Down cross lambs at 255; Marlborough client, 87 Romney cross ewes and 98 Down cross lambs at 255.

N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., sold: on account of J. A. Vallance (Sefton). 57 Corriedale ewes and 56 Down cross lambs at 29s 6d: J. B. McMillan (Fernside), 31 Corriedale ewes and 42 Down cross lambs at 335.

Daigety and Company, Ltd. sold: on account of client, 76 Corriedale ewes and 61 Down cross lambs at 325. Sales of wethers were made as follows:

Dalgety and Company. Ltd. sold: on account of A. M. Deans (Scargill), seven four-tooth wethers at 50s; Kaikoura client, 28 two and four-tooth wethers at 42s to 435; client, 12 at 465. SPRING LAMBS There was another heavy entry of spring lambs which totalled 547 head, compared with 558 last week, and this resulted in selective buying by the trade with very little interest being shown by wholesale interests.

Quality again varied markedly and many of the smaller lamb's were not prime and the pens were not uniform in condition or size. For the best prime lambs, both small and large, there was quite a good demand considering the size of the entry and top quality pens firmed by about 2s to 3s a head. Good quality, average weight lambs were about on a par with last week but the plainer and unfinished sorts were neglected with values again easier and a number of passings. The market was topped by the estate A. Gardiner (Scargill) with seven at 62s Id and 14 at 60s 7d. Macartney Bros (Tai Tapu) sold 17 at 54s 7d to 58s Id and T. P. Lowe (Hinds) received 57s 7d or his top pen R. F. Armstrong (Dorie) had a sale at S7s Id.

Best spring lambs made from 53s Id to 62s Id, with good at 46s Id to 5> Id, light at 43s Id to 45s Id, and plain at 38s Id to 42s Id. Sales included:—

New Zealand Farmers’ Co-00. I Association. Ltd. sold: on account of W. B. Bryant (Ashburton), 12 at 43s Id to 53s Id; E. Bryant (Ashburton), 5 at 45s -Id; J. F. Smith (Broadfield), 15 at 41s Id to 43s Id; N. A. Howson (Lakeside). 31 at 44s Id to 46s Id; J. W. Marshal! (Winchmore). 20 at 38s Id to 45s Id. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltdsold: on account of J F Smith ; (Broadfield), 29 at 40s Id; Overton Bros (Sandv Knolls). 13 at ,42s Id to 47s Id.

Pyne Gould Guinness Ltd. sold: on account of P. K. Brown (Rakaia) 5 at 46s 7d; J. Lancaster (Springston), 9 at 46s Id to 47s Id; W. C. Brears (Southbridge), 6 at 52s Id; C. P. Whiting (Hinds), 10 at 45s Id: T. W. Tyson (Springston), 14 at 47s Id to 53s Id; Wilson Bros (Halkett), 15 at 51s Id to 53s Id; estate S. G. Pascoe (Halkett) 11 at 55s Id; A. Lancaster (Springston). 6 at 41s Id Dalgety and Company, Ltdsold: on account of L. S. McDowell (Hinds). 15 at 38s to 455.

National Mortage and Agency Company. Ltd., and H. Matson and Company sold: on account iof D. N. McClelland (Southbridge) 34 at 4ls 7d to 49s Id: Goodwood Farm i Rangiora) 28 at 49s Id to 54s Id; J. I O’Donnell (KUltnchy) 62 at 45s 7d to 51s Id: E. J C and K N. Jones (Leeston) 13 at 45s 7d to 50s 7d: R Petrie and Son (Woodendk 25 at 42s Id to 51s 7d; G Edgar and Son (Rangitata). 24 at 46s Id to 53s Id; T P Lowe (Hinds). 18 at 43s Id to 57s 7d; .R. F. Armstrong (Dorie). 19 at 52s Id to 57s Id; A <Sc«rgilD. 21 at 60« 7d to 62s Id; a. C. Crom-

