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Other Exchanges

AUCKLAND Sale,.—Late Friday: £875. 15/7/63-65. 3 p.c.. £92 10s; £375. 15/5/64-66, 3 p.c.. £9l 15s; 550 Dom. Brew.. 22s 3d; 1900 N.Z. Brew.. Ils 9d; 535 Farmers’ Co-op.. B pref., 21s 9d: 200 Kauri, 14s 6d; 300 Brit. Off. Sup . 255; 100 L. D Nathan 325; 200 For. Prod.. 36s 6d; 100 Reid M., 6s 3d; 900 U.E. Box. 12s 6d; 100 Innes, pref., 19s. Sales. Yesterday; £lOOO, 15/6/61-64, 3 p.c.. £94 15s; £6OO, Auck. C C , 7/5/63, 4 p.c., £99 10s 9d; £4OO. Auck. Harb. Bd„ 11/2/63, 4 p.c., £9B 12s 3d; £ 1000. Auck. Harb. Bridge, 31/1/66. 4J p.c.. £99 Ils 6d; 300 N.Z. Brew., Ils 9d; 210 Auck. Gas. 6s; 200 N.Z. Ins., 66s 3d; 200 Stn. Brit., B. 535; 112 Gear rights. 7s; 100 Wright Steph., 57s 9d: 60 Kauri Timber, 14s 6d; 1540 Alliance, 13s: 235 Manawatu. 13s 6d; 450 Ampol. 12s; 2 C.SR., £6B 15s; 50 Dunlop. NX. 42s M: 300 Fletchers. B pref., 19s 3d; 112 Gen. Foods, rights 2s 3d; 1060 G. J. Coles, rights. 6s sd: 40 L. J. Hooker, rights. 2s lOd, and 650 at 2s lid: 100 McKendricks. new. 8s: 1000 M. and C . 13s 9d; 200 Myer. 23s 9d; 100 Tasman, 31s 6d; 800 U.E. Box. 12s 6d: 500 Unit. Sub.. 3s lid; 900 Waitomo. 5s 4d: 100 Winstone. 35s 6d. WELLINGTON Sales/—Late Friday: 2500 N.Z. Brew.. 11s 9d; 300 North. Steam, Ils 9d; 200 Putaruru Timber, pref.. 16s; 200 Ampol, 1967 notes. 9s 3d; 375 Dunlop. N.Z.. pref., 17s: 100 Gen. Foods. 13s 9d: 100 J Wattie Cann., 12s: 500 Reid M, 6s 3d; 200 T. and J., pref.. 20s 9d; 200 Wilson Cement. 16s; 100 W’wrth.. 13s 6d; 456 W’wrth.. N. 16s. Sales.—Yesterday; £3OO. 3 p.c_ 60-62. £9B ss: £BOO. 3 p.e., 61-64, £94 12s 6d: £5OO. 3 p.c.. 6.1-65. £92 10s and £l5OO at £92 12s 6d; £5OO. 3J p.c., 1965. £95; £5OO, 3J p.c., 1974. £B7 10s: £4OO. 41 p.e., 1962, £99: £l5OO. 4J p.c., 1965. £9B 12s 6d; 100 Dom. Brew.. 225: 550 N.Z. Brew.. 11s 9d. and 300 at Ils 8d: 200 Tui Brew.. 6s 9d; 210 Auck. Gas. 6s: 100 N.Z. Ins.. 66s 6d and 100 at 66s 3d; 50 N Z Ins.. B. 665: 50 Wright. Steph. 58s. and 1016 pref., 19s; I<M) Alliance. 13s: 300 Ampol, 12s 3d: 100 B. Harris. A, 7s 3d: rrs 8.H.P.. 64s 6d. and WO at 655: 250 Burns Philp. 81s 9d, 187 Fletcher, 42s 3d; 500 Gen. Foods, rights. 2s sd; 85 Ccles. rights. 6s sd: 100 Griffin. C.

18s 3d; 500 H. 8., 365; 500 Niven. 555; 200 Wattie. 12s. and 600 at Ils lOd; 500 Hooker, 8s Id. and 300 at 8s 2d; 100 Milbum. 43s 6d: 1000 M. and C., 13s 9d; 200 Mver, 23s 9d; 150 N.Z. Paper Mills. 455: 50 T. and J., notes. 7s 6d: 1050 U.E. Box, >l2s 6d; 400 Vibrapac. Wgtn., 22s 6d; 300 Cable. 22s 9d; 100 W’wrths.. N Z., 16s Id; 200 Oil Search. 2s 4d.

