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Gate takings at the Malvern Agricultural and Pastoral Association’s forty-hinth annual show at Sheffield on Saturday set a new record for the association. Though a specific figure was not available on Saturday, it was stated late in the afternoon that last year’s record would be exceeded. The association had a perfect calm sunny autumn afternoon for its show, after threatening low cloud early m the day and a chill wind. Entries for the show were again at a high level at more than 2000. A notable increase in entries was recorded in the cattle section in which there were nearly 30 per cent. more. Jerseys and Ayrshires were particularly strongly represented. Mr J. R. White, who reviewed the 62 Jersey entries, described the whole section as one of merit and said that for an autumn show the animals had been brought forward in particularly good condition.

The champion cow was S. C. Skurr’s Tolgarth Elmana which had already taken several championships at Canterbury shows, including the Jersey show at Christchurch last November. She was an outstanding animal displaying true Jersey characteristics, said Mr White. Close to her as the reserve champion was L. P. Hawke’s Glenmore Flashlight Bess, a cow carrying more age, which counted against her. The champion bull was Mrs J. E. M. Dickie’s Pinecrest Olga’s Forward, a North Island-bred animal which the judge said would hold his own in strong competition. Amongst the Ayrshire cows the judge, Mr A. E. Williams, found very strong competition in the aged class from which he selected his champion and reserve champion—W. J. L. Chambers and Sons’ Allandale Laura and J. Jefferies’s Ardgowan Dianna—cattle which he said would hold their own in any of the big shows. Allandale Laura also had the distinction of being the best dairy cow in the show. Mr Williams awarded the bull title to R. H. MacKenzie’s Rossshire Snowboy. The general standard was up to that seen at other Canterbury shows, he said, but there was some variation in the quality of the young stock, some of which showed much promise. Others were forward in relatively hard condition—probably tn account of the dry weather. The sheep in the Border Leiceser, English Leicester and Romney sections had come through the summer exceptionally well—the climatic conditions seemed to have suited them as their wool was in first-class order, said Mr G. G. Low, who judged these breeds. In the English Leicesters antf Border Leicesters, entries were small, he said, but the sheep were “quite a select lot.” J. D. Paterson’s champion Border Leicester ewe was a really good sheep. Among the Romneys Mr Low found a sprinkling of sheep that appealed to him very much. One of these was the champion ewe from J. H. K. Woodhouse.

Commenting on the Southdowns, Ryelands and South Suffolks, the judge, Mr Melville Brooks, said that there was excellent competition throughout, and the old sheep were a very good lot The colour of the younger sheep could have been better “but in general I found the standard very good,” he said.

Mr I. C. Grierson, who judged the fat sheep and fat lambs, also said the sheep were showing that they had come through a particularly good season. Exhibitors were to be congratulated, he said, on the quality of the entries in the section. Naturally at this time of the year the fat lamb section did not attract very many entries, but the judge found the quality of those lambs penned to be very good, particularly the heavier weights. The arrangement of the potatoes, vegetables, roots, and small seeds in rows outside is a feature of the Sheffield show, and this year potatoes of many varieties and colours occupied about one and a half rows. The judge, Mr R. G. Jolly, said that the section was the strongest at anv Canterbury show. All he said, were very strong and the potatoes were well presented. Next year the association will hold its fiftieth show, and plans are afoot to make this more than an ordinary event. Championship awards were made as follows: Horses.—Hack; Miss Judith Bell. Hamess pony: Mrs Ivon Wood’s Torchflash. Cob: Alisa Buxton’s Marfleet Hispana. Saddle Pony, not over 12.2 hands: Tony Blackett’s Nandi. Hunter: H. C. Greenwood’s Hero. Saddle pony, over 12.2 hands and under 14.2 hands: Alison Bedford’s Jimmy Cricket. Cattle.—Shorthorn: bull, G. H. Cotton. Jersey: bull, Mrs J. E. M. Dickie (reserve, also Mrs Dickie); cow, S. C. Skurr (reserve, L. P. Hawke). Ayrshire: bull, R. H. MacKenzie (reserve, W. J. L. Chambers and Sons); cow, W. J. L. Chambers and Son* (reserve, J. Jefferies). Dairy cow: W. J. L. Chambers and Sons. Sheep.—English Leicester: ram, Estate James Reid, Ltd.; ewe, Estate James Reid, Ltd. Border Leicester: ram, J. D. Paterson- ewe, J. D. Paterson. Romney: ram, J. H. K. Woodhouse; ewe, J. H. K. Woodhouse. Southdown: ram, Mrs J. C. Cradock (reserve, Mrs Cradock); ewe, J. H. Paterson (reierve, J. H. Paterson).