bie (Rakaia), 17 at 42s Id to 46s Id; Macartney Bros. iTai Tapu), 17 at 54s 7d to 58s Id. FAT HOGGETS Although the fat hogget entry showed a slight reduction to 1627 head, compared with 1874 last week, values showed a further easing tendency. Good quality medium to heavy-weight hoggets were scarce, but with toe heavy yarding last week the trade was very selective in its buying. There was little interest shown by wholesale interests. Throughout the market the demand was only for quality, with little inquiry from the trade for toe unfinished pens, of which there were many. Some grazier competition was apparent on these sheep. Overall the better quality hoggets could be quoted easier by up to 2s a head, with average quality cheaper by 2s to 3s. Odd pens of choice quality sold up to late ’rates.

Top sales of woolly hoggets were made at 92s Id by John Johnstone (Rakaia), with one, and an unnamed vendor with four. Sales at 90s Id were made by P. K. Brown (Rakaia) with 11, and Mrs M. E. Burns (Rakaia) with 13, and D. J. Stewart (Rakaia) sold 37 at 87s Id to 88s Id. Among the leading sales of recently-shorn hoggets, R. H. Maidens (Lauriston) sold a line of 59 at 75s Id to 79s Id, with 12 at the higher figure. Values were:— Best heavy woolly hoggets, 81s Id to 92s Id. Good woolly hoggets, 68s Id to 76s Id. Prime heavy hoggets, 67s Id to 76s Id, with odd sales to 79s Id. Prime medium hoggets, 57s Id to 65s Id. Light hoggets, to 55s Id. Sales included:— Pyne, Gould, Guinness Ltd., sold, on account of T. W. Tyson (Springston), 38 at 50s Id to 51s Id; P. K. Brown (Rakaia), 21 woolly at 79s Id to 90s Id; John Johnston (Rakaia), 1 woolly at 92s Id; M. C. Brown (Dunsandel), 30 at 61s Id to 72s Id; R. H. Maidens (Ashburton), 59 at 75s Id to 79s Id: Waituna Farm, Ltd. (Waikari), 100 at 65s Id to 76s Id; D. E. Grigg (Hickory), 67 at 68s Id to 74s Id; C. H. Croft (Loburn), 6 woolly at 64s Id; W. Martin (Rakaia), 46 at 64s Id to 69s Id; O. R. McLachlan (Rakaia), 72 woolly at 82s Id; D. J. Stewart (Rakaia), 37 woolly at 87s Id to 88s Id; N. G. S. Watson (Springston), 8 at 56s Id; S. A. McCartin (Southbridge), 22 at 62s Id to 68s Id; Estate S. G. Pascoe (Halkett), 2 woolly at 81s Id; A. M. Calder (Halkett), 14 at 56s Id to 58s Id; Mrs M. E. Burns (Rakaia), 48 woolly at 81s Id to 90s Id; H. R. Wilkinson and Son (Ashburton), 18 woolly at 64s Id to 68s Id, 14 at 48s Id; E. L. Gibb, (Motunau), 8 woolly at 67s Id to 83s Id; I. Mcßae (Springston). 13 at 50s Id; L. A. McLachlan (Leeston), 12 at 58s Id; J. A. Hadfield (Leeston), 16 at 49s Id to 51s Id. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Ltd., sold, on account of J. McL. Syme (Darfield), 22 at 53s Iff; Cheviot client, 20 at 54s Id to 55s Id; M. Baxter (Sheffield), 49 at 50s Id to 62s Id; L. G. Thomas (Templeton). 28 at 52s Id to 54s Id; L. Cooper (Southbridge), 6 woolly at 69s Id. New Zealand Farmers’ Cooperative Association, Ltd., sold, on account of J. B. and T. M. Lambie (Ashburton), 32 at 41s Id; Springston client, 62 at 48s Is to 55s Id; J. F. Smith (Broadfields), 30 at 41s Id to 51s Id; Murray Bros. (Blenheim), 70 at 70s Id to 73s Id; client, 6 at 53s Id to 92s Id; N. A. Howson (Lakeside), 31 at 44s Id to 46s Id; G. Beal (East Eyreton), 11 at 59s Id; H. J. Hamilton (Omihi), 19 at 53s Id to 59s Id. National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd., and H. Matson and Company, sold, on account of C. A. Winter (Oxford), 7 at 57s Id; J. Dobbie (New Brighton), 10 at 54s Id; L. Johnston (Te Plrita), 8 at 54s 7d; Macartney Bros. (Tai Tapu), 15 woolly at 81s Id; A. E. L. Eder (Sefton), 30 at 64s 7d; estate R. O. Bradley (Charterls Bay), 50 at 63s 7d to 68s Id: J. Carroll (Southbridge), 10 at 78s Id; D. A. Adams (Southbridge), 23 at 67s 7d to 68s Id; estate J. W. Binch (Motunau), 29 at 63s 7d to 64s 7d; R. B. Coe (Irwell), 19 at 64s Id to 66s Id; W| Watson (Southbridge), 15 at 60s Id: Mrs O. L. Brown (Omihi), 35 at 64s Id to 70s Id. Daigety and Company, Ltd., sold, on account of estate J. C. Pankhurst (Sandy Knolls), 88 at 65s Id to 66s Id; E. T. Roberts (Culverden), 9 at 49s Id to 57s Id; S. Hoskins (Irwell), 7 at 47s Id to 53s Id; G. L. Rapley (Southbridge), 5 at 45s Id to 49s Id; K. W. Broughton (Darfield). 10 at 40s Id to 44s Id; A. K. Broughton (Darfield), 15 at 47s Id. FAT SHEEP The fat sheep entry totalled 2934 head, compared with 4060 •last week. The drop in numbers was in toe ewe section and there were possibly a few more wethers penned than last week. A good demand was sustained for the best of the young wethers and an odd pen of older sheep but older wethers and plainer quality lines were harder to sell and looked to be slightly cheaper.

