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WN TENNIS Country Wins Three Matches From Town

Three country teams—Norths anterbury, Mid • Canterbury ad Malvern beat Town j =ams when the annual Town- . Jountry fixture was played ■ t Wilding Park yesterday. Town : >eat Ellesmere, Hurunui and ianks Peninsula. In the junior ection Ellesmere, North Canter- 1 lury and Malvern beat Town < earns. Altogether 240 players took • lart. 144 in the senior events, ■ nth teams of six men and six i yopien, and 96 in the junior secion with teams of four boys and tour girls. AS in the past the Country players showed they were well up to the standard of their Town opponents. Among the Country wins in singles matches, K. Familton (Mid-Canterbury), who recently won the Country men's singles title, beat G Shaw, 9-5: and in the same contest the Mid-Canter-bury second player. A. Browne who beat Familton recently for the Mid-Cante-bury title, beat S Clarke. 9-6 Miss G. Hop' inson (North Canterbury), a member of the Canterbury Nunneley Casket team. lost to Mrs E. CampbeT. 6-9. The runner-up for the Country title. A. Hewitt (Malvern) beat G. Burton, a leading Town player, for the second time in the annual Town-Country event. Hewitt won. 9-6. In another top B Shirlaw (Town) was beaten by A. (Hurunui). 9-4, and the ton Ellesmere woman. Miss S Mackay beat a high-ranked Christchurch player. Mrs J. McKav, 9-5. The matches were marred and gome results possibly affected bv the v°rv strong south-westerly wind which caused many double faults and a maximum of other errors T -'WTI V. North Canterbury “TV* Cr n«s beat J. Plakelcv g Moss beat G. Harrison o-ri- f G. .Ullrich beat Strahl. F .. *l* TTllHch beat Knox. 9-4; G. Inghs beat Taylor. 9-7; M Fearnle*’ lost to I311“y, 7-9. Worn’s Si"f»les.—Mrs E. Campbell beat M’ss G Hopkinson. 9-8: Miss E F°astnn lost tn Miss C Smth 5-9-Miss G Robinson b«»at Miss 3 Morris 9-1; Miss P. Fen” ick lost to Mrs Hood. 3-9; Mrs T Southern lost to Miss SinolMr. 2-0: Mrs I Henn’ lo*t to Ml«s R Ross. 8-9. Men’s Doubles—Crofts and Moss beat Blakclev and Harrison. 6-4, 2-6. 6-9- Innes and T”dis beat Strahl and Knox. 6-4. 6-3: Ullrich and Fcamley beat Taylor and Lilley. 6-3. 6-5 Women’s Doubles.—Miss Reaston and Mrs Campbell lost to Misses Hopkinson and Smith. 5-6. 1-6: Mrs Robinson and Mis* Fenwick lost to Miss Morris and Mrs Hood. 5-6 0-6: Mrs Southern and Miss Hendy lost to Misses Sinclair and Ross. 2-6. 1-6 Mixed Doubles.—Crofts and Mrs Campbell lost to Blakeley and Miss Hopkinson. 3-6. 6-0, 4-6: Moss and Miss Reaston lost to Harrison and Miss Smith, 5-6, 4-6: Innes and Miss Rpbinson beat Strahl and Miss Morns, 6-1, 6-4; Ullrich and Miss Fenwick lost to Knox and Mrs Hood. 4-6, 3-6; Inglis and Miss Hendy lost to Taylor and Miss Sinclair, 1-6, 3-6; Feamley and Mrs Southern beat Lilley and Miss Ross. 6-1. 5-6. Canterbury won by 21 sets Town ▼. Ellesmere

