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General News

CowHtipni; Iraq Power politics bpsed op oil had, for the present, become less noticeable in Iraq; said a former security officer at tbe Kirkuk oilfiejd ip Iraq, Iff F. J. Bl Fish, who arrived by air at Auckland oh Saturday 'with his wife" and Children, to settle in Ifew Zpalapd. Where Britain, the United States pud the Soviet had been contenders, the matter now rested between' tfte oil companies a»d the Iraqi Government, ivir Fish said. In contrast to the year's before J 941, about 95 per cent, of the population' was ppyl (p.A.) Scotland’s Prqffprtjop

“We have wholeheartedly gone to wqrk to resupje oup position,” said Sir John Falconer, a former Lord Provost of Edinburgh, when speaking in a national broadcast last evening of Scotland’s efforts in the " 'economic crisis. Coal, potion and' steel production was increasing, and 'expprts of machinery and electric goods were double the war-time volume and five times the war value, said Sir John Falconer. The threats pi tr-bpats had revived agriculture and wheat' and parley acreage had increased by 100 pgr cent, dpripg th'g w'pr years, potatoes by 75 per cent., and bats by 30 ppr cent. A council fpr industry fpr Scptland, whose job it was to* make a sppvey of iridpsfry apd collect' facts sp that every help was given, had been fprmed and wss doing ipppeasingly gop.d work-

Vandals broke into the Fendalton Sphppl pn Friday evening apd entered several of the classrepms. It is not certain what damage has ]been dene to the interior of tl)e scli.qol,'and >n \ h " spection will l)e ffiad.e when the teachers arrive at the sphppl this piprnipg. The police are investigating.

According to advipp received by Mr Glyde Carr, M.P. for Tiiriaru, the caucus . of the "Parliamentary Labour Party whiph was to l)? v £ been held this' month has been postponed until April 7 when therp will be' a sitting of a week’s duration. GenerpUy caucus meets monthly. Reasons givenby Mr Carr for the postponement were that the Prime Minister (Mr P. Fraser) has lately been' predppqpjed with t|ye qtagq centennial celebrations and also with the industrial situation.' The Minister of Finance (Mr falter plash) Ajyill also be . Npw Zealand in tjme for the meeting at hP wiU be met nnd.we|pbffi?a.

Fennie Io Use A ridiculous position arpse if persons were told by merchants that’they could buy cement, but were told by the Building Controller that they could not use it, said Mr A. M. Moulding, £?.M. r during a hearing Of phargies against builders in the Mag|stfath’s Court, Upper Huft, pp FnW r >e Magistrate said he could understand regulations feat would the use of materials such as cpmpnt, but to. Jet persons buy cement to do an qdd job and then say that they must pave a permit before they could use |fc, seemed nbnserisical.“(P.A.) ~ Kpwiffig mt Playing for the St. Albans fourth grade A team on Saturday, T. Rope, a young left-hand’ fast-medium bowfer, took all nine wickets for 34 againsj g, l '“Srj9 n ; which was ftftft maq Bl- Albans wqn this cqippetftiop, and Pope played a leading part pi thp victory, for his bowling throughout the season has been outstandingly successful. OK Saturday he ffift fthe’hgt ' CSnflned

Otira Gqrge Route W a Q or Vai for some weeks to permit the paf'yylPS out ol q major jqb in the gorge. A cliff-face slipped away during the war years and a temporary wooden bridge was constructed to carry the traffic over the gap, but for sqme time this structure has been considered uqsafg anft if is now Joeing replaced. It is a difficult task, aS there is a drop of about 100 feet op the outside of the bridge, which is hard up against the cliff op the othe;side. SteM girders arid l}ardwpod are being psed tor the new structure.

Nejy Jfepland Trppps Prgiag# “Tbe ISew Zealand troops WPP spent their leave m Scotland during the war wpre quiet, well-mannered, smart, and purposeful, and carried thgmselves wfth pride and wit)} every' assurance 'l f ,W le P who WFP Pf liome’' said Sir John Falcdper, ft-fqpftftr Lord Provost pf Edinburgh, ip a national broadcast last evening. War always brought out the worst in a man, and although the Npw Z ea lenders were thousands of milgs from thpfr PWP homes he never heard pf any ipcidppt have brought diSPredit tp them. Tngrg is not one pf them who visited any of . our homes who would not be received back wfth open arms and a wartji welcome,” said Sir John Falconer.

Specification for Water Heaters A. draft standard specification covering thermal storage electric water heaters, which is beipg circulated by the as been gvqlvea tp ejnpmate uimgpe§=sary ppwer wastage fo the functioning of these heaters. The draft specificatipn also covers the ephsfruetjon pf cylinders, ensuring that Ippal aiithqfitie§ well as purchasers will that thgre is a spundly-huilt cylinde'r under the cover. In the North Island, wjiere there afe approximately 150,000 electric water heaters, states the specification, these Heaters waste 1000 units each every'year, qpd |t is tfigrer fe e AAA^9nafcJ e tfi assume that 150,000,Q00 units were wsstpq annpahy. Tpis was attributed to inadequate lagging of cylinders and over-length* pipe runs from tap to cylinder. Tne specification establishes miriimuni “requirements of electric wgfpf other than dajry betters, having pgpper cylinders pf frpiq op? and r helf tq IQO gallons capacity, designed tp work on pressures not exceeding 25 feet head. ’

Machinery for Factory tpry at Papanui, which is flow almost completed. arrived ip pealancj and it is exupctes} that it wift bp ready fm oqpfaiion m May. Some of the machinery wag made' jii New Zealand from parts brought from Bri? tain, heavy plapt from Australia is bping unloaded frpm the Raritape at Lyttelton, and other heavy eouinment fee™ America will be imlpadMt Itom & UVrt W machinery has ’logen estimated at

The Chinese Wlar The instgNhty pf the Ghipese (ipljer anq its rapid depreciation m purchasing power are graphically illustrated in a letter from Miss Flora M. Wilson, of the New Zealand Presbyterian Mission in South China, received by the misgiop’s office jp Auckland recently. “Last week I paid 1f1,00Q,000 dollars for a boy’s half?.yearly fees for the high school, where we are financing his education,” Miss Wilson said. “I carried the notes in an attache case, more than 20QO of them weighing over 2ilb. Last term in the same school for We same boy ip the same class I ngid only 2,pijo.pdp dollars. If i had 3ewed paying the fees until to-day, 10 days later, they would have been nearly 20.000.000 dollars. For the first time since returning to phipa J decided last week to buy sorpe real Neyv Zealand butter in flong Kong, where it was selling at about 4s per lb. In Canton it cost me 200,000 Chinese dollars for a tin, that is about IQs- *l?he onjy way to acquire a pestregg is to accumulate goods of seme kind. That is why rice hoarding has become such 'a curse’ ip these days of insufficient food.”

Fires Caused by Boys Five boys, between 10 and 12 years of age, appeared in the Children’s Court Wellington, before Mr W- F. Stilwell, S-M-, for setting fire to scrub and gorse ip the city and suburban areas. It was stated that the fires were due to the careless enthusiasm of the boys during their school vacations. In one instance a scrub fire followed an attempt by boys to smoke out rats in a rubbish dump. Some of the fires required the attention of the fire brigade. The Magistrate impressed on the boys the danger involved in lighting fires near scrub and gorse.

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Press, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 25449, 22 March 1948, Page 6

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General News Press, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 25449, 22 March 1948, Page 6

General News Press, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 25449, 22 March 1948, Page 6