In toe ewe section toe market opened on a quiet note and weakened as the sale progressed. There was very little wholesale buying and toe trade was selective in its bidding. Overall toe ewe market could be quoted baek by a further 3s to 4s a head on woolly sheep and about 2s a head on shorn lines

Top sale of woolly wethers was made by G. J. Francis (Halswell) with a pen at 88s Id Among good sales of shorn wethers M. C. Brown (Dunsandel) received 75s Id and Watson Bros. (Halkett) sold a pen at 74s Id.

For woolly ewes both J. E Thacker (Okains Bay) and G J. Francis were paid 53s Id tor their top pens. In good sales of shorn ewes G. L. Brelthmeyer (Little River) sold 18 at 31s Id to 33s Id and toe latter price was also gained by toe Blackwater estate (Southbridge). W. J. Freeman (Aylesbury) sold a pen at 32s Id and sales at 31s Id were made by W. G. Lewtowaite (Little River) and W. J. Prebble (Rakaia) Values were:— Best heavy young woolly wethers, to 88s Id.

Good woolly wethers, 68s Id to TBs Id.

Prime heavy young wethers. 70s Id to 75s Id.

Prime medium voung wethers. 58s Id to 68s Id. ’ Light young wethers. 50s Id to 56s Id.

Good older wethers, 54s Id to 64s Id.

woolly ewes, «s Id to 53s Id.

.-P*** 1 woolly ewes, 40s Id to

. ewe * 278 ld J®?® 8 Id - *ito odd sales at higher rates. Good ewet 22a Id to 28s id. Light ewes, to 20s Id.