Men’s Singles.—G. Judge beat 'I. Pickering, 9-6; J. Cadenhead beat A. Watkins. 9-6; B. Logan beat P. Steinmetz, 9-6; M Tyrrell lost to R Hudson, 1-9: H. Blackburn lost to D. Love, 8-9; J. D. Saunders beat S. D. Montgomery, 9-7. Women’s Singles.—Mrs J. McKay lost to Miss S. Mackay, 5-9; Mrs B. Watmuff lost to Mrs N. Skilling. 4-9; Miss K Williams beat Miss L Smith. 9-2: Miss B. Blackburn lost to Mias B. Watkins, 8-9: Mrs Nation beat Miss P. Mackay. 9-5; Mrs Timlin lost to Miss P. Sloan, 6-9. Men’s Doubles.—Judge and Cadenhead beat Pickering and Watkins. 6-4. 6-4; Logan and Tyrrell lost to Steinmetz and Hudson, 2-6, 1-6; Blackburn and Saunders beat Love and Montgomery. 2-6, 6-5, 6-0. Women’s Doubles.—Mesdames McKay and Watmuff lost to Mrs Skilling and Miss Mackay, 5-6, 5-6; Misses Williams and Blackburn beat Mrs Smith and Miss Watkins, 6-2, 6-2; Mesdames Nation and Timlin beat Misses Mackay and Sloan. 6-2. 6-1. Mixed Doubles.—Judge and Mrs Nation lost to Pickering and Miss Mackay, 3-6, 6-2, 2-6; Cadenhead and Mrs McKay beat Watkins and Mrs Skilling, 6-2, 2-6, 6-1; Logan and Mrs Watmuff beat Steinmetz and Miss Smith. 6-2, 6-2; Tyrrell and Miss Williams lost to Hudson and Miss Watkins, 5-6, 2-6; Blackburn and Miss H. Blackburn lost to Love and Miss P. Mackay, 6-3, 5-6, 2-6; Saunders and Mrs Timlin beat Montgomery and Miss Sloan, 6-4, 6-3. Town won by 13 matches to 11. Town v. Hurunui Men’s Singles.—B. Shirlaw lost to A. Smith, 4-9; A. D. Atkinson beat J. Rule. 9-4: P. F. Maples beat B. Forbes, 9-7; R. August lost to L. Silcock. 1-9; T. Beatty lost to E. Sandford, 6-9; O. J. Thomas lost to K. Doyle, 6-9. Women’s Singles.—Miss L. Mardon beat Mrs Allen, 9-2; Miss D Morel beat Mrs V Ginders. 9-2; Mrs P. Boatwood beat Miss B Wylie, 9-0: Miss M. Nisbet beat Miss P Wylu?, 9-7; Miss J. Langston beat Mrs Bell, 9-1; Miss J. Headley lost to Miss Honeybone, 7-9. Men’s Doubles.—Shirlaw and Atkinson beat Smith and Forbes 6-5. 6-5; Maples and August lost to Rule and Silcock, 2-6. 1-6; Beatty and Thomas beat Sandford and Doyle 6-3. 6-3. Women’s Doubles. —Misses Mardon and Morel beat Mesdames Allen and Ginders, 6-4. 6-1: Mrs Boatwood and Miss Nisbet beat Misses Wylie and Wylie, 6-1, 6-4; Misses Langston and Headley beat Mrs Bell and Miss Honeybone, 6-0, 6-1. Mixed Doubles.—Shirlaw and Miss Mardon beat Smith and Mrs Allen. 6-5. 2-6, 6-4; Atkinson and Mrs Boatwood beat Forbes and Miss B Wylie, 6-4, 6-2; Maples and Miss Morel beat Rule and Mrs Ginders. 8-0. 6-2; August and Miss Nisbet beat Silcock and Miss P Wylie, 6-3. 3-6. 6-1: Beatty and Miss Langston beat Sandford and Mrs Bell. 6-3, 6-3; Thomas and Miss Headley beat Doyle and Miss Honeybone. 6-4, 4-6, 6-5-Town won by 18 matches to 6. Town v. Banks Peninsula