Results were:— tLight Horses (Judge: Mr P. J. Hanrahan) Brood mare and foal (2): Beulah Jenkins 1 and 2. Foal (2): Beulah Jenkins 1 and 2. Yearling (?): Helen Bedford 1, R. A. Boag 2, Adele'Ashton 3. Two-year-old colt or Ally (3): Elaine Hart 1, Beulah Jenkins 2 and 3. Maiden hack, up to 11 stone (6): Janet Macfarlane 1, Miss M. D. Searle 2, Philippa Macann 3. Maiden hack, up to lljstpue.J4)J..Selwyn Boon 1, H. C. Greenwood 2, Gwen Richards 3. District hack (5): -H. -C. Greenwood 1, June Bedford 2, Miss M. D. Searle 3. Hack, light-weight, up to -12. stone (12): Selwyn Boon 1, Ngarita Boon 2, Miss J. A. Dickson 3. Hack, heavy-weight, 14 stone and over (11): Miss J. M. Bell i, E. G. O. Rutherford 2, Robin and George Kelly 3. Lady’s hack (14): Selwyn: Bobn 1, Miss J. M. Bell 3, June Bedford J. Best mannered and paced hack (12): Stelwyn Boon 1, Miss J. M. Bell 2, E. G. O. Rutherford 3. Pair of hacks (8): Jane Wilding 1, Miss J. M. Bell 2, Oakside Challenge Cup?for best woman rider (9): Ngarita Boon 1, Angela Satterthwaite 2, Mrs J. M. Bell 3. Hamess Horse* and Cobs (Judge: Mr F. McQuillan) Harness pony, under 14.3 hands (2): Mrs Ivan Wood 1, Mrs L. C. Warren 2. Harness horse or pony, stylevand action (3) : Mrs L. C. Warren 1, Mrs Joan Wood 2. Lady’s turn-out (1): Mrs Ivan Wood. Saddle Cob, maiden, not over 15.1 hands (8): Misses A. and J. Neish 1, G. W. Coe 2. Mrs Hart and Mias H. Bedford and C. C. Wells (equal) 3. Cob, not over 14.2 hands (10): Ailsa Brixton 1, Mrs L. Bush 2, Mrs F. S. Cunningham 3. . Cob, over 14.2 and not over 15.1 hands (9): Esther Eaves 1, Mrs M. Rhodes 2, G. Satterthwaite 3. Saddle Ponies (Judges: Mr A. Agnew and Mr Leslie Bennetts.) Brood mare and foal (6): Benlap Jenkins 1,2 and 3. Foal (7): Beulah Jenkins 1,2 and 3. Pony not over 11.2 hands (10): Colin Bush 1, lan Esler 2, Anne-Marie Kavanagh 3. Pony, over 11.2 and not over 12.2 hands (19): Tony Blackett 1, Jeanette Amould 2, W. R. Booker 3. Maiden pony (8): Tony Blackett 1, Janette Amould 2, G. H. Reed 3. Pony, under 12.2 hands (1): Janette Amould 1, Wayne Monk 2, Sarah Deans 3. Pony which has not won prize in 1954 autumn show (6): David Irwin 1, Susan Stoneman 2, Marian Bush 3. Yearling (7): Beulah Jenkins 1 and 2, Juliet Cunningham 3. Two-year-old (10): Jill Kelly 1, Fredericks Hutton 2, Beulah Jenkins 3. Pony, over 12.2 hands and not over 13.2 hands (22): Alison Bedford 1, Jill Kelly 2, Marylyn Kavanagh 3. Over 13.2 and not over 14.2 hands (18): Adrienne Smith 1, Keith Bush 2, Mrs R. K. Reed and Miss B. Smith 3. District pony under 14.2 hands (15): Alison Bedford 1, Helen Spencer-Bower 2, Mrs R. K. Reed and Miss B. Smith 3. Maiden pony, over 12.2 hands and under 14.2 hands ■ (20): Mrs J. T. McCorkindale 1, Elaine Hart 2. Prudence McGowan 3. Best mannered pony (39): Alison Bedford 1, Adrienne Smith 2, Gaynor Ellis 3. Pony, not won prize in 1955 autumn show (11): Beulah Jenkins 1, Lindsay Young 2, Mary Irwin 3. Riding Competitions (Judge: Mr P. J. Harrison.) Maiden hunter (8): Mrs N. M. Bevin and Elaine Ashton 1, E. G. O. Rutherford 2. Pony ;*ump, under 14.2 hands (20): Alison Bedford 1, Keith Bush 2, June Bedford 3. Light-weight hunter, up to 11.7 stone (8): H. C. Greenwood 1, Miss J. Dickson 2, Ray Harris 3. Heavy-weight hunter, to 14 stone (9): Miss P. Veitch and H. A. Boyce 1, E. G. O. Rutherford 2. C. M. Williams 3. Best hunter (16): H. C. Greenwood 1, E. G. O. Rutherford 2, D. B. C. Allin 3. Best woman rider over 16 years (7): Miss J. A. Dickson 1. Best man rider over 18 years (7): R. Parsons 1. Mount Torlesse Cup: H. C. Greenwood. Children's Competitions

