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Concluding Programme At Riccarton The steady rain which fell throughout Thursday night and again yesterday morning gave the course proper at Riccarton .a thorough soaking. With the weather clearing and a strong wind blowing across the etfurse yesterday afternoon, the track soon dried out, and although the going for the third and final day of the New Zealand Victory Cup meeting to-day will be holding, it will not be soft unless, of course, more rain falls in the meantime. The Riccarton ground Is close to a shingle foundation, and the effect of rain soon disappears, so that the going should be reasonably firm but not by any means fast. There has.been a pronounced growth at grass on the course since last Saturday, and this will help towards an almost perfect track for this time of the year. Fendalton Handicap ' The principal event, the Fendalton Handicap, has attracted a fairly evenlybalanced field of 14. and all can be expected to parade. Piccolo heads the list, and with track conditions to suit him, he will no doubt have a strong following. His recent form has not been very encouraging, but hard ground might have been the cause of this. Lance Wing reads ■better in this race than in his other engagement, the Canterbury Cup. • He, too, will go better on the changed going. Lowry Bay has also raced well on soft ground, but will have to Improve a lot on his recent form to have a chance. Beau Cheval is capable of winning if he could be induced to give of his best. He will not, however, be In much demand, but his stable-mate, Benbecula, Is certain to have a goad following. He will not be given the opportunity to repeat his misdemeanour of last week, and, coming from Southland, he will appreciate the easier footing, Hormuz looked bright and well yesterday, and there will be plenty of North Island support for him, especially now that rain has fallen. Royal Rae can ■be relied on for an honest race, but is hardly up to the class. Authentic has raced consistently well in recent weeks, and the distance will suit him. Of the remainder, Alcyone has only to get away on anything like reasonable terms to be prominent, and Silver Rod's solid finishing run in his hack engagement last week qualifies him to be conceded a good chance of making good in his first attempt in the dress circle class. V,afort has done well lately, but is partial to firm ground only. Welght-for-Age Tvent

The field for the Cantei. ury Cup will not be large, but there i. material to ensure an Interesting race over the mile and a half journey. No doubt Golden Souvenir will be.sent out at a short price, but there will also be confident support for Master Robin, to whom he will be conceding 16lb. Miss Medley, which is booked to contest the Auckland Cup. should also take part in the finish. Members' Handicap Master Dash heads the list in the Members' Handicap, and on his efforts on the previous two days he is entitled to be one' of the. favourites, but the soft going may be against him. and it was reported on the tracks yesterday that he would not be started If more rain fell. Tuis is also a doubtful proposition on a wet track, and much will depend on the conditions when this race comes up for decision. Grand Forest will be having his first race at the meeting, and is always liable to spring a surprise. Lyndall, a half-sister to Irish Note, showed a return to winning form at Invercargill last month, and likes soft going. Lord Advocate has always raced best on ground such as may be expected to-day, and he is due for a win. Martial Note will carry plenty of money after beating Irish Note over seven furlongs at Motukarara. Deprive Is a distinct possibility with-7-5. His sprint on Thursday gavo an idea of his fitness. Whitley is certain to be the pacemaker for a good way, but the final stages may once again find him out. The Hurdle Race

The programme will open with the Port Cooper Hurdles, and with most of the first day's runners engaged again, and> some fresh blood brought in, the issue appears very open. Prize Ring won so well on the first day that he will probably be sent out first choice, but there will also" be strong support for Lunaria, whose prospects will be improved by the rain, and for Prince Dolomite. Commemorate, Sandy Cape, and Lord Broiefort. The Juveniles The Acorn Stakes will be confined to twa-year-old fillies, and these will be led in the parade by Palm Bearer, which in spite of her big weight has earned, the right to be again first choice. Her strongest opponents will be-Privilege. Naughty Lady, Lakhnau, and Blue Tie, which have all shown some form.