Sales included:— Pyne, Gould. Guinness Ltd., sold: on account of M. C. Brown (Dunsandel), 16 wethers at 68s Id to 75s Id; Wilson Bros. (Halkett), 58 wethers at 67s Id to 74s Id; N. R. Ower (Hororata). 53 wethers at 38s Id to 40s Id: C. H. Croft (Loburnl, 23 woolly ewes at 40s Id to 45s Id; O. R McLachlan (Rakaia). 32 woolly ewes at 47s Id to 50s Id, 3 wethers at 63s Id; S. A. McCarten ( toutobridge), 14 ewes at 20s Id, 3 young ewes at 35e Id to 54s Id; R. J. Miliar and Son (Southbridge). 31 ewes at 24s Id to 27s Id: C. W. Kyle (Yaldhurst), 16 woolly ewes at 35s Id to 41s Id; D. G. Hyslop (Brookside). 20 woolly ewes at 43s Id to 49s Id: Mrs M. E Bums (Rakaia). 23 woolly ewes at 42s Id to 46s Id: K. Fowler (Halkett), 27 ewes at 22s Id to 23s Id; L. A. McLachlan (Leeston), 31 ewes at 23s Id to 24s Id; R. W. Liversey (Rakaia), 37 wethers at 62s Id to 64s Id; I. Mcßae (Ellesmere). 32 ewes at 23s Id to 24s Id, 14 wethers at 45s Id to 55s Id; T. W. Tyson (Spmgston), 16 ewes at 21s Id to 23s Id: D. McPhail (Island Bay), 27 woolly ewes at 42s Id to 44s Id. 1 wether at 60s Id; J. S. and R. B. LiUey (Methven), 30 wethers at 63s Id to 71s Id.

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Ltd., sold: on account of G. L. Breitmeyer (Little River), 18 ewes at 31s Id to 33s Id; H. W. Farquhar (Culverden), 21 woolly ewes at 48s Id, 11 young ewes at 51s Id; A. G. Clarke (Christchurch), 8 ewes at 23s Id, 30 wethers at 49s Id to 51s Id; A. De Lambert (Cheviot), 15 ewes at 21s Id; G. W. R. Stephens (Rakaia), 13 young ewes at 47s id to 49s Id; 22 ewes at 20s Id to 21s Id; J. E. Crozier (Rakaia), 17 woolly ewes at 33s Id to 48s Id. 10 young woolly ewes at 46s Id to 49s Id; C. G. Cholmondeley (Darfield), 21 ewes at 18s Id to 22s Id. 24 young ewes at 47s Id to 50s Id; M.

Baxter (Darfield), 15 ewes at 24s Id to 27s Id; A. Hulston (West Melton). 14 ewes at 25s Id; W. J. Prebble (Rakaia). 30 ewes at 20s Id to 31s Id.

National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd., and H. Matson and Company sold: on account of Mrs C. E. Humphreys (Tai Tapu), 18 ewes at 29s Id to 49s Id; R. B. Coe (Irwell), 23 ewes at 22s Id to 43s Id; Colin A. Winter (Oxford), 17 ewes at 47s Id; T. H. Habberjam (Southbridge), 6 ewes at 23s Id; D. A. Adams (Southbridge), 15 wethers at 64s Id to 65s Id; F. Jamieson (Aylesbury), 10 ewes at 37s Id to. 45s Id, 54 wethers at 52s Id to 71s Id; R A. Hubbard (Greenpark), 16 ewes at 45s Id to 48s Id; D. F. Hubbard (Greenpark), 22 ewes at 46s Id to 49s Id; J. E. Thacker (Okains Bay), 25 ewes at 43s Id to 53s Id; P. J. Ford (Sefton), 21 wethers at 62s Id to 68s Id; Rhodes, HUI. Ltd. (Rakaia). 46 ewes at 28s Id to 30s Id; A. R. Russell (Irwell), 19 ewes at 22s Id; R. F. Armstrong (Dorie), 32 ewes at 28s Id to 47s Id; A. R. Kiddey (Burnham), 18 ewes at 13s Id to 43s id; W. J. G. Turnbull (Waikuku), 12 ewes at 45s Id; J. H. Baxter (Overdale), 36 ewes at 25s Id to 44s Id: A. C. Greenwood (Southbridge), 17 ewes at 31s Id to 39s Id; E. J Francis (Hornby), 5 swethers at 63s Id to 69s Id; A. G. Beere (Oxford), 82 wethers at 65s Id to 68s Id. I ewe at 49s Id: Harris Bros. (Rangiora), 17 wethers at 59s Id to 64s Id; Blackwater Estate (Southbridge), 15 ewes at 24s Id to 33s Id; W. J. Freeman (Aylesbury), 46 ewes at 24s Id to 32s Id, 4 wethers at 53s Id; Mountain View Farm, Ltd. (Annat), 26 ewes at 24s Id to 48s Id, 33 wethers at 58s Id to 75s Id; A. G. W. Gardiner (Scargill),. 34 ewes at 26s Id to 51s Id: G.