leading rein for children seven years and under (11): Alison Wright i, AnneMarie Kavanagh 2, Derek Wells 3. Best rider under eight years (5): Julia Hutton

• 1, Kevin Wells 2. Anne-Marie Kavanagh ;3. Eight and under 10 years (12): [ Douschka Hutton 1, Colin Bush 2, Alex , Ward-Smith 3. Ten and under i* years (21): Alison Bedford 1, Helen Spencer- ; Bower 2, Janette Amould 3. Twelve and ■l4 years (10): Diana Cunningham, ■ Fredericks Hutton 2, June Bedford 3. , Fourteen and under 16 years (18): Sandra i Franklin 1, Gaynor Ellis 2, Adrienne Smith 3. Under 16 years not won a first prize (10): Miss R. K. Reed and Miss B. L Smith 1, Misses R. and J. Grimsey 2. L CATTLE Shorthorns . (Judge: Mr G. C. Goodwin.) Heifer calved since May 31, 1953 (3): G. 1 £ h and 2 - E - a and C. s. ■ ealv e<l since May SI, 1954 ■ G. «.• Cottam 1, Westwood Estate 2. Bull calved since May 31. 1953 (1): G. H. ! S° t I? n ). 1 u Cal 'I ed „ si J! c ' May 1854 , G. H. Cottam 1. E. B, and c. S. Taylor 2. Two progeny of one sire (1): G. H. ■ Cottam 1. Breeder's group (1): G. H. Cottam 1. Frieslans _ (Judge: Mr Hudson.) i calved before June 1, 1952 (3): A. D \^ l l ver 1 and 2> Cullen Bros. 3. Heifer . al X ed , sin F e May 31, 1953 (4): Judith Cullen 1 A. D. Oliver 2, Cullen Bros 3. Calved since May 31, 1954 (2): A D Oliver 1, Judith Cullen 2. Bull calved since May 31, 1954 (1): Cullen Bros. 1. Two progeny of one sire (2): A. D. , Oliver 1, Cullen Bros 2. Jerseys (Judge: Mr J. R. White.) Cow calved before June 1, 1951 (8): S. C. Skurr 1, L. P. Hawke 2 and 3. Heifer cßlved Since May 31 1951 (4): L. P. Hawke 1: F- J. McGuinness 2, L. D. Arams 3. Calved since May 31, 1952 (5): S. C. Skurr I si L io?i 2 ,? nd .J- Calv ed since May 31, 1953 (12). L. D. Adams 1, S. C. Skurr 1 ?< an T 2< lved sinc e May 31, 1954 (7): Mrs I. E. M. Dickie 1 and 3, S. C. Skurr » (3P S O C e Sl?rr C t V T ed n in « Ce j Ma y 31 * 1953 4? i • u ~ r L * D - Adams 2, Mrs J. ivre D (iv’lr 3, ? U S < S? ved before June . 1, 1953 (2): Mrs J. E. M. Dickie 1 L D i Adams 2. Calved since May 31, 1953 (1): p lC f ie 7Vr l^ Calved since May ‘ f ’ ivr n McGuinness 1, Mrs J. . , Dickie 2, S. C. Skurr 3. Two progeny of one sire (5): L. P. Hawke 1 and 3, S. C. Skurr 2. Breeder’s group (4) • S C i k v p - “" J- m.