SYDNEY The market was uneven with trading moderate on the Sydney Stock Exchange yesterday. Key industrials, metals and textiles were weaker while uraniums were steady and oils and bonds were firm. Sales.—Anaett 6s; Chev., Syd.. 2s lid; Cone. Inds.. 13s; Peko Wallsend, 7s 3d; Latec. 4s 6d; Qld. Ins., 83s; Com. of Aust., 17s 4Jd; Com. of Syd., £lB 2s 6d; Nat., 12s 6d pd., 18s 9d: Nat.. 20s paid, 28s 9d; Bank N.S.W., £34 17s 6d; Tooheys, 31s 4Jd; Tooths. 63s 9d; A.G. Corp., Ils 4d; Lombard. 7s 3d; Sth. British, 63s 6d; Cons. Holds., 22s 6d; J. Fairfax. 25s lid and rts.. 9s 6d; Ampol Pet., 14s 2d; A. 22s 4Jd; A.C.1., 85s 3d; Brit. Tob., 33s 1 Jd; 8.H.P.. 735; B. Philp. 925; Clyde Ins., 12s 9d; C.S.R.. £76; D. Jones. 17s 3d; Drug H„ 55s 6d; E.Z. Inds.. 19s 4Jd; Email. 9s; Feltex. 7s 8d; G. J. Coles. 13s and rts., 7s 6d; Goldsbrough. 28s 3d; H. Jones. 73s 6d; L. J. Hooker, 8s lid and rts.. 3s Old; Moulded Prod., 18s 3d; R. Murray, 6s 6d: Waltons. 12s 3d; Woolworths, 15s 6d and notes. 13s 4d; W. H. Carpenter, 31s 6d; A. Hordern. 325; Blue Metal Ind., 17s 9d and rts.. 12s 6d; Brambles, 21s 6d; Carapark, 7s; El Smith 21s 6d; Humes. 63s 9d; H. G. Palmer, Ils 6d: LJ4.C. Inds., 8s lid; N.Z. Forest, 44s 6d; RM. Concrete. 17s; Taubmans, 7s 8d; Yarra Falls. 18s 3d: Mt. Lyell 6s; Mt. Isa, 62s 6d: Nth. B. Hill 18s 7Jd; Sth. B. Hill, Ils 9d; Ampol Exp., 8s 9d; Oil Search. 2s 6d: Timor. 4s 7d: Kath. Inv., 18s; United Uran. 4s 3d; Placer. £9 4s; Com. Mining, 7s 3d; Rio Tinto, 14s.

INVERCARGILL Sales.—Late Friday: 165 A.n2. Bank 43s 3d; 500 N.Z. Refrig.. 89s; 100 BHJ>„ 665: 206 Forest Prod.. 365: 133 Taupo Totara. 28s 8d; 300 W’worths.. 13s 6d and 400 at 13s 7Jd; 200 Wright, Stephenson, 58s 3d.

MELBOURNE Investment shares on the Melbourne Stock Exchange yesterday maintained a steady trend. Patersons gained 9d to 10s 3d. Peters Ice Cream (Vic.) eased 5d to 9s sd. Base metals were steady. Oils were stronger with heavier trading. Assoc. Aust. OU gained is to Bs, Assoc. Freney 8d to 4s 7d, Aust. OU and Gas 3s lid to 23s lOd, Papuan Aptoaipi, la to ss. and Woodside 7d to 3s 4d. Commonwealth bonds remained steady. Sales.—Commercial Bank, 17s 3d; Nat., Bank, 28s 9d; Bums, Philp, 93s 6d; Dodds, 19s 9d; Frigrite. 17a lOd; General Inds., 14s 6d; Gerrard, 25s 9d; Moran Cato. 19s 9d; Regent Motors. 13s; Toppa, 7s 6d; Ampol, 14s 3d; Anaett, 5s lid; Assoc. Pulp. 425; A. Chemical, 38s 3d: A.P.M.. 24s 6d: A.CX. 85s; A.W.A.. 22s 8d; Brit. Tob., 33s 3d; 8.H.P., 73s 9d; Carlton. 31s 9d; Carrier Air, 20s; Clyde, 13s; C.S.R.. £76 10s; Cox Bros.. 8s Id; Custom Credit. 13s lid; Dunlop, 39s 6d; Electronic B. 17s; Email, 9s 2d; E.Z. Inds., 19s 6d; Factors, 4s 6d; Feltex. 7s 9d: G. J. Coles. 12s lid and rts., 7s 7d; Gordon, Gotch. 13s 6d; H. C. Sleigh, 12s lOd; Henry Jones, 755; Herald, 50s 6d; HUton, 8s sd; Humes. 63s 9d; 1.C.1.A.N.Z.. 735; 1.A.H., 13s: Kauri, 15s 6d; L. J. Hooker, 9s and rts. 3s; Moulded Prods.. 18s Id; Myer, 26s 8d and bonus, 26s 6d; Nat, Consol., 28s, Olympic, 7s 8d; Reid Murray, 6s 8d; Repco 12a 6d; Swan, 13s 4d; Waltons. 12s 4d; Woolworths. 15s 3d and notes, 13s Id; Mt. LyeU, 6s; B.H. South, Ils 8d: New B. 57s 6d; North 8.H., 19s; Mt. Isa, 63s 3d; Interstate, 10s; Oil Search, 2s 7d: Santos, 14s; Timor. 4s 6d; Commonwealth Mining, 7s.


Sales.—Yesterday: 5 , Bank N.S.W., £3O; 550 N.Z. Brew.. Ils 9d; 100 N.Z. Refrig., 395; 250 Sth. Otago Freez., 625; 100 Nat. Ins., 24s 6d; 300 N.Z. Ins., 66s 6d. and-JOO at 655; 100 Sth. Brit., 535; 500 Mosgiel, 20s 6d; 100 Ampol. 12s 3d; 1200 B. Harris, A, 7s 3d; 50 8.H.P., 645, 100 at 665, and 425 at 44s 6d; 100 Brit. Off. Sup., 255; 8 C.S.R.. £7O; 200 D.1.C., 245; 75 Dom. Fert., 555; 100 Fletcher, 42s 3d; 125 Gen. Food, rights, 2s sd; 700 Coles, rights. 6s 6d; 200 J. Watties, 12s; 100 K.P. Drug. 475; 1000 M.C.P., 6s lOd; 250 Milbum Cement, 43s 3d; 100 N.Z. News., 695; 500 Reid M-. 6s 3d, and 200 at 6s 2d; 200 T. and J., pref., 20s 9d; 100 W'wrths... 13s 6d.

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Press, Volume C, Issue 29502, 2 May 1961, Page 17

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Other Exchanges Press, Volume C, Issue 29502, 2 May 1961, Page 17

Other Exchanges Press, Volume C, Issue 29502, 2 May 1961, Page 17