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For many years the AmMHey Agricultural and Pastoral Association's annual show has been outstanding for Its displays of fat sheep and lambs. At yesterday’s annual show, Amberley still held its place as the premier fat lamb show in Canterbury. .• ' This season there has been an abundance of feed, and conditions generally have been favourable. The fat Samba have benefited and those shown yesterday would have compared more than favourably with these at afay other show in New Zealand. It was considered the best fat lamb show held for years In the South Island. There, was no "toil, the over-all standard being Vefy high. The narrowest margins separated the placed sheep from the other entries, many of the lambs which were not placed being worthy of a prize. Competition was vary keen, breeders from outside the district entering lambs. A class which again attracted good entries and in which keen interest was shown, was that far lambs drafted by a farmer or his employee. The skill of matching lambs was evident. Southdowns, the-strongest sheep class numerically, were of a high standard. The top sheep were of the highest standard, although there was a slight “tail.” A.-D. Wyllie won the ram championship with an animal bred by H. J. Andrew. A worthy specimen of its breed, it had a strong head and good carcase. Jas. Petrie and Son, with a sheep of their own breeding, won the award for the champion ewe. The other awards in this class were spread evenly among a number of prominent breeders. South Suffolk sheep, which are rapidly gaining in popularity, were again well represented by a good lot. The championships for ewes and rams went to J. L. and L. G. Smellle. who exhibited some sheep of a high quality. S. H. Gardiner was another successful breeder in this class. The only exhibitor In the Dorset Horn section was the estate of E. Gardiner. These sheep were of a good Quality. „ . The Corriedales were well supported, the championship award for ewes and rams going to A. M. and T. R. Saunders with sheep of their own breeding. This section was of a high standard. Some prominent breeders put forward sheep. The halfbred section was well filled with sheep of a high quality. A UncolnMerino ram, bred and exhibited by P. Rivers, won the championship award, and F. Busch’s Lincoln-halfbred was judged the champion ewe. B. T. Inkson also gained a number of placing* in this section with sheep of a high quality. Romney Marsh and English Leicester classes were not represented. A patron of the association (Mr E. S. Taylor), who died on Thursday, would have been the only dkhibitor in these classes, but because of his death the sheep were not entered.

The light horses were of a high standard. E. G. O. Rutherford’s and Mrs Rutherford's Killarney was judged the champion hunter from a strong and wellfilled class. Mrs B. G. Rutherford’s Manella was the champion saddle horse, and Mrs Ivan Wood, who was successful in classes at the Ashburton show on Thursday, won the champion harness horse award with Mascot. The ponies were of a high standard, and awards were evenly spread. Cattle of High Standard The cattle, practically all Jerseys, were of r high standard, but the younger animals. especially the heifers, were a little on the small side. The champion dairy cow, W, J. Russell's Roseneath Gamboge Anne, which was also judged the champion Jersey cow, was of excellent quality, with an outstanding udder development. She would hold her own in any ring. R W. Frost's Silverlea Viscount, a winner at previous shows, was judged the chatn« pion bull. The entries totalled 1337, a decrease of 130 on the record entries last year. Ponies showed an increase, as well as cattle. Sheep were down on last year, and light horses showed a slight decrease. The gate receipts of £lOO were about £5O less than last year, mainly because the show had to be held on a Friday. Last year the show was held on a Saturday. The weather was flne. Championship awards were made as follows :

Sheep—Dorset Horn: Ram. estate E. Gardner; ewe. estate E. Gardner. Corriedale. ram, A. M. and T. R. Saunders: ewe, A. M. and T. R. Saunders. Halfbred: ram, P. Rivers; ewe. F. Busch. Suffolk: ram, E. L. Wyles; ewe. J. E. Gardiner. South Suffolk: J. L. and L. G. Smellle; ewe, J. L. and L. G. Smellle. Southdown: ram, A. D. Wyllie; ewe, J. Petrie and Sons. Cattle—Jersey: bull, R. W. Frost; cow, W. J. Russell. Champion dairy cow. W. J. Russell.