zt Ayrshires (Judge: Mr A. E. Williams ) t < T >W c^ alv t d be£ore June 1, 1951 (6): W. an i d 80113 1 and 3, J. Jefferies 2. Heifer calved since Mpy 31, 1951 ■ A- S- Green 1, J. Jefferies 2 Calved since May 31 1952 (4): J. Jefflries 1 aSd ait w ’^ G, aJS in M and 5011 3. Calved since tpZ I 9 ® 3 I 9) • MacKenzie 1, J. fqS e i4i S - a a e d r- 3 " Cal , ved since May 31, 1954 (4). A. S. Green 1 and 3, W. G. King h , ei£en ? calved since May 31, 1953 (5). JL Jefferies 1, R. H. MacKenzie 2, W. G. King and Son 3. Bull since June 1 1953 (2): R. H. Macmlv 11 r 2 « C ? lved since May 31, 1953 ( 4): J. Jefferies 1, R. H. MacKenzie 2, A. S. Green 3. Calved since May 31, 1954 (4) : W. J. L. Chambers and I I', i Jefte ries 2, R. H. MacKenzie 3. 7™“ progeny of one sire (3): J. Jefferies 1, R. H. MacKenzie 2, A. S. Green 3. Breeder's group (4): w. J. L. Chambers and Sons 1, J. Jefferies 2, R. H. MacKenzie . Dairy Section Champion cow or heifer (15). W. J. L. Chambers and Sons 1, S. C. Skurr q’i 3 t Keifer calved since May 31, 1953 (16): I. D. Constable 1, S. C. Skurr 2, L. D. Adams 3. Crossbred or ?, r ? d o, CO , W , o^.. hci, . er in mH* or in calf (1). W. J. L. Chambers and Sons 1. Cross!n e< ?c»& r z?r ad T e r? e^ er calved since May 31, 1953 (1). I. D. Constable. w, «a. SHEEP English Leicesters, Border Leicesters, and Romneys rs (Judge: Mr G. G. Low.) English Leicesters: Estate James Reid, Ltd., all awards. Border Leicesters.—Ram (1): J. D. Paterson 1. Ram lamb (6): R. S. Gunn L . J - D. Paterson 2, E. Thomson 3. Ewe J ’ R ’ S - Gunn 2 ' Ewe lamb (6): J. D. Paterson 1 and 2, R. S. Gunn 3. Romneys.—Ram (9): J. H„ K. Wood--31!? 31 L - E - Taylor 2. Ram H ’« Pl l die H - H - Deans 2, X- W. Williams 3. Two ram lambs (5): H. H. Deans 1, L. E. Taylor 2. Ewe, other than one-shear (10): J. H. K. Woodhouse /o\ 2 LT L ’«- E \>T a3 L l , or 3 - Ewe - one-shear (8): J. H. K. Woodhouse 1 and 2, L. E. Taylor 3. Ewe lamb (11): L. E. Taylor I. J. H. K. Woodhouse 2, H. H. Deans 3. Two ewe lambs (7): T« W. Williams 1, J. H. K. Woodhouse 2, H. H. Deans 3.

