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PUBLIC NOTICES iftBLE-IN-SCHOOLS - LEAGUE. (Canterbtfifr Branch.) • THE ANNUAL -GENERAL MEETING Is to , be held at the Cathedral Grammar School [Hall (centrally heated), 8-Chester street Wtet, on THURSDAY. June 7th, at 7.45 * ' Short addresses will be given by the Dominion Secretary, the Rev. E. O. Blamires, and by Sister Anna Kirkwood. Supper will be provided. All interested f are cordiaUy invited to be present. _2aßo NEW ZEALAND BREWERIES, LIMITED. CLOSING OF TRANSFER BOOKS 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Transfer Books of the Company WILL BE CLOSED FROM THURSDAY, the DAY OF JUNE to WEDNESDAY. 20th DAY OF JUNE, 1945. BOTH DAYS INCLUSIVE. ftOTnInI . TI B. T. O CONNELL. Secretary. .Wellington, May 25th, 1945. 2334 - NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL PARTY. : KAIAPOI ELECTORATE. KAIAPOI BRANCH. AS the June Monthly Meeting falls on King's Birthday, there will be no meeting this month. The July meeting will be held on the first Monday of the month, as usual. 2642 NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL PARTY. AVON ELECTORATE. MEETING of Members, friends, and supporters will be held in the National Club Rooms, 136 Worcester street, Christchurch, TUESDAY, June sth, 8 P.M. An address will be given by Mr W. H. Overton, recent National candidate for Kaiapoi Electorate. ALL WELCOME. 2643 - N.Z. NATIONAL PARTY. (CHRISTCHURCH SOUTH.) Members Supporters Friends of SPREYDON DISTRICT. FORMATION OF BRANCH. MEETING IN METHODIST SCHOOLROOM (cnr. Somerfield and Barrington streets). TUESDAY. JUNE sth, 8 p.m. Speaker: MR C. K. PERRY. (Electorate Chairman.) Boundaries: Lyttelton, Wychbury, Coron-. atlon, Selwyn streets. 2582 % C.C.0.8.A. A* GATHERING of OLD BOYS of Christ's College will be held in the MAYFAIR LOUNGE, Worcester street, on WEDNESDAY, 13th JUNE, AT 8 P.M., to Welcome Home all Old Boys who have returned from Service Overseas. Admission is» by ticket only and these may be obtained from the Secretary or from any member of the Committee. S. P. GODFREY, Secretary, 184 Hereford st., Christchurch. ’Phone 32-420. 2647 C.C.0.8.A. ALL OLD BOYS of Christ’s College,who have RETURNED FROM SERVICE OVERSEAS are Invited to attend a welcome home at the Mayfair Lounge, Worcester street, on WEDNESDAY, loth JUNE, at 8 p.m Those who can be present are asked to send their names and addresses to the Secretary or to any of the Committee. S. P, GODFREY, Secretary, 2646 ’Phone 32-420, CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE ON ADULT EDUCATION. At the request of the Hon. the Minister of Education, the National Council of Adult Education has set up a special Consultative Committee to fcurvey the present system of adult education, and in particular (i) to recommend a suitable form of organisation; (11) to report on the relation of the adult education movement to organisations providing vocational and non-vocational education; (iii) to consider methods of securing adequate and stable finance foi present and future needs; and (iv) to consider the best forms of community centre for urban and rural areas. Notice is hereby given that any persons or organisations desiring to present evidence on any or all of these matters, should communicate with "the Hon. Secretary, Consultative Committee on Adult Education, Auckland University College, Auckland, C.1.” as soon as possible but not later than June 30, 1945, and obtain details of brder of reference. Written evidence (eight copies) should be in the secretary’s hands not later than July 20, 1045. It is Intended that the Committee will sit in each of the four main centres during the month of August. Persons desiring to appear before the Committee should advise the secretary before June 30, 1945. , A. B. THOMPSON, 2587 Hon. Secretary. WAIMAKARIRI RIVER TRUST. NOTICE OF PROPOSED SPECIAL ORDER DIRECTING RATES TO BE LEVIED. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Waimakariri River Trust proposes by Special Order at its next General Meeting to beheld at Its .Offices,- Chamber of Commerce Hall, situated at the corner of Oxford terrace and Worcester t street, Christchurch, on the Thirteenth Day of June, 1945, at the hour of 2.15 p.m. o'clock to direct that a Combined Rate as set out herein for the general nurpbse of the Trust shall be made and levied, on all rateable property within the Waimakariri River Trust District (save and except that part thereof being a part of the EyreCust'Special Loan Area and that portion of the Rangiora County known .as Area 11) as is shown on the Plan marked "A’’ signed by Charles William Hervey, the Secretary ,io the Trust, for the purpose of Identification and therein coloured black in outline and deposited at the Offices of the Trust, AND that such rate shall be made, levied, and collected on behalf of the Trust by the City * Council of the City of Christchurch, the Borough Councils of the Boroughs of Riccarton and Kaiapoi, and the County Councils of Waimalrl, • Oxford, Eyre, Rangicra, Heathcote, Halswell, Springs. Malvern, and Paparua respectively, in regard to all such property as is within the City of Christchurch, the Boroughs of Riccarton and Kaaipoi, and the Counties of Waimairi, Oxford, Eyre, Rangiora, Heathcote, Halswell, Springs, Malvern, and Paparua respectively. • Such rate shall be levied on the Capital Value of such property and shall be for the period commencing on the First Day of April, 1945, and ending on the 31st Day of March, 1946, and shall be payable in one sum on such date as shall be fixed* by the Local Bodies making and levying the same respectively, and shall be as follows: On such lands classified In Class "A" Waimakariri, shown on the plan coloured pink in the Counties of Waimairi, Heathcote, Paparua, Eyre, Oxford, and Rangiora. and the Borough of Kaiapoi, anp the City of Christchurch, a combined rate of 702/5000 (seven hundred and two fivethousandths) of a Penny in the Pound. On such lands classified in Class “B” Waimakariri, shown on the plan coloured blue in the counties of Waimairi, Heathcote, Paparua, Malvern, and Halswell, the Borough of Riccarton, and the City of Christchurch a combined rate of 639/5000 (six hundred and thirty-nine five thousandths) of a Penny in the Pound. On such lands classified in Class “C" Waimakariri, shown on the plan coloured yellow in the Counties of Halswell, Springs, and Paparua, a combined rate of 585/5000 (five hundred and eighty-five five thousandths) of a Penny in the Pound. And further, that the following rate shall be made and levied on behalf of the Trust in the portion of the district known as the Eyre Cust Special Loan area. On such lands classified in Class "A", shown on plan coloured pink, a combined .rate of 202/500 (two hundred and two five hundredths) of a Penny in the Pound On such lands classified In Class "B” shown on plan coloured blue, a combined rate of 175/500 (one hundred and seventyfive five hundredths) of a Penny In the Pound. On such lands classified In Class "C” shown on plan coloured yellow a combined rate ol 153/500 (one hundred and fifty-three five hundredths) of a Penny in the Pound. And further, that a General Rate of 59/500 (fifty-nine five hundredths) of a penny In the Pound shall be made and levied on behalf of the Trust on that portion of Its district in the Rangiora Couny known as Area 11 (eleven) and classified as Class "A’’ on the plan and coloured pink. And further, and In addition, that the following general rates shall be made and levied on behalf of the Trust in the portions of its District in the Counties of Oxford, Eyre, and Rangiora known as Areas 7. 8. 9. 10 and 12 as follows: On such lands classified in Class "A", shown on plan coloured pink, a general rate of 97/500 (ninety-seven five hundredths) of a penny In the Pound. On such lands classified in Class '’B", shown on plan coloured blue, a general rate of 85/500 (eighty-five five hundredths) of a Penny in the Pound. On such lands classified in Class ”C”. shown on plan coloured yellow, a general rate of 75/500 (seventy-five five-hun-dredths) of a Penny In the Pound Dated this sth day of May. 1945, . C. W, HERVEY. 