Horses.—Saddle pony, under 12.2 hands: K. Bush. Saddle pony, 12.2 to 14.2 hands: Miss B. Wyllie-. Harness pony; C. I. Peter. Cob: Mrs F. S. Wilding. Hamess cob: Mrs Ivan Wood. Saddle cob: Mrs F. S. Wilding. Hack: Mrs B. G. Rutherford. Harness horse: Mrs Ivan Wood. Hunter: Mrs K. G. O. Rutherford. Results:—

SREBP* Dorset Hom (Judge: Mr J. L. Stevenson.) Open.—Ram, over 16 months (1): Estate E. Gardner I and champion. Ewe. over 16 months, lamb at foot (2); Estate E. Gardner 1 and champion and 2. Clean ahorn ram, under. 16 months (2): Estate E. Gardner 1 and 2. Clean shorn ewe, under 16 months (2): Estate E. Gardner 1 and 2.

Natural Condition.—Ram, under 16 months (1): Estate E. Gardner 1. Two rams, under 16 months (1): Estate E. Gardner 1. Ewe, under 16 months (1): no award.

(Judge: Mr J. H. Ensor.) Open.—Ram, over 16 months (2): A. M. and T. R. Saunders 1 and champion. Ewe, ’over 16 months, lamb at foot (4): A. M. and T. R. Saunders 1 and champion and 3, W. Dam pier-Crossley 2. Ewe. under 16 months (4): A. M. and T. R. Saunders 1, W. Dampier-Crossley 2 and 3. Clean shorn ram, under 16 months (5): D. C. Gardiner and Son 1 and 2. Clean shorn ewe, under 16 months (4): M. and D. Petrie 1, D. C. Gardiner and Son 2 and 3.

Natural Condition.—Ewe, under 16 months (4): A. M, and T. R. Saunders 1 and 2, M. and D. Petrie 3. Two ewes, under 16 months (2): A. M. and T. R. Saunders ,1, D. C. Gardiner and Son 2. Ewe, over 16 months and under 28 months, lamb at foot (3): D. C- Gardiner and Son 1 and 2. Ewe. over 28 months, lamb at foot (3): D. C. Gardiner 'and Son 1 and 3, A. M. and T. R. Saunders 2. Ram, under 16months (1): A.M. and T. R. Saunders 1. Ram, over 16 months (1): A. M. and T. R. Saunders 1,

Halfbred (Judge: Mr T. Fraser.) Open.—Ram. over 16 months (3): P. Rivers 1 and champion, B. T. Inks on 3 and 3. Ram, under 16 months (2): F. Busch 1 and 2. Ewe. over 16 months, lamb at foot (2): F. Busch 1 and 2. Ewe. under 16 months (2): F. Busch 1 and 2. Clean ahorn ram, under 16 months (2): F. Busch 1 and 2. Clean shorn ewe. under 16 months (2): F. Busch 1 and 2. Natural Condition.—Ewe, under 16 mnoths (4): B. T. Inksen 1 and 3, F. Busch 2 and v h c. Two ewes, under 18 months (2): B. T. Inkson 1, F. Busch 2. Ewe, over 16 months and under 28 months, lamb at foot (1): F. Busch 1. Ewe, over 28 months, lamb at foot (1); F. Busch 1 and cnampion. Ram, under 16 months (3): B. T. Inkson 1 and 3, F. Busch 2. Two rams, under 16 months (1), B. T. Inkson 1.

Suffolk (Judge: Mr J. J. Crotty) Open—Ewe, under 16 months (5): E. L. Wylcs 1 and 3. J. E. Gardiner 2. Ewe, over 16 months, under 28 months, lamb at foot (1): J. E. Gardiner 1. Ewe, over 28 months, lamb at foot (1): J. E. Gardiner 1 and champion. Ram, under 16 months (2): E. L. Wylea 1,2 and champion. Clean shorn ram, under 16 months (2); J. E. Gardiner 1 and 2. Clean shorn ewe, under 16 months (2):»J. E. Gardiner 1 and 2.