Southdowns, Ryelands, and South Suffolks. (Judge: Mr Melville Brooks.) Southdowns.—Ram, any age (4): Mrs J. C. Cradock 1. L. D. Adams 2, J. H. Paterson 3. Ram, any age, natural condition (3): Mrs J. C. Cradock 1, L. D. Adams 2. Ram lamb (5): Mrs J. C. Cradock 1 and 3, Michael Adams 2. Two ram lambs (1): L. D. Adams 1. Ram lamb natural condition (8): Mrs J. C. Cradodk 1 and 2, Michael Adams 3. Ewe, oneshear (6): Mrs J. C. Cradock 1 and 2, P. Jebson 3. Ewe, other than one-shear (6): J. H. Paterson 1 and 2, Mrs J. C. Cradock 3. Ewe, any age, natural condition (8): J. H. Paterson 1 and 2, Mrs J. C. Cradock 3. Ewe lamb (4): Mrs J. C. Cradock 1 and 3, Michael Adams 2. Two ewe lambs (1): Michael Adams 1. Ewe lamb, natural condition (6): Mrs J. C. Cradock 1, R. E. and D. S. Gunn 2, J. H. Woodhouse 3. jßyelands. —Estate James Reid, Ltd., won South Suffolks.—Miss M. L. McGrath Dorset Horns.—J. H. K. Woodhouse won both awards. Merinos, Halfbreds, and Corriedales (Judge: Mr J. L. Stevenson.) Merinos.—Ram lamb (2): M. SpencerBower 1 and 2. Ewe, other than oneshear (2): M. Spencer-Bower 1 and 2, Ewe lamb (2): L. D. Adams 1 and 2. Halfbreds.—Ram, any age (2): M. Spen-cer-Bower 1 and 2, Ram lamb (9): M. Spencer-Bower 1, New Park Estate 2 and 3. Ewe (5): T. L. Jenkins 1 and 2, L. D. Adams 3. Ewe lamb (7): T. L. Jenkins 1 and 2, New Park Estate 3. Two ram lambs (6): New Park Estate 1, T. L. Jenkins 2 and 3. Two ewe lambs (4): New Park Estate 1, T. L. Jenkins 2 and 3. Corriedales.—Ram (4): Estate James Reid, Ltd., 1 and 2, D. H. Penney 3. Ram lamb (5): Estate James Reid, Ltd., 1,2, and 3. Ewe (5): Estate James Reid, Ltd., 1 and 2, C. A. Ridgen 3. Ewe lamb (7): Estate James Reid Ltd., 1 and 2, C. A. Ridgen 3.