J. Francis (Halswell), 18 ewes at 29s Id to 535,1 d, 37 wethers at 62s Id to 88s Id. ' New Zealand Farmers’ Cooperative Association, Ltd., sold, on account of: R. J. Earl (Scargill), 31 ewes at 21s Id to 22s Id; J. B. and T. M. Lambie (Ashburton), 26 ewes at 21s id to 24s Id; H. J, Hamilton (Omihi), 19 ewes at 20s Id to 22s Id; estate C. C. Holmes (Rakaia). 19 ewes at 24s Id; A. Shearer (Winchmore), 32 ewes at 24s Id to 27s Id; J. W. Marshall (Ashburton), 16 ewes at 24s Id; W. T. Abbott (Fernside). 28 ewes at 23s Id to 27s Id; R. F. Fear (Swannanoa) 16 woolly ewes at 44s Id; D. McLaughlan (Ashburton), 26 woolly ewes at 42s Id to 43s Id; Rangiora client, 21 woolly ewes at 45s Id; Tiverton Farm (Brookside), 14 woolly ewes at 47s Id; W. T. Abbott (Femside), 13 young ewes at 41s Id; C. M. Sheat (Dunsandel), 16 young woolly ewes at 51s Id to 59s Id; I. D. Checkley (Blenheim) 48 wethers at 51s Id to 55s Id; W. G. Lewthwaite (Little River), 16 ewes at 21s Id to ills Id.

Dalgety and Company Ltd., sold, on account of: J. G. Cran (Bayfields),'26 ewes at 26s id, 13 young ewes at 29s Id; Woodstock Station (Oxford), 27 wethers at 56s Id: R. F. Stead (Amberley), 21 ewes at 22s Id, 9 young ewes at 32s Id; R. C. Myers (Loburn), 14 ewes at 24s Id, 6 young ewes at 27s Id; J. R. Johns (Culverden), 18 woolly ewes at 51s Id; S. Hoskins (Irwell), 22 woolly wethers at 63s Id to 81s Id: client, 40 wethers at 55s Id to 58s Id; H. M. Good (Kekerengu), 16 wethers at 44s Id to 46s Id; estate J. L. Rollason (Kekerengu), 14 wethers at 50s Id to 67s Id; clients, 90 wethers at 45s Id to 56s Id; E. J. D. Good (Kekerengu), 16 wethers at 50s Id to 67s Id. FAT CATTLE