Two-year-old. colts and geldings wll' have their opportunity in the Irwell Handicap, and on earlier form Faithful Pal and Blue Simon should have a close dispute for favouritism. Hagley Handicap

.A well-balanced field of hack sprinters will contest the Hagley Handicap, a race for hacks that have won a race or have been placed second or third In at least one of their last six' starts. Centime heads the list with 9-3, and although she can be depended upon to be prominent throughout, she may not survive the Journey under that impost. Real Chase, if not reserved for the longer race, will be ridden by L. Hare, and as he did not suf-' fer any 111-effects from his effort last week, he will be well backed. Double Cross has been very consistent, and is again a likely place-getter. Others in Ration, Air Lord, Peculate, Chain. Koa Manu. Bath Slipper, and Yasda are all useful, while if Grill Is produced he will engaged the attention of bettors. Middle Distance Hacks One of the closest contests of the day should be provided by the Stonyhurst Handicap, for which 24 middle distance hacks are carded, including Real Chase and Silver Rod, which will probably race earlier. Bruce will no doubt be sent out first choice and there is every reason to expect him to see out the journey. Beneve, failed on the first day. but the hard ground was against him. and he will have conditions to suit him to-dav. Royal Victor drew attention to his ability by running third over a mile and a half In the Otalo Plate after being In. the van most of the way. Rahlri is certain to nave a large following and Gold Lance. Olga's Choice, Delinquent, and Lord Elgin are others that cannot be overlooked. Summing Up

With a most attractive programme racegoers can look forward to another interesting day's racing, and under the win-and-p acd system, the following horses should race prominently:— Port Cooper Hurdles: Prize Ring, Lunana, Prince Dolomite. Acorn Stakes: Palm Bearer. Privilege Naughty Lady. B

Irweli Handicap: Blue Simon, Faithful Pal. Lord Robin.

Hagley Handicap: Real. Chase, Double Cross, Grill.

Canterbury Cup: Golden Souvenir, Master Robin. Miss Medley. ■ Fendalton Handicap: Hormuz, Benbecula, Lance Wing. Stonyhurst Handicap: Beneve, Bruce, «oyal Victor.

ter^DasiT 5 ' Hand,cap: De P r 've, Tuis, Mas-

The programme is as follows--11.2 a.m.— •

PORT COOPER HURDLES, of *.:00" one mile and three-quarters and 50 ft ,r , d , s --^ Prlnce Dolomite 11-0; Lunaria 10-10; Roman Son 10-9; Sandy Cape Prize Ring 10-1; Lord Broiefort 9-5- ■ ConL ™ a T"9-o.?" 2: Spnn,sh Main - p£i: 11.42 a.m.—

ACORN STAKES, of £400: for two-year-old fillies; five fi.rlongs.Lp W lm Bearer 9-2; Privilege 8-3; Blue fie 7-8-Winningi'Bat, Cloud Song Royal Anne. Rahine 7-4- Prana 7-2 12.27 p.m.—

IRWELL HANDICAP, of £400; for twoye^th?,„COits, ?"g five furlongs. £ u k P^ 1 8 " 6: Blue simon 8-3; Lord Robin 7-9; Graeme 7-8; Royat Tan 7-7-Fort Silver, Wild Knock 7- B f Hart Roj/ai 1.12 p.m.—

• HAGLEY HANDICAP, of £400; seven n^hV^n -06^ 11 ?^ 9 - 3 : Real Chase 9-1" Double Cross 9-0; Ration 8-6; Lady Chins 8-5; Koa Manu. Lord Elgin 8-2; Air Lord Record Voyage 8-1; Montezuma 8-0; p£c£ i a o e, oP x L" 1 ?/ Finalist. Saint Joachim 7-9; Chain. Bath Slipper 7-8; Good Friend Vasda. Wild Ribbon, Grill, Liquidate 7-7 1.52 p.m.—

CANTERBURY Cup, of £1200; weigh t-for-age; one mile and a half—Lance Wing r"q: den D s ° uv «Mr 9-0; Miss Medlev 8-9 Master Robin. Riverview. Thornbridge 7-]2; Kashmiri 7-7. 2.37 p.m.—