Flock Sheep (Judge: Mr T. Hight) Ewe lambs other than halfbred and Corriedale (4): D. Deans and Son 1, L. E. Taylor 2 and 3. Ewes, one-shear, other than halfbred or Corriedale (5): D. A. Stott 1 and 2, D. Deans and Son 3. Ewes, other than one-shear, other than halfbred or Corriedale (4): L. E. Taylor 1, D. A. Stott 2 and 3. One or two-shear ewes, suitable for three years (2): D. A. Stott 1 and 2. Halfbred or Corriedale ewe lambs (5): J. Aitken 1, R. K. Reed 2 and 3. Halfbred Corriedales (10): J. Aitken 1, R. K. Reed 2, C. P. Wright 3. Other than one-shear (6): C. P. Wright 1, R. K. Reed 2, R. E. and D. S. Gunn 3. Ewes for three years (5): R. K. Reed 1, C. A. Inch 2 J. Aitken 3. Ewe lambs, suitable for four years (3): J. Aitken 1, R. K. Reed 2, C. A. Inch 3. Two-tooth ewes, halfbred or Corriedale, Young Farmers’ Club members (3): P. P. Jebson 1, D. H. Judd 2, A. L. Adams 3. Other than two-tooth ewes, open to Young Farmers’ Club members (5): P. P. Jebson 1, R. E. and D. S. Gunn 2, D. J. Adams 3. Ewes, other than halfbred or Corriedale, open to Young Farmers’ Club members (1): D. J. Adams 1. Fat Sheep (Judge: Mr I. C. Grierson) Wethers, not to exceed 1501 b liveweight (3): C. O. Redfern 1, P. P. Jebson 2, Wright Brothers 3. One-shear wethers, not to exceed 1301 b live-weight (3): P. P. Jebson 1, C. O. Redfern 2. Wethers, any weight, any breed (2): C. O. Redfern 1, t?. P. Jebson 2. Aged halfbred ewes (4): P. P. Jebson 1, C. O. Redfern 2, Wright Brothers 3. Aged ewes, other than halfbred (3): P. P. Jebson 1, C. O. Redfern 2.

Fat Lambs (Judge: Mr Grierson) Ryeland or Down cross, not to exceed five-weight (1): C. O. Redfern 1. White-faced lambs, other than Ryeland or Down Cross (2); C. O. Redfern 1, M. Spencer-Bower 2. Ryeland or Down cross, not to exceed 901 b live-weight (1): C. O. Redfern 1. White-faced lambs, not Ryeland or Down cross, not to exceed 901 b live-weight (2): C. O. Redfern 1, M. Spencer-Bower 2. Ryeland or Down cross, not to exceed 1001 b live-weight (1): C. O. Redfern 1. Ryeland or Down cross, any weight (1): c. O. Redfern 1. other than 5r ye i? nd or Dow n cross, any weight (2): M. Spencer-Bower 1. Lambs for export, hve-weight between 601 b and 751 b (1): £k’i£\ Red£ern 1* Lambs for export, under 90!b hve-wdght (1): c. O. Redfern 1. Pet lambs (7): Lois Molland 1, Alex Robertson 2, Deidre Hosking 3.

Poultry (Judge: Mr Bruce Graham) Orpington or Austral Orpington v 5) :^ s T - F - Hlght 11 B - c L ° ney , M i le > sa ? le breed < 3 ’: Mrs T. F. High* 1 R. c. Loney 2 and 3. Any ? U lt I H b v ee sf n l ale ' heavy (3): Helen Gunn i J ?' Nsalre Manson 2. Any other ? read t lama * e ' heavy (6): Bessie Paterson I a f ld ?* rs A - Williams 2. Table M, S T F - “Bht 1. Drake, other ffi an Indian Runner (4): David Adams 1 J? rs , T - £■ Hight 2. A. K. Broughton 3 piher than Indian Runner (3)David Adams 1. Mrs T. F. Hight 2, A K ton 3 - Table ducks (4): Mr, T. f' ? Igt U 1. David Adams 2, A. K. Broughton 3. Bantams (7): David Adams 1 John Swanston 2, Elizabeth Woods 3. Other than White Leghorn, female, novice (1): ?st'm l 7 ; a Ba / net 'L. 1 . J Whlte Leghorn pullet, exhibited by child under IS. living in 2 BlOTy 1 “3