There was an all round easing in fat cattle values. The sale opened with an entry of no more than 200 head, but it subsequently built up with late arrivals to 358 head compared with 308 last week. The selection of steers included a sizeable proportion of heavy cattle and even more pronounced than In previous weeks was the discount on any overfat cattle due no doubt to the onset of warmer weather Heavier steers eased by about 40s a head with lighter cattle, which met a moderately good sale, cheaper by about 30s. Heifers were not yarded in very large numbers and for that reason did not show such a marked easing as the steers, but they were also cheaper. Better quality cows declined by about 20s a head, and a good many of these sold at about £5 per 1001 b. , „ ± The P. R. Blunden Trust (Port Lew) sold one steer at £56 2s 6d. two steers at £55 17s 6d, another two at £54 2s 6d and three at £53 12s 6d. For the eight Shorthom-Hereford cross the average was £54 12s 6d. J. B Douglas-Clifford Stbnyhurst) received up to £55 2s 6d for three steers, and he also sold four at £54 17s 6d. S. Henderson (Bromley) was paid up to £54 17s 6d and A. T. M. Thacker (Okain’s Bay) received up to £54 12s 6d

Heifers ranged up to £44 2s 6d for the tops of three from G. R. Gould (Rotherham), which ranged from £3B 17s 6d. A. W. Gillespie (Bennetts) realised £4O 2s 6d for one and D. E. Grigg (Hickory) made up to £39 17s 6d.

J. E. Crozier (Rakaia) received £36 2s 6d for a cow and £35 2s 6d was paid to A. W. Gillespie and C. Redmond (Halswell).

Prime heavy steer beef sold at £5 5s to £6 5s per 1001 b. prime medium steer beef realised £6 12s 6d to £7 10s. and light and plain steer beef £5 10s to £6 ss; prime heavy heifer beef £5 15s to £6 ss. crime medium-weight heifer beef £6 12s 6d to £7 ss. plain and light heifer beef £6 to £6 12s 6d; cow beef. £4 15s to £5 15s. according to weight and quality. Values were:—

Prime heavy steers, £5l 17s 6d to £54 2« 6d. with odd sales to £5B 2s 6d.

Prime medium steen, £44 7s «d to £5O 13s «d. Light and unfinished steers. £33 12a Sd to £43 17s Bd. Prim* heavy heifers, £3B 5k

6d to £4O 7s 6d, with odd sales to £44 2s 6d. Prime medium heifers, £33 7s 6d to £3B- 3s 6d. Plain and light heifers, £27 3s 6d to £32 17s 6d. Prime heavy cows, £33 3s 6d to £36 2s 6d. Prime medium cows, £2B 3s 6d to £32 17s 6d. Plain and light cows, £lB 7s 6d to £24 17s 6d. Sales included:— New Zealand Farmers' Co-op. Association, Ltd. sold: on account of Vf. E. walker (Dunsandel), 9 steers at £3B 12s 6d to £43 17s 6d; D, W. Sheat (Dunsandel). 5 steers at £46 7s 6d to £47 17s 6d; J. H. Williamson (Tai Tapu), 5 steers at £3O 12s 6d to £4l 12s 6d; A. W. Gillespie (Bennetts), 1 heifer at £4O 2s 6d. 1 cow at £35 2s 6d; Mrs D. E. Hooper (Tinwald), 3 steers at £42 7s 6d to £45 12s 6d; G. W. Letham (Lauriston). 9 steers at £45 7s 6d to £46 17s 6d; client, 6 steers at £4B 12s 6d to £5O 17s 6d.

Dalgety and Company, Ltd. sold: on account of A. M. Bennett (Bennetts), 6 steers at £52 7s 6d to £53 7s 6d; F. Brice (Culverden), 4 steers at £36 12s 6d to £4O 2s 6d, 1 cow at £3O 12s 6d, 1 heifer at £34 7s 6d; client, 11 steers at £46 17s 6d to £49 17s 6d; A. C. Wright (Dunsandel), 2 cows at £3O 17s 6d to £3l 7s 6d, 1 heifer at £35 17s 6d; M. F. A. Childs (Domett), 3 heifers at £34 17s 6d to £37 12s 6d, 2 cows at £26 17s 6d to £3O 7s 6d; D. S. Johns (Culverden), 6 steers at £39 17s 6d to £42 7s 6d; client, 12 steers at £3B 2s 6d to £42 7s 8d; R. G. Deans (Homebush), 4 steers at £3O 12s 6d to £32 7s 6d; J. B. Douglas-Clifford (Stonyhurst), 16 steers at £49 17s 6d to £55 2s 6d; W. F. Bell (Kirwee), 4 steers at £4B 2s 6d to £53 17s 6d. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd. sold: on account of P. R. Blunden Trust (Port Levy), 8 steers at £53 12s 6d to £56 2s 6d; J. E. Crozier (Rakaia), 1 cow at £36 2s 6d; T. Williamson (Lincoln), 1 cow at £3l 7s 6d; R. P. Davidson (Ashburton), 1 cow at £3O 2s 6d.