FEND ALTON HANDICAP, of £1500; one mile and a quarter.—Piccolo 8-8; Lance wing 8-2; Lowry Bay, Beau Cheval 8-0-Benbecula 7-13: Hormuz 7-7; Royal Rae Authentic 7-4; Silver Sal 7-1; Night Robe vafort. Honest Sal, Alcyone, Silver Rod 3.22 p.m.—

STONYHURST HANDICAP, of £6OO- - mile and a quarter.—Red Prize 9-5 : Royal Chance 9-3; Olga's Choice 9-2 : Bruce 9-1; Beal Chase 9-0; Gold Lance 8-13; Beneve 8-12; Silver Rod 8-11; Royal Victor 8-9; Rahiri. Loyal Lady, Falconbridge 8-6; Lady QJiips, Douglas Haig 8-3; Lord Elgin 8-0; Racket 7-12; Nightstalk Western Front 7-8; Delinquent, Grill, ErraiV^.^l! 6 Leonne, Nightchild. Tropical Night 7-7. V' 4.7 p.m.—

MEMBERS' HANDICAP, of £looQseven furlongs.—Master Dash 8-7- Whackie 8-8; Tuis, Grand Forest 8-1; Lyndall 7-12; Lord Advocate 7-11; Martial Note 7-9; Atreus 7-8; Deprive 7-5; Gamble. Burberry 7-3; Whitley. Nurnie 7-0. Biding Engagements L. J. Ellis: Golden Souvenir, Bruce Royal Rae, Palm Bearer, Montezuma. L J. Clutterbuck: Faithful Pal, Grill, Kash-

WAIKATO R.C. o JO-DAY»S PROSPECTS " The Press " Special Service AUCKLAND. December 1

Some rain fell at Te Rapa to-day. and it should ease the going for the Waikato Racing Club's summer meeting to-mor-row. The course has been very hard. Provision has been made for divisions in the Frankton Hack Handicap and the Tauwhare Hack Handicap. The betting will be under the win and place system. Horses likely to be in demand include: U. 40 a.m—Frankton Hack Handicap: First Division, Royal Scot. Park Royal, Valtoon; second division. Ruling Master. Belle Zorra, San Rosa.

12.35.p.m.—Matangi Hurdles: Expellant, Brahman, Sir Grant.

1.20 p.m.—Ruakura Stakes: Mary Jane Mindora, Gavlnmor.

2.10 p.m.—Hamilton Handicap: Dunbar, Representative, Rakanui. . 2.55 p.m.—Miller Handicap: Royal Master, Colonel Vaals, Prince Revel. 3.45 p.m.—Waikato Hack Cup: South Riding, Brown Night, Dink's Own. 4.30 p.m.—Kirikiriroa Handicap: Flowerburn. Good Company, Kllleymoon. 5.20 p.m.—Tauwhare Hack Handicap: First division, Lady Foxbridge, Land Warden, St. Leon; second division, Noble Artist, Jeep, Raphael. Riding engagements include:—J. Williamson: Rakanui, Royal Master. Spirillum, Boswell Hill; E. Harrison, Desirous; M. Coon, Good View, Hunting Mac, St. Leon; H. N. Wiggins. Gaymeer, MaryJane, Prince Revel; F. Hain: Brahman: C. S. Markwick: Noble Artist, Homespun, Miss Hiris, Jenny Wren; V. Anderson, Diatomous Girl; C. M. Jillings, Royal Scot, Zulu Boy, Brown Night, Bell Mor, Good Company. Diamond King; B. George: Dunbar; J. Bagby, Hippodrome, Gunman, Abbey Pay, Blue Vixen, San Rosa, Colonel Vaals; H. P. Stewart: Te Kawiti; R. Gibbs: Royal Charter. Race Lad. Valley Boy, Land Ruler; S. Tremain:- Gold Dash, Alpenza, Llanarth; T. Green: Lo Zin, Bab row, Gay Joy; M. Martinovich, Flowerburn; G. Hughes: Peggy 'O, Trustful, Sousa. Scratchings include:—Frankton Hack Handicap: Te Heroine, Greek Port, Royal Charter; Matangi Hurdles: Corsac, Scandine; Ruakura Stakes, Hiraji; Miller Handfcap: Dumbo; Waikato Hack Cup: Tilting, Sivam. "


