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PUH.IC WOTTCa > JUMBLE SALE ; NAVY LEAGUE. WOMEN'S : AUXILIARY, | RIDGLEY HALL. 12 PM TODAY. I Admission r 3d. t [ , QUEENSTONE FIRE SURROUNDS. i 70 Falsgrave street. Opposite Pearsons Coke. < ! INVITE you to visit their new L and modern showroom and inspect a most comprehensive . i range of surrounds in unique J stone specially selected from ..‘the Queenstown area. Also on display surrounds in 1 beautiful Italian marble and ‘ English tiles. > Open Friday Evenings. i i | ’Phone 62-374. ! ;l CHRISTCHURCHCH FREE | ; KINDERGARTEN ASSN.. INC. | i REUNION OF FORMER CEN- ’ TRAL COMMITTEE MEMBES I TO Celebrate the 50th Anni- ’ versary of the Association a ■ reunion of all Central Commit- I • tee Executive and Council mem- ’ I bers is to be held in June. The ■ I Association requires the names j - and present addresses of all . former members wishing to at- j t tend. This information should . reach the Secretray. 203 Cam-P bridge tee., not later than May > 12, 1961. 1 1 D M. SHEPARD. Secretary. 1 ■ 9159 THE Annual General Meeting of < > the CASHMERE-BECKENHAM ■ SUB-BRANCH of the PLNNKET . SOCIETY will be held in j ST. PHILLIP’S HALL, Fisher avenue, Beckenham. ’ on TUESDAY. MAY 2. 1961, at 8 P.M. > F. MOORE, . Hon. Secretary } JUMBLE SALE STANLEY STREET HALL, j APRIL 28. 1 P.M. CASHMERE-BECKENHAM j PLUNKET SOCIETY. Admission 3d. A JUMBLE SALE will be held • on SATURDAY, April 29, I 1 at 2 P.M., r in the f 9 WAR MEMORIAL PAVILION. Shaw ave.. New Brighton, : In aid ot Hall Funds. If wet. NEXT SAT. Listen 3ZB. NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS TO > FURNISH ann H^LTL^£? N " j CILIATION STATEMENT PURSUANT o Section 20 (1) (e) ) of the Income Tax Assessment j Act, 1957, the Commissioner of Inland Revenue hereby gives notice as follows: 1 1. Every employer who has made tax deductions from . source deduction payments 1 made to employees during the • year ended March 31, 1961, is > required to deliver to the Inland Revenue Department a reconciliation statement. The statement is to be signed by the employer and is to show the total amount of ah tax deductions paid to the Department in respect of source de- • duction payments made by him during the year ended March : 31, 1961, and the total amount of tax deductions shown in tax deduction certificates delivered ■ to employees, together with an explanation if the two totals do not agree. The statement is Mo be accompanied by signed • copies of all those tax deduc- • tion certificates, "by all tax code 1 declarations. tax code ceHifi- ! cates atrtTjby 811 notices cancelling tax ' 2. Reconciliation statements are required to be delivered or - forwarded to the appropriate district office of the Taxes Division, Inland Revenue Department, not later than May ’ 15. 1961. 3. Reconciliation statement t forms are available at all disrict offices of the Taxes Division. Inland Revenue . Department, and at all Post Offices. 4. Any employer failing to furnish a reconciliation statement within the prescribed time is liable to a fine not exceeding £lOO or not less than £2. —F. - R MACKEN, Commissioner of • Inland Revenue. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under Section 35 of The Trustee Act. 1956, that all creditors having claims against the ESTATE of JOHN WILLIAM BARKER, late of Brooklands, Farmer, who • died on the 14th day of March, 1961, are requited to lodge such claims with the Estate’s Solicitors, Messrs Meares. Williams. Holmes and Booker, No. 98 . Gloucester street. Christchurch. J. on or before the 31st day of J May. 1961. j w t Any claim not lodged by that - date is liable to exclusion. J The claim (in duplicate) must , show full particulars and must J be certified as owing at the date e of death of the said Deceased. MEARES. WILLIAMS HOLMES and BOOKER. Solicitors for the Estate. * 98 Gloucester street, ? Christchurch. 