Dogs e White) Smooth-haired working collie (1); Mra Tom Fraser 1. Rough-haired working JoU

lie (2): L. E. Roper 1. Bearded collie (2): H. A. Boyle 1. Terrier (2): Geoffrey Wright 1. Spaniel (2): Mrs J. T. MfcCorkindale 1, Jariet Macfarlane 2. Retriever (1): Julie Beaumont 1. GRAIN AND SEEDS (Judge: Mr J. G. Holmes.) Cross 7 wheat (3): H. E. Jenkins 1. Other variety wheat (1): Michael Redfern I. Cross 7 wheat, open to Young Farmers’ Club members (4): H. E. Jenkins 1. Ken la barley (4): B. S. Morrison equal 1, Wright Bros. 3. Partridge or Marathon peas (3): H. E. Jenkins 1 and 2. Garden peas (3): H. E. Jenkins 1, B. S. Morrison (equal) 2. Perennial ryegrass (2): Michael Redfern 1, Wright Bros. 2. Italian ryegrass or Western Wolths (2): Wright Bros. 1, M. Redfern 2. H.l ryegrass (5): B. S. Morrison 1 and 2, M. Redfern 3. Cocksfoot (1): H. E. Jenkins 1. White clover (5): B. S. Morrison equal 1, H. E. Jenkins 3. Red clover or cowgrass (2): R. E. and D. S. Gunn 1, Wright Bros. 2. Lucerne hay X 8): D. E. Smith 1, B. H, Pridie 2, Westwood Estate 3. Collection of farm seeds (2): H. E. Jenkins 1, Wright Bros. Potatoes (Judge: Mr R. G. Jolly.) Arran Banner table (1): L. E. Roper 1. Sebago table 16): Wright Bros. 1, L. E. Roper 2, Robert Mclntyre 3. Arran Chief table (3): L. E. Roper 1, B. S. Morrison 2. Other variety white table (5): H. E. Jenkins 1 and 3, L. E. Roper 2. Dakota red table (6): H. E. Jenkins 1, Wright Bros. 2, Innes Bros. 3. Other variety coloured table (5): L. E. Roper 1, H. E. Jenkins 2 and 3. Early table (4): C. Greening I, H. E. Jenkins 2. Any variety table (5) L. E. Roper 1, Robert Mclntyre 2, H. E. Jenkins 3. Collection of table (4): L. E. Roper 1, H. E. Jenkins 2. Best table, grown by child in agricultural club plot, North Malvern, Tawera area (4): Miles Bull 1, Alan Hawke 2, Robert Alderson 3. Arran Banner seed 41): L. E. Roper 1. Sebago seed («): Wright Bros. 1, L. E. Roper 2, Robert Mclntyre 3. Other variety white seed (6): H.E. Jenkins 1, L. E. Roper 2, C. Greening 3. Dakota seed (6) H. E. Jenkins 1, Innes Bros. 2 and 3. Other variety coloured seed (5): L. E. Roper 1, C. Greening 2, H. E. Jenkins 3. Early seed (6): H. E. Jenkins 1 and 3, D. H. Judd 2. Any variety seed (5): L. E. Roper 1, Robert Mclntyre 2, H. E. Jenkins 3. Collection of seed (5): L. E. Roper I, H. E. Jenkins 2, C. Greening 3. White table and white seed, open to Young Farmers* Club members (8): D. C. Smith 1 and 2, A. F. Wright 3. Seed potatoes, grown by child in agricultural club plot in North Malvem-Tawera area (3): Alan Hawker 1, Miles Bull 2, Robert Alderson 3. ROOTS (Judge.: Mr H. G. Gross.) Yellow-fleshed turnips (1): R. E. and D. S. Gunn 1. White-fleshed turnips (11): D. Deans and Son 1, Mrs A. Deans 2. K. E. Adams 3. White and yellow-fleshed turnips (1): R. E. and D. S. Gunn 1. Heaviest turnips (2): Mrs A. Deans 1, R. E. and D. S. Gunn 2. Special for whitefleshed turnips (7): R. E. and D. S. Gunn 1. P. P. Jebson 2, T. L. Jenkins 3. Whitefleshed turnips, open to Young Farmers’ Club members (9): R. E. Gunn 1, P. P. Jebson 2, D. S. Gunn 3. Carrots (1): Ray Townshend 1.