PROSPECTS FOR TO-DAY " The Press " Special Service WELLINGTON. December 7. The Woodville District Jockey Club will hold Its second summer meeting to-mor-row. There has been some- rain in the district during the last -10 days, which has eased the track, and the going should be in first-class order and not as firm as some of the tracks lately. The fields are' of good size, and the Novice Stakes, for which there ,are 35 acceptors (20 more than the safety number), will be in two divisions. Betting will be win and place, and the following horses will be well supported:— 11.45 a.m.—Papatawa Hurdles: Blue Title, Poutu. Gay Rouen. 12.30 p.m.—Novice Stakes: First Division: 'Ceremonious, Grey Dome. Second Division: Corona, Rampant. 1,15 p.m.—Gothard Handicap: Alethea. Duality, Treasure Tee. 2 p.m.—Juvenile Handicap: Malanui. Signatory, Karachi. 2.45 p.m.—Railway Handicap: Tribal Night, Lord Theto, Royal Heir. 3.30 ■ p.m.—Gorge Handicap: Behave. Gay Lena, Bezany. 4.15 p.m.—Kiritaki Handicap: Tintern. Sir Wina. The Saddler. 5 p.m.—Stewards' Handicap: Calm Courage, Matador, Battle Dance,

Reminders Nominations for all events at the New Brighton Trotting Club's summer meeting to be held at Addlngton on December 22 will close at 5 p.m. on Tuesday. —8 , Nominations for all events at the Canterbury Park Trotting Club's meeting on December 29 and January 1 will close at

5 p.m. on Wednesday next, " —B Attractive Filly . Mr C. L. Rhodes reports that Princess Gatllard has foaled an attractive filly to Light Brigade. Princess Gaillard Is by Galllard from Wild Princess. Added to His Handicap Sure Harvest is all that Southlanders claim for him. Handicapped on the 72 yards mark in the Spring Handicap, he lost up to 100 yards at the start, and then trotted a splendid race to finish fourth to Mamanuas, Zona Grattan, and Royal Dale. Off his present mark Sure Harvest is called upon to give long starts to Southland trotters, and he will probably have to do his future racing in Canterbury, where he should soon become well known. Promising Novice Baby Grand was one of the best novices at the Waikato meeting, and this son of Lusty Volo was unlucky in having to accept second place to Professional in the first division of the Frankton Handicap after losing a lot of ground at the start. Now at Tinwald

Avowal, a gelding by Rey de Oro from Clare Chimes, which was formerly trained by his owner. Mr T. Gates, is now in R. Townley's stable at Tinwald. Avowal ran a fair race In the Otagb Handicap to be sixth to cross the_Jine after being well back at' one stage of the race. Likes Sprint Distances

Driven by her trainer, P. May, Bonny Axworth lost ground at the start o£ the December Handicap, and' consequently was forced to travel very fast In the early stages to take the lead. The early effort left her without reserve when the straight'- was readied' and she was one of the first beaten. The Calumet Axworth mare has shown fair form over sprint distances and she should continue to pay expenses this season. Not at His Best

In recent seasons Stuart Lee has. paid his way for Mr H. Bull, the owner of War Guard, but in his. seven attempts this term he has failed to race anywhere near his best form. Driven by J. McGuire In the Auckland Cup Trial at Claudelands, he was well placed for most of the way, but disappointed when he failed to see out the mile and a quarter Journey. Won Easily