South Suffolk (Judge: Mr J. J. Crotty.) Open —Ewe, under 16 months (6): J. L. and L. G. Smellle 1 and 2, E. L. Wyles 3. Ewe, over 16 months and under 28 months, lamb at foot (3): J. L. and L. G. Smellie 1 and 2, S. H. Gardiner 3. Ewe, over 28 months, lamb at foot (2): J. L. and L. G. Smellie 1 and champion. Ram, under 16 months (6): S. H. Gardiner 1, J. L. and L. G. Smellie 2 and 3. Ram. over 16 months (2): J. L. and L. G. Smellie 1,2 and champion. Clean shorn ram, under 16 months (4): S. H. Qardiner 1 and 2, J. L. and L. G. Smellie 3. Clean shorn ram. over 16 months (2): S. H. Gardiner 1, J. L. and L. G. Smellie 2. Clean shorn ewe, under 16 months (2): S. H. Gardiner 1 and 2. J. L. and L. G. Sipellle 3. Clean shorn ewe. over 16 months, lamb at foot (1): S. H. Gardiner 1. Natural Condition.—Ram. under 16 months (3): E. L. Wyles 1, S. H. Gardiner 2 and 3. Ewe. under 16 months (3): E. L. Wyles 1. S. H. Gardiner 2 and 3.

Sonthdown (Judge: Mr E. Grant.) Open.—Ram. over 16 months (4): A. D. Wyllie 1, J. Petrie and Sons 2, J. H. Paterson 3. Ram, under 16 months (4); J. H. Paterson 1, E. J. Whyto 2 and 3, Jas. Petrie and Sons v h c. Ram. under 16 months, shorn after August 1, 1950 (9): S. J/Cowens 1 and v h c. J. Petrie and SotxgTl and 3. Ewe, over 16 months and under 28 months, lamb at foot (3): J. Petrie and Sons 1, J. H. Paterson 2. Ewe, under 16 months, shorn" after August 1, 1950 (10): S. J. Cowens'l, J. Petrie and Sons 2, J. H. Paterson 3, H. H. Petrie v h c. Ewe, under 16 months (7): J. Petrie and Sons 1, E. J. Whyte 2 and 3. J. H. Paterson v h c. Ewe. over 38 months, lamb at foot (1): J. Petrie and Sons 1 and champion. Clean-ahorn ram, over 16 months (6): J. Petrie and Sons 1, E. J. Whyte 2. J. H. Paterson 3, W. McKie v h c. Clean-shorn ewe, over 16 months, lamb at foot (4): J. Petrie and Sons 1, S. J. Cowens 2, E. J. Whyte 3. Natural Condition.—Two rams, under 16 months (9): E. J. Whyte 1, H. H. Petrie 2, J. H. Paterson 3 and v b c. Ram. over 16 months (5): A. D. Wyllie 1 and champion, J. Petrie and Sons 3. H. H. Petrie 3, J. H. Paterson v h c. Ram, under 16 months (13): A. D. Wyllie 1. E. J. Whyte 3 and v h c, J. Petrie and Sons 3. Two ewes, under 16 months (3): J. Petrie and Sons 1, H. H Petrie 2 and 3, E. J. Whyte

rv h e. Two owre, vnr 14 monthx ta* •t foot (4): J. H. Pxtereon 1. J: g. re ss: V h *’ Flock (Juris.: Mr B. Btwrenaon.) OpMi.—Two halfbreri or Corrltozle ewZTril to 28 months. “‘/J 0 ' L. J. Stackhouse 1, L.. M. Baxter z. Tw halfbred or Corriedale ewes. 2B months, lambs at foot (2). L. J. &uck Barter Two haf&red or J 0 ??*? (9): C. McCaskey 1, A. D. Wyllie L. J. Stackhouse 3. B. and I. Stokes T n c. Halfbred or Corriedale ewe hogget, ttggd for carcase and wool (12). L. J- suck house 1 and 3. T. W. BWter X B. and 1v h c Three halfbred or Come drtJ ewe hoggete (8): J- su< L kh ? us L f ‘' G. T. Booth 2, R. B. Fincham 3, C. MeCaskey v h c. Two Romney ewe hoggets (1): T. W. Baxter 1.