9091 - 1080 POISONS LAID Carrot bait treated with 1080 . poison (Sodium Fluoroacetate) c will be distributed by aircraft „ for the purpose of Noxious „ Animal Control on the following ’ property: All that property known as - Molesworth Station bounded by Jacks and Jollys Passes in the I south, Gloster rived. Carters I Saddle in the east .Clarence | river. State Hydro. Hamner. I Tophouse access road in the west I and the main axis watershed beI tween the Walrau, Rainbow, I Severn, Branch and SaxtoH. a Leatham rivers in the north. I Poison operations will comI mence on May 1, 1961. and ter- ■ minate on October 31, 1961. I As laid down in the Deadly I Poisons Act. 1960, the above I country will be considered to be I under poison from the com- ■ mencement of operations and for a period of three (3) months after operation* have ceased. E NZ. FOREST SERVICE. . P.O. Box 309. Nelson. ’ 5980

‘ , JUMBLE SALE ! ; 'INAVY LEAGUE. WOMENS ' PUBLIC NOTICIS VACANCIES—MALO AUXILIARY, • RIDGLEY HALL. WOODEND SCHOOL COMMIT12 PM. TODAY. TEE ‘ i RAFFIX RESULTS list Prize—B6ol. Flutey. R. AdjldlAHl ql ’ e lur s roukd S f,rb “uM! 1 j Rop “* assistant 70 Fateerave street ’ 3rd Prize—2l63. B. Anderson. 30 AOjWlAnl Opposite Coke. CTfiRFMAN 180 Main rd., Redciiffs. J I VOLrIAIX I INVITE you to visit their new Please collect Frizes from kJA kl l and modern showroom and in- Headmaster. Woodend School VTnDkMAKJ .Ispect a most comprehensive rwrirk JIVI IL.I T lfMl . i range of surrounds in unique . as : stone specially selected from aeries wif b ,‘the Queenstown area. Ist Prize £5O. No. 1075. A VACANCY extsta for a Keen, energetic young Man for Also on display surrounds in M 10 •J*’ 1 * Engineering Store. Good hand 1 beautiful Italian marble and writing and general education 1 English tiles. are essential. The wort h tn1701 1734 1839 teresting and varied with ex1985 cellent working condition*. I Open Friday Evenings. WOOLSTON W.M.C. BOWLING > CLUB nppi? • I RAFrL VATCH R,STLET ELLIS, HARDIE. SYMINTOH r |“ Winning Ticket 1806 ITh : I CHRISTCHURCHCH FREE | Francis. Edmonds street. u : KINDERGARTEN ASSN.. INC , LICENSING DISTRICT OF ” Moorttoua. avenue ' TRAL IO a>MMHT?E M M R BaraEs' a 19 °*’ Thone S9-M4 Jlter houra S2-5T4. • 3?rsa C ry e oi at th. th Ass^Utlon 0 " a NOTICE ?s tn • reunion of all Central Commit- mentioned’ V Act nS the " • tee Executive and Council mein- Acensine ACCOUNTANT I bers is to be held in June. The f t »!2 t vttefion I Association requires the names Committee for the Lyttelton industrial concern ■ and present addresses of Lvt- has an immediate vacancy for . former members wishing to at- g u>dnP*dav the 14th Qualified Accountant in their ‘ T th? Sr*® Jo? promt—. ' bridge tee S not later than May the Purpose of considering any -r ne successful applicant will ■ ?? applications made under the said have full control of the office t iswi. SHEPARD Acts, of which due notice is an d a staff of at present SIX Secretary. given. people. The position was 9159 N B - —All applications must be created through a transfer ot ■ lodged, in duplicate, with the personnel, and the new acTHE Annual General Meeting of Clerk at least 21 days before countant will receive a train- > the CASHMERE-BECKENHAM the date of the said meeting. | nc period of not less than a • SUB-BRANCH ot the PLNNKEI O. T. GRATTAN, month A rewarding Initial . SOCIETY will be held in Clerk to the Committee. salary is offered and after a nwrr t TP'S HALL. Magistrate's Court, short period the applicant will , ST. PHILLIP S hall. Christchurch. be invited to join our super- ; Fisher avenue. Beckenham. 8222 annuation scheme. A subsl'on TUESDAY, MAY 2. 1961. LICENSING DISTRICT OF “ at 8 P.M. ’ CHRISTCHURCH CITY 31,0 ln °» er ” lon > F MOORE THE LICENSING ACT 1908 “stance*to^ d ** m * d * Hon. Secretary AND AMENDMENTS ln nrst ln «“" ce w • NOTICE is hereby given that in The Secretory, 5 JUMBLE SALE pursuance of the provisions of THE FLETCHER INDLSTRIES* c-nAMirv HALL. the above-mentioned Act. the LTD STANLEY STREET hauu. Annual Meeting of the Licensing Private Bag. addtt IPM Committee for the Christchurch AUCKLAND. 