The New Brighton-tsained Paddy Potts, which led nearly all the way to register an easy win in his division of the Duvauchelle Trot at the Banks Peninsula meeting, will make his next appearance on the same course in the Snowdon Trot at the Hororata Racing Club's meeting. A gelding by Jack Potts from a Logan Pointer mare. Paddy- Potts Is trained for Mr C. Cullen by L. Williams. Stopped Qniekly Tom Gundy was prominent In the middle stages of the Victory Handicap at Forbury, but he covered some extra ground and stopped quickly when the straight was reached. This Lusty Volo gelding ran a good race at the Otago Hunt Club's meeting in September to finish second to Trevatlian in the Wingatui Trotting Handicap, and on that performance he is a possibility in his present class. Won Well

Although his winning margin was only half a length. Captain Gatllard had an easy win over Papillon at Claudelands. This three-year-old gelding attracted attention at Wellington and later at the Cup meeting, and with age he should develop into a high-class performer. From Invercarglll

J. W. Agnew had the Invercargilitralned Grattan. Star in fifth place When llie field settled down in the Otago Handicap, but the Grattan Loyal gelding went to a break and was soon out of the contest. Hitf dam. Bellerina. was bred by Dr. G, Haskins, Chrlstchurch, and is by Ballin from Queen Patch. Typhoon Returns utß?^ 0 u ha s been resting at his owner's West Derby Stud at Levin since his re- «,»£ £° m A > ,stralla - a "d was to Join up oil S' J ' Stpwe's team at Woodville on Saturday. Stowe will remain at Woodyille for a few weeks to work the meetings around the Manawatu district Typhoon is to be prepared for the Welling:^L Cu P' 3 nd Probably will be given a t ace at the Hawke's Bay New Year meeting as part of his Cup preparation

2?il r .A B a 3U 9i leval - Grand Forest, Lord JMgln. A. Messervy: Rahine, Vafort, C !l am ' partial Note. D. Thistoll: Koa Manu Erratum, Miss Medley. M. McSl ck: «°i: aeme ' 01 e a ' s Choice. ' Good Friend. D. Stove: Nightchild. Cloud Song G Hampton: Wild Knock, Record Vovage Western Front, Night Robe. W. Mudford: r^$ y £ hip J; , c - McDonald: Nightstalk. if*- K Hickey: Lo rd Advocate. C. Stokes: Air Lord. Whaekie. A. C Messervy: Burberry. Royal Victor. Blue Simon. Blue Tie. B. J. Langford: Riverview Deprive Alcyone. Bath Slipper. Lakhnau. B. McDonald: Racket. K. Nuttall: Battle Area Double Cross, Gamble. Hart Royal. Authentic. A. ■ Stokes: Privilege. Finalist, Jfi»?u b t in -T, H - Ford: Silver Sa'- TropiRoyal Tan, Royal Anne. K. Ford. Silver Rod. Delinquent. Whitlev K Hare: Prana. Real Chase. C. T. Wilson: Benbecula. Gold Lance. Saint Joachim Thornbndge. O. Ferrell: Centime. J. w n w Sti m Ce = Win ?f Royal c hance. Winding Bat W. Barr: Liquidate. J. McFarlane: Peculate, Hormuz. A. M EllisEastern Slipper. Wild Ribbon. N. Crome: w Ho ?T est ,? al R- Heasley: Roman Son. C. H. Mackie: Ration. Belle Lecne. R. Hawes: Lunana c. Bowry: . Commemorate. R T Register: Spanish Main. K Thomson; Prince Dolomite. L. Hare: Rahiri.