Fat Sheep (Judge' Mr G. Cochrane, Culv *£“ en 2 lk Three fat lambs, any breed, under 751 b live weight, picked by olovee (12): N. S. Boyce 1, W. Buggs z, S. D Russell 3, J. T, Wylie v h c Three fat lambs. Down ctom, not over «« b weight (14): E. J. Whyte 1. W. R. A. Par sons 2, N. S. Boyce 3, W. Briggs y h e. Three fat lambs, Down cross, not over Sb“ U ve weight (14): W. R- A Parsons 1 N. S. Boyce 2, R. James 3, W. Briggs v h c. Three lambs, not over ffilb live weight (»>: R. James 1, N. 8 Boyce 2, R. D. Russell 3. E. J. Whyte v h c. Three Down cross lambs, suitable butchers (5), N. S. Boyce 1, A. D. Russell 2 B L. Symonds 3. 'rtiree h ri«- Jac * d g bS A O v”e weight (4): E. E. Gardiner 1, N. S. oojeo 2, L. M. Baxter 3. Sx export (9): N. S. Boyce 1, W. Briggs 2. E/J. Whyte 3. J. T. Wylie v h c. Th"® crossbred wethers, any age wright )2) • B L. Symonds 1. Three halfbred or Corriedale wethers (6): J. M. B. 1. B. L. Symonds 2, R. James 3. Thre* wethers, not over 38 months suitable freezing, not to exceed 1201 b live weight (5) B. L. Symonds 1. A. D. Russell 2, R.. James 3. Three maiden ewes, not over 28 months, suitable freezing, not to exceed 1301 b live weight (3): B. L. Symonds 1Three ewes, suitable freezing, not to exceod 1301 b live weight (3): B. L. Symondi 1. Three «w«, any age and w«l«ht (3). F. J. Quigley 1, A. D. Bussell 2. B. L. Symonds 3. Wool Classes (Judge: Mr V. Collins. Christchurch) Ewe Hogget W001.—96/98 (1): B. T. Inkson 1. 50/56 (4) :L J. Stackhouse 1 and 2 Ewe W001.—40/48 (3): A. D. Russell 1. 50/56 (7): L. J. Stackhouse 1, A. Hiatt 2, A. D. Russell 3. 96/58 (6): L. J. Stackhouse 1. J. Hiatt 2. A. Hiatt 3, Wether Wool. —80/56 (6): J. Hiatt 1, A. Hiatt 2, J. M. B. Starky 3. CATTLE Jersey . . (Judge: Mr D. N. H. Watson, Greenpark) Bull, three years and oVer (2): R W. Frost 1 and champion. Bull, calved since July 1. 1948 (3): T. M. Fleming 1 and reserve champion, D. R. and E. A. Black 2. Bull, calved since July 1, 1949 (4): T. M. Fleming 1. F. E. Musgrove 2. Bull and two progeny (1): R. W. Frost 1. Bull, calved since November 1, 1949 (4): T. M. Fleming I, M. Johnson 2. Cow, four years and over, in milk or call (9): W. J. Russell 1 and champion, M. Johnson 2 and 3, T. M Fleming v h c. Cow. any age, due to calve in three months (1): M. Johnson 1. Cow, three years, in milk or calf (2): W. J. Russell 1 and reserve champion. Heifer, in milk or calf, calved since July 1, 1948 (6) R. W. Frost 1. W. J. Russell 2, M. Johnson v h c. Heifer, calved since July 1, J 949 (5): M. Johnson 1, F. Hansen 2, W. J. Russell 3 and v h c. Cow and two progeny (1): M. Johnson 1. Pair heifers, calved since July 1, 1949 (4): F. Hansen L T. M. Fleming 2, M. Johnson v h c Breeding groups, one male, three femajpa (4): R. W. Frost 1. T. M. Fleming 2. Heifer, calved since November 1, 1949 (5): F. Hansen 1. T. M. Fleming 2, R. W, Frost V h o. Jersey Grade Cow, in milk or calf (1): D. O. Stace 1. Heifer, two years, in milk or calf (1): D. O. Stace 1. Crossbreds Cow. in milk or showing calf (1): G. G. Sibbald 1. Dogs (Judge: Mrs H T. Little. Woodend) Short-haired collie (4): Miss B. Newton 1. D. Lang 2, R, M. Wilson 3. H. K. Barwen v h c. Long-haired collie <3): J. Carr 1. B, Stokes 2. Working sheep dog, judged for suitability as sire (3): R. M. Wilson 1, B. Stokes 2. H. K. Barwell 3. Bearded dog (2L* J. Demmocks 1, J. A. Elder 2. “ Rabbit gun dog. spaniel (3): Mrs G. W. Nicholls 1, Miss A. Newton 2. HORSES (Judge: Mr G. Lofthagen, Rangiora)