1 ’ ‘ . City Licensing District, will be who w ni be available for in-CASHMERE-BECKENHAM held the Magistrate a Court terviews in Christchurch and ; C PLUNKET SOCIETY. DUn « , ‘" 81M Admission 3d. June. 1961 at 11 a m., for the - —j purpose of considering any apa :x^ s BENCH FITTER ; At 2PM N.B.—AH applications must be WUMVII 1111 LI I r in the ’ !2, dg ? d - in duplicate, with the or » ~, rnv Clerk at least 21 days before the - WAR MEMORIAL PAYJ LION ' date of the said meeting. nm fff* ■■ O. T. GRATTAN. RRASX *H wet f NEXT SAT. „ . , cl3r * ‘0 the Committee. Dll AJ J ii wev. i Magistrate s Court, Ll3te ' 9092 Christchurch. notice to EMPLOY ?KS.rSP » FURNISH ANNUAL RECON- m. GOULD AND CO. LTD,. , CILIATION STATEMENT bksuok. Tanjme , BESsPOKR TAILORS. WITH ability to use all small PURSUANT o Section 20 (1) (e) 7qq Colombo street tools and make up light metal J of the Income Tax Assessment patterns as prototypes for proi Act, 1957, the Commissioner of WISH TO ADVISE All Custom- duction work. This is an excelInland Revenue hereby gives ers that the ENTRANCE to their lent opportunity for a versatile notice as follows: — NEW TAILORING SHOWROOM man to do a worthwhile job. A > 1 emnlover who has J 8 now « Bide of same prem- high rate of pay with a weekly dlEhwtionT from the alleyway bonus will be paid to a capable 1 deduction payments ,„ The largest range of English man. Good conditions and overj Fmnlflvees during the Worsteds and Soorts Tweeds time worked. Cafeteia on site made 11 1961 is now showing and transport available from : To surrs FROM ‘he Square. SS” Azstatement is to be signed by there 1s no SDBSTITUTh Personnel Office. l?ctEJs^V f tX H iw«r‘ : CROWN CRYSTAL ment in respect of source de- MW|l ■ duction payments made by him p AQC DTV ITh during the year ended March ULA J J ill. LI - 31, 1961, and the total amount pvnf notrr n r'ITTMMij'CYG of tax deductions shown in tax FYNE, GOLLD, GUINNESS Shands road, Hornby, deduction certificates delivered •• ’Phone I*l. 5089. EXBCX s^M UBTra • : BOILERMAKERS ; gm 3B * * DVILtn ’ R --a ■ celling tax PENDENTS WHEN YOU AP- OPPORTUNITIES offered ex- V . 2. Reconciliation statements POINT PYNE. GOULD. GUIN- perienced tradesmen in a - are required to be delivered or NESS LTD., EXECUTOR AND rapidly growing organisation. - forwaraed to the appropriate TRUSTEE UNDER YOUR WILL. P ’ * * district office of the Taxes Your Estate upon your death PERMANENT POSITIONS. Division, Inland Revenue De- will become the responsipartment, not later than May bility of a strong and ex- INTERESTING AND VARIED 15. 1961. perienced company. WORK. 3 Reconciliation statement Urgent matters will receive Imtl forms TrtSvai’abte altaUdls- ™«Hate and expert atten- EXCELLENT'WAGES ' rict offices of the Taxes Division. , . STAFF PRIVILEGES AND Inland Revenue Department. With its wide experience the crvvrrr and at all Post Offices. company will shape a policy SICK BENEFIT. . • . . . for your estate that is 4. Any employer failing to sound. Apply:— furnish a reconciliation state- Possible loss resulting from the CIUPI AID AJCIDAIIDkIF ment within the prescribed time many pitfalls that abound SINCLAIR, MtLoUUnNt 300 s M^ e to a . fl . ne will be avoided. rn I Tfl - L ng J ess t l’ an £2 ~ F j Appoint as your LU, LID, - R MACKEN, Commissioner of • Inland Revenue. EXECUTOR and TRUSTEE. Marine and General Engineer*. • LYTTELTON. f NOTICE TO CREDITORS. PYNE ' GOULD. GUINNESS . phone M . 4IS . After hour> go.®., ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BOY or for S’ JOHN* William 'bSkS licensing district of Xred ro - & e d IWisW’ l9OB. 1961. are required to lodge such AND AMENDMENTS claims with the Estate's Solici- NOTICE is hereby given that in tors. Messrs Meares, Williams, pursuance of the provisions of DAV tAD Holmes and Booker. No. 98 the above-mentioned Act. the DU I lUn , Gloucester street. Christchurch. Annual Meeting of the Licensing „ Jon or before the 31st day ot Committee for the Selwyn MPkKU/EAD J May. 1961. a .u . L J e . e s nsi D!s,rict /. be held MLNjWLAA Any claim not lodged by that at the Ellesmere County Council - date is liable to exclusion. Chamber*, Leeston, on Tuesday. ... - . .. The claim (in duplicate) must the 13th day of June. 1961, at THIS position offer* 1 v show full particulars and must 11 a.m., for the purpose of con- opport un^y *° r an p be certified as owing at the date sidering any applications made rS’nlentv e of death of the said Deceased. under the said Acts, of which wPJn due notice is given. encouragement for a keen MEARES, WILLIAMS HOLMES N.B.