National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd., and H. Matson and Company sold: on account of estate R. O. Bradley (Charteris Bay). 8 steers at £47 17s 6d to £49 12s 6d; R. T. Masefield (Akaroa), 6 steers at £4B 12s 6d to £5l 17s 6d, 3 heifers at £36 17s 6d; Mrs L. Richards (Hororata), 5 cows at £24 17s 6d to £33 17s 6d; J. D. Cairns (Wakanui), 14 steers at £44 2s 6d to £5O 7s 6d. 1 heifer at £35 2s 6d; P. J. Crepp and Son. Ltd. (Scargtll), 5 steers at £45 17s fid to £49 7s 6d; T. J. Sullivan (Halswell), 3 cows at £23 7s 6d to £27 12s 6d; C. Redmond (Halswell), 3 cows at £l7 12s 6d to £35 2s 6d: Burrows Bros. (Halswell), 4 cows at £27 17s 6d to £2B 12s 6d; S. Henderson (Bromley), 3 steers at £49 12s 6d to £54 17s 6d; H. G. Morris (Winchmore), 8 steers at £47 12s 6d to £47 17s 6d; W. P. Smith (Springbank), 2 steers at £4B 7s 6d to £5O 2s 6d, 3 heifers at £35 2s 6d; Florance Bros. (Burwood), 3 cows at £29 17s 6d to £3O 2s 6d; C. S. Donald (Bullock Hill), 14 steers at £47 12s 6d to £5l 2s 6d; McDonnell Bros. (Totara Flat), 7 steers at £5l 17s 6d to £53 17s 6d. Pyne, Gould, Guinness Ltdsold: on account of A. A. Boyd (Kaikoura), 8 steers at £47 7s 6d to £5O 7s 6d; A. T. M. Thacker (Okain’s Bay), 26 steers at £49 7s 6d to £54 12s 6d; G. R. Gould (Rotherham), 6 steers at £4O 7s 6d, 3 heifers at £3B 17s 6d to £44 2s 6d; D. E. Grigg (Hickory), 5 two-year-old steers at £45 2s 6d to £5l 17s fid, 3 heifers at £3B 12s 6d to £39 17s 6d, 1 cow at £3O 17s 6d; M. F. Hall (Hororata), 2 steers at £39 2s 6d to £49 12s 6d, 1 heifer at £3B 2s 6d; J. F. Cracroft Wilson (Cashmere), 10 steers at £4B 2s 6d to £5O 2s 6d. STORE CATTLE There was a steady sale for a small selection of store cattle, with values not showing any marked alteration. The entry totalled about 123 head, compared With 282 last week. Yearling and two-year-old cattle predominated among the quotable offerings of cattle. Rising two-year-old Aberdeen Angus cross steers from T. A. Richards (Meth ven) sold a VOS 13s 6d, and Herefords of the same age from the same vendor realised £35 8s 6d. Helfers of the same breeding and age, also from Mr Richards, sold at £29 18s Sd. Yearling steers brought from £22 18s 6d to £3O 18s 6d, with the higher figure being paid for seven Aberdeen Angus cross from W. E. Walker (Dunsandel). Aberdeen Angus cross yearling heifers on account of an unspecified vendor sold for £l7 18s 6d. An odd older steer fetcned to £3B 13s 6d. Th e heaviest of the cows in the offering ranged from £2O 8s 6d to £26 8s 6d; medium made from £l6 3s 6d to £l9 7s 6d. and cull and inferior ranged down to £lO 18s 6d. Quotable lines of cattle sold as follow;-

New Zealand Farmers’ Co-op-erative Association, Ltd., sold on account of W. E. Walker (Dunsandel), 7 yearling Aberdeen Angus cross steers at £3O 18s 6a.