Men’s Singles.—R Mlnson beat E. Cairns 9-7; B Aldridge beat C. Vanstone. 9-5; S. Hale beat P Ussher. 9-8; O Foster beat R. Craw, 9-2; W Small beat B Goodwin, 9-0; J F Maples beat D Patten. 9-3 Woman’s Singles—Mrs G Wilson beat Miss J Cusdin. 9-6: Mrs M Bennett heat Miss L. Bavnon, 9-0: Mrs I. Finnic beat Mrs M Gray. 9-7: Mrs M Small beat Mr? R Ward 9-3; Mrs Furlanger beat Mrs J Reynlsh 9-2 Miss Densen lost to Mrs R C” w 6-9 Men'* Doublet.—Mlnson and Aldridge beat Cairna and Vanstone. 6-5. 3-6 6-4 Foster and Hale lost to Ussher and Craw. 1-6. 6-4, 4-6; Small and .Manles beat Goodwin and Patte 6-4 2-6, 6-4. __ Women's Doubles Mesdames Wilson and Bennett beat Misses Cusdin and Baynon. 6-4. 6-5: Mesdames Finnic and Small beat Mesdames Gray and Ward. 6-5. 6-1; Mrs Furlanger and Miss Densen lost to Mesdames and Reynlsh. 6-4. 5-6. 4-8 Mixed Doubles.—Mlnson and Mrs Wilson beat Cairns , and Miss Cusdin, 1-6. 6-4. 6-5: Aldridge and Mrs Bennet beat Vanstone and Miss Baynon, 6-4, 2-6, 6-1; Foster and Mrs Finnic lost to Ussher and Mrs Gray. 5-6. 0-6; Hale and Miss Densen beat Craw and Mrs Ward 6-X 3-6, 6-3; Small and Mrs Small lost to Goodwin and Mrs Crew, 6-3. 3-6. 6-0; Maples and Mrs Furlanger beat Patten and Mrs Reynlsh. 6-4. 5-6. * Town won by 19 matches to 5.