2878 . Secretary to the Trust [RETURNED SERVic PAPANUI R.S.A. The Annual Meeting will be held In the Club Rooms. 16 North road, Papanui, on MONDAY, June 4th, at 8 p.m. Business: Election of Officers; Balancesheet. All R:S A. members In the Papanui district are invited to attend. 2730 B. C. MILES, Hon. Sec. PUBLIC NOTICES. THE WOMEN’S BRANCH OF__THE CITIZENS’ ASSN, will hold an tea meeting In the FARMERS on Thursday, June 7th, at 2.45 p.JB. Gordon Rich will give « talk ££ experience overseas. Councillor -W. L. King will speak on the womens rest rooms. Afternoon tea 1/6, Number limited to 50. June con in the at BALCAIRN HALL. THE Annual General nexlon with the above will be held Balcairn Hall on Tuesday. sth T ’ 8 p.m. BUSINESS: ' Adopt Balance-sheet, Election of Officers. , , • . Nominations for Trustee in place of J. Fitzpatrick (|“^ hwoßm 2641 * Chairman SOUTH ISLAND SHEEP DOG ASSOCIATION (Incorporated). THE South Island ' Championships willi be held at TAI TAPU, commencing on JUNE 19th, 1945. " Entries close with Mr F. W. Fiecken, “Riversley,” Springston R.D., Christchurch, on "June 9th. , Late entries will not be accepted. 6200 NEW ZEALAND BREWERS’, BOTTLERS’, BOTTLE-WASHERS’. AND AERATED WATER EMPLOYEES’ INDUSTRIAL UNION OF WORKERS. (Canterbury Branch). A MEETING of the above Union will be held at the TRADES HALL on TUESDAY, JUNE sth, at 8 p.m. Executive Meeting. 7.15 p.m, BUSINESS: GENERAL and URGENT. All Members Requested to Attend, IN THE ESTATE OF FANNY RUDMAN, of Christchurch, Widow, Deceased, IT is requested that all ■ Claims against the above Estate be rendered forthwith to the undersigned, duly, certified as owing as at the date of death, namely. May Bth, 1945. E. C. CHAMPION, Solicitor to the Executrix. Somerset House, 153 Hereford street. Christchurch. 2683 IN THE ESTATE OF FANNY MARINA HURCOMB. of Christchurch, Spinster, Deceased. IT is requested that all claims against ihe above Estate be rendered forthwith :o the undersigned, duly certified as owing is at the date of death, namely, May !sth, 1945. E. G. CHAMPION, Solicitor to the Executor* Somerset House, 153 Hereford street, Christchurch. • 2683 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LICENCE. , RONALD SMITH BADGER, hereby give lotice that I have applied to the Magisrate’s Court at Christchurch for a licence inder . the Land Agents Act, 1921-22, to arry on business as a land agent at 245y Manchester street, Christchurch, and that iuch application will be heard at the ibove Court after one month from the econd day of June, 1945, being the date »f the first publication of this notice. Dated at Ch.Ch., this first day- of, June, 945. RONALD S. i 2670 ASHLEY COUNTY COUNCIL. ANNUAL BALANCE-SHEET. PURSUANT to Section 139 ol “The Counties Act, 1920," Public Notice is hereby given that the Balance-sheet of the County of Ashley for the year ended March 31st, 1944, together with the certificate of the Audit Office, may be inspected during office hours at the office of the Ashley County Council, Lobum, by any ratepayer of the County, until. June 30th, 1945. A copy will be posted to any ratepayer making application for game. J. M. FINLAY, County Clerk. LOBURN, May 30th, 1945. 2630 PAHIATUA .COUNTY COUNC McFAHLANB’S BRIDGE. _ SCARBOROUGH-KONINI RO/ TENDERS for iccnitruOtion of re* concrete Bridge, 3 spans, total Je feet, an«T- about -•lfi'tpUm;’ «PI MaHgatalnoka Hver, about 2ft mL- . Pahiatua Railway Station, t-wfll- be? calved' .until spjn. Saturday*-2th 1945. . ’Tenders to be for Tl) Bridge t(2) Brldge tnd Approaches, and M marked “Tender 0 and nddrent the Chairman, Pahiatua County ' cil.Jtehlatua. ‘ v rv ’ Drawings, etc., at County Office, Pa tua, arid at our office,’: 20 Brandon Wellington. ’’, ‘’ t • ■> SEATON. SLADDEN knd PAVITT. i , Wellington. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE BANKS. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE BANKS. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE BANKS. PUBLIC MEETING HIBERNIAN HALL. PUBLIC MEETING HIBERNIAN HALL. PUBLIC MEETING HIBERNIAN HALL. THURSDAY NEXT, JUNE 7, v at 8 p.m. Why the Bank of N.Z. should be left as it is? A reply to the Hon. F. Langstone, MiP. Speakers: E. P. Wills, H. E, Radley, , C. M. Kavanagh. > 2665 ARB YOU DEAF? ARE YOU DEAF? ' Try the New ELECTRO EAR. Does for your hearing what dyeglasses do for your sight (clears the blur). For those only hard of hearing, we have a large selection of Inconspicuous NonElectric Models (all the latest from overseas). Ring, write, or call at our only address. ELECTRO MEDICAL SUPS ELECTRO MEDICAL SUPF 494 Colombo street, Sydenham. ’Phone 36-982. Sole N.Z. Agents American Earphone Co., New York. T.C. PUBLIC NOTICE. PRICES ROAD DIVERSION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Walrewa County Council proposes to close that part of Prices road containing one acre and 28 perches shown green -on Survey Office Plan No. 730 i. a convenient road having-been formed in place'thereof and that the said Survey Office Plan No 7307 is open for public inspection without fee at the office of the'Weirewa.County Council at Little River during office hours, All persons who may Object to the proposed closing of the salM>art ol Priccs road coloured green on Survey Office Plan No, 7307 arc hereby called upon to lodge their objections in writing at the office of the County Council at Little River on or before the 29th day of June. 1945. Dated this 18th day of May, 1948. A. C. RENNER, County Clerk. Harper, Pascoe, Buchanan and Opham, Solicitors. Christchurch. 6413 PROPHECY: PROPHECY; PROPHECY: PROPHECY: PROPHECY: PROPHECY: PROPHECY: PROPHECY: ’4 HORSEMEN OF APOCALYPSE”— Justice '4 HORSEMEN OF APOCALYPSE”— "4 HORSEMEN OF APOCALYPSE"—^ Death "4 HORSEMEN OF APOCALYPSE’— Persecution '4 HORSEMEN OF APOCALYPSE”— Justice “4 HORSEMEN OF APOCALYPSE'*— Famine "4 HORSEMEN OF APOCALYPSE"— Death "4 HORSEMEN OF APOCALYPSE’’— Persecution CRYSTAL PALACE CRYSTAL PALACE CRYSTAL PALACE CRYSTAL PALACE 'Sundays at Seven." "Sundays at Seven.” "Sundays at Seven.” "Sundays at Seven.” In Person, T. Stewart Brash, of Scotland, Presents Revelation Lecture: You’ll enjoy It. Book these Sundays: June 17th and 24th. On the Screen "X is Guilty”; on the stage “Trial by Jury.” Book now your seats. Ring 40-672. 82679 THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE , INSURANCE CO.. LTD. For Any Class Of— FIRE ACCIDENT, and , MARINE INSURANCE. PYNE. GOULD, GUINNESS LIMITED. Chief Agents. Cnr. Cashel and Manchester streets, CHRISTCHURCH. i M.S. RENCOL FOR "SKINJURIES.” Keep a jar of Rencol Ointment in the House It is unsurpassed for cuts, sores, abrasions, bruises and other ■.’’skinjiirle* " Rencol fights infection, relieves pain, promotes healing New scientific discovery from laboratories of .N.Z. Co-op Rennet Co., Ltd., Bridge street. Eltham. 9d Jar from Chemists and Stores. R36 TEACHERS OF DANCING MODERN BALLROOM DANCING. MISS NAARE HOOPER has Resumed Teaching Private Tuition daily. -Classes; 8 p.m. Thursday; 7 p.m. Friday Studio: 112 A Lichfield st. (next Bell's Cycles). - H2229 v, TBNDU& TENDERS for ERECTION o< above with Public Works Tendetd Boa-* UNGTON, 4 PAL* JULY 3rd. I at' P.W.: Offices Jpwmetston North, church, and street, Wr" ■TENDERS. tenders and wflli received at mY -office JUP TILL 4 TUESDAY, JUNE 19th, for, the-BRI of DINING HALL and .KITCHEN ‘at ST. MARGARET’S HOUSE,. ‘ road,' • i • - ■ * A. H. MANSON. A.N.ZJA., Registered Architect, Manchester TENDERS ARE INVITED BY JUNK • for PURCHASE on the Site of 7 « Water Turbine, efficient wheel, slight*; pair needed to control gear. For furf* information and where seen to Turfc H6267. ■‘PRESS.'" TENDERS are invited by the