National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd., and H. Matson and Company sold, on account of T. A. Richards (Methven), 15 rising two-year-old Hereford c^ rs ,» at £ 33 7 heifers at ■ 8 rising two-year- ... e ™ een Angus steers at x<x) 13s 6d. 9 heifers at £29 18s 6d; client. 5 yearling Aberdeen Angus cross steers at £22 13s 6d, 15 heifers at £l7 18s 6d

BULLS The bull entry was of similar size to last week at nine head. The selection included mainly medium and heavier weights, heaviest selling from £5l 17a 6d to £39 17s 6d, and medium-weights from £36 8s 6d •g 7s ®d- The top price of toe day was paid for. a Shorthorn.

DAIRY CATTLE The dairy cattle entry was only shout 18 head, compared wtih 30 last , week and quality was little more than mediocre with the exception of a few better, class cattle. Values were roughly on a par with last week Best second, third and fourth ealvers sold from £29 to £36 with medium at £23 to £2B and others from £2l. A Friesian heifer sold at £37 and the best of the other heifers realised from £3l to £35 with ™ akiD B. according to quality from £l5 Ifis upwards

VEALERS A veal yarding totalled J? 1 ? 0 109 compared with 81 last week. Quality was about toe same with few outrtanding eattie, but there were

more smaller ealves and nickers forward. Values showed little, if any, change. Best large runners sold from £32 3s fid to £34 17s fid. medium runners £2B 7s fid to £3l 12s fid. small runners £25 17s fid to £27 17s fid: large suckers made £23 17s fid to £27 12s. medium suckers £l7 17s fid to £2l 17s fid. small suckers to £lB 3s fid; large calves sold at £l9 7s fid to £22 17s fid, medium calves £l3 12s 6d to £l7 2s fid. small calves £5 13s 6d to £l2 17s fid. and bobby and Inferior types from 85s. FAT PIGS The porker yarding was much larger and quality showed a marked improvement. Competition was again spirited throughout the sale and last week's good rates were fully maintained. A medium-sized bacon entry sold at about the same rates, but over-fat types were ignored by buyers. Choppers were in smaller supply and values improved by about 20s a head. Values were:— Light and unfinished porkers, £7 2s fid to £8 9s fid. Medium porkers, £9 7s 6d to £lO 2s fid. Heavy porkers. £lO 4s fid to £lO 14s 6d. Baconers. £ll 2s 6d to £l3 3s fid. Choppers £6 Is to £l5 18s fid. STORE PIGS The store pig entry was the biggest so far this season and consisted mainly of small weaners and slips. More buyers followed the sale and although it opened on a cautious note with values back by 3s to 4s a head. It soon recovered and prices overall could be quoted fully firm on last week’s good rates. Three advertised tn-pig Large White sows made £26 10s to £32. Two Large White boars sold at 23gns and 24gns. Values were:— Small weaners, 65s to 85s. Best weaners, 98s to £5 10s. Slips. £5 15s to £6 3s. Small and medium stores, £6 5s to £7. Large stores, no entry.

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Press, Volume C, Issue 29635, 4 October 1961, Page 16

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ADDINGTON MARKET Fat Cattle Prices Lower; Store Stock Firm Press, Volume C, Issue 29635, 4 October 1961, Page 16

ADDINGTON MARKET Fat Cattle Prices Lower; Store Stock Firm Press, Volume C, Issue 29635, 4 October 1961, Page 16