TURF GOSSIP 5Hororata, Racine Club •• Acceptances (racing), withdra».i." v (trotting) for events at the Hororata r2£" ing Club's meeting at Motukarara on sStT" ' urday, December 15, will close at 5 ni? on December 10. 1945. .. "fJJ^ At Motukarara ' :y

The recent change in the weather cami at an opportune time for the Morukarar* racecourse, and the going should be in excellent order for the Hororata Racine Club's annual fixture there next Saturday. '■?-. In Two Races

Horses with two engagements at Hie. carton to-day are Real Chase, Lord B / gin, Grill, Lance Wing, and Silver rS* Real Chase is likely to start in the HasW Hack Handicap, in which he could haS the services of L. Hare, who is engaged for Rahirl in Real Chase's other engagement, the Stonyhurst Hack Handlcm. Lord Elgin and Grill are both booked to " start In the Stonyhurst Handicap iiTpri. ■ fereace to the Hagley Handicap, and Lance Wing is to start in the FendaUon Handicap.' Silver Rod, engaged in both the Stonyhurst and Fendalton Handicaps! will contest the latter race, and his owner will be represented by Delinquent in the Stonyhurst. High-priced Juvenile

Rahine is to have her first race m the' Acorn Stakes at Riccarton to-day. gig is by Robin Goodfellow from Sunny Maid and Is a sister to Brown Derby. She Is trained by C. B. Dawson for Mr C c Davis, of Christchurch, who paid ikb guineas for her as a yearling. This was the highest price for a filly at the last Trentham sales. Rahine, a very attractive filly, has not been hurried, and will be at a disadvantage to-day. Anotherjuvenile to make her debut to-day It Winning Bat, a well-grown chestnut filh> by Cricket Bat from Wingatui.'dam of Lance Wing. She will race in the same interests as-her relative, and is also back . ward. '. Yet to Win

Yasda, engaged in the Hagley Hack"" ? Handicap to-day, cost 1400 guineas as a*yearling two years ago at Trentham He ' was unplaced in his six«jaces as a twai year-old, and this season ran second in a maiden event at Foxton in September and was unplaced in bis only other start! * the Apprentices Handicap at Riccarton on -, the first day of the present meetingYasda is a bay c'r't by Coronach from Lady Phroso, by Beau Pere from Phrosa by Limond. and is being trained by p Spratt for his Bombay owner, Mr F W Mehta. "" Wellington Cup

Conditions of the Wellington Cup to be run at.Trentham in January provide for a maximum weight of 9-9. For manr years the New Zealand Cup had a raa3> mum of 9-6, but it was abolished afto' Nighlmarch won in 1930 with the maidmum, having previously, won the Melbourne Clip with ,9-2. .-": : Not Going North '

Bridge Acre, which ran prominently • in >! ' ,her engagements at the New ZealandCun " meeting, will not accompany her brother ' Al Sirat, to Auckland this month. She te to • ice in the Manawatu and Waiararann '* Cups. ™ ;