Trustee# the Estate pf the late' David Hawke**#! a Lease of, 3 or 5 years from the of July, 1945, or for - the purchase of ft property, comprising “465' acres perches, sltuate« at Bexley, Oxford, ( now occupied by Mr A. C. Townshtu* Tenders should be lodged on or heft the 15th day Of June, with the und signed, at whose offices the ConditL. of Tender and, further information ca be obtained. :r The land is medium, suitable for ov «- eral agriculture, particularly for fatteffl ing. '• Improvements include 6-roomed DweN llnghouse. with electric light, usual «r veniences, stable, granary, impleme shed, sheep yards, etc. The highest Or any Tender not neoM sarily accepted. ' J. A. FLESHER anR SON, ”3 Solicitors, . jy. 169 Hereford street, Christchurch,- ‘ PINUS INSIGNIS TREES FOR SALE/ TENDERS ARB INVITED for the CHASE of approximately 900 ST. PINUS INSIGNIS TREES situate on Ri Section 29189, the property of “ Letham Ross and' Charles Allster Westerfleld. Conditions of tender particulars may be obtained on a] tion to Messrs Rhodes, Ross, and L Solicitors, 135 Hereford street; 6) church. The plantation may be In; by arrangement with the owners address is Lagmhor Rural Deliver; burton. The advertisers do hot blnd t selves to accept the highest or ahyj' Tenders should be addressed to dersigned in a cover endorsed " for Pine Trees” and should be de, at their office NOT LATER THAN „ ON THE TENTH DAY OF JULYiI 2584 RHODES. ROSS, and GQC LAUNCH' FOR SALE. -v . SEALED TENDERS marked "Tan Mono," CLOSE NOON, JUNB l ecretary*; Marine, Dept* -. urchase of launch MONC articißara obtainable ,fro.) _ ~ Marine Dept. Wellington, and Govf: ping Office* at Auckland, Tauranga.i pier. New Plymouth, Blenheim/.Ni? Lyttelton, Timaru. Dunedin, and J carglll. . . '.IV. '' ~ « v TENDER. , REMOVAL.,of Hut. approx. from Garviha rbad, No. 5 to Monica Park. Plans and sp on application to O. McCrte, ’ Woolston R.S.A„ 47 ston, ' r ? GOLDEN BAV C GOLDEN BAY C GOLDEN BAY C GOLDEN BAY Ci REESE, BR^. s L4Jiqi^| a. c. . , , . ...„ (Phone 31-914,) REESE For SuppUa trt INSULATING ■: ' . Tor Will* Plnex—the woo^|jbirf'^ - ' for a|pnt^ioJ •REESE BROS. Corner St Ai i CH ire; DISSTON FULL. HIP. CHICULAHI,, ' ' ; 'From 14^ • DISSTON From 20in to 361n,SAW SPINDL£|I B4 AL, nihdH GEORGE HENRY 204 Madras street, ENGINEERS’ SUFFLRE^/ FLINSO Tinning METALS* STERLING I forced Grdphited Sheet ’ lAL SUraR HJP. Shea VEE REG SI ELECTRODES, Herme P. F. MANN, LI 146 Lichfield street, .Christchu^g DENTISTRY / A, £* RIGGINS. DentM'Suwaom 196 HIGH STREET , (opp. McKenzie’s Arcade, "PHONE' 31-494 LONDON DENT; SON DO N DE N T-' LONDON D E N'f, I NS TIT OTB I NS TIT U T E , INSTITUTE P. Z. HARRIS, B.D.S. G. C. Z. HARRIS; N. E. MATHEWSON. B.D.S. J. M. MacGREGOR, L.D.S. (Glasgyrß O. E. SAWERS. B.D.S. J. L. FOSTER. IX2A CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. Hours: 9 a.m.-5.30 p.m. SATURDAY; 9 a.m.-12 Noon. ’Phone 33-809. . H. W. FROST, H. W. FROST (Christchurch), LTD.,'/ SURGEON DENTISTS. 244 HIGH STREET. CHRISTCHURCH. HOURS: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday*: 8 a.m. to 12. •PHONE 33-109. UNITED DENTAL UNITED DENTAL SERVICE 1 SERVICE < 69 Worcester: street 39 WORCESTER STREET. , (Opp,- Avon- Theatre). 9 a.ra.. t6 5 p.m. Week day* 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Friday 9 «jn. to 12 noon, Saturday, TELEPHONE 36-011. T.T.B, LONDON ACADEMY. 769 COLOMBO ST Principal. A; L. 'Leghorn,' C.M.I,S.T;P.MODERN BALLROOM DANCING. ■ Full particulars on application. Telephone, "London Academy.’’ L 1940 STEELXTE GREEN PAINT retatn« ; it^^ Glorious-Freshness *£ter--years o*~ New Zealand Made. v.ajEgyis SMITH and SMITH. LTD., Cnr. Tuam-High streets. P r ‘|

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Press, Volume LXXXI, Issue 24582, 2 June 1945, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXXXI, Issue 24582, 2 June 1945, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXXXI, Issue 24582, 2 June 1945, Page 4