—All application* must be F<> un « man to prof res*, and BOOKER. lodged, in duplicate, with the s 98 Gloucester street. dale of th o. S *T? GRATTAN. n BOY or YOUTH for ? Christchurch. Clerk to the Committee. -™ 1 CARPETS and FURNITURE 1080 POISONS LAID . ... A VARIED and interesting Carrot bait treated with 1080 VACANCIBB—GBNBIAL ‘ a y« r . “P*" e poison (Sodium Fluoroacetate) BAKER required for suburban | will be distributed by aircraft Cake Kitchen. Good wages ana imtiatKe rt rewaldSl xener- “ l°mmM e CoE£s°™ thl fJItoSSS weekend* “’ MS ‘TEfc oJ-JX™ y property^ 0 ” 1 ” 1 ° n ‘° U ° W g * ngs week-end 2967 pr j v fj eges >n a friendly atmosP All that property known as phere. - Molesworth Station bounded by dravton tovFq T.'ri) Jacks and Jollys Passes in the GRILL COOK DRAYTON-JONES, LTD. 9 south. Gloster rived. Carters GRILL COOK 9:37 | Saddle in the east .Clarence GRILL COOK armTrra WAXrrrn | river. State Hydro. Hanmer. GRILL COOK BUTCHER WANTED I Tophouse access road in the west One preferred for boning. Good I and the main axis watershed be- An experienced Grill Cook is w "ges and conditions. Apply I tween the Walrau, Rainbow., CQO,C 1 MEAT WHOLESALE MARKET. I Severn. Branch and Saxton, required to take over our busy S Leatham rivers in the north. a la Carte Grill. Phone vv-aix. I Poison operations wilt com- ' 81 “r I mence on May 1. 1961. and ter- Apply Chef I minate on October 31. 1961. J PAH EAkliAl/tDC I As laid down in the Deadly WARNERS HOTEL Kill! rKIVlfiRrK\ I Poisons Act. 1960, the above WARNER'S HOTEL D VILLIII I country will be considered to be I under ■ poison from the com- 7212 11/PI ftrnr ■ mencement of operations and for ; VV 1 I IrK \ a period of three (3) months Office requires Regis- " LL.IzI.IU after operatioha have ceased. tration Clerk. Previous expert- , ence preferred, but not esaen1 NZ. FOREST SERVICE. tiaL Apply WILDING. PERRY, EXPERIENCED TRADESMEN .. P.O. Box 309, Nelson. 5J? d . ACLAND. 77 Hereford st., required for manufacturing and ' 5980 Christchurch. 8255 structural steel* work. Good ————————————— ————— conditions. top wages. and VACANCIB—CtMEKAL plenty of overUms. i 1 K. G. McCAW. LTD. j K. G. McCAW. LTD. POST OFFICE CAREERS FOR i BOYS and GIRLS CLEANERS. We require Civilian Cleanera for our contract to ths 1 in the 15 to 20 years of age group. at wigram Aeroy J drome. Applicants must proit duce proof of reliability and 'J A rewarding and satisfying career is offered to boys and ho J^* t j girls who are prepared to seek promotion in an essential Section Manager, and expanding organisation CROTHALL and CO . LTD, 120 Wordsworth street. Applicants will bo encouraged to study through tile Post I Office Correspondence School and prepare themselves f for advancement. , A AApEMTEDC Generous sick leave provisions, superannuation. Co-operative ’’ • “• •*- Welfare Fund and a Sick Benefit Fund are some of the CARPENTERS are required for > amenities available to applicants. several contract. Good conditions and working extended 9 - # hours. APPLY TO:- . a. tar rx Gross wage for town work Mr W. Davey. over £l9 • Personnel Officer. Apply $ Chief Post Office, (109 Hereford Street) f q C q LE CONSTRUCTION ’• Telephone 80-250 £q up • •* 'lB3 ANTIGUA ST. > 3409 7079

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Press, Volume C, Issue 29499, 28 April 1961, Page 23

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Page 23 Advertisements Column 8 Press, Volume C, Issue 29499, 28 April 1961, Page 23

Page 23 Advertisements Column 8 Press, Volume C, Issue 29499, 28 April 1961, Page 23