ACCEPTANCES -£ (P.A.) AUCKLAND, December 7 >; 'r: The Waipa Racing Club has received the*? following acceptances 1 for its summer-• meeting at Te Awamutu on December * 16:— v : ti\--' WAIPA PLATE, of £150; seven /uriohKs"! —Conspiracy, Corporal, Sandy Powell Johnny Boy, Gold Rock 9-2; Boswell ffliyfc Greek Port. Morehu Park. . Freeman; Neville 9-0: Joeelyn Ann, Town Lady Mamaeroa, Hoyal Advice, Fox, Democracy, Balalaika, Jolie • Mali'*■"■ Miss Musgo 8-11; Diamond Pay, Bajlina, *' Medina, Greek Acre, Victory Vaals, MissST Frlscilla, Greek Light, Clyne, General-"£ Menteith. On Time, Silver Lighting, chant, Florin, Donnybrook, Te Ark, Jovial'-. King, Pola. Happy Fox, Youghal, Connie's Birthday 8-2; Diatomous GirL le Hinewai, Lady Blahdford; Folletto, Just*' < Jane, Miss Malibu, Dark Ages, Trustfut - Silver Wedding, Manakea 7-11. W. G._ PARK HURDLES, of £300;: one-* mile and a quarter.—Bright Etaro,- Sir Grant 10-1; Watertight 9-11;: V Royce 9-7; Bronzo' 9-3; Kouraeka 9-1;-JH Quination, Thakcfor, Highland Viewj Royal :.v:i Musgo, Evening Coat. Federal, Fast Maidl'Cf' Upton, Orphan's Song, Riverllght,Prakasn,'i ; Tariglrere, Beryl Vaals, Verus S-0. j-A TE AWAMUTU CLP, of £650; one "and three-quarters.—Landveyor 9-6; Fojt-Vs wyn 8-11; Air Port 8-7; Expanse--8-s;* Swift Quarry 8-3; Nepeta 8-1;. Mr-Rosa,,-i Sir Bian 8-0; Sir Standfast 7-12: :Billy-,., Peach 7-8: Corot 7-7: Valley Boy ; ,7-&,~ Beau Din#, War Effort, Ringlight, Koura-:-eka. Llanarth, Heroic Star, Gay Chat 7-0.-V PIRONGIA, HACK CUP, of £350;; one ~ mile and a quarter.—Esmonde 9-0;. Lo Zin 8-4: Golden Pay 6-2: Kitty; Green,South Riding, Conquistador 7-11; Foxbrae/;' Hunting Park. Hazara 7-9; Pongi,. "Jovial s . Princess. Ballina, Evening Coat; Race Chum, Gay Adalene, Land- Ruler, vWater . Flight, Corondal, Dark Ages, FlyingsJihV. • Breezealong, Jayquil. Field Rat. Borderer,:.;/ General March. Corineus, Airlie, ■ Home- :• spun, Juarez 7-7. rl - : 'Vv>OHAUPO. HACK. HANDICAP. ■ *ot*fZH}y . seven furlongs.—Polotown, Land Warden, - -} Observatpry, Laddie Boy 8-6; Riverlands- ■ Roe 8-5: Firm Lass, Baby Girl, Bourne**; mouth 8-4; Foxbun, Imaman 8-2; Golden,? One 8-1: Playfellow,-Belle Zorra 8-o;'Htgh A Spl .7-13; Persisto 7-11: Hazara. Foxbrae,;). Hunting Mac, Theoress, Jeep 7-9; Charter 7-8; Marinoto, Greek: Outtij;--Transfix, Verus,' Dukeron, Race ChumTi Greek Acre, Bronze Bell, Hineiti. Kha-i; ; dim. Royal Advice. On Time 7-7. .■'-■■*?£"*'& FLYING HANDICAP, of £400; seven furlongs.—Exeter '9-9; Fortune's Smile 8-6wi» Nawab 8-2: Lord Luck 8-1; Cricket■ Bailey 7-10; Expellant 7-9; Bonny Pay 7-8; Fight" s On 7-3; Theoress, Mercurial, Lord.Dinkj f ; . 7-0. .'- - - . •''..a'

PATERANGI HANDICAP, of £350; sevens furlongs.—Nawab, Nepeta 8-10; Royal': Master 8-7; Bonny Pay 8-2; Our Joy,,;i > Royal Giory. Jolly, Pox. Bramble Song,"-" Rlverlands Roe, Lord Dink, Fort Royal;:' Playfellow. Marinoto. Bournemouth 7rl- »r

Shortage of Dog; Chains.—A of dog chains "was reported by Miss.lD.vf Barr at the monthly meeting of the-i Animal Projection Society, North 1 ; Beaoh. She appealed to persons 'wßb',had dog chains not in use to givevtheta'p; to the society. An improvement in the' society's finances was reported, arid It was stated that several donations had ; been given in appreciation of the work v ° the society had done. -•■ y '