Hantes, Dog-cart mare or gelding. 152 or over, ,4): D B - C. Altin 1 and 3. F. McQuillan 2. Gig mare or gelding, any age, 15 to 15.2 hand, (3): Mr, Ivan Wood 1 and champion. F. McQuillan 2 and 3 Malden, mare or gelding, any age. over 15 hands, not previous winner (2): F. McQuillan 1. D. B, C. AHln 2. Harness, mare or Mrs Iv » n Wood 1 «nd 2.

~ Saddle Malden, mare or gelding, any age. not prevtou, winner (175: Mr, H. Y. Little 1. Rutherford 2. Mlm R Macdonald 3. L. Bevfln v h c. Mare or gelding, any age, up to UM <17): Miss K. Gould a . nd . reserve champion, Miss E. Van o’n' 2 < ? ,1M J Wilding 3. Mrs E. G. < v h c. Mare or gelding, up to w, any age (13): B. G. Rutherford h R -l Parsons I Mrs B. G. Rutherford 3. a ' v h c. Mare or gelding, up a/ Ire J , 'ss : - Rutherford 1 and champion Mr, H. T Little 2, L. Bevin «imi« R , Rutherford v h c. Mara or gelding, suitable mounted rifle work (ID?r.™n r 'w, ' B ' ?' Rutherford 2. Mis, F Cracroft-WUson 3. F. McQuillan v h c. K rL'i.m O i Ck^. mßr e ,°, r flawing (21): Mis, K Gould 1. Mis, E. Van Asch 2. M. Doug--13 v’ Mr G ri K y, h o r, ?i d vh ' c Rair hacks 4 Rutherford 1, R. Perron, h’./J5 ,sa E - Van Asch 3. Bert walking ri4H ~dp Xn. h 1 c -

/ • Ponies .(Judge: Mr M. E. J.nktn.) Brood mare, under 14.2 hand,, tn foal <oot,(2): D. Elmer, 1, D B C AiHn l Yearling (2): Mr, T. Brady 1, ?' Stallion, not over 14 lA’ c - 1 *nd 2. Two-year-wm m ,* re .® r t J eldln L ,8): Mi “ P- Oood,AntAony McLean 2, Mis, p. Macann 3. Mare or gelding 112 harMs or under (8): Keith Bush 1 and! cham’ SteU ’ h W r U> B B * A Kilw °rth 3, ♦1 \ h c ’ Mare or gelding. 112 P Wyllii a 2 d Upri V’ h V d !• Miss v h e c - Cameron 7171- Mi?r» ■J. m lng l 12 2to 132 h’ods 1 and champion, a BS P arson ® 2. Miss J. Earle 3, Miss Annas Young v h c Mare nr 1 3 14,2 hands (19): Miss Isabel Wright (■ Ml’ Rutaorferd 2. John Osborne 3 o rh «, nC lT 4 U ffi." d a „ V d WoSd X F* Jarden" 3 ‘WS ?3p P g 'jarrien‘i n< M*?? d n' ln y 12.2 hand*, Ashley to Omlht dtitrlet (Si • f'Nen i Wy nl e . *’ Anthony Kilworth 14 v Be ’. t Bch °ol Pony. 12.2 to Mlm h »lnri « shl » y ,o °( nth! district (10): WvlHe P 2 JlSP'a p i r “ns 1. MISS Barbara Me A p , :r b 8 e o r^l. POny Cob, and Polo Ponte, (Judge: Mr W. Parsons, Rangiora) l^ art or flowing (14): MIM Gould 1, Mis, Elizabeth Finnev V I? 1 ? E r/>? n Asch 3 ' F ' s - Wilding y h c. Cob. mare or gelding. 14 to 15 rionu,. up to 13st (6): Mrs F. s Wilding 1 and champion, Miss L. uttle 2 Miss' Frances Upritchard 3. Cob. mare or R ’cS&rin 1 15 „ t ¥ nds - U P *o 15st (1); E * 7;. o t*rell 1. Cob, mare or geldlne 14 Wood L m< ”' in VehlCle (2 ' : Iva’n