GARDEN VEGETABLES (Judge: Mr J. J. Coombs.l Collection of vegetables: A. F. Roper and D. Deans and Son (equal) 1. Collection of root vegetablees (1): A. F. Roper

1. Long red beetroot (2): H. E. Jenkins 2. Turnip beet (6): W. J. Wall 1, Mrs T. L. Jenkins 2, K. E. Adams 3. Onions (10): W. J. Wall 1, A. F. Roper 2, Robert Mclntyre 3. Pickling onions (6): H. E. Jenkins 1, A. F. Roper 2 and 3. Long garden carrots (4): A. F. Roper 1 and 2, H. E. Jenkins 3. Short garden carrots (4): A. F. Roper 1, H. E. Jenkins 2, K. E. Adams 3. Parsnips (5): A. F. Roper 1 and 2, Ray Townshend 3. Culinary eschalots (2): P. F. Roper 1, John R. Buck 2. Pickling eschalots (4): A. F. Roper 1 and 2, P. F. Roper 3. Tomatoes (7): Mrs E. C. Eaves 1, H. E. Jenkins 2, L. E. Roper 3. Yellow marrow (4): A. F. Roper 1. Other coloured marrow (10): Mrs T. F. Hight 1, Jimmy Adams 2, H. E. Jenkins 3. Heaviest marrow* (2): Jeanette Robertson

I, D. Deans and Son 2. Pumpkin (10): P. F. Roper 1, H. E. Jenkins 2, Mrs T. F. Hight 3. Heaviest pumpkin (3): W. J. Dean 1, Mrs T. F. Hight 2. Cabbages or savoys (4): Mrs T. L. Jenkins 1, A. F. Roper 2, H. E. Jenkins 3. Silver beet (8): K. E. Adams 1, P. F. Roper 2, Mrs T. L. Jenkins 3. Leeks (2): P. F. Roper 1, H. E. Jenkins 2. Heaviest cabbage (2): W. J. Wall 1, W. Wall 2. Collection of vegetables, grown by members of agricultural club, entrants to be resident in Malvern, Tawera, Selwyn, or Oxford counties (3): Kevin Turnbull 1 and 2, John Eaves 3.

FRUIT (Judge: Mr James Deans.) Dessert apple (11): W. Wall 1, David Adams 2, Pamela Jenkins 3. Cooking apple (15): Pamela Jenkins 1, Ray Townshend 2, Mrs W. E. Baxter 3. Dessert apple, one variety, three apples (8): W. Wall 1, Mrs A. Deans 2, Mrs M. E. Jenkins 3. Cooking apple, one variety, three apples (10): Pamela Jenkins 1, Ray Townshend 2, Mrs A. Deans 3. Dessert pears (6): Pamela Jenkins 1, Mrs M. E. Jenkins 2, Mrs K. E.. Adams 3. Keeping pears (5): Mrs W. E. Baxter 1, Mrs M. E. Jenkins 2, Mrs K. E. Adams 3. Quinces (2): C. A. Burrows 1 and 2. Peaches (4): Pamela Jenkins 1, Miss I. Thomson 2 and 3.

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Press, Volume XCI, Issue 27636, 18 April 1955, Page 8

Word Count

49th ANNUAL SHOW HELD BY MALVERN ASSOCIATION Press, Volume XCI, Issue 27636, 18 April 1955, Page 8

49th ANNUAL SHOW HELD BY MALVERN ASSOCIATION Press, Volume XCI, Issue 27636, 18 April 1955, Page 8