CANTERBURY OWNERS' AND BREED- ;■ KRS* ASSOCIATION. ,VHandicaps for Trials at New Brighton on''] \ December 13th, 1945. 3.43 TROT, one mile and half, 12.30 p.m.—Rey Stone, Loy\il Native, Stack . Exchange, Fairy Wings, Legioniane, BiDy Loyal. Pin Hi. Steel Sword, Silver* Vol*. Addimus, Jack Daly, Tolerate, All Cre-v',. dlt scr; Walter Jingle. Sir Walter 24; = Appreciate 48; Azim, David Dry den 60. ,__; 3.37 PACE, one mile and a -half; 1 p.m.—Lucky Potts, Melton, Pointsman, Indigo, Great Artist, Leeston Lass, Franks: Pride.- King High, Raven, Paul Defiant,:' Mavis Grattan. Scottish Actress, Wainonl. - Lass, Jackalette, Kapai, Renown's Pride, Harold Potts. Stella de Oro, Hal Derby, . Bobby Burns, Colin Waters, Eileen Scott, , scr; Ladv Ngaio 48. 3.20 PACE, one mile and a half;, 43° ! p.m.—Zingarrie, Castlebar, Golden Shadow. Prince Grattan. ' Distributor,, , Nola Scott scr; Tureo, Great News, Lucky " Loyal 12; Loyal King 24; Gold Chief, 36; In the Mood. Warform 60. 3.30 PACE, one mile and a half, 2 p.m.—Paddy Potts. Golden Glow, First Venture, Worthy Gold scr; Paperman, Sunny Glen, Gamester, Dinghy 12; Bonny Bridge 24; Frank Logan, Forewarned (T.), Margaret Hall. Pocket Book. Jervis Bay, Quite New, Windermere ,36; DlUondale. Noble Reta 48; Drumoak, Loyal Winner 60. 3.34 TROT; one mile and a half; 2.30 p.m.—Danny Malone, Royal Dale, Royal Stone, Indian Arrow scr; Lee Berry "JSs.:.Windsor Lad, Glenlee 24; Jimmy Dillon. 36: Castigate, Punctual 60; Firewater 84; THREE-YEAR-OLDS; one mile afid a quarter; special marks; 3 p.m.—True Comrade, West Point. Rustic Gold, Emilyi; Volo, Santa Anita. Dilbar, Hazard Queen,' Wexford Rose scr; Local Gold 12. 2.42 PACE; one mile and a quarter;, 3.30 p.m.—Turco, Gold Chief. Great News,; Acropolis, Sea Born, Labour Day, Galvena scr; Warform 12: In the Mood. Shadow Maid, Parshall. Dusky Sound 24.

2.59 PACE; one mile and a quarter; 4 p.m.—Great Gamble, Emerald Isle, Lodestone. Dunamis, News Agent, Sure Spec, Becky Loyal, Wainoni Lass, Jackalette, Lady Indiana, Royal Pagentry. Task Force. Stella de Oro, Calworth. Commander Scott, Blue Match. Egeen Scett scr; Sponsor, Single Choice, Sir Carol 24; Golden Dancer. Crossroads 36: Admiration. Avo'ndale Lass 48 —6 NEW BRIGHTON TROTTING CLUB. .'


ADDINGTON, SATURDAY. DEC. 22nd. Trial Handicap, of £4OO. Trotters. 4mtn 51sec class. Two miles. Improvers' Handicap, of £3OO 3«in 52sec class. One mile and five furlongs. Christmas Handicap, of £SOO 3min 25sec class. One mile and a half President's Handicap, of £I4OO- 4mln 27sec class Two miles. Members Handicap, of £350 2min 53s*c class One mile and a quarter. Empire Handicap, of £625. Trotter*. 3min 50sec class. One mile and five furlongs. New Brighton Handicap, of £800; 3min 38see class One mile and five furlongs Farewell Handicap of £650; 2mm 425« class One mile and a quarter NOMINATIONS CLC»SE AT 5 P.M. ON TUESDAY NEXT. 2940

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Press, Volume LXXXI, Issue 24744, 8 December 1945, Page 8

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CANTERBURY CUP DAY Press, Volume LXXXI, Issue 24744, 8 December 1945, Page 8

CANTERBURY CUP DAY Press, Volume LXXXI, Issue 24744, 8 December 1945, Page 8