Hunters 0 Rangiora) Maiden mare or geldtnc (7)- D B c Alim 1. MJ,* F. CracrAt Wilson H. C.’ Greenwood 3. Mare or gelding to carrv lh»‘m E '» G ' P Rd‘he4ird ' .nJ champion, Miss R. Rutherford 2, B. G Rutherford 3. Mare or gelding list <3l- - Rutherford 1, Mis, R. Macdonald 2 Mrs B, G. Rutherford 3. Mare or geld: *"*• ridden by lady (18): E. G. O and Mrs Rutherford 1. Mrs B. G. Rutherford v i? o G 'J. U ‘ hBrford ,J' Miss - R - Macdonald J* 8 ™ ° r g( ' ldin B- qualified hunter, r'dden bv owner or member of family n°r °i a L' d . M u Rutherford 1. Mrs v™ • Ruiherford 2. Miss R. Macdonald 3. / nd ur| der. rider witnlw, 18 OU- Mis, J. Macfarlane 1. C. William, 2 Mrs T. Brady 3. Pony h ,? ldB £ nd under - rld 'r bov nr girl (8): Miss B. Wyllie 1, Mi,, J Macxarlane 2, Mias M. Drysdale 3.

~ Competition, (Judges: Messrs M. E. Jenkins. Courtenay and W. Paraons. Rangiora) Under 14 (18): Mias A. Young 1. Under J?' p* rents liv, n« In Kowal County (4): Miss p. Parsons 1 A McLean 2. Under ®I° KS I* Miss J Macfarlane 2. JJ? SS £ l \,? a ,?, nagh 3 ' Glrl under 13 (13): Miss B. Wyllie 1. Miss J. Hosklng 2, Miss A- Jquhfl. 3 - Boy under 13 (9): R. Sloss 1. R. Williams 2. K. Bush 3. Under 11 c ”y. nt \.. or Walpara-omihi school dj’tr eta (8): Miss P. Parsons 1, Miss P. Wyllie 2. A. McLean 3. Pony trot, under 14 (13); J. Veitch 1, Miss B. Wyllie 2, D. George 3. Pair cobs or ponies: Miss N Buckley 1.

Sheep Dog Trial, (Judge: Mr E W. Reiph. Fendalton) „,2 pcri . : Wlbons Moss 1. R. M. Wilson's Pryde 2. R. M. Wilson', Mac Again 3. T. E. Barwell's Trim 4. District, Waipara and Kowal Counties: T. E. Barwall's Trim 1, W H Smith's Boss 2, T. E. Barwell', Sweeo 8, J. Demmocks', Sort 4. Grain and Seeds (Judge: Mr J. G. Hankin. Christchurch) Wheat. Tuwan varieties (8): W Pattison 1, E. J. Whyte 2 Garton oats (31: C. L. McGuckln 1. Algerian oats (37: E. J. Whyte 1. G. L. McGuckln 2. White clover seed (2): G. L. McGuckln 1, Red clover seed (1): Winter Bro., 1. Perennial ryegrass (1): E. J. Whyte 1. Part-

A. D. Russell 3 Bale 2 Jas. Stevenson 1, Reg CroftTanrf h < y “ meadow hay (1): J* . ® a,e b.g chaff (i V ): G. L *' «*“

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Press, Volume LXXXVI, Issue 26261, 4 November 1950, Page 2

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AMBERLEY SHOW Press, Volume LXXXVI, Issue 26261, 4 November 1950, Page 2

AMBERLEY SHOW Press, Volume LXXXVI, Issue 26261, 4 November 1950, Page 2