Town v. Mid-Canterbury Men’s Singles.—G. Shaw lost to K. Hamilton, a-a; s. Clarke lost to v * g a Lane loBt to Bryant, 2 ’* K - Haworth lost to T? ylor ’ Murphy lost to T ’ Gibßon lost to .Women’s Singles.—Miss L. Luxton beat Miss M. Mackay, 9-6; Miss B. Mollison „ lost to Miss P. Andrews, 5- Mrs H. Lovegrove lost to Mrs M. Reddecliffe, 5-9; Miss P. Byrne lost to Miss B. Taylor, 0-9; Miss F. Nelson lost to Miss J. Anurews, 8-9; Miss N. Behrnes beat Miss J. Tarbotton, 9-6. Men’s Doubles.—Shaw and Clarke beat Familton and Browne, 6-4, 6-5; Lane and Haworth lost to Bryant and Taylor, 2-6, 3-6; Murphy and Gibson lost to Street and Tully, 2- 1-6. Women’s Doubles.—Misses Luxton and Mollison beat Miss Mackay and Mrs Reddeclifie. 6- , 2-6, 6-2; Mrs Lovegrove and Miss Byrne beat Misses Andrews and Andrews, 6-5, 6- Misses Nelson and. Behrnes lost to Misses Taylor and Tarbotton, 2-6. 3Mixed Doubles.—Shaw and Miss Luxton beat Familton and Mrs Reddecliffe, 6-3, 6-5; Clarke and Miss Mollison lost to Browne and Miss Mackay, 3-6, 1-6; Lane and Mrs Lovegrove lost to Taylor pand Miss P. Andrews, 2-6, 6-2, 0-6: Haworth and Miss Byrne lost to Street and Miss Taylor. 2-6, 3-6; Murphy and Miss Nelson lost to Bryant and Miss Tarbotton, 6-4, 4-6, 6-2; Gibson and Miss Behrnes beat Tully and Miss J. Andrews, 5-6, 3-6. Mid-Canterbury won by 17 matches to 7. Town ▼. Malvern Men’s Singles.—G. Burton lost to A. Hewitt, 6-9; M. Norden beat R. Henderson, 9-7; E. Woods lost to M. Wilson, 1-9; M. Dobbs beat R. Stevenson, 9-5; J. Mitchell lost to A. Swanson, 4-9; A. Brocherie lost to M. Bolton, 5-9. Women’s Singles.—Miss K. Brander beat Mrs N. Gilmour, 9-4; Miss E. Brown beat Mrs M. Begg, 9-7; Miss J. Saunders lost to Miss B. Jenkins,' 2-9; Miss R. White lost to Mrs P. Jenkins, 9-8; Miss M. Lambert beat Mrs M. MacAuley, 9-6; Miss L. Underwood lost to Mrs M. Macartney, 1-9. . „ Men s Doubles.—Burton and Norden beat Hewitt and Henderson, 5-6. 6-5, 6-1; Hutchings and Dobbs beat Wilson and Stevenson, 6-2, 3-6, 6-5; Mitchell and Brocherie lost to Swanson and Boulton, 1-6, 6-5, 3-6. Women’s Doubles. —Misses Brander and Brown lost to Mesdames Gilmour and Begg, 4-6, 5-6; Misses Saunders and White lost to Miss B. Jenkins and Mrs P. Jenkins, 1-6, 1-6; Misses Lambert and Underwood lost to Mesdames MacAuley and Macartney, 3-6, 1-6. _ .. Mixed Doubles.—Burion and Miss Brander lost to Hewitt and Mrs Gilmour, 6-5, 1-6. 1-6; Norden and Miss Brown lost to Henderson and Mrs Begg, 6-5, 5-6, 3-6; Woods and i Miss Saunders lost to Wilson and Miss Jerkins. 2-t 3-6; Dob os and Miss White beat Stevenson and Mrs Jenkins, 6-5, 3-6, 6-3; Mitchell and Miss Lambert lost to Swanson and Mrs MacAuley, 2-6. 4-6; Brocherie and Miss Underwood lost to Bolton . and Mrs Macartney, 3-6, 4-6. Malvern won by 16 matches to 8. 1 JUNIOR MATCHES Town beat Banks Peninsula by 13 matches to 3; Ellesmere beat Town ‘ by 9 matches to 7; North Canter- . bury beat Town by 11 matches to 5; Malvern beat Town by 10 matches to 6: Town beat Hurunui by 14 matches to 2; Town beat Mid- ; Canterbury by IS sets to 12.


Senior and junior country representative tennis teams haw been selected to play, town at Wilding Park on March 30 asfollows:— Senior.—Men: K. Familton (Mid-Canterbury), A. Hewitt (Malvern), A. Browne (MidCanterbury), W- Hewitt (Malvern), L Jones (Ellesmere), I. Pickering (Ellesmere). Women: Miss G. Hopkinson (North. Canterbury), Miss C. Smith (Nortn Canterbury). Miss K. Williams (Ellesmere). Mrs N. Gilmoui Malvern). Miss M. Mackay (MidCanterbury), Miss P. Andrews iMid-Cantrebury). Junior.—Boys: L. Jones (Ellesmere), L. Elliott (North Canterbury), R. Iriine (Malvern), J. Creighton (Ellesmere), M. Jordon (Malvern), R. Doak (Ellesmere) Girls: J. Watkins (Ellesmere), J. Morris (North Canterbury), Y. Hart (Malvern), I. Sinclair (North Canterbury), J. Cusdin (Banks Peninsula), S. Heslop (Ellesmere).

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Press, Volume XCVII, Issue 28537, 17 March 1958, Page 13

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WN TENNIS Country Wins Three Matches From Town Press, Volume XCVII, Issue 28537, 17 March 1958, Page 13

WN TENNIS Country Wins Three Matches From Town Press, Volume XCVII, Issue 28537, 17 March 1958, Page 13